-!- Irrsi  Log opened Mon Aug 11 00:00:13 2003
[00:10]   A-Tui is away: Mata jipis en las CIES!!!!!
[00:20] < netrunner> *chrrrr*
[00:40] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@volans.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de] has joined #rocklinux
[00:40] < jsaw> re
[00:40] < Nebu^sockets> ping fake
[00:40]   A-Tui is back (gone 00:30:24)
[00:41] < tsa> owl?
[00:43] < owl> tsa: ?
[00:43] < tsa> ah
[00:44] < tsa> owl: heard you had problems with gcc build errors in stage 1, too?
[00:44] < owl> tsa: yes...
[00:44] < tsa> i'm currently having the same problem here
[00:45] < tsa> tried both p3 and no optimisation at all, but the error still occurs
[00:45] < tsa> were you able to solve this?
[00:46] < owl> dunno for sure. my notebook is now in "reperatur" ...
[00:46] < tsa> ah, i see
[00:46] < Nebu^sockets> owl: do you code cpp?
[00:46] < tsa> judging from "chroot build/default-2.0.0-rc1-x86-generic-expert/root/ gcc -v", the gcc build itself seems to be ok, so i guess it's a problem with the scripts that occurs when copying the docs
[00:47] < owl> hm. k.
[00:47] < owl> Nebu^sockets: do i look so as i'm coding now something? no
[00:48] < Nebu^sockets> owl: i dont know what you look like ..
[00:48] < jsaw> tsa: fresh build?
[00:49] < tsa> jsaw: yes.
[00:49] < tsa> with svn 1030 because of current xfind.sh issues
[00:49] < jsaw> tsa: solved now,
[00:50] < tsa> ..oh?
[00:50] < jsaw> tsa: target?
[00:50] < jsaw> xfind is okay.
[00:50] < tsa> jsaw: doesn't matter..tried both pentium3 and no optimisation at all
[00:50] < jsaw> no, target distro, not processor...sorry
[00:51] < tsa> ah, i see.
[00:51] < tsa> default build, all packages enabled.
[00:51] < jsaw> (I'm trying to remember why I had this problem...maybe some question's will help my brain to dig it out again....)
[00:52] < tsa> hm...i see no changes to xfind.sh in the changelog
[00:53] < jsaw> New Revision: 1043 \n ... \n fixed xfind ...
[00:53] < tsa> ah, yes.
[00:53] < tsa> just found it, too
[00:54] < jsaw> and I can verify, it works.
[00:54] < jsaw> (though I'm not sure about the speed improvement...)
[00:55] < jsaw> tsa: all packages enabled... gcc33 and gcc3?
[00:55] < tsa> ok, i'll retry
[00:56] < tsa> jsaw: i tried several conbinations..
[00:56] < tsa> jsaw: the error occured when i started a build for gcc33, glibc23, linux24 only
[00:57] < tsa> but currently, i've enabled all and everything because i was unsure about my package selection
[00:57] < tsa> but since the errors persists, it seems to be something else
[01:02] < jsaw> tsa: how do I enable everything? "+ .*" or sth like that?
[01:03] < tsa> jsaw: jsut don't modify the config.. ;)
[01:04] < jsaw> jsaw: really? I selected generic target, but gcc33 is not selected... ?
[01:05] < tsa> afaik, some packages are mutually exclusive, so you can have just one of them, but i've just used the default config for testing..
[01:06] < tsa> i wonder how there should ever be a rock 2.0 release if new packages still get added, core scripts modified, etc..
[01:07] < jsaw> k. let's if I can reproduce.
[01:07] < tsa> much luck ;)
[01:07] < tsa> default config, nothing modified.
[01:07] < tsa> aborts for me with 1-gcc3.err
[01:08] < tsa> i'd say it's a bug with createdocs stuff.
[02:02] < Aard> ftp://aard.camp.ccc.de -- online till after I get up, if anything wants something
[02:10] < tsa> hm..
[02:10] < tsa> problem could be related to ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_F77
[02:10] < tsa> <- testing
[02:12] -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps")
[02:23] < tsa> hm..
[02:23] < tsa> no, it isn't.
[03:00] -!- Nebu^sockets [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-072-062.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
[03:02] -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090B09A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:07] -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090A5F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:18] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082D092.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:32] -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.248.185.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[04:39] < jsaw> GCC Release Status (2003-08-03) [snip] The FSF's machines have been cracked again, [snip]
[04:51] -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.211.190.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:05] -!- cytrinox__ [~cytrinox@p213.54.250.103.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[05:07] -!- cytrinox__ is now known as cytrinox
[05:16] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@volans.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[05:24] -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.248.185.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:37] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M302P011.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[06:25] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M302P011.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[06:45] -!- scoopexH [~marc@td909195d.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux
[06:59] < blindcoder> moin moin
[08:18] < kasc> moin
[08:20] -!- scoopexH [~marc@td909195d.adsl.terralink.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:21] < blindcoder> moin kasc
[08:21] < kasc> at least partially alive again ;)
[08:23] < blindcoder> Well, it's stil unusually quiet... but with the Camp just ended yesterday it was to be expected
[08:24] < kasc> were you at that camp?
[08:33] < blindcoder> no
[08:59] -!- blindy [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[09:11] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F2F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:14] -!- blindy is now known as blindcoder
[09:18] < owl> moin *grml*
[09:18] < blindcoder> moin moin
[10:03] < owl> Finished downloading 20662887 bytes in 52.995 seconds (389902.576 bytes/sec).
[10:03] < owl> cksum-test (bzip2): download/base/gcc3/gcc-3.2.3.tar.bz2
[10:03] < owl> ./scripts/Download: line 339: 11460 File size limit exceededbunzip2 <"$bzfile" >src/down.$$.dat
[10:03] < owl> Cksum ERROR: download/base/gcc3/gcc-3.2.3.tar.bz2.cksum-err (2171944054)
[10:03] < owl> wtf is _THAT_?
[10:11] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M303P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[10:12] < blindcoder> strange
[10:13] < blindcoder> moin n00kie
[10:13] < kasc> owl: try to check your ulimits
[10:14] < n00kie> Hi blindcoder
[10:14] < kasc> ulimit -f
[10:19] < owl> 200000
[10:27] < kasc> try ulimit -f unlimited
[10:28] < kasc> or check your /etc/limits.conf
[10:28] < kasc> uh, /etc/limits
[10:28] < kasc> cf man bash ;)
[10:30] < owl> gnarf. it's not my machine i'm building at!!!
[10:31] < kasc> then you'd better bug that machines' admin for bigger quotas ;)
[10:31] < owl> hrm
[10:32] < kasc> maybe you can get around that limit by chsh to a shell that doesnt support those limits
[10:33] < owl> hmm.
[10:33] < owl> currently i'm using zsh
[10:34] < n00kie> Hmm.
[10:34] < n00kie> zsh
[10:34] < n00kie> I know that Shell.
[10:35] < n00kie> But I still prefer Bash. :)
[10:36] < owl> why?
[10:36] < n00kie> Well Sandra...
[10:36] < n00kie> I got "big" with the bash...
[10:36] < n00kie> :)
[10:38] < owl> i c :p
[10:39] < kasc> n00kie: getting big with a really big shell, eh? *g*
[10:40] < n00kie> mm
[10:40] < n00kie> In english means "getting big" "getting fat"...
[10:41] < n00kie> I mean getting "tall". (-;
[10:41] < n00kie> If you understand me guys.
[10:41] < n00kie> And girls. ;-P
[10:41] < kasc> as in growing up? ;)
[10:41] < n00kie> Full Ack
[10:42] < kasc> :)
[10:42] < n00kie> I just wanted to test you (-;
[10:42] < kasc> thought so :-P
[10:56]   blindcoder --> lunch
[11:01] < n00kie> Enjoy blindy
[11:18] < owl> *yawn*
[11:29] < fake> damn...
[11:29]   fake in bed, finally
[11:32] < owl> *kick*
[11:32] < owl> enjoy the sleep...
[11:39] < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi
[11:43] -!- _Caspar_ [~steven261@www.tag.at] has joined #rocklinux
[11:47] < owl> wb blindcoder
[11:48] < blindcoder> thx
[13:02] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-072-062.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:11] -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux
[13:41] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E2BE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:42] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:42] < tcr> moin all
[13:42] < tcr> rxr: ping
[13:43] < blindcoder> moin moin
[13:44] < tcr> Beta6 seems to be the most recent ISO, is that right?
[13:44] < jsaw> tach
[13:44] < tcr> I mean, that ISO is almost two months old
[13:46] < jsaw> the biggest show-stopper is rock-plug and rock-net, currently
[13:46] < tcr> Well, but beta7 was released a month ago, and there aren't any ISOs... that's improvable
[13:47] < tcr> Anyway, I'll download beta6 right now
[13:47] < jsaw> beta7 was an internal release...
[13:48] < tcr> That makes the situation even worse
[13:48] < jsaw> tcr: but u are right. that's not good.
[13:48] < tcr> Two month without release... really improvable
[13:49] < tcr> Urghs. All beta6 isos are for i586
[13:49] < jsaw> tcr: what do u need?
[13:49] < owl> tcr: minimal afaik not
[13:49] < jsaw> hi owl.
[13:50] < tcr> i386, because I have a pIII and an XP
[13:50] < tcr> I need a basis system to try out cluster build
[13:50] < jsaw> ? what's wrong with i586 for p3 and XP?
[13:50] < jsaw> pentium+mmx should be fine for both!
[13:50] < tcr> I had problems with that on an amd machine
[13:51] < jsaw> what kinda problems?
[13:51] < tcr> Receiving illegal instruction
[13:51] < jsaw> strange...
[13:52] < tcr> anyway, owl is right that minimal is i386 and, on the second thought, it seems better anyway
[13:52] < tcr> Minimal should be enough for cluster builds, so I'll take that
[13:53] < blindcoder> tcr: you do _not_ want to do a cluster build.
[13:54] < tcr> Didn't you fix the problems?
[13:55] < blindcoder> nome
[13:55] < blindcoder> some
[13:55] < jsaw> bbl
[13:55] < blindcoder> but it's still kinda fucked up and needs a redesign
[13:55] < blindcoder> with two nodes you _might_ be safe to use it.
[13:56] < blindcoder> but with 4 nodes it already gets critical
[13:56] < tcr> So what's fucked up?
[13:56] < tcr> I guess, in 2.0 cluster facility will be depreciated then?
[13:58] < blindcoder> some packages get built in parallel with their dependencies
[13:58] < blindcoder> thus failing
[13:58] < blindcoder> the xfree problem should be fixed by now
[13:58] < tcr> And it's definitively a design issue?
[13:58] < blindcoder> or rather "worked around"
[13:58] < blindcoder> yes it is.
[13:58] < tcr> Not some priority problem
[13:59] < tcr> or whatever
[13:59] < tcr> Ok
[13:59] < blindcoder> the build-prorities are designed for single build-process
[13:59] < blindcoder> in cluster-mode the dependencies are used.
[14:00] < blindcoder> and because some cursor-packages didn't rely on X xfree falied, thus every X-package failed.
[14:00] < tcr> So?
[14:00] < blindcoder> then stage 5 was begun before stage 3 was finished
[14:00] < blindcoder> and other odd behaviour
[14:00] -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps")
[14:01] < blindcoder> like when building several Targets in one rock-src tree, the builds got mixed up
[14:01] < tcr> I don't see the line between "cursor packages didnt rely on X" and the result that xfree fails because of that
[14:01] < blindcoder> cursor package:
[14:01] < blindcoder> mkdir /usr/X11/...
[14:01] < blindcoder> xfree:
[14:01] < blindcoder> ln -sf /usr/X11R6 /usrX11
[14:02] < blindcoder> ln: /usr/X11 exists
[14:02] < blindcoder> Build-Pkg: meep, package broken
[14:02] < tcr> Ah, I see.
[14:03] < tcr> in what repo is that package?
[14:03] < blindcoder> but that was worked around already
[14:03] < blindcoder> rene-repository
[14:03] < tcr> For me it seems rather to be a dependancy creation problem than a design issue of the way of cluster building
[14:04] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E2BE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[14:04] < blindcoder> so you also think that a package that relies on kdelibs3 can start building when kdelibs3 is building at the same time?
[14:05] < tcr> Why should I think that? It's obviously wrong.
[14:05] < blindcoder> or that after a cluster-build 88 packages failed, I switch into single-machine mode, continue the build and suddenly only 17 packages fail anymore?L
[14:06] < tcr> What are you going to show me?
[14:06] < tcr> You don't at all misprove that it's still a dependancy problem in some way :)
[14:06] < blindcoder> well, that's the results I had with a cluster-build
[14:07] < tcr> I wonder...
[14:07] < tcr> Does that cursor programm really rely on X? And if true, why the heck doesn't it get built after Xfree86 is built
[14:08] < tcr> So it seems to be either a problem during creation of dependancies, or a problem of how the cluster script interprets those dependancies. Do you agree?
[14:09] < blindcoder> In this particular case I vote for problem in dep-creation
[14:09] < blindcoder> sine it creates a directory in /usr/X11/ it _should_ rely on X...
[14:09] < blindcoder> and that was already worked around by rene
[14:10] < blindcoder> by using an [E] x11 tag
[14:11] < blindcoder> I haven't had a chance to to something on a cluster since my last bug-reports to the mailing-list, so I don't exactly know how much things have improved.
[14:11] < tcr> I guess all that was way after beta6?
[14:11] < tcr> Forget that question
[14:11] < tcr> I'll use most recent sources anyway
[14:12] < blindcoder> hmm.. the xfind.sh problem should be solved by now, so I guess you're safe
[14:12] < tcr> blindcoder: I can't find that questioned programm...
[14:12] < blindcoder> which?
[14:12] < blindcoder> xfind.sh?
[14:12] < blindcoder> should be in scripts/
[14:13] < tcr> s,program,package,
[14:13] < blindcoder> also, you may want to deactivate the XFree-pre-patches.
[14:14] < tcr> May?
[14:14] < blindcoder> only if you don't plan on using IPv6
[14:14] < blindcoder> if you use the pre-patches, but do NOT use IPv6, X-Forward will _not_ work.
[14:15] < blindcoder> alse see my mail to the mailing list "Pre-Releases and why they are a bad idea in a stable system"
[14:16] < tcr> mom
[14:18] < tcr> Right, I read it when going through my inbox after having come back from holiday
[14:18] < tcr> Wondered why you havent got any reply
[14:19] < blindcoder> I didn't expect one, to be honest.
[14:19] < tcr> Because it's an infringment of rxr's policy he himself set up
[14:19] < blindcoder> which would that be?
[14:20] < tcr> He blamed huebi for updates of critical packages, according to him "one reason why it can't ever get stable" (paraphrased)
[14:20] < tcr> in 1.6 times
[14:20] < blindcoder> hmm...
[14:21] < tcr> And he told that he wouldn't allow such things. Kinda policy, imho.
[14:21] < blindcoder> welll, I voiced my opinion on non-stable-marked packages during the samba-discussion.
[14:21] < tcr> Yeah, I had a sorta similiar proposal, and Niko did, too. That's quite back in past though
[14:22] < tcr> Let me look if I can find it
[14:24]   blindcoder can remember the discussion when huebi added XFS to 1.6 ...
[14:25] < blindcoder> and now rene added ARM into 2.0 short before he wanted to release -rc1
[14:26] < blindcoder> on a recent Kernel-Traffic there was a cite from Linus saying "ARM never compiled in my tree and that won't change in 2.6" (that's not word-by-word but the sense is the same)
[14:26] < blindcoder> so now we will have a fourth kernel tree in 2.0 ...
[14:26] < owl> d'ouh!!!
[14:27] < owl> why 4 kernels??? thought "only" 3rd?
[14:27] < blindcoder> but, oh well, he is the decision maker. hopefully he will soon start listening to other people than clifford again.
[14:27] < tcr> (that's not word-by-word but the sense is the same) <-- that's paraphrased, hint, hint ;)))
[14:27] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E2BE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:27] < jsaw> re
[14:27] < blindcoder> owl: 2.4, 2.6 and 2.4-benh (for powerpc)
[14:27] < blindcoder> re jsaw
[14:27] < owl> omfg!
[14:28] < blindcoder> and now 2.4-arm might be added to it...
[14:28] < tcr> Calm down, people. Rxr is generally doing a good job, he just has to be helped out of the pitfall huebi stumbled in :)
[14:28] < tcr> blindcoder: Do you have a local archive of the mailinglist; how far does it go back?
[14:29] < blindcoder> tcr: I'm not saying he is doing a bad job. I wouldn't want to it, to be honest, and most of the time he is doing it really good.
[14:29] < blindcoder> tcr: I currently can't access it because my machine at home is down, but I think it dates back to 03-2001 or something like that
[14:30] < blindcoder> but as you said he is currently in danger of repeating huebis mistakes.
[14:31] < blindcoder> tcr: I have a little bit over 7000 mails in my archive.
[14:32] < tcr> Yeah, but as you cant access it I'll make use of the new ml online archive
[14:32] < blindcoder> okay
[14:32] < tcr> blindcoder: read this thread: https://www.rocklinux.net/lurker/message/20030322.124052.2b836e16.html
[14:33] < blindcoder> *click*
[14:33] < tcr> no wait
[14:34] < tcr> it ain't the start of the thread
[14:34] < tcr> Wtf? I cant find the start %)
[14:35] < owl> *rofl*
[14:35] < tcr> https://www.rocklinux.net/lurker/thread/20030321.150957.c4574692.html#20030321.150957.c4574692
[14:35] < tcr> There it is :)
[14:36] < blindcoder> I remember that discussion
[14:38] < blindcoder> maybe we should bring this up on the devmeeting?
[14:40] < blindcoder> btw. I also have a more or less heretic point to bring up there.
[14:41] < tcr> My budget has been already vanished by the 2week vacation on malta
[14:41] < tcr> so i dont think i can come
[14:41] < blindcoder> i c... too bad...
[14:45] < jsaw> blindcoder: heretic point?
[14:46] < tcr> too heretic to be discussed publicly ;)
[14:46] < blindcoder> jsaw: will you be at devmeeting? I'll bring it up there.
[14:46] < blindcoder> on the risk of being thrown out ;-)
[14:47] < jsaw> blindcoder: I'm afraid not. Would u mind sending me an email?
[14:47] < blindcoder> jsaw: remember me about it in a few days, I'm currently accumulating points on why it should be done
[14:49] < jsaw> blindcoder: k
[14:50] < rolla> re
[14:50] < jsaw> what I would like to see is this: every dev should have its svn branch. Then I can simply merge somebody elses changes. rxr in the end should only accept changes/additions etc, that are really cross checked...
[14:51] < tcr> What I would like to see is to throw svn away and to use a real RCS.
[14:52] < blindcoder> personally I don't care about one RCS or another... as long as it's easy enough to check out -current and by revision number.
[14:53] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:53] < blindcoder> Connection reset by beer.
[14:53] < jsaw> blindcoder: isn't this the case right now?
[14:53] < jsaw> ;-)
[14:53] < blindcoder> jsyes it is. but it also was with CVS, so I don't really mind.
[14:53] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:54] < tcr> fuck
[14:54] < jsaw> yep. but actually managing a repo is much easier with svn. However there might be indeed better systems. cvs is - however - not an option.
[14:54] < blindcoder> if rene decides to use something that can't be used with less than 4 commands (one for initial checkout, updating and diffing against a revision), then I'll flame against it ;-)
[14:55] < jsaw> hehe
[14:55] < jsaw> but still, I want my own branch. It's hard to copy my changes between the different computers right now (and thus to cross check)
[14:56] < blindcoder> yes, I know what you mean
[14:56] < blindcoder> keeping ones own tree in sync with rene's is quite a bit of work.
[14:56] < blindcoder> (please excuse my grammar today)
[14:58] < tcr> Check out arch, it's the best free RCS and i'm sure it'll become the best RCS of the world one time.
[14:58] < tcr> Also the chances aren't bad that it'll be soon used by the kernel and gcc hackers
[14:59] < tcr> Whereby soon means "in an uncertain amount of time"
[14:59] < jsaw> tcr: I want to see that. Then will gonna have arch flames instead of bk... muahahahaha
[15:00] < tcr> Arch is _free_, so why should there be flames?
[15:00] < tcr> And it's gonna become gnu software
[15:00] < jsaw> 2.4 kernel so far compiled w/o problems with gcc 3.3.1... no let's see what 2.6 says...
[15:01] < jsaw> tcr: because ppl don't like changes. there's always somebody to complain...
[15:01] < blindcoder> yes, and also somebody has to point out bad things of said changes
[15:01] < blindcoder> nothing has only a bright side.
[15:02] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:02] < jsaw> tcr ???
[15:03] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:03] < tcr> wtf
[15:03] < blindcoder> ploying around with your router?
[15:03] < tcr> Here some to be some "störrfaktor" for my wlan
[15:03] < jsaw> tcr: -dito- are u doing
[15:03] < tcr> here seem
[15:04] < tcr> Did anyone say something after 15:03?
[15:04] < blindcoder> 15:02 < jsaw> tcr ???
[15:04] < blindcoder> that was all ;-)
[15:04] < tcr> jsaw: ???
[15:05] < jsaw> tcr: I was asking myself what is happening over there...
[15:05] < jsaw> now i know
[15:05] < jsaw> screen can't handle that?
[15:06] < tcr> I'm running windows atm
[15:06] < tcr> because I'm restructuring my homework completely new
[15:06] < tcr> homenet
[15:07] < jsaw> (also @ work, but irc'ing on my homenet right now)
[15:14] < owl> damned heat...
[15:21]   blindcoder going home. see you later!
[15:24] < jsaw> cu blindcoder
[15:25] < owl> bye blindcoder
[16:05] -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M305P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[16:18] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M303P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:22] -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-30-73-120.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux
[16:23] -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4D692.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:30] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[16:30] < jsaw> hi Mike1
[16:30] < Mike1> hi all.
[16:30] < jsaw> Mike1: when will u be back rocking?
[16:31] < Mike1> jsaw: now. :)
[16:31] < Mike1> why?
[16:31] < jsaw> hehe.
[16:31] < jsaw> I have a bunch of gnome2 updates lying around. But I don't want to send them, before sb else tested them.
[16:31] < Mike1> hehe
[16:32] < Mike1> oh god.
[16:32] < rolla> Mike1:
[16:32] < Mike1> rolla:
[16:32] < Mike1> jsaw: send them over
[16:32] < owl> hi Mike1 !!! :)
[16:32] < Mike1> i will test them
[16:32] < Mike1> owly
[16:32] < jsaw> Mike1: where can I find your current email address?
[16:33] < Mike1> jsaw: mike@linuxlabs.com
[16:34] < jsaw> If somebody extracts emails from this list, we'll take legal action.
[16:34] -!- _Caspar_ [~steven261@www.tag.at] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:36] < jsaw> Mike1: gonna send them tonight when I'm back home.
[16:36] < owl> https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,260885,00.html << d'ouh
[16:36] < Mike1> jsaw: perfect, that will give me time, to read mails, update svn tree, and read changelog
[16:37] < jsaw> owl: I remember one of my professors in Ulm (great guy, around 65 at that time) sitting in front of his computer, drinking a beer...
[16:38] < owl> hehe
[16:38] < jsaw> (in his office at the university, of course)
[16:39] < owl> uff... a cold ice && ice-tea or so would be nice, now... *sigh*
[16:41] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:41] < tcr> Uh. I don't drink alcoholics
[16:41] < tcr> So... am I supposed to begin now or what? ;)
[16:41] < owl> hehe. sure
[16:43] < tcr> On the other hand, I could become like owl... What a risky drawback
[16:44] < owl> tcr: *kick*
[16:44] -!- CyBUX_ [~cybux@conm200-75-92-9.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux
[16:44] < tcr> (You missed) so do you see what I mean? :P
[16:45] < owl> seeing? nah
[16:46] < CyBUX_> seen Mike1
[16:46] -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-30-73-120.epm.net.co] has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[16:47] -!- CyBUX_ is now known as CyBuX
[16:55] < tcr> [16:45:03] <-- Mike1 has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:55] < tcr> @ CyBuX
[16:56] < CyBuX> thanks tcr
[16:57]   owl np: illuminate - leuchtfeuer
[16:58] < SMP> hi btw.
[16:59] < owl> hi SMP
[17:09] -!- treker [~treker@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #RockLinux
[17:10] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F223.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
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[17:20] -!- CyBUX_ is now known as CyBuX
[17:26] -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4DF8A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:28] < owl> wb fake
[17:29] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E12479.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:29] < tsa> hi all
[17:30] < owl> hi tsa
[17:30] < tcr> moin tsa
[17:30] -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-75-92-14.epm.net.co] has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[17:30] < tcr> omg?
[17:31] -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-75-92-115.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux
[17:37] -!- snyke [~snyke@eros.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[17:40] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50838F1C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:48] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:56] -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-75-92-115.epm.net.co] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[17:59] -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux
[17:59] < LocalHero> Hi all
[18:00] < LocalHero> rxr u there?
[18:18] -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit ()
[18:35] < fake> morning
[18:39] -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@pD95069B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
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[18:47] -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:47] -!- Topic for #rocklinux: ROCK Linux approaching 2.0 - join now - https://www.rocklinux.org/rock20.html
[18:47] -!- Topic set by ChanServ [Mon Aug 4 00:11:35 2003]
[18:47] (Users #rocklinux)
[18:47] [ esden] [ jsaw_] [ JTBurn] [ jvc]
[18:47] -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 4 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 4 normal]
[18:47] -!- Channel #rocklinux created Mon Aug 4 00:11:35 2003
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[19:10] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F442.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("reboot tut dem promise gut")
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[19:29] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50838F1C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
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[20:24] -!- daja77 [[lNkNWt1zM@odoaker.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de] has joined #rocklinux
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[20:30] -!- tsa_ [~tsa@pD9E12021.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
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[20:32] -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, daja77, blindcoder, Nebukadneza
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[20:39] < owl> rehi
[20:40] < owl> fsck it's hot like hell...
[20:40] -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux
[20:43] < LocalHero> Hi al
[20:43] < LocalHero> +l :)
[20:44] -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p508022C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:44] < owl> hi LocalHero
[20:44] < owl> how are you?
[20:45] < LocalHero> Im fine, i thought i have had the flue or something. But now im fine
[20:46] < LocalHero> owl, and you?
[20:46] < owl> LocalHero: wuah. flue is not nice. :-/
[20:46] < LocalHero> Haha, i finaly replaced the broke 30gb ibm disk with a brand new 120gb
[20:46] < owl> i'm ok, i guess...
[20:46] < LocalHero> owl, you guess? Oki, sounds like you arnt :)
[20:47] < LocalHero> wow, hp is releasing a new 17" laptop computer. I wounder what those proud apple fans are going to say. And they say that the price should be just 1600 euro
[20:47] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802405.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:48] < owl> LocalHero: :ppp yes. i guess....
[20:48] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:49] < owl> WAAAAAAAH!!!! please, please, please shoot the intel guys! PLEASE!!!
[20:50] < LocalHero> owl, lol :)
[20:50]   tcr shoots owl. Keep quiet.
[20:50] < owl> the acpi-shit of benq joybook 5000 is the world's-largest crap i have ever seen. even more crappy than c# and ado.net
[20:50] < LocalHero> isnt it time for a new beta release so that we could get some new isos?
[20:50]   owl is in zombie mode and shots tcr now
[20:51] < tcr> LocalHero: I brought exactly the same up this morning
[20:51] < LocalHero> tcr, ahh, great, then we could join our forces and put some pressure on :)
[20:52] < tcr> LocalHero: as jsaw says, biggest showstopper are rock-net and rock-plug.
[20:52] < tcr> rxr plans to release a rc1 after that
[20:52] < tcr> Btw. How are the temperatures in sweden?
[20:53] < LocalHero> hmm, nice, well then i might be able to implement the iso site before that :)
[20:53] < LocalHero> tcr, uhh, its hot, it hasent rained in days and now everything is 25 degrease even at the nights. I long for some rain :)
[20:53] < tcr> 25degrees, that's cold!
[20:54] < tcr> Here it's >35 by day
[20:55] < LocalHero> tcr, well at nights, but we are not used to that heat and i must say that when its 25 in sweden at nights its hot. When im abroad on vacation the temperature is higher but you dont FEEL the heat the same way
[20:55] < LocalHero> tcr, well we have around 30 at day :)
[20:55] < tcr> Here it's the same
[20:55] < tcr> I can hardly sleep before, say, 2am
[20:56] < LocalHero> it feels like you have nowhere to go. Its hot inside, its hot at the beach, its hot outside. Even my computer thinks it is a bit hot and the fans are going crazy
[20:56] < LocalHero> tcr, i know the feeling :)
[20:57] < LocalHero> Now i got the do some studdy :(.. Cya all
[20:58] < tcr> Bye
[20:58] -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit ()
[20:59] < owl> fsck... having linux again is so wonderful :)))
[21:01] < tsa> depends on where you're coming from.. ;)#
[21:03] < owl> winXP was installed on the "leihnotebook"...
[21:04] -!- blindcod1r [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving")
[21:04] < owl> the only linux was the rock-1.6.0pre3 on k0y0r0, the openbsd on erebos, and the fli4l-linux on disaster
[21:14] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839689.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
[21:15] -!- dreamind [~dreamind@B63c8.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
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[21:46] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[21:46] < Mike1> halo
[21:46] < Mike1> ping esden
[21:47] < tcr> re Mike1
[21:49] < Mike1> hello tcr
[21:50] < tcr> What do you want from esden
[21:50] < Mike1> something personal.
[21:51] < tcr> ;).. Ok
[21:51] < Mike1> thanks. :)
[21:51] < owl> hi Mike1 :)
[21:52] < Mike1> hello owlita
[21:53] -!- rtc [~rtc@dialin-145-254-077-006.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:53] < owl> hi rtc
[21:54] < rtc> hello there :o)
[21:55] -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-002.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:58] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839689.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:58] < Mike1> hello christ|an
[21:59] < christ|an> HI MIKE
[22:03] < Mike1> be back in a while fellows
[22:04] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has quit ("leaving")
[22:11] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-072-062.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[22:26] -!- Netsplit over, joins: rolla
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[22:26] -!- Netsplit over, joins: kasc
[22:26] -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:26] -!- Topic for #rocklinux: ROCK Linux approaching 2.0 - join now - https://www.rocklinux.org/rock20.html
[22:26] -!- Topic set by ChanServ [Mon Aug 4 00:11:35 2003]
[22:26] (Users #rocklinux)
[22:26] [ aszlig] [ fake ] [ kasc ] [ n00kie_] [ rolla] [ snyke]
[22:26] [ esden ] [ Ge0rG] [ mistik1] [ praenti] [ SMP ] [ tcr ]
[22:26] -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 12 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal]
[22:26] -!- Channel #rocklinux created Mon Aug 4 00:11:35 2003
[22:26] -!- Aard [~bwachter@aardchat.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:26] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@pD95069B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:26] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E12021.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:26] -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.250.103.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:26] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4FEC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:26] -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 20 secs
[22:26] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839689.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:26] -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F223.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:26] -!- mnemoc [~amery@] has joined #rocklinux
[22:27] -!- rtc [~rtc@dialin-145-254-077-006.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:27] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Ge0rG
[22:27] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-002.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:27] -!- owl_ [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:27] -!- Netsplit over, joins: Ge0rG
[22:30] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: tsa
[22:30] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-48.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:31] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p508022C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:31] -!- tsa_ [~tsa@pD9E12021.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:40] -!- rtc [~rtc@dialin-145-254-077-006.arcor-ip.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting")
[22:43] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839689.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
[22:46] -!- owl_ is now known as owl
[22:46] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mistik1, aszlig
[22:46] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: SMP
[22:47] -!- Netsplit over, joins: mistik1
[22:47] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rxr
[22:47] -!- SMP_ [~stefanp@vanessa.wronline.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:47] -!- Netsplit over, joins: rxr
[22:49] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: praenti, n00kie_, tcr
[22:49] -!- SMP_ is now known as SMP
[22:49] -!- Netsplit over, joins: tcr
[22:54] -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:55] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M305P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[23:02] < Aard> hi
[23:02] < owl> hi Aard
[23:13] -!- Freak [freak@p508B25F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:23] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.")
[23:26] -!- LocalHero [~chatzilla@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux
[23:26] < LocalHero> Hi all
[23:31] -!- LocalHero [~chatzilla@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.34 [Mozilla rv:1.5a/20030718]")
[23:35] -!- LocalHero [~chatzilla@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux
[23:44] < LocalHero> Hmm, nobody here?
[23:46] -!- LocalHero [~chatzilla@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Tue Aug 12 00:00:31 2003