--- Log opened Fri Aug 22 00:00:17 2003 --- Day changed Fri Aug 22 2003 00:00 < tcr> Yeah, it also seems to be some hdd issue 00:01 < tcr> linux "attempt[s] to access beyond end of device" 00:02 -!- christian [~christian@p50839C2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 00:06 -!- christian [~christian@p50839C2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:07 < rxr> tcr: oO 00:07 < rxr> tcr: often invalid partition table .. 00:11 < tcr> Yeah, thought so too. Will test look after that tomorrow 00:21 -!- christian [~christian@p50839C2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 00:39 < daja77> re 00:39 < netrunner> daja77: that means deer in english. 00:40 < daja77> :P 00:41 * daja77 got the task of creating the official cdrom for chemnitzer linuxtag, sounds like a job for rock to me 00:42 < netrunner> daja77: what should be on the cd, a dist? 00:42 < daja77> it should boot, and containing mp3s and videos 00:43 < daja77> of course one could take a modified knoppix for that ... 00:44 < netrunner> hm ... livecd? ... I havent heard of a live-rock yet ... at least no working. 00:44 < netrunner> but it does not seem so hard to me ... 00:44 * netrunner -> get 2h sleep 00:44 < daja77> well the linuxtag is in march next yes, so i have some time ;-) 00:45 < netrunner> daja77: I bet it will be finished until then :) 00:50 < daja77> hehe 00:50 < daja77> gn8 netrunner 00:50 < daja77> Error logs from generic-2.0.0-rc1-x86-pentium-32-generic-expert: 00:50 < daja77> 00:50 < daja77> [5] base/sendmail [5] rene/lm_sensors 00:50 < daja77> 00:50 < daja77> 908 builds total, 300 completed fine, 2 with errors. 00:51 * daja77 jumps around 01:00 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EABF16.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.") 01:07 < esden> hehe 01:07 < esden> women ... that is always so much work ;) 01:08 < esden> daja77: rene packets? 01:08 < esden> uh oh 01:12 < daja77> *ggg* 01:14 * daja77 playing with subversion 01:15 < esden> you want to berak in and get write access? ;) 01:16 < esden> you old cracker ;) 01:16 < daja77> hehehe, no local subversion for studienarbeit 01:16 < esden> ahh ok ;) 01:16 < daja77> .oO you don't like old guys ... 01:16 < daja77> rev 27 ;) 01:17 < esden> I am also old enough if you ask me ... 01:17 < esden> but on other side I would prefere currently to be at least one year older ;) 01:17 < daja77> yeah let's join the buena vista social club 01:17 < Nebukadneza> hey 01:18 < Nebukadneza> anyone here who knows "dar"? 01:18 < esden> "politekonomische strategie" what an expression 01:18 < esden> that should be forbidden 01:18 < daja77> btw the installed user base in C grows still ;) 01:18 < esden> daja77: ??? 01:19 < esden> buzz buzz buzz ;) 01:20 < daja77> later this day, someone will come to me with his laptog, and on weekend i have another scheduled installation 01:20 < daja77> hopefully with new rock cds 01:20 < esden> daja77: should I send you my dietlibc installation cd? ;) 01:21 < esden> the kernel still has to be provided from somewhere else but it is usable by now 01:21 < daja77> no thx, would not help a freshly converted win user 01:22 < esden> daja77: they do not know what is good ;) 01:23 < esden> but it is like trying to convert someone from hiphop to jazz and start with new age jazz ;) 01:23 < daja77> hehe 01:24 < daja77> esden: btw the x compile bugs on the rh box at works were optimization bugs (pentium3) ;) 01:24 < esden> ohh ... ok ... that was expectable ... 01:25 < daja77> it still sucks 01:28 < esden> do not ask me what I have to do to gcc to get it compile all applications in dietlibc target ... 01:28 < esden> really you do not want to know that ... 01:29 < daja77> right i don't ... 01:35 < daja77> so now realtime target compiles like a charm apart from rtai package ;-) 01:40 < esden> lool 01:40 < esden> that is funny ;) 01:42 < daja77> hmm yes when i have to fix it 01:44 * daja77 just thinking of cool rock scripts to create a multimedia cdrom ... 01:48 * daja77 off to bed, cu 01:53 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps") 02:15 < Mike1> ... 02:25 < n00kie> hmm 02:37 < rxr> cool sed seems ROCK 02:38 < n00kie> sed is cool, it's very usefull some times :) 03:11 -!- Nebukadneza is now known as echo_reply 03:11 -!- echo_reply is now known as Nebukadneza 03:39 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M314P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 03:47 < rxr> n00kie_: sure I know that sed is useful - I use it in the ROCK script all the time - but I was just astonished about soem recursive useage I never tried before ... 03:50 < n00kie_> Know we know :) 03:51 < n00kie_> Err 03:51 < n00kie_> Now 03:52 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M316P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 04:06 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090B246.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04:07 -!- Nebukadneza is now known as nebu^bett 04:11 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090B220.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 04:18 < n00kie_> good night 04:45 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M314P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 05:19 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: netrunner, daja77, owl, rolla, praenti, Freak, jvc, nebu^bett, blindcoder, rxr, (+6 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 05:20 -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, aszlig, kasc, Mike1, blindcoder, netrunner, nebu^bett, owl, true, SMP (+6 more) 05:58 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@volans.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de] has joined #rocklinux 06:42 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 06:56 -!- daddel9_ [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-037.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:05 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 07:07 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has quit ("Client exited") 07:14 -!- nebu^bett [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-132.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08:21 < blindcoder> moin 09:19 -!- owl [~owl@aszlig.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 09:19 -!- owl__ [~owl@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:20 -!- owl [~owl@] has joined #rocklinux 09:20 < owl> moin 09:30 < blindcoder> moin moin 09:52 -!- uppo [~uppo@hook.math.unifi.it] has joined #rocklinux 10:03 -!- uppo [~uppo@hook.math.unifi.it] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 10:13 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EA98ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:22 < tcr> moin all 10:27 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 10:55 -!- LocalHero [~chatzilla@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 10:55 < LocalHero> Hi all 10:56 < LocalHero> Huh, there is no index file on www.rocklinux.org :( 10:57 < owl> hi starlord , LocalHero 10:57 < LocalHero> owl, your iso is now publiced. I will work on the html interface l8er today :) 10:59 < owl> LocalHero: k. thx 11:05 -!- martin [~martin@pD9E7B266.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:05 < starlord> hi owl 11:06 < martin> hi all 11:19 < LocalHero> hi martin 11:20 < martin> Hello LocalHero 11:20 < LocalHero> wow, got to go, cya all 11:20 -!- LocalHero [~chatzilla@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.34 [Mozilla rv:1.5a/20030718]") 11:30 -!- martin [~martin@pD9E7B266.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("bye bye") 11:51 -!- A-Dur [~questi@dsl-213-023-012-086.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:52 < A-Dur> hallo 11:52 < A-Dur> hat einer von euch den dennis in lezter zeit gesehen? 11:55 < owl> set LANG=en_US 11:56 < owl> and: #define in_letzter_zeit ? 11:56 < A-Dur> gestern oder heute 11:56 < owl> nope 11:57 < owl> y? 11:57 < A-Dur> ich müsste ihn sprechen wegen samstag 11:57 < owl> english please! 11:57 < owl> hm. write him a mail 11:58 < A-Dur> oh yeah that's a great idea 11:58 < owl> O_o 11:58 < A-Dur> ok ... now i have to quit 11:58 < A-Dur> cu and have a good time 11:58 < owl> bye 11:58 < A-Dur> ;-) 11:58 < A-Dur> bye 11:58 < A-Dur> thank you 11:58 -!- A-Dur [~questi@dsl-213-023-012-086.arcor-ip.net] has quit () 12:01 < blindcoder> away gone 12:01 < owl> bye blindcoder 12:23 < rxr> ~re 12:23 < owl> wb 12:28 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@volans.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de] has quit ("Client Exiting") 12:41 < daja77> *yawn* moin 12:42 < rxr> moin daja77 12:42 < daja77> moin rxr 12:42 < daja77> 656 builds total, 500 completed fine, 7 with errors. 12:42 < daja77> ;-) 12:42 < rxr> full desktop build - finished last night ... 12:42 < rxr> 725 builds total, 715 completed fine, 10 with errors. 12:42 < rxr> [5] rene/lm_sensors [5] rene/auctex 12:42 < rxr> [5] gnome2/libgnomedb08 [5] gnome2/mergeant011 12:42 < rxr> [5] kde31/kdemultimedia31 [5] rene/blender 12:42 < rxr> [5] rene/pixieplus [5] rene/kmatplot 12:42 < rxr> [5] rene/coda [5] kasc/kapitalist 12:43 < rxr> I'll fix now: rene/lm_sensors rene/auctex kde31/kdemultimedia31 12:43 < rxr> other contributions would be nice ... 12:43 < daja77> [5] rene/lm_sensors [5] rene/auctex 12:43 < daja77> [5] rene/ewl [5] gnome2/libgnomedb08 12:43 < daja77> [5] gnome2/mergeant011 [5] kde31/kdemultimedia31 12:43 < daja77> [5] rene/blender 12:43 < rxr> I'll test this build - and if it also installs nice and runs ok I'll tag it 2.0.0-dev-meeting ... 12:45 -!- uppo [~uppo@hook.math.unifi.it] has joined #rocklinux 12:46 < daja77> weee even rtai package works when switching optimization back to pentium-mmx 12:47 < rxr> daja77: congrtas! 12:47 < daja77> all the trouble I had were due pentium3 optimization ... 12:48 < owl> weeeeeeeeee! i'm alone in office now O_o 12:48 < daja77> have fun 12:49 < owl> thx. i will have. *switching from earphones to nice loudspeakers* 12:49 < rxr> owl: yeah - destroy it ! 12:49 < owl> rxr: why destroying? 12:49 < rxr> owl: you fotgot? it is evil ... 12:49 < rxr> as the wohle world is 12:50 < owl> rxr: the loudspeaker? 12:50 < owl> ... 13:01 < daja77> well that mean i can release patches, but will tag target as experimental 13:08 -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p50802D2C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:18 < tcr> Hum hum, memtest86 is already at 998 errors 13:19 < tcr> the ram chip has defect gaps like swis cheese 13:19 < tcr> bbl 13:19 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EA98ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.") 13:25 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802CF8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13:33 < esden> hi all 13:34 < owl> hi esden 13:45 < esden> argh ... there is no real tarball of fdlibm anywhere!!! 13:45 < esden> that sux >_< 13:51 < rxr> hi esden 13:54 -!- uppo [~uppo@hook.math.unifi.it] has quit ("Client exiting") 13:57 < daja77> hi esden 13:58 < daja77> ok another laptop installed with rock 13:58 < starlord> daja77:i still stuck in installing my laptop :) 13:59 < daja77> hehe this is a siemens laptop and works like a charm 13:59 < daja77> surprisingly 13:59 < starlord> i got kernel 2.6 compiled but after reboot nothing works,now i'm in rescue mode and trying to build kernel 2.4 14:00 < starlord> i have fujitsu-siemens also 14:01 < daja77> may the force be with you 14:01 < esden> starlord: why have you not kept the 2.4 kernel somewhere? 14:01 < starlord> esden:i have but even if i try to boot with 2.4 or 2.6 it still hangs during boot,but it looks like 2.4 doesnt build either 14:03 < esden> that is very strange 14:04 < blindcoder> esden: today 17:30 at bitz 14:04 < blindcoder> esden: bring the beamer! 14:04 < daja77> oh you watching pron without me ;-) 14:06 < blindcoder> daja77: nah, just sut for dinner :) 14:06 < blindcoder> so that esden will get something to eat once in a while :) 14:08 < esden> blindcoder: why the beamer? 14:14 < blindcoder> esden: because bingpo wants it back? 14:22 < esden> I will bring it ... 14:23 < esden> hehe ... vim compiled in dietlibc target without any tweaks 14:23 < esden> that is nice 14:28 * blindcoder off agagin 14:28 < blindcoder> esden: don't be late or you don't get anything to eat :) 14:28 < blindcoder> can someone please remind him around 17:30? 14:28 < esden> I am in munich now so I should be reminded at 16 ;) 14:29 < blindcoder> just be here, okay? 14:30 < esden> I will be there ... 14:32 -!- daddel9_ is now known as Nebukadneza 14:41 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-037.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 14:43 < rxr> esden: how big is a statically linked vim w/ dietlibc ? 14:43 < rxr> btw: you should also test what apps really run - my first kiss try segfaulted ... 14:43 < rxr> thus the not only compile fixes but also real code modificatons ... 14:46 < esden> mom 14:46 < esden> 844k 14:47 < esden> the vim is also working like a charm ... 14:47 < netrunne1> moin 14:47 < esden> moin netrunne1 14:47 < netrunne1> argl 14:47 -!- netrunne1 is now known as netrunner 14:47 < esden> *GG* 14:48 < netrunner> can anybody recommend a picture gallery that also can handle movie files? 14:49 < netrunner> I am quite content with cthumb, since I wrote a wrapper of almost same size to handle updates nicelly, but the bigger the gallery gets, the confusing is the single frontpage :( 14:53 < owl> someone wants a w32.*.klez virus? 14:54 < esden> owl: gates wants it for sure! 14:54 < owl> esden: billg@microsoft.com? 14:54 < esden> probably ... yes 14:59 < owl> *sigh* 15:01 < owl> ~ dein leben dreht sich nur im kreis so voll von weggeworfener zeit. deine traeume schiebst du endlos vor dir her. du willst noch leben irgendwann ...~ 15:02 < esden> owl: get a life 15:02 < owl> esden: hahaha. thx. now i'm rotfling on the floor about this bad joke! 15:03 < owl> and: i still didn't find "life" on ebay or stuff. 15:04 < esden> that was not a joke that was serious 15:04 < owl> how should you "get life"? eh? 15:05 < esden> stopping to complain all the time and start to live 15:05 < owl> hahahy! 15:05 < owl> yes! that was what i wwanted to hear! congrats, esden ! you made me feel soooooooooooooooooooooo happy! 15:06 -!- owl [~owl@] has left #rocklinux ("habt mich doch gerne!") 15:06 < esden> lol ... always the same ... one says the truth and she goes away 15:09 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-037.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:11 < esden> ok ... I leave for IN 15:11 < esden> bbl 15:13 < daja77> cu esden 15:14 < rolla> gah 15:14 < daja77> lol esden scared owl away 15:15 < daja77> hi rolla 15:16 < rolla> re daja77 15:16 < rolla> daja77: are there any men's only club and stuff in DE? 15:16 < daja77> hm? 15:17 < rolla> say a golf club 15:17 < daja77> we have golf clubs but dunno if they are men's onlx 15:17 < daja77> only 15:18 * daja77 notes that he was never interested in golf 15:18 < rolla> true 15:18 < daja77> well the lions and rotary clubs are men's only afaik 15:18 < rolla> I am just trying to figure out if you have these radical womens groups in de 15:18 < daja77> not that i know of 15:21 < netrunner> https://waterworld.dyndns.org/~andreas/publicgallery/rocklinux%20-%20devmeeting0308_small.html 15:22 < daja77> *lol* while we are talking about radical womens groups, a professor announces in local news a Junior Women Banker Brunch, rolf 15:22 < daja77> rofl 15:22 < daja77> d'oh 15:24 < rolla> :) 15:24 < rolla> netrunner: it needs titles of who people are 15:24 < daja77> nice pics 15:24 < daja77> rolla: /me is on the first pic ;) 15:25 < netrunner> rolla: better leave it anonymous if you look at some of them ;) 15:25 < rolla> yeah 15:25 < rolla> ha ha 15:27 < rolla> who's house is that 15:28 < daja77> it is clifford's place 15:28 < rolla> that is one nice place 15:28 < daja77> the house of his parents 15:28 < rolla> ah 15:28 < daja77> yes I like it too 15:28 < rolla> https://waterworld.dyndns.org/~andreas/publicgallery/rocklinux/devmeeting0308/img_2583-20-0.html 15:29 < rolla> what the heck is going on in that picture 15:32 < Freak> lol 15:32 < Freak> druqs! 15:33 < daja77> rock linux in action 15:33 < Freak> hehehe 15:33 < rolla> crazy 15:33 < daja77> rolla: sure 15:33 < rolla> makes me wonder about you people 15:34 < daja77> hey we had fun at the meeting ... 15:35 < rolla> I bet 15:36 * daja77 notes that netrunner's cam sucks ;-) 15:37 < rolla> :) 15:37 < daja77> the sushi plates are cool 15:37 < netrunner> daja77: what's wrong with my cam? 15:37 < daja77> some pictures are really dark ;) 15:38 < netrunner> that's when I switch of the flash 15:38 < daja77> ic 15:39 < daja77> cool photos anyway 15:41 < rolla> so netrunner who is the girl in the bikni 15:41 < daja77> netrunner: is the grinning guy in the background https://waterworld.dyndns.org/~andreas/publicgallery/rocklinux/devmeeting0308/img_2583-20-0.html 15:41 < daja77> d'oh 15:41 < daja77> https://waterworld.dyndns.org/~andreas/publicgallery/rocklinux/devmeeting0308_small/img_2607-small-21-0.html 15:46 < Freak> whose box is that? 15:47 < Freak> can someone make a tarbz2ball? 15:47 < netrunner> Freak: what box? 15:48 < Freak> waterworld 15:48 < netrunner> mine 15:48 < Freak> so would you? 15:48 < Freak> only the bigpics, ma'am 15:48 < Freak> *g 15:48 < netrunner> want the scaled or the bigsized? 15:48 < Freak> "big one, big one" 15:49 < Freak> (merry in lotr-fotr) 15:49 < daja77> guess he only wants the orgy photo ... 15:49 < Freak> nah have that one already 15:49 < Freak> but I collect photos 15:50 < Freak> and I wouldn't want to stress that box' connection too much 15:50 < Freak> e.g. by mirroring it and then deleting all html or smallimages 15:50 < Freak> tho wget should be able to not-download them 15:51 < netrunner> Freak: you eph1l mirrorer! 15:51 < Freak> see thats why I asked :) 15:52 * daja77 thought of locally mirroring them too 15:52 < Freak> but I don't actually mirror things for public unasked :) 15:52 < Freak> lx 15:52 < Freak> ly 15:52 < Freak> unaskedly 15:52 < Freak> hum :) 15:55 < netrunner> Freak: https://waterworld.dyndns.org/~andreas/download/ 15:55 < Freak> papa.zip? :) 15:55 < daja77> lol 15:55 < netrunner> Freak: no, not that one :) 15:55 < rolla> netrunner: you need captions :P 15:56 < Freak> which one? 15:56 < netrunner> rolla: I thought rocklinux-devmeeting.tar.bz2 speaks for itself. 15:56 < Freak> doesnt list 15:56 < rolla> :P 15:56 < netrunner> oh, wrong downloaddir :) 15:56 < rolla> not for the people who where not there 15:56 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-037.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 15:57 < rolla> so people know that the blonde is the girl esden is/was after 15:57 < daja77> *ggg* 15:57 < Freak> who was/is she anyways? 15:57 < daja77> a friend of rxr's gf 15:57 < netrunner> Freak: hm ... if I think about it ... better wait if everybody approved the images, maybe those naked guys object ... wouldn't be fair to put those pics into public if they do not want. 15:57 < Freak> ah 15:58 < Freak> isnt that a bit too late? 15:58 < daja77> netrunner: this chan is logged, so it is already public 15:58 < Freak> :) 15:58 < netrunner> daja77: but I can still simply remove them. 15:58 < daja77> yeah of course that would be lame ... 15:58 < rolla> :P 15:58 < Freak> comeon they all approved to be taken photos of.. 15:58 < Freak> they KNEW what they risked :) 15:59 < daja77> hehe dunno if they all knew netrunner 15:59 < Freak> I can still simply mirror your site.. :) 15:59 < Freak> but I dont 16:00 * daja77 wondering if the girls at deb dev meetings are better 16:01 < netrunner> daja77: there was a nice girl at the camp, that I was not the only one to secretly take pictures off :) 16:01 * netrunner 's camp pics are also in that gallery. 16:01 < daja77> ha you just removed the fun photos 16:02 < netrunner> daja77: didn't want to be mean. 16:02 < daja77> ic 16:02 < netrunner> Freak: look again in my download dir, there should now be a tarball for you. 16:02 < Freak> duh forget it I don't want the censored stuff 16:03 < Freak> thanks anyways 16:03 < netrunner> Freak: ok, I'll ask the people in the pics and then maybe put them back into public. 16:05 < daja77> anybody else made pictures there? 16:06 < Freak> uncensored galleries available? 16:06 < Freak> ;) 16:06 < daja77> nah iirc esden took some pictures with analog camera 16:07 < Freak> uh 16:07 * Freak hates analogue things 16:07 < daja77> hehe so you only like digital girls *ggg* 16:08 < Freak> eXACTly my point. 16:09 < netrunner> Freak: if you need naked girls electronically, I have here some 200G of moving pictures ... 16:09 < Freak> lol 16:09 < rolla> ha ha 16:09 < Freak> yes sure 16:09 < daja77> hehe he said no word about that at dev meeting ... 16:10 * daja77 wondering how one could waste 200gb for that 16:10 < rolla> :) 16:14 < netrunner> daja77: I dont't announce things like that when girls are close ... drops a bad light on me you know ;) 16:15 < daja77> ahem could be true 16:15 < daja77> whom should I tell *vbeg* 16:15 < daja77> you could host rocklinux iso images instead ... 16:22 < netrunner> daja77: bad idea, I have traffic limit. 16:23 < Freak> really? 16:23 < Freak> upstream too? 16:26 < netrunner> Freak: they count overall traffic, at least that is what I think. 16:26 < daja77> find it out 16:26 * daja77 thought that netrunner has a streaming pron server 16:26 < netrunner> if I knew who would take my domain into his dns, then I would switch the contract to dfn. 16:27 < netrunner> daja77: nope, just for private use :) 16:28 < daja77> so no streaming pron server target from you for rock *ggg* 16:29 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950E0B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:29 < rolla> netrunner: you have your own domain 16:31 -!- tsa [tsa@p5082DC8F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:31 < tsa> hi all 16:32 < daja77> hi tsa 16:38 < tsa> hmmm. 16:38 < tsa> ...devfs obsolete for linux 2.6? 16:38 < tsa> https://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0308.2/0042.html 16:42 < daja77> *hmpf* 16:46 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:46 < holyolli> moin 16:46 < rolla> re holyolli 16:46 < holyolli> hi rolla 16:47 < daja77> hi holyolli 16:47 < holyolli> hi daja77 16:49 < netrunner> rolla: i have 100 mb webspace and a domain that came with my dsl contract. but I want to keep the domain name. 16:50 < rolla> :) 16:50 < daja77> netrunner.net ;) 16:52 < starlord> hmm.did someone have siemens laptop? 16:54 < rolla> netrunner: you drive a BMW? 17:00 * daja77 wondering what car rolla has 17:00 < daja77> rev 1147, cool 17:03 < starlord> dja77:did you have siemens laptop? 17:03 < daja77> no i just installed rock on one today 17:06 < dennis> hi 17:06 * daja77 tries to avoid siemens labeled computers 17:07 < starlord> daja77:why? 17:08 < daja77> oh and getting first support question per mail ... 17:09 < daja77> starlord: they are sort of uncool, mor hw problems than benefits 17:10 -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD9E4F717.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:10 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F190.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 17:11 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder 17:12 < starlord> daja77:did you get X to work on that notebook,i cant figure out what to put v & h refresh rates 17:12 < daja77> yepp worked with vesa driver 17:12 < starlord> what model was it? Amilo/Lifebook? 17:12 < daja77> v & h rates should be detected automagically 17:13 < daja77> uhmm forgot it sorry 17:16 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 17:16 < Mike1> moin 17:16 < daja77> moin Mike1 17:16 < Mike1> hi daja77 :) 17:16 < holyolli> hi Mike1 17:16 < Mike1> ping alcoholy? 17:16 < Mike1> ah hi :) 17:17 < tsa> hi Mike1 17:17 < Mike1> tsa :) 17:17 < Mike1> holyolli: finally back in deutschland? 17:17 < rolla> re Mike1 17:17 < Mike1> rolla: 17:17 < daja77> Mike1: watch out for these https://waterworld.dyndns.org/~andreas/publicgallery/rocklinux%20-%20devmeeting0308_small.html 17:17 < holyolli> Mike1: yes, and also finally inet 17:18 < Mike1> daja77: what is it about? 17:18 < Mike1> holyolli: good to hear 17:18 < daja77> dev meeting photos 17:18 < Mike1> daja77: cool thank you 17:18 < daja77> kindly provided by netrunner 17:21 < Mike1> daja77: thanks for sharing the pics with me.. i didn't bother to ask this time, as last time i guess i anoyed everybody. 17:21 < daja77> huh? 17:21 < Mike1> nevermind 17:22 < Mike1> hehe and you are right on the very first picture :) 17:22 < daja77> I told rolla too who the blonde is ;-) 17:22 < Mike1> daja77: is it Regina? 17:22 < daja77> yepp 17:22 < Mike1> ok 17:28 -!- tsa [tsa@p5082DC8F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("*plopp*") 17:30 * daja77 now writing mail with rt patches 17:34 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-037.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:37 < daja77> ok so now you can beat me for it 17:38 -!- tsa [tsa@p5082D880.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:38 < tsa> re 17:38 < tsa> Linux azathoth 2.4.21-ck3-ow2-nfcvs #1 SMP Fri Aug 22 17:11:27 CEST 2003 i686 unknown 17:38 < tsa> ;) 17:38 < daja77> hm? 17:39 < daja77> .oO don't know these trees 17:40 < tsa> con kolivas kernel patches, openwall, some of the netfilter cvs stuff 17:40 < daja77> :) 17:40 < Mike1> hehe :) 17:40 < tsa> (https://members.optusnet.com.au/ckolivas/kernel/) 17:46 < esden> huhu ;) 17:46 < Mike1> hello esden 17:46 < daja77> huhu esden 17:46 < holyolli> hi esden 17:47 < daja77> esden: my rt patches are now on the list ... 17:48 < daja77> starlord: ok i asked again for the model it is a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo A 17:51 < starlord> daja77:ok 17:51 < daja77> ali chipset yuck 17:51 < starlord> crap,my x cant find radeon module 17:51 < daja77> what about vesa module 17:52 < starlord> yep,that works 17:52 < daja77> :) 17:52 < starlord> but i want radeon :) 18:02 -!- christian [~christian@pD9530703.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:02 < daja77> starlord: have fun ;-) 18:02 < christian> good evening :) 18:02 < daja77> hi christian 18:03 < christian> hi daja77 how are youß 18:03 < daja77> fine 18:03 < christian> hehe :) rock works wonderful again - thx to all developers :) 18:03 < daja77> christian: enjoy! 18:04 < christian> now i know how to install it alone without help - thx to the chan for support :) 18:04 < starlord> dadaa,now radeon works,hopefully also hw accleration 18:04 < daja77> starlord: enjoy! 18:06 -!- christian is now known as christ|an 18:09 < daja77> oh christ|an changed to leet 18:09 < christ|an> lol 18:09 < christ|an> i changed to my old nick - nothing else :) 18:09 < Mike1> 5p34k 1337 christ|an? 18:09 < Mike1> :) 18:10 < christ|an> to be leet is out - to use rock is in :) 18:10 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has quit ("bar") 18:14 < daja77> christ|an: pls don't tell the gentoo lusers 18:15 < christ|an> :) 18:16 < christ|an> no its not in to use it - it a logical result :) 18:16 < daja77> .oO you got infected 18:17 < christ|an> lol daja :) aight :) 18:23 * daja77 off to home 18:23 < daja77> cu 18:23 < dennis> cu daja77 19:20 < rxr> why don't you download the "adeos.patch" ? 19:20 < rxr> but first me of to the real world before the shops close ... 19:22 -!- tsa_ [tsa@p5082D298.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:22 < tsa_> re 19:22 -!- tsa [tsa@p5082D880.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 19:23 -!- tsa_ is now known as tsa 19:26 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 19:38 < SMP> D package/kasc/kapitalist 19:38 < SMP> Updated to revision 1147. 19:38 < SMP> ? 19:42 < Mike1> hi SMP. 19:54 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit ("X-Chat: Ping-pong timeout") 19:55 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has quit ("btb") 20:00 < daja77> re 20:00 < Mike1> welcome back daja77 :) 20:00 < daja77> SMP: see ml 20:01 < SMP> jep, found it already 20:02 < daja77> no loss :) 20:04 < daja77> hehe rxr is doin real world shopping just as i did half an hour ago 20:05 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9530703.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 20:05 -!- christian [~christian@pD9530703.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:05 < christian> re 20:08 * daja77 laughing his @$$ off 20:08 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux 20:09 < Nebukadneza> owl__: here? 20:10 < daja77> there is a _big_ book about knoppix on the market, rotfl 20:11 < daja77> hi A-Tui 20:11 < A-Tui> hola daja77 20:11 < daja77> how are things in spain? 20:12 < mnemoc> hot 20:13 < daja77> huh, mnemoc in spain? 20:13 < mnemoc> no ;) 20:13 * mnemoc with tv 20:13 < A-Tui> daja77: nos it's raining :) 20:13 < mnemoc> wow 20:13 < A-Tui> s/nos/now 20:13 < christian> good 20:13 < A-Tui> but this summer was a very hot one 20:13 < daja77> A-Tui: enjoy! 20:13 < mnemoc> rain is good 20:13 < christian> its raining yeah baby :) 20:13 < A-Tui> yes mnemoc 20:14 < mnemoc> we had a dry winter here :( 20:14 < rolla> yawn 20:15 < daja77> rolla is always tired, hope it isn't the age ... 20:15 < A-Tui> mnemoc: we too, winter was very hard 20:15 < A-Tui> and summer too... :( 20:15 < A-Tui> i don't like hot 20:18 * daja77 heard political news from chile and argentina these days 20:18 < Mike1> hola Alejandro y Aitor 20:18 < mnemoc> more political news to come :( 20:18 < mnemoc> buen dia don miguel 20:18 < A-Tui> buenas tardes Mike1 :) 20:19 < daja77> you are not happy, i see 20:19 * Mike1 no se pone con-don 20:19 < daja77> .oO the spanisj takeover 20:19 * Mike1 switching to english :) 20:19 < daja77> spanish 20:19 < Mike1> tsts 20:19 < A-Tui> the "don" it's very very formal 20:20 < daja77> donna miguel ... 20:20 < A-Tui> only to write letters and that things 20:20 < A-Tui> XDDD 20:20 < Mike1> daja77: are you looking for problems? Aitor will kick your @$$ 20:20 < Mike1> :P 20:20 < A-Tui> hehe 20:20 < daja77> Mike1: he seems to be quite amused, so ... 20:21 * Mike1 gets his water pistol .. 20:21 < Mike1> oh yeah? 20:21 < A-Tui> more water today 20:21 < daja77> now donna gets angry 20:21 * daja77 runs away fast 20:22 < Mike1> fsck it. 20:22 < kasc> moin 20:22 * Mike1 back to asm 20:22 < daja77> moin kasc 20:22 < daja77> nice to see you around 20:22 < daja77> Mike1: just kidding 20:22 < kasc> thx 20:23 < kasc> been busy the last few weeks 20:24 < rolla> :) 20:24 < daja77> so now you got the diploma ;) 20:24 < kasc> unfortunately i still have lots of work to do till then ;) 20:24 * daja77 too 20:25 < kasc> think i'll be back with lots of time as soon as we start the 2.1 or so ;) 20:25 < daja77> ah next year 20:26 < kasc> "oh, so weit sind wir schon?" 20:26 < daja77> no i was just kidding 20:28 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950E0B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 20:31 < kasc> wonder what will come first: 2.0-absolutely-releaseable-final or rev 2000 20:31 < kasc> what do you think? 20:31 < tsa> rev 2000 20:31 < tsa> of course. 20:32 < daja77> I bet against it ;-) 20:34 < mnemoc> rolla: ping? 20:36 < Nebukadneza> 20:36 < daja77> what clent manages to do that 20:36 < daja77> client 20:36 < tsa> what? 20:36 < tsa> 20:36 < daja77> 20:37 < daja77> ah 20:37 < tsa> 20:37 < tsa> ;) 20:37 < daja77> ;) 20:42 -!- mistik1 [~mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20:42 -!- mistik1_ [mistik1@2001:618:400:0:0:0:44c0:2046] has joined #rocklinux 20:44 < rolla> re mnemoc 20:49 -!- mistik1_ is now known as mistik1 20:59 < daja77> hi mistik1 21:01 * daja77 now off watching dvd 21:15 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950E0B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:15 < dennis> re 21:19 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950E0B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal") 21:33 -!- CyBuX [CyBuX@] has joined #rocklinux 21:41 -!- CyBuX [CyBuX@] has quit () 21:46 < Nebukadneza> owl__: here? 21:59 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps") 22:25 -!- christian [~christian@pD9530703.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 22:27 -!- _headup_ [neonix@] has joined #rocklinux 22:31 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M298P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 22:32 < _headup_> byes 22:32 -!- _headup_ [neonix@] has left #rocklinux () 22:48 < rxr> re 22:49 < Mike1> hello rxr 22:49 < rxr> hi Mike1 22:55 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux 22:56 -!- Patrick_K [~Patrick@port-212-202-7-208.reverse.qsc.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:56 < Patrick_K> hi all 23:06 -!- christian [~christian@pD9530703.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:19 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4F717.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("holiday") 23:30 < daja77> re 23:30 < christian> re daja :) 23:30 < tsa> n8 23:30 -!- tsa [tsa@p5082D298.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("*plopp*") 23:30 < christian> n8 tsa 23:31 < christian> oh i must change to leet 23:31 -!- christian is now known as christ|an 23:35 < daja77> rxr: still here? 23:36 < christ|an> noooo 23:36 < christ|an> :) 23:36 < christ|an> i'm wake :) 23:37 * daja77 scared 23:37 < rxr> jups - pong 23:37 * rxr just copying todo files into flyspray ... 23:38 < daja77> oh ic 23:38 < christ|an> come on daja change to leet to - change your nick to d4j477 23:39 < daja77> :P 23:44 < esden> daja77: congrats!!!! 23:45 < esden> daja77: info from praenti .. the rt-target will probably be also interesting at eads ;) 23:53 < rxr> eads ? 23:55 < daja77> oh cool, time to clean up my code ;-) 23:55 < daja77> the airospace thingie? 23:55 < rxr> daja77: coudl you download this rtai patch somewhere ? 23:56 < daja77> rxr: you got me wrong, the rtai patches are included in rtai package 23:56 < daja77> there just troubles when selecting the adoes patch instead of rthal5g 23:57 < rxr> I speak about the file "adeos.patch" 23:58 < daja77> it is in package/daja77/rtai/patches, no? 23:58 < daja77> patches could be kernel-patches, dunno 23:59 < rxr> yes - and why? It must be lying arround on the internet 23:59 < daja77> it is included in rtai.tgz --- Log closed Sat Aug 23 00:00:05 2003