-!- Irrsi  Log opened Thu Aug 07 00:00:00 2003
[00:00] < snyke> P O S E I D O N  D I E D
[00:00] < daja77> huh?
[00:01] < daja77> that guy from underwater?
[00:02] -!- ripclaw_ [~ripclaw@p5089244E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:11] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7DB09.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:28] -!- ripclaw_ [~ripclaw@p5089244E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:00] < rxr> rehi
[01:00] < daja77> huhu rxr
[01:00] < rxr> me back from a short trip to the camp ..
[01:00] < daja77> oh you don't stay there?
[01:01] < rxr> 100 EUR is quite much ...
[01:02] < daja77> ah you only have to pay for the nights?
[01:02] < rxr> but we nearly stayed there, but we had to drive back because Verna has a "Blasenentyuendung" and wants to consult a doctor today ...
[01:02] < rxr> you have to pay 100EUR as soon a you setup a tent ..
[01:03] < rxr> or 20 EUR per day  ....
[01:03] < rxr> but since it starts today we had not to pay for yesterday . ..
[01:04] < daja77> the price is ok i think, but i guess i couldn't afford it too
[01:05] < daja77> driving to vienna will cost me a fortune ...
[01:06] < daja77> oh shit svn conflicts in sylpheed.desc prevents the build
[01:07] < daja77> how can this happen i never touched it
[01:09] < tsa> rxr: you saw the (possible) updates i pasted?
[01:14] < rxr> ere on irc, no
[01:15] < tsa> xpdf 2.02pl1
[01:15] < tsa> ntp 4.1.2
[01:15] < tsa> sysvinit 2.85
[01:15] < tsa> just those so far..
[01:15] < rxr> could you drop me a mail, or send tested update patches ?
[01:16] < tsa> i will, once they are tested...i had some strange build problems here and therefore restarted it from scratch
[01:16] < tsa> (.err's without any error that seems to have occured)
[01:17] < tsa> argh.
[01:17] < tsa> it's happening again
[01:17] < tsa> 1-gcc3.err
[01:17] < daja77> yeah some evil things are goin on
[01:18] < rxr> hm
[01:18] < rxr> I need sleep
[01:18] < rxr> cu latrer
[01:18] < tsa> i've now tried both cross and non-cross.
[01:18] < tsa> build/default-2.0.0-rc1-x86-pentium3-32-cross-generic-expert/root/usr/include/bits/sigcontext.h:20:3: warning: su
[01:18] < tsa> ggest hiding #error from traditional C with an indented #
[01:19] < daja77> n8 rxr
[01:19] < tsa> seems to be glibc-related.
[01:19]   daja77 off to bed too
[01:19] < tsa> cu daja77
[01:19] < tsa> there's lots of those, but that's only a warning, so it should not cause any build error..
[01:31] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M267P011.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("leaving")
[01:40] -!- dreamind [~dreamind@Ba690.pppool.de] has quit (":x")
[02:03]   netrunner is 31337 moving fre@ky wareZZ from esdens lap to his builder
[02:06] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[02:06] < d3mian> hi
[02:06] < netrunner> hi d3mian
[02:14] < tsa> hm..
[02:15] < tsa> a build with gcc33 only doesn't seem to be possible
[02:16] < d3mian> can i upload files via ftp using mozilla ?
[02:18] < tsa> don't know, never tried it.
[02:21] < tsa> hell, this stuff is beginning to get on my nerves.
[02:21] < tsa> thousands of outdated packages.
[02:22] < tsa> lots of security-related patches missing.
[02:25] -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@p3EE1E26B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[02:33] -!- kasc [~kasc@p50909653.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:38] < d3mian> cu
[02:38] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("leaving")
[02:41] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E2A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:47] -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090BFBC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[02:50] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[02:50] < Mike1> hello.
[02:51] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has quit (Client Quit)
[03:33] < tsa> hi mistik1
[03:33] < tsa> erhm
[03:33] < tsa> whatever.
[03:33] < tsa> n8.
[03:33] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082DD54.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("*plopp*")
[03:50] -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD958F001.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:50] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p508016AE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[03:50] -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder
[03:57] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M291P000.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[04:11] < rolla> re
[04:23] < n00kie> Hi Rolla :)
[04:28] < rolla> was gibt's?
[04:33] < n00kie> well
[04:33] < n00kie> Nothing new :)
[04:34] < rolla> :)
[04:34] < n00kie> I'm just on converting some osx icons to png files
[04:34] < n00kie> www.xicons.com :)
[04:34] < rolla> cool
[04:50] < mnemoc> damn apache2 :(
[04:51] < n00kie> why that?
[04:51] < mnemoc> doesn't want to do the simple s.th i want it to do :(
[04:52] < n00kie> oh :(
[04:52] < n00kie> poor mnemoc
[04:52] < mnemoc> yes :(
[04:55] < rolla> what is wrong with apache2 for you
[05:03] < n00kie> hm
[05:06] < n00kie> Okay
[05:07] < n00kie> 05:50AM
[05:07] < n00kie> 04:50 AM
[05:07] < n00kie> Right time do to some sports
[05:07] < n00kie> :)
[05:07] < rolla> what kind?
[05:10] < mnemoc> rolla: nothing is wrong with apache, i'm wrong... my head doesn't want to work :|
[05:10] < rolla> :)
[05:11] < mnemoc> can you help me with specific directions? i'm not 'able' to rtfm :(
[05:11]   mnemoc really needs to sleep
[05:11] < rolla> sure
[05:11] < rolla> what do you need to due?
[05:12] < mnemoc> i need to start and 'omail-webmail'
[05:12] < mnemoc> written in perl
[05:12] < mnemoc> and 'omail-admin' in php
[05:12] < mnemoc> can i query you? i don't like to look as an idiot in public ;)
[05:13] < rolla> sure
[06:16] < n00kie> :)
[06:16] < n00kie> I'm back from sports
[06:16] < n00kie> Running and Jumping on that olympic thing, rolla
[06:34] -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M308P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[06:47] < blindcoder> moin
[06:47] < owl> hi blindcoder
[06:47] < blindcoder> hi owly
[06:48] < blindcoder> owl: up so early?
[06:48] < owl> blindcoder: yes :-( can't sleep.
[06:48] < blindcoder> tsts
[06:48] < owl> hm?
[06:49] < owl> at least /me slept about 4 - 5 hours.. but slept more than totally horrible :-(
[06:50] < blindcoder> Hmm.... that sucks >_<
[06:51] < owl> yeah...
[06:51] < owl> but this spam-mail makes me more than smile *rofl*
[06:51] < n00kie_> Hey blindy, owli ;-)
[06:51] < owl> hi n00kie_
[06:51] < n00kie_> How are you?
[06:52] < owl> full of pain --> alive. thx. you?
[06:52] < blindcoder> hi n00kie_ ^^
[06:53] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M291P000.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:54] < blindcoder> and my weight went down to 101.0 ^^
[06:54] < owl> congrats
[06:55] < blindcoder> thx ^^
[06:55] < n00kie_> I'm on training my body too :)
[06:55] < n00kie_> Cause I'm to "dick" :(
[06:55] < n00kie_> Btw, congrats blindcoder :)
[06:58] < blindcoder> n00kie_: how much woight do you want to loose?
[06:58] < blindcoder> I'm now down 12 kilos...
[06:59] < owl> *g* /me hands over a piece of depression and shit to blindcoder and n00kie_
[07:00]   blindcoder says: "No, thanks."
[07:00] < n00kie_> blindcoder: about 10kg
[07:00] < n00kie_> I want 60kg
[07:00] < n00kie_> 70 is too much :(
[07:02] < blindcoder> heh, I'm currently trying to drop under 100 and then maybe get down to 85
[07:03] -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has quit ("downloading.... brb")
[07:03] < n00kie_> blindcoder: Cool :)
[07:03] < n00kie_> How tall are you?
[07:05] -!- hopelessOwl [~owl@D725a.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[07:05] < hopelessOwl> rehi
[07:05] -!- hopelessOwl is now known as owl
[07:05] < n00kie_> wb owl :)
[07:05] < blindcoder> n00kie_: about 183 cm
[07:06] < owl> thx
[07:09] < n00kie_> blindcoder: Ah, much taller than me
[07:09] < n00kie_> I'm about 1.70m
[07:10] < owl> blindcoder: hoeh? you're 183 cm? can't work... /me is just about 180 cm... and /me is taller than you
[07:12] < n00kie_> lol
[07:12] < n00kie_> owl: 1.80 o_O
[07:12] < owl> n00kie_: why?
[07:13] < n00kie_> It's tall for a girl ^^
[07:13] < blindcoder> owl: then you're not 180. last meassuring a few days ago said 183
[07:13] < blindcoder> n00kie_: too tall for my taste
[07:13] < owl> blindcoder: O_o
[07:14] < owl> are you grown over night or so?
[07:14] < blindcoder> owl: no idea.... maybe I lost some width and gained some height :D
[07:15] < owl> *lol*
[07:15]   n00kie_ building revision 1035 Bootdisk
[07:16] < owl> rev1035... might i should update my src...
[07:16] < blindcoder> non-optimized bootdisk doesn't work for me
[07:17] < blindcoder> now trying pentium-mmx bootdisk
[07:17] < n00kie_> I'm on trying athlon xp bootdisk
[07:17] < owl> blindcoder: huh? didn't work? in what way?
[07:18] < blindcoder> linuxrc hangs when olading modules
[07:18] < n00kie_> hmm
[07:18] < owl> *gnarf* oki...
[07:22] < owl> *grrrrr* i'm hating isdn
[07:23] < blindcoder> hehe
[07:24] < owl> don't laugh
[07:25] < blindcoder> *laugh*
[07:25] < owl> blindcoder: *kick*
[07:26] < owl> .oO(and /me is known as "sadistisches biest" what is blindcoder then...?)
[07:26] < blindcoder> fies und gemein :D
[07:27] < owl> :pp aka man :p
[07:28] < n00kie_> Everything that isn't n00kie is evil
[07:28] < n00kie_> And must be destroyed
[07:28] < owl> *lol*
[07:28] < n00kie_> :)
[07:29] < owl> nah... my bf not, please
[07:29] < n00kie_> yes, not your bf
[07:29] < n00kie_> But everything other :P
[07:30] < owl> oki. (and /me not, too, please)
[07:30] < blindcoder> such a non--constructive mood here early in the morning :)
[07:31] < owl> non--constructive?
[07:32] < blindcoder> okay, destructive
[07:32] < owl> :p
[07:32] < n00kie_> destructive?
[07:32] < owl> oki. then for you... : my head is killing me. but... :ppp
[07:33] < n00kie_> deconstructive :P
[07:36]   blindcoder --> breakfast
[07:38] < n00kie_> Enjoy :)
[07:38]   n00kie_ now just eats once a day
[07:49] < blindcoder> personally, I eat practically all day long
[07:50] < rxr> re
[07:52] < blindcoder> moin rxr
[07:52] < rxr> blindcoder: I do not think this is an optimisation issue, more a too less ram for some operation
[07:53] < rxr> or some driver hangs due to not liking the hardware ...
[07:53] < blindcoder> rxr: hmm... any ideas how I can get 2.0.0-rc1 on the machine then? killing 1.5.14 in the process?
[08:00] < rxr> I just reread the linuxrc code
[08:01] < rxr> blindcoder: where is it hanging for you?
[08:09] < rxr> what are the last text lines you get?
[08:13] < blindcoder> I don't see _any_ lines
[08:13] < rxr> what was the last line from the kernel?
[08:13] < blindcoder> I inserted a few printf()'s for myself, including one before autoload_modules(); is called and one oafterwards
[08:13] < blindcoder> the one befor gets printed, the one after it not
[08:13] < blindcoder> Freeing unused kernel memory: 152k freed.
[08:14] < rxr> then comment the auto_load function out and see how it goes ...
[08:15] < blindcoder> I tried that, and then it hangs when choosing 2nd stage from local device as well as choosing load network modules
[08:15] < rxr> btw you can not load the normal 2nd stage on it if you do not activate a big swap partition in the initrc
[08:15] < rxr> or you need to load the small image
[08:15] < blindcoder> hmm... okay, good to know.
[08:16] < rxr> blindcoder: the box has only 16MB RAM, the normal 2nd stage is a bit bigger IIRC ...
[08:16] < blindcoder> I already have the disk partitioned for a 64 MB Swap Partition so that should be possible
[08:20]   blindcoder reading up on current flamewars on lkml
[08:33] < rxr> some texts about the boot stuff is on my doto now ...
[09:13] < daja77> moin
[09:13] < cytrinox_> mmoin daja77
[09:14] -!- cytrinox_ is now known as cytrinox
[09:14] < blindcoder> moin moin
[09:14] < daja77> moin blindcoder, cytrinox
[09:15] < Aard> moin :)
[09:15] < daja77> hey Aard
[09:17] < daja77> are the others all up again?
[09:18] < Aard> daja77: there still not too many up here
[09:18] < Aard> couldn't sleep, so got up at 7:45 to take a shower before everyone wanted..
[09:18] < daja77> hehe
[09:20] < daja77> well have fun
[09:20]   daja77 off to university
[09:32] -!- mir [~mir@] has joined #rocklinux
[09:33] -!- mir [~mir@] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting")
[09:55] < rxr> fake: awake ???
[09:59] < rxr> grmpf
[10:00] < rxr> Aard: are you at the camp?
[10:03] < rxr> hm
[10:04] < blindcoder> vey responsive today :-)
[10:05] < Aard> rxr: yes. met esden tuesday evenig\ng
[10:08] < blindcoder> Aard: if you see him, give him a hug from me :-)
[10:08] < Aard> blindcoder: hm. er..
[10:09] < blindcoder> Aard: alternatively you may kick him :-)
[10:09] < Aard> blindcoder: hm. and if he kicks me?
[10:10] < rxr> Aard: do you have fake near you?
[10:10] < rxr> fg
[10:10] < rxr> oO
[10:10] < Aard> rxr: haven't seen him
[10:11] < rxr> ok , thanks ...
[10:11] < rxr> cu all later
[10:11] < blindcoder> cu rxr
[10:11] < blindcoder> Aard: you're free to defend yourself :-)
[10:13] < rxr> damn, this server should not have running IDE in PIO mode ...
[10:13] < Aard> blindcoder: I don't have a webcam with me -- since I can;t sell pictures of the event == sorry
[10:13] < rxr> damn fscking slow to just create and copy drock-2.0.0-camp ISOs ...
[10:13] < rxr> I shoudl fix this very soon ...
[10:17] < blindcoder> Aard: damn :)
[11:00]   blindcoder --> lunch
[11:33] < netrunner> moin
[11:33] < Aard> hi netrunner
[11:33] < netrunner> rxr: shall I bring my mini with the cd recorder?
[11:43]   blindcoder back
[11:43] < blindcoder> hi netrunner
[11:53] < netrunner> hi blindcoder
[11:56] < fake> rxr: there?
[11:59]   netrunner want's to suck pr0n
[12:01] < fake> netrunner: ask SMP, he is the k1ng 0ph pr0n
[12:02] < esden> morning
[12:06] < netrunner> ah, and my brother also ordered heroes 4
[12:11] -!- Be-El [be-el@p5082BEAC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:11] < Be-El> hi ppl
[12:26] -!- owl [~owl@D725a.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:27] -!- owl [~owl@D725a.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:27] < owl> *gnarf* rehi
[12:28] < Be-El> hi owl
[12:40] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@dialin-145-254-159-057.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:41] < owl> hi capchaos
[12:42] < capchaos> Owl!
[12:43] < Be-El> hi capchaos
[12:43] < capchaos> Be-El!
[12:53] < daja77> re
[12:53] < Be-El> hi daja77
[12:53] < daja77> hi Be-El
[12:55] < capchaos> 23 users in this chan.. oh oh
[12:55] < daja77> cap you are doomed *ggg*
[12:55] < Be-El> es waechst....
[12:55] < capchaos> daja77, damnit you are one of THEM :p
[12:56] < daja77> capchaos: TRAITOR
[12:56] < Be-El> THEM ? daja77 says he's from bielefeld ?
[12:56] < daja77> no i only visited it
[12:57] < Be-El> daja77: there's no bielefeld....
[12:57] < daja77> Lorini is from Bielefeld ...
[12:57] < Be-El> and you probably are one of them !
[13:01] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@dialin-145-254-159-057.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Temet nosce.")
[13:03] -!- daja77 [[NwBJ93tPZ@odoaker.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:05] < Be-El> .oO ( less Raindance-HowTO.txt )
[13:07] -!- daja77 [[lNkNWt1zM@odoaker.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:10] < daja77> *grmpf*
[13:11] < Be-El> eh...daja, you are an ork, too ?
[13:11] < daja77> no that damn server had a lag up to 300
[13:11] < daja77> and i am good at imitating ...
[13:12] < Be-El> i see....
[13:13] < Be-El> .oO ( claims to visited bielefeld, imitating ork.....)
[13:13]   daja77 alround weirdo ...
[13:20] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-077-254.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:23] -!- Nebukadneza is now known as Nebu^afk
[13:27] -!- owl_ [~owl@D706c.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:28] -!- owl [~owl@D725a.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:28] -!- owl_ is now known as owl
[13:29] < Be-El> re owl
[13:34] < owl> thx. and off again
[13:39] -!- Nebu^afk is now known as Nebukadneza
[13:41] < Be-El> https://www.malevole.com/mv/misc/killerquiz/
[13:47] -!- Be-El is now known as BL|away
[13:47] < BL|away> bbl
[13:47] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-077-254.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
[13:48] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-077-254.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:51] < daja77> building subversion on an old suse sucks like hell
[13:56] < jvc> daja77: you could download a rock-beta, compile it, chroot and hopla Build-Pkg subersion
[13:57] -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-057-190.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:57] < daja77> i could sacrifice two black goats as well
[13:57] < jvc> yes, but that would not help you anyhow
[13:57] < daja77> think i found a quicker solution
[13:58] < jvc> never mind my suggestion than
[13:59] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-077-254.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:59] -!- Nebukadneza2 is now known as Nebukadneza
[14:01] < daja77> jvc: thx anyway
[14:11]   blindcoder back
[14:31] -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M308P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:35] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M343P019.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[14:38] < rolla> re
[14:39] < blindcoder> hi rolla
[14:54] < daja77> hi rolla
[14:55]   rolla was having fun with an apache2 server in chile last night :)
[14:55] < daja77> huh, tell me more
[14:55] < rolla> just help mnemoc with is server
[14:56]   daja77 having fun with apache2 too
[14:56] < rolla> :)
[14:56]   daja77 now compiling subversion support in
[14:57] < rolla> :)
[14:57]   rolla goes off to wake up his backup server
[15:00] < daja77> don't use cold water for this ...
[15:03]   daja77 started new rtrock build ...
[15:04] < rxr> re
[15:04] < rxr> hi peopel
[15:04] < daja77> moin rxr
[15:05] < daja77> rxr: at the camp?
[15:06] < netrunner> daja77: yes, he's in a wrokshop nearby
[15:06] < blindcoder> rxr: re
[15:07] < daja77> ah netrunner my spy, thx
[15:07] < daja77> oops
[15:11] < rolla> ;)
[15:15]   netrunner sits at a workshop and realized that he just became part of a weird game ...
[15:16] < daja77> that was your secret message *gg*
[15:16]   netrunner finds this game stupid and leaves ...
[15:17] < daja77> netrunner is just a bad player
[15:19] < esden> re hi ... once more ;)
[15:19]   esden waiting for 2.4.21 kernel for alpha compile
[15:19] < daja77> hi esden, could you kick netrunner for me?
[15:19] < blindcoder> esden: hi there :)
[15:19] < rolla> SCO has lost their mind
[15:19] < blindcoder> esden: my GPS-Receiver arrived a few minutes ago
[15:19] < esden> daja77: done
[15:19] < daja77> i know
[15:19] < daja77> thx
[15:20] < esden> autsh ... he has hit me ...
[15:20]   esden hitting daja77 for it ;)
[15:20] < daja77> d#oh
[15:20] < blindcoder> hmm
[15:21] < netrunner> daja77: trying to get me violent?
[15:21] < daja77> get you, you are!
[15:22] < daja77> ..no i only wanted to get you kicked ...
[15:23] < daja77> remote kick protocol
[15:25]   netrunner remotestrangulates daja77
[15:26]   blindcoder going home
[15:26] < daja77> feature not implemented yet
[15:26] < daja77> bye blindcoder
[15:31] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-057-190.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:32] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-132.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:37] < JTBurn> re
[15:44] < rolla> re
[15:45]   daja77 damn tired
[15:48] < netrunner> daja77: sleep.
[15:48] < netrunner> daja77: coffee
[15:49]   daja77 confused, what now?
[15:49] -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4D281.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:49] < daja77> brb
[15:56] < netrunner> daja77: use coffee. if your machine is better working than mine.
[16:03] -!- Nebukadneza is now known as Nebu^away
[16:07] < daja77> my machine is working fine, but at home
[16:15] < owl> rehi
[16:15] < owl> wah. this room is great. i love my cellar-room :)))
[16:20]   daja77 likes his air conditiond workplace
[16:24] < daja77> a cellar owl, yuck
[16:32] -!- Nebu^away [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-132.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:36]   netrunner likes the chips here
[16:37] < owl> *g*
[16:44] < daja77> netrunner: chips? not chicks
[16:54] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9588E42.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:54] < tsa> hi
[16:55] < owl> hi tsa
[16:56] < daja77> huhu tsa
[16:57] < tsa> is there something broken with the current tree?
[16:58] < daja77> what do you mean?
[16:58] < tsa> my build aborts with 1-gcc3.err
[16:58] < tsa> i see lots of warnings, but no real error in there.
[16:58] < daja77> hmm can't tell my build hasn't made such progress yet
[16:59] < daja77> still in 1-linux24
[16:59] < tsa> ah, i see.
[16:59] < tsa> what are you building for?
[16:59] < daja77> pentium3
[16:59] < tsa> ok, me too.
[17:00] < daja77> O_o
[17:00] < tsa> the error happens with both cross- and native-builds
[17:00] < daja77> + bootdisk non optimised
[17:00] < owl> daja77: still when it is in 1-linux24?
[17:00] < tsa> no bootdisk stuff here so far
[17:01] < daja77> which host system you have?
[17:01] < daja77> owl: almost an hour
[17:01] < tsa> but i disabled a lot of packages, like linux26*, gcc2*, glibc22*
[17:01] < daja77> hmm sounds sane to me
[17:01] < owl> daja77: please tell me if it continues somewhen...
[17:01] < tsa> only gcc3 and glibc23
[17:02] < daja77> owl: np
[17:02] < owl> thx
[17:03] < tsa> daja77: host system is a pentium3. linux 2.4.20, glibc 2.2.5
[17:05] < daja77> ah ok, just heard of problems if you are trying to do this on pentium2 or lower
[17:06] < tsa> starting a new build now.
[17:06] < tsa> default config.
[17:06] < tsa> changes: pentium3 optimised, abort on package fail
[17:07] < daja77> do you really think it is due this
[17:07] < tsa> i have absolutely no idea.
[17:07] < daja77> ic
[17:07] < daja77> hmm maybe pentuim3 optimization is borken
[17:08] < tsa> if you want to have a look..
[17:08] < tsa> https://www.jaenicke.org/1-gcc3.err
[17:08] < tsa> (~ 2mb)
[17:12] < daja77> owl: how long does your kernel compile, and on what cpu?
[17:16] < rolla> daja77: it takes me 3m to compile 2.4.21 on my 2500+
[17:16] < daja77> lol tsa has rock-trunk under mp3
[17:16] < daja77> poser!
[17:16] < daja77> complete rock kernel package?
[17:16] < netrunner> rolla: i doubt that
[17:17] < daja77> if you throw out lots of crap this should be possible
[17:17] < tsa> daja77: i had to move it there - all other partitions completely filled up..
[17:17] < daja77> ;-)
[17:17] < rolla> netrunner: really
[17:17] < daja77> it is on my garbage part as well
[17:17] < rolla> not rock package
[17:18] < daja77> ic
[17:18] < rolla> actual kernel
[17:18] < tsa> yes, i'll reinstall,; yes, i'll put in more disks.
[17:18] < netrunner> rolla: I bet you do not do a full compile.
[17:18] < tsa> (that's what i need the build for..
[17:18]   daja77 pets tsa
[17:18] < tsa> )
[17:18] < netrunner> rolla: show me a time make mrproper dep modules bzImage
[17:19] < daja77> guess rolla uses a stripped config
[17:19] < netrunner> just calling make in my kernel tree finishes within seconds..
[17:19] < daja77> as I would do for manual compiles
[17:20] < rolla> netrunner: okay
[17:21] < daja77> tsa: erhm could it be that you are trying this on a non cleaned up build?
[17:21] < tsa> daja77: i did a ./scripts/Cleanup -full ..
[17:21] < daja77> hmm strange
[17:22] < rolla> daja77: I use no modules
[17:23] < daja77> hehehe you are playing foul tricks
[17:23] < rolla> no I compile everything in
[17:23] < daja77> ugh wtf that
[17:24] < daja77> to have a 20mb kernel image?
[17:24] < rolla> nope
[17:25] < daja77> tell me you compile everything you need in, or really everything
[17:25] < rolla> everything I need
[17:26] < rolla> sorry I was not clear
[17:26] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F001.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:27] < daja77> so my trust in you returns ;-)
[17:27] -!- fake [~fake@pD950E8B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:27] < rolla> I run test right now
[17:27] < daja77> :)
[17:28] < rolla> I love my athlon
[17:28]   daja77 loves his too
[17:28] < rolla> what kind do you have?
[17:28] < daja77> 1800+ XP, 1GB RAM ...
[17:28] < rolla> cool
[17:29] < rolla> I have 2500+ with 512M of ram
[17:29] < daja77> :)
[17:29] < rolla> 333 FSB
[17:29] < daja77> the board does 400 fsb afaik, but the ram does not afaik
[17:29] < rolla> :(
[17:30] < daja77> had to change the board, that's why it is newer than the rest of the machine
[17:30] < daja77> but this board kicks ass
[17:30] < daja77> my whole system is faster since the change
[17:30] < rolla> what kind?
[17:31] < daja77> epox 8K9A
[17:31] < rolla> ach so
[17:31] < rolla> I have ASUS board
[17:31] < daja77> never had such a cool board, you can toggle lots of stuff on it
[17:32] < rolla> :)
[17:32] < rolla> what all does it have?
[17:32] < daja77> you can choose from which hd or cdrom you want to boot and stuff
[17:33] < rolla> yeah
[17:33] < daja77> :)
[17:36] < tsa> .oO( does that require any special magic except from changing a simple scsi id? )
[17:37] < daja77> ide discs
[17:37] < daja77> and yes most boards are too stupid for that
[17:37] < tsa> strange.
[17:37] < tsa> ide sucks.
[17:38] < daja77> even to boot from cd burner is not possible if this is the second cd device
[17:40] < rolla> real    10m47.110s
[17:40] < rolla> user    10m6.210s
[17:40] < rolla> sys     0m37.870s
[17:40] < rolla> sorry 10m is what a time make dep bzImage modules takes
[17:41] < daja77> still better than 1,5h
[17:46]   daja77 thought about adding certificates to his apache, but i guess in 15min this is no good idea
[17:49] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p508011E7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:52] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[17:52] < Mike1> moin.
[17:52] < daja77> Mike1!
[17:53] < Mike1> daja77: !
[17:53] < rolla> Mike1:
[17:53] < Mike1> rolla:
[17:53] < rolla> damn he lives
[17:53] < daja77> yeah he does
[17:53] < Mike1> ?
[17:53] < Mike1> have i missed something?
[17:53] < rolla> people have been looking for you
[17:53] < daja77> not?
[17:53] < rolla> jose?
[17:53] < Mike1> rolla: which people?
[17:53]   Mike1 does not currently have conection
[17:53] < daja77> we all waited for you here
[17:54] < rolla> his nick was jose__
[17:54] < daja77> not, what about your dedicated line
[17:54] < Mike1> daja77: hey i feel honored
[17:54] < owl> daja77: neverending
[17:54] < Mike1> hi owlita
[17:54] < owl> pentium4, but no optimization
[17:54] < rolla> says he lives in CR and might be able to get you a job
[17:54] < owl> hi Mike1 :)
[17:54] < Mike1> rolla: ah that guy is from cr, he could havce called me if it was urgent
[17:54] < daja77> Mike1: hehe yeah jose wanted to hire you for hostarice
[17:54] < Mike1> rolla: yeah i heard his company is looking for a fulltime sysadmin
[17:55] < daja77> hostarica
[17:55] < Mike1> daja77: yes i read the position, but, i now work on my own
[17:55] < Mike1> i just came by to say hello for a few minutes
[17:55] < daja77> Mike1: you told me that you never wanted to work for them anyway?
[17:55] < Mike1> any important/ intereting news?
[17:55] < Mike1> daja77: yups.
[17:56] < daja77> i told him that ...
[17:56] < Mike1> daja77: and now i work full time for my own company so..
[17:56] < Mike1> daja77: ah ok.
[17:56] < owl> Mike1: your own company? O_o
[17:56] < daja77> of course i haven't told him your reason ;-)
[17:57] < daja77> weee linux24 finished
[17:57] < Mike1> owl: yes, i had my own cosnbulting company since several time ago, i just used to work on it on my spare time, but now i have decided to workj full time on it
[17:57] < Mike1> daja77: hehe good.
[17:57] < owl> Mike1: kewl ;)
[17:57] < daja77> owl: almost two hours, but i build two kernels at the same time so ...
[17:57] < owl> daja77: after how many hours?
[17:58] < Mike1> owl: yes indeed, its still quite small only 2 people on the office
[17:58] < owl> Mike1: i c. you and who else?
[17:58] < Mike1> hopefully netrunner will join us next year
[17:58] < daja77> cool
[17:58] < Mike1> owl: me, and 2 other guys you don{t really know
[17:58] < owl> Mike1: netrunner O_O
[17:59]   daja77 notes that he is lucky still bein here and not to miss Mikey's appearance
[17:59] < Mike1> daja77: thank you.
[17:59] < Mike1> owl: yeah.
[18:00]   daja77 now building 2x linux26
[18:00] < Mike1> daja77: arch_
[18:00] < Mike1> ?
[18:01] < tsa> 2x?
[18:01] < Mike1> Hola tsa
[18:01] < daja77> pentium3 + unoptimized
[18:01] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p508011E7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[18:01] < tsa> hi Mike1
[18:01] < tsa> ah
[18:01] < tsa> 1-linux24
[18:01] < daja77> tsa: yeah realtime target + bootdisk target in parallel ;-)
[18:01] < Mike1> daja77: pretty nice
[18:04] < daja77> Mike1: does this mean you'll never work for informatica again?
[18:05] < Mike1> daja77: exactly
[18:05] < daja77> :)
[18:05] < Mike1> unless they need consulting
[18:05] < Mike1> and hire my company to do it
[18:05] < tsa> consluting.
[18:06] < daja77> hehe, got all the hw you wanted from them?
[18:06] < Mike1> daja77: i don{t really want anything for them
[18:06] < daja77> hmm thought you said sth about some nice hw there ...
[18:06] < Mike1> yes sure.. but i have changed my mind
[18:07] < Mike1> i can get my hardware from some where else
[18:07] < daja77> good
[18:07] < daja77> bye bye odin
[18:08] < Mike1> yups
[18:09] < daja77> guess i can't tell tsa about gcc3 today
[18:09] < tsa> works on your machine?
[18:09] < tsa> or takes too long?
[18:09] < daja77> the build is now at 1-linux26, and I'll leave soon, ...
[18:09] < tsa> ah, ok.
[18:09] < tsa> we'll see.
[18:10] < daja77> yepp
[18:10] < tsa> if it doesn't work, let's get on someones nerves ;)
[18:10] < daja77> unfortunatly I'll see on monday ...
[18:10]   daja77 looks suspiciously in the general direction of rxr ...
[18:11]   daja77 'll be at a wedding this weekend ...
[18:11] < Mike1> daja77: u will get married?
[18:11] < daja77> nope
[18:11] < tsa> hehe
[18:12]   daja77 is in love with his athlon ...
[18:13] < Mike1> tsa: el miente estoy seguro de que se casara en secreto con owl
[18:13] < tsa> lol.
[18:13] < daja77> :P
[18:13] < owl> hoeh???
[18:14] < Mike1> anyways my friend i must vanish again
[18:14] < Mike1> see you in a few days
[18:14] < Mike1> i hope
[18:14] < daja77> cu Mike1
[18:14] < tsa> have fun, Mike1
[18:14] < daja77> vanishing, sounds like fun
[18:14] < Mike1> i will
[18:15] < Mike1> byw fellows
[18:15] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has quit ("leaving")
[18:15] < daja77> cool domain
[18:15]   daja77 made the lusers happy ,..
[18:16] < owl> shot them?
[18:17] < tsa> off for a while.
[18:17] < tsa> grep food.
[18:17] -!- tsa is now known as tsa|afk
[18:17] < owl> tsa|afk: guten hunger
[18:17] < tsa|afk> thx
[18:17] < daja77> owl: no php on apache2 works now (but subversion does not)
[18:18] < owl> daja77: ah so... but which lusers? at your company?
[18:18] < daja77> yepp
[18:18] < daja77> don't have any at home ...
[18:18] < owl> *g*
[18:18] < owl> .oO(why are you strictly mentioning this?)
[18:19] < daja77> just to sure :P
[18:19] < owl> *g*
[18:19]   daja77 now visiting his parents
[18:19] < daja77> cu
[18:22] < owl> bye, have fun, daja77
[18:31] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7DB09.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Reboot...")
[18:33] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7DB09.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:44] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F462.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:47] < blindcoder> anyone here?
[18:50] < rolla> yes
[18:52] < blindcoder> rolla: you know a way to install a laptop when linuxrc hangs?
[18:53] < rolla> nope
[18:53] < rolla> rock hates my laptop
[18:53] < rolla> I have gentoo installed on it
[18:53] < blindcoder> hmm... bad
[18:54] -!- mnemoc [~amery@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:55] < blindcoder> cause I now have a GPS-Receiver and can't reinstall my laptop to use it >_<
[18:55] < owl> blindcoder: aehm... chrooting into the system...? compiling linuxrc-package-stuff there?
[18:55] < blindcoder> hmm...
[18:55] < blindcoder> *thinks*
[18:55] < blindcoder> just a moment...
[18:57] < owl> blindcoder: ?
[18:58] < blindcoder> owl: booting knoppix and using it to install ROCK
[18:59] < owl> blindcoder: urgs. have fun
[18:59] < blindcoder> grmpf
[19:00] < blindcoder> not enough RAM
[19:00] < owl> which notebook?
[19:02] < blindcoder> Scenic Mobile 310CS
[19:02] < blindcoder> 16 MB RAM
[19:02] < owl> .oO(a bit old)
[19:02] < owl> how many mhz=?
[19:03] < blindcoder> 133
[19:03] < blindcoder> hmm... nice
[19:03] < blindcoder> at least I know now where linuxrc hangs
[19:03] < owl> nice?
[19:03] < blindcoder> f = fdopen(fd[0], "r");
[19:03] < blindcoder> there *point*
[19:04] < owl> this fscking kernel drives me insane. *grml*
[19:05] < owl> how long does a fscking kernel (linux24) on a pentium4 with "generic" (so, no) optimiziation need to build?
[19:06] < Aard> owl: should take about 4-8 minutes
[19:06] < owl> Aard: yes... maybe with 10 of those pentium4s... (and i mean a rock-kernel... --> all modules and crap enabled)
[19:07] < Aard> owl: 4-8. than 8. My kernel builds on my atlon in 4 minutes, with more stuff enabled maybe 8 minutes
[19:07] < owl> wuff...
[19:09] < blindcoder> one hour
[19:09] < blindcoder> rock-kernel, pentium4 1.8
[19:10] < owl> 17:34:37 =[1]=> Building base/linux24 [2.4.21 2.0.0-rc1].
[19:10] < owl> sure?
[19:10] < owl> .oO(still building... or having a loop...???)
[19:11] < blindcoder> tail the logfile
[19:11] < owl> tailing?
[19:12] < blindcoder> tail -f build/*/root/var/adm/logs/1-linux24.log
[19:12] < owl> what for?
[19:12] < blindcoder> (replaced by common sense)
[19:12] < blindcoder> ehm..
[19:12] < blindcoder> to answer your question?
[19:13] < owl> it still builds. but i dunno if it was rebuildt and rebuildt and rebuilt until my cpu is burning or so
[19:13] < blindcoder> that's why I say, tail the logfile
[19:14] < owl> hrm
[19:16] < blindcoder> even though most people here wight think that of me, I'm not really _that_ stupid
[19:19] < owl> hoeh? O_o
[19:21] < blindcoder> ah, nothing
[19:21] < blindcoder> just some personal feelings
[19:21] < owl> blindcoder: *kick*
[19:24] < blindcoder> thanks
[19:28] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-132.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:28] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7DB09.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[19:34] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F2B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:40] -!- owl_ [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:40] -!- owl [~owl@D706c.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:40] < owl_> remoin
[19:40] < owl_> stupid kernelpanic!
[19:41] -!- owl_ is now known as owl
[19:48] < owl> someone willed to compile a rock-minimal-with-xfree-target-build?
[19:48] < owl> might the error is reproducible there, too?
[19:51] -!- scoopexH [~marc@td90919fd.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux
[19:59] < rolla> if you are nice owl I shal try
[19:59] < rolla> svn is down
[20:00] < rolla> svn: RA layer request failed
[20:03] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F2B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Reboot...")
[20:03] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F2B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:09] < owl> rolla: oki... mail to which adress?
[20:09] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F2B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Reboot...")
[20:09] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F2B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:11] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F2B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[20:11] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F2B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:12]   blindcoder compiling pkgconfig atk12 glib22 gtk+12 and gpsdrive on a 133 MHz machine >_<
[20:16] -!- BL|away is now known as Be-El
[20:17] < Be-El> re
[20:18] < owl> wb
[20:18] < Be-El> owl:
[20:18] < Be-El> Error logs from server-2.0.0-rc1-x86-athlon-tbird-32-minimal_XFree-expert:
[20:18] < Be-El> 232 builds total, 232 completed fine, 0 with errors.
[20:19] < owl> *ARGH* something i'm doing wrong...
[20:20] < owl> which rev of svn?
[20:20] < Be-El> 1032
[20:21] < owl> hrmpf. doesnt work fo me since 1012
[20:21] < owl> +r
[20:23] < Be-El> hmm..some diffs in keepalived, centericq, rocksndiamond, openh323, sylpheed, k3b, koffice, kdelibs31 and kdemultimedia31....nothing that should influence with your target
[20:23] < Be-El> let's create an iso-image and try to install it
[20:24] < Be-El>                 Shared:     664 kB in     2 files
[20:24] < Be-El>                 Disk 1:  223679 kB in   729 files  (boot)
[20:24] < Be-El>                 Total:   224343 kB in   731 files
[20:27] < owl> rolla: please use _not optimzied_ as optimization...
[20:27] < blindcoder> do glibc 2.3 compiled libraries work on glibc 2.2 machines?
[20:33] < blindcoder> *sigh*
[20:33] < blindcoder> why am I even asking...
[20:38] < Be-El> ok...ready for installing...
[20:38] < Be-El> bbl
[20:38] -!- Be-El is now known as BL|away
[20:49] -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p5080205A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
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[21:01] -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-122.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
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[21:14] < blindcoder> how to recreate a lost /lib/ld-linux.so.2 with only bash-biultins
[21:14] < blindcoder> (Author: blindCoder)
[21:15] -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.221.173.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:15] -!- Nebukadneza2 is now known as Nebu^away
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[21:28] -!- cytrinox_ is now known as cytrinox
[21:31] -!- BL|away [be-el@p5082BEAC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:36] -!- Be-El [be-el@p5082BEAC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:36] < Be-El> re
[21:51] -!- scoopexH [~marc@td90919fd.adsl.terralink.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:53] -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-041.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
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[22:39] < tsa|afk> n8
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[23:00] < daja77> re
[23:01] < Be-El> re daja
[23:02] < daja77> huh, the camp openstoday, why are you all there since two days ...
[23:03] < Be-El> getting network access for their tent ? ;-)
[23:04] < daja77> hehe
[23:12] < Be-El> daja77: are you familar with crossbuilds ?
[23:13] < daja77> no
[23:13] < daja77> wtf https://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/co/15389/1.html
[23:14] < daja77> 901 builds total, 883 completed fine, 18 with errors.
[23:14] < daja77> with rev 1025 argl
[23:14] < daja77> 1035
[23:27] < daja77> hehe mplayer has now trouble keeping in sync while I am running two builds at once
[23:32] -!- Nebukadneza2 is now known as Nebukadneza
[23:39] < daja77> this could be a wonderful debugging night, but unfortunately i have to get up early
[23:39] < daja77> so n8 you all
[23:40] < Be-El> cu daja
[23:43] < owl> .oO(himmelarsch und zwirn... )
[23:43] < owl> re
[23:43] < owl> bye daja77
[23:43] < Be-El> re owl
[23:45] < owl> did i already mention, that this scripts seem to be broken like hell?
[23:45] < Be-El> which scripts ?
[23:45] < owl> rock-build-scripts...
[23:45] < owl> == 21:24:26 =[1]=> Building base/linux24 [2.4.21 2.0.0-rc1].
[23:46] < Be-El> it's building the same package over amd over ?
[23:46] < owl> yes
[23:47] < Be-El> i had a similar error some month ago...but it was fixed that time
[23:47] < Be-El> i'm not sure what has been the reason for it
[23:47] < owl> :-(
[23:48] < Be-El> maybe it's a clock skew and the Create-PkgList scripts does not recognize that the package has already been built
[23:49] < owl> hmmm... but then it should appear in the .out files and or tail  -f .out... ?
[23:51] < Be-El> what happens if you abort the build and restart it ?
[23:51] < owl> also error
[23:51] < owl> (already tested it)
[23:52] < Be-El> *narf* i need some script to resolve build dependencies
[23:54] -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.201.134.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[23:54] -!- aszlig [~aszlig@2001:8d8:80:11:0:0:0:4d] has joined #rocklinux
[23:54] < owl> hi aszlig
[23:54] < aszlig> hullo
[23:54] < Be-El> ok, Create-PkgQueue tells Build-Target which package has to be built next
[23:54] < Be-El> hi aszlig
[23:55] < Be-El> .oO ( huh ? 12 o'clock ? a shadow owl ? ;-) )
[23:59] < owl> why a shadow-owl?
[23:59] < Be-El> two aslings
[23:59] < Be-El> two aszligs even
[23:59] < owl> .oO(might i will leave the house and go for a walk at about 1 o clock)
[23:59] < owl> nah....
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Fri Aug 08 00:00:20 2003