--- Log opened Thu Aug 21 00:00:13 2003 00:01 < rxr> ok - me off to bed - cu 00:02 * daja77 too 00:02 < daja77> cu 00:02 < tcr> gn8 00:03 < mnemoc> gn8 00:12 < rxr> cool - we are mentioned in the iX article about the Linux Tag 00:12 < rxr> (I contected them to get it into it ...) 00:12 < rxr> very short but at least: page 11 in issue 9: 00:13 < rxr> "In die Kategorie der weniger bekannten Vertreter fällt ROCK Linux (www.rocklinux.org). Es arbeitet mit einem Packetsystem ähnlich den BSD Ports Collection und verügt ein eigenes Build-System. 00:15 < rxr> In diesem lassen sich für eine Distribution, Compiler Sicherheitsmerkmale oder Optimierungen auswählen, und je nach Zielsystem übernimmt Rock Linux in einer Sandbox das automatische Kompilieren." 00:15 < rxr> ;-) !!!! 00:15 < rxr> cook - we are nearly the only Software Project mentioned in the article ! 00:18 < netrunner> *yawn* 00:20 * -> esden kicking netrunner 00:20 < esden> do not get asleep 00:20 < netrunner> *ouch* 00:20 * netrunner strikes back! 00:20 < esden> *argh* 00:20 < esden> rxr: that is cool 00:21 < esden> hihi util-linux has been built 00:24 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux 00:25 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EABF10.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.") 00:25 < esden> dietlibctarget is in the 5th stage !!!!! WEEEEEEEEE 00:25 < esden> *jumparound* 00:25 * netrunner watching esden annoyed 00:28 < esden> o_O 00:29 -!- Nebukadneza is now known as Nebu^klo 00:30 -!- Nebu^klo is now known as nebukadneza 00:30 -!- nebukadneza is now known as Nebukadneza 00:35 * netrunner is threatened by esden with warm coke 00:38 < esden> *gg* 00:49 < Freak> lol 00:49 < Freak> call the cops!!! 00:49 < Freak> human rights violations!! 00:49 < netrunner> https://www.heise.de/ct/Redaktion/cm/Thumpmobile_Zapper.html 00:50 < Freak> ALT 00:50 < Freak> *g 00:50 < Freak> https://linuid.dyn.bawue.de/~freak/guckmal/bulle.jpg 00:50 < netrunner> for esden, he didn't know it 00:50 < Freak> uh mkay accepted 00:51 < esden> thank you netrunner ... 00:52 < Freak> :o) 01:18 < netrunner> omg .. rocklinux is sooo outdated! 01:31 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-132.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 02:11 -!- true [~true@aszlig.net] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 02:12 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@2001:8d8:80:11:0:0:0:4d] has quit (Client Quit) 02:18 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@2001:8d8:80:11:0:0:0:4d] has joined #rocklinux 02:28 < esden> finally net-tools do also build 02:50 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950ED73.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 02:50 < esden> humm 02:57 < esden> nice ... dietlibc target compiled through ... only 6 packets still fail ... 02:57 < esden> where two are only disabled ... 02:57 < esden> very good 03:05 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950ED73.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 03:22 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps") 03:38 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M291P011.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 03:48 < esden> ok ... now I have the first dietlibc iso ... it is not yet bootable and does not contain a kernel because of a strange gcc error but most packets are there now! 03:52 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M374P031.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 04:03 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090B7F9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04:04 -!- rolla [maisenhe@adsl-66-136-183-233.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04:06 -!- rolla [maisenhe@adsl-66-136-183-233.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #rocklinux 04:09 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090B246.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 04:37 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: jsaw, daja77, owl, jvc, blindcoder, kasc, rxr, aszlig, snyke, SMP 04:39 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, netrunner, praenti, n00kie_, cytrinox, Freak, mistik1 04:41 -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, aszlig, n00kie_, mistik1, SMP, daja77, owl, jvc, rxr, jsaw (+7 more) 04:42 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mistik1 04:42 -!- Netsplit over, joins: mistik1 04:43 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mistik1 04:44 -!- Netsplit over, joins: mistik1 05:12 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mistik1 05:12 -!- Netsplit over, joins: mistik1 05:18 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mistik1 05:19 -!- Netsplit over, joins: mistik1 05:21 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mistik1 05:22 -!- Netsplit over, joins: mistik1 06:54 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 06:54 -!- d3mian is now known as Awacs 06:55 < Awacs> hi 07:18 -!- Awacs is now known as Voran 07:18 -!- mnemoc [~amery@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07:18 -!- mnemoc [~amery@] has joined #rocklinux 07:26 -!- Voran [~demian@] has quit ("leaving") 07:34 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 07:34 < holyolli> moin 07:41 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit ("X-Chat: I see your X-Chat is as big as mine!") 08:11 -!- starlord [~mika@dsl10030.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 08:11 < starlord> good morning all 08:13 < starlord> hmm,Emerge-Pkg doesnt work correctly? 08:13 < starlord> i did Emerge-Pkg kdebase31 and when it got to X compile it fails because of libmng missing. 08:13 < starlord> or does it check deps from other packages other than kdebase? 09:07 < blindcoder> hmm 09:07 < blindcoder> should I? 09:07 < blindcoder> or should I not? 09:25 -!- uppo [~uppo@] has joined #rocklinux 09:34 -!- uppo [~uppo@] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 09:35 -!- uppo [~uppo@] has joined #rocklinux 09:46 -!- true [~true@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:53 -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 09:53 -!- owl__ [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:53 -!- owl [~owl@] has joined #rocklinux 09:53 < owl> moin 09:59 < blindcoder> moin moin 09:59 < owl> hi blindcoder 10:00 < owl> https://coredistro.sourceforge.net/ 10:02 < owl> concept sounds sweeeeeeeet... as nice as pure and simple LFS 10:39 < rxr> re 10:40 < rxr> starlord: is ues scripts/dep_db.txt - and this files shoudl already contain rerusive dependencies ... 10:40 < blindcoder> moin rxr 10:43 < starlord> rxr:hmm,i guess Create-DepDB recreates it? have to check it out when i get back to home 10:43 < starlord> but it did fail,other packages failed too,but i cant remeber was it because of missing dep or something else 10:46 < Aard> moin 10:46 < owl> https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,262203,00.html << rofl 10:46 < owl> hi Aard 10:51 -!- owl [~owl@] has quit ("reboot || new kernel") 10:54 -!- owl [~owl@] has joined #rocklinux 10:54 < owl> rehi 10:55 < blindcoder> wb 10:56 < owl> thx 10:59 < blindcoder> owl: maybe he saw "The Truth" in his dreams and couldn't stop laughing 11:00 < owl> the truth? O_o 11:00 < blindcoder> yes, the truth behind everything. 11:00 < owl> omfg 11:01 < blindcoder> The reason why that poor guy in THGTTG was separated from the rest of the world by three whole armies 11:01 < owl> THGTTG??? 11:01 < blindcoder> The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy 11:01 < owl> O_o 11:02 < blindcoder> yes. 11:03 < true> https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,262206,00.html < from time to time symlink has better flamewars than /. 11:13 * blindcoder --> lunch 11:14 < owl> hoeh? 11:23 -!- Schokoprinz [~martin@] has joined #rocklinux 11:24 -!- Schokoprinz is now known as PBONeo 11:26 -!- owl [~owl@] has quit ("rebooting again") 11:33 -!- owl [~owl@] has joined #rocklinux 11:33 < owl> rehi 11:33 < starlord> owl:what kernel you have? 11:34 < owl> starlord: Linux ra 2.4.21 #8 Thu Aug 21 11:21:15 UTC 2003 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux 11:34 < owl> just had some problems and fixed them now :p 11:34 < starlord> ah,any experience's in 2.6? 11:34 < owl> starlord: nope 11:35 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M291P011.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 11:36 < PBONeo> is it correct you could put questions about linux here? :) 11:38 < owl> .oO(!!!red alert!!!) 11:38 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M289P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 11:40 < netrunner> moin 11:41 < starlord> damm this cake tastes good 11:41 < owl> fuck!!! it's not nice, to have different versions of one package... 11:42 < starlord> btw.there no remove-pkg script? 11:44 < owl> starlord: where? in rock? 11:44 < starlord> yep 11:44 < starlord> in rock i mean 11:45 < netrunner> starlord: mine -r 11:45 < starlord> ok,i thoight mine is only for .gem files 11:47 -!- PBONeo [~martin@] has quit () 11:47 < daja77> moin 11:48 < netrunner> starlord: mine -r queries the package db of the system 11:48 < netrunner> hi daja77 11:49 < starlord> hmm,any plans to add someof the scripted features to mine,for example emerge-pkg? 11:50 < owl> emerge-pkg works...??? really?????ß 11:50 < daja77> starlord there is an Emerge-Pkg script 11:50 < starlord> yeah,but that feature to include in mine? so all the package install/remove/update could be done by one app 11:51 < daja77> there will be a rocket called tool for that in rocklinux 2.1 11:51 < owl> daja77: try ./scripts/Emerge-Pkg gnumeric12 11:51 < starlord> yep,i noticed it somewhere,might be in bug tracking or somewhere 11:52 < daja77> yepp 11:52 < owl> at least for me it doesn't resolv the dependenies 11:52 < daja77> owl: then file a task in flyspray or write to ml 11:52 < owl> daja77: nope 11:52 < starlord> owl:neither it did for me,i did Emerge-Pkg -dep kdebase31 last night and it halted on X because of missing libmng 11:52 < daja77> huh, why 11:53 < owl> had much of those unresolved deps 11:53 < daja77> starlord: would you be so kind and file this in flyspray 11:54 < starlord> daja77:i will later today,i'm at work and i got other unresolved deps when i did it,and i want to look why it did. 11:54 < daja77> owl: how do you think bugs will be eliminated you arenot even willing to report them 11:54 < daja77> starlord: ok 11:54 < owl> daja77: i'm reporting them on Irc. 11:55 < daja77> not all developers are on irc 11:55 < owl> daja77: and wtf it builds now bash...??? i'm already having bash-2.05 on this machine... 11:55 < daja77> lalala 11:55 < owl> daja77: ? 11:56 < owl> what are you "lalala"ing? please not such music on morning 11:57 < daja77> again please report errors to the official places, so that they can be fixed faster 11:57 < owl> hrmpf. 11:58 < owl> *argh* is there somewhere a samba.conf in rock's /etc? 11:58 < owl> aaaargh. i'm blind 12:00 < rxr> daja77: what bug was owl rumouring about again? 12:01 < daja77> problems with dep resolving with scripts/Emerge-Pkg 12:02 < rxr> starlord: owl__ : please report any dep problem you notice to me, the list or the bug-tracking system - thanks! 12:02 < owl> aaaargh! why does gnumeric12 need gcc2 ...??? 12:02 < starlord> rxr:hold your horses,i will 12:02 < rxr> owl: because you still have not RTFM ... 12:03 < owl> rxr: ??? where should it be reported? 12:03 < rxr> owl: that it depends on gcc2? Nowhere - it is a feature. 12:03 < rxr> starlord: xfree86 does not seem to depend on libmng - are you sure it was xfree86 ? 12:04 < starlord> rxr:i'll check when i get back home 12:04 < starlord> rxr:i got few other failed packages when i tryed to build kdebase 12:05 < starlord> rxr:and cant remember was it xfree that needed libmng or something else 12:05 < starlord> and why the script doesnt stop building if someother package failed? on me it just tryed to build next package in queue 12:06 < owl> ack. 12:06 < owl> here too 12:07 < netrunner> starlord: there is a config option that says [ ] Abort when a package-build fails 12:08 < netrunner> starlord: you therefore wanted it not to abort since you configured it for this behaviour. 12:08 * netrunner -> lunch 12:09 < starlord> hmm,thats true,i forgot to turn it on,my bad 12:13 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 12:13 < LocalHero> Hi all 12:13 < daja77> hey LocalHero 12:13 < LocalHero> daja77, whazzup? 12:13 < owl> hi LocalHero 12:13 < LocalHero> rxr, you there? 12:14 < LocalHero> owl, hi hi :) 12:14 < daja77> oh I just waiting to get awake ;-) 12:14 < LocalHero> daja77, haha, oki, i have been awake for a long time. I think its a new record this summer. I got up 08:00 :) 12:14 < daja77> wow 12:16 < daja77> strange webmin isn't on the mirrors still 12:17 < LocalHero> daja77, webmin? Mirror? 12:18 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mistik1 12:18 -!- Netsplit over, joins: mistik1 12:18 < daja77> the webmin package is not on our mirros, yes 12:18 < daja77> not that i miss it much 12:21 < owl> .oO(i like samba) 12:22 < daja77> hm? 12:23 < daja77> because of their statement against sco? 12:23 < owl> daja77: huh? they did? O_o i didn't know 12:23 < daja77> yepp rxr pointed me to https://linuxtoday.com/developer/2003082001326OSCYNT 12:23 < owl> just because it allows me to connect to my windows machine here in company... to copy data and so :p 12:24 < daja77> hehe ok 12:25 < daja77> ok new generic build kicked, off to work 12:25 < daja77> cu 12:27 < owl> bye 12:36 -!- starlord [~mika@dsl10030.japo.fi] has quit ("work") 12:39 < rxr> hi LocalHero 12:39 < rxr> daja77: I do not have the tarball - and I already mailed the maintainer about this ... 12:39 < rxr> daja77: if you find the package on the net let me know .. 12:41 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M289P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 12:41 < netrunner> rxr: well, it is on sf, no? https://belnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/sourceforge/webadmin/webmin-1.100.tar.gz 12:44 * blindcoder back 12:44 < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi 12:45 < owl> wb blindy 12:45 < blindcoder> thx 12:47 * blindcoder writing some more DVDs 12:50 * owl downloading debian-isos 13:03 -!- Nebukadnezea [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-132.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:06 < owl> hi Nebukadnezea 13:06 < Nebukadnezea> moin owl 13:09 -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p50802CF8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:17 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EA9EA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:19 < rxr> netrunner: jups - just that the usual mirror we used in ROCK is not alive - I now replaced all sf download tags with the umn mirror ... 13:20 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p5080290C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13:22 < tcr> Hmm, cluster build failed due to a segmentation fault while building 0-binutils 13:22 < jsaw> rxr: no, only dl.sf.net please! this will send u to one of these automatically. 13:24 < rxr> jsaw: oh - cool I did not know that ... 13:27 < rxr> jsaw: done 13:33 * tcr thinks that we need a infrastructure for catching random build errors 13:34 < rxr> tcr: what ? 13:38 < tcr> I think everybody here suffered from random build errors at least one time 13:38 < jsaw> rxr: btw, ftp.gnome.org does the same thing now. 13:39 < jsaw> rxr: or at least I have never seen before, that this server is in sweden? 13:41 < jsaw> hello everybody (sorry, when I wake up, I forget all my manners) 13:42 < owl> hi jsaw *g* 13:43 < jsaw> hallole 13:46 < owl> *sigh* 13:49 < jsaw> owl: world weariness? 13:49 < owl> hm.. more or less 13:50 -!- uppo [~uppo@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13:51 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mistik1 13:51 -!- Netsplit over, joins: mistik1 14:00 * netrunne1 takes a break from cleaning the bathroom 14:01 -!- netrunne1 is now known as netrunner 14:02 -!- uppo [~uppo@] has joined #rocklinux 14:03 < uppo> how may I know the approximated installed size of a package before building? 14:03 -!- mistik1 [mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 14:04 < blindcoder> looking it up in the .cache file 14:05 < jsaw> brb 14:06 -!- mistik1 [~mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has joined #rocklinux 14:08 < uppo> blindcoder: ah, thanks 14:21 < daja77> re 14:21 < SMP> building glibc with NPTL does _SO_ not work ... 14:22 < LocalHero> got to go cya 14:22 < daja77> bye LocalHero 14:22 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit () 14:24 < daja77> weeee x builds again at work 14:24 < daja77> so pentium3 optimization is to blame 14:30 < daja77> rxr: huh, package is availabe via sf, just one click on their hp 14:30 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M289P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 14:35 < jsaw> re 14:35 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.144.60.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit ("Client exiting") 14:36 < daja77> huhu jsaw 14:36 < jsaw> hi daja77 14:37 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 14:38 < daja77> 656 builds total, 367 completed fine, 3 with errors. 14:38 < daja77> wooohooo 14:40 < jsaw> 901 builds total, 845 completed fine, 56 with errors. 14:40 < jsaw> (gcc33) 14:40 < tcr> Hmm 14:41 < jsaw> yeah, it'll take a while when ppl will adapt to C99 and other changes in the compiler.. 14:41 < daja77> not bad for gcc33 14:42 < jsaw> oh, it's been about 100, then I disabled kde (fsck, they should read stroutstrup), and another 20-30, where fixes are in prep 14:42 < daja77> ;-) 14:43 < esden> hi all 14:43 < daja77> huhu esden 14:43 < blindcoder> hi esden 14:43 < daja77> hi blindcoder 14:43 < jsaw> daja77: well the gnome-mm guys are doing the same stupid stuff, trying to inherit classes with private ctor/dtor... 14:44 < blindcoder> hi daja77 14:45 * daja77 has to study the c++ evilness again ... 14:46 < jsaw> daja77: c++ evilness ? 14:48 < daja77> oh you like it ... sorry 14:51 < rxr> jsaw: could you know stroustroup ;-) Congrats! 14:51 < rxr> s/could/cool/ ... 14:51 < jsaw> daja77: well, more or less. If I do C++, I usually only do "C with classes" programming :-]. But those errors they made are too basic in terms of C++-syntax. 14:51 < jsaw> rxr: I have the book in my shelve. I started C++ with it. 14:52 < daja77> jsaw: c with classes is what i wrote too, but it sucks 14:52 < jsaw> Admitted. 14:52 < rxr> it can be better then C stand-alone... 14:53 < daja77> hmm maybe 14:53 < daja77> rxr: the webmin tarball is available 14:53 < SMP> (looking at flyspray I don't see an -rc1 anywhere near ... ) 14:53 < jsaw> Just look into gtk, how they do their OO... 14:53 < jsaw> uuuhhh 14:54 * daja77 now off to clt6 meeting 14:54 < rxr> SMP: I look at https://schillernet.dyndns.org/svn/rocknet/trunk and miss files ... ;-) 14:54 < jsaw> rxr: I 14:55 < SMP> rxr: that's another problem - but a smaller one 14:55 < esden> rxr: where should I upload the most complete dietlibc target iso I had since years? 14:55 < jsaw> rxr: I'm getting a version of rockplug ready for release, guess it'll be ready sunday. 14:55 < rxr> jsaw: nice 14:55 < rxr> esden: could you put it somewhere temp. so I can grab it ? 14:55 < SMP> jsaw: last week it was horribly broken - was it fixed? 14:56 * SMP still running some rockplug from July, 24th 14:57 < jsaw> SMP: I can't remember, that I left a non-working system in trunk last week. This week is different - I had to work on finishing my phd and thus reduce development ... 14:57 < esden> rxr: I have to check if I can upload it on my server ... 14:57 < esden> rxr: I have small traffic problems there 14:57 < esden> rxr: but I will see what I can do 14:58 < rxr> esden: what is the size of it? Is it installable ? 14:59 < esden> rxr: no not yet installable because I have no installdisk build yet ... 14:59 < esden> rxr: I think I wait till I have the installdisc so one can install it ... 15:00 < esden> the other problem is that the kernel has some problems to build on a dietlibc system 15:00 < esden> gcc is bailing out with a very confusing error 15:00 < esden> syntax error in assembler o_O 15:01 < tcr> Muhaha 15:01 < tcr> I get a kernel oops when I try to untar linux-2.4.21.tar.bz2 15:02 < tcr> now the machine hangs 15:02 < tcr> blubb 15:02 < jsaw> memtest? put pc in fridge? what else... 15:04 < SMP> by the way - do we have a working memtest again? 15:04 < SMP> mine from two weeks ago was still broken 15:12 < uppo> Update-System builds packages that are not installed also 15:13 < uppo> How can I avoid this? 15:14 < rolla> re 15:19 < uppo> I cannot install a full drock since I do not have enogh disk space 15:20 < uppo> so I removed some packages 15:21 < uppo> but if I use Update-System the packages I removed get rebuilded 15:21 < owl> vim config/default/packages << uppo 15:23 < uppo> Is config/default/packages updated with Update-Src ? 15:24 < owl> you did a ./scripts/Config before? 15:24 < jsaw> uppo: I had happended twice in the last weeks, that the config files got reset due to an update of some of the config sources. Check it. 15:24 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EA9EA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.") 15:25 < uppo> owl: yes but I didn't find a section about packages 15:25 < owl> uppo: but you choose "generic"? 15:26 < owl> guess the ./scripts/update-system is based on the config/default/* 15:26 < owl> then you have to edit the packages there 15:27 < uppo> no I have target "desktop" 15:27 < owl> the same there... 15:27 < owl> or you can choose "expert" ... and add/remove packages there in custom packages or so 15:29 < uppo> owl: ahh! Ok. 15:31 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:31 < holyolli> moin 15:32 < owl> hi holyolli 15:32 < holyolli> hi owl 15:32 < rolla> re holyolli 15:32 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M289P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 15:33 < holyolli> hi rolla 15:33 < rolla> how is flying going? 15:34 < holyolli> rolla: not that much...i'm now back in Germany and havin' (more ore less) fun with theory ;-) 15:35 < holyolli> but now i can finally continue my work on rock alpha, because I 15:35 < holyolli> have now again hardware access 15:37 < esden> holyolli: have you bought another alpha? 15:37 < netrunner> esden: dietlibc build finished? 15:38 < holyolli> esden: no, but my only alpha is now 6000 miles nearer ;-) 15:38 < holyolli> esden: hi, btw. 15:39 < esden> netrunner: yes ... but because rxr "fixed" zlib so that it also builds shared lib it broke 15:40 < esden> I will fix it in a moment when I cleaned up my build disc a bit 15:42 < holyolli> can anybody tell me the new svn url for updating the source? 15:42 < esden> holyolli: that is good ... 15:42 < esden> holyolli: I am nearly ready with getting dietlibc target working ... after that I will also continue alpha stuff 15:42 < starlord> holyolli:svn://schillernet.dyndns.org/rock-linux/trunk 15:42 < holyolli> esden: cool 15:43 < holyolli> starlord: thx 15:43 < esden> holyolli: I tryed to create a usable kernel for alpha with network _keyboard_, scsi and ide support 15:43 < esden> and I am not fully ready with it 15:43 < holyolli> esden: which kernelverion? 15:43 < esden> holyolli: 2.4.21 15:44 * holyolli just tried to compile it, but couldn't test that 15:44 < holyolli> esden: can you tell me when it's working? 15:44 < esden> holyolli: sure 16:14 < esden> what is the correct check if a string is contained in a variable under bash? 16:26 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: netrunner, uppo, kasc 16:27 -!- Netsplit over, joins: uppo, netrunner, kasc 16:34 < esden> rxr: ping 16:35 * netrunner stops fighting the dirt in the bathroom and turns to the kitchen 16:36 -!- owl [~owl@] has left #rocklinux ("...") 16:36 < netrunner> .o( my gf shall find a clean workplace when she comes home ) 16:45 < esden> hehe 16:47 < netrunner> *beg* my brother just came in and I asked him to help ... suddenly he remembered an urgent appointment and left in a hurry 16:47 < blindcoder> esden: if [ $x == `echo $x | sed 's,$y,,g'` ] ; then stfu(); fi 16:47 < blindcoder> esden: that's it :-) 16:49 < blindcoder> women... werld a better place... shoot them all... 16:49 * blindcoder --> back to laundry 16:50 < starlord> hmm,where do i find default kernel config for rock? 16:50 < starlord> from /usr/src/rock-src/ 16:51 < jsaw> esden: another possibilty I could think of is [ "$x" != "${x%$y}" ] 16:51 < starlord> i only see architecture/x86/kernel.conf.sh so this one creates it? 16:54 < jsaw> esden: correction, should read ${x//$y/} 16:56 < esden> jsaw: sounds good 16:56 < esden> thanks blindcoder, jsaw 16:56 < starlord> anyone can help me with the kernel.conf? 16:57 < starlord> err,tell me the location of default config that is 16:57 < esden> starlord: architecture/x86 ist the place you should search 16:57 < esden> it is bit more complicated because the config is being generated 16:58 -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@p3EE1E251.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:58 < starlord> i know,kernel.conf.sh seems to include other confs but i dont see them 16:59 < uppo> ehm, I did something wrong... 16:59 < uppo> mine -l | grep ^xemacs 16:59 < uppo> gives an empty output 17:04 < esden> starlord: architecture/share/ 17:04 < esden> sigh ... glibc needs so long to build >_< 17:05 < esden> now it is creating locale ... now I understand why fefe is not willing to include that crap in dietlibc! 17:05 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@pD95069A1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 17:10 -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD958F190.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:10 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F196.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 17:10 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder 17:12 < starlord> hmm,something is really wrong,where should $base point to? 17:13 < esden> starlord: IIRC to the ROCK sources toplevel directory 17:14 < starlord> hmm,any scripts that checks if needed env variables are set? $base isnt setted in my install 17:16 < esden> I do not think that there is anywhere such test ... 17:18 < esden> argh ... glibc is still building locale!!!! AAAARGH 17:22 < blindcoder> men and woman should not live under the same roof 17:22 < blindcoder> Onegai Twins as an anime that proofs this once again 17:34 -!- lhang [~lhang@cm19.omega166.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #rocklinux 17:35 -!- lhang [~lhang@cm19.omega166.maxonline.com.sg] has left #rocklinux () 17:41 < rxr> esden: pong 17:43 < rxr> starlord: $base is not set in edn-users shells - it is set inside the build scripts ....... during an automated build ... 17:43 * rxr shorly away ... 17:46 < esden> hmm ... 17:46 < esden> I needed something from you ... 17:46 < esden> but I can not remember anymore 17:46 < esden> have you put the images up? 17:48 < esden> rxr: how can I in a sane way manipulate kernel config from a target? 17:49 < esden> I do not want to provide a full config like bootdisc target does 17:49 -!- Nebukadnezea is now known as Nebu^n64 17:49 < esden> I only want to disable/anable some particular things 17:49 < esden> s/anable/enable/ 17:51 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M289P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 17:56 < rxr> esden: the bootdisk target does not provide a full config 17:56 < rxr> esden: another example is the desktop target ... 17:56 -!- lhang [~lhang@cm19.omega166.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #rocklinux 17:56 * rxr away ... 17:59 < esden> rxr: ok I will check that 18:01 -!- lhang [~lhang@cm19.omega166.maxonline.com.sg] has left #rocklinux () 18:07 < starlord> damm,kernel 2.6 doesnt compile 18:09 < esden> it does here 18:10 < starlord> mine halts on acpi compile 18:14 < starlord> crap,and Emerge-Pkg doesnt halt on broken package build event that i enabled it Config 18:18 < starlord> esden:is it stable? 18:19 < n00kie> It compiled on my machine too 18:20 < esden> starlord: it is 2.6.0-test2 ... so it is going to be stable in near future 18:20 < starlord> hmm,i'm getting undefined recerences to eisa_set_level_irq and ahc_linux_pci_exit 18:20 < starlord> happen to know which module uses those,so i can disable them? :) 18:24 < esden> starlord: try to update to 2.6.0-test3 perhups then the error will go away 18:37 -!- Nebukadnezea [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-132.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:38 -!- Nebukadnezea [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-132.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18:45 -!- lhang [~lhang@cm19.omega166.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #rocklinux 18:46 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 18:46 < netrunner> esden: cannot be fault of the kernel, since it compiles here and at yours. 18:47 < Mike1> moin all 18:47 < Mike1> PING blindcoder 18:47 < starlord> just got it to work 18:47 < starlord> kernel that is 18:48 < starlord> atleast image builded,hopefully modules will too 18:50 < starlord> plaah,isdn module fails,but i dont need it anyway 18:55 -!- uppo [~uppo@] has quit (""go home"") 18:59 < rxr> starlord: I'm curious: are you currently converting an self-grown dist to ROCK or similar? 19:00 < netrunner> hm ... eine 32bit pc-card mit 100MBit ohne dongle fuer 29EUR, klingt guenstig, oder? 19:01 < rxr> netrunner: I do not buy such devices that often ... 19:01 < netrunner> urgs, sorry, wrong lang or chan ;) for the curious: I found a 32bit pc card with 100MBit without dongle that costs only 30EUR 19:02 < netrunner> rxr: well, I already have 2 cards with broken dongle here, so I am looking around for a dongle-free version :) 19:05 < starlord> rxr:no,i installed base system from rock-beta6 minimal cd and started to install from there 19:09 < esden> hmm ... the the data that should go on initrd are too big and/or the initrd image is too small ... 19:10 < esden> or I have done something wrong ... 19:10 < esden> what is also possible 19:10 -!- javisiu [~javier@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #RockLinux 19:10 < esden> boah ... 9 bootdiscs created ... 19:10 < esden> that is big! 19:11 < esden> I increased the size of initrd for now ... I hope it will be bootable 19:11 -!- javisiu [~javier@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Client Quit) 19:13 < netrunner> esden: what is your problem with bootdisk? 19:13 < esden> netrunner: the problem was that when creating the initrd image it failed with "no space left on device" error 19:13 < esden> now I increased the size of initrd and it works ... 19:13 < netrunner> esden: as of 1140 everything was fixed and fits. 19:14 < esden> netrunner: aaaahhhh ok 19:14 < netrunner> esden: that was probably the version where kiss was copied from the host-root 19:14 < netrunner> that had 600K and squashed the initrd :) 19:15 < esden> I disabled kiss ... 19:15 < netrunner> btw, the bootdisks don't work anyway. I maybe have time tonight for fixing that. 19:15 < esden> netrunner: *sigh* 19:15 < esden> netrunner: do it NOW ;-) 19:15 * netrunner looking around ... lots of things to move out of sight before now. 19:15 < netrunner> esden: oh, you cannot boot from cd? 19:15 < esden> I want to release the first dietlibc iso today! 19:16 < esden> that is bootable and installable 19:16 < netrunner> esden: the cd is bootable, only the disk images do not work. 19:16 < esden> ahh ok 19:16 < esden> that is a difference 19:16 < netrunner> esden: want a patch for pcmcia-support? :) 19:16 < esden> I do not need discs ;) 19:16 < netrunner> oh, sorry, I was not clear. floppy does not work, compact disc does :) 19:18 < esden> hmm ... fscking kernel config!!! 19:18 < esden> I do not want that crappy ZLIB_INFLATE stuff!!! 19:18 < esden> what crap does depend on it? 19:18 < esden> besides the iso compression 19:22 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit ("X-Chat: Leggo my Eggo!") 19:23 < netrunner> hm? scripts/CreateDiff creates -p0 patches? 19:25 < esden> netrunner: not really ... it should create -p1 patches 19:28 < netrunner> esden: this one just applied with -p0 only. 19:28 < netrunner> esden: I'll send it to the list anyway. what were the tags I have to write there? applied,built,tested? 19:29 < esden> compiled installed tested checked flist checked dep list 19:29 < esden> applied is also nice 19:30 < netrunner> esden: applied is more or less a joke :) 19:30 < esden> ohh ... really? ;) 19:30 < netrunner> but this one really only applies with -p0 ... but I created it with scripts/Create-Diff 19:30 -!- lhang [~lhang@cm19.omega166.maxonline.com.sg] has left #rocklinux () 19:31 < netrunner> urgs, what came over me ... I didnt.. 19:31 < esden> tztztz 19:31 < netrunner> I am totally subversioned, I used svn diff ... without ever having heard of this command before :/ 19:31 < esden> hehehe 19:31 < esden> netrunner: you are bizarre 19:32 < netrunner> esden: that comes from cleaning the appartment for the whole day. my hands look like a womans 19:32 * netrunner shrugs 19:34 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has quit ("Client exited") 19:35 < esden> netrunner: pooor boy ;) 19:36 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M289P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 19:37 < esden> AAARGH give me something to kill!!! 19:37 < esden> I hate that! 19:39 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M316P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 19:40 -!- rxr is now known as regina 19:46 * netrunner feels so inactive :( 19:50 < esden> netrunner: interactive with what? Who? 19:51 < netrunner> esden: I still have to clean up my room by tonight, but I lost all my energy. And it didn't even come back by eating 200g white chocolate :( 19:56 < netrunner> where's the difference between _exit() and exit()? 20:01 -!- owl__ is now known as owl 20:01 < owl> moin 20:03 < netrunner> muahaha "Microsoft Worms Crash Ohio Nuke Plant, MD Trains" 20:04 < SMP> netrunner: see the _exit manpage 20:05 * netrunner feels slammed with the rtfm-fist 20:20 < owl> poor netrunner 20:24 -!- regina is now known as rxr 20:24 < owl> O_o rxr is mutating? 20:26 < esden> owl: no that was only resource sharing ;) 20:31 < owl> esden: resource sharing? what resources? 20:31 * netrunner headbanging his table ... 20:32 < esden> ROFL 20:32 < owl> netrunner: ??? could it be, that you're in strange mood? 20:33 * netrunner continues headbanging the table... 20:33 < owl> hilfeee!!! ich werd' erwuergt! 20:38 < netrunner> hm ... without light the chaos here is almost invisible ... as long as you don't try to walk from a to b 20:38 -!- christian [~christian@p50839C2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:38 < owl> thought you cleaned up? 20:38 < netrunner> not yet. just kitchen and bathroom. but that alone already took the day. 20:39 < netrunner> every once in a year ... 20:42 < owl> O_o 20:42 * owl doesn't really want to know how many "bewohner" you have in your room... 20:45 < owl> wtf?!!!!!!!!! i want to Emerge-Pkg -dep a gcc2, gcc3, libc23....... ???????? 20:45 * owl doesn't understand the concept of this strange emerge and/or world anymore 20:46 < esden> netrunner: you are a conehead ;) 20:48 < netrunner> owl: I dont know either since I realized the floor starts running away when I chase it with a damp cloth 20:50 < esden> netrunner: what is the name of that stuff and where can it be bought? 20:51 < esden> I think I go hunting ... 20:51 < esden> cu l8er 20:51 < netrunner> cu esden 20:52 < owl> netrunner: kammerjaeger... :p 21:18 -!- christian [~christian@p50839C2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 21:38 * -> esden cooking noodles 22:01 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux 22:02 * netrunner back from that magic room where it rains inside. 22:09 < rxr> netrunner: ? 22:10 < netrunner> rxr: shower *g* 22:11 -!- Nebu^n64 is now known as Nebukadneza 22:13 < esden> netrunner: very magic room ... 22:13 < esden> *lol* 22:13 * -> esden watching a box with changing colors inside ;) 22:15 < esden> fsck I need perl to compile the kernel 22:15 < esden> that really sux 22:16 < esden> such a dependancy is a no do in a kernel 22:16 < esden> *GRR* 22:16 < rxr> the announce of -camp on freshmeat increased the traffic by 8GB per day ... 22:16 < esden> yes I know there was a long discussion about that on the kernel mailinglist 22:16 < esden> rxr: sounds good ;) 22:18 < rxr> from 5 to 13 GB/day ... 22:18 < rxr> oh even 15.33 today ... (so far) 22:23 < rxr> netrunner: thanks for the patch - I'll merge this soon 22:23 < netrunner> esden: perl for the kernel? 22:23 < rxr> btw: what should we do with teh minimal+xfree thing? Apply even when we do not want to have a target per special package selection? 22:24 < rxr> or apply in 2.0 and do it cleaner in 2.1 ? 22:24 < netrunner> rxr: hope you like it, I am not the best with c ;) 22:24 < esden> netrunner: yes 22:24 < netrunner> rxr: the latter sounds better to me. could impress visitors :) 22:25 < esden> make[2]: Entering directory `/R.src/linux-2.4.21/drivers/scsi' 22:25 < esden> ln -sf sim710.scr fake7.c 22:25 < esden> kcc-3 -E -D__KERNEL__ -I/R.src/linux-2.4.21/include -traditional -DCHIP=710 fake7.c | grep -v '^#' | perl -s script_asm.pl -ncr710 22:25 < esden> /bin/sh: line 1: perl: command not found 22:25 < esden> make[2]: *** [sim710_d.h] Error 127 22:25 < netrunner> esden: I really like perl, but for the kernel ... 22:26 < rxr> esden: maybe it is the time to fix perl for dietlibc ... 22:29 < esden> yes ... I already added perl to dietlibc target 22:29 < esden> but I still need fdlibm to get perl running 22:29 < esden> you know what I love french films! 22:29 < esden> ok ... enough of watching tv 22:29 < esden> I try to get fdlibm running in rocklinux 22:49 < mnemoc> anybody familiar with mod_perl? 22:57 -!- javisiu [~javier@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #RockLinux 23:04 < rxr> hi javisiu 23:08 * Mike1 is back 23:08 < Mike1> re all. 23:12 < rxr> hi Mike1 - how are you ? 23:14 -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@p3EE1E251.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (""reboot"") 23:15 < Mike1> rxr: i'm doing great and you ? 23:18 * Mike1 having lunch 23:18 -!- javisiu [~javier@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit () 23:19 < rxr> Mike1: I'm about to quite my pace job ... 23:19 < rxr> and so I feel much better now ... 23:26 -!- christian [~christian@p50839C2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:27 < christian> rööö :) 23:27 < rxr> hi christian 23:30 -!- christian [~christian@p50839C2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 23:31 -!- christian [~christian@p50839C2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:37 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EABF16.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:45 < tcr> Pah, 3 kernel oops on one day, so either 2.4.21 is absolutely buggy or (more likely) my RAM is partially defect 23:58 < rxr> 2.4.21 works just great here ... --- Log closed Fri Aug 22 00:00:17 2003