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Re: [rock-linux] Project renaming

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] Project renaming
Clifford Wolf wrote:

> My personal preference would be something like "Open ROCK".
> Suggestions, thoughts and feedback in any form is very welcome.

The sea is calm again....
I didn't saw a proposed name which let $rocklinux get a better public
image, those names are _cool_ for subdistributions but not for THE
'framework'. ROCK has being getting a name so imho it should continue as
the main word of the name.
Open* things $foo indenpendent and they are not distributed as binary,
just what ROCK wants to be. 'Build your own distribution free of chains'.

Someone claimed that ROCK is ambiguous, and said nothing... imposible to
make a 'logo'.
I completly disagree.
There is something own inside any ROCK, and who take it must free it....
a ROCK user is sculping it's own creation.
Have you seen the unfinished scultures of Michelangelo?
Every time we start rocking we are doing just that, sculping (carving) a
ROCK to create something.

that's the meaning of ROCK... at least for me.
a logo easily emerge from there.... a dwarf sculping.... sculping what?
a tux? a daemon?... who knows?

as you said.. my two cents.


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