--- Log opened Tue Aug 12 00:00:31 2003 00:02 < fake> damn it 00:08 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: owl, Ge0rG, tsa_, Nebukadneza, mistik1 00:09 -!- Netsplit over, joins: mistik1, tsa_, Nebukadneza, owl, Ge0rG 00:09 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M315P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 00:18 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M305P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Connection timed out) 00:26 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M315P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("leaving") 00:56 < fake> SMP: ping 01:06 < SMP> fake: yeah 01:08 < fake> SMP: the cd you have (svcd) will not work 01:08 < fake> or, if it works, the player is much too intelligent 01:11 < SMP> *shrug* ok ,, 01:12 < SMP> n8 01:14 < fake> n8 01:14 < Nebukadneza> fake: hi 01:14 < Nebukadneza> please can i qry ... 01:14 < Nebukadneza> big fat problem 01:16 * fake almost asleep 01:16 < fake> what is it? 01:21 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: JTBurn, Aard 01:22 -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-75-92-207.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux 01:23 -!- Netsplit over, joins: JTBurn, Aard 01:26 -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-75-92-207.epm.net.co] has left #rocklinux () 02:19 < Nebukadneza> can anyone tell fake that he should unignore me ... :) some problems with my paste 02:20 < tsa_> can anyone tell fake that he should unignore me ... :) some problems with my paste 02:20 < Nebukadneza> thx 02:20 < fake> i saw it ;) 02:20 < tsa_> hehe 02:21 < tsa_> DAMN. 02:21 < tsa_> I HATE IT. 02:21 < tsa_> pyslsk repeatingly coredumping since about one hour 02:22 < tsa_> guess it's too hot in here.. 02:22 < fake> could very well be the heat, yeah... 02:24 < tsa_> ..already opened the case and put a vent in front of it.. 02:24 < tsa_> ..if i really want to put in the 3 new disks tomorrow i'd better think about some better cooling, it seems. 02:25 < fake> ack 02:25 < fake> disks heat a lot... 02:25 < tsa_> especially if they're u160 scsi with 10k rpm 02:26 < rxr> hi 02:27 < tsa_> btw...did anyone have a look at my 1-gcc3 problem? 02:27 < tsa_> hi rxr 02:28 < rxr> clifford is bestly 02:29 < rxr> he cooperates with other while playing MAD 02:29 < tsa_> hehe 02:29 < fake> mad? 02:29 < fake> hi rxr ;) 02:30 < fake> greetz to cliff and your gf 02:30 < fake> i finished the first cd on sunday afternoon... 02:30 < fake> ... and noticed i forgot something today ;) 02:30 < rxr> fake: ok, done - and the 2nd girl ? 02:30 < fake> rxr: is she pretty? *g* 02:31 < rxr> hm - she says cliff and I should rate it ... 02:31 < fake> pic? 02:31 < fake> *g* 02:32 < rxr> fake: cliff should have a video ... 02:32 -!- clifford [~clifford@M102P007.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 02:32 < fake> na, just kidding, double-greet her, so she won't be angry if i forget it one more time. 02:33 < rxr> she really sweet about this 02:33 < clifford> hi fake.. 02:33 < fake> clifford: hiho ;) 02:33 < rxr> s/she/she is/& 02:33 < cytrinox> hi 02:33 < fake> clifford on irc... *marks day red in calendar* 02:33 < cytrinox> hi clifford 02:33 < tsa_> hehe 02:33 < rxr> clifford: could you upload the video ? 02:33 < tsa_> hi clifford 02:35 < fake> yeah, up-load! up-load! 02:36 < tsa_> *G* 02:36 < tsa_> anyone interested in a nice collection of coredumps? 02:36 < fake> tsa_: stripped? 02:36 < fake> *g* 02:36 < tsa_> :P 02:38 < Nebukadneza> hi 02:38 < Nebukadneza> clifford: 02:39 < tsa_> fake: at least, they might contain a part of my precious mp3s.. ;) 02:40 < Nebukadneza> clifford: can i query? i was one of the freaks on linuxtag wich used your subnote while installing rock on a normal notebook ... do you remember? 02:40 < fake> *lol* 02:40 < clifford> Nebukadneza: sure i do remember... 02:40 < Nebukadneza> h3h3 02:40 < Nebukadneza> can i query? 02:41 < tsa_> open source doesn't seem to work very well in closed cases.. 02:45 < jsaw> re 02:45 < jsaw> hi all 02:49 -!- Mike1 [~mike@] has joined #rocklinux 02:49 < Mike1> hello 02:51 < jsaw> hi Mike1, currently diffing... 02:51 < rxr> z 02:51 < Mike1> jsaw: thank you. 02:51 < jsaw> hola rxr. 02:51 < rxr> hi jsaw 02:51 < Mike1> rxr: hi my friend, great to see you 02:52 < rxr> hi Mike1, how are you 02:52 < Mike1> rxr: pretty good thanks, finally back.. and you? 02:53 < Mike1> clifford: Wie geht's? 02:53 < jsaw> rxr: gcc-3.3.1 is out, currently compiling... 02:54 < rxr> jsaw: a nice - could you send a mail with the results?# 02:55 < rxr> jsaw: will you come to the dev-meating ? 02:56 < jsaw> rxr: most probably not. maybe I should try somehow... when is it again? 02:57 < rxr> Mike1: how are you linux developments ? 02:57 < rxr> jsaw: this week from Donnerstag to Sonntag ... 02:58 < Mike1> rxr: they are doing great thanks, currently i am configuring my workstation and stuff so i can get back to rock linux development 02:58 < jsaw> rxr: where? 02:58 < Mike1> rxr: all things are under control now 02:58 < rxr> jsaw: vienna - austria 03:00 < jsaw> rxr: I'll ask my wife/daughter... so most probably not... but I should write some notes about the status of rockplug in any case 03:02 < Mike1> rxr: is there any problem with schillernet? i can't get svn tree .. 03:02 < jsaw> btw, enlightenment v0.16 took up development again... (pkg ready here, just have to be installed/tested) 03:02 < jsaw> Mike1: did u switch the tree? 03:02 < jsaw> rock-trunk -> trunk 03:02 < Mike1> i'm trying to get a fresh download 03:02 < Mike1> have no tree atm 03:03 < Mike1> have we changed svn server? 03:03 < Mike1> i have been away for weeks, please update me if so 03:03 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090A5F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 03:04 < jsaw> u have to checkout "/rock-linux/trunk", rxr removed the "rock-" in front of the last path part 03:04 < Mike1> arrggg 03:04 < Mike1> rxr: please fix that on the rock20 project page please.. 03:04 < Mike1> ok its getting the tree now, thank you jsaw 03:05 * Mike1 wonders where is esden 03:06 < Nebukadneza> what have you done to clifford???? 03:06 < Mike1> Nebukadneza: ? 03:07 < Nebukadneza> Mike1: is is acting a bit ... a bit ... 03:07 < Nebukadneza> strange 03:07 < Nebukadneza> :) 03:07 < Nebukadneza> s/acting/talking 03:07 < Mike1> Nebukadneza: who me or clifford? 03:07 < Nebukadneza> clifford ... 03:07 -!- real_cliff [~rene@M102P007.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 03:07 < Nebukadneza> real_cliff .... 03:08 * Nebukadneza unstadtands nothin 03:08 < Nebukadneza> nothing 03:08 < Nebukadneza> real_cliff: are u the real cliff ... not on drugs? 03:08 < Mike1> 0_o real_cliff? 03:08 < real_cliff> Nebukadneza: how is the chat with "clifford" (regina) going?? ;-) 03:08 < Nebukadneza> nah 03:08 < Nebukadneza> never mind 03:09 < tsa_> uh-oh. 03:09 < Nebukadneza> i think she is a bit on drugs, isnt she? 03:09 < Mike1> real_cliff: Wie geht's mein freund? 03:09 < Nebukadneza> real_cliff: also was von dem gespräch haste mitbekommen? 03:10 < real_cliff> No she's not. But we've spend the last hours playing UNO and now she's a bit "ueberdreht"... 03:10 < Nebukadneza> real_cliff: omg 03:10 < Nebukadneza> "siehst du...solltest auch mal pilze naschen... bekommt man ein sonniges gemüt" 03:10 < Nebukadneza> real_cliff: can i query? 03:11 < Mike1> ok i better shut. 03:11 < fake> drugs? *listens* 03:11 < Nebukadneza> ich versteh garnixmehr 03:11 < Nebukadneza> wer is jetzt clifford und wer nich 03:11 < Nebukadneza> KLÄRT MICH MAL EINER AUF!!! 03:11 < Nebukadneza> oh 03:11 < Nebukadneza> sorry 03:12 < real_cliff> Mike1: I'm fine. How are you doing? 03:12 < real_cliff> Nebukadneza: I did read all (most) of it - she's typing on my subnotebook (the one you know from linuxtag). 03:12 < Nebukadneza> real_cliff: ahh 03:12 < real_cliff> Hi fake! ;-) 03:12 * Nebukadneza understands 03:12 < Nebukadneza> fake: hows the exploit going? 03:12 < Mike1> real_cliff: quite good, just got back form over 2 weeks without inet.. quite frustrating as they weren't holidays 03:12 < clifford> fskr do you wanna chatr with the girl you forgot to greet 03:12 < real_cliff> Mike1: oh. 03:12 < fake> Nebukadneza: it compiles well, the changes to the original file are minimal (the one you had first) 03:13 < fake> clifford: why not? 03:13 < Mike1> real_cliff: who is clifford? 03:13 < Nebukadneza> fake: can you give me the sourcefile? 03:13 < real_cliff> clifford: Hi me - how are you? Everything ok over there? 03:13 < fake> Nebukadneza: sure, but i didn't test it 03:13 < tsa_> <- off to temporarily simulate death in bed. 03:13 < Nebukadneza> no prob 03:13 < tsa_> cu later. 03:13 < Nebukadneza> cy tsa_ 03:13 < Mike1> real_cliff: its nice to see you around, hope to see u mire often 03:13 -!- tsa_ [~tsa@pD9E12021.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("*plopp*") 03:14 -!- clifford is now known as reg 03:14 < Nebukadneza> fake: do you need accsess to my ftp, or do you got anything to upload? 03:14 < real_cliff> Mike1: it's always a matter of time... 03:14 -!- real_cliff is now known as clifford 03:14 -!- reg is now known as regina 03:14 < fake> Nebukadneza: chill 03:14 < Nebukadneza> chill??? 03:14 < Mike1> clifford: i can understand that, i am now working on my own company fulltime, it keeps me quite busy 03:15 -!- regina is now known as waldelfe 03:15 < Nebukadneza> clifford: i hope to see you more often in the chan too ... :) 03:15 < Nebukadneza> waldelfe: DSA player? 03:16 < Nebukadneza> fake: relaxing is a thing i dont know ... :) 03:17 < clifford> I'm just typing on rxr's notebook right now and he wants it back ... 03:17 < clifford> So I# 03:17 < Nebukadneza> ok 03:17 < Nebukadneza> cya clifford 03:17 < Nebukadneza> hope to see ya again :) 03:17 < Nebukadneza> (IRL) 03:18 < clifford> So I'll log off ok now - but zou can ask rxr all zour questions - I'm sitting right next to him .. 03:18 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090BFD6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:18 < Nebukadneza> kk 03:18 -!- clifford [~rene@M102P007.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Client exiting") 03:19 < fake> rxr: clifford: what can we expect at that orgy? 03:20 * Mike1 listening to 'Orgy - Blue monday' 03:22 * fake listening to nirvana 03:22 < Nebukadneza> hm 03:25 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("Real Life is just an illusion caused by IRC deprivation") 03:26 * fake muede 03:26 < fake> schlafen 03:26 < fake> morgen arbeiten *KNIRSCH* 03:26 < Nebukadneza> fake: funktioniert 03:26 < Nebukadneza> grad n pc von nem kumpel runtergemacht 03:26 < Nebukadneza> gute arbeit1 03:26 < Nebukadneza> ! 03:27 < fake> Nebukadneza: muahaha. 03:27 < Nebukadneza> EIN HOCH AUF FAKE DEN ERRETTER, DER UNS VOR DEN KLAUEN DES EVIL EMPIRE RETTET *hrhr* 03:27 < Nebukadneza> das is geil! 03:27 < fake> o_O 03:27 < Nebukadneza> ich glaub jetzt beleigidgt mich keiner mehr weil ich linux nutze 03:27 < Nebukadneza> *muhuhhahahah* 03:28 < fake> var_append script_kiddies " " "Nebukadneza" 03:28 < Nebukadneza> fake: oh ja! 03:28 < fake> was hab ich getan? 03:28 * fake has become death, destroyer of worlds... 03:30 < Nebukadneza> lol 03:30 < Nebukadneza> wie was hab ich getan 03:30 < fake> (zitat J. Robert Oppenheimer, zitat Bhagavadgita) 03:30 < Nebukadneza> aha? 03:32 < rxr> jsaw (and others): 03:32 < rxr> https://gsmp.tfh-berlin.de/rene/files/poster20030730a.png 03:33 < rxr> ^- just a nice wall-paper 03:33 * rxr off now ... 03:34 < jsaw> bg changed. cu rxr. 03:35 < Nebukadneza> rxr: kewl paper 03:35 < Nebukadneza> cya 03:43 * Nebukadneza == bed 03:43 < Nebukadneza> cya 03:43 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-002.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 03:49 < jsaw> cu guys. 03:49 < fake> cu jsaw 03:50 * fake zZzZzZ 03:50 < jsaw> zzzzz! bye 03:51 -!- waldelfe [~clifford@M102P007.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Client exiting") 03:55 < Mike1> be back later 03:55 -!- Mike1 [~mike@] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting") 04:45 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.250.103.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05:32 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.192.243.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 06:31 -!- Netsplit over, joins: JTBurn, Aard 06:31 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: netrunner, praenti, Freak, blindcoder, fake, SMP 06:32 -!- Netsplit over, joins: SMP, fake 06:32 -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti 06:32 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Freak, netrunner, blindcoder 06:37 -!- scoopex [~marc@td9091897.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux 06:43 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p508022C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06:44 < blindcoder> moin 07:16 -!- Freak [freak@p508B25F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07:19 -!- Freak [freak@p508B3AEB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:28 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839689.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:29 * blindcoder --> breakfast 07:38 -!- Freak [freak@p508B3AEB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07:38 -!- Freak [freak@p508B1DC6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:41 < blindcoder> back 07:57 -!- Freak [freak@p508B1DC6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07:59 -!- Freak [freak@p508B254C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:33 -!- scoopex [~marc@td9091897.adsl.terralink.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 08:57 -!- jvc [~jvc@cherokee.cs.utwente.nl] has joined #rocklinux 09:17 < fake> hi 09:20 < blindcoder> moin moin 09:51 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M312P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 11:45 < owl> moin 11:47 < blindcoder> moin moin 11:49 < owl> *leans back and smiles during watching the download of rocklinux-src* 11:50 < blindcoder> SMILE? 11:50 < owl> muhahahaha! "corny-riegel extraplatt... na dann guten hunger..." 11:51 < owl> blindcoder: yes... if your "mundwinkel are not hanging down, but the other side --> up " :p 11:51 * fake seeking daja77 11:51 < blindcoder> owl: I know what that is (distant memory), the question is... WHY? 11:52 < owl> blindcoder: because i have linux on a notebook again... and i'm able to work with this notebook then :) 11:52 < blindcoder> I see... 11:53 < owl> additional to that is that i got a idea... ereboslinux on usb-memorysticks could be nice............ 11:53 < blindcoder> hehe 11:53 < owl> hm? 11:53 < blindcoder> as long as it's <128MB it should work 11:53 < owl> yeah... 11:54 < owl> and additional: i got my digicam and scanner working under linux,... and thera today morning was quite ok 11:55 < blindcoder> scanner? I have never tried using a scanner in linux... due to lack of sca'nner :-) 11:55 < owl> tststs 11:55 < blindcoder> but digicam was quite easy thanks to gphoto2 11:55 < owl> wtf is gphoto2? 11:55 < owl> https://www.ausredenkalender.informatik.uni-bremen.de/kalender/ << btw 11:56 < blindcoder> https://freshmeat.net/projects/gphoto/ 11:56 * fake just reserved his personal copy of the unreleases iplanet direcotry server 5.2 for linux i686 11:56 < blindcoder> iplanet? 11:56 < fake> iplanet 11:57 < blindcoder> should that ring a bell? 11:57 < fake> netscape directory server -> iplanet directory server > Sun ONE directory server 11:57 < fake> iPlanet is what the netscape server division was and was bought by sun 11:57 < blindcoder> hmhm... have fun with it then :-) 11:57 < fake> aye. 11:57 < blindcoder> so it will be (un)powered by Java? 11:58 * fake will leave now 11:58 < fake> blindcoder: it is java-free 11:59 < blindcoder> fake: that's good to hear :-) 12:03 < fake> i know. 12:03 < fake> bye 12:04 < owl> bye fake 12:20 -!- daja77 [[wpwd4YiJ7@odoaker.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de] has joined #rocklinux 12:22 < owl> daja77: fake was looking for you 12:23 < daja77> aha 12:24 < daja77> damn freenode disconnected me last night so i have no backlogs 12:25 < blindcoder> is there any possibility to make two PCI-Slots from one? I need a few more >_< 12:25 < daja77> buy better boards 12:27 < blindcoder> yeah... a board with 10 PCI Slots and 8 Serial Ports 12:37 * daja77 screaming 12:38 * blindcoder putting his hands over his ears 12:38 < blindcoder> daja77: at 10kHz it starts to hurt, you know 12:39 < daja77> wtf x fails building on this fscking machine 12:39 < owl> *lol* 12:39 < daja77> owl: ??! 12:39 < owl> daja77: x hates ya... 12:40 < blindcoder> what error? 12:41 < daja77> mom 12:42 < daja77> [root@linux45 trunk]# tail -20 build/realtime-2.0.0-rc1-x86-pentium3-32-realtime-expert/root/var/adm/logs/5-xfree86.err 12:42 < daja77> rm -f libX11.so.6.2 12:42 < daja77> mv -f libX11.so.6.2~ libX11.so.6.2 12:42 < daja77> mv: cannot stat `libX11.so.6.2~': No such file or directory 12:42 < daja77> make[4]: *** [libX11.so.6.2] Error 1 12:42 < daja77> make[4]: Leaving directory `/R.src/xc/lib/X11' 12:42 < daja77> make[3]: *** [all] Error 2 12:42 < daja77> make[3]: Leaving directory `/R.src/xc/lib' 12:42 < daja77> make[2]: *** [all] Error 2 12:42 < daja77> make[2]: Leaving directory `/R.src/xc' 12:42 < daja77> make[1]: *** [World] Error 2 12:42 < daja77> make[1]: Leaving directory `/R.src/xc' 12:42 < daja77> make: *** [World] Error 2 12:43 < blindcoder> hrm??? 12:43 < daja77> it can't build that libs due problems with flex ... 12:43 < blindcoder> XFree with pre-patches or plain 4.3.0? 12:43 < blindcoder> oh... 12:45 < daja77> mom /me trying to find the interesting piece of the log 12:46 < daja77> blindcoder: wanna see this in query? 12:47 < blindcoder> daja77: yes, please 12:47 < daja77> okis 12:51 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.192.243.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13:07 < daja77> blindcoder: could this be an optimization bug? 13:08 < blindcoder> daja77: what are you optimizing for? 13:09 < daja77> pentium3 13:09 < blindcoder> hmm... I know of no problems with p3 13:09 < daja77> ok 13:10 < daja77> oh nice timeout from rocklinux.net, no mirror list *grml* 13:13 < jsaw> re 13:13 < jsaw> hi all 13:13 < daja77> wow ogg support in new rio player 13:13 < daja77> hey jsaw 13:13 -!- true [~true@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:14 < owl> hi true :p 13:14 < true> hi ;) 13:17 -!- Be-El [~blinke@jake.genetik.uni-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:17 < Be-El> hi ppl 13:17 < owl> moin Be-El 13:19 < daja77> hi Be-El 13:19 < owl> somone knows "blame!"? 13:19 < daja77> hm? 13:19 < blindcoder> didn't read it yet 13:19 < blindcoder> am collecting too many other things 13:20 < owl> blindcoder: do you have all "baende"? 13:20 < owl> other things like? 13:20 < blindcoder> none 13:20 < owl> hm. dammit :-( 13:20 < blindcoder> moment *flips open Palm and zooms through to Manga-List* 13:20 < blindcoder> too much >_< 13:21 * daja77 could owl lots of nice books ... 13:21 < blindcoder> 3x3 Augen, Angel Sanctuary, Blade of the Immortal... 13:21 < blindcoder> Fake, FuriKuri, Brain Powered and a dozen others 13:22 < daja77> Fake! 13:22 < owl> hehe. blade of the immortal is also great, fake is quite funny... btw, how many of those collections are availbe? 13:23 < blindcoder> owl: what do you mean, available? 13:23 < blindcoder> owl: btw. Blade will end with Volume 10 (Log. 65) 13:23 < owl> blindcoder: and fake? 13:24 < blindcoder> owl: I have Volumes 1-3 13:24 < blindcoder> owl: a, not Blade. Blame! will end at Log. 65 13:24 < blindcoder> owl: read it on de.alt.anime today. 13:25 < owl> oki. thx. (but volume 09 is at least on amazon.de n/a yet) 13:25 < owl> bingo provides nntp-server? 13:25 < blindcoder> owl: yes, Vol 09 is to be shipped in Dec. and Vol 10 samewhen Q1 2004 13:25 < blindcoder> owl: news.bingo-ev.de 13:25 < daja77> *lol* https://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/te/15427/1.html 13:25 < owl> oki.... thx a lot :p 13:25 * blindcoder needs an aspell plugin for irssi 13:27 < daja77> nah you need a festival plugin for irssi ;-) 13:27 < owl> O_o wtf a festival plugin? 13:28 < daja77> festival is a text-to-speech engine 13:29 < owl> ah so 13:29 < daja77> wow what a lart, https://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/te/15422/1.html 13:30 < blindcoder> daja77: I don't know what I'd be moe afraid of: 13:30 < blindcoder> a) the fact that this kind of defense is successful 13:30 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.195.70.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:30 < blindcoder> or b) the fact that it might be true 13:32 < daja77> well it shows the dangers of running windows ... 13:32 < daja77> yeah but you are right, difficult to judge 13:34 < blindcoder> well, Linux has it's virii and trojans, too, but they are even more a minority than linux-users are 13:35 < daja77> i know, but the is no auto open attachment function or sth like that in linux mailers 13:35 < daja77> at least i hope so 13:35 < blindcoder> daja77: ever used kmail? Netscape Mail? 13:36 < blindcoder> they don't have _auto_ open, but they have HTML-Mail-Support which is just as dangerous. 13:37 < daja77> yepp /me tried kmail ... 13:37 < owl> blindcoder: smtp and pop3-server of bing? 13:37 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAB4B7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:37 < blindcoder> owl: mail.bingo-ev.de 13:38 < owl> k. thx 13:38 < daja77> blindcoder: html mails are crap but mot dangerous 13:39 < blindcoder> daja77: unopened they are harmless :-) 13:39 < daja77> hehe 13:40 < daja77> aol lusers are forced to write html mails ... 13:41 < blindcoder> well, if they choose aol, they deserve it. 13:42 < daja77> hehe like saying: is there an "make me a complete fool" button in outlook - yes it's caption is send ... 13:43 < blindcoder> muahaha 13:44 < daja77> rock decreases my fun today :-( 13:44 < jsaw> daja77: ? 13:45 < daja77> download and build problems 13:46 < jsaw> yeah... 13:46 < jsaw> muh! 13:46 < daja77> can someone paste me a working mirror url, for some strange reason Download can't fetch a mirror list 13:47 < daja77> :) 13:47 < Be-El> daja77: echo none > src/Download-Mirror 13:47 < daja77> i had none, but some crap isn't working that way >_< 13:48 < Be-El> try to fix it and send patches... 13:48 * daja77 kicks Be-El 13:48 < Be-El> this we-dont-need-working-url-we-got-our-mirrors-instead-policy is crap 13:49 < daja77> the original location are just too slow for crappy curl 13:51 < daja77> -longtimeout seems to be there for fun i guess 13:51 < blindcoder> daja77: you have to put the -long-timeout before the -required or -all 13:51 < blindcoder> it's a kind of mis-implementation of commandline parsing... 13:54 < daja77> it was once working, thought it was -longtimeout, no? 13:54 < Be-El> daja77: if everything else breaks, patch the script and add a longer timeout to the curl invocation 13:55 * daja77 now downloading stuff via mirror and trying to calm down, damn heat 13:57 < daja77> Be-El: btw i don't fixing anything in rock, i just have other stuff with rock which bothers me more ... 14:02 < rxr> re 14:05 < blindcoder> moin moin rxr 14:06 < rxr> moin blindcoder 14:06 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-002.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:06 < rxr> hi daja77 14:06 < rxr> you do not like the Download script ? 14:08 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F223.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14:08 < owl> moin rxr 14:09 < Be-El> moin rxr 14:15 < daja77> hi rxr *bg* 14:15 < daja77> the download script is ok, except when it is not working 14:19 < owl> *gnarf* how many ages does subversion need to compile? O_o 14:19 < blindcoder> about 3 and a half 14:19 < owl> 3,5??? 3.5 of what? 14:20 < blindcoder> ages 14:20 < blindcoder> brb 14:20 < owl> hrm... 14:21 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F1A1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:21 < Be-El> actually it builds quite fast if it can locate the APR headers and libraries 14:21 < owl> APR? 14:21 < Be-El> apache runtime....the core libraries apache builds on 14:22 < Be-El> subversion links against them, too.... 14:22 < Be-El> and if no apache (thus no APR) is found, subversion builds its own version 14:22 < jsaw> apr is independent of apache 14:22 < owl> i don't compilie it with pre-installed apr... 14:22 < Be-El> jsaw: it is, yes.....but both apache and subversion are not independent of apr ;-) 14:22 < owl> --> it needs a long time, doesn't it? 14:23 -!- maggesi [~maggesi@hook.math.unifi.it] has joined #rocklinux 14:23 < jsaw> you can get APR independantly (was what I wanted to say) 14:23 < owl> yeah... 14:23 < Be-El> jsaw: ok, that 14:24 < owl> hi maggesi 14:24 < Be-El> 's right 14:24 < maggesi> owl: hi! 14:30 -!- maggesi [~maggesi@hook.math.unifi.it] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting") 14:33 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802A9E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:34 * netrunner back @home 14:34 < owl> hi netrunner 14:42 < daja77> huhu netrunner 14:42 < fake> daja77: ping 14:42 < fake> ah 14:42 < Be-El> moin netrunner 14:42 < fake> daja77: when do you want to hit vienna? 14:44 < daja77> hit clifford *ggg* 14:44 < daja77> fake: query? 14:44 < fake> daja77: ack 14:47 < netrunner> hi all :) 14:47 * netrunner currently emptying the camper && sorting/cleaning things 14:47 * netrunner strokes his air-conditioner 14:48 < daja77> cleaning things, read: taking a shower ... 14:49 < fake> owl, wanna ride to vienna? 14:49 -!- Nebukadneza is now known as Nebu^afk 14:49 < owl> fake: nope. thx 14:50 < fake> damn. 14:50 < owl> why? 14:51 < daja77> cos he is mad about you :P 14:51 < owl> hoeh#ß 14:51 < owl> ? 14:51 < netrunner> fake: it's quite far for riding 8) 14:51 < fake> daja77 and me need a .. klimaanlagen-ersatz 14:52 < owl> *rofl* bad luck guys 14:52 < owl> might buying a mobile ventilator or so :p 14:52 < daja77> hehehe you want owl for serving us fresh drinks and stuff 14:53 < SMP> 910 builds total, 410 completed fine, 8 with errors. 14:53 < fake> *applauds* 14:53 < SMP> with python 2.3 14:53 < SMP> gives some regressions (but not in koffice) 14:53 * daja77 notes that python versioning is weird 14:54 < fake> SMP is a kde user... 14:54 < SMP> yeah! and a happy one, too! :P 14:54 * daja77 hides 14:56 < fake> things change... 14:59 < daja77> *AAAARGL* sysfiles package fail wtf 15:01 -!- Freak [freak@p508B254C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exciting") 15:01 -!- Freak [freak@p508B254C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:02 < daja77> Freak! 15:03 < Freak> daja77! 15:04 < daja77> :) 15:04 < fake> fake! 15:04 < fake> fake! 15:04 < fake> ... 15:04 < daja77> we all know about this ... 15:04 < fake> one-element-circular-dependency ;) 15:05 < fake> Ergo! Vis-a-vis! Concordingly! 15:07 < Freak> fake is fake is fake. 15:07 < daja77> trying to make a statement eh? 15:07 < Freak> nah 15:08 < Freak> just.. 15:08 < Freak> philosophy. 15:08 < fake> to fake the fake of fake being a fake is a fake 15:08 < Freak> i have to be more concentrated.. 15:08 * fake boils Freak 15:09 < daja77> rxr: you here? 15:09 < Freak> I hardly understand the *german* synchronization of "get shorty".. 15:09 < Freak> fake does what? 15:09 < rxr> re 15:09 < rxr> daja77: yes 15:09 < daja77> ah 15:10 * rxr just sitting in the company clifford works - doing ROCK LInux patch work and other maintenance stuff 15:10 < blindcoder> phew, finally this meeting is over 15:10 < rxr> like releasing 2.0.0-camp ;-) 15:10 < rxr> hi SMP 15:10 < rxr> jsaw: hi 15:10 < jsaw> hi rxr. 15:10 < Freak> bbl 15:10 < daja77> rxr: so you have some time? 15:10 < fake> Freak: if you want something to concentrate, you dissolve it in water, and boil it at the right temperature, so either the element you want becomes gas, or the water. you catch that, and re-run the procedure... until it is pure enough. 15:10 < jsaw> rxr: I won't be able to come to the meeting... 15:10 < rxr> jsaw: you are not yet in the homepage developers gallery (IIRC) could you send me the needed texts and a photo (optionally) to add you = 15:11 < daja77> cool shared files rtai linux24-src 15:11 < rxr> jsaw: ok - I'll send a about the meeting mail out to the list do people can contribute content to discuss ... 15:12 < jsaw> rxr: will send text+photo later 15:12 < rxr> jsaw: thanks 15:14 < daja77> rxr: have you changed kernel.conf to do a make depend now? 15:14 < daja77> blindcoder: congrats 15:14 < blindcoder> daja77: ? what for? I didn't mess up anything! 15:15 < daja77> hehehe, for surviving the meeting 15:15 < rxr> daja77: hm 15:16 < Freak> fake: ha. ha. haha. ha. 15:16 < rxr> daja77: do you miss a make depend or do you think one is too much ? 15:16 < daja77> I have a shared files conflict between rtai and linux24-src package, the .depend files 15:16 < fake> Freak: ph34r m4 hum0r 15:16 < blindcoder> daja77: ah, thanks :) 15:16 < Freak> fake: ack ;)) 15:17 < daja77> guess one too much, cos I do make depend in rtai package, cos linux24-src was lacking this before 15:23 < fake> .. 15:23 < daja77> hm? 15:24 < fake> hm! 15:24 * blindcoder going home 15:24 < daja77> have fun 15:24 < owl> bye blindcoder 15:24 < owl> *grml* still 3 hours remaining :-((( 15:24 < daja77> have fun 15:25 < daja77> gd&r 15:25 < owl> daja77: *kick* 15:26 < daja77> .oO the heat makes you violent ... 15:27 < owl> sure. 15:27 < daja77> ah no you have been before ... 15:28 < owl> what are you saying? /me is always friendly and so... 15:29 < daja77> oh sure must have missed that part ... 15:29 < owl> yeah. 15:30 < rxr> SMP: do you have a new password hash - and maybe could commit some rock-net code for further work by Cilfford and me in the next days ? 15:30 < daja77> if your home would be on my way, I'd stop by just to see you smiling 15:37 -!- fake_ [~fake@pD9E4D329.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:37 < owl> daja77: ? 15:38 < owl> dammit... subversion can't take about 1 /2 an hour .. can it? 15:38 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 15:38 < owl> hi LocalHero 15:39 < LocalHero> owl, hi :) 15:40 < daja77> owl: yes? 15:40 < daja77> you told me that you are friendly, not? 15:40 < daja77> hi LocalHero 15:40 < owl> daja77: see above 15:41 * daja77 confused 15:41 < daja77> women ,,, 15:41 < LocalHero> daja, hi :) 15:41 -!- JTBurn [xXx@pD9E7F1A1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15:41 -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4DF8A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 15:41 -!- fake_ is now known as fake 15:42 < fake> hm, still my bootdisk is b0rken 15:47 < tcr> rxr: people are using arch on the linux kernel and on xemacs and gnu emacs. 15:48 < tcr> And it's selfhosting anyway 15:48 < daja77> ah the advocat is back 15:48 < tcr> Advocator, please ;) 15:48 < daja77> ok 15:48 < daja77> :) 15:50 < tcr> Whatever 15:50 * daja77 silently holding up a subversion flag ... 15:50 < tcr> I'm away again, just wanted to preach my evangelium, you know ;) 15:50 < daja77> sure i know := 15:52 < tcr> daja77: I've nothing against svn, really not :) I think for in-house projects it's great 15:54 < daja77> :P 15:57 < SMP> w00t, sound finally works on the laptop 15:57 < LocalHero> SMP, uhh? 15:58 < SMP> need to pass snd_ac97_clock=0 to snd-intel8x0 15:59 < rxr> hi LocalHero 15:59 < LocalHero> Hmm, oki, by the way, when running ./configure do i need to supply any extra options to get the code optimized for lets say i686 instead of i386 15:59 < LocalHero> rxr, ahh, finaly we meet again. Now the circle is closed :) 15:59 < LocalHero> rxr, whazup :) 16:00 < LocalHero> rxr, I bought a new disk. ready for a new account? 16:00 < LocalHero> rxr, lots of GB free ;) 16:00 < rxr> LocalHero: the optimisation used for package builds depensd on your distribution, the optimization of gcc, and user environment variables ... 16:00 < rxr> LocalHero: ok - have I a new user and pass again ? 16:01 < LocalHero> rxr, yepp, hopefully for the last time. Just create a folder of your chice in your homedir and i will in some days look over the site and merge your isos :) 16:02 < LocalHero> rxr, hmm, oki, so if i want to compile optimized code for amd duron on my rock 2.0 minimal installation i have to do what? Uhhm, just so that i know where to start looking :) 16:04 < fake> ah... 16:04 < fake> feels good to have rock on my nice smp box again 16:04 < LocalHero> fake :) 16:05 < fake> now i have to gather disc space for a complete build 16:05 < daja77> rock gives me the creeps today 16:06 < daja77> cp: cannot stat `/var/adm/logs/5-linux24.out': No such file or directory 16:06 < daja77> grep: /var/adm/logs/5-linux24.out: No such file or directory 16:06 < daja77> -> $root/var/adm/logs/5-linux24.out -> 5-linux24.err 16:06 < daja77> mv: cannot stat `/var/adm/logs/5-linux24.out': No such file or directory 16:06 < daja77> == 08/12/03 16:00:50 =[5]=> Aborted building package linux24. 16:06 < daja77> Package build ended abnormally! 16:06 < daja77> !> Usually a package build creates eighter a *.log 16:06 < daja77> !> or a *.err file. Neither the 1st nor the 2nd is 16:06 < daja77> !> there. So I'm going to create a *.err file now 16:06 < daja77> !> and abort the build process. 16:06 < owl> https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,260928,00.html 16:07 < fake> what does it say? 16:07 < rxr> LocalHero: export CFLAGS="-march=athlon" or so ... 16:08 * daja77 is doomed with that machine 16:08 < LocalHero> rxr, thanx :) 16:09 < LocalHero> rxr, you got the pw? 16:10 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M312P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16:10 < LocalHero> rxr, i have been very busy the last month so i havent done the work on the iso site. I think i will do that in some weeks when the heat has gone away :).. I long for some rain 16:11 < daja77> LocalHero: huh no rain in sweden? 16:12 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M257P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 16:13 < LocalHero> daja77, nope not in months :(.. And it newer gets cold. This night we had 25 degreas at 2am 16:14 < daja77> so you experience summer the first time in your life *ggg* 16:15 < LocalHero> daja,, hehe, hmm, not true. We have summer every year. But you shouldnt get here in june when the weather is not that nice 16:17 * daja77 had been on a sunny day in malmö ... 16:26 * fake off 16:27 < fake> cu later 16:30 < daja77> cu fake, tomorrow :) 16:31 < owl> bye fake 16:43 -!- rtc [~rtc@ACB6A062.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 16:47 -!- rtc [~rtc@ACB6A062.ipt.aol.com] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting") 16:48 < daja77> the 5min of aol ... 16:49 -!- CyBuX [~nando@] has joined #rocklinux 16:50 -!- CyBuX [~nando@] has quit ("CyBuX has no reason") 16:50 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux 16:54 < LocalHero> cya 16:55 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit () 17:06 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4FEC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("hardware works") 17:16 < Be-El> *melt* 17:18 < Freak> :) 17:19 < Freak> we have 38° atm, according to wetter.com 17:20 < daja77> Freak is a hot guy ... 17:20 < Freak> definitely 17:21 < Freak> out of the question. 17:22 < daja77> of course you do not rock, but that's another story ;-) 17:22 < Be-El> 36 degree celcius.... 17:22 < Freak> los0R ;) 17:22 < daja77> 31.5 ah yes the cool mountains ... 17:22 < Freak> hahaha ;) 17:23 < Be-El> maybe....are you currently working in a small office with 5 people and 6 computers ? ;-) 17:24 < Be-El> even the server room got ~26 degree.... 17:32 < Be-El> so....feierabend 17:35 < Be-El> und wech.... 17:36 -!- Be-El [~blinke@jake.genetik.uni-bielefeld.de] has quit ("Client Exiting") 17:41 * daja77 goin home 17:41 < daja77> cu 17:44 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: daja77, netrunner, jsaw, cytrinox, Aard, rxr, snyke 17:46 -!- Netsplit over, joins: netrunner, cytrinox, rxr, jsaw, snyke 17:47 -!- Netsplit over, joins: daja77, Aard 18:12 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F076.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:34 < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi 18:40 -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@pD95069A3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:49 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@pD95069B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 19:01 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p50839689.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 19:04 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps") 19:13 -!- Nebu^afk [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-002.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 19:21 < rolla> re 19:25 < SMP> gah! crap 19:26 < SMP> building on a 2.6 kernel causes regressiosn 19:26 < SMP> mozilla e.g. 19:27 -!- mind [~linuxfrea@216-15-89-65.c3-0.crm-ubr1.crm.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #rocklinux 19:28 -!- mind [~linuxfrea@216-15-89-65.c3-0.crm-ubr1.crm.ny.cable.rcn.com] has left #rocklinux () 19:30 -!- scoopexH [~marc@td9091994.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:30 -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-75-92-87.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux 19:31 < tcr> SMP: still here? 19:34 < tcr> Meep, meep... 19:34 -!- CyBuX [~cybux@conm200-75-92-87.epm.net.co] has left #rocklinux () 19:39 * tcr brb 19:43 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-002.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:47 < SMP> re 19:56 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@pD9E39F2B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:10 -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD9E4F3FE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:10 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F076.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 20:10 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder 20:20 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M257P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("leaving") 20:26 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4F3FE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("damn hanging processes") 20:47 < owl> rehi 20:54 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4F0F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:59 -!- scoopexH [~marc@td9091994.adsl.terralink.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 21:06 < fake> mozilla doesn't build on a 2.6 kernel? o_O ? 21:18 -!- CyBuX [CyBuX@] has joined #rocklinux 21:20 < tcr> Ah, friends is comming now 21:20 < tcr> Arg, fucking commercial break 21:28 < owl> commercial break? O_o 21:31 < fake> ad 21:31 < fake> advertisment 21:32 < owl> where? *confused* 21:32 < fake> on tv 21:32 < fake> obviously 21:32 < owl> d'ouh... no wonder, that i didn't know what tcr was talking about... *cough* 21:33 * fake knows what a commercial is 21:33 < fake> ;) 21:33 < tcr> meep.. 21:33 < owl> fake: yes... but a commercial break... :p 21:33 < tcr> commercial break again, yawn,... getting an ice 21:35 < tcr> *g* 21:37 < owl> tcr: isn't on tv always "commercial break"? 21:51 < daja77> the shows and movies are the break between the commercials 21:51 < owl> hehe. or so :p 21:55 < daja77> 901 builds total, 883 completed fine, 18 with errors. 21:55 < daja77> :-( 21:55 < tcr> re all 21:55 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-002.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 21:56 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-077-084.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:06 -!- CyBuX [CyBuX@] has quit () 22:12 -!- rtc [~rtc@dialin-145-254-077-090.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:35 < daja77> *yaaawn* 22:39 -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:40 -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:40 < owl> rehi 22:40 < daja77> :) 22:42 < rtc> ;) 22:47 < esden> hi all 22:48 < owl> hi esden !!!! :))) 22:48 < tcr> Man, man, man... what an idiot that is, the commentar on Tagesschau Tagesthemen 22:48 < esden> hi owl 22:48 < tcr> He set the emphasize in Sahara wrongly 22:48 < tcr> It's S_a_hara and not Sah_a_ra 22:48 < daja77> tcr: burn the tv :P 22:49 < rtc> how he did? 22:49 < tcr> Sah_a_ra means "suitcase" 22:49 < daja77> esden! 22:49 < esden> hi daja77 22:49 < daja77> :) 22:49 < daja77> tcr: in which language? 22:50 < tcr> Deutsch 22:50 < tcr> Oups 22:50 < tcr> lol misunderstood you ;) 22:50 < tcr> sah_a_ra means suitcase in arabic 22:52 < daja77> hmm my dictionary tells me two other words for suitcase in arabic ... 22:52 < tcr> Then it might be another language, just guessed ;) 22:53 < owl> 147 builds total, 15 completed fine, 0 with errors. 22:53 < owl> somone will be interested in dictionary tells me two other words for suitcase in 22:53 < owl> aaaaaaaaargh 22:53 < owl> rev1044-system-2.0.0-rc1-x86-minimal_XFree-expert i meant 22:54 -!- CyBuX [CyBuX@] has joined #rocklinux 22:54 -!- CyBuX [CyBuX@] has left #rocklinux () 22:54 < daja77> owl: ? 22:54 < owl> daja77:`???? 22:55 < daja77> what do you wanna tell us *bg* 22:55 < tcr> that he's pregnant 22:55 < owl> wanted to ask if someone wants a rev1044-minimal_XFree.iso when it's ready...? 22:55 < tcr> she respectively 22:55 < tcr> Not sure though :P 22:55 < owl> tcr: LMAA 22:56 < tcr> Well I think then I'd be a bit more sur 22:56 < tcr> sure 22:56 < owl> mann!!! ich kann auch wieder abhauen, aus #rocklinux "!!!! 22:57 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@pD9E39F2B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 22:57 < owl> ist vielleicht eh das beste!@ 22:57 < rtc> owl: ? 22:57 < owl> rtc: nix 22:57 < tcr> *g* Finally she got back in her elements 22:57 < owl> tcr: fuck you! 22:58 < rtc> owl: mit falschem bein aufgestanden? 22:58 < owl> if someone still is interested in my work, then mail me , or join #anarchy 22:58 < owl> rtc: nope. immer so drauf. 22:58 < owl> und jetzt: bye 22:58 < daja77> no just taking everything personal and seriously 22:58 -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has left #rocklinux ("lmaa.") 22:58 < rtc> ich sag auch: bye 22:59 < rtc> till later than 22:59 < rtc> have a nice day... 22:59 < daja77> byr rtc 22:59 -!- rtc [~rtc@dialin-145-254-077-090.arcor-ip.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting") 23:00 * tcr makes a new line on his list, it's now the fourth time I scared owl away 23:00 < daja77> huh, only the fourth, really 23:01 < tcr> Hmm, only a very very arbitrary guess 23:01 < tcr> I forget about such things very quickly.. 23:02 < daja77> nothing worth to remember anyway 23:03 < tcr> If we were very cynical, we could think about what whe should do when I reached the fifth time ;) 23:03 < tcr> Btw. daja77 are you gonna go to the devmeeting 23:03 < daja77> yes 23:05 < tcr> I'm a bit jealous.. 23:05 < daja77> oh 23:06 * tcr is eating a Milchschnitte 23:06 < daja77> hehehe have fun 23:06 * tcr ponders... the occurence of chsch must look quite strange to nongermans 23:07 < tcr> looks like slaviac language 23:07 < daja77> execpt russians *gg* 23:08 < tcr> Were you at the camp? 23:10 < daja77> no 23:11 < tcr> Oh... I already intended to make you to the party king ;) 23:11 < tcr> make as in German "küren" 23:11 < daja77> lol 23:12 < daja77> indeed i have been to many parties this year ... 23:12 < tcr> "I'm da party kind... And I'm using ROCK Linux." 23:12 < tcr> king even 23:12 < daja77> you are really jealous, no? 23:13 < tcr> Yeah, ain't that pathetic? 23:13 < daja77> hehe 23:14 < daja77> if i start mentioning the chicks he gets mad ... 23:15 < tcr> I saw enough on Malta *hhrrrrrrrrrr* 23:16 < daja77> seeing is believing ;) what about talking and touching? 23:17 < tcr> True geeks, as I am one, ain't on the top list of gurls, I'm afraid 23:18 < daja77> ic 23:20 * tcr is writing a mail 23:20 < daja77> oh to your gf *ggg* 23:23 < tcr> No to the ml 23:31 < tcr> Ok mail sent, I'm off 23:31 < tcr> gn8 all 23:31 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAB4B7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.") 23:44 -!- scoopexH [~marc@td90918eb.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux --- Log closed Wed Aug 13 00:00:49 2003