-!- Irrsi  Log opened Mon Aug 18 00:00:19 2003
[00:13] -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M297P016.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit)
[00:18] < netrunner> nobody here? you are bizarr.
[00:19] < dennis> just me ;)
[00:19] < netrunner> at least :)
[00:22] -!- dennis [~dennis@pD9E4DCC4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[00:44] < mistik1> lets test that thoery
[00:45] < mistik1> oops
[00:46] -!- dreamind [~dreamind@IP-213157009039.dialin.heagmedianet.de] has joined #rocklinux
[00:52] < blindcoder> netrunner: no, YOU are bizarre :D
[00:52] < blindcoder> good night everyone!
[00:52] < netrunner> n8 blindy
[00:53]   netrunner stops watching alien4 at night.
[01:06] < Mike1> n8 blindy
[01:16] -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux
[01:17] < rolla> re Mike1
[01:18] < Mike1> rolla: !! finally, query
[01:24] -!- dreamind [~dreamind@IP-213157009039.dialin.heagmedianet.de] has left #rocklinux ("ZZ")
[01:49] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAB5F6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[02:19] -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps")
[02:27] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E20F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[02:40] -!- cato` [~hanscats@tunnel-43-84.vpn.uib.no] has joined #rocklinux
[02:55] -!- cato` [~hanscats@tunnel-43-84.vpn.uib.no] has quit ("G'Night")
[03:12] -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-029.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
[03:35] < fake> buh
[03:36] < Mike1> *yawn*
[03:44] < SMP> d'uh
[03:44] < Mike1> hi SMP
[03:47] -!- kasc [~kasc@p50909970.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:52] -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090B775.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[04:01] < Mike1> bbl
[04:02] -!- Mike1 [~mike@master.linux.edu] has quit ("leaving")
[05:42] -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@p50801922.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[05:42] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F342.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[05:42] -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder
[06:34] -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p508021BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[06:51] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802412.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:21] < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi
[09:36] < fake> fsck
[09:36] < blindcoder> what?
[09:36] < fake> nothing...
[09:36] -!- owl [~owl@] has joined #rocklinux
[09:36] < owl> oh goth!!! what a crappy /etc!!!
[09:36] < owl> moin
[09:36] < blindcoder> and what are you doing awake so early?
[09:36] < blindcoder> moin moin owl
[09:37] < owl> /etc/profile
[09:37] < owl> /etc/dircolors
[09:37] < owl> /etc/profile.d/profile
[09:37] < owl> /etc/resolv.conf
[09:37] < owl> -rw----------
[09:37] < owl> wtf ?!!! who screwed it up?!!!
[09:37] < blindcoder> hrm
[09:38] < owl> hrm? why hrm?
[09:38] < blindcoder> just so
[09:38] < fake> blindcoder: guess...
[09:39] < owl> and: could you explain me, why rene doesn't want at least _one_ statically linked shell???
[09:39] < fake> owl: you weren't in the 7:46 train today, were you?
[09:39] < owl> fake: i was. why?
[09:39] < blindcoder> fake: you haven't slept at all :D
[09:39] < fake> owl: he didn't say that, and besides, pdksh is linked statically
[09:39] < fake> blindcoder: no, i'm at work
[09:39] < owl> pdksh???
[09:39] < blindcoder> heh, I overslept completely for work today
[09:40] < fake> owl: iirc. i was in the train, but i didn't see you
[09:40] < fake> blindcoder: daja77 and me got to my house at about 3:30...
[09:40] < owl> fake: where in the train? /me was in the last "nichtraucherabteil"
[09:40] < blindcoder> fake: hrm... I was at home around 01:00
[09:43] < owl> wow! i'm shocked! windows eats my memory stick without needing a reboot and/or without a bluescreen... 8th weltwunder
[09:53] < fake> Rock Linux PS2 port is coming... https://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/bo-16.08.03-001/
[09:54] < fake> owl: last smoker part...
[10:04] < owl> fake: hm. k. then someone seems to be blind *starring at fake * :p
[10:57] < owl> 10:55 <owl> man $package
[10:57] < owl> 10:55 <owl> "groff: can't find 'DESC' file
[10:57] < owl> 10:55 <owl> groff: fatal error: invalid device ascii"
[10:57] < owl> someone could explain me what _that_ is now?
[10:59] < owl> https://www.imis.mu-luebeck.de/milde/personal/
[10:59] < owl> and how to solve it maybe? does it occur on non-minimal-XFree-builds, too?
[11:00] < owl> or is it a generic groff-problem, which is encountered by config-files of groff?
[11:08] < fake> no idea...
[11:09] < owl> hm. dammit :-(
[11:09] < owl> somewhere a quite new iso available? i wanna kill my company and download it... for testing and so... :p
[11:24] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M298P026.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[11:25] < owl> hi n00kie
[11:25] < n00kie> Hi owl :)
[11:34] < blindcoder> moin n00kie
[11:35] < n00kie> Hi Blindy :)
[11:55] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M298P026.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit)
[11:56]   fake running wild
[11:58] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M260P018.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[11:58] < owl> O_o
[11:59] < n00kie> owl: ?
[12:00] < owl> n00kie: ?
[12:00] < blindcoder> fake: ?
[12:00] < n00kie> owl | O_o
[12:00] < owl> hmhm
[12:04] < owl> .oO("ausbildung" is so senseless *GNARF*)
[12:05] < n00kie> nonsense :)
[12:06] < owl> hmm. whatever. i'm even too dumb to speak and/or write english
[12:06] < n00kie> my machine is also called nonsense
[12:07] < owl> hmhm.k.
[12:08] < blindcoder> I prefer my crazyhorse and my Ryo-Ohki :D
[12:09] < owl> hm.
[12:11] < n00kie> my testmachine is called "pinky" and the other machine "nirvana" :)
[12:12] < blindcoder> PHKL :D
[12:12] < blindcoder> Pink Hello Kitty Laptop :D
[12:13] < n00kie> lol
[12:13] < blindcoder> https://www.exonome.com/fj/phkl/
[12:13] < blindcoder> I'm not joking
[12:13] < owl> k0y0r0, disaster, erebos, ra, ancoras, morpheus and my bf's machine: "thor"
[12:14] < blindcoder> but Ryo-Ohki is cute!
[12:15] < n00kie> who is this?
[12:15] < blindcoder> Ryo-Ohki? mom
[12:15] < blindcoder> https://images.google.com/images?q=Ryo-Ohki
[12:15] < blindcoder> that is Ryo-Ohki ^^
[12:16] < n00kie> cute dog :)
[12:16] < n00kie> What about a "bpsl"?
[12:16] < blindcoder> hoe?
[12:16] < n00kie> "Blue Papasmurf Laptop" :)
[12:16] < blindcoder> ehm...
[12:17] < blindcoder> clifford already noted that esden is smurfig... we should leave the smurfing up to him m:D
[12:17] < n00kie> esden smurf
[12:17] < n00kie> :)
[12:35]   fake chatting with ripclaw
[12:45] < daja77> hi fake
[12:46] -!- mistik1 [mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:46] -!- mistik1 [mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has joined #rocklinux
[12:47] < blindcoder> hehe
[12:47] < blindcoder> nothing like lovely co-workers :D
[12:47] < daja77> huhu blindy
[12:47] < blindcoder> hi daja77, long time no see :-)
[12:48] < daja77> hehe
[12:48] < blindcoder> "Sagt mal, ihr nehmt doch alle Drogen." -- lovely co-worker from the Hardware-Department, currently on phone :D
[12:48] < daja77> we no, who?
[12:48] < daja77> :)
[12:49] < blindcoder> boss is in vacation
[12:49] < blindcoder> second boss is mountain climbing
[12:50] < blindcoder> and third boss is having lunch :D
[12:50] < blindcoder> so right now the decisions are based on common sense :D
[12:50] < daja77> lol
[12:51] -!- mistik1 [mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:52] -!- mistik1 [mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has joined #rocklinux
[12:52] < owl> https://www.google.de/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=groff%3A+can%27t+find+%60DESC%27+file+groff%3Afatal+error%3A+invalid+device+%60ascii%27
[12:52] < owl> someone has this problem??? might someone wants to verify...?
[12:53] < blindcoder> no, I haven't
[12:53] < owl> blindcoder: on what system?
[12:54] < owl> rev...?
[12:54] < fake> https://www.coxar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/
[12:54] < blindcoder> owl: pre-beta4
[12:54] < owl> blindcoder: there i had it not, too...
[12:54] < blindcoder> neither on rev 930-bc
[12:55] < owl> i speak about rev > 1020
[12:55] < fake> ripclaw screwed up completely. he just told me he might jon the developer meeting on thursday if someone can drive him...
[12:56] < owl> (1012 it was i guess, when it worked here, too... beta6 worked, too... but rev1044 gives me errors)
[12:56] < owl> O_o
[12:56] < fake> man was updated
[12:56] < fake> to 1.5m
[12:56] < fake> in rev. 1100
[12:56] < owl> hm... rev > 1100
[12:56] < owl> aeh. <
[12:57] < daja77> fake: the dev meeting is over, no?
[12:57] < fake> daja77: i guess so ;)
[12:59] < blindcoder> ripclaw:~# ./configure: clock skew detected. Taking countermeasures.
[13:00] < daja77> hehehe
[13:04] < daja77> cu later
[13:05] < fake> cya, daja
[13:05] < owl> O_o natural selection in our company... dying members of $company by accident...
[13:05] < owl> d'ouh
[13:09] < blindcoder> hrm?
[13:10] < owl> blindcoder: one of our project managers died during an accident with "motorrad"
[13:11] < blindcoder> hmm... manager kills himself, DARWIN-Award granted.
[13:11] < owl> O_o
[13:11] < blindcoder> D'OUH!
[13:11] < blindcoder> SIMON! COME HERE SO I CCAN KILL YOU!
[13:11] < blindcoder> cp $i /tmp/replace_file
[13:11] < blindcoder> echo /tmp/replace_file | sed 's/$SEARCHSTRING/$REPLACESTRING/g' > $i
[13:11] < blindcoder> rm /tmp/replace_file.txt
[13:12] < blindcoder> and he wonders why this does not work.... *GRAH*
[13:16] < owl> *yawn* i'm so bored...
[13:19] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: daja77, jvc, fake, SMP
[13:19] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: blindcoder
[13:19] -!- Netsplit over, joins: jvc, fake, SMP, daja77
[13:19] -!- Netsplit over, joins: blindcoder
[13:25] -!- mistik1 [mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:27] -!- mistik1 [mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has joined #rocklinux
[13:30] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EABE78.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:34] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-010.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:37] < tcr> moin all
[13:38] < owl> hi Nebukadneza
[13:38] < blindcoder> I love the work-morale at Siemens :D
[13:39] < tcr> So?
[13:39] < Nebukadneza> hi owl
[13:39] < blindcoder> You write the "Task" onto a piec of paper and throw it to your neighbour.
[13:39] < blindcoder> If he throws it back at you, then throw it to the next one
[13:39] < blindcoder> Repeat as necessary :D
[13:40] < n00kie> Err, I need a bigger hdd :(
[13:40] < tcr> That's enormously productive
[13:40] < tcr> I may need a new one
[13:40] < tcr> cuz my may be fucked up
[13:40] < blindcoder> tcr: -ure, it frees up time for IRC and News :D
[13:43] < owl> fsck! wtf is wron with this irssi... and screen?!!!!
[13:43] -!- owl [~owl@] has quit ("leaving")
[13:45] -!- owl [~owl@] has joined #rocklinux
[13:45] < esden> hi all
[13:45] < owl> rehi
[13:45] < blindcoder> esden: moin moin
[13:45] < esden> blindcoder: why am I smurfing?
[13:45] < blindcoder> esden: I think I have an idea for the duplicate file download-thing... but I don't know if it's "nice"
[13:45] < esden> and what does it mean?
[13:46] < blindcoder> esden: ask clifford :-)
[13:46] < esden> he does not know what smurfing means ...
[13:46] < esden> perhups he was stoned as he said that ;)
[13:47] < blindcoder> esden: I don't think so... but okay... wanna hear my idea? or do I have to force it unto you?
[13:47] < esden> duplicate downoad thing?
[13:48] < esden> you should first describe what you mean with it ...
[13:48] < blindcoder> yes... how to solve it that files don't have to be downloaded twice
[13:48] < esden> in which cases is it a problem?
[13:49] < blindcoder> it's not a 'problem' but it's was something to be solved IIRC
[13:50] < owl> downloading twice as in downloading on two different computers or downloading twice, when broken or so...?
[13:50] < esden> humm ... task # ?
[13:50] < blindcoder> owl: downloading twice as in downloading the same file twice on one machine in two different packages
[13:51] < esden> I thought that the problem to be solved was to make the downloads of files _in_ a package conditional ...
[13:51] < esden> that is what I remember
[13:51] < esden> ahh ... ok
[13:51] < esden> there are somewhere such files
[13:51] < n00kie> hey esden smurf 8)
[13:51] < esden> the solution if you ask me is to patch ./scripts/Download
[13:51] < blindcoder> 84
[13:52] < esden> that when it is creating the download list it removes duplicates ...
[13:52] < blindcoder> esden: yes, and I have an idea for that
[13:52] < esden> n00kie: hi ...
[13:52] < blindcoder> in fact, I have two ideas.
[13:52] < esden> n00kie: please explain me why I am a smurf
[13:52] < esden> blindcoder: ok ... tell me your ideas
[13:52] < blindcoder> although it's marked as won't implement, I think I have some nice ideas for it...
[13:53] < n00kie> esden: cuz blindcoder said it (-;
[13:55] < tcr> Fuck
[13:56] < tcr> Why the heck does the kernel keep on assigning DMA to ide0 and ide1, although I disabled it in BIOS as well as pass ide{1,0}=noprobe,nodma to the kernel
[13:58] < tcr> blindcoder: what's your idea?
[13:58] < blindcoder> tcr: something with symlinks, a dozen download[A-Z] dirs and a voodoo doll :-)
[13:58] < blindcoder> currently discussing it with esden
[14:00] < tcr> Why so complicated? Just spend a new pkg for it, and mark the other package dependant on it
[14:00] < blindcoder> tcr: but then I want a new category and repository for that one!
[14:01] < blindcoder> and only for that.
[14:01] < blindcoder> something like everythingdependsonme/andthesystemwontworkwithoutme
[14:02] < tcr> Why?
[14:04] < blindcoder> because it's funny :-)
[14:05] -!- dreamind [~dreamind@ki-fw.inferenzsysteme.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:05] < tcr> Is this only an issue with wxpython and wxwindows?
[14:06] < blindcoder> atm yes
[14:06] < dreamind> Hi
[14:06] < tcr> wxpython shouldn't be an own package anyway
[14:06] < tcr> it should be an Option in scripts/Config à la "[ ] Only build wxpython"
[14:07] < blindcoder> who was it that complained about too many USEIT-Vars?
[14:08] < tcr> I'll suggest that to tsa. Now I'm away
[14:08] < blindcoder> hmm.... okay
[14:12] < esden> ahh I really like that bugtracking system ...
[14:16] < owl> hrm. why did rxr not apply my patch, btw? (minimal_Xfree)
[14:19] < blindcoder> rxr is quite busy at the moment
[14:19] < owl> why?
[14:20] < n00kie> He has to do some "dr. arbeiten" for uni
[14:20] < n00kie> or so
[14:20] < esden> ok ... bug #38 fix sent
[14:22] < owl> i c...
[14:26] < blindcoder> okay, now I have a flyspray account, too :-)
[14:31] < esden> blindcoder: good ...
[14:31] < esden> now you can grab some work ;)
[14:32] < owl> omfg! i guess the world will be destroyed today...
[14:32]   esden writing now the dietlibc page ...
[14:32] < esden> owl: ?
[14:32] < blindcoder> https://arstechnica.com/wankerdesk/03q2/nigerian-sco.html
[14:32] < blindcoder> MUAHAHAHA
[14:35] < owl> esden: "es regnet wie aus kuebeln"
[14:36] < owl> https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,261608,00.html
[14:36] < blindcoder> owl: here in Sendling it's just "a bit" windy...
[14:36] -!- th [~th@segfault.boerde.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:36] < rolla> re
[14:36] < owl> blindcoder: O_o here it's dark and raining and has thunder
[14:36] < blindcoder> hi th
[14:37] < owl> hi th
[14:37] < blindcoder> hi rolla
[14:37] < owl> hi rolla
[14:38] < blindcoder> esden: where can I see if a task is 2.0 or 2.1?
[14:39] < th> hi there
[14:40] < esden> blindcoder: there is some flag for that ...
[14:40] < esden> donno where ... mom
[14:41] -!- owl [~owl@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:41] < esden> blindcoder: there is a flag called "To be done by:" in the detiled description ...
[14:42] -!- owl [~owl@] has joined #rocklinux
[14:42] < owl> rehi
[14:42] < blindcoder> esden: is it possible to filter by that? or at least sort?
[14:42] -!- owl [~owl@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:43] < esden> blindcoder: I do not see such possibility
[14:43] < esden> blindcoder: I will bug cliff
[14:43] -!- owl [~owl@] has joined #rocklinux
[14:43] < blindcoder> okay
[14:43] < owl> *grrr*
[14:47] < blindcoder> GRRL
[14:48] < owl> blindcoder: ?
[14:50] < blindcoder> nothing ^^
[14:50] < netrunne1> moin
[14:50] < blindcoder> moin moin netrunner :-)
[14:51] < owl> hi netrunne1
[14:51] < fake> esden: back to D?
[14:51] < n00kie> owl: What happened?
[14:51] < owl> n00kie: *cough* if i would know...
[14:51] < fake> no rain in Lehel...
[14:52] < owl> O_o
[14:52] < fake> a bit windy and dark, but no rain up to now
[14:52] < rolla> okay has anyone else here attemped to add multi nic support to the /sbin/init.d/network script?
[14:52] < owl> apocalypse is only here... interesting... :p
[14:52] < blindcoder> rolla: not yet.
[14:53] -!- netrunne1 is now known as netrunner
[14:53] < fake> rolla: oh ... SMP is working on that!
[14:53] < fake> rolla: it is called rocknet and will go into 2.0
[14:53] < blindcoder> netrunner: using irssi?
[14:53] < fake> owl: a local phenomena ;)
[14:54] < owl> fake: yes. i'm "anziehen" the disasters and so :p
[14:55] < fake> owl: keep close to me, i need them badly.
[14:55] < owl> fake: btw, will you be at 18:38 train to nuremberg, during this week (except wed.)?
[14:55] < owl> fake: *har* *kick*
[14:55] < rolla> fake: okay
[14:55] < netrunner> esden: still in vienna?
[14:55] < rolla> I am going to hack mine so I can get it to work else it is no good as a server OS for me :)
[14:56] < esden> blindcoder: clifford forwarded that request already to the maintainer of flyspray and it will be there in the vorsion after the next
[14:56] < fake> owl: i'll get 17:52 today, i hope
[14:56] < esden> netrunner: ack
[14:56] < esden> hi fake
[14:56] < owl> fake: hm. bad :-(
[14:56] < fake> esden: greetz to clifford
[14:56] < esden> fake: I will forward them
[14:56] < fake> esden: rxr and Co "ueberholt" us at regensburg
[14:56] < fake> esden: and we made plenty of breaks... ;)
[14:57] < esden> fake: greets too from cliff
[14:57] < owl> fsck. time to fork...
[14:58] < netrunner> oh, the weather is directly above me (lightning and thunder at the same time)
[14:58] < owl> netrunner: where in munich are you?
[14:59] < netrunner> owl: east
[14:59] < owl> hm. k.
[14:59]   owl is in direction to "dachau"
[14:59] < owl> somewhere near olympiacentrum
[15:01]   fake is central
[15:01]   blindcoder currently at Sendling
[15:03] < blindcoder> *yawn*
[15:04] < netrunner> f*ck, now I cannot use the aircon while it
[15:04] < netrunner> is raining
[15:04] < fake> 1683 builds total, 919 completed fine, 55 with errors
[15:05] < blindcoder> netrunner: sucks :-)
[15:06] < blindcoder> hmm...
[15:07] < blindcoder> somehow it worries me that about 60% of all searches that lead to my page have to do with the Linux Progress Patch
[15:10] < esden> blindcoder: why does it worry you?
[15:10] < blindcoder> esden: because all I did with the LPP was to make it apply to recent kernels...
[15:14] < fake> still no rain here...
[15:15] < netrunner> ah, it stopped *switchingonaircon*
[15:15] < blindcoder> well, it stopped raining here alread
[15:15] < blindcoder> y
[15:19]   blindcoder going home
[15:19] -!- owl [~owl@] has quit ("brb. reboot")
[15:20] < netrunner> ciao blindy
[15:20] < n00kie> it's starting raining in here
[15:23] < n00kie> err
[15:23] < n00kie> not in here
[15:23] < n00kie> ;)
[15:31] -!- owl [~owl@] has joined #rocklinux
[15:31] < owl> rehi
[15:40] < esden> ok ... diet libc Feature Project page is now avalable (https://www.rocklinux.net/typo3/dietlibc.html)
[15:48] -!- slef [~mjr@81-86-163-141.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #rocklinux
[15:49] -!- fake [~fake@pD950ED13.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[15:49] < slef> I tried following the handbook directions to do Download and Build-Pkg on xfree86 and it failed, apparently through not having one of the dependencies installed.  Can I make it follow deps?
[15:50] < slef> or should I be trying to write a target config and do that?
[15:51] < owl> make it follow deps?
[15:52] < owl> you have afaik to install the missing dep, manually by ./scripts/Build-Pkg $missing_dep
[15:52] < owl> and then re-build the failed packages...
[15:52] < netrunner> ugh ... that movie is hard. /me watching alien4 again.
[15:52] < slef> urgh
[15:53] < slef> Does Build-Target figure out deps?
[15:53] < owl> not really... if you mean, if it tells you, when selecting packages, that this and this and another package need to be installed...
[15:54] < slef> Does the gcc in rock support objC?  (not tested it myself yet)
[15:54] < owl> sorry... dunno...
[15:55] < netrunner> sleff: loog in the packages/x11/xfree86/xfree86.cache, the names after [DEP] are the dependencies. I don't know if there is a option to auto build them though
[15:55] < esden> netrunner: do not watch films but be productive ;)
[15:55] < slef> How does the Update-System not fry the system if it can't follow deps?
[15:55] < netrunner> esden: I have more than one pc, and more than the movie on my screen.
[15:56] < esden> netrunner: hehe ... ok ;)
[15:56] < slef> netrunner: doing it by hand is painful, but may still be worth it if rock has objC
[15:56]   slef boots the rock box again
[15:57] < SMP> of course there is objC support
[15:57] < netrunner> esden: is there a script that does what slef wants? would be interesting for me too ...
[15:57] < esden> netrunner: not that I know of
[15:57] < netrunner> esden: shalt I fill a task?
[15:58] < slef> SMP: hrm, gcc-3.2 though.  I think that one is dud, but ICBW
[15:58] < SMP> slef: if you want to build packages with dependencies for the running system, use Emerge-Pkg
[15:58] -!- fake [~fake@pD950E5BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:58] < slef> SMP: thanks.  Trying.
[15:58] < slef> SMP: where is that found?
[15:58] < SMP> scripts/
[15:58] < esden> netrunner: when building a package the .cache file get's created automatically
[15:58] < slef> not on 2.0.0-beta7 or whatever this is
[15:59]   slef tries Update-Src
[15:59] < esden> if that is what you want to have generated
[15:59] < SMP> it's fairly now. yes
[15:59] < SMP> eh, new
[15:59] < netrunner> esden: I know. but with scripts/Build-Pkg it would be nice to ensure that dependencies are met.
[15:59] < esden> netrunner: Emerge-Pkg is doing that dependancy resolving stuff
[16:00] < esden> I don not know if we want that in Build-Pkg
[16:00] < esden> rocket will do that resolving too ...
[16:00] < netrunner> esden: is Emerge-Pkg submitted?
[16:00] < esden> netrunner: yes it is in the svn
[16:00] < esden> since some weeks ;)
[16:01]   slef is studiously trying to avoid svn now that he's seen arch, but anyway.
[16:01]   slef sees Emerge-Pkg scroll past
[16:02] < fake> slef: watch your step, you just entered biased terrain ;)
[16:03]   esden is not commenting slef's post to avoid a flamewar
[16:04]   netrunner taking the flamethrower from the movie he's watching
[16:05] < slef> ok, to get back on topic
[16:05] < slef> Emerge-Pkg doesn't seem to have downloaded anything else
[16:07] < slef> let's see what that does after a few hours then
[16:08] < slef> kudos to Rock for being installable manually on nasty hardware (ALI M1529 chipset)
[16:10] < slef> Is there a way to use a dir under /usr/local for my own package details?
[16:10] < slef> (or otherwise to avoid Update-Src nuking them... or am I best off copying to a safe place during Update-Src and themn copying back?)
[16:12] < slef> Is latest handbook etc updated to mention Emerge-Pkg or are patches wanted?  (If so, where's the best source?)
[16:13]   fake doesnt understand a word.
[16:13] < fake> slef: www.rocklinux.org ?
[16:13] < slef> fake: I think Update-Src said that it would erase my changes to the ./packages dir.  I want to avoid that.  How do other people do it?
[16:14] < slef> fake: where on there is rock-handbook.tex?
[16:16] < esden> the rock handbook can be downloaded from svn ... https://schillernet.dyndns.org/svn/rock-handbook/
[16:17] < slef> esden: thanks
[16:18]   slef notes lack of tar.gz and fires up wget
[16:18] < SMP> don't use Update-Src if you have been hacking on them (or take a diff first)
[16:19] < SMP> in that case you should be using svn
[16:19]   slef doesn't get the flamethrower out, either
[16:19] < tcr> rolla: adding support for multiple nics is fairly simple, just iterate through $IF... Ah, but you certainly figured that out yourself ;)
[16:20] < tcr> slef: I'll use arch for rock developing
[16:20] < tcr> slef: You should be here more often, I'm atm the only one who advocates arch (but that very vigorously ;))
[16:20] < slef> tcr: are you on one of the new -users lists?
[16:20] < slef> careful with the vigour... don't want you to strain yourself
[16:20] -!- dreamind [~dreamind@ki-fw.inferenzsysteme.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit (":x")
[16:20] < tcr> Yeah, we got auto-subscribed
[16:21] < slef> didn't preserve the List-Id, so I have no outgoing atm
[16:37] -!- DeElsasser [~DeElsasse@ANancy-110-1-16-125.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #rocklinux
[16:38] < DeElsasser> hi folk
[16:40] < slef> lo
[16:42] < netrunner> brrr ... I hate those alien movies.
[16:43] < DeElsasser> netrunner: what for?
[16:47] < netrunner> DeElsasser: being horrible. I do not like to watch those movies, I would even prefer my gf's soaps to them.
[16:47] < netrunner> ... but I was a little masochistic today.
[16:50] < DeElsasser> what is the title?
[16:51] < netrunner> alien 4
[16:52] -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950E53C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:52] < dennis> fake:  ping
[16:54] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E20F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:54] < DeElsasser> netrunner: must be nice, I love this movies ;-)
[16:54] < jsaw> re
[16:54] < jsaw> hi ev'rybody
[16:54] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p50801922.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("testing")
[16:54] < tcr> moin jsaw
[16:54] < DeElsasser> hi al'one
[16:54] < tcr> How's things?
[16:55] -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@p3EE1E217.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:55] < jsaw_> ???
[16:56] < tcr> ?
[16:56] < netrunner> ??
[16:56] < jsaw_> (I was disconnected w/o seeing any reason for it.)
[16:56] < DeElsasser> 2 jsaw is better then no jsaw
[16:57] < jsaw_> (and jsaw is still there, but I'm not logged in with that nick...)
[16:57] < jsaw_> should I worry?
[16:58] < fake> dennis: pong
[16:58] < tcr> kick into that ghost's ass
[17:03] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E20F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:04] -!- jsaw_ is now known as jsaw
[17:06] -!- rtc [~rtc@ACB04C0C.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[17:07]   slef discovers -dep
[17:07] -!- rtc [~rtc@ACB04C0C.ipt.aol.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:10] -!- DeElsasser [~DeElsasse@ANancy-110-1-16-125.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit ("Client exiting")
[17:15] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M260P018.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit)
[17:15] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p50800F95.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:20] < rolla> anyone here that knows iptables
[17:21] < kasc> yep
[17:21] < rolla> how would I use it to redirect a port say 8080 to another port on another machine
[17:23] < kasc> did you try DNAT?
[17:23] < rolla> no I am not that good with iptables
[17:25] < kasc> iptables -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 8080 -j DNAT --to-destination ipaddr[-ipaddr][:port-port]
[17:25] < kasc> try something like that
[17:26] < rolla> okay
[17:27] < rolla> hmm working sort of
[17:28] < kasc> sort of?
[17:30] < netrunner> does this #define stuff also replace occurrences in strings that are printed?
[17:30] < rolla> yeah I make contact but the response is getting lost on the way back
[17:31] < kasc> then you will need some SNAT for the way back
[17:31] < rolla> SNAT okay
[17:32] < tcr> netrunner: No
[17:32] < rolla> how do I set that up?
[17:33] < kasc> umm...
[17:33] < netrunner> tcr: would that work: #define ABC "new text"   and later printf("Original blabla" ABC "otherblabla);
[17:34] < tcr> better use printfs("original blabla %s otherblabla", ABC);
[17:34] < tcr> s,s,,2
[17:35] < kasc> iptable -I POSTROUTING -p tcp --sport 8080 -j SNAT --to-source yourip:yourport
[17:36] < netrunner> tcr: thx
[17:37] < rolla> iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
[17:38] < daja77> re
[17:39] -!- owl [~owl@] has quit ("leaving office || going home || train || bbl")
[17:39] < netrunner> rolla: -t nat -A POSTROUTING      ... and iptables is written with s in the end.
[17:39] < netrunner> hi daja77, well back at home?
[17:39] < rolla> :)
[17:39] < kasc> hehe
[17:40]   netrunner now watching starwars 2, much nicer than alien4
[17:40] < esden> cu all
[17:40] < netrunner> cu esden
[17:40] < daja77> netrunner: yes
[17:40] < daja77> cu esden
[17:41] < netrunner> esden: I am selling an alpha on ebay, need one? *g*
[17:41] < dennis> bye esden
[17:42] < dennis> netrunner: which id on ebay? ;-)
[17:42] < tcr> netrunner: do you mean episode 2?
[17:42] < rolla> too many damn prtos
[17:42] < tcr> Btw. in some minutes TNG will come on kabel1, so you really don't need to watch a movie
[17:43] < dennis> TNG ?
[17:43] < tcr> Can anyone tell me the options of hdparm to set off dma mode for a hdd? The bootdisks doesn't carry any manpages
[17:43] < daja77> do we really have to explain that?!
[17:44] < tcr> dennis: Star Trek, The Next Generation... You, you heretic!
[17:45] < Freak> tcr: thank gosh you reminded me :)
[17:45] < daja77> hihi Freak is seleeping everything over ...
[17:47] < dennis> tcr: ohh, damn ;-)
[17:48] < Freak> daja77: everyONE.
[17:48] < rolla> libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2
[17:48] < rolla> what builds that
[17:48] < Freak> this night I was at a friend's boyfriend's home in karlsruhe because I didnt want to go home by night
[17:49] < Freak> afk
[17:50] < daja77> Freak: you are bizarre
[17:53]   daja77 back later
[17:54] < rolla> anyone?
[17:55] < jsaw> rolla: grep the flists, but I guess its gcc-2
[17:55] < rolla> hmm
[17:56] < jsaw> this is sth like "my libstdc++ depends on libc$VERSION"
[17:57] < Freak> daja77: yes why?
[17:57] < Freak> oh wait
[17:57] < Freak> thats
[17:57] < Freak> thats the episode with the loving couple isnt it
[17:58] < tcr> Yes
[17:58] < Freak> and that guy..
[17:58] < Freak> i saw that one too often
[17:58] < Freak> its one of my not-so-favourite episodes ;)
[17:58] < tcr> Me too, but that doesn't matter!!
[17:58] < Freak> today to me it does, dont wanna see it now :)
[17:59] < jsaw> tcr: ack
[17:59] < Freak> btw did you see nemesis?
[17:59] < Freak> critics were fare too bad imho
[17:59] < Freak> far
[18:00] < tcr> No I haven't. Hadn't enough time to that time
[18:00] < jsaw> critics were totally wrong IMNSHO
[18:00] < Freak> whats the images.google-switch to turn off the grouping of images..
[18:00] < Freak> jsaw: ACK
[18:00] < Freak> imho its one of the best ones they made
[18:01] < Freak> but i dont see why it should be a generation's last journey.
[18:01] < Freak> :)
[18:01] < jsaw> (I was hestitating to see it due to the critique, but when I came out, man!)
[18:01] < Freak> jsaw: thats what happened - I believed the critics and thought I'd better keep my money.
[18:01] < Freak> too bad!
[18:02] < jsaw> ;-(
[18:02] < Freak> anyone familiar with dircproxy? do I have to completely restart it to make changes in .dircproxyrc take effect?
[18:04] < jsaw> *damn*, this new gcc 3.3.1 produces so many errors...
[18:04] < Freak> ah, the google-switch was filter=0
[18:09] < netrunner> tcr: yes.
[18:11] < Freak> google needs boolians.
[18:12] < tcr> netrunner: yes? %)
[18:12] < rxr> re
[18:12] < jsaw> hi rxr
[18:12] < netrunner> tcr: episode 2 :)
[18:13] < rxr> hi jsaw netrunner *
[18:13] < netrunner> can I tell a compiler to include a headerfile or do I always have to put a #include in the file?
[18:13] < jsaw> is there some log of the dev-meeting somewhere
[18:14] < netrunner> jsaw: use the task system as list of things we discussed.
[18:14] < SMP> netrunner: wass -include to cpp
[18:14] < SMP> pass even
[18:14] < netrunner> SMP: thx
[18:14] < tcr> but he should do that only for testing purpose
[18:15] < SMP> of course, there is no good reason to do that
[18:15] < jsaw> netrunner: what's the "task list"
[18:16] < Freak> to send HUP to a process, I use kill, right? kill -HUP?
[18:16] < netrunner> jsaw: https://www.rocklinux.net/flyspray/
[18:16] < SMP> Freak: yes
[18:16] < Freak> tnx
[18:18] < jsaw> bbl
[18:18] < Freak> wheee its working :)
[18:19] < Freak> just gotta send HUP to dircproxy then it reloads the configuration file :)
[18:30] < dennis> where can i get the tex files from the handbook?
[18:42] < rxr> dennis: https://schillernet.dyndns.org/svn/rock-handbook/
[18:42] < rxr> fake: arround ?
[18:44] < dennis> rxr: thx
[18:51] -!- jvc [~jvc@cherokee.cs.utwente.nl] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[18:52] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p50800F95.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:52] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p50800F95.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:20] < netrunner> rxr: why do you mind other people printing the book?
[19:35] -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD9E1C5D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:35] < tcr> Finally, I got the installation started
[19:35] < tcr> moin bluefire
[19:44] < bluefire> moin
[19:54] < netrunner> hey, it works! /me falls into the dust in front of his mirror
[19:55] < dennis> netrunner: you really sell a alpha on ebay? ;-)
[19:55] < dennis> s/a/an
[19:57] < netrunner> dennis: nope, internal joke *eg*
[19:58] < dennis> netrunner: ok ;-)
[20:02]   netrunner just noticed that there is a RockLinux policy *g*
[20:10] -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.182.70.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:26] -!- cytrinox__ [~cytrinox@p213.54.135.160.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Connection timed out)
[20:30] < rxr> netrunner: if you do not want to sell it just print it ...
[20:45] < tcr> Hmm
[20:45] < tcr> That's strange... fsck fails because /tmp is already mounted (and that at boot time, where it actually can't be mounted)
[20:45] < tcr> A bug in the system init script?
[20:57] -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: dennis, slef, th, rxr, snyke
[20:57] < netrunner> rxr: oh, I was reading the license. it says in option b that the author needs to give permission for printing ... or was I reading to fast?
[20:58] -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip181-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[20:58] < Mike1> re
[20:58] < netrunner> tcr: probably wrong or old entry in  /etc/mtab
[20:59] < tcr> netrunner: nope, bug in init script
[20:59] -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, dennis
[21:02] -!- slef [~mjr@81-86-163-141.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #rocklinux
[21:02] -!- th [~th@segfault.boerde.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:02] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-48.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:03] < SMP> jsaw ?
[21:06] < slef> bah freesplit
[21:06] -!- slef [~mjr@81-86-163-141.dsl.pipex.com] has left #rocklinux ()
[21:07] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-170-48.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:10] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-48.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[21:11] -!- th [~th@segfault.boerde.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[21:14] -!- th [~th@segfault.boerde.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:15] -!- rtc [~rtc@dialin-145-254-078-147.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:19] < jsaw> re
[21:19] < jsaw> SMP?
[21:20] -!- rtc [~rtc@dialin-145-254-078-147.arcor-ip.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting")
[21:21] -!- owl__ [~owl@aszlig.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[21:22] -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:22] < owl> hi
[21:22] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EABE78.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.")
[21:22] < jsaw> hi owl
[21:22] < owl> hi jsaw
[21:22] < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi
[21:23] < jsaw> hi^3
[21:23] < owl> hi blindy
[21:23] < SMP> jsaw: I can't seem to find the definition of $USB_HCI / $USB_HCD in my rockplug installation (from 2003-07-24)
[21:23] < blindcoder> fuck, I'm about to empty my stomach the way I filled it...
[21:24] < blindcoder> brb
[21:24] < jsaw> SMP: should be /etc/conf/usb
[21:24] < rxr_> SMP: rock-net ?
[21:24] < SMP> oh, yeah
[21:24] < netrunner> rxr_: you and me are currently doing double-work. :/
[21:24] < SMP> rxr_: no excuses anymore ;)
[21:25]   netrunner working on the bootdisk target.
[21:26] < rxr_> SMP: when could you just commit the current state
[21:26] < rxr_> I'm willing to code on it this week until it is in shape
[21:26] < blindcoder> looks like I ate something bad...
[21:26] < rxr_> and I'll also quit the pace.de job ... which will result in more fun and time w/ for rock ...
[21:26] < SMP> uh-huh
[21:27] < owl> true: are you here?
[21:27] < rxr_> SMP:  ?
[21:28] < jsaw> rxr_: hi. I've read the entries in flyspray (hwscan). Still there are some questions. Currently, rockplug has almost all hardware scan implemented in bash. But what is the problem with rockscan?
[21:28] < jsaw> Seperating both would lead to duplicate code.
[21:30] < SMP> rxr_: I'll start moving stuff into the rocknet svn immediately
[21:31] < SMP> as far as I see that USB HCI stuff was unified in Linux 2.6
[21:33] < jsaw> SMP: tell me more
[21:34] < jsaw> what veriable contains the rock id?
[21:36] < SMP> well I don't have any usb-uhci / uhci modules
[21:36] < SMP> only these:
[21:36] < SMP> ohci_hcd               16384  0
[21:36] < SMP> ehci_hcd               21888  0
[21:36] < SMP> usbcore                96084  6 usb_storage,hid,ohci_hcd,ehci_hcd
[21:37] < jsaw> SMP: that's fine. rockplug will only complain about the others, but still load the hci's
[21:38] < SMP> yeah, it works, but with a lot of noise
[21:38] < jsaw> (yeah, I'll implemented a method to shut up rockplug if the module does not exist already.)
[21:40] < SMP> I guess I'll have to file a critical bug about the module-init-tools
[21:41] < SMP> it is extremely obscure which config files its modprobe reads (in what situation)
[21:41] < jsaw> ohoh
[21:42] < blindcoder> good night everyone
[21:42] < rolla> re
[21:42] < jsaw> cu blindcoder
[21:42] < SMP> it is documented to read /etc/modprobe.conf, but it gives parse errors about /etc/modules.conf, too, but does not honor e.g. an 'options' statement I put in there
[21:42] < rolla> damn virus
[21:43] < jsaw> then you should better be lying in bed
[21:52] < netrunner> SMP: I remember some usb-modules being coded into the kernel ... as is usb-storage.
[21:53] < SMP> well obviously usb-storage is still alive as a module
[21:53] < jsaw> as is usbcore
[21:54] < netrunner> SMP: hm ... dunno, I only saw this on daja77's laptop
[21:54] < jsaw> SMP: I can't understand, why u get an error about /etc/modules.conf.
[21:54] < SMP> netrunner: well you _can_ link it statically into the kernel
[21:55] < jsaw> SMP: the source code gives me no hint
[21:55] < SMP> Aug 18 04:15:34 delusion modprobe: WARNING: /etc/modules.conf line 45: ignoring bad line starting wi
[21:55] < SMP> th 'probeall'
[21:56] < netrunner> SMP: I know. I only used it on his laptop and thought he had the standard -rock kernel.
[21:56] < jsaw> yeah, yeah, I believe u. I just can't see a reason in the sources for that behaviour.
[21:56] -!- tsa [tsa@pD9E12E69.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:56] < tsa> hi all.
[21:56] < SMP> $ strings /sbin/modprobe | grep etc/
[21:56] < SMP> /etc/modules.conf
[21:56] < SMP> /etc/modprobe.conf
[21:56] < SMP> /etc/modules.devfs
[21:56] < SMP> /etc/modprobe.devfs
[21:56] < tsa> anyone familar with flayspray?
[21:56] < tsa> -a
[21:57] < SMP> I think it tries to apply its completely new syntax to the old file
[21:57] < SMP> how stupid ...
[21:57] < jsaw> I know, the strings are in there, but they are used to compare an explicitely given option.
[21:57] < jsaw> and check if modules.devfs or modules.conf should be parsed.
[21:58] < jsaw> line 1265 in modprobe.c
[21:58] < SMP> well it should not read either of those!
[21:58] < jsaw> that's my point, it shouldn't.
[21:58] < jsaw> It only does if called with "-C /etc/modules.conf".
[21:58] < SMP> does it read modprobe.conf or modprobe.devfs by default?
[21:59]   SMP unpacking source
[21:59] < jsaw> line 1265/modprobe.c
[22:00] < SMP> gosh, there is a default modprobe.devfs !
[22:00] < SMP> we need to install it!
[22:01] < jsaw> yep
[22:05] < rxr_> re
[22:05] -!- rxr_ is now known as rxr
[22:05]   rxr watching a movie to relax ...
[22:05] < rxr> SMP: do you need a new passwd ?
[22:06] < SMP> yeah, I'll msg you a new hash when I'm ready
[22:06] < rolla> SMP you working on multi nics in rock-2.0?
[22:07] < SMP> that's one feature ;)
[22:07] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EABE78.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:08] < rolla> how long till that is here?
[22:08] -!- lmay [l-may@ip183218.wh.uni-hannover.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:08] < Mike1> rolla:
[22:08] < rolla> ja
[22:08] < SMP> heh lmay
[22:08] < lmay> hi
[22:09] < tsa> hi rxr
[22:09] < tcr> re all
[22:11] < tcr> tsa: What do you think about giving up the wxpython pkg and instead using an option of wxwindows in scripts/Config ("[ ] Build wxpython only")?
[22:12] < tcr> This would also solve the problem of downloading Wxpython-Src* twice
[22:14] < tsa> tcr: rxr wanted to have seperate wxwindows and wxpython packages..
[22:15] < tsa> what would one do with wxpython (without wxwindows)?
[22:15] < tsa> i could imagine wxwin without wxpython, but not the other way round..
[22:16] < tcr> tsa: is the wxwindows package built without wxpython atm?
[22:16] < tsa> yes.
[22:17] < tcr> Ok, thought the other way around ;) Then it must be "[ ] Build without wxpython", of course.
[22:18] < tsa> that was my intention at the beginning, until rxr said that he would prefer separate packages..
[22:19] < tcr> Did he state his opinion in a mail?
[22:19] < tsa> no, that was here on irc.
[22:20] < SMP> it's OK how it is right now
[22:20] < tsa> Aug 04 02:45:25 <rxr>   tsa: yes - I want a vanilla wxwindows package ...
[22:21] < tcr> SMP: not according to #84
[22:21] < tsa> Closed by Clifford Wolf (clifford) on 16 Aug 2003.
[22:21] < tsa> Reason for closing:   Won't implement
[22:21] < SMP> it _is_ OK because we can't do any better at the moment
[22:23] < tcr> So what's the reason for two seperate pkgs?
[22:23] < jsaw> tsa: just a stupid question, why does wxwindows download wxPy*, and not sth like wxAll,GTK,X11
[22:23] < rolla> w/in4
[22:27] < tsa> jsaw: because wxwindows 2.4.1 and wxpython don't like each other,.
[22:28] < jsaw> tsa: and what backend is used by default, gtk or x11?
[22:28] < tsa> gtk, if present.
[22:29]   tsa adding new critical task.
[22:29] < jsaw> aha
[22:29] < jsaw> btw, I'll opt for inclusion of python configure/building in scripts/functions
[22:30] < tsa> you mean the "python setup.py" stuff?
[22:30] < jsaw> yes.
[22:31] < tsa> there's not too many packages currently using this, but it might be considered (after 2.0?)
[22:31] < jsaw> I'll add a couple... ;-)
[22:31] < tsa> hehe..ok
[22:31] < jsaw> pynumarray, scientificpy, gnuplotpy eg.
[22:32] < tsa> ah
[22:34] < jsaw> bbl
[22:35] < tcr> SMP?
[22:35] < SMP> hm?
[22:35] < tcr> <tcr> So what's the reason for two seperate pkgs?
[22:35] < tcr> Or: Why is it ok as it is?
[22:36] -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@p3EE1E217.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:36] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E217.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:37] < SMP> tsa: reload #108
[22:38] < tsa> ack
[22:39] < snyke> tsa: can I query u?
[22:39] < tsa> sure.
[22:39] < snyke> k
[22:39] -!- lmay [l-may@ip183218.wh.uni-hannover.de] has quit ()
[22:40] -!- lmay [l-may@ip183218.wh.uni-hannover.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:40] < SMP> tcr: it is not clean to have a package named foo that includes foo and bar, even if that means duplicating a download
[22:41] -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip181-62.ct.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting")
[22:42] < tcr> SMP: according to tsa, wxpython is useless as standalone package (or do I overinterpret you now, tsa?)
[22:45] < SMP> yeah, but wxwindows does not require wxpython
[22:45] < tsa> ack
[22:45] < tsa> wxwindows is a portable gui toolkit - like gtk, for example.
[22:46] < SMP> tsa: you can close #108 yourself
[22:46] < tsa> wxpython are python bindings for wxwindows
[22:46] < tcr> SMP: Or in other words: wxpython is optional to wxwindows
[22:46] < tsa> SMP: how?
[22:46] < tcr> _option_al
[22:46] < SMP> tsa: big fat 'Edit' button on the right?
[22:46] < tsa> aah!
[22:47] < SMP> tsa: only works for tasks opened by you or assigned to you
[22:47] < tsa> big buttons are hard to find if everything else is in small letters ;)
[22:47] < tsa> i see.
[22:48] < tsa> SMP: do you have admin privileges for flyspray?
[22:48] < SMP> no
[22:49] < SMP> why should I? ;)
[22:49] < tcr> Imho, providing wxpython bindings as an option for wxwindows is the cleanest possible solution
[22:49]   tsa looking for someone to remove all references to nessus from #31
[22:49] < tsa> ;)
[22:50] < SMP> wait for the patch to be approved and the assignee to find your comment :)
[22:53] < tsa> hehe ;)
[23:05] -!- th [~th@segfault.boerde.de] has quit ("afk")
[23:07] -!- lmay [l-may@ip183218.wh.uni-hannover.de] has quit ()
[23:08] -!- lmay [l-may@ip183218.wh.uni-hannover.de] has joined #rocklinux
[23:14] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@volans.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de] has joined #rocklinux
[23:18] -!- jsaw [~jsaw@volans.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de] has quit (Client Quit)
[23:19] -!- jsaw_ is now known as jsaw
[23:19] < jsaw> re
[23:22] < fake> rxr: here
[23:22] < fake> tsa: the person the task is assigned to as well as the person who opened it may change that
[23:23] < fake> just for redundancy
[23:23] < fake> ...
[23:23] < fake> .o( should read the backlog bottom up )
[23:24] -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950E53C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[23:25] < fake> Found shared files with other packages:
[23:25] < fake> usr/lib/python2.2/paragui.pyc: paragui python
[23:25] < fake> usr/lib/python2.2/paragui.pyo: paragui python
[23:25] < fake> *douh*
[23:25] < SMP> known Problem
[23:26] < jsaw> tsa: wouldn't it be enough to pkgcheck for python, and if present, build wxpython extensions?
[23:26] < jsaw> (I do that for metakit)
[23:26] < fake> SMP: solution?
[23:30] < SMP> don't know, just saw it reported some time ago
[23:31] < fake> hm. okay... who needs pyhton, anyway ;)
[23:31] < fake> python
[23:31] < fake> whatever
[23:31] < SMP> I'd rather send paragui to hell ;)
[23:32] < fake> aye, sending paragui to hell as ordered!
[23:36] < netrunner> hm .. can one make further use of the stuff a program prints to stdout if you call it with exec in c?
[23:38] < tsa> sure.
[23:39] < netrunner> tsa: can you give me a hint please?
[23:39] < tsa> open a pipe to it, pass the output back to the parent.
[23:39] < jsaw> that requires forking
[23:39] < tsa> popen()
[23:40] < netrunner> tsa: I'll see if I find sth about that, thx.
[23:40] < netrunner> jsaw: I fork anyway, and then wait in the parent.
[23:43] < jsaw> if u only need stdout, popen is ok. if u need also stderr, and possibly stdin, you gotta use pipe()
[23:43] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EABE78.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.")
[23:47] < netrunner> jsaw: hey, don't ride to far :)
[23:48] < jsaw> netrunner: it
[23:48] < jsaw> netrunner: it's not that much a problem...
[23:52] < jsaw> netrunner: https://www.cryptnet.net/fdp/gtk/exec.html
[23:57] -!- lmay [l-may@ip183218.wh.uni-hannover.de] has left #rocklinux ()
[23:59] -!- dreamind [dreamind@IP-213157009039.dialin.heagmedianet.de] has joined #rocklinux
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Tue Aug 19 00:00:37 2003