-!- Irrsi  Log opened Thu Aug 14 00:00:07 2003
[00:05] < jsaw> btw, can I rely on the [A] tags being up to date, or should
[00:05] < jsaw> I check it out on the homepage each time.
[00:06] < tcr> I always check the websites, because there may be mailinglists
[00:07] < jsaw> (I'm currently compiling with gcc-3.3.1...as you've might read already. Already 3 patches and one workaround...)
[00:09] -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M310P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[00:09] < jsaw> tcr: ever programmed python?
[00:09] < jsaw> hi n00kie_
[00:17] < tcr> re
[00:19] < tcr> jsaw: Well, my more or less first attempts of programming were in python, but I didn't understand much to that time (especialy I couldn't make any clue out of oop), so that I gave it up and forgot everything about ti
[00:21] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M284P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:22] < jsaw> tcr: I don't understand how to write a setup.py... well, gotta learn it the hard way...
[00:32] < tcr> Heheh
[00:32] < tcr> Google has got a builtin calculator
[00:36] < tcr> I'm gonna sleep now, gn8 all
[00:36] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EA979B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("gn8 all")
[00:52] -!- _Caspar__ [~steven261@M119P016.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has left #rocklinux ()
[01:59] -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-026.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
[03:32] -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090BC4F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:38] -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090BDB6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[04:06] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[04:06] < Mike1> hello.
[04:10] < jsaw> re
[04:10] < jsaw> hi Mike1
[05:09] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has quit ("leaving")
[05:30] < cytrinox> moin
[05:41] -!- maisenhe [maisenhe@adsl-66-136-183-233.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #rocklinux
[05:41] < maisenhe> re
[05:41] -!- maisenhe is now known as rolla
[05:41] -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@p50800FB9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[05:41] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p5080101A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[05:41] -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder
[06:07] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, jsaw, netrunner, cytrinox, blindcoder, rxr, snyke
[06:07] -!- Netsplit over, joins: blindcoder, rolla, jsaw, cytrinox, netrunner, rxr, snyke
[06:33] -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p50802987.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[06:41] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802A1B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[06:44] -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.196.25.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[06:52] -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.212.218.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[06:55] < n00kie_> Good Morning :)
[07:03] -!- cytrinox_ is now known as cytrinox
[07:17] -!- Freak [freak@p508B2A2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:20] -!- Freak [freak@p508B2EB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[07:37] -!- Freak [freak@p508B2EB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:40] -!- Freak [freak@p508B2760.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[07:44] -!- owl_ [~owl@host-62-245-251-33.customer.m-online.net] has joined #rocklinux
[07:44] < owl_> moin
[07:45] < owl_> someone knows:
[07:45] < owl_> OpenSSH_3.6.1p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090702f
[07:45] < owl_> debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh_config
[07:45] < owl_> debug1: Rhosts Authentication disabled, originating port will not be trusted.
[07:45] < owl_> debug1: Connecting to aszlig.net [] port 110.
[07:45] < owl_> debug1: Connection established.
[07:45] < owl_> debug1: identity file /home/owl/.ssh/identity type -1
[07:45] < owl_> debug1: identity file /home/owl/.ssh/id_rsa type -1
[07:45] < owl_> debug1: identity file /home/owl/.ssh/id_dsa type -1
[07:45] < owl_> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
[07:45] < owl_> debug1: Calling cleanup 0x805f09c(0x0)
[07:45] < owl_> ???
[07:45] < owl_> and how to fix this error?
[07:47] < owl_> aszlig: are you here? *hoping*
[07:57] -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[07:57] -!- owl__ [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux
[07:57] -!- owl_ is now known as owl
[07:59] -!- Freak [freak@p508B2760.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[08:02] -!- Freak [freak@p508B2277.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[08:03] -!- owl [~owl@host-62-245-251-33.customer.m-online.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:06] -!- jvc [~jvc@cherokee.cs.utwente.nl] has quit (Ping timeout: 14400 seconds)
[08:09] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M296P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[08:10] -!- owl [~owl@] has joined #rocklinux
[08:11] < owl> *grml*
[08:12] -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M310P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:13] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M296P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("leaving")
[08:21] < owl> Aard: are you here?
[08:22] -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, rxr, jsaw, rolla, blindcoder
[08:43] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, jsaw, blindcoder, rxr, snyke
[08:44] -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, rxr, jsaw, rolla, blindcoder
[08:57] -!- jvc [~jvc@cherokee.cs.utwente.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[09:04] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, jsaw, blindcoder, rxr, snyke
[09:04] -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, rxr, jsaw, rolla, blindcoder
[09:34] -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.237.11.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[09:49] -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.196.25.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:04] < owl> *argh* how many netsplits will they be during the day? O_o
[10:05] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[10:06] < Mike1> moin.
[10:07] < owl> hi Mike1 :)
[10:09] < Mike1> hi owlita
[10:09] < owl> how are you?
[10:09] < Mike1> how are you doing today?
[10:09] < Mike1> i'm good thanks coding, and u ?
[10:09] < owl> feeling less than shit. thx
[10:09] < Mike1> poor owly
[10:09] < owl> hrm
[10:09] < owl> just deillusioned... ya know...
[10:10] < Mike1> yeah..
[10:18] -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux
[10:19] < owl> hi Aard
[10:21] < owl> RAIN!!!!!!!!
[10:22] < owl> aeh.. A-Tui i meant
[10:22] -!- Nebukadnezea [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-026.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:22] < A-Tui> hi owl :)
[10:22] < owl> hi Nebukadnezea
[10:23] < Nebukadnezea> hi owl
[10:23] < Nebukadnezea> schon so früh wach
[10:23] < Nebukadnezea> oh sorr
[10:23] < Nebukadnezea> y
[10:23] < owl> hoeh?
[10:23] < Nebukadnezea> so early awake
[10:24] < owl> aehm. i'm every day awake since about 06:00, today since about 05:00!
[10:25] < owl> thunder - yes :))) *jumping around*
[10:26] < Mike1> owl: so darkness has finally arrived ?
[10:26] < owl> Mike1: sure :p
[10:28] < Mike1> cool
[10:28] < owl> hah, that's so wonderful... maybe getting colder a bit :)
[10:30] < Nebukadnezea> owl: why that ... i used hardcore beats with 97db to get wake :)
[10:31] < owl> Nebukadnezea: because i'm forced to work and travel about 200 km/every day?
[10:31] < Nebukadnezea> oh
[10:31] < Nebukadnezea> ok
[10:31] < Nebukadnezea> ok
[10:32]   Nebukadnezea goes to a friend ... cya
[10:32] -!- Nebukadnezea is now known as Nebu^afk
[10:32] < owl> bye Nebu^afk
[10:36] -!- owl [~owl@] has quit ("wech")
[10:37] -!- owl__ is now known as owl
[10:48] < owl> 903 builds total, 145 completed fine, 2 with errors.
[11:00] < Mike1> owl: which packages borke?
[11:00] < Mike1> broke*
[11:01] < owl> Mike1: aehm... just "broken"... not really broken
[11:01] < Mike1> owl: ,,,
[11:02] < owl> Mike1: ???
[11:03] < Mike1> elaborate
[11:06] < Mike1> ...
[11:09] < owl> die laborratte??? or what does elaborate mean?
[11:10] < owl> bash-2.05b# ./scripts/Download -list-missing | less
[11:10] < owl> download/alessandro/webmin/webmin-1.100.tar.bz2
[11:10] < owl> download/base/tree/tree-1.4b3.tbz2
[11:10] < owl> download/blindcoder/xjdic23/edict.bz2
[11:10] < owl> download/esden/povray35/povuni_s-3.5.tbz2
[11:10] < owl> download/rene/libdvdread/libdvdread-0.9.4.tar.bz2
[11:10] < owl> download/x11/ghostscript/pdf_sec.ps
[11:10] < owl> wtf does nobody fix the cksum-errs?!!! O_o
[11:10] < Mike1> maybe u want to do it?
[11:11] < Mike1> also are u sure all those missing packages are indeed for cksum errors?
[11:11] < owl> yes... i have to do it, i guess... otherwise /me will be killed by them, somewhen...
[11:11] < owl> nope. not all... but having a deeper look now
[11:12] < Mike1> good
[11:12] < owl> Mike1: how is woden?
[11:13] < Mike1> ready to release
[11:14] < owl> kewl :)
[11:14] < owl> congratulations
[11:14] < Mike1> thank you
[11:14] < Mike1> i just haven;t made up my mind to share it yet
[11:14] < Mike1> :)
[11:14] < owl> hihi. why not?
[11:15] < Mike1> because if i release it there will be lots of people wanting to ask me questions and stuff and i don't have the time yet..
[11:15] < owl> i c.
[11:15] < Mike1> i need to organize myself first
[11:15] < Mike1> as i want this project to succeed
[11:17] < owl> hm. k.
[11:19] < owl> waaaaah... someone eats garlic or so... office smelling *ARGH*
[11:19] < Mike1> lol
[11:20] < owl> eh! don't laugh. the smell of garlic kills me... and sun also... you know - /me is a vampyre :p
[11:20] < owl> ( right, true ?! ;)
[11:20] < Mike1> yeah sure u are
[11:21] < owl> Mike1: where do you know from? O_o
[11:21] < Mike1> i have know you enough time
[11:21] < owl> hihi :p
[11:23] < owl> .oO( now i will follow my "vorbild" Mike1 soon and will send a patch-bomb :ppp )
[11:23] < Mike1> lol
[11:23] < Mike1> good my dear
[11:23] < Mike1> so you are going to replace me?
[11:23] < owl> Mike1: *kick* :P
[11:24] < owl> Mike1: nah. i will leave rock soon i guess... after 2.0-STABLE is released... then i will fork it... and work with my own crew, if everything is going on, well
[11:24] < Mike1> sounds fun
[11:24] < owl> why?
[11:25] < Mike1> anyways its 3:24 am... i need to finish some code, and then go home quickly before sun catch me
[11:25] < owl> *rofl* poor old Mike1 :p
[11:25] < Mike1> old?
[11:25] < owl> sure. you're 20 (?) --> almost dead ;p
[11:26] < Mike1> sure if i was a mortal..
[11:26] < owl> ah. i forgot... immortal god-like Mike1 :p
[11:26] < Mike1> anyways talking of 20.. my bday is the 20th..
[11:26] < Mike1> yeah sure
[11:27] < Mike1> so as i said i need to do some more coding, i will speak to you again later, when sun goes away
[11:27] < Mike1> n8 all
[11:27] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has quit ("leaving")
[11:27] < owl> oki. gn8 Mike1
[11:27] < owl> aaaargh. too late
[11:39] -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip93-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[11:40] < owl> wb Mike1 :p
[11:40] < Mike1> yeah i had to switch computer :)
[11:40] < owl> hihi
[11:40] < owl> migth you could please try to find out the cksum of "tree"?
[11:41] < Mike1> on my 2 day outdated tree 9632476
[11:42] < Mike1> no idea if it is correct or not
[11:42] < Mike1> will download packages after i finish updating my trunk
[11:42] < owl> i c. hm.
[11:42] < owl> thx anyways...
[11:42] < Mike1> sure owlita
[11:42] < Mike1> ok update finish downling packages
[11:42] < owl> hmmm.
[11:43] < owl> .oO(what connection do you have?)
[11:43] < Mike1> dsl
[11:43] < Mike1> 1500 down 512 up..
[11:44] < Mike1> why?
[11:44] < owl> *headshot*'
[11:44] < owl> because of being "neugierig"
[11:44] < Mike1> i wasn't going to stick to dialup all my life right?
[11:45] < owl> k
[11:47] < owl> fsck... why do i get empty cksum.patch files?
[11:47]   Mike1 now staring at his owl pic collection
[11:48] < owl> Mike1: huh?
[11:56]   Mike1 is away: zZzZz!!!
[12:04] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAAE03.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:06] < tcr> moin all
[12:07] < tcr> https://ftp.gnu.org/MISSING-FILES.README
[12:07] < tcr> just found..
[12:19] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: kasc
[12:19] -!- Netsplit over, joins: kasc
[12:36] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, jsaw, blindcoder, rxr, snyke
[12:36] -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, rxr, jsaw, rolla, blindcoder
[12:50] < jsaw> re
[12:50] < jsaw> tcr: ohoh
[12:51] -!- cytrinox__ [~cytrinox@p213.54.250.193.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:56] -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.252.97.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:02] -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.252.97.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit ("Client exiting")
[13:02] -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.252.97.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:03] -!- cytrinox__ [~cytrinox@p213.54.250.193.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[13:07] -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.237.11.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:16] -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps")
[13:19] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, jsaw, blindcoder, rxr, snyke
[13:19] -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, rxr, jsaw, rolla, blindcoder
[13:23] < tcr> jsaw: Scary, eh? :)
[13:24] < jsaw> tcr: !!!
[13:25] < jsaw> I remember (some) kernel developers... "ptrace bug" not that serious, 'cause it requires a local account...
[13:27] < tcr> Well.. what makes me wonder most is that the gnuftp doesnt seem to run any integrity system
[13:28] < jsaw> u're right...
[13:30] < tcr> I mean, it'd have saved them a lot of work. Say, they'd do daily "snapshots" (don't really know how things like tripwire work), so they just have to compare a few snapshots and just ask the few projects if they have uploaded new versions (to find out if the changes are trusted)
[13:31] < tcr> Now they had to ask a lot of projects for trusted checksums
[13:31] < jsaw> mhmm.
[13:32] < tcr> Whatever, that ain't my affairs after all
[13:36]   tcr is off to a friend
[13:36] < jsaw> cu l8r
[13:36]   jsaw is off now 2
[13:37] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAAE03.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.")
[14:21] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAAEBA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:23]   owl shots tcr just for fun
[14:25] < tcr> :P
[14:25] < owl> still you lough
[14:28] < tcr> *g*
[14:29] < owl> are you stoned?
[14:29] < owl> (if yes, then give some weed to me, please)
[14:32] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, jsaw, blindcoder, rxr, snyke
[14:32] -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, rxr, jsaw, rolla, blindcoder
[14:34] < tcr> owl: No, I'm downloading packages atm
[14:34] < owl> tcr: hrm.
[14:34] < owl> downloading packages. jumping in front of train. is the same
[14:39] -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has quit ("habt mich doch gerne!")
[15:12] < blindcoder> avay
[15:12] < blindcoder> mounmoun
[15:13] < blindcoder> moin moin
[16:13] -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.187.150.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[16:15] -!- kaerF [freak@helena.bawue.de] has joined #rocklinux
[16:17] -!- Freak [freak@p508B2277.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exciting")
[16:17] -!- kaerF is now known as Freak
[16:21] -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.252.97.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[16:21] -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4D359.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[16:29] -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, rxr, jsaw, rolla, blindcoder
[16:42]   Mike1 is back (gone 04:46:22)
[16:42] < Mike1> re
[16:48] < blindcoder> moin Mike1
[16:48] < Mike1> blindy!! hi! :))))
[16:54] -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4D61E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:57] < fake> damn ap
[17:05] < blindcoder> Mike1: sorryfor lag, had to tease esden :D
[17:07] < Mike1> blindcoder: where is esden?
[17:09] < rolla> re
[17:14] < blindcoder> Mike1: nextto me here at cliffords homein Vienna :D
[17:15] < Mike1> blindcoder: .. esden gott segne dich
[17:15] < Mike1> blindcoder: and grettings to all you lucky bastards at the devs meeting
[17:15] < Mike1> greetings even
[17:15] < Mike1> hi rolla
[17:19] < Freak> hehe
[17:19] < Mike1> yo fake
[17:20] < Freak> its Freak.
[17:20] < Mike1> i ment Freak :)
[17:21] -!- maggesi [~maggesi@hook.math.unifi.it] has joined #rocklinux
[17:21] < Freak> :)
[17:21] < Freak> poor fake, he's cursed :)
[17:22] < Mike1> nah
[17:22] < Freak> yes sure
[17:22] < Freak> not only does his image get slashdottet, he is also being messed up with me all the time :)
[17:22] < Freak> won't happen irl for sure, I'm way prettier.
[17:22] < Mike1> lol
[17:23] < Mike1> ok anyways i have a meeting now, be back in some hours
[17:23] < Freak> cya
[17:25] -!- cytrinox_ is now known as cytrinox
[17:27] < fake> ah, cable connection, how lovely
[17:27] < Freak> :)
[17:28] < fake> for the records: clifford's access point sucks big time
[17:28] < Freak> heh
[17:28] < Freak> yea /me prefers copper anyways ;)
[17:28] < Freak> . o O ( for /me doesnt have a wlan card but n/m ;)
[17:30] < fake> plus, i am currently experiencing murphy at it's best
[17:30] < fake> for the one time i wish it wouldn't rain...
[17:31] < fake> because i am sitting outside with my laptop...
[17:31] < Freak> does it rain?
[17:31] < fake> of course.
[17:31] < Freak> we hat some teardrops from the skies for 30 seconds some minutes ago
[17:31] < Freak> but its not even wet outside
[17:32] < fake> here it is raining a bit, but pretty constantly. sometimes it gets more and hits the table, then i have to cover my notebook
[17:32] < Freak> poor fake :)
[17:32] < fake> yes -_-
[17:32] < Freak> won't they let you in?
[17:32] < Freak> >;)
[17:32] < fake> i have to work...
[17:32] < Freak> and inside, its no work, just play?
[17:35] -!- maggesi [~maggesi@hook.math.unifi.it] has quit ("Client exiting")
[17:47] -!- Nebu^afk [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-026.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
[18:03] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-026.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:31] -!- javisiu [~javier@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #RockLinux
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[18:44] -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@p3EE1E29E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:52] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E25E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[19:14] < tcr> hmmm Strange
[19:17] < tcr> hmmm...
[19:18] < tcr> The computer (on which I was downloading all the packages) seemingly shutted itself up
[19:19] < tcr> The strange thing is there is a MARK message for 15:52:10
[19:20] < tcr> the next message in /var/log/messages pertains to the reboot I just performed because the computer was on standby
[19:21] < tcr> Hmpf
[19:47] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p508390F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:02]   daja77 waves
[20:07] < tcr> Heyho daja77
[20:08] < daja77> hi tcr
[20:10] < tcr> whazzup :)
[20:11] < daja77> oh nothing special, just waiting for downloads
[20:12] < tcr> me too
[20:14] < daja77> don't tell me that I am alone here with tcr ...
[20:14] < tcr> *eg*
[20:15] < tcr> That can become life dangerous very quickly :P
[20:15]   daja77 frightened
[20:16] < tcr> Zurecht, zurecht!
[20:16]   Freak too because of tcrs horrible english ;P
[20:16] < daja77> lol
[20:16] < daja77> hi Freak
[20:16] < Freak> hi Freak
[20:17] < fake> daja77: don't ph34r tcr
[20:17] < daja77> Freak: :P
[20:17] < Freak> schönes vögelchen polly, braves vögelchen
[20:17] < Freak> guter vogel.
[20:17]   Freak owned by demons again
[20:18] < daja77> fake: i just wanted to give him the feeling to be somehow important ...
[20:18] < tcr> Freak: shuddup, you didn't have to do exhausting sport with those temperatures
[20:18] < Freak> heh
[20:19] < Freak> and you did it or what
[20:19] < tcr> Yeap
[20:19] < tcr> and my brain is like macerated
[20:20] < Freak> "I missed the part where that's my problem" as ..uh whats the name again.. said
[20:20] < Freak> dangit
[20:20] < Freak> superman = clark kent, spiderman = ?
[20:21] < tcr> Well, at least I don't talk pure crap like you
[20:21] < Freak> tcr in bed w/ owl again ;)
[20:22] < tcr> Nope, weren't in sun _that_ long
[20:22] < tcr> wasn't even
[20:22] < Freak> hehehe ;)
[20:22] < Freak> you _were_ (not was) in sun too long w/ owl. ic.
[20:23] < tcr> And you're really sad now, I guess? I mean I just seduced ya g/f...
[20:23] < Freak> lol
[20:24] < Freak> ok I better go before it gets insulting here, s/f.
[20:24] < tcr> Just wanted to say the same ;)
[20:24] < tcr> Let's bitch later when I saw the shower from inside ;)
[20:28] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p508390F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:28] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@pD9530EB8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:34] -!- christ|an [~christ|an@pD9530EB8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:49] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-026.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
[21:06] < tcr> Wtf???
[21:06] < tcr> The LED of my monitor is green (and that's not in standby), and the leds of the keyboards are also green
[21:07] < daja77> hm?
[21:07] < tcr> But the computer per se doesn't react anymore
[21:07] < tcr> Maybe something with acpi?
[21:07] < tcr> It has been "untouched" for the last half an hour
[21:09] < tcr> fuck...
[21:10] -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:10] < owl> hm
[21:10] < owl> hi
[21:11] < daja77> huhu owl
[21:11] < owl> tag daja77
[21:11] < owl> already in vienna?
[21:11] < owl> if yes, greets to the rocklinux-team, please :p
[21:12] < daja77> yepp i am here
[21:13] < tcr> Hmm cpu temperature of 70°C for an XP is normal, I guess?
[21:15] < daja77> could happen yes
[21:15] < tcr> I set off ACPI in the BIOS right now
[21:24] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M312P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[21:27] < jsaw_> hello
[21:28] -!- jsaw_ is now known as jsaw
[21:28] < owl> hi n00kie , jsaw
[21:28] < tcr> rehi jsaw
[21:29] < jsaw> hi there
[21:30] -!- CyBuX [CyBuX@] has joined #rocklinux
[21:30] < tcr> on ARD there's a good Tatort
[21:30] < tcr> just if anyone is interested
[21:36] < jsaw> tcr: was your computer in X or on console when it locked up?
[21:36] < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi
[21:38] < tcr> have no X installed, it's just a minimal system for the build, nothing more
[21:38] < tcr> re blindcoder
[21:42] < daja77> hehe blindy lying dead around here
[21:43] < netrunne1> daja77: kick him ;)
[21:43] -!- netrunne1 is now known as netrunner
[21:43]   netrunner searching something to throw on blindy
[21:44]   netrunner examines the cactus closely *eg*
[21:44] < daja77> netrunner: use your laptop
[21:44] < daja77> my legs are too short for that
[21:44] < netrunner> daja77: no. definitely not.
[21:44] < netrunner> daja77: (I mean the laptop)
[21:44] < netrunner> ah, bottle of water.
[21:45] < daja77> hehe
[21:45] < netrunner> done.
[21:45] < netrunner> *g*
[21:45] < netrunner> hehe, /me already gave blindy a slightly modified palatschinken today ... with hot and spicy taste :)
[21:47] < daja77> netrunner: sounds good to me
[21:55] < jsaw> tcr: then, IIRC, setterm -blank 0 should also solve your problem w/o disabling ACPI
[21:56] < tcr> Hmm, nope I don't think so
[21:56] < tcr> jsaw: I noticed that the led of my network card also stopped blinking
[21:57] < tcr> jsaw: but I'll try, thanks anyway for bothering
[21:57] < jsaw> tcr: If I find the LKML mail again, I tell you
[22:00] < tcr> Ah, kernel problem :) Ok, then your hint might be right
[22:09] < daja77> cu
[22:10] < tcr> where're you goin?
[22:11] < daja77> terasse
[22:11] < tcr> have fun
[22:11] < tcr> jsaw: Have you found anything?
[22:15] < jsaw> no yet
[22:16] < jsaw> I can't get thru to https://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-kernel, will do it later in the lab...
[22:17] < tcr> jsaw: I can do it; should I search for setterm?
[22:18] < jsaw> acpi, blank, hang, setterm , sth. like that
[22:26] < jsaw> bbl (going to the lab)
[22:29] < rolla> yawn
[22:30] -!- mistik1 [mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:36] < n00kie> Hey owl )
[22:36] < n00kie> Hi daja77, tcr, jsaw, rolla and all the others I haven't greeted (?)
[22:37] < tcr> hello n00kie
[22:37] < owl> hi n00kie
[22:51] < tcr> lol
[22:52] < tcr> there's a total power blackout in newyork
[22:52] < tcr> large parts of the city are without any electricity
[22:54] < jsaw> re
[22:54] < jsaw> hi n00kie
[22:57] < tcr> you should look cnn, its funny
[22:57] < tcr> s,look,watch,
[23:00] < tcr> outages in cleveland, ottawa, toronto, toledo, detroit, kansas and NY
[23:01] < tcr> due to a burned out power grid or whatever
[23:02] < tcr> overloaded power grid, that's it
[23:05] < jsaw> ...
[23:06] < tcr> *g*
[23:08] < jsaw> die hard eh, was it 2? comes into my mind.
[23:09] < tcr> dont know what you're talking about
[23:10] < tcr> Heh, of there're plenty of ppl stuck in elevators
[23:10] < tcr> of course
[23:10] < jsaw> (when they were stealing the gold)
[23:10] < jsaw> (the movie "die hard")
[23:11] < tcr> Don't know it
[23:11] < jsaw> 2 young, eh?
[23:12] < tcr> Could be
[23:12] < rolla> damn
[23:13] < tcr> rolla: What do you wanna tell us?
[23:14] < rolla> just all the power outage
[23:14] < rolla> ircnet is toast right now
[23:14] < rolla> I am shocked that opn is up
[23:15] < tcr> C'm over here to the european net
[23:16] < jsaw> tcr: don't say that too loud, they just warned us a couple of days ago, that if the heat continues....
[23:17] < tcr> *g* Yeah, opn is collapsing in itself
[23:17] < Mike1> re
[23:18] < tcr> hey Mike1
[23:22] < jsaw> hola miguelito
[23:23] < Mike1> jsaw: wtf you speak spanish?
[23:23] < jsaw> tcr: but "The officials said the outage is a natural occurrence [...]." is a very funny description.
[23:24] < tcr> jsaw: They just want to calm down the people that it ain't any terroristic act
[23:24] < tcr> Respectively they say there is "no evidence"
[23:24] < jsaw> Mike1: no. I just picked up a few words...
[23:25] < Mike1> jsaw: :P
[23:26] < jsaw> tcr: yeah yeah. But what I meant is that they are calling it a "natural occurrence". So, it happens more often or what?
[23:27] < jsaw> Mike1: you're to busy to remember that I already told u that I had a spanish girl friend "when I was younger so much younger that todayayay..."
[23:27] < tcr> jsaw: I wonder how it could happen anyway... especially if it's a natural occurence
[23:28] < jsaw> well, let's see what the stasi^Whome land security's gonna tell us tomorrow
[23:28] < Mike1> jsaw: you did told me? oh sorry i certainly forgot
[23:29] < jsaw> Mike1: hehe... /me is happy that it's not always /me that forgets...
[23:30] < Mike1> jsaw: hehe.. seriously are u sure that u told me and not mnemoc?
[23:30] < Mike1> jsaw: i don't usually forget stuff
[23:31] < jsaw> Mike1: yeah. It was a couple of days after our little encounter on the ML...
[23:32] < tcr> little encounter on ml`ß
[23:32] < jsaw> but u are right, I also talked to mnemoc
[23:32] < Mike1> jsaw: encounter? that was just a regular flame war :)
[23:34] < jsaw> I'd call it regular encounter (if only two ppl are involved).
[23:34] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-077-129.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:36] < jsaw> tp://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/jk-14.08.03-009/
[23:37] < jsaw> s/tp/http/
[23:37] < jsaw> muahahahaha
[23:39] -!- CyBuX [CyBuX@] has left #rocklinux ()
[23:40] < tcr> *g*
[23:40] -!- javisiu [~javier@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #RockLinux
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[23:55] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAAEBA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.")
[23:55] < jsaw> Mike1: have you read my reply to rxr's "[...] idea collection", gnome2 part?
[23:56] < Mike1> honestly?
[23:56] < Mike1> i haven't read a single rlml mail in 3 weeks..
[23:57] < jsaw> I was talking that gnome 2.4 release due date is september. So I ask myself, if we shouldn't swich to 2.3?
[23:57] < jsaw> assuming, 2.0 will not be out before that...
[23:59] < Mike1> jsaw: update gnome to 2.3 on your own tree, once you are sure it all works and nothing gets broken u can vfeel free to provide patches
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Fri Aug 15 00:00:15 2003