Hello, I just stumbled over this, while packaging dangerdeep, which might break in a reference build. The reason for this is the fftw3 package. We currently set the --enable-float switch in the conf file, this creates a fftw3f lib instead of the normal fftw3 lib. This would be the problem if one could just link against fftw3f. I tried but I got unresolved symbols. I "fixed" that by removing that switch while building fftw3 on my system. I consider this a bug of the fftw3 package that it does not produce its normal lib when the switch is activated. The reaso why I did not send a patch for the package is, that I don't know if other packages rely on the fftw3f lib. Perhaps Chris can say sth about that, and perhaps reporting the bug to the developers ( I can do that as well, if you like). Cheers, Daniel _______________________________________________ rock-devel mailing list rock-devel@rocklinux.org https://www.rocklinux.net/mailman/listinfo/rock-devel