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[rock-linux] glibc-2.3.3 / kde-3.2 branches

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Subject: [rock-linux] glibc-2.3.3 / kde-3.2 branches

I opened a kde32 branch a while ago (mostly because the new Qt-3.2.x
makes so much trouble on PowerPC). Today I open a glibc233 branch,
because I have major problem with Qt-3.2.x and the dynamic-linker of
glibc-2.3.2. The glibc-2.3.3 is halfly tagged in CVS and other
ditributions already ship it ... ?!?!?

I just want to note how to use the branches:


cd package/base/glibc23
svn switch https://svn.rocklinux-consulting.de/rock-linux/branches/glibc233

and vice versa for KDE-3.2:

cd package/kde31
svn switch https://svn.rocklinux-consulting.de/rock-linux/branches/kde32

So if people either want to stay up to date or help developing on
those two categories feel free to give it a try.

On x86 KDE-3.2.x should compile mostly (on PowerPC qt-3.2.x will
already segfault when loading shared objects within uic).

And the glibc (2003-12-16) package just compiled and works on
PowerPC. But I found a way to crash egrep now - the update to
2003-12-18 might fix this. I'll see in half an hour or so. Whether the
new glibc fixes the dynamic loader on PowerPC will also be known in
some more minutes (as soon as my G3 qt builds reaches that point -
already running).

Sincerely yours,
  René Rebe
    - ROCK Linux stable release maintainer

René Rebe - Europe/Germany/Berlin
https://www.rocklinux.org https://www.rocklinux-consulting.de
https://gsmp.tfh-berlin.de/gsmp https://gsmp.tfh-berlin.de/rene

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