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Re: [rock-linux] gtk-1.2

ROCK Mailing List Archives

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] gtk-1.2

> Hm - both packages just include the gnome-14.conf and so should use
> the "ROCKCFG_PKG_GNOME14_CORE_PREFIX". Could you track it a bit more
> down why this happens where during your build? Your config/$cfg/config
> contains a line with "ROCKCFG_PKG_GNOME14_CORE_PREFIX" ?

ok sorry for my useless bug report...

i already looked in the config file there is
"export ROCKCFG_PKG_GNOME14_CORE_PREFIX='opt/gnome'"
as it should be. and gnome-14.conf looks for
but in 5-glib12.log i have

[ writing debug log to
/R.work/src.glib12.1067307598.5246.819965033/cmd_wrapper.log ]
Running main build function 'build_this_package' ...
Extracting glib-1.2.10.tar.bz2 (--use-compress-program=bzip2 -xf) ...
Fixing ownership and permissions ...
Removing CVS and .svn directories ...
Changeing into /R.work/src.glib12.1067307598.5246.819965033/glib-1.2.10...
Creating /opt/gnome24/<..> if required ...

i don't know why it uses "/opt/gnome24" as prefix

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