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Re: [rock-devel] 2.0-stable versus 2.1/trunk

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Subject: Re: [rock-devel] 2.0-stable versus 2.1/trunk

On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 03:00:13PM +0100, Tobias Hintze wrote:
> besides that i think that the gap between 2.0-stable and 2.1 is too big
> for stabilizing by merging from 2.1 to 2.0 in one step. my idea is to
> split this into more steps. IMHO these steps should be called
> 2.{2,4,6,8}-stable.
> that would imply that we should rename the current trunk from 2.1 to
> something like 2.99, 3.x-dev, ...


what about simply renaming trunk to "TRUNK" - without any version number.
We can use the rev. number if we refer to any special trunk status..


 - clifford

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