-!- Irrsi  Log opened Fri Aug 01 00:00:04 2003
-!- Irrsi  Day changed Fri Aug 01 2003
[00:00] < daja77> just wanted to know if you are around
[00:00] -!- Freak [freak@p508B1B80.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exciting")
[00:00] < Mike1> daja77: yes, after today i will be seen untill tuesday
[00:00] < daja77> and then?
[00:01] < Mike1> then i will have a dedicated line of my own
[00:01] < Mike1> :)
[00:03] < daja77> cool
[00:05] < Mike1> :)
[00:05] -!- Freak [freak@p508B165B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:10] < daja77> wb Freak
[00:10] < Mike1> Freak: !
[00:10] < Mike1> ah well time to go, i will see you guys in a few days
[00:10] < Mike1> bye.
[00:10] < daja77> cu Mike1
[00:10] < Freak> yes
[00:10] < Freak> back I am
[00:11] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[00:14] -!- msp[-] [m@p5086F6A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Ping timeout")
[00:18] < daja77> n8 you all
[00:22] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839290.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:23] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9588641.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:23] < tsa> hi all
[00:25] < tsa> rxr?
[00:28] < sturm_> hmm, i set the vga option in lilo.conf to 'vga=normal', but after some bootmsg's my machine always switch to another mode, any ideas?
[00:28] < rxr> tsa: yes
[00:28] < jsaw> sturm_: loading of frame buffer driver
[00:29] < sturm_> jsaw: my kernel does not support fb
[00:29] < tsa> ah
[00:29] < tsa> rxr: just sent you a mail..my wxwindows package needs some fixing (because i'm too stupid)
[00:30] < jsaw> sturm_: eek. at what point does it change?
[00:31] < sturm_> jsaw: some lines bevore login, don't know actually at _which_ line
[00:32] < jsaw> sturm_: rock distro? version?
[00:32] < sturm_> jsaw: i looked at this bevore but there wasn't an error or sth.
[00:32] < sturm_> jsaw: 2.0 beta6
[00:33] < jsaw> sturm_: then I'm sure it's frame buffer (module loaded by hardware init), do lsmod.
[00:33] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-077-112.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
[00:33] < sturm_> jsaw: actually, no
[00:34] < tsa> rxr: got the mail?
[00:36] < rxr> sorry for the delay - I'm working on cross-toolchain packages for ROCK
[00:36] < rxr> mostly for Ultra SPARC kernel builds ..
[00:36] < rxr> sturm_: why are you so sure - what does lsmod  say ?
[00:37] < jsaw> rxr: sturm_'s sending me a mail...
[00:38] < sturm_> wait, i change to x there i could paste the lines, just have no mouse ;-(
[00:38] < jsaw> better.
[00:38] -!- sturm_ [~stefan@pD950EB7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[00:38] -!- sturm [~stefan@pD950EB7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:38] < jsaw> rxr: btw, could you add the cache files for my repo after next reference build?
[00:39] < sturm> Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
[00:39] < sturm> ipv6                  199572  -1  (autoclean)
[00:39] < sturm> ppp_synctty             6752   0  (unused)
[00:39] < sturm> ppp_async               8032   1
[00:39] < sturm> parport_pc             13572   0  (unused)
[00:39] < sturm> parport                14304   0  [parport_pc]
[00:39] < sturm> 8139too                15848   1
[00:39] < sturm> emu10k1-gp              1480   0  (unused)
[00:39] < sturm> gameport                1516   0  [emu10k1-gp]
[00:39] < sturm> emu10k1                60840   0  (unused)
[00:39] < rxr> tsa: done
[00:39] < sturm> ac97_codec             11848   0  [emu10k1]
[00:39] < sturm> soundcore               4004   4  [emu10k1]
[00:39] < sturm> sry for flood
[00:40] < tsa> rxr: thanks.
[00:40] < jsaw> sturm: cpu+board?
[00:40] < sturm> jsaw: amd duron at 800mhz, abit kt7
[00:43] < jsaw> sturm: gfx card?
[00:43] < sturm> jsaw: ati radeon 9500
[00:43] < jsaw> sturm: look into messages. look if u find an oops.
[00:44] < rxr> sturm: is the kernel selfbuild ?
[00:44] < sturm> yes
[00:46] < rxr> cat /proc/fb
[00:47] < sturm> No such...
[00:48] < sturm> cat: /proc/fb: No such file or directory
[00:48] < rxr> what resolution do you think got changed ?
[00:48]   netrunner going back home
[00:48] < rxr> maybe the Xserver started (*g*) ?
[00:49] < jsaw> sturm: did you compile any fb modules?
[00:49] < sturm> at first there is just 80x25 (vga=normal) but after some lines of boot msg's it change to hmm, maybe 130x30 or so
[00:49] < sturm> jsaw: actually no
[00:50] < jsaw> is there any command that can change console resolution?
[00:50] < sturm> hmm, maybe /etc/conf/console ?!
[00:51] < sturm> ahh, dooh, thats wrong ;)
[01:02] < rxr> jsaw: we do not do other stuff than framebuffer fluff in ROCK ...
[01:04] < rxr> but IIRC there was some strange svga hack too that can change text mode resolution ...
[01:04] < jsaw> what's about stty, escape codes?
[01:05] < jsaw> rxr: I know we don't do it. But if there's a simple command, a corrupted init file could do it... I was just guessing around...
[01:05] < jsaw> and I still wonder why /etc/conf/console should change resolution...
[01:07] < fake> woo!
[01:07] < fake> burning cds under 2.6 rocks
[01:07] < fake> cdrecord -dev=/dev/hdc ... ;)
[01:09] < fake> buffer fill never under 98 %
[01:10] < fake> sw33t
[01:13] < rxr> a patched cdrecord or the current ROCK version ?
[01:15] < rxr> sturm: did you already found out what is going on ?
[01:17] < sturm> rxr: no, i currently do check all the log files a 10th time
[01:19] < fake> rxr: standard 1.9+ iirc
[01:20]   fake away
[01:20] < fake> n8 ;)
[01:24] < Freak> capchaos: lustig.
[01:25] < capchaos> :p
[01:28] -!- rammi [1000@] has joined #rocklinux
[01:29] < rammi> Greetings
[01:31] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@dialin-145-254-162-186.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Temet nosce.")
[01:34] < jsaw> tired. cu l8r.
[01:35] < tsa> cu jsaw
[01:38] < sturm> bye jsaw
[01:40] < sturm> rxr: there is /etc/fb.modes
[01:41] < sturm> rxr: but no fb module compiled in the kernel, so it theoreticly won't work...
[01:48] -!- rammi [1000@] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[01:49] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M325P018.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[01:55] -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090BE25.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:06] -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090925C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[02:13] -!- sturm [~stefan@pD950EB7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[02:18] < jsaw> back home back here. rxr: alive?
[02:19] < jsaw> tsa: alive?
[02:20] < tsa> yes
[02:20] < jsaw> I got a strange error with the router target, 1-glibc23 fails.
[02:21] < jsaw> In the log I see this: FILTER = 'sed -e 's,/usr/dietlibc/,/user/rock/rock-src-2.0/build/router-2.0.0-rc1-x86-pentium-32-minimal-expert/root&,''
[02:21] < jsaw> Where does the last ampersand come from?
[02:23] < tsa> hm...good question
[02:23] < jsaw> ah, found it.
[02:23] < jsaw> parse-config-9 in package/base/dietlibc
[02:24] < tsa> ah
[02:24] < jsaw> now, let's see if it compiles...
[02:24] < tsa> god luck.
[02:25] < tsa> +o
[02:25] < jsaw> +o ? means what?
[02:25] < jsaw> ah .
[02:25] < tsa> ;)
[02:25] < jsaw> forget this stupid q.
[02:26] < jsaw> well, I need both, good luck and god... ;)
[02:26] < tsa> hehe
[02:31] < mistik1> maybe someone here can render assistance
[02:31] < mistik1> Do you guys have a maintainer for the cups package?
[02:32] < jsaw> render "assistance" in what, 2d, 3d?
[02:32] < jsaw> what's the problem, mistik1 ?
[02:32] -!- rammi [1000@] has joined #rocklinux
[02:32] < mistik1> maybe since rock uses a chroot build environment maybe someone came across this error with cups where creating the target
[02:32] < rammi> re hi
[02:33] < mistik1> Installing in filter...
[02:33] < mistik1> strip: cannot mkdir /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/cups/filter/stsgAoTd for archive copying (error: File exists)
[02:33] < mistik1> /bin/install: strip failed
[02:33] < jsaw> what stage?
[02:33] < mistik1> stsgAoTd is a random filename which I gather is a tmp file of sorts used by install with the strip option
[02:34] < mistik1> jsaw: this is not in Rock
[02:34] < mistik1> I was just wondering if any rock builders have come across this
[02:34] < mistik1> The build system i'm working with it similar to rock on a much smaller scale
[02:35] < jsaw> mistik1: rxr's the maintainer, btw
[02:35] < tsa> hm...i don't use cups (and therefore disabled building it), so i probably won't be able to help you
[02:35] < mistik1> ok
[02:35] < mistik1> the thing is this does not happen outside of the chroot
[02:36] < mistik1> I cross checked versions from my chroot to my distro
[02:36] < mistik1> fileutils is the exact same version
[02:36] < mistik1> gcc and glibc is newer in my chroot but that's not where the error is
[02:36] < jsaw> your chroot is /opt/ltsp/i386 I guess?
[02:36] < mistik1> yes
[02:37] < mistik1> well no
[02:37] < jsaw> ?
[02:37] < mistik1> my chroot is one step above /opt
[02:37] < mistik1> the is the DESTDIR for the build that you see
[02:37] < mistik1> not prefix
[02:38] < mistik1> the end system will have /opt/ltsp/i386 as root via NFS
[02:38] < mistik1> so that's where I install to
[02:38] < mistik1> while prefixing /usr for the build
[02:39] < jsaw> is DESTDIR set outside chroot?
[02:39] < mistik1> inside
[02:39] < mistik1> sec
[02:39] < jsaw> (ref "the thing is this does not happen outside of the chroot")
[02:39] < mistik1> /lbe is my chroot
[02:39] < mistik1> jsaw: I meant when I build CUPS outside of my chroot env
[02:40] < jsaw> yes. Is DESTDIR set if u build it outside the chroot env?
[02:41] < mistik1> yes
[02:41] < mistik1> I have recreated what i'm doing in the chroot exactly outside of it
[02:41] < mistik1> I made DESTDIR /home/mistik1/cups and all went perfect
[02:42] < mistik1> what's really pissing me off is that its at the make isntall stage, not even build
[02:43] < mistik1> so I know I have all in need in my env
[02:44] < jsaw> ?
[02:45] < jsaw> I don't have any idea left.
[02:46] < netrunner> argl, that switching does not really work in svn :/
[02:46] < jsaw> svn version?
[02:47] < netrunner> 0.22.2
[02:47] < jsaw> forget it.
[02:47] < netrunner> the version or your idea?
[02:47] < tsa> RA layer stuff?
[02:47]   mistik1 cries
[02:47] < jsaw> sometimes it works, sometimes not. update....
[02:47] < tsa> ack
[02:48]   netrunner simply checking out again.
[02:48] < tsa> hehe
[02:48] < tsa> that's what i did, too.
[02:48] < tsa> whatever.
[02:48] < netrunner> not funny.
[02:48] < tsa> <- going to get some sleep.
[02:48] < tsa> cya.
[02:48] < netrunner> n8 tsa
[02:48] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9588641.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("*plopp*")
[02:48] < jsaw> that was fast.
[02:51] -!- rammi [1000@] has quit ("leaving")
[02:55]   netrunner slept some minutes front of the screen ... svn still checking out ...
[02:57]   jsaw is taking another sleeping pill (hop)
[03:14] -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: daja77, SMP
[03:14] -!- Netsplit over, joins: SMP, daja77
[03:34] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M325P018.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[03:43] < mistik1> jsaw: still around
[03:47] < jsaw> much more tired than before, but still around...
[03:49] < mistik1> I got it to complete the make install
[03:49] < mistik1> cups that is
[03:50] < mistik1> I had to stop /bin/install from running strip so I had to script to manually run strip
[03:51] < jsaw> compiling packages is always a hassle...
[03:55] < jsaw> gn8 mistik1
[03:55] < jsaw> gn8 who ever's awake
[03:55] < mistik1> especially when you are doing it in a non standard manner, you get blank stares from the mailing lists
[03:55] < mistik1> sleep well
[03:56] < jsaw> ... yep ... and most probably even the authors don't know it...
[03:56] < jsaw> thanks, cu
[04:39] < gomer> re
[04:46] -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M308P002.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[04:59] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M325P018.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:02] < rolla> yawn
[06:05] < esden> good morning everyone ;)
[06:34] < mnemoc> moin
[06:47] -!- scoopexH [~marc@td909196e.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux
[07:13] < esden> moin mnemoc
[07:18] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958FFA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[07:19] < blindcoder> moin
[07:29] < esden> moin blindcoder
[07:29] < esden> you are late online ;)
[07:29] < blindcoder> esden: moin moin
[07:30] < blindcoder> esden: maybe...
[07:30] < blindcoder> esden: I had no car yesterday, so I couldn't move my machine to bitz
[07:30] < esden> [06:05] < esden> good morning everyone ;) <- that is early ;)
[07:30] < esden> blindcoder: sorry ... but I fell asleep
[07:30] < esden> about 18:30
[07:31] < esden> and woke up at 6 ... as you can see ...
[07:31] < blindcoder> esden: I'm currently running single-machine-builds, since those are more reliable, and will transfer the result tonight
[07:31] < blindcoder> yes, I can :)
[07:31] < blindcoder> esden: so I shut down node01-node15 and am currently running desktop on armitage and generic on node16
[07:32] < esden> hmm ... ok
[07:32] < blindcoder> *ARGL*
[07:32] < esden> but generic takes more time then desktop ... if I remember correctly ...
[07:33] < blindcoder> rene... rene... I'm.. going... to... kill... him...
[07:33] < esden> ???
[07:33] < blindcoder> root@armitage:/usr/src/rock-src# ls build
[07:33] < blindcoder> .
[07:33] < blindcoder> ..
[07:33] < blindcoder> bootdisk-2.0.0-rc1-x86-bootdisk-expert
[07:33] < blindcoder> desktop-2.0.0-rc1-x86-pentium-mmx-32-desktop-expert
[07:33] < esden> what did he this time?
[07:33] < blindcoder> desktop-2.0.0-rc1-x86-pentium-mmx-desktop-expert
[07:33] < blindcoder> root@armitage:/usr/src/rock-src#
[07:33] < esden> oups ... I see dead people
[07:33] < blindcoder> *ARGL*
[07:34] < blindcoder> that man is driving me nuts!
[07:34] < blindcoder> 10 hours of compile-time... WASTED
[07:35] < blindcoder> make that 20 hours, since it was two machines
[07:36] < blindcoder> okay, 60 packages to build on desktop and 90 to build on generic
[07:37] < blindcoder> and now, I'm getting breakfast.
[07:39] < esden> bon apetitt
[07:39] < esden> I really see rene loosing his life ...
[07:39] < esden> I can not help me ... *lol*
[07:48] < blindcoder> I see rene drifting away to the huebi-way of doing things
[07:49] -!- scoopexH [~marc@td909196e.adsl.terralink.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:49] < blindcoder> he didn't immediately apply fakes speech-output plugin
[07:49] < blindcoder> but then he added x86_64 and ARM architecture
[07:49] < blindcoder> at least ARM will lead to a _fourth_ kernel tree in ROCK
[07:49] < blindcoder> because Linus himself said that his tree _never_ _ever_ compiled on ARM
[07:50] < blindcoder> (see latest Kernel Traffic)
[07:50] < blindcoder> I'm really sorry to say this, but maybe clifford should think about _not_ giving away maintainership for 2.1 _ever_
[07:55] < esden> hmm ... I see I have to talk to rene once more *sigh*
[08:00] < blindcoder> that's just my PoV.
[08:00] < blindcoder> Maybe I'm just too unknowing to understand what rene wants to do and grasp the higher meaning.
[08:02] -!- drwx [core@37-23-28.dial.terra.cl] has joined #rocklinux
[08:07] -!- drwx [core@37-23-28.dial.terra.cl] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting")
[08:15] < esden> but I can understand that the amd support is more importaint in rock then the support of speach output
[08:15] < esden> speach output is nice and geeky
[08:15] < esden> s/amd/arm/
[08:16] < esden> but arm is support for embeded systems ... and it is our gole to get more suppert for embeded systems
[08:16] < esden> as stated some time ago
[08:16] < esden> but I can not understand why he is adding it so late in the development cycle
[08:17] < esden> it should have been suspended till 2.1 if you ask me
[08:19] < blindcoder> yes
[08:20] < blindcoder> it's just like huebi adding XFS support into 1.5.20
[08:20] < blindcoder> which should have been the last on ebefor 1.6-pre
[08:20] < blindcoder> with 2.0 we already have something similiar, although in parts understandable
[08:33] < netrunner> moin
[08:34] < blindcoder> moin moin
[08:34] < blindcoder> esden: btw. I talked to my "mecha-man" yesterday
[08:35] < netrunner> blindcoder: why didn't you just move the build dir?
[08:35] < blindcoder> netrunner: I did. After I found out only this morning that the ID changed
[08:35] < netrunner> oh, I had this so many times ... :)
[08:35] < blindcoder> ./scripts/Create-ErrList -newdelete worked just fine, so I assumed (yes, bad idea) that Build-Target would, too
[08:36] < netrunner> I just found out that my build I started at 0300 am was not good because of a missing i2c patch ... had to restart it. (I like 'em clean)
[08:37] < blindcoder> I also prefer clean builds, but not if the build has to be ready by monday (ready as in wrote onto 25 DVDs)
[08:38] < netrunner> hm ... shall I go to bed again? :-/ 5,5 hours is the sane minimum, so seems ok.
[08:38] < blindcoder> well, then I'm not sane today
[08:39] < netrunner> this creepy damn dgiclomg svn :(
[08:40] < netrunner> svn: REPORT response handling failed to complete the editor drive
[08:42] < blindcoder> well, I just did a complete new checkout and moved build/ config/ download/ to new dir
[08:43] < netrunner> blindcoder: that's what I did yesterday. now it won't update any more. maybe it is bad to rename the dir? crap.
[08:43] < blindcoder> no, that works fine here
[08:43] < netrunner> ok, wasn't yesterday but this morning, some earlier :)
[08:46] < esden> blindcoder: mecha man?
[08:46] < esden> excuse my latency ... I try to unpack my stuff here ...
[08:46] < blindcoder> esden: my "KFZ-Mechaniker" :-)
[08:47] < esden> ahh ...
[08:47] < esden> and?
[08:47] < blindcoder> esden: I call him mecha-man behind his back :-)
[08:47] < blindcoder> esden: he's what you would call  a Geek of Cars :D
[08:47] < blindcoder> esden: he said it would be almost no problem to do the thing I have in mind :D
[08:47] < esden> almost ... what means almost?
[08:48] < blindcoder> almost means that there might be a small problem with "hiding" the thing
[08:49] < esden> I could imagine that ... but don't you have "faecher" in the trunk?
[08:49] < esden> (/me is to lazy to start dict now ;))
[08:50] < blindcoder> no, unfortunatiely I do not
[08:50] < esden> that is a mess
[08:50] < blindcoder> but maybe one can be built in
[08:50] < esden> that sounds good
[08:50] < esden> but do not forget you still need power in the trunk
[08:50] < esden> or somewhere else
[08:50] < blindcoder> or - worst case - I take a small lockable case, put laptop, GPS Receiver and Mobile Phone in there and mount it onto the inside of the car
[08:50] < esden> for example under the back seat
[08:51] < blindcoder> the power is the least of problems
[08:51] < blindcoder> I tell him where I want a power outlet, he gives me one. :-)
[08:51] < esden> and ... I would not use a full laptop but a industry sized board with flash disk or a laptop disc attached to it
[08:52] < esden> that makes it smaller and probably more flexible
[08:52] < blindcoder> I need one PS/2 and two serial ports
[08:53] < blindcoder> possibly more...
[08:53] < esden> there are boards that do have these ports
[08:53] < blindcoder> good
[08:53] < blindcoder> the box should be as small as possible to make it easier to hide
[08:53] < blindcoder> you have any prices on these boards?
[08:53] < esden> there is everything you need on the market .. but you have to find it ;)
[08:54] < esden> so that the price and abilitys are in correct dependancy
[08:54] < blindcoder> sure.
[08:54] < blindcoder> how are these boards called? x86 compatible?
[08:54] < esden> puhh ... I should check my mailbox to answer that ...
[08:55] < blindcoder> could you please do so?
[08:55] < esden> and there are x86 board and also mips and arm
[08:55] < esden> everything is there
[08:55] < esden> I check it in a moment when I empty the box I am unpacking now
[08:55] -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@pD9506B67.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[08:58] < blindcoder> okay, thanks
[08:58] < blindcoder> in the meantime, can someone tell me why Solaris sucks this much?
[09:00] < esden> blindcoder: because it is commercial ;)
[09:01] < blindcoder> well... that explains a lot...
[09:02] < blindcoder> or maybe these machines are just crappy installed
[09:02] < blindcoder> or I'm too fastidious from ROCK
[09:10] < blindcoder> brb
[09:10] < esden> ok ... two boxes remaining to unpack ... that is much better
[09:10]   esden checking his mailbox for blindy ;)
[09:11] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E28E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:14] < blindcoder> thx
[09:17] < blindcoder> the only fscking way to find something on these servers is `find / -name <whatyouserchfor>`
[09:22] < esden> fsck where are these mails!!!
[09:31] < esden> In Extremo on viva o_O ... what is going on!!!
[09:31] < daja77> moin
[09:32] < esden> moin daja77
[09:32] < esden> blindcoder: I have something here : https://www.ibase-i.com.tw/ib830.htm
[09:32] < esden> but that is through google
[09:33] < daja77> moin esden && blindcoder
[09:33] < esden> i do not find the mails anymore
[09:33] < daja77> *lol* nice quit message: "<opp> so my girlfriend calls me a pedophile the
[09:33] < daja77>           other day and I say back to her, that's a pretty big word for a 12 year old"]
[09:34] < blindcoder> esden: thx
[09:35] < esden> blindcoder: and there is more ... I was searching for "embeded board" pentium serial ps2
[09:35] < blindcoder> 20cmx14cm???
[09:35] < blindcoder> sweet
[09:35] < esden> perhups you find something sutable for you
[09:35] < esden> blindcoder: yes sure is it sweet ;)
[09:35] < blindcoder> a bit overdimensioned perhaps, but sweet :-)
[09:35] < esden> smaller then your notebook ;)
[09:36] < blindcoder> yes... and much more powerful
[09:36] < esden> hehe yes
[09:36] < esden> an 17C3 there was a guy that was selling 486 boards
[09:37] < esden> perhups you will find someone on CCCamp who has access to cheep boards
[09:37] < esden> I will look around too
[09:37] < esden> and keep my ears open for such things
[09:37] < esden> and eyes ;)
[09:38] < blindcoder> esden: I want an embedded board! :)
[09:38] < blindcoder> unfotunately there are no price tags >_<
[09:40] < blindcoder> https://www.ibase-i.com.tw/ib104plus.htm
[09:40] < daja77> ok cu guys later
[09:40] < blindcoder> something like that
[09:40] < blindcoder> 9.5cmx9cm
[09:40] < blindcoder> bye daja
[09:41] < esden> blindcoder: there are not there for a good reason ... I think so at least
[09:41] < blindcoder> yes... that's what I fear, too
[09:41] < esden> but the boards on 17c3 were tagged with 25EUR or so
[09:41] < esden> they were affordable
[09:41] < esden> I thought back then about buying such a thing ...
[09:41] < esden> but have not done it after all
[09:42] < blindcoder> well, 486 boards you can get at ebay, if it must be..
[09:43] < blindcoder> but such a 95x90 mm*mm thing would be really sweet
[09:45] < esden> hehe ;)
[09:45] -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD9E4F6B7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:45] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958FFA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (ghosted: blindcod1r!blindcoder@pD9E4F6B7.dip.t-dialin.net)))
[09:45] -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder
[09:45] < blindcoder> the problem is that I need a laptop-like machine
[09:45] < blindcoder> ie: battery that lasts a few hours
[09:46] < blindcoder> ACPI that tells me whether the power has been cut and status of battery
[09:46] < esden> blindcoder: and it has everything you need ... keyboard controller and two serial connectors
[09:46] < blindcoder> so I might be better off taking my old Laptop apart
[09:46] < esden> blindcoder: yes ...
[09:47] < esden> but you could also buy a new laptop and use the parts of the old for your project ...
[09:47] < blindcoder> or buying an old laptop of this kind and taking that apart ^^
[09:47] < esden> integrate the display of your laptop in the cockpit as navigation system
[09:47] < esden> that would be nice too
[09:47] < blindcoder> well... I want to keep that laptop around in case SIEMENS sends me a letter one day and wants it backk, you know...
[09:47] < esden> ahh ... yes ... understandable
[09:47] < blindcoder> esden: yes it would... wireless mouse and keyboard also...
[09:47] < esden> hehe
[09:48] < esden> you could use it as an mp3 player either
[09:48] < blindcoder> and hooking it also up to the speaker system
[09:48] < blindcoder> well, first it's now making it possible
[09:48] < blindcoder> then making it look good
[09:49] < blindcoder> at first I have to make it possible to charge the mobile phone via the datacable
[09:49] < blindcoder> then the interaction between phone and GPS
[09:49] < blindcoder> and THEN I can look at better / smaller hardware for the job
[09:49] < blindcoder> there are also PCMCIA-Adapters for SIM-Cards, so I wouldn't really need a phone at all
[09:53] < esden> blindcoder: you have siemens?
[09:54] < esden> if yes I could probably get such cable in poland
[09:55] < blindcoder> esden: we will have to mod our own cable
[09:55] < esden> hmm ... that is also possible ;)
[09:55] < blindcoder> esden: not even the original Siemens datacable are capable of loading the phone while also accessing it via some software
[09:56] < blindcoder> so we will have to mod it in a way so that we can always send a specific signal (5V) via the com-port to the phone, thus charging it
[09:56] < esden> blindcoder: I had such cable in my hand ...
[09:56] < blindcoder> yes, but usually that's windows-software that comes with its own cable
[09:56] < blindcoder> and just such a cable we will have to solder
[09:57] < blindcoder> and then, as long as the saptop has an external power source we can charge the phone
[09:57] < blindcoder> and if the power cable gets cut, then the phone also has to rely on its own battery, just like the laptop
[09:57] < blindcoder> it's a bit difficult, that's why I want to discuss this with you in person
[09:58] < esden> hmm ... we will have the possibility for sure ;)
[09:58] < blindcoder> sure
[09:59] < blindcoder> I'm absolutely sure that something like this _CAN_ be done.
[09:59] < blindcoder> it's just a whole shitload of work
[09:59] < blindcoder> worst case I can also split the cable into a datacable part and a powerplug part
[09:59] < blindcoder> and let mecha-man install two power outlets.
[10:03] < esden> is a solution ;)
[10:04] < esden> but you need powersupplys that convert 12V to the right voltages for the laptop and the cellphone
[10:05] < blindcoder> esden: for the phone, there are those adapters already
[10:05] < blindcoder> esden: for the laptop, I have one (1) converter
[10:05] < esden> and you have to consider that the battery of the car is not a perpetuum mobile ;)
[10:05] < blindcoder> esden: the plugs must be power-less the moment the motor is turned off
[10:05] < esden> ahh ok
[10:05] < blindcoder> in that moment both phone and laptop have to use their own battery
[10:05] < esden> but how long can a laptop run without batter ...
[10:06] < blindcoder> esden: if the display is turned off, the laptaop battery should be able to sustain the machine a few hours
[10:06] < esden> that is a problem
[10:06] < esden> blindcoder: few hours is not long enough if you ask me
[10:06] < esden> a embeded board would be better here it does not need so much power
[10:07] < blindcoder> well, we can't handle _everything_ that might occur. But that doesn't mean we can't take on the problems that _are_ solvable.
[10:07] < blindcoder> sure, it would be best if the machine (better than laptop) could run a few DAYS
[10:08] < blindcoder> or I could use the phone to power up the laptop.
[10:08] < esden> ahh ... ok ... that is a solution
[10:08] < blindcoder> telephones last up to two weeks in "standby"
[10:08] < netrunner> blindcoder: I guess you won't get enough power out of a serial interface.
[10:09] < blindcoder> netrunner: yes I would. Serial line has 5V output
[10:09] < blindcoder> netrunner: and my Siemens MT50 power-cable also gives 5V
[10:09] < esden> netrunner: he says that you power up the laptop with the cellphone
[10:09] < netrunner> blindcoder: ok, you'll then wait for a year for your phone to be fully charged. If you pull more powerer, you'll soldier your circuits. Just my guess :)
[10:10] < blindcoder> netrunner: It's worth a try if you ask me. And - worst case - I can still use two power outlets.
[10:10] < netrunner> blindcoder: I have problems powering a receiver circuit here on some badly designed serials, so why would you charge a phone with it?
[10:10] < netrunner> esden: vie modem ring?
[10:11] < blindcoder> yes
[10:11] < netrunner> grmbl ... 2h gone and still in stage 1
[10:11] < esden> netrunner: this ... or connect a cirquit to the ring of the cellphone that touches the poweron cinquit of the laptop
[10:11] < blindcoder> netrunner: well, I'm pretty sure I already saw a phone being powered by serial line in windows.
[10:11] < blindcoder> esden: wodem ring should be fine.
[10:12] < blindcoder> esden: call the phone and the laptop starts
[10:12] < netrunner> blindcoder: I know they use usb for that, since it is designed to give some amperes, but serial ...
[10:12] < blindcoder> netrunner: well, I'm gonna try today :-)
[10:13] < blindcoder> I have the data cable, the phone, and Linux. what more do I need :)
[10:13]   esden taking a shower
[10:14] < blindcoder> Solraris is strange
[10:14] < blindcoder> cat file | sed 's,string,,g'
[10:14] < blindcoder> doesn't work
[10:14] < blindcoder> echo `cat file` | sed 's,string,,g'
[10:14] < blindcoder> does work
[10:19] < netrunner> hm ... linux26 does not compile.
[10:24] < jvc> blindcoder: I tested your sed construction on solaris and on linux they give same result
[10:25] < blindcoder> jvc: well, cat file | sed gives me an empty file
[10:26] < jvc> whats in the file?
[10:26] < blindcoder> a html-page, one-liner
[10:26] < netrunner> ah, I know what I am missing ... breakfast
[10:27] < blindcoder> 600 bytes crammed into one line
[10:27] < blindcoder> netrunner: hehe, again?
[10:27]   esden is having breakfast
[10:28] < netrunner> 1-curl is failing (missing zlib.h) ideas?
[10:28]   esden likes his new home
[10:28] < blindcoder> compile zlib?
[10:28]   blindcoder runs
[10:29] < netrunner> REMOVE = '-g* -O -O[01s] -m* -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include'
[10:30] < netrunner> why is -I/usr/include removed? linux/zlib.h is there ...
[10:30] < jvc> blindcoder: I tested it on a line of 1200 chars and it seems to work just fine
[10:32]   netrunner heating up espresso machine
[10:33] < blindcoder> jvc: strange... well it works now and hat's all I currently care for, but thanks nonetheless ^^
[10:34]   esden drinking capuccino
[10:34] < jvc> blindcoder: the problem with your solution is that if you one day make it a 2 liner, your in trouble
[10:34] < blindcoder> jvc: it's from a bb output, so unless they update bb and bb changes the output I'm fine
[10:34] < blindcoder> and by the day they do this I won't work here anymore
[10:35] < blindcoder> esden: I'm looking forward to my Caffe Latte with Chi today ^^
[10:36] < blindcoder> and since I know the shell-skills of my fellow co-conspi... erm... co-workers, it will be near impossible for them to adapt it. so they'll have to pay me to it ^^
[10:39] < owl> moin
[10:39] < blindcoder> moin moin owly
[10:40] < esden> blindcoder: you have very high opinion on your co-whatever ;)
[10:40] < esden> hi owl
[10:41] < jsaw_> re
[10:41] < jsaw_> esden: concerning the $root& thing.
[10:41] < jsaw_> FILTER = 'sed -e 's,/usr/dietlibc/,/user/rock/rock-src-2.0/build/router-2.0.0-rc1-x86-pentium-32-minimal-expert/root&,''
[10:42] < esden> jsaw_: ??
[10:42] < jsaw_> does the & do the same thing here?
[10:42] < jsaw_> (it's taken from 1-glibc23.err, router target)
[10:43] -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has left #rocklinux ("committed suicide")
[10:43] < esden> the same thing as 'sed -e 's,/usr/dietlibc/,$root&,' ?
[10:43] < esden> you mean that?
[10:44] < esden> I answered the mail ... the & is a backreference ... that was a correct guess at the mailinglist
[10:44] < jvc> blindcoder: well, you know what good for you ;-)
[10:44] < jsaw_> yep, the "backreference" thing (which I actually do not understand)
[10:44] < esden> jsaw_: what don't you understand in there?
[10:44] < jvc> blindcoder: but now you are on vacation, this stuff breaks, and you have to come back to fix it
[10:45] < jsaw_> esden: nope. the & is a sed command, and has nothing to do if $root is expanded or not?
[10:45] < blindcoder> jvc: you really think I pick up the phone or even take it with me when I'm on varcation?
[10:46] < esden> jsaw_: the $root is expanded by shell and & is for sed
[10:46] < jsaw_> esden: thx, ok.
[10:46] < esden> it should convert all /usr/dietlibc/ to $root/usr/dietlibc
[10:46] < esden> because we have the chroot and stuff problems
[10:47] < esden> I hope that will be solved as soon as I have a full functional patch for gcc that forces gcc to use dietlibc instead of glibc by default
[10:47] < esden> but I still have design problems what to do in stages pre 2 ...
[10:48] < esden> but I think it will work anyways ... somehow
[10:48] < esden> we will see
[10:48] < jsaw_> esden: thanks for explanation.
[10:48] < jvc> blindcoder: I have seen it hapen, this guy was allready changing his empty battery for a fresh one
[10:48] < esden> jsaw_: de nada ;)
[10:49] < jsaw_> cu l8r, gotta run to the lab now
[10:49] < esden> cu jsaw_
[10:50] < blindcoder> jvc: I've seen it happen, too. And I learned from it.
[10:50]   netrunner just made a perfectly seperated latte macciato
[10:50] < blindcoder> a friend of mine was flown back from his vacation in Italy (company paid for flight back first class!) three days into his vacaiton.
[10:51] < blindcoder> Since then I won't pick up the phone when I'm on vacation if I don't expect a call from someone
[10:51] < netrunner> blindcoder: I used to charge double money for emergency call-ins. they were rare since then :=
[10:52] < blindcoder> netrunner: sounds nice. I should give it a try :D
[10:53] < netrunner> blindcoder: I charge 5per cent for the idea :)
[10:53]   netrunner making money now. :=
[10:53] < netrunner> and that damn = is to close to the )
[10:54] < netrunner> somebody hungry? I need to cook since my gf is gone, and for one person it's so pointless ...
[10:55] < blindcoder> netrunner: okay. As soon as I'm laid off by my company and am able to start my own that can charge per "Auftrag" you'll get five percent of all my expenses :D
[10:55] < esden> netrunner: use a dvorak keyboard then you will not miss the ) anymore ;)
[10:55]   daja77 hungry
[10:55] < blindcoder> esden: correct. then it will look like this :{
[10:55] < netrunner> esden: nice idea, I did something funny to my keyboard last time when I went to the camp, too.
[10:56] < netrunner> last time I sprayed it, then nobody here could use it any more since they need to see the keys to type ;)
[10:57]   netrunner wants: https://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2745232242
[10:57] < blindcoder> netrunner: since I use dvorak at work I'm not afraid of letting my console unloked anymore :D
[10:57] < netrunner> blindcoder: is it hard to learn?
[10:57] < blindcoder> especially since I also keep an unmodified keyboard next to the dvorak one which isn't connected.
[10:57]   netrunner thinks about putting the order of the keys in dvorak order
[10:58] < blindcoder> most people try to attach the unmodded keyboard and get even more confused since the keyboard mappping is still the same but the keys on the keyboard don't match the maping anymore :D
[10:58] < blindcoder> netrunner: I suggest dvorak7min
[10:58] < blindcoder> it's a learning tool
[10:59] < netrunner> blindcoder: in 7 minutes? k3w1
[10:59] < netrunner> or age minimum 7? :)
[10:59] < blindcoder> 7 minutes :)
[10:59] < esden> I learned dvorak with dvorak7min ... very nice thing
[11:00] < netrunner> and why is there no package for it?
[11:00] < netrunner> *kick*
[11:00] < esden> I used to have my text console set to dvorak and X to normal keyboard ... then I switched from time to time to the text console to work with dvarak7min ... and when I got bored I switched back to X
[11:01] < esden> this way I learned dvorak
[11:01] < blindcoder> esden: correct, why is there no package *kick*
[11:01] < esden> netrunner: sorry *hide*
[11:01] < esden> :(
[11:01]   esden making package ...
[11:01]   esden runs
[11:01]   blindcoder --> lunch
[11:02] -!- rolla [maisenhe@adsl-66-136-183-233.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[11:09] < esden> netrunner: I found something better then dvorak7min ... dvorakng
[11:12] < netrunner> esden: nice, now that I created a package for dvorak7min ... *doblehighkick*
[11:12] < esden> netrunner: I create the packet already >_<
[11:12] < esden> *GRR*
[11:13] < netrunner> :P
[11:14] < netrunner> == 11:14:33 =[9]=> Building avm/dvorak7min [1.6.1 2.0.0-beta3].
[11:14] < netrunner> == 08/01/03 11:15:38 =[9]=> Finished building package dvorak7min.#
[11:18] < netrunner> but why does it go to /usr/games/bin? what has extra/education to do with games?
[11:20] < esden> netrunner: nothing
[11:20] < esden> netrunner: you have not patched the Makefile propperly ;)
[11:20] < esden> I have ;)
[11:20] < esden> hehe
[11:21]   esden addapting the .desc file
[11:23] -!- Freak [freak@p508B165B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exciting")
[11:24] < netrunner> esden: *kick*
[11:27] < netrunner> esden: what dir do you suggest? /usr/bin?
[11:29] < esden> no $(prefix)/usr/bin
[11:29] < netrunner> esden: grmbl. I already sent that mail.
[11:30] < netrunner> the patch-race :)
[11:31] < esden> hehe ... you are a l0ser
[11:32] -!- Freak [freak@p508B2EC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:35] < netrunner> hm .. I'd need some more ram for tempfs ... my hdd led is shining continuously.
[11:35] < blindcoder> lme back
[11:37] < blindcoder> Mem:  12360704K av, 11190732K used, 1169972K free,     324K shrd,  220792K buff
[11:37] < blindcoder> would that be enough?
[11:38] < esden> ok building dvorakng packet
[11:39] < esden> blindcoder: for what?
[11:40]   blindcoder starts crying
[11:40] < esden> o_O
[11:40] < blindcoder> after svn up && ./scripts/Create-Errlist -newdelete 1-bash doesn't build anymore
[11:40] < netrunner> blindcoder: is that 12G ram?
[11:40] < blindcoder> netrunner: it is :D
[11:41] < blindcoder> esden: C Compiler can't create executables
[11:41] < netrunner> blindcoder: how ...
[11:41] < esden> blindcoder: you can complile rocklinux in ramdisc nice ;)
[11:41] < blindcoder> netrunner: my baby at work :D
[11:41] < esden> blindcoder: :(
[11:41] < netrunner> blindcoder: hastalavista baby! /me getting pickup and shotgun
[11:41] < blindcoder> netrunner: hehe :D
[11:41] < esden> netrunner: muahaha
[11:42] < blindcoder> netrunner: I beg you to steal it... I'm currently getting searched whenever I leave the Siemens-Ground...
[11:43] < netrunner> blindcoder: where did you get it? we use proliants, and afaik the biggest there has 8G ...
[11:43] < esden> blindcoder: because of the box?
[11:43] < blindcoder> netrunner: I have no idea... I only know that it's a 4 processor machine x86, and that those processor have multiple-personality-disorder
[11:44] < netrunner> blindcoder: oh, I have that too :)
[11:44] < blindcoder> esden: no. Maybe it wasn't so good to walk around the ground with the book "Hackers" in my hands and a Cup of coffee in the other
[11:45] < netrunner> blindcoder: what? do hackers always carry the book 'hackers' around to be easily identified? :)
[11:45] < netrunner> blindcoder: you don't work for siemens i&s (or how it is called), do you?
[11:46] < esden> blindcoder: lool
[11:46] < netrunner> Job 5-glibc23                 builder (8457) since 11:40 2003-08-01
[11:46] < netrunner> Job 5-linux24                 builder (8802) since 11:31 2003-08-01
[11:46] < blindcoder> netrunner: I work for "Siemens Bescheisst Siemens"
[11:47] < blindcoder> netrunner: Munich Hoffmannstrasse. Why?
[11:47] < netrunner> blindcoder: ah, my litle brother just finished his apprenticeship there.
[11:47] < blindcoder> hmmm... right... there were final tests not long ago...
[11:48] < netrunner> I read the questions ... funny :)
[11:48] < blindcoder> netrunner: no... not funny at all...
[11:48] < esden> argh micro$ ad's on freshmeat >_<
[11:48] < blindcoder> netrunner: they _really_ mean the questions they ask there
[11:49] < blindcoder> esden: well, I see those on FM][, SF... the whole OSDN to be exact.
[11:49] < esden> yes I know
[11:49] < blindcoder> OTOH
[11:49] < netrunner> blindcoder: what do you expect? SoIstEsMeistensEigentlichNichtSinnvoll :)
[11:49] < esden> but micro$ sponsoring linux is funny ;)
[11:49] < blindcoder> no, I don't see them :-)
[11:50] < blindcoder> netrunner: those questions aren't just Siemens... it's IHK
[11:50] < blindcoder> IIRC I haven't seen a single ad on OSDN and most other sites for a loooong time now
[11:51] < esden> hehe xblast is installing itself in /usr/usr/games
[11:51] < esden> nice
[11:51] < esden> someone has not done his homework
[11:51] < blindcoder> esden: https://scavenger.homeip.net/~blindcoder/userContent.css
[11:52] < netrunner> ts ... this cluster build ... he builds 5-{linux24,glibc23} but there are still 3-'s in the queue
[11:52] < blindcoder> esden: put this into ~/.mozilla/default/*/chrome ad restart mozilla
[11:52] < blindcoder> netrunner: well... yes...
[11:53] < blindcoder> I don't have a hate on the cluster-build without reason
[11:53] < blindcoder> esden: and then sing with me: "Where have all the ads gone?"
[11:54] < blindcoder> this little file blocks ~75% of all ads on the 'net
[11:56] < blindcoder> WEE!
[11:56] < blindcoder> Finally I found the package for Mouse Trails in X :D
[11:56] < netrunner> blindcoder: nice :)
[11:56] < netrunner> esden: do you still have that soundcard? I want to use speech out for building :)
[12:03] < esden> ok ... I sent the patch to the mailinglist ... netrunner ... you really must not be so fast in sending patches ... you have to securitise them
[12:03] < esden> your second patch is still wrong my friend ...
[12:04] < netrunner> esden: but ... grmbl .. but ... I was first! :P
[12:04] < netrunner> esden: what's the matter with my second patch?
[12:05] < esden> netrunner: I searched for a soundcard but still not at home ... I will recheck at home
[12:05] < esden> I should have one there
[12:05] < esden> netrunner: but mine will be applyied and yours not :P
[12:05] < blindcoder> esden: tried the userContent.css?
[12:05] < esden> I also have an improoved version of dvorak7min in my patch and not the outdated one ...
[12:06] < esden> no not yet ...
[12:06] < esden> I have other things to do now ...
[12:06] < blindcoder> grmpf
[12:06] < esden> like showing my friend netrunner : fast != good ;)
[12:07]   netrunner crouches through the dust to esdens feet and revokes his patch.
[12:07] < esden> hehe
[12:08] < esden> netrunner: stop it ... you are dispersing the dust ... I am alergic
[12:08] < netrunner> I am too, so what's the matter?
[12:08]   netrunner now goes out for lunch. and some beer :)
[12:09] < esden> you are a minion and I am a master ;)
[12:09] < esden> bon apetitt netrunner
[12:09] < netrunner> ... and reparing the bordnet of the bimobil
[12:09]   blindcoder cursing cluster-build now just for doing so
[12:10]   esden packing stuff for ingolstadt
[12:12] < blindcoder> esden: when will you drive to IN?
[12:13] < esden> when I packed everything together ... when I brought bottles to walmart ... and took all my thing in the car
[12:13] < esden> so in some hours
[12:13] < esden> when do you leave work?
[12:13] < esden> I could take you with me
[12:15] < blindcoder> I leave at 17:00
[12:15] < esden> I hope that it will be to late and that I am by then in ingolstadt ...
[12:16] < esden> but you can call me or write in icq when you leave and then I tell you if I am still in munich
[12:16] -!- Freak [freak@p508B2EC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exciting")
[12:17] < blindcoder> okay, will do
[12:17] < esden> good
[12:18] < daja77> re
[12:18] < esden> re daja77 sweetie ;)
[12:19] < daja77> ahem ... re esden ...
[12:20] < esden> daja77: *g*
[12:20] < esden> ahh ... finally I can move a bit in my room ...
[12:21] < daja77> where do you live now?
[12:22] < esden> nearly in the same place as before ... only 100 meters away in an other house
[12:22] -!- Freak [freak@p508B37F4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:23] < daja77> Freak: !
[12:23] < daja77> esden: slow mover *gg*
[12:23] < blindcoder> esden: that means it's larger than the old?
[12:24] < esden> blindcoder: nope ... it only means that there are no more boxes staying around on the floor
[12:24] < esden> blindcoder: I would say that it is smaller ...
[12:24] < esden> but the m^2 is the same
[12:24] < daja77> guess it is smaller and more expensive than the old one ...
[12:24] < esden> the stuff is ordered in an other way then in the old room
[12:25] < esden> daja77: it costs the same
[12:25] < esden> the difference is that it is mine ...
[12:25] < daja77> ah ic
[12:25] < Freak> daja77!
[12:25] < daja77> :)
[12:26] < blindcoder> esden: ic
[12:26] < esden> hi Freak
[12:26] < daja77> Freak: so you liked that movie, yesterday?
[12:27] < blindcoder> hmm
[12:27] < Freak> which one? teaching mrs tingle? yes. its slight entertainment. and katie holmes is in it.
[12:27] < blindcoder> rene didn't apply the patch for koules >_<
[12:27] < Freak> :)
[12:28] < daja77> katie holmes never heard of it
[12:28] < daja77> or her ...
[12:29] < esden> Freak: yes katie holmes is very nice ;)
[12:29] < esden> I have seen that film too very long time ago
[12:29] < esden> two years or so on dvd
[12:29] < blindcoder> teaching mrs tingle? sounds like a pr0n movie
[12:30] < esden> blindcoder: it is not pr0n
[12:30] < blindcoder> but it sounds like one
[12:30] < esden> blindcoder: if you need pr0n ask the master SMP ;)
[12:30] < blindcoder> esden: how do you set the keymap in X?
[12:30] < Freak> esden: :)
[12:30] < esden> blindcoder: setxkbmap
[12:30] < blindcoder> ah thx
[12:31] < esden> the name of this program sux
[12:31] < esden> it really sux
[12:31] < blindcoder> yes, indeed
[12:31] < esden> that is the worst name selection for a program that I have ever seen >_<
[12:31] < esden> I needed over 1 year to find it >_<
[12:31] < blindcoder> actually, I have heard worse...
[12:32] < daja77> one year latency *wooo*
[12:32] < esden> daja ... be carefull ...
[12:32] < daja77> carefull *lol*
[12:33] < esden> *lol* poor netrunner ... I am really sorry for him
[12:33] < daja77> why
[12:33] < esden> really no irony
[12:33] < esden> daja77: see rlml
[12:33] < daja77> hehe crashed hw again
[12:34] < esden> o_O
[12:34] < esden> who netrunner ? ... nooo
[12:34] < esden> see mailinglist
[12:35] < daja77> *gna*
[12:35] < esden> ?
[12:36] < daja77> haven't read for three days or so, mailbox is quite full ...
[12:36] < esden> daja77: what are you doing all the time? ... you lazy ... whatever ;)
[12:37] < daja77> meeting friends, doin some work, enjoy holidays (sic)
[12:38] < blindcoder> aaah... those mystical "Life is fun"-thing?
[12:38] < daja77> yes sort of
[12:38] < daja77> but it isn't
[12:39] < blindcoder> well, _I_ know that.
[12:40] < daja77> sure, how could I forget
[12:40] < daja77> dvorak learning tool, ktouch should be enough, no?
[12:42] < esden> o_O
[12:43] < daja77> ktouch a typewriter learning tool, which my grandma uses quite frequently ...
[12:43] < esden> ROFL ... the 64bit sparc userland works only with dietlibc ... *muahahahahahahahahaha*
[12:43] -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M308P002.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:43] < daja77> huh?
[12:44] < esden> daja77: another mail in the rlml
[12:44] < daja77> 209 new mails *grml*
[12:45] < daja77> have no time for it now
[12:45] < esden> blindcoder: rxr should really do something about his patch apply mechanism ...
[12:46] < daja77> hmm haven't checked if gnokii patch made it ...
[12:46] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M365P028.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[12:50] < daja77> *woohoo* the new apache could be my friend
[12:51] < esden> daja77: why?
[12:52] < daja77> cos it is not that fscked up configured than the old one by my predecessor
[12:53] < daja77> + I can start to replace cvs by svn with it
[12:53] < esden> aha
[12:53] < jsaw_> re
[12:53] -!- jsaw_ is now known as jsaw
[12:53] < daja77> re jsaw
[12:55] < esden> re jsaw
[12:55] < jsaw> hi guys
[12:59] < daja77> *hmpf* guess I have to do website programming again
[13:03] < daja77> ok brb
[13:08] < esden> jess rulez!
[13:12] < daja77> jess?
[13:13] < esden> an xmms visualization plugin
[13:13] < esden> the best I have ever seen till now
[13:13] < daja77> btw why are doubling every l today?
[13:13] < esden> https://arquier.free.fr/
[13:14] < esden> daja77: O_o I do doublle ll's? ;)
[13:14] < daja77> yesss
[13:15] < esden> dunno
[13:15] < daja77> you write things like carefull *ggg*
[13:16] < blindcoder> ah, dynamic websites with bash rule :D
[13:16] < esden> dunno ... that are mistakes that I make for a long time now ... ...
[13:16] < daja77> guess it takes only a few hours and esden really hates me ...
[13:17] < esden> daja77: I hate you already sooooo ...
[13:17] < esden> ;)
[13:17] < jsaw> s/hours/ato seconds/ (if done correctly)
[13:17] < daja77> ok so i made the job already *sigh*
[13:18] < esden> daja77: congrats ... hehe
[13:19] < daja77> d'oh if i'd never been to that german-soviet friendship meeting I could have a chance at esden ...
[13:19] < esden> aaaargh ... soviets! *run*
[13:19] < esden> :P
[13:19] < daja77> :P
[13:19] < jsaw> as I said, ato secs
[13:19] < daja77> whatever that is
[13:20] < esden> jsaw: what means "ato"?
[13:20] < jsaw> pico, femto, ato (10^-18)
[13:20] < daja77> hehe at least I am fast :P
[13:21] < jsaw> read "$\lim_{t\rightarrow 0}"
[13:21] < esden> daja77: but be carefull that you are not as fast as netrunner ... that broke his neck ;)
[13:21] < daja77> netrunner is bad omen, no?
[13:22] < esden> daja77: dunno ... ask him
[13:22]   esden should shave himself ... *grumbl*
[13:22] < daja77> hullo netrunner, are you a bad omen? *ggg*
[13:22] < daja77> s/shave/shame
[13:22] < daja77> *duck*
[13:23] < esden> aha ... and why should I shame?
[13:23] < blindcoder> just because :P
[13:23] < daja77> exactly
[13:24] < esden> I hate you all *weep*
[13:24] < daja77> *yes* we knew it
[13:25] < esden> :(
[13:25]   daja77 hands esden a fortune cookie (which reads: you are a bad omen)
[13:25] -!- Ge0rG [georg@bender.boerde.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:25] < esden> thanks daja77 ...
[13:25]   daja77 trying to escape esden's baseball bat
[13:26] < daja77> Ge0rG: !
[13:26] < Ge0rG> kali mera
[13:26]   esden is not hitting anyone today with a baseball bat ...
[13:26] < esden> hi Ge0rG
[13:26] < daja77> good to see you agian
[13:27]   Ge0rG was in greece for two weeks, and is back now
[13:27] -!- msp[] [m@pD9538F70.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:27] < daja77> cool how was it
[13:27] < Ge0rG> daja77: pretty hot =)
[13:28] -!- msp[] is now known as msp[-]
[13:28] < daja77> air conditioned work place :P
[13:29] < esden> hi string ... what happened to you? ... you created a syntax error ... o_O
[13:29] -!- msp[-] [m@pD9538F70.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Ping timeout")
[13:29] < daja77> lol
[13:29] < esden> oups ...
[13:29] < esden> I was right ;)
[13:29] < daja77> hehe you used the french oups cool
[13:30] < esden> french? ... really?
[13:30] < daja77> yeah deElsasser said this :)
[13:32] < esden> ok he has to know that ;)
[13:33]   daja77 liked to meet him in karlsruhe ...
[13:36] < esden> hmm
[13:38] < blindcoder> hmm... that might explain something
[13:38] < blindcoder> the ARS-Server has a major breakdown...
[13:39] < blindcoder> that's why there were o TroubleTickets today... ^^
[13:39] < daja77> hehe
[13:39]   blindcoder packs away big axe without being noticed...
[13:40] < daja77> you gamer!
[13:41] < blindcoder> gamer? well... yes... a bit... why?
[13:41] < daja77> oh nothing
[13:41] < esden> hehe I found a new pocket in my pants ... *lough*
[13:41]   blindcoder eyes daja77 suspiciously
[13:41] < blindcoder> esden: that's no "pocket"
[13:41] < daja77> lol
[13:41] < esden> blindcoder: what then?
[13:42] < blindcoder> esden: that's where other men keep their... youknowwhat...
[13:42] < esden> what?
[13:42] < esden> o_O
[13:42] < blindcoder> well... in biology it's calld "external reproductive organs" :D
[13:42]   blindcoder runs as fast as he can
[13:43] < esden> hmm ... that pocket looks mor like a pocket for condoms
[13:43] < esden> it is pretty hidden and in right format ...
[13:43] < blindcoder> oh, you mean THAT pocket.
[13:43] < daja77> built in condome
[13:43] < blindcoder> esden: you know, mobile phones also fit in it just fine :D
[13:44] < esden> you have strange mobile phones o_O
[13:44] < blindcoder> small ones :D
[13:44] < daja77> hehe
[13:44] < blindcoder> small PHONES, of course
[13:44] < daja77> enlarge your mobile!
[13:44] < esden> nice topic for my spams daja77 ;)
[13:45] < blindcoder> "Never need a big car anymore!"
[13:45] < daja77> I wanted to do t-shirts with my favourite spam subjects
[13:45] < esden> what is your favorite spam subject?
[13:45] < blindcoder> "MAKE MILLIONS OF $$$ WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING!" ???
[13:45] < daja77> enlarge your p*n*s! at least I am getting that one most
[13:46] < blindcoder> nah, Nigeria already topped that here
[13:46] < blindcoder> https://www.animeftp.net/user.php?id=1
[13:46] < blindcoder> My SPAM statistic :)
[13:46] < daja77> not here, maybe I subscribed the wrong list
[13:47] < daja77> the newest is: the scientific way to enlarge your ...
[13:48] < daja77> or how to make her happy >_<
[13:48] < esden> hehe
[13:48] < esden> I know very well how to make her happy ... www.durex.pl is my friend ;)
[13:48] < blindcoder> esden: we should reboot apollo... really...
[13:48] < daja77> speaking polish, oh come on ...
[13:49] < esden> blindcoder: ???
[13:49] < blindcoder> esden: cron doesn't run since the panic...
[13:49] < esden> weasel@apollo:~$ uptime
[13:49] < esden> 13:49:14 up 438 days, 13:50, 12 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.00
[13:49] < esden> yes ... I think now we can do that
[13:49] < blindcoder> this evening? @bitz?
[13:50] < esden> blindcoder: yes
[13:50] < blindcoder> okay
[13:50]   esden writing e-mail to chatmaster@bingo-ev.de
[13:50] < blindcoder> esden: I just realized it because my SPAM-Stats weren't updated since the panic...
[13:52] < blindcoder> "Being paranoid isn'tbad, it gives you the feeling that someone's after you." -- Acid Burn
[13:52] < blindcoder> hehe, I like that sentence
[13:52] < blindcoder> brb
[13:54] < jvc> esden: what is the 438 days machine running?
[13:55] < esden> jvc: what do you mean?
[13:55] < jvc> what version operating system is on it
[13:55] < esden> apollo:~$ uname -a
[13:55] < esden> Linux apollo 2.4.17 #5 SMP Sun Jan 20 22:54:34 MET 2002 i686 unknown
[13:55] < esden> weasel@apollo:~$
[13:55] < jvc> ok
[13:55] < esden> it is debian :(
[13:55] < esden> but I am sure that rock will run also very long
[13:56] < esden> but this box will be rocked first when all hardware is there to upgrade
[13:56] < esden> and 2.0 is out ...
[13:56] < esden> *sigh*
[13:56] < jvc> yesterday I found out that our disk array (sun) reboots after I belief 437 days
[13:56] < esden> jvc: why that?
[13:56] < jvc> bugs
[13:58] < jvc> o it was 497 days
[13:59] < jvc> I found out because I was searching why our disk array got a reset
[14:00] < blindcoder> isn't that the integer-overflow bug?
[14:00] < blindcoder> some OSes just continue counting from 0 while others reboot
[14:00] < daja77> lol
[14:00] < esden> blindcoder: cron is running
[14:00] < blindcoder> in Windows 95 that limit was reached after a bit more than a week --> BSoD
[14:01] < blindcoder> esden: well, my cronjobs don't
[14:01] < esden> blindcoder: mine is working
[14:01] < blindcoder> hmm... strange
[14:02] < esden> Aug  1 14:00:01 apollo /USR/SBIN/CRON[426]: (weasel) CMD (/home/weasel/bin/irc-frequent.sh)
[14:02] < esden>      Aug  1 14:00:01 apollo /USR/SBIN/CRON[427]: (crash) CMD (/usr/local/mrtg/bin/mrtg /usr/local/mrtg/etc/bchat.cfg >/dev/null 2>&1)
[14:02] < jvc> they dont say way, luckely there is a patch for both problems
[14:02] < esden> from /var/log/syslog
[14:03] < blindcoder> esden: hmm...
[14:03] < blindcoder> just a moment
[14:04] < blindcoder> yeah they are running...
[14:05] < blindcoder> but why don't they do what they are supposed to?
[14:05] < blindcoder> hmm... guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see the error-message...
[14:05] < blindcoder> it works fine when I start it from the command line
[14:06] < esden> strange
[14:06] < blindcoder> indeed
[14:06] < blindcoder> and also, it DID run...
[14:06] < blindcoder> it just didn't change anything...
[14:09] < jvc> does anybody know why my mount --bind x y   gives mount: no such file or directory?
[14:10] < esden> it is mount -o bind x y ... or have I missed something?
[14:11] < jvc> that works
[14:11] < esden> loool I wrote a reply email to chatmaster in english instead of german without noticing it ... *rofl*
[14:11] < daja77> lol
[14:11] < jvc> why is build-pkg using --bind then
[14:11] < esden> jvc: humm ... no idea
[14:12] < blindcoder> I still find it interesting that www.animeftp.net is regularly indexed by www.almaden.ibm.com
[14:12] < blindcoder> esden: you also talked to me in Polish and didn't notice it.
[14:12] < jvc> well i will put it on the list, so that someone can give some explanation
[14:12] < blindcoder> because --bind is correct?
[14:13] < blindcoder> man mount shows --bind
[14:13] < esden> blindcoder: that shows that I speak that languages fluently ;)
[14:13]   esden shawing off ;)
[14:13] < esden> argh
[14:13] < blindcoder> and if mount says nsfod then one of the dirs doesn't exist
[14:13] < esden> s/shawing/showing/
[14:13] < fake> wtf ?!
[14:13] < esden> fake: ???
[14:13] < esden> hi fake sbtw
[14:14] < fake> has anyone encountered libhistory.so flaws with realine?
[14:14] < fake> hi
[14:14] < daja77> hi fake
[14:14] < fake> readline*
[14:14] < blindcoder> hi fake
[14:14] < esden> fake: /me not
[14:15] < fake> i get this all the time - after readline is built, the chroot doesn't work anymore, because it removes libhistory.so, which is needed by bash
[14:15] < esden> ok ... I leave to sell some bottles ..
[14:15] < esden> bbl
[14:15] < fake> cu
[14:15] < jvc> I might be that I am compiling on an older system 1.7.0-DEV-200203272252
[14:15] < fake> jvc: prehistoric
[14:15] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@dialin-145-254-161-240.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:15] < fake> hi capchaos!
[14:16] < capchaos> Hi, fake!
[14:16] < jvc> I know, thats why i am compiling a new one
[14:16] < jvc> on sparc that is
[14:22] < blindcoder> I can't help it but whenever I see LDAP I must think of Lisp
[14:23]   daja77 notes that blindy is weird
[14:23] < blindcoder> why? the parenthesis to "code" ratio is about the same...
[14:24] < daja77> hehe
[14:24]   daja77 had to use haskell for functional programming
[14:25] < capchaos> poor daja
[14:25] < blindcoder> I have never touched Haskell... and I don't miss it.
[14:25] < blindcoder> I think I'd even prefer brainf*ck to haskell
[14:25] < blindcoder> from what I've heard...
[14:26] < daja77> capchaos: why?
[14:26] < daja77> hi cap btw
[14:26] < capchaos> "Why use Haskell?" - "No one knows/needs it."
[14:26] < fake> functional coding is... strange.
[14:26] < blindcoder> &(|(sn=Ernst)(sn=Thomas))(|(gn=Ernst)(gn=Thomas))
[14:26] < capchaos> Hi, daja!
[14:26] < blindcoder> *argl*
[14:26] < daja77> some things are really cool in haskell
[14:27] < daja77> but fake is right
[14:28] < daja77> actually i liked haskell more than the mathematical part of that course
[14:29] < blindcoder> well if that doesn't tell something about the course...
[14:30] < daja77> theory of programming languages, 'nuff said
[14:30]   daja77 now reading about css
[14:31]   daja77 thinks it is quite cool
[14:31] < capchaos> daja77, don't read, use ;)
[14:32] < daja77> yeah I am doin it, but have to read before
[14:32] < capchaos> You.. student! :p
[14:33] < daja77> hey
[14:34] < daja77> where have you been cap?
[14:35] < capchaos> Here and probably there!
[14:35] -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.210.125.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:36] < daja77> :P
[14:37]   fake is ill again -_-
[14:37] < daja77> huh?
[14:40] < fake> flew
[14:40] < daja77> wtf you are doin?
[14:40] < fake> my immune system didn't like the antibiotika against the 'mandelentzuendung' and opened the doors for all viruses ;)
[14:41] < daja77> like a personal firewall ...
[14:42] < capchaos> trojaner-antibiotika?
[14:43] < daja77> ok fed up with reading, starting to code sth
[14:44] < capchaos> daja77, all you need is the spec :)
[14:44] < capchaos> fake, get well soon!
[14:44] < fake> capchaos: thx, hope to be fit on the cccamp ;)
[14:44] < daja77> and some imagination ...
[14:44] < capchaos> fake, you lucky..
[14:45] < fake> yeah, luck, that's all. i thought i wouldn't go up until last week...
[14:47] -!- ring0 [~ringo@co116627-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[14:50] < daja77> hi ring0
[14:55] -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:55] < ring0> hi daja77
[14:57] < capchaos> ring0!
[14:57] < ring0> hi cAppY !
[14:59] -!- rolla [maisenhe@adsl-66-136-183-233.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:01] < daja77> hehe full house again
[15:01] < daja77> wb rolla
[15:01] < ring0> its busy thats for sure
[15:02] < daja77> you are busy?
[15:02] < ring0> ofcourse makeing script (&& feeling like a kiddy) :)
[15:02] < daja77> lol
[15:02] < daja77> good that you haven't said kitty
[15:03]   fake platzt der kopf
[15:03] < daja77> uh what a mess
[15:03] < ring0> no my kitty is haressing me (wants allways f00d)...
[15:03] < fake> daja77: not much in there to make a mess with ;)
[15:04] < daja77> dust?
[15:04]   daja77 hides
[15:05] -!- Netsplit over, joins: jsaw, blindcoder
[15:07] < esden> re hi all
[15:08] < daja77> taaatam esden is back
[15:08] < esden> hehe
[15:09] < esden> I am happy too to see you daja77 ;)
[15:09] < daja77> hehe ;-)
[15:09]   esden making another capuccino
[15:09] < esden> +p
[15:09] < daja77> gimme one pls
[15:10]   daja77 doin boring www coding so I often stop by here
[15:10] < blindcoder> still two hours until I can go home >_<
[15:10]   esden reaches a cappu over to daja77
[15:11] < daja77> thx esden
[15:12] < blindcoder> hehe, nothing like de.alt.games.linux :D
[15:13] < daja77> is it that funny?
[15:13] < blindcoder> well, there are always some good FlameWars going on
[15:13]   daja77 notes that blindy reading news now ...
[15:13] < daja77> hehe that's why I read dasr
[15:14] < blindcoder> de.alt.soc.real-life?
[15:14] < daja77> de.alt.sysadmin.recovery
[15:14] < blindcoder> oh... almost :D
[15:15] < blindcoder> but I still don't understand why bingo e.V. doesn't carry rec.games.roguelike.nethack
[15:15] < daja77> which client you use?
[15:15] < blindcoder> mutt
[15:15] < daja77> ah
[15:15]   daja77 using slrn
[15:16] < esden> hehe ... I will get a call from master cliff. :)
[15:16] < daja77> cool, why
[15:16] < blindcoder> I tried slrn, but I seem to have screwed up somethingc... it only downloaded news that were at least a month old...
[15:16]   capchaos using telnet with Freak's smtp server to get him angry *g*
[15:16] < daja77> oh
[15:16] < esden> daja77: camp stuff
[15:16] < daja77> well i like slrn scoring
[15:17] < blindcoder> hmhm
[15:17] < esden> hmm ... that cappu is still too hot >_<
[15:17]   blindcoder got a free Caffe Latte from Chi today (again) ^^
[15:17] -!- Lorini [~blah@stdw-wh-vip62.studentenwerk-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux
[15:17] < Lorini> hi
[15:17] < fake> o_O
[15:18] < fake> Lorini: hi ;)
[15:18] < daja77> so the idiot posts are not shown, and threads where people post whom i like to read are shown first
[15:18] < blindcoder> and yesterday she sponsored me a Latte Macchiatto :)
[15:18] < esden> hi Lorini !!!
[15:18] < daja77> hi Lorini
[15:18] < daja77> what a day, everybody showing up today here
[15:18] < blindcoder> daja77: well, I prefer it raw and uncut. in "my" groups, there isn't so much bad stuff going on.
[15:18] < esden> daja77: yes it seems so ... it is a "meeting all possible people"-day
[15:18] < daja77> hmm guess i read too much much groups
[15:19] < daja77> -much
[15:19] -!- rammi [1000@] has joined #rocklinux
[15:19] < rammi> hi.
[15:19] < daja77> as long as no idiots are haunting me here it is ok
[15:19] < esden> hi rammi
[15:19] < daja77> hi rammi
[15:19]   esden hunts daja77
[15:19] < esden> ;)
[15:19] < daja77> oh shit
[15:19] < rammi> :)
[15:20] < daja77> somehow I missed that fact ...
[15:21] -!- dreamind [~dreamind@B5dae.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[15:21] < esden> hehe ... your mistake my friend ... /me jumps on daja77's lap and looks in his eyes
[15:21]   daja77 shivers
[15:21] < rammi> :))
[15:21] < esden> yuck ... /me runs away
[15:22]   daja77 relaxes
[15:23]   daja77 notes that the colors he has chosen suck
[15:25]   capchaos has a girlfriend for that purpose
[15:25] < rolla> re
[15:25] < esden> daja77: that was to be expect ;-)
[15:25] < daja77> capchaos: I am working on that
[15:25] < daja77> esden: :PPP
[15:25] < esden> capchaos: good use for a GF
[15:27] < rammi> can someone tell me the name of this font.. ? https://jimmac.musichall.cz/splash/gimp/gimp-devel.png
[15:27] < rammi> from the splash ?
[15:28] < blindcoder> women! *takes out shotgun* Where?
[15:28] < esden> rammi: hmm ... here are no artists ... and no graphicians ... I do not think that we know how the font is called
[15:29] < daja77> blindcoder: why shooting them?
[15:29] < blindcoder> daja77: bad experience...
[15:29] < fake> daja77: more like hunting?
[15:29] < esden> blindcoder: do not kill her ... give her to me ... I will make better use from her ... she will be dead after it too
[15:29] < blindcoder> esden: I know that you are hungry...
[15:29] < daja77> dead by little esden *shakehead*
[15:30] < esden> blindcoder: no ... I have to get rid of some testosteron ;)
[15:30] < blindcoder> esden: you don't say...
[15:30] < esden> ?
[15:30] < blindcoder> esden: more like "protein" than testosterone
[15:30] < daja77> why should she die by that little action ...
[15:30] < blindcoder> daja77: because she's useless afterwards.
[15:31] -!- fake_ [~fake@pD9EB71B3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:31] < esden> daja77: you do not know me that well ...
[15:31] < daja77> because esden was on her?
[15:31] -!- fake [~fake@pD950EEA4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (ghosted: fake_!~fake@pD9EB71B3.dip.t-dialin.net)))
[15:31] -!- fake_ is now known as fake
[15:31] < blindcoder> daja77: because every woman is useless afterwards
[15:31] < daja77> depends
[15:32] < blindcoder> fact
[15:32] < daja77> she could make some coffee
[15:32] < blindcoder> but she won't
[15:32] < daja77> cos you have no charm
[15:32] < blindcoder> thakns for reminding me
[15:32] < daja77> np
[15:33] < rolla> damn
[15:33] < fake> rolla: ?
[15:33] < daja77> hehe good to hear rolla again
[15:33] < esden> rolla: is back to the living
[15:33] < esden> hi rolla
[15:33] -!- rammi_ [1000@] has joined #rocklinux
[15:34] < blindcoder> esden: I htikn he's just as alive as you usually are...
[15:34]   fake listens to theatre of tragedy - a rose for the dead
[15:35] < daja77> esden alive? huh?
[15:35]   daja77 notes that his nonsense typing breaking the limit today
[15:35] < esden> ok .. I take a water cooker with me and cappu
[15:35] < esden> decision made
[15:35] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@dialin-145-254-161-240.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Temet nosce.")
[15:36] < fake> esden: in selgros you can get ~200 portions for almost nothing
[15:37] < esden> fake: I have a family pack .. that should be enough for the first two days or so ...
[15:37] < esden> but thanks for the info
[15:37] < fake> esden: with the one-portion-packs you have the advance of not needing to think about how much to put into one cup.
[15:37] < esden> but I do not have a selgros card
[15:37] < fake> fake: speeds up the process by 10% and makes it nice-able
[15:38] < esden> fake: I do not think of how much ... I put as much in the cup as I want ;)
[15:38] < fake> esden: you have to start a new query everytime, because 'things one wants' may change
[15:39]   daja77 wondering if esden takes alcohol with him ...
[15:39]   fake ordered 6 bottles of Gulden Draak @ wim
[15:39] < daja77> cool
[15:39] -!- rammi_ [1000@] has quit ("leaving")
[15:39] < esden> daja77: not that I know of
[15:39] < esden> I do not drink alcohol on computer meetings
[15:40] < esden> normally at least
[15:40] < esden> daja77: I make an exception for you on rock dev meeting ;)
[15:40] < daja77> you are never drunk enough to forget your root password, hehe
[15:40] < fake> daja77: eer.
[15:40] < fake> daja77: that's a natural protection mechanism...
[15:40] < daja77> fake: ?
[15:41] < fake> daja77: maybe you know it, but can't type nor spell it ;)
[15:41] < blindcoder> daja77: then you have a weak root-password :D
[15:41] < esden> I can only remember one party at fake's ... I could not type any password anymore ...
[15:41] < fake> muahaha
[15:41] < blindcoder> esden: could you do _anything_ anymore?
[15:42] < esden> blindcoder: I was able to puke ... so yes I was able to do something ;)
[15:42] < daja77> just a phrase, said by people who made real crap on their machines cos they still knew root password
[15:42] < blindcoder> daja77: I see... :-)
[15:43] < esden> ok ... swimming stuff packed too ..
[15:44] < esden> hmm ... what else do I need ...
[15:44] < blindcoder> swimming stuff?
[15:44] < daja77> condomes ...
[15:44] < esden> daja77: that was the first thing I packed!!!
[15:44] < daja77> ic
[15:44] < esden> or better I always have them with me
[15:45] < daja77> just in case that never happens
[15:45] < blindcoder> esden: why swimming stuff?
[15:45] < esden> blindcoder: at cccamp there is a lake
[15:45] < esden> and Gdynia is directly on the polish coast
[15:46] < esden> I also take my neopren with me too
[15:46] < esden> -too
[15:46] < blindcoder> esden: i c
[15:47]   daja77 wondering why esden is packing condomes first when driving to a meeting where are mostly men
[15:47] < esden> daja77: I promissed a girl that I will be there ...
[15:47] < blindcoder> daja77: don't follow that thought... please... just don't...
[15:47] < daja77> blindcoder: ok I stopped
[15:48] -!- rammi [1000@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:49] -!- dreamind [~dreamind@B5dae.pppool.de] has quit (":x")
[15:51] < rolla> PII 400's are slow :(
[15:51] < rolla> 3 days to compile kde
[15:52] < daja77> O_o you compiling kde?
[15:53]   esden bringing natalie to the car .. brb
[15:54]   fake away -> visitors
[15:55] < daja77> oh they got you *ggg*
[15:56] -!- joss [joss@dhcp-17-170.cable.infonet.ee] has joined #rocklinux
[15:56] < joss> Hi, whats the package or source containing that mime utility?
[15:57] < daja77> mine?
[15:57] < joss> mine yes
[15:57] < daja77> package mine
[15:57] < netrunner> esden: what do you do with my natalia?
[15:58] < daja77> natalie != natalia, no?
[16:01] < netrunner> daja77: I hope so!!! otherwise   -  *polishingshotgun*
[16:01] < joss> daja77: hace this happened to you when compiling at some point computer shuts down, and the power does not function anymore?
[16:01] < joss> hace=have
[16:01] < netrunner> freefonts still do not compile
[16:01] < blindcoder> joss: yes. It's called power-outage
[16:01] < Ge0rG> joss: maybe its overheating?
[16:02] < esden> netrunner: I had fun with her ... now she is in the car
[16:02] < joss> no its not overheating cpu temp is not critical
[16:02] < Ge0rG> or maybe your new 30GHz cpu made the fuse melt :)
[16:03] < daja77> joss: yes my power supply was borken, replaced it ...
[16:03] < Ge0rG> bbl
[16:03] < joss> hmm, power supply?
[16:03] < joss> you mean the wire?
[16:03]   esden bringing ra to the car ... brb
[16:03] < daja77> netzteil?!
[16:06] < daja77> damn how can i see parse errors in css file
[16:06] < joss> daja77: did you mean pc-s power supply wire or did you mean power as 220V wasnt stable in your place?
[16:06] < daja77> power supply unit (PSU)
[16:07] < daja77> that grey box you know
[16:09] < joss> hmm, so waht you had to do to imrove it?
[16:09] < joss> bought a new tower?
[16:09] < daja77> I replaced it with a new one
[16:10] < daja77> no not the tower only the psu
[16:10] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@dialin-145-254-158-229.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:10] < esden> re
[16:10] < daja77> ra ;-)
[16:10] < esden> daja77: learn typing ;)
[16:11] < joss> daja77: so your computer started but did some unexpected tricks some times (during compilation in my case)?
[16:12] < daja77> hehe that reminds me of the pantomine artist of ankh-morpork, who were hanged upside down, before a sign which read: learn the words
[16:12] < daja77> joss: tricks?, no it just switched off during compilation
[16:13] < esden> daja77: hehe
[16:13] < joss> oh yess, then thats the case for me also i guess :)
[16:13] < daja77> the psu fan was borken so it overheated and switched off
[16:14] < daja77> brb
[16:14] < joss> hmm, but my fan is working and holds the system temp 35C, still might be PSU fault?
[16:15] < joss> hmm, in psu theres another fan?
[16:16] < joss> dont know anything about those things i just watched my temps through gkrellm and as i see , I have two fans processors and system fan
[16:16] < joss> and they are working fine
[16:18] < joss> so compilation takes a lot more power, daja77: scroll my text, can it still be PSU fault?
[16:23] -!- jvc [~jvc@cherokee.cs.utwente.nl] has left #rocklinux ("going home")
[16:23] < blindcoder> esden: still in munich?
[16:26] < daja77> joss: yes it can, and psu temp you usually can't monitor
[16:26] < daja77> and yes it usually has a fan
[16:27] < joss> so  daja77 inside psu theres another fan?
[16:28] < daja77> ahem ... *looking suspiciously* ... yes
[16:28] < joss> ok thanx daja77 :)
[16:31] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@dialin-145-254-158-229.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Temet nosce.")
[16:33] < blindcoder> esden: ping
[16:40] < blindcoder> seems like I have to take the train after all
[16:40] < joss> so how much compilation takes power in comparison with other things like untaring or unziping? 1:5 :)?
[16:41] < daja77> dunno
[16:41] < blindcoder> about as much as your CPU+HardDisks combined
[16:41] < joss> daja77 but lot more yes?
[16:41] < blindcoder> tar'ing takes CPU and HD-Activity only over a limitad amount of time
[16:41] < blindcoder> while compilation takes HOURS or even _DAYS_
[16:41] < joss> yep
[16:42]   daja77 getting familiar with css nice
[16:43] < blindcoder> seems like esden is really fucking his computers right now...
[16:46] < daja77> lol
[16:47] < daja77> you said I shouldn't follow such thoughts ...
[16:47] < blindcoder> yes... but they come back to mind...
[16:48] < daja77> i know >_<
[16:49] < blindcoder> especially when he talked about them and then doesn't nswer in IRC and phone
[16:51] < blindcoder> WEE! not train ^^
[16:51] < esden> hehe
[16:52] < esden> ok ... I am off
[16:52] < esden> cu l8er
[16:52] < blindcoder> baibai!
[16:53] < joss> any way to get muxed subs off from avi file or mpg?
[16:54] < blindcoder> typing
[16:56] < netrunner> hrmpf. I have a fix for freefont. so I want to update my clean tree to the most recent to create the patch. but I have to switch the tree first. but that fails. that is not good. my bloodpressure rises. I want to beat somebody. I ...
[16:57] < blindcoder> jasor what do you muxed?
[16:57] < blindcoder> mean with muxed?
[16:57] < blindcoder> a text "stream"
[16:57] < blindcoder> or encoded into the image?
[16:58] < joss> muxed into mpg with submux, yep encoded in i guess
[17:00] < blindcoder> then you can only type it per hand
[17:00] < joss> havent tried to reencode video and audio with avidemux for example, maybe it cleans out
[17:00] < joss> what i could type?
[17:00] -!- netRealm [hidden-use@12-238-24-131.client.attbi.com] has joined #rocklinux
[17:01] < blindcoder> or do you want to remove it?
[17:01] < joss> yes i want to remove it
[17:01] < blindcoder> if it's part of the image, then it's impossible
[17:02] < blindcoder> I've tried it myself and the only solution I found was exporting all frames to an image, opening gimp, pointing ver the subs as good as possible and reencode
[17:02] < blindcoder> okay, I'll have to go now. Bye bye!
[17:02] < daja77> bye blindcoder
[17:02] -!- cytrinox_ is now known as cytrinox
[17:07] < netrunner> hm ... this is the point where it gets interesting: Job 5-xfree86                 builder (8802) since 16:15 2003-08-01
[17:10] < cytrinox> hi
[17:12] < netrunner> arg ... I am sooo stupid! a few lines to far in history and I did a Cleanup -full *scream*
[17:16] -!- joss [joss@dhcp-17-170.cable.infonet.ee] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:20] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M365P028.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("leaving")
[17:24] < daja77> loool
[17:25]   daja77 phears netrunner
[17:26]   daja77 now off
[17:26] < daja77> cu
[17:36] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@dialin-145-254-162-019.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:53] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839290.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:01] -!- dennis [~dennis@pD9EB7AC7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:01] < dennis> hi
[18:04] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@dialin-145-254-162-019.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Temet nosce.")
[18:19] -!- joss [joss@dhcp-17-170.cable.infonet.ee] has joined #rocklinux
[18:26] < joss> heh, mike is from costa rica :)
[18:28] -!- joss [joss@dhcp-17-170.cable.infonet.ee] has quit ()
[18:40] -!- dreamind [~dreamind@Ba73e.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:44] -!- dreamind [~dreamind@Ba73e.pppool.de] has quit (Client Quit)
[18:44] -!- dreamind [~dreamind@Ba73e.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:54] < fake> re
[18:54] < dennis> wb fake
[18:58] -!- msp[--] [m@pD9538F70.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:03] -!- msp[] [m@pD9538F70.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:04] -!- msp[--] [m@pD9538F70.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:05] -!- msp[] [m@pD9538F70.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Ping timeout")
[19:09] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-077-112.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:12] < Nebukadneza> ping owl
[19:34] -!- dreamind [~dreamind@Ba73e.pppool.de] has quit (":x")
[19:48] < dennis> need your opinions: i have to send a company my cv, foto, etc. per email, so which file format would be the best? (the company is working with linux) i think latex would be nice, but tell me plz what you thinking off.
[19:58] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839290.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:00] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@pD9E39A9B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:08] < rolla> re
[20:14] < Nebukadneza> dennis: hmm ... i think latex too :)
[20:15] < Nebukadneza> or if you say fotos, etc. ... just tar and bzip it
[20:43] -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p50802D88.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:43] -!- netrunne1 is now known as netunner
[20:44] < netunner> dennis: pdf. that's what I did.
[20:51] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802BCD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:55] -!- Freak [freak@p508B37F4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exciting")
[21:00] < dennis> netunner: yeah that sounds nice too, 'cause i can't write very well in latex ;-)
[21:03] < jsaw> dennis: pdftex!
[21:03] < jsaw> I mean pdflatex.
[21:05] < dennis> jsaw: you mean generating a pdf file from latex...?
[21:05] < jsaw> dennis: yes.
[21:05] -!- netcrow [~dominik@eperm.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:05] < netcrow> hi
[21:05] < dennis> hi netcrow
[21:06] < jsaw> hello
[21:06] -!- dennis [~dennis@pD9EB7AC7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[21:09] -!- Lorini [~blah@stdw-wh-vip62.studentenwerk-bielefeld.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:11] -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-066.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:11] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-077-112.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[21:12] -!- Freak [freak@p508B35F0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:15] -!- Freak [freak@p508B35F0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[21:18] < ring0> I got a file containing filenames with spaces how can I use that in a for loop ?
[21:19] -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-066.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
[21:20] < netunner> ring0: quote it
[21:26] -!- netcrow [~dominik@eperm.net] has quit ("leaving")
[21:27] < ring0> netunner: ' or " ?
[21:29] < SMP> ring0: yes
[21:35] < rolla> yawn
[21:38] -!- Freak [freak@p508B2280.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:54] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-066.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:54] < esden> re hi all
[22:04] < rxr> re
[22:07] < rxr> SMP: ?
[22:11] -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950ED7F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:11] < dennis> re
[22:15] < Nebukadneza> microsoft.com is down
[22:15] < rxr> ACK
[22:16] < Nebukadneza> loel!
[22:17] < rxr> hey - my private server is also down sometimes - why do you expect more from those guys ?
[22:17] < rxr> what they run a software company?
[22:17] < rxr> a big one?
[22:17] < rxr> hm - nver heared of those ...
[22:18] < SMP> rxr: yes
[22:18] < rxr> SMP: hi
[22:18] < rxr> SMP: concerning rock net - any new sources ?
[22:18] < SMP> re: ROCK Net - I will not be in the office this weekend and so I will have time for it
[22:19] < rxr> ok - could we work together on it? So we'll have the basics right at the end of the weekend?
[22:20] < SMP> you could write the /sbin/rocknet wrapper in C
[22:20] < SMP> turns out we can't #!/sbin/rocknet when /sbin/rocknet is in turn a shell script
[22:21] < SMP> it should just exec /etc/rocknet/somefile with its argv
[22:21] < rxr> ah - as clifford said, there is some ugly kernel hack for this sript execution  ...
[22:22] < rxr> so I'll do rockplug, cross-tools pacakges inside ROCK (e.g. for sparc64 kernel in sparc32), and then do the C rocknet app ...
[22:23] < SMP> it's basically a one-liner ;) but officially I do not know C ;)
[22:27] < rxr> SMP: officially? What do you mean?
[22:28] < SMP> that I can't write a C program from scratch
[22:29] -!- Aard [~bwachter@aardchat.net] has quit ("Terminated with extreme prejudice - dircproxy 1.0.5")
[22:29] < rxr> SMP: I'll do it ...
[22:29] < SMP> yes, we already agreed on that ;)
[22:30] < SMP> is it ok for you to move all the config and module stuff to /etc/rocknet/ ?
[22:30] < rxr> oeh - yes
[22:30] < rxr> could you trow you current code into svn soon?
[22:31] < SMP> ok, I'll move things around and then try to remember my password
[22:33] -!- netRealm [hidden-use@12-238-24-131.client.attbi.com] has quit ("Client exiting")
[22:39] < rxr> oh my is this sparc box slow
[22:39] < rxr> jsaw: thanks for the very nice poster !"
[22:44] < Nebukadneza> https://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/anw-01.08.03-002/
[22:53] -!- kritoke [~kritoke@cpe-24-174-235-142.gt.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[22:55] -!- kritoke [~kritoke@cpe-24-174-235-142.gt.rr.com] has left #rocklinux ("Leaving")
[22:57] < rxr> jsaw: I now have a new wallpaper ...
[22:59] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-066.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:03] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-066.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:08] -!- Nebukadneza is now known as Nebu^dsa
[23:40] < rxr> strange
[23:41] < rxr> on yet another box the svn switch worked too
[23:43] < esden> rxr: poster?
[23:44] < rxr> see the rock homepage ;-)
[23:45] < rxr> hi esden
[23:45] < rxr> hm - compiling the whole binutils seems to be faster then just installing the glibc headers ... ?!?
[23:46] < esden> ahh you mean the tshirt design ...
[23:48] -!- netcrow [~netcrow@2001:8d8:80:11:0:0:0:4d] has joined #rocklinux
[23:48] < netcrow> hi
[23:49] -!- netcrow [~netcrow@2001:8d8:80:11:0:0:0:4d] has quit (Client Quit)
[23:49] -!- netcrow [~netcrow@2001:8d8:80:11:0:0:0:4d] has joined #rocklinux
[23:49] < mnemoc> re
[23:50] < mnemoc> someone with time to help me with a dns problem :)
[23:50] < esden> hi netti
[23:50] < esden> hehe cool ipv6 addr
[23:53] < mnemoc> what answers for fragata.bsp.cl?
[23:55] < netcrow> www.dnsstuff.com "resolv" your problems ;
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Sat Aug 02 00:00:31 2003