--- Log opened Wed Aug 06 00:00:13 2003 --- Day changed Wed Aug 06 2003 00:00 * daja77 hides behind esden 00:00 < rxr> some quick voting: should I apply minimal_XFree just as it is? 00:00 * Be-El replaces daja77 (bas)?sh with a nice csh or rc 00:00 < owl> buhuhahahuhauhuh. *crying* my parents are back :-( no :-(((( 00:01 < Be-El> rxr: does it contain the usual development tools (compiler, make etc.) ? 00:01 < rxr> oh my - I hate this ROCK Linux effect 00:01 < daja77> huh? 00:01 < rxr> you search s.th. on google and just find ROCK Linux stuff ... 00:01 < daja77> hehe 00:01 < rxr> Be-El: ask owl ;-) 00:01 < Be-El> owl ? ;-) 00:01 * daja77 keeps unchanged by Be-El 00:02 < rxr> Be-El: but sure gcc is included, since it needs it to comile ... 00:02 < Be-El> daja77: *grmpf* 00:02 < owl> Be-El: depends on what you need... vim, make, autoconf, automake, gcc... 00:02 < Be-El> hmm...ok 00:02 < rxr> this time I sarch for scripting mew list 00:02 < rxr> s/list/lisp/ .. 00:02 < rxr> top entry: 00:02 < Be-El> i'll finish the regression build for a new and fixed version of mysql and start the minimal target afterwards 00:02 < rxr> "Scripting Mew to run from cron 00:02 < rxr> " - René Rebe ... 00:03 * daja77 notes that rxr is a google vip 00:03 < tsa> rxr: feel free to troll around in the ms windoze newsgroups for a while ;) 00:03 < rxr> no thanks 00:03 < tsa> hehe 00:05 < daja77> rxr: do you have time later this day? 00:05 < rxr> much time? 00:06 < daja77> nah just having a look at rtai stuff 00:06 < daja77> afternoon i guess 00:06 < rxr> ah - you do not mean this night? 00:06 < rxr> tomorrow afternoon I might be at the camp ... 00:06 < daja77> no this night i'd use for sleep ;-) 00:06 < rxr> but I can chat from there I guess ... 00:07 < daja77> okis, if not this would be no tragedie 00:07 < daja77> tragedy 00:08 < daja77> how the hell the french word came into my mind ... 00:08 < tsa> 497 active packages 00:10 * daja77 off to bed now 00:10 < daja77> cool night to everybody 00:11 < owl> thx. 2 u 2, daja77 00:11 -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.243.110.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 00:11 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M307P000.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 00:12 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.198.131.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (No route to host) 00:13 -!- cytrinox_ is now known as cytrinox 00:14 < Be-El> cu daja 00:15 < jsaw> bbl 00:16 < rxr> good night daja77 00:16 < n00kie> sleep well daja77 00:18 -!- esden_ [~weasel@] has joined #rocklinux 00:18 < esden_> ahh ... 00:18 < esden_> ok ... this seems to work better 00:18 < esden_> re hi all 00:19 < netrunner> esden_: hi :) 00:19 < esden_> hi netrunner 00:20 < esden_> netrunner: you poser have your primary nickname ;) 00:20 < rxr> rehi esden_ 00:20 < esden_> rehi rxr 00:21 < esden_> that is terrible ... than wlan stuff is not really working as expected >_< 00:25 < n00kie> Howdy esden big boy :) 00:25 < tsa> https://homepage.mac.com/pogo23/arsch.html 00:25 < esden_> hi n00kie little boy ;) 00:25 < n00kie> o_O 00:25 < n00kie> ;) 00:26 < n00kie> lol tsa 00:27 < esden_> i like that "arschgeweih" as far as it is on womens asses ;) 00:27 < tsa> hehe 00:29 < esden> humm ... now also my ssh is working 00:29 < esden> I ask myself for how long 00:30 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7EC1E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Reboot...") 00:32 < rxr> esden: see your esden_ query ! 00:32 * netrunner plays with esden's network cable ... 00:32 < netrunner> rxr: he is currently seeing what's going on in the neighbour tent :) 00:32 < martin> gn8 all and rxr 00:33 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7EC1E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:33 * netrunner just took esden's network cable out of the candle-fire 00:33 < martin> rxr: when will you travel? tomorrow? 00:34 < SMP> travel? hehehe 00:35 -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: JTBurn, owl, jsaw, rolla, jvc, Aard 00:36 < rxr> martin: the few meters, maybe tomorrow around lunch ... 00:36 < rxr> SMP: hi, rock-net commit ? 00:37 -!- Netsplit over, joins: JTBurn, owl, jvc, jsaw, rolla, Aard 00:37 < SMP> no chance right now - I'm installing my new laptop for the Camp 00:39 < rxr> but you take a latest copy of the files to the camp ? 00:39 -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: jsaw, JTBurn, owl, rolla, jvc, Aard 00:40 < SMP> rxr: of course 00:40 -!- Netsplit over, joins: JTBurn, owl, jvc, jsaw, rolla, Aard 00:42 < SMP> name any other distribution that one can install by booting a custom kernel with non-custom initrd from the network and installing packages from ISO images located on an NTFS patition 00:43 < SMP> (2nd stage came from NTFS, too, but that's rock-specific) 00:43 < Be-El> SMP: solaris jump start ? *duck* 00:44 < SMP> hehe 00:44 < Be-El> .oO ( if the ntfs partion is exported by a linux box via nfs to the installation server, of course ) 00:45 -!- esden__ [~weasel@] has joined #rocklinux 00:45 -!- esden_ [~weasel@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00:45 -!- martin [~martin@pD9E79255.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Bye bye") 00:45 < rxr> esden: arh - still arround ? 00:46 < netrunner> rxr: now cabeling the neighbour-tent 00:46 < netrunner> rxr: shall I call him here? 00:47 < rxr> I only wanted to get his handy number ... 00:50 < tsa> see /msg 00:59 * rxr currently preparing some scrpit to automatically apply mails from the list 00:59 < rxr> this work get's too boring ... 00:59 < tsa> hehe 00:59 < Be-El> *g* 01:00 < Be-El> btw...the kdebindings patch fixes the package 01:00 < rxr> does someone now some way to execute mutt or pine on a mail-file to just play the normal content part ? 01:00 < rxr> Be-El: you mean the one I committed ? 01:00 < Be-El> rxr: yeap 01:01 < rxr> arhp - pine coredumped ... 01:01 < rxr> hm - pine always core-dumps on this iBook- 01:01 < rxr> hm 01:02 < rxr> hm - I try it on the ultrasparc until I have a debugable version of pine 01:03 < rxr> btw. Not only did I manged to segfault nameif - no! I also recently found a way to seg-fault mkreiserfs ... 01:03 < rxr> I think i should soon take some minutes to patch reiserfsprogs, pine, nameif and mc ... 01:07 < tsa> 452 active packages... 01:10 < rxr> tsa: normally you are a mail expert ;-) A tiny prog or pine/mutt whatever that outputs the normal message body out of a mail ? 01:10 < tsa> rxr: with mutt, you can use "|" to pipe a part of a message to a program 01:11 < rxr> I do not want to use mutt exclusively ... 01:11 < rxr> I just need the body out of a dumped mail ... 01:12 < Be-El> local mail dir ? 01:12 < tsa> try formail 01:12 < tsa> (or the perl MIME stuff) 01:18 < tsa> https://www.jaenicke.org/splitmime.pl 01:18 < tsa> something like this 01:20 -!- esden__ [~weasel@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01:21 < tsa> should be easy enough to adopt for your needs. 01:21 < rxr> hm - I take a look - thanks 01:21 < rxr> formail does not work as expected ... 01:22 < rxr> (for my current data-layout) 01:22 < tsa> ah, i see 01:33 < tsa> svn down? 01:34 < tsa> svn: RA layer request failed 01:34 < tsa> svn: REPORT response handling failed to complete the editor drive 01:36 < rxr> tsa: Hm - works fine here 01:36 < rxr> are you sure all is working on your side? 01:37 < rxr> what is svn --version ? 01:37 < Be-El> tsa: you need to update your svn version....same problem here... 01:37 < tsa> hm...an hour ago, it still worked.. 01:37 < rxr> tsa: ok - but I'm still interested - which svn version 01:38 < tsa> 0.22.0 01:38 < Be-El> tsa: the problem does not show up at all svn actions.... 01:38 < rxr> oh - that really really old ... 01:38 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M307P000.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Lost terminal") 01:43 < rxr> how do I force an install in cpan ? 01:43 < Be-El> force install Blah::Blubb 01:43 < rxr> the damn tool claims it is up to data (since I intalled it manually before) - ah - tried -f ... 01:44 < rxr> thanks - seems to start it ... 01:45 < Be-El> force install is also handy to install modules which tests failed...for some reason 01:45 < rxr> man - I'll have a ton of perl crap on the iBook just to get the body of a mail 01:46 < rxr> maybe I should write 100lines of C++ code to do the same but more light-weight ... 01:47 < rxr> arhg!Can't call method "print" on an undefined value at ./splitmime.pl line 24, line 111. 01:50 < jsaw> rxr: would that be something for you: https://www.methods.co.nz/python/mailextract.py? 01:50 < tsa> svn updated. ok again.. 01:51 < jsaw> rxr: see also https://www.methods.co.nz/python/index.html 01:52 < jsaw> re btw 01:53 < Be-El> rxr: $body->print(\*STDOUT); 01:55 < jsaw> Be-El: are you going to supply more gnome2 updates (as long as Mike is here only sporadically), maybe? 01:56 < Be-El> jsaw: probably not....i just needed gtkperl for some application were are developing 01:56 < Be-El> jsaw: and i'm not familar with gnome2 at all 01:57 < jsaw> is it on anybody else's todo? 01:57 < Be-El> jsaw: i'm going to concentrate on perl modules and several bioinformatics application 01:57 < Be-El> .oO ( and fix that sge package before ;-) ) 01:58 < rxr> jsaw: mailextract.py does not work because I need the body text, and not the multi-parts 01:58 < jsaw> Be-El: we should start a scientific target together... 01:59 < Be-El> jsaw: we can also ask kasc...he already maintains some chemical applications 01:59 < jsaw> rxr: o, sorry. (btw, with python, everything for email extraction is already there, but...) 01:59 < rxr> there is not need for a target / per use-case 01:59 < rxr> but grouping the applications into s scientific repository would be nice 02:00 < jsaw> rxr: or that, I have a couple of physics stuff 02:00 < Be-El> and we need 4-digit build order numbers ;-) 02:01 < jsaw> rxr: BUT, most of my physics stuff is disabled by default. 02:01 < rxr> they are alreay 6 digit ! 02:01 < rxr> jsaw: why? 02:02 < jsaw> rxr: Because, they are rarely used outside physics. Should I make these X? 02:02 < rxr> Be-El: and this dot not really matter that much, a priority can be reused, they are build in alphabetical order ... 02:03 < rxr> maybe in 2.1 we should discard the priorty completely and always schedule the packages by the dependencies - and newm, dependency less packages are build last, and rebuild until the errors do not change anymore (genetic building? ;-) to create the new dependencies ... 02:04 < rxr> jsaw: yes - only packages which are not compatible (due to soem hardcore build modifications or whatever) should be disabled by default 02:04 < Be-El> and maybe we should find a way to split dependencies into compilte time and runtime dependencies 02:04 < rxr> especially since O pacakges are not build in a reference build and do not get upated .cache files 02:05 < rxr> jsaw: how was this comment about python and mail above ment? That you (or I?) do not liek python ? 02:06 < jsaw> rxr: I was not sure if u like or don't like it. So I was trying to be careful in suggesting python. 02:06 < rxr> do you like it ? 02:07 < jsaw> I haven't had much time to explore it. But I like the concept a lot. 02:07 < rxr> I normaly did not liked it - but the "mailextract" looks easy to adapt it to my needs ... 02:08 < rxr> I need food ... cu in some more minutes ... 02:09 < jsaw> cu rxr 02:16 -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: netrunner, daja77, tsa, _snyke, Be-El, kasc, mistik1, mnemoc 02:16 -!- Netsplit over, joins: _snyke, Be-El, tsa, netrunner, mnemoc, daja77, kasc, mistik1 02:16 -!- rammi [1000@] has joined #rocklinux 02:17 < rammi> hi .. long time no see :) 02:19 < jsaw> tsa: https://wxglade.sourceforge.net/ 02:19 < Be-El> hi rammi 02:21 < tsa> ah 02:21 < tsa> more wxwin stuff 02:22 < Be-El> time to sleep....cu 02:23 -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@p3EE1E2A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 02:24 -!- Be-El [be-el@p5082B86D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 02:26 < rxr> re 02:28 -!- rammi [1000@] has quit ("leaving") 02:30 < rxr> jsaw: if you have time could you write some lines what concepts you like in python ? 02:32 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@pD95069A1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 02:33 -!- kasc [~kasc@p50908FC4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 02:38 -!- kasc [~kasc@p50909653.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 02:42 < rxr> cool - with a tiny modification the pyton script now does what I want ... 02:43 < mnemoc> re 02:43 < mnemoc> hi rxr 02:44 -!- Freak [freak@p508B293C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exciting") 02:45 < netrunner> ah, nice net now, thanks to esden :) 02:46 < rxr> hi mnemoc 02:46 < SMP> hi mnemoc 02:47 < mnemoc> hi SMP 02:50 < mnemoc> rxr: i haven't read -cross packages yet, but can't be merged into classic stage 0? 02:51 < rxr> they are _additional_ packages 02:52 < rxr> for a _2nd_ compiler ;-) 02:52 < mnemoc> doh 02:52 < rxr> and yes, they are _also_ build in stage0 (if enabled by the user - or automatically for sparc32 w/ 64bit kernel) 02:53 < mnemoc> what wold be the effect of using this 'new' compiler with standard x86? 02:53 < rxr> but if you have any improvements I'm open for suggestions ... 02:53 < rxr> there is no need ot use it 02:53 < mnemoc> i'll have to read them first ;) 02:53 < rxr> but you can just use it to e.g. build a ARM compiler or simillar 02:54 < mnemoc> i understand to 'no need'... but i'm thinking about replace ;) 02:54 < rxr> mnemoc: ok - read the packages first 02:54 < mnemoc> :) 02:54 < mnemoc> ok 02:55 < rxr> but this is not exactly a new compiler - just yet anthor cross compiler (currentl gcc3 is used ...) 02:55 < rxr> mnemoc: btw: You do gcc33 based builds regularly ? 02:55 < mnemoc> yep 02:55 < mnemoc> exclusively 02:55 < rxr> only minimal buils or even some more complete ones? 02:56 < rxr> I'm interested in error-ratio if used for a full desktop or generic build ... 02:56 < mnemoc> my biggest target has 120 packages :\ 02:56 < rxr> mnemoc: btw: You know abou the new -ftracer (or so) optimisation option in gcc33 ? 02:57 < mnemoc> o_O 02:57 < mnemoc> no idea... 02:57 < mnemoc> let's google 03:00 < mnemoc> i'll do some clean up here, and build a generic with gcc33 03:00 < rxr> cool - that would be great 03:01 < rxr> the -ftracer does addition code-flow analyses (I read somewhere) 03:01 < rxr> results in slightly faster code ... 03:02 < mnemoc> do u wnat the test with or withour that var_append? 03:02 < mnemoc> i mean CC_WRAPPER :) 03:04 < tsa> hm.. 03:04 < tsa> strange. 03:04 < tsa> `TODO' -> `/usr/doc/lgeneral/TODO' 03:04 < tsa> `ChangeLog' -> `/usr/doc/lgeneral/ChangeLog' 03:04 < tsa> Extracting lgeneral-data-1.1.3.tar.bz2 (--use-compress-program=bzip2 -xf) ... 03:04 < tsa> Changeing into /vol/multimedia/mp3/trunk/src.lgeneral.1060131033.11651.2490500360/lgeneral-data-1.1.3 ... 03:04 < tsa> --- BUILD ERROR --- 03:05 < tsa> directory present and accessible, but build aborts.. 03:07 < SMP> usually some early hook fucked up 03:08 < mnemoc> mp3/trunk? 03:08 < tsa> yes. 03:08 < tsa> had to move the rock tree there because all the other disks were filled up 03:11 -!- Freak [freak@p508B293C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:18 < rxr> Ok! Committed revision 1026. 03:18 < rxr> Using my new "Auto-Commit" ;-) 03:18 * rxr happy 03:19 < mnemoc> auto-commit sounds dangerous 03:20 * tsa considers sending strange patches ;-) 03:20 < mnemoc> hehehe 03:21 < rxr> tsa: strange patches will be rejected using my mail client 03:21 < rxr> the auto-apply only applies stuff I save, and also only with my interaction ... 03:21 < tsa> i see. 03:21 < mnemoc> is mod_perl usable with apache2? 03:26 < mnemoc> rewrite: is mod_perl2 usable? anyone has tested it? 03:26 < rxr> I have not tested it 03:27 < tsa> don't know. 03:27 < rxr> but I heared (half a year or more ago) that some php perl whatever modules have problems with certain new thread models .. 03:27 < rxr> but I think since Apache2 is stabe and used for such a long time now those folks should got their threading problems solved ... 03:28 -!- fake [~fake@pD9EB7B8F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 03:28 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802A22.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 03:31 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.243.110.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit ("Client exiting") 03:36 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD9E4DC1D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03:36 -!- jsaw_ is now known as jsaw 03:37 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4F02C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03:40 < jsaw> rxr: the first concept in python I like is coupling syntax and structure. second, it's C-like. third, it's OO. But as I said, I'm currently exploring and am not very familiar with it yet. 03:41 * mnemoc prefers c# ;) 03:43 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802A22.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 03:45 < jsaw> mnemoc: really? 03:45 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p508016AE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:47 < rxr> hm - I really dislike this indenting syntax coupling 03:49 < jsaw> well, otoh, it forces u to structure the program right from the beginning, anyway, 03:50 < jsaw> I have to leave now. Tired. cu l8r. 03:55 < jsaw> rxr: ??? !> Extracting jasper-1.700.2.zip (--use-compress-program=bz .. 03:55 < jsaw> !> bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file. 03:57 < rxr> oO - but we have zip support - strnage - I take a look after sleep .. 03:59 < jsaw> sleep well, /me now off *really*, gn8 all 03:59 < netrunner> hehe, esden just got interviewed about rocklinux on the local radio station 04:00 < rxr> cu 04:00 < netrunner> rxr n8 04:00 < rxr> netrunner: which radio statio =? 04:01 < netrunner> rxr: radio subether, on the camp ground 88.3 04:03 < rxr> hm - don't now ... 04:03 < rxr> s/now/know/ ... 04:03 < tsa> n8 04:03 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082D3C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("*plopp*") 04:04 < netrunner> https://www.subether.de/stream.html 04:05 < rxr> was it a live interview ? 04:05 < netrunner> sure :) 04:05 * netrunner forgot to save the stream , damn 04:06 < rxr> btw, since it is that late now - maybe we should meet arround 14-15 o'clock - what do you think ? 04:07 < rxr> ok - good night! 04:07 < netrunner> rxr: just call if you think we are to late. 04:08 < netrunner> rxr: we call when we are awake. 04:34 < esden> argl 04:34 < esden> that is terrible al that with the cards 05:02 -!- Freak [freak@p508B293C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exciting") 05:07 < esden> good night everyone 05:20 -!- fake [~fake@pD9EB7B8F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:22 -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: fake 05:24 -!- Netsplit over, joins: fake 05:37 < rolla> yawn 07:00 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M309P005.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 07:11 -!- scoopexH [~marc@td9091911.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux 07:20 < mistik1> yawn 07:21 * mistik1 feels so proud, LTSP has won the prize for best Open source project 07:32 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p5083974B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:34 < fake> hi from the camp ;) 08:34 * fake just arrived 08:40 < owl> *ARGH* 08:40 < owl> morning 08:40 < owl> hi fake 08:41 < owl> someone has endlesess package-build-loops or something, during the last days, too? 08:43 * fake not 08:43 * fake will sleep soon 08:43 < fake> before it gets too hot to fall asleep 08:43 < owl> hehe. didn't sleep at night? 08:44 -!- scoopexH [~marc@td9091911.adsl.terralink.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 08:55 < blindcoder> moin *yawn* 08:57 < owl> hi blindcoder 08:57 < blindcoder> hi owly 09:07 < blindcoder> nice, 9-rock-src fails 09:08 * blindcoder --> breakfast 09:27 * blindcoder back 09:28 < owl> https://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/anw-06.08.03-000/ < *headshot* 09:31 < blindcoder> blablabla 09:35 < blindcoder> phew, finally I have all packages for imlib together 09:44 -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: daja77, netrunner, JTBurn, owl, rolla, praenti, christ|an, jvc, blindcoder, _snyke, (+8 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 09:45 -!- Netsplit over, joins: _snyke, christ|an, blindcoder, mistik1, daja77, mnemoc 09:47 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M309P005.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 -!- fake [~fake@pD9EB7B8F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802A22.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 -!- kasc [~kasc@p50909653.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 -!- Aard [~bwachter@aardchat.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 -!- rolla [maisenhe@adsl-66-136-183-233.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 -!- jvc [~jvc@cherokee.cs.utwente.nl] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 -!- owl [~owl@D7180.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7EC1E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 -!- SMP [~stefanp@] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-48.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 10:14 -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: daja77, christ|an, blindcoder, _snyke, mistik1, mnemoc 10:14 -!- Netsplit over, joins: _snyke, christ|an, blindcoder, mnemoc, daja77, mistik1 10:25 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M309P005.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10:29 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M317P029.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 10:50 -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: daja77, JTBurn, netrunner, owl, rolla, praenti, christ|an, jvc, blindcoder, _snyke, (+8 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 10:50 -!- Netsplit over, joins: n00kie, _snyke, mistik1, daja77, mnemoc, blindcoder, christ|an, rxr, SMP, praenti (+8 more) 10:57 < daja77> moin 11:02 < blindcoder> moin moin 11:03 < daja77> owl: rotfl they are getting even more ridiculous 11:03 < daja77> moin blindcoder 11:05 < daja77> $699 for a tiny piece of sco crap code. not bad 11:08 < blindcoder> heh, as soon as they try to sue someone for it they have to disclose "their" code 11:08 < blindcoder> somehow, I'm really looking forward to thath 11:08 < blindcoder> s/.$// 11:10 < daja77> the interesting part is that you can get future kernels binary only, wtf 11:11 < blindcoder> well, if worse comes to worst I'll just add a *BSD or HURD kernel to ROCK :D 11:12 < daja77> until sco finds their code in them too 11:12 < daja77> at least bsd could be sue *pssstÜ 11:13 < daja77> nah it can't cos at&t has lost against them ... 11:15 < blindcoder> hmhm 11:15 < daja77> *rofl* https://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/te/15329/1.html 11:16 < daja77> the conclusion is nice ... 11:20 < blindcoder> MUAHAHA 11:20 < blindcoder> yes, it indeed is :D 11:28 < daja77> not that we all know this already ;-) 11:29 < daja77> anyway cu later 12:06 < netrunner> moin 12:06 < esden> moin 12:06 < esden> ahh hi netrunner you are awake too? ;) 12:06 -!- Freak [freak@p508B293C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:07 < netrunner> esden: yes. since you were talking to clifford so loud ... 12:08 < esden> hehe ;) 12:08 < esden> sorry ... I was not really awake at that point and did not really know what I do ... 12:11 < netrunner> esden: did you ever ...? 12:13 < esden> sure ... !!! 12:14 < rxr> hi esden 12:14 < rxr> moin all 12:15 < blindcoder> ah finally all deps resolved 12:15 < blindcoder> hi all 12:15 < esden> hi blindcoder 12:16 < esden> hi rxr 12:16 < blindcoder> esden: you usually don't know what you do :P 12:16 < blindcoder> esden: hi :) 12:16 * -> esden takes out his LART and hits everyone in his neighbourhood 12:16 < blindcoder> good that I'm not there :-) 12:17 < rxr> esden: in which shops did you saw such self-cooling-beer-faesser? 12:17 * netrunner doesn't tell esden that there are wasps sitting on his muesli 12:17 < netrunner> rxr: they have it in bavaria ... from tucher iirc 12:17 < esden> WHERE WHERE!!! 12:17 < netrunner> rxr: ask your favourite beverage store :) (maybe call them up) 12:18 * blindcoder is now going to have lunch and will then install GPS-Target on his laptop :-) 12:18 < rxr> gps target? in ROCK ? 12:19 < blindcoder> rxr: well, basically minimum sans a few things plus X plus GPSDrive and deps 12:19 < blindcoder> unfortunately, of all the things I'm waiting for only the GPS-Receiver didn't arrive yet. 12:20 < blindcoder> maybe the delivery-van got lost somewhere around Ingolstadt :) 12:21 < netrunner> blindcoder: oh, was it that one we pushed from the track and crashed badly? 12:22 < blindcoder> netrunner: tststs. don't I _always_ tell you to search the cars you push off the street afterwards? 12:22 < blindcoder> netrunner: what if there was still usable gadgets in it? 12:23 -!- Be-El [be-el@pD9E112B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:23 < Be-El> hi ppl 12:24 * blindcoder now off for lunch 12:25 < netrunner> blindcoder: what do you think where I got my gps? 12:25 < blindcoder> netrunner: oh, okay then ^^ 12:25 < blindcoder> netrunner: I'm proud of you *taps netrunner on head* 12:50 < daja77> cool anyone want this for rock https://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/dal-06.08.03-000/ 12:52 < daja77> lol sun is doomed, their linux distribution will be based on suse ... 12:53 < Be-El> daja77: suse is a nice distribution....as long as you don't dare to touch configuration files with some editor 12:54 < daja77> this knife is nice as long as you don't try cutting things with it ... 12:54 < Be-El> hehe 12:55 < Be-El> did you ever used solaris (either sparc or x86) ? 12:55 < daja77> yepp x86 12:55 < daja77> painfully slow 12:55 < Be-El> they improved a lot with the last release 12:56 < rxr> daja77: but I guess an arguement from SUN would be "hey it scales easily up to hundresds of CPUs" or "hey it supports TB of RAM" ... 12:56 * daja77 tried slowlartus 7 12:56 < Be-El> it's still slowaris, but you can work with it 12:56 < daja77> anyway what about that pda 12:57 < daja77> rxr: yeah sure but this is only true for sparc, x86 slowlartus is a bad joke 12:57 < Be-El> the problem of solaris/x86 is the x86 part...not solaris itself ;-) 12:58 < daja77> rofl 12:58 < daja77> i mean others can do perform on x86 ... 12:59 < Be-El> i have build some small x86 cluster some years ago, using solaris/x86 for the cluster pcs and solaris/sparc on the real machines... 12:59 < rxr> especially the performance of x86 CPU is not the problem - did you used such a dog-slow SPARC? 13:00 < daja77> no the solaris kernel is the problem, but hey they are professional 13:00 < daja77> s 13:00 < Be-El> daja77: performance on single-cpu machines is not the problem.....but if you need io performance and many cpus (> 4), the x86 architecture starts to fail 13:01 < daja77> the arch, sure? not the chipsets 13:01 < Be-El> sparcs may be slow with respect to number crunching....but they are fine for server applications 13:02 < daja77> still they are replaced by linux clusters 13:02 < Be-El> yes, the arch.....do you need the fast-a20 gate these days ? do you need real-mode bioses ? 13:02 < Be-El> linux clusters ae cheaper 13:02 < Be-El> +r 13:02 < daja77> ahem yes? 13:03 < rxr> Be-El: the realmode bios or the A20 gate do not hurt you in performance for the cluster 13:03 < rxr> and the only problem might be low-cost chipsets 13:04 < rxr> take a look at AMD64 and the integrated chipsets, w/ hypertransport ... 13:04 < daja77> + it depends on the cluster 13:04 < Be-El> rxr: i know, they were examples. there are many things that have been in the x86 since the early 80`. 13:04 < rxr> perfectly suited for really big NUMA clusters ... 13:04 < rxr> I like a good PC BIOS more than e.g. the OpenFirmware implementation on the rs/6k .... 13:05 < Be-El> rxr: take the current processors, e.g. the opteron, and put them on an optimized architectur...with real crossbars and improved io handling 13:05 * daja77 knows too many bad bios 13:06 < rxr> I know many totally fucked up BIOS, too - but some OpenFirmware variants also suck like hell 13:06 < daja77> all software sucks ... 13:07 < Be-El> just get rid of the bios at all, put in a micro kernel (L4 for example) and just plug the OS and its driver to it 13:07 * daja77 notes that mentioning sun is enough to start a flame war 13:08 < Be-El> daja77: hehe 13:08 < Be-El> and know.....svn update time ;-) 13:08 * daja77 off for breakfast 13:12 -!- owl [~owl@D7180.pppool.de] has quit ("Lag: 44 (??) shit") 13:13 -!- hopelessOwl [~owl@D7180.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:13 < hopelessOwl> remoin 13:13 < Be-El> moin owl 13:14 < Be-El> 4 packages removed *sigh* 13:14 < hopelessOwl> Be-El: ? 13:14 < Be-El> owl: i have to improve my maintaince script.... 13:15 < hopelessOwl> ah. k. 13:15 < Be-El> every time i send a patch to this list and it gets applied, it recognize the package as changed and puts it into the rebuild queue 13:19 < Be-El> rxr: the jasper package is broken...the build scripts does not recognize the .zip extension and fails to extract the files 13:29 * netrunner wonders why esden alwas silently dissapears when there are dishes to do ... 13:30 < Be-El> perhabs he's allergic to water ? ;-) 13:44 < fake> hm 13:44 < fake> too hot to sleep, much too hot 13:44 < hopelessOwl> hi fake 13:46 < blindcoder> lme back 13:47 < hopelessOwl> wb blindcoder 13:47 < blindcoder> thx 13:50 * fake testing suspend-to-disk (swsusp) 13:55 * blindcoder installing ROCK-2.0.0-rc1-bc thus erasing ROCK 1.5.14 13:57 < rxr> Be-El: I saw this ... 13:57 < rxr> netrunner: when do you plan to come over? 14:00 < blindcoder> hmm 14:00 < blindcoder> kernel booting... then nothing... 14:12 -!- _snyke [~snyke@eros.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Client Quit) 14:13 < esden> re hi 14:13 < blindcoder> hmm... strange 14:13 < esden> ahh ... the wlan_ng stuff is really a charm 14:13 < esden> it is now working without any problem 14:13 -!- _snyke [~snyke@] has joined #rocklinux 14:14 < esden> I hate my stupidity ... why have I not realized that I need it earlier ... >_< 14:14 < blindcoder> I'd be happy to also be able to tell this from the install-CD 14:14 < blindcoder> Freeing unused kernel memory: 152k freed 14:14 < blindcoder> Laptop sitting there for 15 minutes now 14:15 < Be-El> "It's dead, Jim" 14:15 -!- _snyke [~snyke@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 14:15 < blindcoder> yeah... 14:16 * blindcoder adding "debug" to kernel parameters 14:16 -!- snyke [~snyke@eros.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:24 * -> esden installing kismet 14:25 * blindcoder np: Weird Al Yankovich - Bomb Iraq 14:30 < Be-El> does anyone got problems building the k3b package ? 14:35 < rolla> re 14:37 < Be-El> hi rolla 14:56 < rolla> wie geht's Be-El 14:57 < Be-El> rolla: och jo, alles im gruenen bereich...geniesse gerade ne woche urlaub :-) 14:57 < Be-El> endlich mal zeit, wieder an rock zu arbeiten 15:04 < rxr> Be-El: no, k3b builds here 15:04 < Be-El> rxr: hmm..maybe the problem was related to --enable-final 15:05 < Be-El> anyways, there's an updated version of k3b available (0.9). should i send a diff ? 15:07 < blindcoder> hmm... which of the floppy*.img files is bootable? 15:08 < rxr> Be-El: yes - feel free. 15:08 < rxr> blindcoder: I would guess the first .. = 15:08 < blindcoder> rxr: that was my guess, too... but it doesn't... 15:12 < daja77> i hate this 15:13 < daja77> Searching for missing or liggering old files ... 15:13 < daja77> !> build/generic-2.0.0-rc1-x86-pentium-32-generic-expert/pkgs/gkrellm-2.1.14.gem should not be present (now in src/invalid-files.lst)! 15:13 < daja77> why doesn't -newdelete remove it? 15:14 < blindcoder> ARGH 15:14 < blindcoder> makeimages.sh doesn't work anymore, too... 15:14 * blindcoder now gone, getitng new car, no more hassles with ROCK now. 15:15 < rxr> daja77: good idea - I might consider implementing this ... 15:16 -!- pekdon [~pekdon@27.net90.skekraft.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:19 < Be-El> what's the best way to check whether a variable is defined in plain sh/bash ? 15:19 < rxr> I usually test if it has content 15:20 < daja77> rxr: this would reduce some annoyance ;-) 15:20 < Be-El> rxr: hmm...so something like [ "$var" ] should work ? even if $var is 0 ? 15:21 < rxr> or -z or -n 15:21 < rxr> if $var is 0 your test will be true 15:22 < rxr> s/is 0/is '0'/ ... 15:24 < Be-El> ok...thnx 15:26 -!- pekdon [~pekdon@27.net90.skekraft.net] has left #rocklinux () 15:47 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.217.82.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:55 -!- fake_ [~fake@pD9E4D281.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:55 -!- fake [~fake@pD9EB7B8F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 15:55 -!- fake_ is now known as fake 15:55 < daja77> huhu fake 15:55 < fake> hi there 15:56 * fake looking for esden 15:56 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7EC1E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 15:56 < daja77> fake: why? wanna kill him? 15:58 < fake> no, make him settle down near the bsd tent and the roock tent space 15:58 < daja77> :) 15:58 < fake> esden: ping 15:59 < hopelessOwl> *lol* why not shouting? 15:59 < fake> hopelessOwl: i would have to shout louder than our music 16:00 < daja77> cos fake is a peaceful and calm guy 16:00 < fake> hopelessOwl: that would be hard 16:00 < hopelessOwl> *g* k. how is the heat in berlin? 16:00 < fake> it's damn fscking hot here 16:00 * Be-El hands fake a cd "Best of Schlager" 16:00 < hopelessOwl> poor guys :p 16:00 < fake> i bet i have a sunburn all over because the sun shone on and through the tent 16:00 -!- Freak [freak@p508B293C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exciting") 16:00 < Be-El> fake: that should be enough to lure everyone within 1 km to your place ;-) 16:01 * hopelessOwl leans back relaxed in a cold cellar room :p 16:01 < fake> Be-El: to throw things at me? great idea ;P 16:01 < Be-El> owl: *g* 16:01 < hopelessOwl> fake: *kick* 16:01 < hopelessOwl> and congrats to the sunburn :p 16:01 * fake is deeply impressed by the working internet connection 16:02 < hopelessOwl> working after 2 days? 16:02 < fake> no, since we arrived 16:02 < hopelessOwl> O_o 16:03 < fake> yeah, i looked that way, too 16:04 < hopelessOwl> ;) dammit... 16:05 < hopelessOwl> Be-El: schlager? waaaaah. *kick* 16:06 < Be-El> hehe 16:06 < daja77> hopelessOwl: thought you like it 16:06 < Be-El> especially since owls got a very good sense of hearing ;-) 16:06 < daja77> gothic schlager, or so 16:06 < hopelessOwl> daja77: schlager??? 16:07 < daja77> well we all get older ... 16:07 < Be-El> daja77: yeah, featuring stefan mross and the dark trumpet ;-) 16:07 < hopelessOwl> daja77: hmmm... 80ies... yes... but no "normal schlager" ... 16:07 < daja77> Be-El: lol 16:07 < hopelessOwl> wuah... yes... and i see, that i have about 12 GB of gothic, metal, punk and so... 16:08 * Be-El listens to VNV Nation - Joy 16:08 * hopelessOwl np subway to sally - boeses erwachen 16:08 * fake listens to Goethes Erben - Fleischschuld 16:09 < Be-El> .oO ( mv rock\ linux dark\linux 16:09 * rolla listens to Ministry Bad blood ;) 16:09 < Be-El> hehe 16:10 < Be-El> ok, if there should ever be a developer meeting, there'll be no problem with choosing the right music 16:10 < daja77> Be-El: do you come to dev meeting? 16:10 < hopelessOwl> hm. yeah... but clifford listens to different music afaik... 16:10 < Be-El> daja77: nope, no time :-( 16:11 < daja77> :-( 16:11 < fake> hopelessOwl: clifford listens to all kinds of music 16:12 < hopelessOwl> fake: really? thought mainly to techno or stuff like this? 16:12 < fake> hopelessOwl: mainly 16:13 < hopelessOwl> k ;) 16:18 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.217.82.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:25 -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:25 -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 16:26 < fake> if esden shows up, please tell him i am in the bsd tent, the one on the left 16:26 < fake> where there is netbsd on it 16:26 < Be-El> anyone interested in fixing the kdemultimedia31 package ? 16:27 * fake off chilling 16:27 < fake> much too hot to work... 16:27 < daja77> netbsd rules ... 16:27 * daja77 hides 16:27 < Be-El> https://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-devel&m=105761977009209&w=2 16:27 < daja77> fake: is hubert feyrer there? 16:28 -!- rolla [maisenhe@adsl-66-136-183-233.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has quit ("leaving") 16:28 -!- maisenhe [maisenhe@adsl-66-136-183-233.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:28 -!- maisenhe is now known as rolla 16:29 < rolla> grrr 16:29 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:30 < daja77> for rolla this means hello ... 16:30 < rolla> :) 16:30 < rolla> daja77: do you know openldap? 16:30 < daja77> i tried it three years ago 16:31 < rolla> stupid thing has a max of 11 object to return 16:31 < daja77> hmm sorry can't help you there 16:31 < Nebukadneza> can anyone help me burning dvd's? 16:32 * daja77 notes that Nebukadneza wants to turn this chan into #gentoo 16:33 < Nebukadneza> why? 16:34 < rolla> ? 16:44 < hopelessOwl> daja77: ?? 16:45 < daja77> join and you'll see 16:46 < hopelessOwl> waaaaaah!!! wtf!??? over 600 nicks in #gentoo 16:46 < daja77> yeah and all asking stupid questions 16:47 < hopelessOwl> *g* 16:47 < daja77> esden showeed us that mess last weekend 16:47 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@dialin-145-254-158-066.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:47 < hopelessOwl> hihi 16:47 < daja77> hi capchaos 16:48 < hopelessOwl> moin cap 16:48 < capchaos> Hi, daja. Hi, owl. 16:50 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 16:53 < Be-El> hi capchaos 16:53 < capchaos> Hi, Be-El. 16:54 < starlord> should stone(boot setup,lilo/grub) work from 2beta6? 16:55 < daja77> yes 16:55 < starlord> well not for me, 16:55 < daja77> you took drock? 16:55 < starlord> yep 16:56 < starlord> and choosed hmm,minimal(console) as target 16:56 < daja77> on some machines it doesn't work with drock, for some strange reason 16:56 < starlord> crap,then i need to download another iso 16:56 < daja77> generic should work better, don't shoot me if I am wrong 16:57 < starlord> but it doesnt work at console also,so this isnt stoned stone problem? 16:57 < starlord> but its lilo's? 16:57 < daja77> hmm maybe ncurses package didn't install? 16:59 < starlord> actually when i choose (Re-)install lilo,it shows like normally it should added rock,etc...,but it doesnt for some reason add it to MBR,and when i run lilo from command line it complains about the LBA32 line 17:00 < daja77> hmm dunoo, haven't used lilo for a long time ... 17:00 < starlord> hmm,what does that minimal contain? 17:00 < starlord> iso i mean 17:01 < daja77> can't tell, maybe someone else can 17:01 * daja77 has to leave 17:01 < hopelessOwl> <-- away 17:01 < hopelessOwl> bbl.cya 17:02 < starlord> found info from handbook already,no need 17:02 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has quit ("another try with dRock") 17:19 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 17:21 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:25 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Client Quit) 17:27 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:31 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@dialin-145-254-158-066.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Temet nosce.") 17:39 -!- mir [~mir@] has joined #rocklinux 17:39 -!- mir [~mir@] has quit (Client Quit) 17:39 -!- mir [~mir@] has joined #rocklinux 17:39 -!- mir [~mir@] has quit (Client Quit) 17:39 -!- mir [~mir@] has joined #rocklinux 17:40 -!- mir [~mir@] has quit (Client Quit) 17:40 * blindcoder back 17:41 -!- Lorini [~blah@stdw-wh-vip62.studentenwerk-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:41 -!- mir [~mir@] has joined #rocklinux 17:41 -!- mir [~mir@] has quit (Client Quit) 17:41 -!- mir [~mir@] has joined #rocklinux 17:41 -!- mir [~mir@] has quit (Client Quit) 17:41 -!- mir [~mir@] has joined #rocklinux 17:41 -!- mir [~mir@] has quit (Client Quit) 17:42 -!- mir [~mir@] has joined #rocklinux 17:42 -!- mir [~mir@] has quit (Client Quit) 17:42 < Aard> re 17:43 -!- mir [~mir@] has joined #rocklinux 17:43 -!- mir [~mir@] has quit (Client Quit) 17:44 -!- mir [~mir@] has joined #rocklinux 18:05 -!- mir [~mir@] has quit ("Client exiting") 18:11 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.230.25.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:12 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082DD54.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:12 < tsa> hi all. 18:12 < tsa> rxr: sysvinit 2.85 18:14 < tsa> ntp 4.1.2 18:14 -!- Lorini [~blah@stdw-wh-vip62.studentenwerk-bielefeld.de] has quit ("Ich bin doch der Liebling der Götter..") 18:16 < blindcoder> hmm 18:16 < blindcoder> is there any known issue with linuxrc not running on certain hardware? 18:22 < Be-El> bbl 18:22 < blindcoder> *sigh* 18:23 * blindcoder away: Why ask if everyone ignores one anyway? 18:23 -!- Be-El [be-el@pD9E112B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 18:27 < rolla> casue we don't like you 18:35 < tsa> xpdf 2.02pl1 18:35 < rolla> ? 18:37 < tsa> just randomly announcing new versions that should/might get updated 18:40 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M317P029.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18:43 -!- Nebukadneza is now known as Nebu^afk 18:45 -!- Nebu^afk [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 18:55 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M267P011.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 19:02 -!- Ge0rG [~georg@duenndns.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:03 < blindcoder> hmm.. 19:03 < blindcoder> autoload_modules hangs on my laptop 19:04 < rolla> suck 19:05 < blindcoder> yes, indeed 19:13 < blindcoder> okay, commented it out in linuxrc.c, now trying again 19:17 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7DB09.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:18 < JTBurn> re 19:22 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p5083974B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 19:22 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@pD9E39DBC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:47 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7DB09.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Reboot...") 19:47 -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: netrunner, jvc, kasc, Aard 19:50 -!- Netsplit over, joins: netrunner, kasc, jvc, Aard 19:55 -!- dreamind [~dreamind@B62ec.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:23 -!- dreamind [~dreamind@B62ec.pppool.de] has quit (":x") 20:23 -!- hopelessOwl [~owl@D7180.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20:24 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:27 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7DB09.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:28 < rolla> re JTBurn 20:28 < JTBurn> re 20:28 < JTBurn> :) 20:29 < JTBurn> me and my grilfriend are now going skating :) (wish us luck *g*) 20:29 < rolla> have fun 20:30 -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: fake 20:32 -!- Netsplit over, joins: fake 20:35 -!- dreamind [~dreamind@B5e9e.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:43 -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p50802B20.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:46 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 20:48 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:52 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802A22.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 20:54 -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:54 < owl> hi 21:03 -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.204.123.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:05 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.230.25.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 21:07 < tsa> hm... 21:08 < tsa> strange. 21:08 < tsa> is there anything currently broken with the build scripts? 21:08 -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@p5089244E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:09 < tsa> hi ripclaw 21:09 < owl> tsa: why? do you get a endless-loop of [1] Building base/linux24 [2.4.21 2.0.0-rc1] ? 21:09 < netrunne1> rehi 21:09 -!- netrunne1 is now known as netrunner 21:10 < owl> or something similar with endless-loop? 21:10 < tsa> owl: no, i get .err's without error.. 21:10 < owl> O_o 21:10 * owl just gets every time a [1]base/linux-building-until-user-aborts-the-build... 21:11 < tsa> hehe 21:11 < owl> don't laugh. not funny! 21:12 < ripclaw> hi tsa 21:13 < ripclaw> problems compiling estic-1.61, cant find symbol tgetnum in libraries 21:14 < tsa> estic? 21:17 < tsa> i don't see any estic package.. 21:17 < ripclaw> www.prog-link.com/downloads/index.html 21:17 < ripclaw> estic is for programming phone-PBX 21:17 < ripclaw> no package yet 21:17 < ripclaw> brb 21:20 < ripclaw> didnt work as expected 21:20 < ripclaw> i took the estic original package, which fails, the debian unstable 1.61 does compile for a while, but breaks at linking 21:24 -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: owl, netrunner, praenti, ripclaw, christ|an, jvc, tsa, fake, cytrinox_, Nebukadneza, (+5 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 21:25 -!- Netsplit over, joins: christ|an, tsa 21:25 -!- Netsplit over, joins: ripclaw, cytrinox_, owl, Nebukadneza, netrunner 21:25 -!- Netsplit over, joins: fake 21:26 -!- Netsplit over, joins: kasc, jvc, Aard, SMP, n00kie, praenti, rxr 21:26 -!- mir [~mir@] has joined #rocklinux 21:27 < ripclaw> . 21:27 < ripclaw> re 21:27 < tsa> re 21:27 < ripclaw> i took the estic original package, which fails, the debian unstable 1.61 does compile for a while, but breaks at linking 21:27 < tsa> with or withour xfree? 21:28 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@pD9E39DBC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 21:28 < tsa> s/r/t/ 21:28 < ripclaw> tsa do you have an idea what to do if he complains about finding no tgetst symbol, but the libs are there and ldconfig was run ? without xfree 21:28 < ripclaw> i can upload a tarball, if you like. 21:28 < ripclaw> i already fixed the bytesex.h problem 21:29 < tsa> already got the source 21:29 < tsa> seems to be a problem with your curses library 21:29 < ripclaw> which - debian or original ? 21:29 < tsa> orig 21:30 < ripclaw> ok. 21:30 < ripclaw> 1.61 or 1.60 21:30 < tsa> 160 21:31 < ripclaw> ack. does compile with your machine ? 21:31 < owl> https://www.dr-wo.de/schriften/feudalismus/stundenlohn.htm 21:31 < tsa> no, it doesn't 21:32 < ripclaw> if it complains about bytesex, s/bytesex/endian/ 21:32 < ripclaw> try using the debian package sources, they have a central makefile etc. 21:33 * netrunner wants more beer 21:33 * ripclaw opens bottle and passes it on 21:33 < ripclaw> hmmm. its possible ldconfig didnt work correctly ? 21:34 * netrunner gets electro shock s out of his pc while dlicking beer out of int 21:34 < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi 21:35 < owl> hi blindcoder 21:36 < blindcoder> hi owly 21:37 < ripclaw> hires 21:37 < ripclaw> hmmm. it looks weird. 21:44 * blindcoder --> bed. g'night 21:45 < ripclaw> n8 21:45 < tsa> cu ripclaw 21:56 < tsa> GRMPF. 21:56 < tsa> damn gcc. 21:57 -!- ripclaw_ [~ripclaw@p5089244E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:01 * tsa trying cross-build. 22:11 < owl> tsa: ? why gcc? 22:12 < tsa> owl: 1-gcc3.err 22:12 < tsa> without any obvious error. 22:12 < Nebukadneza> #animeone auf irc.mircx.com <-- HOLY Shit!!! 22:13 -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@p5089244E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22:16 -!- Freak [freak@p508B1E41.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:17 < tsa> np: Depeche Mode - Puppets 22:18 < rolla> np: Ned's Atomic Distbin - Legoland 22:20 < owl> np: in extremo - omina sol temperat 22:20 < tsa> uh 22:21 < tsa> mittelalterliches gekreische? ;) 22:22 < owl> yeah. why? ;) 22:27 < Nebukadneza> owl: hai 22:28 < Nebukadneza> kumpel von hir hört das andauernd ... is net schlecht find i 22:28 < owl> hi Nebukadneza. ack. it depends on mood. but it's cool imho 22:29 < Nebukadneza> löl 22:29 < Nebukadneza> all forgot language :9 22:29 -!- ripclaw_ [~ripclaw@p5089244E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22:29 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7DB09.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Reboot...") 22:30 < owl> yeah 22:31 < Aard> hi owl 22:33 < owl> hi Aard 22:33 < Aard> bbl 22:34 < esden> hi all 22:34 < owl> hi esden 22:37 < esden> hi owl 22:38 < esden> ahh is it nice to have the right driver for the wlan card ;) 22:39 -!- dreamind [~dreamind@B5e9e.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:39 < daja77> re 22:41 -!- Ge0rG [~georg@duenndns.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 22:42 -!- dreamind [~dreamind@Ba690.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:44 < netrunner> hi esden :) 22:44 < netrunner> esden: it's so warm here, I do not want to go out again :) 22:44 < daja77> huhu campers 22:44 < netrunner> hi daja77 22:44 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 22:45 < daja77> may he rest in peace ... 22:45 < daja77> do they have a fire? 22:46 < owl> .oO( daja77 is in evil mood again...) 22:46 < daja77> hm? 22:47 < owl> hm. nothing... 22:47 < daja77> ic 22:47 < daja77> evil mode again, sounds good to me 22:48 < owl> hmm. yes... 22:48 < daja77> phear me! 22:48 < daja77> :) 22:48 -!- dreamind [~dreamind@Ba690.pppool.de] has quit (":x") 22:49 * daja77 just don't like lusers hanging around here ... 22:49 -!- dreamind [~dreamind@Ba690.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:49 < owl> why? 22:49 < daja77> why?! 22:50 < owl> yes... why 22:50 < daja77> ahem cos i don't like lusers everywhere ... 22:51 < owl> hmm. k. 22:52 < daja77> ok in #gentoo they don't disturb me ... 22:53 < daja77> owl: are we alone here? 22:54 < fake> lsno 22:54 < daja77> oh hi fake, how are you at the camp? 22:55 < owl> hi fake 22:55 * netrunner wants to sleep for some time. beer always makes netrunner tired. and we bought 20l of it 22:56 < daja77> haha säufer! 22:56 < netrunner> ah - anyway my lap is running out of power ... cu later 22:56 < daja77> no wonder when you come with esden *ggg* 22:56 < daja77> cu netrunner 23:07 < owl> https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,260178,00.html 23:09 < esden> netrunner: move your ass to the bsd tent ;) 23:10 < esden> argh ... he is sleeping .. 23:11 < daja77> cu later 23:21 * daja77 back 23:21 < daja77> damn mysql 23:30 -!- mir [~mir@] has quit ("Client exiting") 23:42 < jsaw> re 23:42 < jsaw> hi all 23:43 < daja77> huhu jsaw 23:44 < jsaw> hi daja77. what's going on? 23:44 * daja77 watching tv 23:45 < jsaw> I just watched Andromeda, but now /me back @ work 23:46 < daja77> was it good? 23:46 < jsaw> the 1st yes, the 2nd one "an den Haaren herbeigezogen" 23:46 < daja77> 2nd one is old stuff anyway 23:47 < jsaw> yeah, but I was actually fixing rock packages... 23:48 < daja77> good, good 23:48 < jsaw> :) 23:51 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:51 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-102.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) --- Log closed Thu Aug 07 00:00:00 2003