--- Log opened Mon Aug 11 00:00:13 2003 00:10 * A-Tui is away: Mata jipis en las CIES!!!!! 00:20 < netrunner> *chrrrr* 00:40 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@volans.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de] has joined #rocklinux 00:40 < jsaw> re 00:40 < Nebu^sockets> ping fake 00:40 * A-Tui is back (gone 00:30:24) 00:41 < tsa> owl? 00:43 < owl> tsa: ? 00:43 < tsa> ah 00:44 < tsa> owl: heard you had problems with gcc build errors in stage 1, too? 00:44 < owl> tsa: yes... 00:44 < tsa> i'm currently having the same problem here 00:45 < tsa> tried both p3 and no optimisation at all, but the error still occurs 00:45 < tsa> were you able to solve this? 00:46 < owl> dunno for sure. my notebook is now in "reperatur" ... 00:46 < tsa> ah, i see 00:46 < Nebu^sockets> owl: do you code cpp? 00:46 < tsa> judging from "chroot build/default-2.0.0-rc1-x86-generic-expert/root/ gcc -v", the gcc build itself seems to be ok, so i guess it's a problem with the scripts that occurs when copying the docs 00:47 < owl> hm. k. 00:47 < owl> Nebu^sockets: do i look so as i'm coding now something? no 00:48 < Nebu^sockets> owl: i dont know what you look like .. 00:48 < jsaw> tsa: fresh build? 00:49 < tsa> jsaw: yes. 00:49 < tsa> with svn 1030 because of current xfind.sh issues 00:49 < jsaw> tsa: solved now, 00:50 < tsa> ..oh? 00:50 < jsaw> tsa: target? 00:50 < jsaw> xfind is okay. 00:50 < tsa> jsaw: doesn't matter..tried both pentium3 and no optimisation at all 00:50 < jsaw> no, target distro, not processor...sorry 00:51 < tsa> ah, i see. 00:51 < tsa> default build, all packages enabled. 00:51 < jsaw> (I'm trying to remember why I had this problem...maybe some question's will help my brain to dig it out again....) 00:52 < tsa> hm...i see no changes to xfind.sh in the changelog 00:53 < jsaw> New Revision: 1043 \n ... \n fixed xfind ... 00:53 < tsa> ah, yes. 00:53 < tsa> just found it, too 00:54 < jsaw> and I can verify, it works. 00:54 < jsaw> (though I'm not sure about the speed improvement...) 00:55 < jsaw> tsa: all packages enabled... gcc33 and gcc3? 00:55 < tsa> ok, i'll retry 00:56 < tsa> jsaw: i tried several conbinations.. 00:56 < tsa> jsaw: the error occured when i started a build for gcc33, glibc23, linux24 only 00:57 < tsa> but currently, i've enabled all and everything because i was unsure about my package selection 00:57 < tsa> but since the errors persists, it seems to be something else 01:02 < jsaw> tsa: how do I enable everything? "+ .*" or sth like that? 01:03 < tsa> jsaw: jsut don't modify the config.. ;) 01:04 < jsaw> jsaw: really? I selected generic target, but gcc33 is not selected... ? 01:05 < tsa> afaik, some packages are mutually exclusive, so you can have just one of them, but i've just used the default config for testing.. 01:06 < tsa> i wonder how there should ever be a rock 2.0 release if new packages still get added, core scripts modified, etc.. 01:07 < jsaw> k. let's if I can reproduce. 01:07 < tsa> much luck ;) 01:07 < tsa> default config, nothing modified. 01:07 < tsa> aborts for me with 1-gcc3.err 01:08 < tsa> i'd say it's a bug with createdocs stuff. 02:02 < Aard> ftp://aard.camp.ccc.de -- online till after I get up, if anything wants something 02:10 < tsa> hm.. 02:10 < tsa> problem could be related to ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_F77 02:10 < tsa> <- testing 02:12 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps") 02:23 < tsa> hm.. 02:23 < tsa> no, it isn't. 03:00 -!- Nebu^sockets [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-072-062.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 03:02 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090B09A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03:07 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090A5F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:18 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082D092.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04:32 -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.248.185.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 04:39 < jsaw> GCC Release Status (2003-08-03) [snip] The FSF's machines have been cracked again, [snip] 04:51 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.211.190.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05:05 -!- cytrinox__ [~cytrinox@p213.54.250.103.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 05:07 -!- cytrinox__ is now known as cytrinox 05:16 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@volans.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de] has quit ("Client Exiting") 05:24 -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.248.185.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05:37 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M302P011.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 06:25 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M302P011.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Lost terminal") 06:45 -!- scoopexH [~marc@td909195d.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux 06:59 < blindcoder> moin moin 08:18 < kasc> moin 08:20 -!- scoopexH [~marc@td909195d.adsl.terralink.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 08:21 < blindcoder> moin kasc 08:21 < kasc> at least partially alive again ;) 08:23 < blindcoder> Well, it's stil unusually quiet... but with the Camp just ended yesterday it was to be expected 08:24 < kasc> were you at that camp? 08:33 < blindcoder> no 08:59 -!- blindy [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:11 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F2F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09:14 -!- blindy is now known as blindcoder 09:18 < owl> moin *grml* 09:18 < blindcoder> moin moin 10:03 < owl> Finished downloading 20662887 bytes in 52.995 seconds (389902.576 bytes/sec). 10:03 < owl> cksum-test (bzip2): download/base/gcc3/gcc-3.2.3.tar.bz2 10:03 < owl> ./scripts/Download: line 339: 11460 File size limit exceededbunzip2 <"$bzfile" >src/down.$$.dat 10:03 < owl> Cksum ERROR: download/base/gcc3/gcc-3.2.3.tar.bz2.cksum-err (2171944054) 10:03 < owl> wtf is _THAT_? 10:11 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M303P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 10:12 < blindcoder> strange 10:13 < blindcoder> moin n00kie 10:13 < kasc> owl: try to check your ulimits 10:14 < n00kie> Hi blindcoder 10:14 < kasc> ulimit -f 10:19 < owl> 200000 10:27 < kasc> try ulimit -f unlimited 10:28 < kasc> or check your /etc/limits.conf 10:28 < kasc> uh, /etc/limits 10:28 < kasc> cf man bash ;) 10:30 < owl> gnarf. it's not my machine i'm building at!!! 10:31 < kasc> then you'd better bug that machines' admin for bigger quotas ;) 10:31 < owl> hrm 10:32 < kasc> maybe you can get around that limit by chsh to a shell that doesnt support those limits 10:33 < owl> hmm. 10:33 < owl> currently i'm using zsh 10:34 < n00kie> Hmm. 10:34 < n00kie> zsh 10:34 < n00kie> I know that Shell. 10:35 < n00kie> But I still prefer Bash. :) 10:36 < owl> why? 10:36 < n00kie> Well Sandra... 10:36 < n00kie> I got "big" with the bash... 10:36 < n00kie> :) 10:38 < owl> i c :p 10:39 < kasc> n00kie: getting big with a really big shell, eh? *g* 10:40 < n00kie> mm 10:40 < n00kie> In english means "getting big" "getting fat"... 10:41 < n00kie> I mean getting "tall". (-; 10:41 < n00kie> If you understand me guys. 10:41 < n00kie> And girls. ;-P 10:41 < kasc> as in growing up? ;) 10:41 < n00kie> Full Ack 10:42 < kasc> :) 10:42 < n00kie> I just wanted to test you (-; 10:42 < kasc> thought so :-P 10:56 * blindcoder --> lunch 11:01 < n00kie> Enjoy blindy 11:18 < owl> *yawn* 11:29 < fake> damn... 11:29 * fake in bed, finally 11:32 < owl> *kick* 11:32 < owl> enjoy the sleep... 11:39 < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi 11:43 -!- _Caspar_ [~steven261@www.tag.at] has joined #rocklinux 11:47 < owl> wb blindcoder 11:48 < blindcoder> thx 13:02 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-072-062.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:11 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux 13:41 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E2BE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:42 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:42 < tcr> moin all 13:42 < tcr> rxr: ping 13:43 < blindcoder> moin moin 13:44 < tcr> Beta6 seems to be the most recent ISO, is that right? 13:44 < jsaw> tach 13:44 < tcr> I mean, that ISO is almost two months old 13:46 < jsaw> the biggest show-stopper is rock-plug and rock-net, currently 13:46 < tcr> Well, but beta7 was released a month ago, and there aren't any ISOs... that's improvable 13:47 < tcr> Anyway, I'll download beta6 right now 13:47 < jsaw> beta7 was an internal release... 13:48 < tcr> That makes the situation even worse 13:48 < jsaw> tcr: but u are right. that's not good. 13:48 < tcr> Two month without release... really improvable 13:49 < tcr> Urghs. All beta6 isos are for i586 13:49 < jsaw> tcr: what do u need? 13:49 < owl> tcr: minimal afaik not 13:49 < jsaw> hi owl. 13:50 < tcr> i386, because I have a pIII and an XP 13:50 < tcr> I need a basis system to try out cluster build 13:50 < jsaw> ? what's wrong with i586 for p3 and XP? 13:50 < jsaw> pentium+mmx should be fine for both! 13:50 < tcr> I had problems with that on an amd machine 13:51 < jsaw> what kinda problems? 13:51 < tcr> Receiving illegal instruction 13:51 < jsaw> strange... 13:52 < tcr> anyway, owl is right that minimal is i386 and, on the second thought, it seems better anyway 13:52 < tcr> Minimal should be enough for cluster builds, so I'll take that 13:53 < blindcoder> tcr: you do _not_ want to do a cluster build. 13:54 < tcr> Didn't you fix the problems? 13:55 < blindcoder> nome 13:55 < blindcoder> some 13:55 < jsaw> bbl 13:55 < blindcoder> but it's still kinda fucked up and needs a redesign 13:55 < blindcoder> with two nodes you _might_ be safe to use it. 13:56 < blindcoder> but with 4 nodes it already gets critical 13:56 < tcr> So what's fucked up? 13:56 < tcr> I guess, in 2.0 cluster facility will be depreciated then? 13:58 < blindcoder> some packages get built in parallel with their dependencies 13:58 < blindcoder> thus failing 13:58 < blindcoder> the xfree problem should be fixed by now 13:58 < tcr> And it's definitively a design issue? 13:58 < blindcoder> or rather "worked around" 13:58 < blindcoder> yes it is. 13:58 < tcr> Not some priority problem 13:59 < tcr> or whatever 13:59 < tcr> Ok 13:59 < blindcoder> the build-prorities are designed for single build-process 13:59 < blindcoder> in cluster-mode the dependencies are used. 14:00 < blindcoder> and because some cursor-packages didn't rely on X xfree falied, thus every X-package failed. 14:00 < tcr> So? 14:00 < blindcoder> then stage 5 was begun before stage 3 was finished 14:00 < blindcoder> and other odd behaviour 14:00 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps") 14:01 < blindcoder> like when building several Targets in one rock-src tree, the builds got mixed up 14:01 < tcr> I don't see the line between "cursor packages didnt rely on X" and the result that xfree fails because of that 14:01 < blindcoder> cursor package: 14:01 < blindcoder> mkdir /usr/X11/... 14:01 < blindcoder> xfree: 14:01 < blindcoder> ln -sf /usr/X11R6 /usrX11 14:02 < blindcoder> ln: /usr/X11 exists 14:02 < blindcoder> Build-Pkg: meep, package broken 14:02 < tcr> Ah, I see. 14:03 < tcr> in what repo is that package? 14:03 < blindcoder> but that was worked around already 14:03 < blindcoder> rene-repository 14:03 < tcr> For me it seems rather to be a dependancy creation problem than a design issue of the way of cluster building 14:04 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E2BE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal") 14:04 < blindcoder> so you also think that a package that relies on kdelibs3 can start building when kdelibs3 is building at the same time? 14:05 < tcr> Why should I think that? It's obviously wrong. 14:05 < blindcoder> or that after a cluster-build 88 packages failed, I switch into single-machine mode, continue the build and suddenly only 17 packages fail anymore?L 14:06 < tcr> What are you going to show me? 14:06 < tcr> You don't at all misprove that it's still a dependancy problem in some way :) 14:06 < blindcoder> well, that's the results I had with a cluster-build 14:07 < tcr> I wonder... 14:07 < tcr> Does that cursor programm really rely on X? And if true, why the heck doesn't it get built after Xfree86 is built 14:08 < tcr> So it seems to be either a problem during creation of dependancies, or a problem of how the cluster script interprets those dependancies. Do you agree? 14:09 < blindcoder> In this particular case I vote for problem in dep-creation 14:09 < blindcoder> sine it creates a directory in /usr/X11/ it _should_ rely on X... 14:09 < blindcoder> and that was already worked around by rene 14:10 < blindcoder> by using an [E] x11 tag 14:11 < blindcoder> I haven't had a chance to to something on a cluster since my last bug-reports to the mailing-list, so I don't exactly know how much things have improved. 14:11 < tcr> I guess all that was way after beta6? 14:11 < tcr> Forget that question 14:11 < tcr> I'll use most recent sources anyway 14:12 < blindcoder> hmm.. the xfind.sh problem should be solved by now, so I guess you're safe 14:12 < tcr> blindcoder: I can't find that questioned programm... 14:12 < blindcoder> which? 14:12 < blindcoder> xfind.sh? 14:12 < blindcoder> should be in scripts/ 14:13 < tcr> s,program,package, 14:13 < blindcoder> also, you may want to deactivate the XFree-pre-patches. 14:14 < tcr> May? 14:14 < blindcoder> only if you don't plan on using IPv6 14:14 < blindcoder> if you use the pre-patches, but do NOT use IPv6, X-Forward will _not_ work. 14:15 < blindcoder> alse see my mail to the mailing list "Pre-Releases and why they are a bad idea in a stable system" 14:16 < tcr> mom 14:18 < tcr> Right, I read it when going through my inbox after having come back from holiday 14:18 < tcr> Wondered why you havent got any reply 14:19 < blindcoder> I didn't expect one, to be honest. 14:19 < tcr> Because it's an infringment of rxr's policy he himself set up 14:19 < blindcoder> which would that be? 14:20 < tcr> He blamed huebi for updates of critical packages, according to him "one reason why it can't ever get stable" (paraphrased) 14:20 < tcr> in 1.6 times 14:20 < blindcoder> hmm... 14:21 < tcr> And he told that he wouldn't allow such things. Kinda policy, imho. 14:21 < blindcoder> welll, I voiced my opinion on non-stable-marked packages during the samba-discussion. 14:21 < tcr> Yeah, I had a sorta similiar proposal, and Niko did, too. That's quite back in past though 14:22 < tcr> Let me look if I can find it 14:24 * blindcoder can remember the discussion when huebi added XFS to 1.6 ... 14:25 < blindcoder> and now rene added ARM into 2.0 short before he wanted to release -rc1 14:26 < blindcoder> on a recent Kernel-Traffic there was a cite from Linus saying "ARM never compiled in my tree and that won't change in 2.6" (that's not word-by-word but the sense is the same) 14:26 < blindcoder> so now we will have a fourth kernel tree in 2.0 ... 14:26 < owl> d'ouh!!! 14:27 < owl> why 4 kernels??? thought "only" 3rd? 14:27 < blindcoder> but, oh well, he is the decision maker. hopefully he will soon start listening to other people than clifford again. 14:27 < tcr> (that's not word-by-word but the sense is the same) <-- that's paraphrased, hint, hint ;))) 14:27 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E2BE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:27 < jsaw> re 14:27 < blindcoder> owl: 2.4, 2.6 and 2.4-benh (for powerpc) 14:27 < blindcoder> re jsaw 14:27 < owl> omfg! 14:28 < blindcoder> and now 2.4-arm might be added to it... 14:28 < tcr> Calm down, people. Rxr is generally doing a good job, he just has to be helped out of the pitfall huebi stumbled in :) 14:28 < tcr> blindcoder: Do you have a local archive of the mailinglist; how far does it go back? 14:29 < blindcoder> tcr: I'm not saying he is doing a bad job. I wouldn't want to it, to be honest, and most of the time he is doing it really good. 14:29 < blindcoder> tcr: I currently can't access it because my machine at home is down, but I think it dates back to 03-2001 or something like that 14:30 < blindcoder> but as you said he is currently in danger of repeating huebis mistakes. 14:31 < blindcoder> tcr: I have a little bit over 7000 mails in my archive. 14:32 < tcr> Yeah, but as you cant access it I'll make use of the new ml online archive 14:32 < blindcoder> okay 14:32 < tcr> blindcoder: read this thread: https://www.rocklinux.net/lurker/message/20030322.124052.2b836e16.html 14:33 < blindcoder> *click* 14:33 < tcr> no wait 14:34 < tcr> it ain't the start of the thread 14:34 < tcr> Wtf? I cant find the start %) 14:35 < owl> *rofl* 14:35 < tcr> https://www.rocklinux.net/lurker/thread/20030321.150957.c4574692.html#20030321.150957.c4574692 14:35 < tcr> There it is :) 14:36 < blindcoder> I remember that discussion 14:38 < blindcoder> maybe we should bring this up on the devmeeting? 14:40 < blindcoder> btw. I also have a more or less heretic point to bring up there. 14:41 < tcr> My budget has been already vanished by the 2week vacation on malta 14:41 < tcr> so i dont think i can come 14:41 < blindcoder> i c... too bad... 14:45 < jsaw> blindcoder: heretic point? 14:46 < tcr> too heretic to be discussed publicly ;) 14:46 < blindcoder> jsaw: will you be at devmeeting? I'll bring it up there. 14:46 < blindcoder> on the risk of being thrown out ;-) 14:47 < jsaw> blindcoder: I'm afraid not. Would u mind sending me an email? 14:47 < blindcoder> jsaw: remember me about it in a few days, I'm currently accumulating points on why it should be done 14:49 < jsaw> blindcoder: k 14:50 < rolla> re 14:50 < jsaw> what I would like to see is this: every dev should have its svn branch. Then I can simply merge somebody elses changes. rxr in the end should only accept changes/additions etc, that are really cross checked... 14:51 < tcr> What I would like to see is to throw svn away and to use a real RCS. 14:52 < blindcoder> personally I don't care about one RCS or another... as long as it's easy enough to check out -current and by revision number. 14:53 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14:53 < blindcoder> Connection reset by beer. 14:53 < jsaw> blindcoder: isn't this the case right now? 14:53 < jsaw> ;-) 14:53 < blindcoder> jsyes it is. but it also was with CVS, so I don't really mind. 14:53 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:54 < tcr> fuck 14:54 < jsaw> yep. but actually managing a repo is much easier with svn. However there might be indeed better systems. cvs is - however - not an option. 14:54 < blindcoder> if rene decides to use something that can't be used with less than 4 commands (one for initial checkout, updating and diffing against a revision), then I'll flame against it ;-) 14:55 < jsaw> hehe 14:55 < jsaw> but still, I want my own branch. It's hard to copy my changes between the different computers right now (and thus to cross check) 14:56 < blindcoder> yes, I know what you mean 14:56 < blindcoder> keeping ones own tree in sync with rene's is quite a bit of work. 14:56 < blindcoder> (please excuse my grammar today) 14:58 < tcr> Check out arch, it's the best free RCS and i'm sure it'll become the best RCS of the world one time. 14:58 < tcr> Also the chances aren't bad that it'll be soon used by the kernel and gcc hackers 14:59 < tcr> Whereby soon means "in an uncertain amount of time" 14:59 < jsaw> tcr: I want to see that. Then will gonna have arch flames instead of bk... muahahahaha 15:00 < tcr> Arch is _free_, so why should there be flames? 15:00 < tcr> And it's gonna become gnu software 15:00 < jsaw> 2.4 kernel so far compiled w/o problems with gcc 3.3.1... no let's see what 2.6 says... 15:01 < jsaw> tcr: because ppl don't like changes. there's always somebody to complain... 15:01 < blindcoder> yes, and also somebody has to point out bad things of said changes 15:01 < blindcoder> nothing has only a bright side. 15:02 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15:02 < jsaw> tcr ??? 15:03 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:03 < tcr> wtf 15:03 < blindcoder> ploying around with your router? 15:03 < tcr> Here some to be some "störrfaktor" for my wlan 15:03 < jsaw> tcr: -dito- are u doing 15:03 < tcr> here seem 15:04 < tcr> Did anyone say something after 15:03? 15:04 < blindcoder> 15:02 < jsaw> tcr ??? 15:04 < blindcoder> that was all ;-) 15:04 < tcr> jsaw: ??? 15:05 < jsaw> tcr: I was asking myself what is happening over there... 15:05 < jsaw> now i know 15:05 < jsaw> screen can't handle that? 15:06 < tcr> I'm running windows atm 15:06 < tcr> because I'm restructuring my homework completely new 15:06 < tcr> homenet 15:07 < jsaw> (also @ work, but irc'ing on my homenet right now) 15:14 < owl> damned heat... 15:21 * blindcoder going home. see you later! 15:24 < jsaw> cu blindcoder 15:25 < owl> bye blindcoder 16:05 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M305P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 16:18 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M303P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:22 -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-30-73-120.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux 16:23 -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4D692.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:30 -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has joined #rocklinux 16:30 < jsaw> hi Mike1 16:30 < Mike1> hi all. 16:30 < jsaw> Mike1: when will u be back rocking? 16:31 < Mike1> jsaw: now. :) 16:31 < Mike1> why? 16:31 < jsaw> hehe. 16:31 < jsaw> I have a bunch of gnome2 updates lying around. But I don't want to send them, before sb else tested them. 16:31 < Mike1> hehe 16:32 < Mike1> oh god. 16:32 < rolla> Mike1: 16:32 < Mike1> rolla: 16:32 < Mike1> jsaw: send them over 16:32 < owl> hi Mike1 !!! :) 16:32 < Mike1> i will test them 16:32 < Mike1> owly 16:32 < jsaw> Mike1: where can I find your current email address? 16:33 < Mike1> jsaw: mike@linuxlabs.com 16:34 < jsaw> If somebody extracts emails from this list, we'll take legal action. 16:34 -!- _Caspar_ [~steven261@www.tag.at] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 16:36 < jsaw> Mike1: gonna send them tonight when I'm back home. 16:36 < owl> https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,260885,00.html << d'ouh 16:36 < Mike1> jsaw: perfect, that will give me time, to read mails, update svn tree, and read changelog 16:37 < jsaw> owl: I remember one of my professors in Ulm (great guy, around 65 at that time) sitting in front of his computer, drinking a beer... 16:38 < owl> hehe 16:38 < jsaw> (in his office at the university, of course) 16:39 < owl> uff... a cold ice && ice-tea or so would be nice, now... *sigh* 16:41 -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 16:41 < tcr> Uh. I don't drink alcoholics 16:41 < tcr> So... am I supposed to begin now or what? ;) 16:41 < owl> hehe. sure 16:43 < tcr> On the other hand, I could become like owl... What a risky drawback 16:44 < owl> tcr: *kick* 16:44 -!- CyBUX_ [~cybux@conm200-75-92-9.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux 16:44 < tcr> (You missed) so do you see what I mean? :P 16:45 < owl> seeing? nah 16:46 < CyBUX_> seen Mike1 16:46 -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-30-73-120.epm.net.co] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 16:47 -!- CyBUX_ is now known as CyBuX 16:55 < tcr> [16:45:03] <-- Mike1 has quit (Remote closed the connection) 16:55 < tcr> @ CyBuX 16:56 < CyBuX> thanks tcr 16:57 * owl np: illuminate - leuchtfeuer 16:58 < SMP> hi btw. 16:59 < owl> hi SMP 17:09 -!- treker [~treker@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #RockLinux 17:10 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F223.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:10 -!- treker [~treker@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Client Quit) 17:12 -!- snyke [~snyke@eros.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 17:18 -!- CyBUX_ [~cybux@conm200-75-92-14.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux 17:20 -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-75-92-9.epm.net.co] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 17:20 -!- CyBUX_ is now known as CyBuX 17:26 -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4DF8A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:28 < owl> wb fake 17:29 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E12479.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:29 < tsa> hi all 17:30 < owl> hi tsa 17:30 < tcr> moin tsa 17:30 -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-75-92-14.epm.net.co] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 17:30 < tcr> omg? 17:31 -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-75-92-115.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux 17:37 -!- snyke [~snyke@eros.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:40 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50838F1C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:48 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17:56 -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-75-92-115.epm.net.co] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17:59 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 17:59 < LocalHero> Hi all 18:00 < LocalHero> rxr u there? 18:18 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit () 18:35 < fake> morning 18:39 -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@pD95069B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:45 -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: JTBurn, netrunner, jsaw, owl, rolla, daja77, praenti, n00kie_, christ|an, Freak, (+12 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 18:47 -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:47 -!- Topic for #rocklinux: ROCK Linux approaching 2.0 - join now - https://www.rocklinux.org/rock20.html 18:47 -!- Topic set by ChanServ [Mon Aug 4 00:11:35 2003] 18:47 (Users #rocklinux) 18:47 [ esden] [ jsaw_] [ JTBurn] [ jvc] 18:47 -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 4 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 4 normal] 18:47 -!- Channel #rocklinux created Mon Aug 4 00:11:35 2003 18:47 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.250.103.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:47 -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 18 secs 18:59 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-48.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:59 -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4DF8A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:59 -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:59 -!- Freak [freak@p508B3828.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:59 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090A5F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:59 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E12479.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:59 -!- snyke [~snyke@eros.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:59 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50838F1C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:02 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@2001:8d8:80:11:0:0:0:4d] has joined #rocklinux 19:02 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: aszlig 19:02 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F442.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:03 -!- Netsplit over, joins: aszlig 19:04 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: aszlig 19:04 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802405.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:04 -!- Aard [~bwachter@aardchat.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:05 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: netrunner, Aard 19:05 -!- blindcod1r [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:06 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-072-062.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:06 -!- Netsplit over, joins: netrunner 19:10 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F442.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("reboot tut dem promise gut") 19:10 -!- Aard [~bwachter@aardchat.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:11 -!- rolla [maisenhe@adsl-66-136-183-233.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:11 -!- daja77 [[lNkNWt1zM@odoaker.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:11 -!- mnemoc [~amery@] has joined #rocklinux 19:12 -!- mistik1 [mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has joined #rocklinux 19:12 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@2001:8d8:80:11:0:0:0:4d] has joined #rocklinux 19:14 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, daja77, mistik1, aszlig 19:14 -!- Netsplit over, joins: aszlig, mistik1, rolla, daja77 19:16 -!- SMP [~stefanp@] has joined #rocklinux 19:16 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:16 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M305P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 19:16 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:18 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-072-062.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 19:20 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, daja77, owl, praenti, blindcod1r, n00kie_, christ|an, Freak, fake, tsa, (+7 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 19:23 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4FF75.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:24 -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, aszlig, owl, Freak, kasc, tsa, christ|an, blindcod1r, praenti, n00kie_ (+7 more) 19:28 -!- ServerMode/#rocklinux [+n] by leguin.freenode.net 19:29 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50838F1C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 19:29 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: fake, rxr 19:30 -!- Netsplit over, joins: fake, rxr 19:31 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: owl, rolla, daja77, blindcod1r, Freak, tsa, blindcoder, kasc, mistik1, snyke, (+1 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 19:31 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: praenti, n00kie_, fake, rxr, tcr, SMP 19:35 -!- Netsplit over, joins: rxr, fake 19:55 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p5080148D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:59 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p5080148D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 20:23 -!- blindcod1r [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:23 -!- snyke [~snyke@eros.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:23 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E12479.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:23 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090A5F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:23 -!- Freak [freak@p508B3828.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:23 -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:23 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: owl, blindcod1r, Freak, tsa, kasc, snyke 20:24 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@2001:8d8:80:11:0:0:0:4d] has joined #rocklinux 20:24 -!- mistik1 [mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has joined #rocklinux 20:24 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839689.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:24 -!- rolla [maisenhe@adsl-66-136-183-233.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:24 -!- daja77 [[lNkNWt1zM@odoaker.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:24 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-072-062.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:24 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4FEC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:24 -!- Netsplit over, joins: owl, Freak, kasc, tsa, snyke, blindcod1r 20:25 -!- Freak [freak@p508B3828.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 20:25 -!- SMP [~stefanp@] has joined #rocklinux 20:25 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:25 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M305P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 20:25 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:25 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, daja77, owl, praenti, blindcod1r, n00kie_, christ|an, blindcoder, tsa, fake, (+8 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 20:25 -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, aszlig, praenti, n00kie_, tcr, SMP, blindcod1r, tsa, kasc, owl (+6 more) 20:26 -!- Netsplit over, joins: fake, rxr 20:26 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: christ|an 20:26 -!- Netsplit over, joins: christ|an 20:30 -!- tsa_ [~tsa@pD9E12021.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:30 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E12479.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 20:31 -!- tsa_ is now known as tsa 20:32 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, daja77, blindcoder, Nebukadneza 20:32 -!- Netsplit over, joins: blindcoder, Nebukadneza, daja77, rolla 20:39 < owl> rehi 20:40 < owl> fsck it's hot like hell... 20:40 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 20:43 < LocalHero> Hi al 20:43 < LocalHero> +l :) 20:44 -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p508022C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:44 < owl> hi LocalHero 20:44 < owl> how are you? 20:45 < LocalHero> Im fine, i thought i have had the flue or something. But now im fine 20:46 < LocalHero> owl, and you? 20:46 < owl> LocalHero: wuah. flue is not nice. :-/ 20:46 < LocalHero> Haha, i finaly replaced the broke 30gb ibm disk with a brand new 120gb 20:46 < owl> i'm ok, i guess... 20:46 < LocalHero> owl, you guess? Oki, sounds like you arnt :) 20:47 < LocalHero> wow, hp is releasing a new 17" laptop computer. I wounder what those proud apple fans are going to say. And they say that the price should be just 1600 euro 20:47 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802405.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 20:48 < owl> LocalHero: :ppp yes. i guess.... 20:48 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:49 < owl> WAAAAAAAH!!!! please, please, please shoot the intel guys! PLEASE!!! 20:50 < LocalHero> owl, lol :) 20:50 * tcr shoots owl. Keep quiet. 20:50 < owl> the acpi-shit of benq joybook 5000 is the world's-largest crap i have ever seen. even more crappy than c# and ado.net 20:50 < LocalHero> isnt it time for a new beta release so that we could get some new isos? 20:50 * owl is in zombie mode and shots tcr now 20:51 < tcr> LocalHero: I brought exactly the same up this morning 20:51 < LocalHero> tcr, ahh, great, then we could join our forces and put some pressure on :) 20:52 < tcr> LocalHero: as jsaw says, biggest showstopper are rock-net and rock-plug. 20:52 < tcr> rxr plans to release a rc1 after that 20:52 < tcr> Btw. How are the temperatures in sweden? 20:53 < LocalHero> hmm, nice, well then i might be able to implement the iso site before that :) 20:53 < LocalHero> tcr, uhh, its hot, it hasent rained in days and now everything is 25 degrease even at the nights. I long for some rain :) 20:53 < tcr> 25degrees, that's cold! 20:54 < tcr> Here it's >35 by day 20:55 < LocalHero> tcr, well at nights, but we are not used to that heat and i must say that when its 25 in sweden at nights its hot. When im abroad on vacation the temperature is higher but you dont FEEL the heat the same way 20:55 < LocalHero> tcr, well we have around 30 at day :) 20:55 < tcr> Here it's the same 20:55 < tcr> I can hardly sleep before, say, 2am 20:56 < LocalHero> it feels like you have nowhere to go. Its hot inside, its hot at the beach, its hot outside. Even my computer thinks it is a bit hot and the fans are going crazy 20:56 < LocalHero> tcr, i know the feeling :) 20:57 < LocalHero> Now i got the do some studdy :(.. Cya all 20:58 < tcr> Bye 20:58 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit () 20:59 < owl> fsck... having linux again is so wonderful :))) 21:01 < tsa> depends on where you're coming from.. ;)# 21:03 < owl> winXP was installed on the "leihnotebook"... 21:04 -!- blindcod1r [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving") 21:04 < owl> the only linux was the rock-1.6.0pre3 on k0y0r0, the openbsd on erebos, and the fli4l-linux on disaster 21:14 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839689.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 21:15 -!- dreamind [~dreamind@B63c8.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:44 -!- dreamind [~dreamind@B63c8.pppool.de] has quit (":x") 21:46 -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has joined #rocklinux 21:46 < Mike1> halo 21:46 < Mike1> ping esden 21:47 < tcr> re Mike1 21:49 < Mike1> hello tcr 21:50 < tcr> What do you want from esden 21:50 < Mike1> something personal. 21:51 < tcr> ;).. Ok 21:51 < Mike1> thanks. :) 21:51 < owl> hi Mike1 :) 21:52 < Mike1> hello owlita 21:53 -!- rtc [~rtc@dialin-145-254-077-006.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:53 < owl> hi rtc 21:54 < rtc> hello there :o) 21:55 -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-002.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:58 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839689.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:58 < Mike1> hello christ|an 21:59 < christ|an> HI MIKE 22:03 < Mike1> be back in a while fellows 22:04 -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has quit ("leaving") 22:11 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-072-062.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 22:24 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: fake, rxr 22:25 -!- Netsplit over, joins: fake 22:25 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rtc, Nebukadneza2, netrunne1 22:25 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: owl, christ|an, tsa, kasc, snyke 22:26 -!- Netsplit over, joins: rolla 22:26 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: daja77, blindcoder 22:26 -!- Netsplit over, joins: kasc 22:26 -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:26 -!- Topic for #rocklinux: ROCK Linux approaching 2.0 - join now - https://www.rocklinux.org/rock20.html 22:26 -!- Topic set by ChanServ [Mon Aug 4 00:11:35 2003] 22:26 (Users #rocklinux) 22:26 [ aszlig] [ fake ] [ kasc ] [ n00kie_] [ rolla] [ snyke] 22:26 [ esden ] [ Ge0rG] [ mistik1] [ praenti] [ SMP ] [ tcr ] 22:26 -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 12 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal] 22:26 -!- Channel #rocklinux created Mon Aug 4 00:11:35 2003 22:26 -!- Aard [~bwachter@aardchat.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:26 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@pD95069B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:26 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E12021.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:26 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.250.103.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:26 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4FEC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:26 -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 20 secs 22:26 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839689.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:26 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F223.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:26 -!- mnemoc [~amery@] has joined #rocklinux 22:27 -!- rtc [~rtc@dialin-145-254-077-006.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:27 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Ge0rG 22:27 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-002.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:27 -!- owl_ [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:27 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Ge0rG 22:30 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: tsa 22:30 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-48.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:31 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p508022C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:31 -!- tsa_ [~tsa@pD9E12021.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:40 -!- rtc [~rtc@dialin-145-254-077-006.arcor-ip.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting") 22:43 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839689.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 22:46 -!- owl_ is now known as owl 22:46 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mistik1, aszlig 22:46 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: SMP 22:47 -!- Netsplit over, joins: mistik1 22:47 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rxr 22:47 -!- SMP_ [~stefanp@vanessa.wronline.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:47 -!- Netsplit over, joins: rxr 22:49 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: praenti, n00kie_, tcr 22:49 -!- SMP_ is now known as SMP 22:49 -!- Netsplit over, joins: tcr 22:54 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:55 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M305P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 23:02 < Aard> hi 23:02 < owl> hi Aard 23:13 -!- Freak [freak@p508B25F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:23 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.") 23:26 -!- LocalHero [~chatzilla@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 23:26 < LocalHero> Hi all 23:31 -!- LocalHero [~chatzilla@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.34 [Mozilla rv:1.5a/20030718]") 23:35 -!- LocalHero [~chatzilla@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 23:44 < LocalHero> Hmm, nobody here? 23:46 -!- LocalHero [~chatzilla@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit (Remote closed the connection) --- Log closed Tue Aug 12 00:00:31 2003