On Sun, 26 Oct 2003, Alejandro Mery wrote: > linux2.6.0-test9/fs/Kconfig: > config DEVFS_FS > bool "/dev file system support (OBSOLETE)" > depends on EXPERIMENTAL > > any lkml reader can explain that to me? devfs will be removed in future major kernel versions (2.8 or 3.0, whatever it will be) and replaced by a sysfs based userland thing called udev (which is still pretty experimental right now). That fits perfectly into the ROCK 2.1 roadmap which includes support for various /dev layouts (static, dyn. using devfs and dyn. using udev). Imo devfs should stay in the kernel (because it is a great feature and very usefull in the userland) and the implementation (which is a bit overloaded) should be fixed. However: as always there are other opinions out there too .. ;-) yours, - clifford -- | Clifford Wolf /-----=[ www.clifford.at ]==[ Tel: +43-699-10063494 ]=-\ |--------------/ diestartseite.at vocat.cc =[ Fax: +43-2235-42788-4 ]=-| |-=[ EDEN Creations -- www.edenevents.at ]==[ IRC: www.freenode.net ]=-| \==[ www.rocklinux.org ]===[ www.rocklinux.net ]===[ www.linbit.com ]==/ 2B OR (NOT 2B) That is the question. The answer is FF. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send a mail with the subject "unsubscribe rock-linux" to . For more information about ROCK Linux have a look at .