--- Log opened Sun Aug 17 00:00:01 2003 00:03 < Freak> qt 00:07 < dennis> hi netcrow 00:18 < netcrow> my sgi-indy won`t boot 00:18 < Mike1> brb.. rebooting 00:18 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip93-62.ct.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting") 00:24 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip93-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 00:24 < Mike1> re 00:26 < netcrow> re 00:26 < Mike1> hi netcrow 00:56 < owl> remoin 01:00 -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 01:00 -!- owl__ [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 01:01 -!- owl [~owl@D0452.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 01:02 < Mike1> owly 01:02 < daja77> Mikey 01:04 < Mike1> hi Daniel.. i though u were still at the meeting 01:04 < daja77> I am 01:04 < Mike1> ah ok 01:05 < daja77> we are having sort of a break 01:06 < Mike1> ah ok 01:06 < daja77> ts you lazy guy 01:07 < daja77> using history for chatting ;-) 01:07 < Mike1> ah ok 01:07 < Mike1> :P 01:08 < daja77> ok /me off now ... watching videos 01:08 < Mike1> just working ok enjoy lazy ass 01:08 < daja77> :P 01:08 < daja77> cu 01:08 * Mike1 hates the fact that ctrl + u is not working ... 01:14 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: aszlig 01:14 -!- Netsplit over, joins: aszlig 01:17 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA33F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01:21 -!- netcrow [~netcrow@aszlig.net] has quit ("leaving") 01:25 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip93-62.ct.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting") 02:33 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip93-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 02:52 -!- netcrow [~netcrow@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 02:52 < netcrow> q 02:52 < netcrow> 02:52 < netcrow> rese 02:52 < netcrow> reset 02:53 < netcrow> /quit 02:53 -!- netcrow [~netcrow@aszlig.net] has quit (Client Quit) 03:00 < aszlig> *gg* 03:00 < aszlig> re 03:00 < aszlig> that "talk netcrow" was too much for him *g* 03:00 < Mike1> greetings aszlig 03:01 < Mike1> nice to _fianlly_ cu here 03:02 < aszlig> fianlly <- was that intended? 03:02 < aszlig> :) 03:02 < aszlig> but, hi Mike1, at first :) 03:03 < Mike1> yeah 03:05 < Mike1> aszlig: query 03:05 < aszlig> k 03:24 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@gtso-d9b8c067.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:24 < Mike1> capy!!! 03:24 < capchaos> Mikey! 03:24 < Mike1> dude nice to see u :) 03:25 < capchaos> y pleasure, you wodener ;-) 03:25 < capchaos> *my so what's up? 03:25 < Mike1> hehe.. nothing much just enjoying to finally get inet again 03:25 < Mike1> was unactive for nearly 3 weeks 03:28 < capchaos> Uh, that's hard, me was only unactive 1 day 'till i realized the isdn cable was plugged into the eth-card and short-circuited the whole line >_< 03:28 < Mike1> uurrgs 03:29 -!- capchaos is now known as caperror 03:29 -!- caperror is now known as capchaos 03:40 < SMP> *yawn* 03:44 < Mike1> hi SMPy 03:48 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090A85F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03:50 -!- kasc [~kasc@p50909970.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:55 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@gtso-d9b8c067.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit ("Temet nosce.") 04:01 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-046.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 04:52 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD9EB717E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 05:09 -!- owl [~owl@D0452.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 05:42 -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD958F342.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:43 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p50801D3E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 05:43 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder 06:10 < Mike1> hi blindy 06:19 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip93-62.ct.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting") 06:28 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802412.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 06:45 -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p5080291F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08:36 -!- Netsplit over, joins: mistik1 08:54 -!- owl [~owl@D0452.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:54 < owl> remoin 09:39 -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has joined #rocklinux 09:39 < Mike1> re 09:41 < owl> hi Miguel :) 09:41 < Mike1> hi owly 09:41 < Mike1> owl: woke up early on sunday? 09:41 * Mike1 officially impressed 09:43 < owl> Mike1: yes.*kick* thx. and you?what'sthe timeincr? 09:43 < owl> oh goth... forgot to press thespacebar 09:43 * owl tired like hell 09:43 < Mike1> owl: its mm... 2 minus 15.. am 09:44 < Mike1> owl: tired? wtf you just woke up.. how can u be tired? 09:44 < owl> Mike1: dunno. it's just possible. :p 09:44 < Mike1> owl: that ctcp time will lie to you.. this box is in US.. 09:44 < owl> O_o 09:44 < owl> *grml* 09:44 < owl> *kick* 09:45 < Mike1> owl: hehe :) why are u kicking me? i didn't ask u to ctcp me :) 09:45 < blindcoder> moin moin 09:45 < Mike1> moin blindy 09:46 < owl> yeah, but to calc the time... heh, i'm still not able to use the spacebarhow to calc, then?, 09:46 < Mike1> owl: ? 09:46 < owl> Mike1: what's not clear? 09:47 < Mike1> nevermind :) 09:47 < Mike1> i guess i am a bit tired 09:47 < Mike1> have been coding for hours.. 09:48 < owl> haha. :p 09:48 < owl> rename #rocklinux to #dead_bodies or so... 09:48 < Mike1> lol 09:48 < owl> don't laugh... it's true 09:48 < owl> blindcoder: hi :p 09:49 < owl> .oO(true will join the #dead_bodies club, too) 09:49 < owl> (at least he is yawning every 2 minutes, lying in the bed near me *vbeg*) 09:50 < Mike1> he? 09:50 < Mike1> who? 09:50 < owl> true... 09:50 < Mike1> blindcoder: ? 09:50 < blindcoder> hm? 09:50 < Mike1> ah. 09:50 < owl> *rofl* not blindcoder 09:50 < owl> Mike1: /names 09:50 < Mike1> owl: well the last named u mentioned was blindcoder so.. 09:50 < owl> Mike1: you know... the guy from #ereboslinux 09:51 < owl> O_o ?????????????????????? 09:51 < Mike1> yeah yeah 09:51 < owl> and? 10:01 < owl> mine -i -R / xfree-$version.gem should work??? 10:04 < owl> blindcoder, Mike1 - know a solution??? 10:05 < Mike1> what exactly do u want to do? 10:05 < owl> installing xfree on my notebook... with .gem file 10:06 < Mike1> you have the .gem file at the notebook hd? 10:06 < owl> yes 10:06 < Mike1> owl: mine -i xfree-blabla.gem will be enough 10:06 < owl> hmmm... 10:07 < Mike1> if your system is running 2.0 ... 10:07 < owl> minimal-beta6... 10:08 < Mike1> _my_ minimal iso? 10:08 < owl> but: it normally throws me an error 10:08 < owl> Mike1: yes 10:08 < Mike1> show me the error please 10:08 < owl> moment 10:08 < Mike1> owl: btw i ahve a new minimal iso which i was going to make public.. perhaps u want to use it.. 10:08 < owl> While installing GEM file xfree86- Not a directory 10:08 * Mike1 has minimal, router and a half generic of rev 1049... 10:09 < owl> nah. thx. just needed to install something small on this notebook 10:09 < Mike1> owl: what happened to your minimal + xfree? 10:09 < owl> and have a minimal_xfree-iso here... 10:10 < owl> Mike1: had no build of it, when /me got the other notebook borrowed... and my notebook is not here because of being repaired and so 10:10 < Mike1> mm..weird error.. perhaps yeah try mine -i -R ... 10:10 < owl> hm... gives the same error 10:10 < Mike1> maybe the .gem file is demaged.. ? 10:10 < Mike1> have you tried a different one? 10:11 < owl> nope... don't think so... on the pc of my boyfriend's PC the xfree-$version.gem is just installed 10:11 < owl> Mike1: nope... and compiling xfree throws me errors, too 10:11 < Mike1> 0_o 10:11 < owl> hm? 10:11 < Mike1> what kind of errors? 10:12 < owl> "file not found" andstuff 10:12 < Mike1> this is quite strange 10:12 < Mike1> i would suggest you to reinstall .. 10:12 < Mike1> if it is a fresh install 10:12 < owl> hmmmm.. yeah... 10:13 < owl> btw, who or what screwed up /etc-dir? 10:13 < Mike1> 0_o 10:13 < Mike1> is all this showing up on _my_ iso? 10:13 < owl> when i installed it, on my bf's pc, i had some "permisson denied" shit for non-root-user 10:14 < owl> Mike1: the last one, no 10:14 < Mike1> this quite strange _LOTS_ of people have used my minimal isos and had never had such problems 10:14 < Mike1> even I use my isos for production and had problems so far 10:14 < owl> juhu. i'm the master of disaster or what? O_o *grml* 10:14 < owl> which problems did you have? 10:15 < Mike1> owl: well the targets i maintain could be released as stabe already.. 10:15 < owl> yeah... 10:15 < Mike1> i had none peoblems, the last issues i had were with 2.6 test1.. 10:15 < Mike1> and they all got fixed 10:15 < owl> i c :) 10:16 < owl> guess my target is also "stable"... at least it still encountered no problems ... on the pcs it is installed 10:16 < Mike1> upload an iso somewhere for me, and i will let you know how stable it is :) 10:17 < owl> Mike1: it already is somewhere on iso.rocklinux.de... 10:17 < Mike1> mm.. ok i will look for it and download it 10:17 < owl> (uploaded it to .upload... but still don't know, if it's there ...) 10:18 < Mike1> mm.. 10:18 < owl> and: the only problem was the "/etc-crap"... 10:18 < Mike1> thats a major problem sandra.. 10:18 < blindcoder> etc-crap? 10:19 < Mike1> blindcoder: /etc set to 700 root.root 10:19 < blindcoder> oh 10:19 < owl> ack 10:20 < owl> Mike1: also had it? 10:20 < Mike1> owl: no.. i guessed it by the error u described to me :) 10:20 < owl> Mike1: ah so :p 10:21 < Mike1> :) 10:22 < owl> btw, which package is "touch" in? 10:23 < blindcoder> love 10:24 < owl> haeh? 10:24 < blindcoder> mine -i love-2.0.gem 10:24 < blindcoder> mine: Sorry, no love for you. 10:24 < Mike1> *ggggg* 10:24 < blindcoder> nah, it's coreutils 10:24 < owl> ah. k. thx 10:25 * owl kicks blindcoder :ü 10:25 < owl> :p 10:25 < blindcoder> what? 10:25 < blindcoder> why am I kicked? 10:25 < owl> blindcoder: because of the love-stuff 10:26 < Mike1> blindcoder: isn't it obvious? she wants love 10:26 < owl> Mike1: *kick* 10:26 < Mike1> oh God now i am been kicked too.. 10:26 < owl> yes! *har* 10:26 < Mike1> owl: are you a kick maniac? 10:27 < owl> yes :pp 10:27 < blindcoder> owl: why? it's a fact that I got reminded of once again while at DevMeeting 10:27 < owl> blindcoder: why that? 10:28 < owl> mt7z7ju8ikkoöpü++++++ 10:28 < owl> oops 10:29 < Mike1> thanks for the password 10:29 < owl> *lol* not really 10:30 < blindcoder> owl: well, esden is once again the one who gets to be the center of the female attention, while I'm the one who isn't allowed even near them. Any questions? 10:31 < Mike1> blindcoder: femele attention? aren't u guys at the dev meeting with siply lots of males? 10:31 < Mike1> simply* 10:31 < owl> why - what did you do druing devmeetion` 10:31 < blindcoder> Mike1: no, renes gf and a friend of her are here, alse 10:31 < blindcoder> also 10:31 < Mike1> owl: i guess they hired some "entertainment" 10:32 < Mike1> blindcoder: so its all about Verena's friend? 10:32 < blindcoder> owl: well, I said what went through my head. Since then I'm an asshole, a child-killer and whatnot 10:32 < owl> O_o 10:32 < blindcoder> Mike1: if it were only this time, it wouldn't get to me like this. 10:33 < Mike1> blindcoder: maybe you want to try changing strategy? :) 10:33 < blindcoder> Mike1: it happens again ani again and again 10:33 < blindcoder> that was already plan B 10:34 < Mike1> whats plan c? 10:35 < blindcoder> jumping into a deep river with heavy weights on my feet 10:35 < Mike1> lets skip plan c.. 10:35 < Mike1> try been your self? 10:37 < blindcoder> yes, that DevMeeting 10:38 < blindcoder> I just can't say I'm sorry that I hit that kid when I simply am not 10:38 < Mike1> hit? who did u hit? 10:38 < Mike1> esden? 10:39 < blindcoder> a few years ago I hit a maybe 4 or 5 year old kid with my car 10:39 < Mike1> htf did that happen? 10:39 < blindcoder> he survived, but I'm not really sorry, because he just jumped in front of my car 10:40 < blindcoder> and since I said that I'm a child-murderer 10:41 < blindcoder> then Verena (rxr's gf) and I teased each other a bit during lunch 10:42 < blindcoder> and after that esden, rxr, Verena and Regina and netrunner went swimming and the first thing I heard was: 10:42 < blindcoder> "Everyone can come with use but not him." and Regina points to me. 10:43 < Mike1> mmm 10:43 < blindcoder> And this happens everytime I am at a place with more than 2 people 10:43 < owl> asked her why? nd: did she said exactly that? 10:46 < blindcoder> I really think I should have died somewhen in the past and just missed that spot cause my future doesn't seems to have been planned by fate 10:47 < blindcoder> and so fate just tries to keep me out of everything 10:47 < owl> fate != existent 10:48 < blindcoder> yeah, that's whaf you think 10:49 < owl> .... 10:53 < blindcoder> I used to think that, too. 10:53 < daja77> moin 10:54 < blindcoder> moin moin daja77 10:54 < Mike1> daja77: 10:54 < daja77> huhu blindcoder 10:54 < daja77> Mike1: 10:55 < owl> hi daja77 10:55 < daja77> hi owl 10:56 < daja77> *yawn* 10:57 < netrunner> moin 10:57 * netrunner raping rxr's ibook 10:59 < blindcoder> once again, fate dominates. /me away 11:00 < daja77> fate always wins ... 11:01 * daja77 closing his eyes to avoid netrunner raping this poor little thingie 11:02 < daja77> avois seeing 11:02 * daja77 notes his coffeine level is too low ... 11:02 < Mike1> :)_ 11:02 < Mike1> netrunner: hello 11:06 * Mike1 listening to Limp Bizkit - Faith 11:20 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M308P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 11:21 < Mike1> hi n00kie 11:30 < daja77> lol "Unfortunately, lusers are treated like people in the eyes of law, ..." 11:36 * netrunner handing the nice whitebook back. (and blocking the downstream with scping a 30meg bootcd) 11:36 < Mike1> netrunner: having fun? 11:37 < daja77> netrunner: you bastard! 11:37 < Mike1> lol 11:39 < n00kie> HI :) 11:39 < n00kie> Hi Mike1 :) 11:40 < Mike1> n00kie: :) 11:43 < blindcoder> GNARF 11:44 * Mike1 passes one of his jolt cans to blindcoder 11:44 < Freak> uh, uh, me too! 11:44 < Mike1> ok here Freak :) 11:45 < n00kie> :) 11:45 < Mike1> holy shit.. its almost 4 am.. 11:45 < blindcoder> Mike1: too many calories 11:45 < Freak> tnx Mike1 11:45 < daja77> Fraek is just too lazy to drive to walmart ... 11:45 < Mike1> blindcoder: one won't hurt ya 11:45 < Freak> haha 4am ;) 11:45 < Mike1> Freak: yeah got inspired.. 11:45 < Freak> daja77: theres no walmart in pf 11:46 < daja77> landei ... 11:46 < n00kie> pf ? 11:46 < Mike1> hmpf.. 11:46 < n00kie> pf? 11:47 < daja77> pforzheim *ggg* 11:48 < blindcoder> Mike1: don't lead me unto temptation 11:48 < n00kie> pforzheim o_O 11:48 < n00kie> lol :) 11:48 < n00kie> And i thought innsbruck is a "kaff" 11:48 < Mike1> blindcoder: i asked my nutricionist and she said it was ok.. if it wasn't on a very regular basis 11:49 < Freak> pforzheim is most definitely a kaff. 11:49 < n00kie> Freak is a farmer. 11:49 < daja77> yeah one with a strange name 11:50 < blindcoder> Mike1: and I asked my weight-measuring\device and it said it was most definately not ok 11:50 < Freak> its a 113000 inhabitants-kaff tho. 11:51 < n00kie> 120.000 11:51 < n00kie> got Innsbruck. 11:51 < Freak> dicksizewar detected, you lose: bavarians dont count 11:53 < daja77> lol Freak loses cos of his non knowlegde in geography 11:54 < Freak> shit wheres innsbruck? 11:55 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M262P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 11:55 < Freak> .at counts as bavaria 11:55 < Freak> you almost got me 11:57 < daja77> loser! 11:57 < daja77> :P 11:58 * blindcoder throws some bavarian .at's at Freak 12:08 < Freak> hehe 12:08 < Freak> like one could distinguish between bavarians and austrians 12:09 < Freak> *makingfriends* ;) 12:10 < blindcoder> It's easy to do so: Bavarians have better beer! :-) 12:10 * blindcoder getting more coffee 12:12 < daja77> there is also no differnce betwenn people from Baden and Wuertemberg I guess ... 12:13 < Freak> https://bbspot.com/News/2003/08/sco.html 12:13 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M308P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 12:15 < daja77> rotfl 12:15 < n00kie_> lol 12:15 < owl> remoin 12:15 < n00kie_> hi owl 12:16 < owl> hi n00kie_ 12:33 < Mike1> *yawn* 12:33 < daja77> hehe 12:34 < Mike1> daja77: are my yawns that funny? 12:35 < owl> .oO(yes) 12:35 < daja77> yes if we take into account how late it is at your 12:35 < daja77> s 12:35 < Mike1> or is it the fact thats its 4:40 am and i haven't get to bed yet.. 12:35 < owl> kasc: guess Mike1 needs some black tea, too :p 12:35 < daja77> O_o kasc is really here 12:36 < Mike1> already had some coffee cups.. 12:36 < Mike1> after 20 hours of almost un-interrupted coding you can get a bit tired 12:37 < daja77> why the hell are you doin this 12:37 < owl> O_o Mike1: you're a workaholic 12:37 < Mike1> daja77: deadline... 12:37 < Mike1> owl: codeaholic.. 12:37 < daja77> deadmike ;-) 12:37 < owl> Mike1: deadline for what? 12:38 < blindcoder> rehi 12:38 < Mike1> a project i have been asigned to, can't give much details as it is commercial. 12:38 < owl> i c. 12:39 < Mike1> owl: its quite cool though, if i wasn't having fun i wouldn't be up this late.. early? 12:39 < owl> i c. :) 12:39 < Mike1> welcome blindcoder 12:39 < Mike1> owl: also there is the fact that i have been quite creative today.. 12:40 < Mike1> so ia m taking advantage of it.. 12:41 < daja77> commercial stuff is always so secret, lol 12:42 < Mike1> yeah.. this is mostly to prevent others to do the same thing before .. 12:43 < daja77> this stuff which drives me crazy 12:43 * daja77 now copying stuff on netrunner's borken floppies 12:43 < Mike1> daja77: hehe.. btw how are things doing with rtai? 12:44 < daja77> it is resting in peace at work 12:44 < Mike1> daja77: can't u just scp your stuff to your host? 12:44 < daja77> nah the host at work is not reachable from outside networks 12:44 < Mike1> home? 12:44 < daja77> huh? 12:45 * daja77 still at the dev meeting 12:45 < Mike1> don't have an accesible host at home? 12:45 < daja77> i have but the src is at work 12:45 < Mike1> mm 12:45 < Mike1> ok 12:45 < daja77> i know it sucks 12:45 < Mike1> yes 12:46 < daja77> but i only get paid if i am sitting there and work, so i am not motivated to work for them from home 12:46 < Mike1> certainly 12:47 < daja77> building rock on rh8 seems to do not work anymore 12:47 < daja77> so i have some really nasty bugs to fix 12:48 < Mike1> rock .. rh .. you are nuts 12:48 < daja77> the machine i am working on there is still rh8 12:48 < Mike1> ok that also sucks 12:48 < daja77> the first rtrock release compiled fine on it 12:49 < daja77> now x is failing 12:49 < Mike1> maybe you did a change on the box that may be affecting the build? ie updating something? 12:50 < daja77> nah not changed aynthing 12:50 < Mike1> weird.. 12:53 < daja77> indeed .err file is really weird 12:54 < Mike1> i'm very asleep by now.. but hey show me the .err i might see something that can help u .. 12:54 < daja77> it is at work too, but i can mail you that crap later this week 12:55 < Mike1> do so please. 12:55 < daja77> ok 12:58 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@pD950698B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (""bb 2n8"") 13:07 < Mike1> ok 5:15am.. i better get in my bed before sun light catch me 13:07 < Mike1> cu all in a few hours. 13:08 < blindcoder> sleep well 13:08 < Mike1> blindy thank you 13:08 < owl> gn8 Mike1 13:08 < Mike1> gn8 owlita 13:09 -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has quit ("leaving") 13:09 < esden> hi all 13:10 < owl> hi esden 13:14 -!- LocalHero [~chatzilla@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 13:14 < LocalHero> Hi all 13:14 < owl> hi LocalHero 13:14 < LocalHero> owl, how are you today? 13:14 < owl> LocalHero: alive. thx. you? 13:14 < daja77> hi LocalHero 13:14 < LocalHero> daja77, hi :) 13:18 < LocalHero> hmm, dahh, i hate it when a server is down and you have to get that tarball :) 13:26 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAB5F6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:29 < tcr> moin all 13:45 -!- LocalHero [~chatzilla@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.34 [Mozilla rv:1.5a/20030718]") 13:52 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-046.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:57 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD9E4DCC4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:58 < owl> hi dennis , Nebukadneza 13:58 < Nebukadneza> hi eule 13:58 < Nebukadneza> :) 13:59 < esden> hi ho ... dumdidum ;) 14:01 < blindcoder> COOKIES! 14:02 < owl> cookies.... here... :p 14:02 < owl> *mampf* 14:03 < owl> from true: *mampf* too 14:03 < blindcoder> hoe? 14:03 < owl> ./names -- true -- true is here. 14:03 < blindcoder> /bin/true? 14:03 < owl> nah 14:03 < owl> *rofl* 14:04 < true> <--- *mampf* ;p 14:04 < blindcoder> ! /bin/false? 14:04 < owl> *g* true = near me/in my bed *vbeg* 14:04 < blindcoder> aaaaaaha 14:04 < owl> everything clear? *vbeg* 14:05 < blindcoder> yeah... 14:05 < owl> :p 14:07 < blindcoder> owl: have fun then... 14:07 < owl> blindcoder: thx. will have :p 14:07 < daja77> muhahaha 14:07 < owl> daja77: ? 14:07 < true> blindcoder: i have fun too ;p 14:08 < blindcoder> ... 14:08 < esden> true: you are bizarre 14:08 < owl> esden: why? *kick* 14:09 < blindcoder> owl: you don'twantto know. Trust me. 14:10 < daja77> what if owl is !true ... 14:18 < dennis> hi owl 14:23 -!- A-Dur [~questi@dsl-213-023-020-020.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:26 < owl> blindcoder: why? 14:27 < blindcoder> like I said. You don't want to know. 14:27 < owl> but i want to know 14:28 < owl> daja77: why should /me be !true? 14:28 < owl> or =true? 14:33 < owl> ./join #pbc btw *vbeg* 14:46 < tcr> MS: We'll show that worm that we can beat it. Let's take our site down. 14:46 < tcr> Worm: Mission accomplished. 14:46 < owl> hoeh? 14:48 < daja77> lol 14:48 < tcr> daja77: indeed 14:49 < owl> what's with M$? 14:49 < esden> tcr ... full ack!!! 14:49 < esden> hehe 14:49 < tcr> Just read it on some blog :) 14:50 < owl> hmm... 14:51 < tcr> owl: please keep up with recent news 14:51 < owl> tcr: i have no x running! 14:51 < owl> and: have no time 14:52 < tcr> It even came on tv and radio 14:52 < owl> tcr: do i listen to radio? - no - tv: no 14:53 < owl> i just know that there should be a worm, which should attack microsoft and so... 14:53 < tcr> The effects are obvious 14:53 < owl> but don't know what happend from yesterday and today on... 14:53 < tcr> So that's enough to understand the satiric statement above 14:53 < owl> hmm 15:15 -!- A-Dur [~questi@dsl-213-023-020-020.arcor-ip.net] has left #rocklinux () 15:31 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M262P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 15:49 -!- fake [~fake@pD950ECBF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15:53 < daja77> wake up boys and gals! 16:03 < netrunner> daja77: ne disturba circulos meos 16:04 -!- fake [~fake@pD950ED13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:04 < daja77> mm 16:06 < daja77> netrunner: haeh? 16:07 < esden> ahh hi ho fake *hug* 16:07 < esden> *gg* 16:07 < fake> https://www.knuddelscom.de/homepages/knuddels.de/hp/249/suessemaus87.html 16:07 < fake> this link givces me pain 16:07 < tcr> netrunner: Uh, that's very bad latin.. 16:07 < fake> real pain 16:07 < fake> ph34r it 16:08 < netrunner> tcr> I thought it was a quote_ 16:09 < tcr> netrunner: You probably mean "Noli turbare circulos meos!" ;) 16:14 < netrunner> tcr: oh, dont ask, that is looooooooong ago ;( 16:31 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M262P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 16:33 < tcr> what's file format is .ppt? 16:33 < tcr> powerpoint? 16:33 < n00kie> powerppoint iirc 16:41 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD958815F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:41 < tsa> hi all 16:44 < daja77> hi tsa 16:44 < SMP> tcr: that may be correct Latin, but he said it in Greek ;-> 16:48 < tcr> I don't get the pointe 16:50 < SMP> Archimedes was Greek 16:51 < SMP> but the Roman soldier did not understand Greek, so he killed Archimedes 16:53 < tcr> Ah... lol yeah. 17:30 < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi 17:32 < netrunner> hi blind 8) 17:32 < blindcoder> hi netrunner :) 17:32 < blindcoder> how's the air in the living room? 17:32 < netrunner> blindcoder: used 17:33 < blindcoder> hehe 17:34 < blindcoder> netrunner: you could prepare the table so we can start eating as soon as esden comes back with the pizzas 17:42 < netrunner> blindcoder: I will try 17:50 < tcr> Could anyone of you at the devmeeting look after my beg, please? I'm like stunned 17:51 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E20F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:51 < jsaw> re 17:52 < tcr> moin jsaw 17:52 < jsaw> hi tcr 17:52 < netrunner> tcr: hm ... is that cdrom directly attached to your ide bus? (/me had troubles with ide-cs) 17:52 < jsaw> tcr: your libgnomedb08 is wrong (more or less). libgnomedb08 depends on libgda08... 17:53 < netrunner> ... but wait, that pcmcia-bootdisk is not official, that cannot be ;) 17:53 < jsaw> (insert patch before is) 17:53 < netrunner> tcr: is your cdrom detected? 17:53 < tcr> jsaw: I'm not tsa! 17:54 < jsaw> oh. sorry, I always mix up these nicks... 17:54 < tcr> Really, tcr are just the initials of my rl name 17:55 < jsaw> yeah, yeah, beat me... thtupido thtupido 17:55 < tcr> netrunner: Yes, but wait 17:56 < tcr> Wtf? It tries scsi emulation 17:57 < tcr> hdc: attached ide-scsi driver. 17:57 < tcr> ... 17:57 < tcr> scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices 17:57 < tcr> Vendor: LG Model: CD-ROM CRD-8240B Rev: 1.19 17:58 < tcr> Type: CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02 17:58 < tcr> Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 17:58 < jsaw> .oO(what's wrong with this?) 17:58 < tcr> sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 24x/24x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray 17:59 < tcr> This wasn't before 17:59 < tcr> besides it ain't a cd-writer 18:00 < netrunner> tcr: hm ... iirc the linuxrc script searches in /dev/cdroms/cdrom? is there a link? 18:00 < tcr> netrunner: What's your point? 18:01 < netrunner> tcr: if it is not there, it will not be mounted. 18:03 < tcr> netrunner: linuxrc tries to mount something (read my mail again, I wrote it returns EINVAL) 18:04 < tcr> I just booted a 1.5.18 system and the 2.4.19 kernel on it does _not_ try ide-scsi emulation: 18:04 < tcr> hdc: CRD-8240B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive 18:04 < tcr> and it works 18:05 < netrunner> tcr: tried passing hdc=ide-cd to the kernel? 18:05 < tcr> iirc, yes.. but let me do it again to go sure 18:06 < netrunner> tcr: btw.. there is no ide-scsi on the initrd. 18:06 < tcr> Hmm? 18:08 < netrunner> ... at least no module. 18:08 < netrunner> [EINVAL] 18:08 < netrunner> A pathname contains a character with the high-order bit set. 18:09 < tcr> I booted now with 'ramdisk hdc=ide-cd' 18:10 < tcr> hdc: CRD-8240B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive <- this message appears now with 2.0.0-beta6-minimal, too 18:10 < tcr> problem is there seem to be no device in /dev/cdroms/, since linuxrc does only list the FDD but no CDROM 18:12 < netrunner> tcr: patch your linuxrc.c that it print's out what he tries to mount, or with a static shell that you can see what he has found/in /dev 18:13 < tcr> netrunner: read my mail please 18:13 < tcr> the second-last paragraph 18:16 < netrunner> tcr: I could give you a kernel and initrd with pcmcia support and a shell on it ... you'd have to put it on your /boot or where you like and you'd have to install a bootloader yourself. 18:16 < netrunner> tcr: If you'd like a clean solution, then maybe I'll find time the next days to work on the bootdisk target. 18:17 < tcr> can't you give me just an image, so that I could copy it onto a floppy via rawdisk? 18:17 < tcr> netrunner: I don't think it's really boottarget related. Either it's a kernel issue or an issue with the kernel config 18:17 < netrunner> tcr: nope. the initrd in standard is 4MB, mine is 8MB in size. 18:18 < tcr> There's no possibility to boot from floppies? 18:19 < netrunner> tcr: there is a possibility that is broken 89 18:19 < netrunner> s/89/8)/ 18:21 < tcr> Aha 18:22 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD958815F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb") 18:32 * tcr brb 18:33 -!- jvc [~jvc@cherokee.cs.utwente.nl] has joined #rocklinux 18:38 -!- tsa [tsa@pD958815F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:38 < tsa> re 18:39 < jsaw> hi tsa: didn't notice that u were here. have u seen what I told to tcr? (libgnomedb08) 18:39 < jsaw> I'll have some update here, that include the fix... 18:39 < jsaw> s/'ll// 18:40 < tsa> no, didn't follow the discussion... 18:42 < jsaw> tsa: libgnomedb08 patch is wrong (I just sent it to the ML). It depends on libgda08, which in turn depends on openldap... 18:43 < tsa> on ldap? 18:43 < tsa> uh. 18:45 < jsaw> tsa: it doesn't depend on it, but ldap support can be compiled in. It's a data abstraction layer for all kinds of db's, so actually you could manage ldap with mergeant iirc 18:45 < tsa> ah 18:46 < jsaw> tsa: I have updates+patches, include pkgcheck X openldap etc. ready. Have to test them however. 18:47 * netrunner on the road back home 18:47 < tsa> .oO( good i'm not using gnome2 or openldap ;) 18:48 < jsaw> .oO(why?) 18:48 < tsa> because it's too slow. 18:48 < tsa> https://www.fefe.de/tinyldap/ 18:49 < tsa> gnome 1.4 was a lot better than gnome2, imho. 18:49 < tsa> bad enough solaris 10 will come with gnome2 as the default wm .. 18:50 < tcr> Does anyone happen to know if Goldstar and LG electronics is the same? 18:50 < tcr> the same company 18:50 < tsa> hm...don't know. 18:50 < tsa> y? 18:51 < tcr> if the Goldstar R420 is the same as LG CRD-8420B, I might have found a solution for my problem 18:53 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-046.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 18:53 < tsa> the solution being to replace whatever you have with a scsi drive? 18:55 < jsaw> tcr: looks like they are the same! e.g. https://www.ellatha.com/Computing/cdroms/Goldstar.html 18:56 < tcr> jsaw: Yep, they are (I had to search for another term) 18:56 < jsaw> https://www.lgeus.com/CorporateInfo/history.asp 18:56 < tcr> so: https://lxr.linux.no/source/Documentation/cdrom/gscd?v=2.4.21 18:58 < jsaw> tcr: aha. 18:58 < jsaw> bbl after dinner 19:01 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-046.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:32 < tcr> How can I see another revision than the most recent of a file via the svn online view? 19:35 < tcr> or: Can anyone send me the 2.0.0-beta version of linuxrc.c and desirably with a diff to head? 19:45 < tcr> people come on.. 19:50 -!- owl [~owl@D0452.pppool.de] has quit ("leaving") 19:57 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M297P016.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 20:01 * daja77 now driving with fake 20:07 -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has joined #rocklinux 20:07 < Mike1> moin all. 20:10 -!- cytrinox__ [~cytrinox@p213.54.135.160.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:11 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M262P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 20:17 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@pD9530176.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:18 < Mike1> christ|an: !!!! 20:19 < christ|an> HUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 20:19 < christ|an> Mike1: query 20:27 -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.167.217.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Connection timed out) 20:33 -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has quit ("leaving") 21:04 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@pD9530176.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 21:04 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p508396A0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:41 < rolla> re 21:41 < Nebukadneza> hey 21:41 < rolla> hallo Nebukadneza 21:41 < Nebukadneza> anyone here who would scan me with nessus? 21:41 < rolla> noep 21:42 < rolla> do you know how to setup more than one network interface with rock? 21:42 < Nebukadneza> nope ... 21:42 < rolla> :( 21:43 < rolla> nevermind I just remember I can be so dumb some times 21:45 < tcr> rolla: That's natural... everybody suffers from awful stupidity from time to time 21:53 < rolla> crap they changed how they do it 21:53 < rolla> grr 21:53 < rolla> anyone have multipy nics with rock-2 22:00 < Nebukadneza> can anyone nessus' me? 22:02 < tcr> rolla: the network.conf doesn't seem to be created with that in mind 22:02 < tcr> rolla: but it's very easy to extend.. 22:10 -!- christ|an [~christ|an@p508396A0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 22:46 -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-029.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:54 -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has joined #rocklinux 22:54 < Mike1> re 23:00 < tcr> re Mike1 23:01 < tcr> time now? 23:02 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-059-046.arcor-ip.net] has quit (No route to host) 23:03 < Mike1> tcr: actually i came back to let you know that it will take me a bit more.. 23:04 < Mike1> tcr: i'm having hardware problems with my router, and i am working on fixing the mess 23:04 < Mike1> tcr: i will mail you the stuff as soon as i'm finished 23:04 -!- tsa [tsa@pD958815F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 23:04 < tcr> Hmm 23:05 < tcr> Ok, it's too late now anyway, so it can wait till tomorrow 23:05 < Mike1> tcr: ok 23:07 < tcr> Mike1: tommorow from my point of view ;) 23:09 < Mike1> tcr: sure :) 23:09 < Mike1> tcr: i will be online today very late again i think.. so i should be around when u wake up 23:10 < tcr> Just drop me a mail when you get time for it 23:10 < Mike1> i will 23:11 < tcr> thanks 23:12 * tcr is listening to Carl Orff's Carmina Burana - II In taberna: 11. Estuans interius 23:12 < Mike1> no problem 23:13 * Mike1 ready to compile kernel vainilla on a p 100mhz 16mb ram.. this will be painfull 23:14 < tcr> why don't you cross compile? 23:15 < Mike1> got no box in this moment for that 23:15 < Mike1> tcr: my workstation is broken.. i am fighting with it.. 23:16 < Mike1> anyways i will get some pizza, be back in some minutes.. 23:16 * tcr is jealous 23:17 < Mike1> tcr: i would buy an big pizza and share it with you if you were here... anyways next year :) 23:42 * netrunner @home. --- Log closed Mon Aug 18 00:00:19 2003