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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

--- Log opened Wed Sep 17 00:00:03 2003
00:00 < rxr> maybe I should patent to nuking companies with patents ... or disabling companies by patents ...
00:00 < daja77> hehe
00:00 < [n00b]Wibra> hmm, i wanna have colors in ls, without typing ls -color everytime
00:01 < daja77> hmm mbr still messed up
00:01 < daja77> could that be a crappy hd?
00:01 < rxr> did grubworked the last time ?
00:02 < daja77> yes it worked with beta6
00:02 < daja77> even lilo failed with rc1
00:05 < rxr> strange - on both where no changes done (at least not in STONE) and both are tested on my box ...
00:05 < daja77> yes it worked on another box too
00:05 < rxr> it is your generic -rc1? Was it tested elsewhere =
00:06 < daja77> yes mine, tested elsewhere
00:06 < daja77> guess i will have a look at mbr
00:07 -!- [n00b]Wibra [wibra@D5E0A798.kabel.telenet.be] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
00:17 < daja77> nice nickserv is back online
00:19 < Freak> rxr: matter, right :)
00:22 < daja77> <- pissed by hw once again
00:24 -!- clifford [~clifford@M118P010.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
00:26 < daja77> hi clifford 
00:28 < clifford> hi daja77.
00:31 < daja77> i should never let it happen (that a laptop was bought at vobis ...)
00:31 < rxr> re
00:32 < fake> hi clifford !
00:33 < daja77> a sleepness night to everyone :)
00:44 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux
00:46 < jsaw> rxr: okay. I'll have a look into it l8r this night.
00:47 -!- tsa [tsa@pD9FF9B36.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
00:47 < tsa> msg nickserv identify cyra23
00:47 < tsa> argh
00:47 < fake> URGH
00:47 < fake> tsa... *slap*
00:47 < tsa> indeed.
00:48 < daja77> ts
00:48 < rxr> tsa: you at least know your passwd - I forgot mine (btw. it is not the one I wrote down ...)
00:48 < tsa> -NickServ- Your password has been changed to ...
00:49 < rxr> tsa: your new password is missing in the line above ...
00:49 < tsa> hehe
00:50 < rxr> hi tsa !
00:50 < daja77> who wants to be named tsa anyway
00:50 * daja77 hides
00:51 < tsa> rxr: did you already commit the openslp package?
00:51 < rxr> nope - but I will in the next minutes
00:51 < tsa> ok, just one small change..
00:52 < tsa> put it into the build before all the kde stuff - kde 3.2.0 alpha1 uses openslp optionally
00:53 < tsa> unsure about kde 3.1
00:53 < rxr> I feel a bit unhappy about a Caldere licensed package
00:53 < daja77> btw do we have that security fix for kdebase?
00:53 < tsa> daja77: kdm?
00:53 < tsa> don#t think so
00:53 < rxr> maybe I'll have a letter in my mailbox tomorrow ...
00:54 < rxr> daja77: the next kde release is about to become public ...
00:54 < daja77> ah ic
00:54 < daja77> and fear it
00:55 < tsa> tried to build 3.2.0 alpha1 here yesterday#
00:55 < tsa> compiles, but crashes quite often
00:56 < rxr> tsa: since when do you use KDE ?
00:56 < tsa> rxr: i don't - my gf does.
00:57 < tsa> i'm still unsure which wm to use in the future.
00:57 < tsa> gnome2 looks blurry to me.
00:58 < fake> windowmaker?
00:58 < daja77> haha
00:58 < tsa> no, i don't like it.
00:59 < tsa> or can you explain me why it's only possible to click on a wm icon once?
00:59 < tsa> (and use right-click afterwards)
00:59 < fake> tsa : window menu -> attributes -> first tab -> shared application icon
01:00 < tsa> svc -u /service/sshd
01:00 < tsa> ww
01:00 < fake> one app - one icon - one time started. fits most applications
01:00 < SMP> ;)
01:00 < tsa> fake: xterm.
01:00 < fake> tsa: any more examples?
01:00 < daja77> aterm
01:00 < tsa> hehe
01:01 < fake> besides terminal emulators ;P
01:01 < tsa> no.
01:01 < daja77> :)
01:01 < tsa> x11 := xmms, browser, lots of xterms
01:01 < daja77> browsers
01:01 < fake> i agree, the default for the by-default-included xterm starter could be 'shared appicon'.
01:02 < fake> daja77: just one instance with many 'windows', which are handled seperately
01:02 < rxr> fake: you need a curses xmms frontend
01:02 < daja77> hehe
01:02 < fake> rxr: why ?
01:03 < rxr> fake: you would not need X anymore.
01:03 < daja77> man mplayer
01:03 < fake> rxr: i could use mp3blaster for that. but... a browser...
01:03 < rxr> fake: well there are some text browser ... ,)
01:04 < fake> rxr: the one closest would be 'links', but it's still not even comparable to netscape 4
01:04 < fake> (and being comparable to netscape 4 doesn't even make it a good browser ;))
01:04 < daja77> yeah the netscape bloat runs really fast on recent hw
01:05 < daja77> but css sucks in netscape
01:05 < fake> the mozilla engine is lovely compared to netscape 4.x's html-designer-nightmares
01:05 < clifford> www.clifford.at/priv/rhce.pdf  /* no comment */
01:05 * SMP used Netscape 3 on Windows 2000 lately
01:06 * fake likes IE 2.0
01:06 < rxr> oehm
01:06 < daja77> cool that pdf crashes xpdf
01:06 < daja77> ie 2.0, never seen that
01:06 < fake> daja77: only the non-redhat-versions
01:07 < daja77> hehe
01:07 < fake> ie 2.0 is real fun
01:07 < daja77> clifford: congrats ;-)
01:08 < rxr> clifford: why ?
01:08 * fake off for social interaction
01:08 < daja77> to prove that he has some linux knowledge ...
01:08 < fake> [*] is able to make patch cables
01:08 < fake> ;)
01:09 < fake> bye!
01:09 < tsa> .oO( "RLCE" now!)
01:09 < clifford> rxr: just for fun.
01:09 < SMP> rxr: he probably was bored ;)
01:09 < daja77> hehe
01:09 -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4DDE8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("[BX] Does your mommy know you use BitchX?")
01:09 < mnemoc> rxr: is it too expensive?
01:09 < clifford> the company payed for it.
01:09 < mnemoc> s/rxr/cliff/
01:09 < clifford> .. but I'm also RHCE for RedHat 6.2 ..
01:10 < mnemoc> free certification is a good reason for taking 4? hours tests :)
01:10 < daja77> cool, /me running rh6.2 at a school
01:10 < tsa> so what - i was offered mcse stuff some years ago. i declined.
01:11 < mnemoc> even MS certificates are good for jobs :)
01:11 < daja77> must call somebody else ...
01:11 < SMP> tsa: mcse and rhce is the difference between stupid work and fun
01:11 < tsa> hehe
01:12 < clifford> mnemoc: the test is seperated in three sections: 2.5h, 1h and 2.5h
01:12 < clifford> It took me 45minutes, 5 minutes, 75 minutes   ;-)
01:12 < mnemoc> 7 hours? 15 minute breaks?
01:13 < SMP> what's the 1h part?
01:13 < mnemoc> you are a good redhat boy ;)
01:13 < clifford> and in the real-world the last section of takes up to 6 hours...
01:13 < clifford> SMP: multiple choice test.
01:13 < daja77> clifford: btw did you get a red hat for free?
01:13 < mnemoc> lol
01:14 < SMP> clifford: last section is debugging?
01:15 < clifford> no. first section is debugging. last section is install test.
01:15 < rxr> install test ?
01:15 < clifford> (but my 75 minutes includes root-explointing the controll-host ;-)
01:15 < SMP> 75 minutes for a RH install? ;-O
01:15 < SMP> LOL!
01:16 < clifford> rxr: you get a 4 A4 papers definition what the system should be able to do.
01:16 < daja77> well on bad hw it takes that long
01:17 < clifford> include stuff like binding to nis domain, configuring autofs, creating some samba shares, setting up cups, setting up apache with some virtual servers, etc. etc.
01:17 < SMP> awefully complex stuff ...
01:18 < daja77> binding to nis domain, wtf
01:19 < daja77> setting up ldap would have been nice
01:19 < clifford> daja77: never used nis before...  ;-)
01:19 < daja77> <- has
01:20 < SMP> er, what else than the stupid '+::::::' passwd line, setting kernel.domainname and starting ypbind ?
01:20 < clifford> who is that 1up asshole that is spamming the www.rocklinux.net users links section ?!?!
01:21 < clifford> SMP: nothing else. but I never did that before - so I had to read some man pages..
01:22 < SMP> I never did that, too, and never read the manpages either ;)
01:22 < daja77> well setting up nis server is somehow crappy
01:22 < Freak> daja77: was it you saying xchat 2.0.4 was cool?
01:23 < SMP> clifford: www.rocklinux.* has a very good PageRank at Google, people will try to take advantage of that
01:23 < daja77> no
01:23 < Freak> like.. within the last days
01:23 < Freak> anyone here?
01:23 < daja77> no
01:23 < clifford> #!/usr/bin/perl
01:23 < clifford> $|=1;@_=split//,"Lhnvx\tes Drjuw \@uptwif";for(0..$#_){
01:23 < clifford> join("",splice(@_,0,$_+1))=~/(.*)/;print"\r$1";splice@_
01:23 < clifford> ,0,0,split(//,$1);print$_[$_]=chr(ord($_[$_])^($_%8))while
01:23 < clifford> ++$_<=$#_;select(undef,undef,undef,0.25);}print"\n";
01:23 < Freak> just checking :)
01:23 * clifford won the Linux User Group Austria Perl Contest..
01:23 < daja77> hehe cool
01:24 * daja77 has finished the perl part of label creation, but had no time to finish the rest
01:24 < clifford> fucking %U and irc...
01:24 < clifford> #!/usr/bin/perl
01:24 < clifford> $|=1;@_=split//,"Lhnvx\%Utes Drjuw \@uptwif";for(0..$#_){
01:24 < clifford> join("",splice(@_,0,$_+1))=~/(.*)/;print"\r$1";splice@_
01:24 < clifford> ,0,0,split(//,$1);print$_[$_]=chr(ord($_[$_])^($_%8))while
01:24 < clifford> ++$_<=$#_;select(undef,undef,undef,0.25);}print"\n";
01:25 < rxr> SMP: btw is the rank viewable somewhere? I searched for it some months ago but was not able to find it ...
01:26 < SMP> rxr: one usually needs the Google Toolbar for that
01:26 < rxr> :-(
01:30 < SMP> .net/.org have 6, .de has 5
01:33 < rxr> this toolbar is only available for M$ ?
01:33 < rxr> what is the rating of gsmp.tfh-berlin.de and www.rocklinux-consulting.de ? ;-) Thanks ...
01:34 < rxr> what is the range of this rating ?
01:35 < SMP> {NULL,0-10}
01:35 < SMP> gsmp has 3, rocklinux-consulting 0 (domain too new, wait until after the next google dance)
01:36 < SMP> I think there was a free sidebar plugin for Mozilla with similar functionality
01:36 < SMP> the PageRank query should work without their crypto hashing
01:38 < rxr> hm - the google bot already crawled over the -consulting.de site a few times ...
01:38 < SMP> index recalculation (google dance) is only once every few weeks
01:39 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
01:41 < clifford> outch: "Ping reply from zelazny.freenode.net : 25.53 second(s)" ...
01:43 < mnemoc> ufff
01:45 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux
01:46 < rxr> I think at 2.0.0-final we have 1000 packages
01:47 < mnemoc> 2.0.0-final will have a higher release number that subversion :)
01:48 < rxr> no I do not think so 
01:48 < rxr> maybe 3000 or so - but not 7000 ...
01:50 < mnemoc> -final ;)
01:50 < mnemoc> jk... 3000 is a good number
01:51 < tsa> rxr: openslp -> "302.000", please
01:52 < rxr> tsa: done
01:53 < clifford> SMP: how is rocknet doing ?
01:53 < tsa> thx
01:53 < mnemoc> clifford: i think dwarf is better that 'rocket', do u like it?
01:55 < clifford> mnemoc: 'dwarf' is already the name of a famous corewars programm.
01:55 < daja77> does this matter in any way?
01:55 < SMP> clifford: not moving at the moment :( hope to restart work any day
01:57 < clifford> hmmm... doesn't sound like "a plan" to me  (more like a nobel whish ;-)
01:57 < SMP> it will be ready when it's needed. there are more serious things to do for 2.0
01:58 < clifford> ack.
01:58 < mnemoc> another question about mine: can you split mine code to create somekind of libgem and maybe librock?
01:59 < rxr> SMP: clifford: what is that important?
01:59 < mnemoc> libgem: libtar+libbz2+libcdb+logic, dwarf/rocket libgem+libcurl+logic
01:59 < mnemoc> mine: libgem+logic
02:00 < daja77> why on earth there are the dietlibc [T] tags in rtai.desc
02:00 < daja77> now
02:01 < clifford> mnemoc: yes - this is planed as part of the gasgui cleanups.
02:02 < clifford> (gasgui will be devided into frontend+backend and a cli frontend will be added)
02:02 < daja77> will we have a possibility to build just gems without installing them?
02:03 * clifford needs some sleep.... ACK,FIN.
02:03 < daja77> n8 clifford 
02:03 < clifford> daja77: like debians fakeroot? maybe/hopefuly in 2.1 ..
02:03 < daja77> :)
02:04 < mnemoc> n8 clifford
02:04 < clifford> does noone here know how to shut down a tcp connection?
02:04 < clifford> so - the hard way: RST  ;-)
02:04 -!- clifford [~clifford@M118P010.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Client exiting")
02:05 -!- nookie_ [~n00kie@M265P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
02:06 < daja77> rxr: btw there is a patch lying around on kde pages, we could just put it in kdebase
02:08 < daja77> ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/security_patches/post-3.1.3-kdebase-kdm.patch
02:10 < rxr> Subject: KDE 3.1.4 tarballs
02:10 < rxr> From: Dirk Mueller <mueller@kde.org>
02:10 < rxr> a (I definitely hope) final set of tarballs are uploaded to ktown and can be 
02:10 < rxr> found in their usual location. Planned announcement date is next monday. 
02:10 < rxr> Please report to me any build failures / showstoppers you might notice,
02:10 < rxr> I think for a few hours this patch is not necessary ...
02:10 < daja77> hehe, well didn't knew this
02:11 < rxr> From: Dirk Mueller <mueller@kde.org>
02:11 < rxr> To: kde-packager@kde.org
02:11 < rxr> ^- Well - I'm official ROCK Linux KDE packager ...
02:11 -!- nookie [~n00kie@M272P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
02:11 < daja77> jaja, i know :P
02:12 < daja77> <- was just bored, cos changing laptop hds seems to be more difficult than thought
02:14 < rxr> *lol*:
02:14 < rxr> they will be not there in time from me this time ... sorry, stress ....
02:14 < rxr> SuSE AG, Deutschherrnstr. 15-19, 90429 Nuernberg, Germany
02:14 < rxr> oO - no SuSE packages for 3.1.4 ... *ts ts*
02:15 < rxr> or this one:
02:15 < rxr> Gentoo build scripts for arts, kdebase, and kdelibs are ready to go.  I will 
02:15 < rxr> create the others as soon as the tarballs are released.
02:15 < rxr> well - what is damn difficult with bumping the version number ?!? - Ah! Yes - this damn f*cking ebuild scripts *lol*
02:16 < mnemoc> G* is funny :)
02:17 < daja77> hehehe
02:18 < rxr> oO - gimp-1.3 just crashed on me ...
02:18 < SMP> btw. the package should be named gimp20, not gimp14
02:19 < rxr> SMP: first they wanted to release it as 14 - only recently they decided to rename it 2.0 ...
02:19 < rxr> :-((((
02:19 < daja77> ah now i know why the rtai files are that messed up, the copyright stuff and description had been alright, guess i bumped them from an older version before submitting the patch to the list *gnarf*
02:20 * daja77 added this to todo
02:20 -!- acm_kiki [~kiki@] has joined #rocklinux
02:21 < daja77> rxr: suse needs some time to make the kde packages slow
02:21 < daja77> aka bumping there ugly theme in
02:23 < daja77> btw are you adding 3.1.4 now?
02:24 < rxr> when it is release I'll submitt it ...
02:24 < rxr> -t even
02:26 < daja77> *gnarf* openssh issuing more updates, they suck
02:27 -!- acm_kiki [~kiki@] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
02:31 < daja77> hmm metamail & xfprint still have cksum errs
02:32 < rxr> daja77: oO (could you investigate the checksums errors ?)
02:33 < daja77> yepp
02:33 < daja77> i paste you the cksums when ready, ok?
02:34 < daja77> but the rest is working fine now
02:43 * rxr updating openssh again ...
02:43 < rxr> damn day
02:43 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps")
02:43 < daja77> ack
02:43 < daja77> download/xfce4/xfprint/xfprint-3.99.3.tar.bz2: 400575024
02:44 < daja77> download/tsa/metamail/mm2.7.tar.bz2: 3274293306
02:44 < daja77> grabbed from original locations
02:48 < rxr> but mine was a original location download, too ...
02:48 < daja77> hmm
02:49 < daja77> silent updates or cracked ...
02:50 < rxr> but I did this an hour ago ...
02:52 < daja77> well life sucks ...
02:55 < rxr> == 00:47:15 =[9]=> Building base/openssh [3.7.1p1 2.0.0-rc2].
02:56 < rxr> == 09/17/03 00:52:07 =[9]=> Finished building package openssh.
02:56 < daja77> cool
02:56 * daja77 waiting for the updates before starting a new build
02:57 < rxr> Committed revision 1436.
02:58 < rxr> one update will follow in soem seconds ...
02:58 < daja77> :)
02:59 < rxr> == 09/17/03 00:58:50 =[9]=> Finished building package darkglass.
02:59 < tsa> anyone familar with solaris?
03:00 < rxr> yes - you ;-)
03:00 < tsa> hmpf.
03:00 < rxr> my Sparc Station 2 does not want to boot Slowlaris anymore - and it will be ROCKed soon ...
03:00 < rxr> Committed revision 1437.
03:11 < mnemoc> 2.4.22-ctx17a-rsbac-rock :)
03:13 < rxr> POP3 connection to pop.gmx.net failed: Connection timed out
03:13 < rxr> fucking provider
03:13 < daja77> ack
03:13 < rxr> I want to have my emails ... :-(
03:13 < daja77> btw build started, goin to bed
03:13 < daja77> cu
03:13 < rxr> good that I already have a exim running in a jail on mail.rocklinux-consulting.de ...
03:14 < rxr> cu daja77 
03:14 < daja77> rocklinux.org is down btw
03:15 < daja77> database error 
03:15 < daja77> rotfl
03:15 -!- safe [~safedin@nic-29-c98-17.twmi.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
03:16 < daja77> 03:13 < kefka|laptop> hmm.. is www.rocklinux.org working?
03:16 < daja77> 03:14 < daja77> oh nice, now that clifford gone to bed
03:16 < daja77> 03:15  * safe thinks kefka|laptop waited till after clifford was asleep to report this...
03:16 < daja77> hehe
03:16 < daja77> anway off now
03:16 -!- safe [~safedin@nic-29-c98-17.twmi.rr.com] has left #rocklinux ("Leaving")
03:17 < rxr> this
03:17 < rxr> shit
03:17 < rxr> argh - CLIFFORD!!!!!!!!!
03:18 < mnemoc> call him :)
03:18 * daja77 gives rxr a cookie to calm down and leaves now finally
03:18 < mnemoc> n8 daja77 
03:21 < rxr> n8 daja77 
03:38 < mnemoc> to test changes in lixnu2* is reeeeeasly slow :(
03:42 < rxr> yes ...
03:43 < tsa> *GRRR*
03:43 < tsa> broken patch from sun.
03:43 < mnemoc> lol
03:44 < mnemoc> mail QA ;)
03:44 < mnemoc> cut some heads ;P
03:46 < rxr> hm 2003-09-15 21:44:43 H=relaytest.kundenserver.de [] F=<devnull@kun
03:47 < rxr> denserver.de> rejected RCPT <relayedmail@rcv-relaytest.kundenserver.de>: relay n
03:47 < rxr> ot permitted
04:00 < tsa> sleep().
04:00 < jsaw> rxr: the problem is ncurses in conjunction with the previous changes of handling prefix=""
04:01 -!- tsa [tsa@pD9FF9B36.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("*plopp*")
04:01 < jsaw> rxr: the postmake line in ncurses.conf should read:
04:01 < jsaw>         postmake="ln -svf libncurses.a $root/lib/libtermcap.a"
04:01 < jsaw> and additionally, there should be a link to $root/lib/libcurses.so
04:01 < SMP> nonono!
04:02 < SMP> no .a in /lib !
04:02 < jsaw> oh, yes. but the .so should be there.
04:02 < jsaw> oh, forget this.
04:03 < jsaw> if no .a, ncurses.conf must be modified a bit more than this change
04:04 < jsaw> btw, why do we have ncurses in /lib ?
04:05 < SMP> because of cfdisk, more and tcsh
04:07 < jsaw> hmmm, lib{form,form_g,menu,misc,ncurses++,ncurses,ncurses_g,panel,panel_g,shadow,z}.a in /lib...
04:08 < SMP> argh
04:08 < rxr> SMP: is it really that clean and important to part move the static ones into /usr/lib wile the dynamic ones are in /lib ?
04:09 < SMP> yes - and you know the fundamental difference of static and dynamic libs;)
04:09 < SMP> also no package or linker would attempt to find them in /lib
04:10 < jsaw> I don't know. The only thing I know is, we need a link from libncurses.so to libcurses.so and libtermcap.so.
04:10 < rxr> SMP: no question that I know the difference - this is why I asked "clean and important" not why you think it might be nice to have ...
04:11 < SMP> static libs are part of the development subsystem, which by definition of /lib has no place on the root filesystem
04:12 < SMP> if we put archives into /lib then what's next? /include because we're too stupid and a prefix=/ is all so convenient? ;->
04:13 < rxr> maybe staticlibdir or libadir is next ?
04:13 < rxr> btw, just took a look on a FreeBSD system:
04:14 < rxr>  /bin everything statically linked except:
04:14 < rxr> rmail:
04:14 < rxr>         libc.so.4 => /usr/lib/libc.so.4 (0x28072000)
04:14 < rxr> and no /lib ...
04:14 < SMP> yes, and the point is?
04:15 < rxr> I just wanted to contribute one more possibility ;-)
04:15 < SMP> that's not a valid possibility on Linux
04:16 < SMP> next you come and tell me /boot/vmlinuz should be called /bsd ? ;)
04:17 < SMP> (I know it's not /bsd on FreeBSD. /bsd is OpenBSD)
04:18 < rxr> why shouldn't this be a valid possibility on Linux ... !?
04:18 < SMP> did you smoke something earlier? ;)
04:19 < rxr> nope - did you?
04:19 < SMP> don't think so
04:21 < rxr> why shouldn't it be invalid to just link all resuce stuff in /bin /sbin statically and just do not need /lib ?
04:21 < SMP> the answer is that linking /bin/* and /sbin/* dynamically and having /lib is a) the established and documented Standard b) a good idea because it saves space and c) contributes to maintainability (upgrading many programs instead of one library is more painful)
04:22 < rxr> sure - but this has nothing to do with "valid possibility on Linux"
04:22 < rxr> the same applies to *BSD ...
04:24 < rxr> SMP: so what do you think about staticlibdir or libadir proposed above - should be better than ugly hacks in each package ?
04:25 < SMP> I don't see how this helps
04:27 < rxr> you can just move the files to that dir - instead of substitutions if's in each package ...
04:27 < mnemoc> can installwrapper be used to move /lib/*.a to /usr/lib ?
04:27 < rxr> oh - gmx functional again ...
04:28 < jsaw> so, you mean a postinstall-move-liba?
04:28 < rxr> nope - just an env-var like includedir
04:28 < rxr> mnemoc: hm - also an idea
04:28 < rxr> jups the installwrapper is nice ...
04:28 < mnemoc> looks clean to me :)
04:29 < rxr> this makes me think about it is possible to clean up the jailing support my using the install wrapper ;-)!
04:29 < SMP> no, please no munging pathes outside of the packages
04:30 < rxr> SMP: we do not want end up with ebuild script where everything is hardcoded!
04:30 < SMP> packages should be fixed to do the right thing 
04:30 < rxr> but packages should not be hardcoed to just work when install into /
04:30 < SMP> rxr: ok, then let's use the install wrapper to move all executables that link libX11 from /usr/bin to /usr/X11/bin
04:31 < jsaw> I think we only need this for packages with prefix=/, don't we?
04:31 < rxr> jsaw: yes
04:31 < mnemoc> /lib/*.a --> /usr/lib/*.a
04:31 < rxr> SMP: this is s.th. completely different
04:31 < jsaw> then, what's the problem with external munging, SMP?
04:32 < SMP> rxr: no, it's not. what hardcode a prefix=$root/$prefix/X11 when we can do it automatically?
04:33 < SMP> s,what,why,
04:34 < SMP> the problem with external munging is that I want clean, self-contained packages
04:35 < SMP> if it puts archives into /lib then that is a bug in the package and we don't fix it with munging on a global level
04:38 < jsaw> well, it's a bug in autoconf etal.
04:38 < jsaw> or have you seen --libadir somewhere around?
04:39 < jsaw> so, I don't think, doin this globally is that a bad idea.
04:39 < SMP> no, the problem is with how people _use_ autoconf
04:39 < SMP> look at e2fsprogs e.g.
04:40 < SMP> they use --with-root-prefix
04:40 < SMP> that's a clean statement
04:40 < jsaw> and end up with /lib/libext2fs.a, huh?
04:40 < SMP> they know that e2fsprogs has parts that would normally be installed outside $prefix and they are prepared
04:41 < SMP> _we_ end up with /lib/libext2fs.a because _we_ use --libdir=$root/lib
04:43 < mnemoc> SMP, rxr, jsaw: can you take a brake and look the patch i sent? ;-)
04:43 < rxr> the X packages go into $prefix because the user / configuration asked for it, no matter if it is /opt/$pkg /usr or / - the correct fix is to decide that more packages should use /usr/X11 as default prefix
04:43 < rxr> with the .a thing it is just standard that the libs go into one dir
04:44 < rxr> oh my:
04:44 < rxr> etchmail: Authorization failure on rene.rebe@gmx.net@pop.gmx.net
04:44 < rxr> fetchmail: Query status=3 (AUTHFAIL)
04:45 < mnemoc> :(
04:49 < mnemoc> i vote for an special rule in installwrapper to move ALL /lib/*.a inside /usr and make everyone happy
04:55 < jsaw> damned tired, cu a bit later again
04:56 < mnemoc> cu jsaw 
04:57 < rxr> mnemoc: I do still not have the mail ..
04:57 < mnemoc> any direct mail?
04:58 < mnemoc> from nerd.clifford.at (localhost [])by nerd.clifford.at (8.12.1/8.12.1/rock) with ESMTP id h8H2k0ej008245;Wed, 17 Sep 2003 04:46:00 +0200
05:00 < mnemoc> rene@something.different.than.gmx.net?
05:00 < rxr> gmx.net is currently working fine ...
05:01 < rxr> I go to bed now ...
05:01 < mnemoc> :(
05:01 < rxr> we'll meet with frinds to swim today arround 12 o'clokc
05:01 < rxr> ck even
05:01 < rxr> and it is 5:01 here ...
05:02 < rxr> so - well - not that much sleep left ...
05:02 < mnemoc> good night ;) i bother you tomorrow 
05:02 < SMP> lol, Rene's openssh update mail scored 2.1 points on clifford's spam detector
05:02 < rxr> btw. rene@rocklinux-consulting.de is functional since a few days ...
05:02 < SMP> because of the 'adv' in the subject
05:04 < SMP> oh my
05:04 < rxr> hm - the spam-scanner on cliffs box is new ;-)
05:04 < rxr> and it also yield 2.1 on my local spamassassin ...
05:05 < mnemoc> weren't you sleeping?
05:06 < rxr> toothbrushing ...
05:10 < rolla> re
05:11 < mnemoc> re rolla 
05:14 < rxr> n8
06:26 < mnemoc> holly sh*!! Emerge-Pkg openssh removes /etc/ssh/ssh_host* :-(
06:49 < blindcoder> moun moun
06:50 < blindcoder> moin moin
06:50 < mnemoc> moin blindcoder 
07:14 -!- scoopex [~marc@td9091897.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux
08:36 < netrunner> moin blind/mnemoc
08:36 < blindcoder> moin moin
08:44 < blindcoder> okay, done putting site in demonstration mode
09:00 -!- DeElsasser [~DeElsasse@ANancy-110-1-15-37.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #rocklinux
09:00 < DeElsasser> moin
09:05 -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD9E4F8F2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
09:05 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4F348.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.)
09:05 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder
09:08 < blindcoder> feels good to be back :)
09:11 < owl> moin
09:11 -!- scoopex [~marc@td9091897.adsl.terralink.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
09:11 < blindcoder> moin moin owly
09:23 -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4DD30.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
09:23 < fake> hiho
09:23 * fake having bluetooth fun
09:24 < blindcoder> di fake
09:24 < blindcoder> ehm, hi :)
09:26 * blindcoder is bored at work
09:26 < blindcoder> I'm already reading heise.de ...
09:26 < owl> moin fake 
09:29 -!- nisma [~root@host35-115.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #rocklinux
09:30 < fake> hrmpf
09:30 < fake> damn connection
09:30 < blindcoder> ack
09:31 < owl> haha. still have no "timeout" or whatever *har*
09:33 < blindcoder> they reconfigured my proxy here now
09:33 < blindcoder> instead of hanging for 30 minutes it now just terminates the connection
09:34 < fake> https://www.ffii.org/ffii-cgi/kwikimj04/index.cgi?SwpParlMuc039De
09:34 < fake> for all around munich
09:36 < blindcoder> I'll be there :)
09:38 < blindcoder> fake: already updated ssh? :)
09:39 < fake> blindcoder: no
09:39 < fake> blindcoder: not exploitable, in my opinion
09:39 * fake off
09:39 < fake> connection too buggy...
09:39 -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4DD30.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Read error: 5 + -1 = --1 (Connection reset by third grade math)")
09:41 -!- nisma [~root@host35-115.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has quit ("Leaving")
09:42 < blindcoder> well, I'm taking no risks
10:01 -!- [anders] [~snafu@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux
10:01 < [anders]> moin
10:03 < blindcoder> moin moin
10:03 < [anders]> *yawn*
10:04 < [anders]> kittens have calmed down a bit during the night, but tonight we'll try the hot water bottles..
10:04 < blindcoder> hot water bottles?
10:04 < DeElsasser> hi all: what is 'typo3 database error' when i go to www.rocklinux.org?
10:05 < [anders]> blindcoder: apperantly if you use them and make a 'nest' for the kittens, they might sleep all night..
10:05 < blindcoder> I'd guess typo3 can't connect to the database
10:05 < blindcoder> [anders]: hmm... for our puppies we used heat-cushions... (correct word?)
10:05 < DeElsasser> ???
10:06 -!- nookie [~n00kie@M268P028.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
10:06 < [anders]> blindcoder: sounds about right. :)
10:06 < [anders]> hot water bottles are rubber cushions that you fill with warm water. They warm nicely for several hours..
10:07 < blindcoder> mhm, we used an electrically heated cushion, but the effect should be the same :)
10:08 < DeElsasser> must I have an username and password for www.rocklinux.org???
10:08 < blindcoder> sometimes I'd really like to raise some puppies again..
10:08 < [anders]> DeElsasser: not for browsing it I guess...
10:08 < blindcoder> DeElsasser: no, it just means that the mysql-server is down
10:09 < DeElsasser> k
10:16 < Pyro> lo [anders]
10:16 < [anders]> lo Pyro
10:16 < blindcoder> moin Pyro   
10:16 < Pyro> moin all.
10:20 -!- nookie_ [~n00kie@M265P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
10:39 < owl> *ARGH* school = shit
10:39 < blindcoder> owl: you're at home anyway, so stfu :)
10:39 < owl> blindcoder: i'm at school
10:41 < blindcoder> didn't you say you're sick?
10:41 < owl> yes. o
10:41 < owl> i'm sick, but forced by my beloved parentsto go to this fscking school
10:42 < blindcoder> i c
10:42 < blindcoder> sucks
10:42 < [anders]> owl: we know you are sick, but are you ill as well now? ;-)
10:42 < owl> [anders]: huh?
10:42 * [anders] just kidding, no need to take offense...
10:42 < owl> blindcoder: ack
10:42 < blindcoder> oh, forgot... sick = mind, ill = body
10:43 < owl> blindcoder: *kick*
10:43 < blindcoder> owl: come on now! It wasn't on purpose!
10:44 < owl> hrm
10:51 -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4DD30.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
10:51 < fake> re
10:51 < fake> bored...
10:52 < owl> bored to death... 
10:52 -!- DeElsasser [~DeElsasse@ANancy-110-1-15-37.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit ("Client exiting")
10:53 < fake> bored by php(tm)
10:53 < blindcoder> he
10:54 < [anders]> lo fake
10:55 * blindcoder --> lunch
11:01 -!- huebi [huebi@217-69-169-122.dedicated.sectoor.de] has joined #rocklinux
11:02 -!- huebi [huebi@217-69-169-122.dedicated.sectoor.de] has quit (Client Quit)
11:03 -!- huebi [huebi@217-69-169-122.dedicated.sectoor.de] has joined #rocklinux
11:03 -!- huebi [huebi@217-69-169-122.dedicated.sectoor.de] has quit (Client Quit)
11:03 < [anders]> huebi: boing boing
11:04 < Freak> [anders]: what do you think, isnt it odd that anna lindh's killer left his jacket and the knife, while he acted in a professional way (in the way he used the knife to injure her deadly), and then they find him watching a football game in a pub?!
11:04 < Freak> I find this irritating.
11:04 < Freak> tho.. he's said to be mentally disturbed
11:04 < [anders]> Freak: intriguing..
11:04 < Freak> like.. ok he killed her so he definitely is disturbed but .. yano
11:05 < [anders]> I did read aftonbladet.se this morning, and if it is him, he certainly suffers from barin damage..
11:05 < [anders]> brain even..
11:05 < [anders]> I agree with you, a professional hit, but with so many mistakes.. Interesting..
11:17 < rxr> moin
11:17 < owl> hi rxr 
11:18 < rxr> nice - for the first time in my life a patch sent to the XFree people was not ignored and made it into XFree:
11:18 < rxr> 446. Fix IMPS/2 mouse wheel on platforms where char defaults to unsigned
11:18 < rxr>       (Rene Rebe).
11:28 < daja77> congrats
11:28 < rxr> daja77: but this was only due to my provocant sentenses in the mail also cc'ed to rock-linux ...
11:28 < rxr> and I sent the mouse wheel fix a quater year ago ...
11:28 < rxr> any - off getting rolls ...
11:34 * blindcoder back
11:34 < daja77> moin blindcoder 
11:34 < blindcoder> hi hi
11:38 < Pyro> ok i am off to bed now
11:38 < Pyro> cu all.
11:38 < daja77> cu Miguel
11:42 < rxr> cu Pyro 
11:43 < daja77> cool dyndns now blocking a name when it is down
12:12 -!- clifford [~clifford@213-229-1-138.sdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #rocklinux
12:13 -!- clifford [~clifford@213-229-1-138.sdsl-line.inode.at] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting")
12:13 -!- clifford [~clifford@213-229-1-138.sdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #rocklinux
12:16 < owl> hi clifford 
12:16 < clifford> hi owl.
12:18 < daja77> moin clifford :)
12:18 < fake> hi clifford!
12:18 < clifford> moin.
12:19 * fake phears owl
12:20 < daja77> why, is she near you with a club?
12:20 < fake> daja77: well, near me, yes, kinda.
12:20 < owl> fake: ? why phearing?
12:20 < fake> daja77: i could beat her up if it'd be necessary
12:20 < daja77> if she carries no weapon, i would not worry 
12:20 < owl> fake: *kick*
12:21 < fake> i ph34r j00r m4d sug4r verdauungs-sk1llz
12:21 < owl> daja77: i'm wearing rangers, isn'tthat enough?
12:21 < fake> 3v1l zug4r
12:21 < fake> she is armored with poisoned water
12:21 < daja77> what are rangers?
12:21 < owl> 3v1l 5p4173
12:21 < fake> daja77: people owning a farm
12:22 < daja77> no military special unit ...
12:22 < owl> daja77: ranger boots --> hm... NPS boots. whatever. use a browser
12:22 * fake is a military special unit
12:22 < fake> the concentrated loosernes in the compact form of a self-targeting ethnic bomb
12:22 < clifford> hmmm... we need a bot who's kicking cool-zero posters...  ;-)
12:23 < owl> .oO(omfg. he's looking so "unschuldig" and is in a special unit - heeeeelp)
12:23 < daja77> rofl, yeah you even had a military bed with you
12:23 < rxr> hi clifford 
12:23 < clifford> hi rxr. thought you are already away?
12:23 < fake> owl: i'm not IN one, i AM one! muhaha.
12:23 < owl> even more horrible. 
12:23 < daja77> a smart bomb ...
12:23 < rxr> I wanted to be away ar 12 o'clock - but the other people are not yet here ...
12:24 < fake> rxr: esden still around?
12:24 -!- mode/#rocklinux [+o clifford] by ChanServ
12:24 < rxr> esden: nope he is in poland ...
12:24 < fake> clifford: poser ;)
12:24 * blindcoder hides from cliffords @power
12:24 < fake> rxr: oh
12:25 < fake> rxr: greet him anyways ;)
12:25 -!- mode/#rocklinux [-o clifford] by clifford
12:25 < rxr> clifford: I plan to change the copyright generation for patches - they get a part of ROCK Linux but license is the same as the patches package - if not stated otherwise
12:25 < rxr> clifford: I got some more trouble with the XFree peopel because of the it is GPL text
12:25 < rxr> clifford: is this ok ?
12:25 * clifford is writing some macros to trigger ChanServ from the irc client menus..
12:26 < fake> rxr: yes
12:26 < clifford> rxr: ok. The importand thing is that they stay open source (e.g. when patching packages like xv)
12:27 < fake> how can one patch a package if one can't read the source?
12:27 < fake> (besides binary patches, which i doubt we have)
12:28 < SMP> not everything that you have source for is open source
12:28 < clifford> fake: e.g. xv is only free for home and educational use.
12:28 < fake> SMP: the qmail thing? ;)
12:28 < clifford> touche!  *g*
12:29 < fake> clifford: tell me a corporate use of xv...
12:29 < fake> "i am watching this pr0n pics as the representative salesperson of..."
12:29 < clifford> resizing gifs for a commercial webpage..
12:29 < SMP> installing it on a company's computer.
12:29 < SMP> that's already enough
12:30 * clifford is soooo evil.  ;-)
12:30 * fake wants a good, nice example ;P
12:30 < rxr> this is why the desktop target does not ship xv ...
12:30 < rxr> SMP: hm - is my rocklinux-consulting.de server allowed to build the package in the regression tester ?
12:30 < rxr> ;-)
12:30 < fake> clifford: use ImageMagick (silently praying that ImageMagick is OpenSource)
12:30 < clifford> oh. in that case I'm not evil at all...  ;-)
12:31 < clifford> Yes. But the "display" gui iss horrible...
12:31 < SMP> rxr: a) IANAL b) don't tell anyone ;)
12:31 < rxr> SMP: ...
12:32 * rxr away ...
12:32 * daja77 puts on his hp that SMP is not a lawyer ...
12:32 * SMP thinks, the patent offices will be the address directories for the killer commands when the revolution comes
12:33 * fake going to protest on Friday in Munich
12:33 < daja77> good
12:33 < clifford> And a hitch hickers guide that passed thru a black hole from the future to the present states:  the patent offices have been the address directories for the killer commands when the revolution came.
12:34 < daja77> thought there were only protests in strasbourg
12:34 < fake> daja77: no, heise said munich to
12:34 < fake> o
12:34 < SMP> clifford: . o O ( ? )
12:34 < fake> oh, schools over (for me)
12:34 < fake> bye ;)
12:34 < daja77> cu fake 
12:35 < SMP> 7t Buy a rifle, encrypt your data and wait for the revolution!
12:35 * SMP probably leaving out the 'rifle' part
12:35 < clifford> SMP: Your sentence and my response is almost indetically quoted in "The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy".
12:36 < SMP> clifford: uh? I never read that book ;)
12:36 < daja77> hehe
12:38 < blindcoder> fake: do you go by train or car?
12:38 < blindcoder> Munich, Vienna...
12:39 < daja77> where is that list
12:39 < blindcoder> mom
12:39 -!- link_ [~link_@pop-mu-8-2-dialup-88.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux
12:39 < clifford> https://www.google.com/search?q=answer+to+life%2C+the+universe+and+everything   *g*
12:40 < daja77> hehe entering 42 in google is funny too
12:43 < blindcoder> daja77: https://swpat.ffii.org/events/2003/europarl/09/muenchen/index.de.html
12:45 < daja77> damn all far away
12:49 -!- DirtyGamer [~carsten@] has joined #rocklinux
13:08 -!- [n00b]Wibra [wibra@D5E0A798.kabel.telenet.be] has joined #rocklinux
13:09 < [n00b]Wibra> where do i configure my swappartition? currently it looks for the wrong partition
13:10 < daja77> stone
13:10 < [n00b]Wibra> i cant do it manually?
13:11 < daja77> swapon /dev...
13:12 < [n00b]Wibra> and the colors in my ls, how/where do i configure them? cant make any sense out of dircolors
13:17 * daja77 off now
13:17 < daja77> cu later
13:17 < [n00b]Wibra> bye
13:19 -!- DirtyGamer [~carsten@] has quit ()
13:20 < [n00b]Wibra> rxr: stone has the standard editor set to "vi" but in the minimal install this isn't included. should be fixed i guess
14:08 -!- link_ [~link_@pop-mu-8-2-dialup-88.freesurf.ch] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
14:12 < owl> rehi
14:13 < blindcoder> wb
14:17 < owl> thx
14:17 < owl> did i already mention, that school = shit? 
14:17 < owl> fuck! i even cannot cancel partitipation on religions-unterricht *jumping out of windo*
14:23 < blindcoder> owl: make them cancel it for you
14:23 < blindcoder> it's what we did with PE
14:25 < owl> huh? how?
14:25 < blindcoder> well, we had PE in the first two hours of wednesday
14:25 -!- clifford [~clifford@213-229-1-138.sdsl-line.inode.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
14:25 < blindcoder> and, "somehow", everyone forget their "Duschzeug" for two weeks...
14:26 < owl> hehe. 
14:26 < blindcoder> so some teachers voted for us to have PE in the last 2 hours, which wasn't possible
14:26 < blindcoder> so it was simply canceled
14:26 < owl> i c.
14:30 < owl> holy shit!
14:30 < owl> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
14:30 < owl> Xlib: No protocol specified
14:30 < owl> Traceback (most recent call last):
14:30 < owl>   File "/bin/bluepin", line 34, in ?
14:30 < owl>     from gtk import *
14:30 < owl>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/gtk-1.2/gtk.py", line 33, in ?
14:30 < owl>     _gtk.gtk_init()
14:30 < owl> RuntimeError: cannot open display
14:30 < owl> WTF IS _THAT_?! O_o
14:30 < owl> (bluepin)
14:33 < owl> *gnarf* *gnarf* *gnarf* "are there any new releases of serialz"?!!! dumb.as.bread.school.is.shit.*hypf*!
14:33 < [anders]> man bluepin
14:34 < owl> .oO(no manual entry)
14:34 < [anders]> https://bluez.sourceforge.net/howto/node22.html
14:35 < owl> aeh... i did that...
14:35 < owl> and the result as the crap showed above
14:36 < owl> argh. crappy.inet-connection.from.school.
14:36 < [anders]> don't start bluetooth on boot then?
14:36 < owl> bluetooth is working... just blueping has problems... 
14:36 < owl> -g
14:37 < owl> which sets the pin of the session... so - if i want to dynammically assign a pin, i have problems... it ust reads the hardcoded stuff from /etc/bluetooth/pin
14:38 < [anders]> so you dynamically tweak /etc/bluetooth/pin on boot, before bluepin runs
14:42 < owl> hmm
14:43 * owl np: subway to sally - tag der rache
14:43 * blindcoder is sleepy
14:44 < owl> blindcoder: you're listing to the wrong mu8sic... /me set's volume 100 and gives blindcoder some mp3s :p
14:49 < blindcoder> I'm listening to no music at all atm
14:51 < owl> yeah... but - as i mentionted above - wrong music
14:51 < owl> wuah. *shivers* this music is great, sad, and stuff - witt: eiszenherz
14:52 < owl> "eine welt ohne dich, ist eine welt aus hass und schmerz" *sing*
14:57 < owl>   lesson. off. bye
14:57 < blindcoder> baba
14:57 * blindcoder also going home
14:57 < blindcoder> bye
16:08 * blindcoder back
16:12 < rolla> yawn
16:12 < daja77> hi rolla 
16:12 < daja77> re blindy
16:16 < blindcoder> dammit, I can't get the sleepyness off me
16:17 * daja77 too
16:17 < rxr> re
16:18 < blindcoder> I think I'll watch an anime...
16:18 < blindcoder> bbl
16:18 < rxr> [n00b]Wibra: a fix for this is already in our SVN:HEAD - we now search for some editors for one available ...
16:23 < daja77>  [5] base/tcsh                           [5] base/wdiff
16:23 < daja77>  [5] base/mine                           [5] base/sendmail
16:23 < daja77>  [5] sirkull/dansguardian                [5] base/python
16:23 < daja77>  [5] kasc/paragui
16:23 < daja77>  
16:23 < daja77> 973 builds total, 308 completed fine, 7 with errors.
16:28 < daja77> all known errors?
16:31 -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, aszlig, [n00b]Wibra, jsaw, owl, Aard
16:34 < [n00b]Wibra> i've been searching all day how to get colors in ls. anybody?
16:35 < mnemoc> --color=auto
16:35 < [n00b]Wibra> with auto; it searches is the set variables
16:35 < [n00b]Wibra> for entry LS_COLORS=
16:36 < [n00b]Wibra> "dircolors" should put that entry in there, but it doesnt
16:50 < rxr> daja77: nope
16:51 < rxr> [n00b]Wibra: the default in ROCK Linux is with colors - have you modifed this? Or maybe use a remote terminal on windows or so?
16:54 < daja77> rxr: need some details?
16:55 < [n00b]Wibra> i didnt modify
16:55 < [n00b]Wibra> also, if i press ctrl-d at login; it reboots
16:55 < [n00b]Wibra> this is all so fucked up
16:56 < rxr> hm- ctrl-d ...
16:56 < [n00b]Wibra> and even though my keyboard settings are correct, i still have to type in another language
16:56 * rxr away to a anti software patent meeting
16:56 < rxr> cu all later
16:56 < [n00b]Wibra> bye
16:56 < daja77> have fun
16:56 < rxr> [n00b]Wibra: we will investigate soon
16:56 < [n00b]Wibra> go kick some ass
16:59 -!- acm_kiki [~kiki@] has joined #rocklinux
17:00 < mnemoc> damn.... i forgot to remember cliff to change today the frontpage of rl.org :(
17:00 < mnemoc> wb acm_kiki 
17:05 < acm_kiki> hi mnemoc
17:12 -!- [anders] [~snafu@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting")
18:04 -!- nookie [~n00kie@M268P028.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
18:06 -!- nookie [~n00kie@M269P019.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
18:19 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9530402.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
18:28 -!- [n00b]Wibra [wibra@D5E0A798.kabel.telenet.be] has quit ()
18:32 -!- netrunne1 [~andreas@p50802628.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
18:45 -!- netrunner [~andreas@p50802782.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
19:04 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-093.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
19:23 < owl> moin
19:34 < Nebukadneza> hi owl
19:36 < owl> hi Nebukadneza 
19:36 < Nebukadneza> and ... how are you?
19:36 < owl> feeling less than shit. thx. you?
19:41 -!- christian_ [~christian@pD9530F27.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
19:55 -!- cytrinox` [~cytrinox@p213.54.48.135.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
19:58 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9530402.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
20:07 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.30.120.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
20:24 < nookie> rxr: Are you there? Or busy?
20:33 < mnemoc> rxr is protesting
20:35 < mnemoc> throwing stones and stuff like that
20:36 < rolla> ?
20:36 < mnemoc> software patents
20:36 < rolla> ah
20:41 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-228.reverse.qsc.de] has joined #rocklinux
20:41 < holyolli> moin
20:42 < mnemoc> moin holyolli 
20:43 < holyolli> hi mnemoc
21:28 < nookie> mnemoc: Ah, alright
21:51 -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@p3EE1E23C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
21:57 -!- Pyro [~mike@ip228-62.ct.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
21:58 < nookie> cool
21:58 < nookie> on a TI30 Calculator runs quake
21:58 < nookie> or so
21:58 < nookie> https://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/251/25178.html
22:08 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@pD9506B56.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
22:17 < owl> remoin
22:26 -!- Nebukadneza is now known as Nebu^afk
22:36 < owl> <-- sleeping. gn8
22:42 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-228.reverse.qsc.de] has quit ("X-Chat: Man I'm *SLEEPY*!!!! My keyboard is slipping away!")
23:10 -!- link_ [~link_@pop-ls-6-1-dialup-23.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux
23:12 < rxr> re
23:13 < daja77> wb rxr, how was the protest
23:13 < rxr> it was an information and discusion event of the berlin linux user group ...
23:14 < link_> oh mann ..
23:14 < link_> ups....
23:14 < link_> hi ..
23:14 < daja77> so anything you haven't known before?
23:16 < mnemoc> rxr: $root/lib/*.a -> $root/usr/lib/*.a will be mandaroty (Build-Pkg) or target specific (generic/parse-config)?
23:27 < jsaw_> re
23:27 < jsaw_> hi all
23:27 -!- jsaw_ is now known as jsaw
23:27 < mnemoc> re jsaw 
23:27 < jsaw> hi mnemoc 
23:31 < jsaw> what's the status of the liba thing?
23:32 < mnemoc> i injected the install_wrapper in Build-Pkg and it's working
23:32 < jsaw> patch send out/in trunk?
23:32 < mnemoc> i don't know if rxr will want it there or target-specific
23:33 < mnemoc> and i would like to complete stage 5 of a minimal before consider it 'working'
23:34 < mnemoc> i'ts one dummy line ;)
23:35 < mnemoc> install_wrapper is cool
23:35 < jsaw> mnemoc: could you also fix ncurses? This has to be done:
23:35 < jsaw> postmake_ncurses() {
23:35 < jsaw>         ln -svf libncurses.a $root/lib/libtermcap.a
23:35 < jsaw>         ln -svf libncurses.so $root/lib/libtermcap.so
23:35 < jsaw>         ln -svf libncurses.so $root/lib/libcurses.so
23:35 < jsaw> }
23:36 < jsaw> but with the correct path with your change.
23:37 < mnemoc> i guess libtermcap is created by termcap when it's installed, so an exception is needed
23:37 < jsaw> there's an if in ncurses already. 
23:43 < mnemoc> postmake added to the test :)
23:43 < jsaw> (should solve wdiff,mine and tcsh build error reported earlier by daja77)
23:43 < jsaw> btw
23:44 < jsaw> thx, mnemoc 
23:44 < rxr> mnemoc: it is ok - it is not target specific
23:44 < rxr> mnemoc: please send a patch - so it is discussed if we want to use the install_wrapper way 
23:44 < mnemoc> ok, i'll send you the patch after test ends
23:45 * rxr is busy doing payed SANE/Avision development the next days ;-) *happy*
23:45 < mnemoc> .ve?
23:45 < jsaw> payed?!
23:45 < daja77> rxr: congrats
23:46 < rxr> paid
23:46 < rxr> I also convised some Gentoo users at the BeLUG to try ROCK (by talking one hour about crapy things in Gentoo (read all) and the much cleaner / stable ROCK-way)
23:47 < daja77> guess that patch would fix mine in stage 5 as well
23:47 < daja77> hehehe
23:47 < mnemoc> daja77: i hope :)
23:47 < daja77> <- telling everybody who wants to know what is crappy about their distro and why rock is better
23:47 < mnemoc> rxr: for the girl of telcel.ve?
23:48 < mnemoc> daja77: what do u say about debian? :)
23:49 < daja77> that their release policy is crap, that they waste a lot of development ressources and such things
23:49 < daja77> + that woody doesn't boot on some of my machines
23:49 < daja77> which nobody believes ...
23:49 < mnemoc> daja77: write a 'why ROCK is better than...' for rl.org ;)
23:50 < daja77> hehe a rant collection in rolling rock, hmm
23:50 < mnemoc> please: grep libgtkembedmoz.so /var/adm/flists//*
23:51 < daja77> me?
23:51 < mnemoc> anyone :)
23:53 < daja77> /var/adm/flists//mozilla:mozilla: usr/lib/mozilla-1.3.1/libgtkembedmoz.so
23:53 < daja77> guessed that somehow
23:54 < mnemoc> me too but... i can't find it :(
23:55 < mnemoc> /lib/mozilla-1.4 mmmm
23:55 < mnemoc> ignore me
23:57 < mnemoc> daja77: did you see extraversion patch?
23:57 < mnemoc> ]# ls -F usr/src/
23:57 < mnemoc> linux@  linux-2.4.22-ctx17a-rsbac-rock/  linux24-patches/
23:57 < mnemoc> i'll add a -rtai in the next build :)
23:58 < daja77> well rtai does not work with linux2.4.22 atm
23:58 < daja77> <- has to patch
23:59 < mnemoc> i have to patch vquota :(
--- Log closed Thu Sep 18 00:00:15 2003