--- Log opened Sat Aug 23 00:00:05 2003 --- Day changed Sat Aug 23 2003 00:00 < daja77> no wait for 2.4.21 i took it from cvs 00:04 < daja77> well i feel more comfortable providing these patches 00:05 < daja77> the package needs some tweaks with each kernel release anyway 00:05 < daja77> guess rt target will be borken for a week or so, when kernel package is update 00:05 < daja77> d 00:10 < daja77> oh deary me, have to setup a printer tomorrow, see if I find out some of the cups crap 00:12 < Mike1> AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! 00:12 < daja77> Mike1: ? 00:13 < Mike1> had to let some stress go 00:13 < Mike1> :) 00:13 < daja77> on my ears, you bastard 00:13 < christ|an> mike let it out i'm here :) 00:13 < Mike1> great so i can use christ|an.. 00:13 < daja77> hehe 00:14 * Mike1 grabs christ|an and hits daja77's head 00:14 < daja77> ouch 00:14 < christ|an> lol 00:14 < Mike1> daja77: now ur ears don't hurt 00:14 < christ|an> yeah i'm useful 00:14 < Mike1> daja77: no need to thank me 00:14 < daja77> i need a new head! 00:15 < christ|an> take mine :) 00:15 < daja77> ahem no thx ;-) 00:15 < Mike1> daja77: see he is offering "it" to you 00:15 < daja77> I prefer taking Mike1's cos with a latino head, the girls like me better 00:16 < Mike1> hahahaha 00:16 < Mike1> you aint getting my head :) 00:17 < daja77> ok then you can keep the rest :P 00:18 < Mike1> :P 00:18 -!- jose [~jose@] has joined #rocklinux 00:18 < Mike1> daja77: how did you go with the rt patches? 00:19 < daja77> what do you mean? 00:19 < jose> ehlo guys! 00:19 < Mike1> greetings jose 00:19 < jose> same 00:19 < Mike1> daja77: you said you had sent over some patches to the rt list 00:19 < daja77> yepp i did 00:19 < Mike1> so did they get applied? 00:20 < daja77> nope, rxr has some questions 00:20 < Mike1> daja77: ah i see 00:20 < daja77> which is quite ok for me 00:20 < Mike1> btw i need someone with a rock linux package repository willing to take over my packages 00:21 < daja77> all of them?! 00:21 < Mike1> yes... 00:21 < daja77> O_o why 00:21 < Mike1> i am no longer maintaining them 00:36 < daja77> rxr: well let's discuss tomorrow, i am sleepy 00:36 < daja77> now 00:41 < n00kie> Hi :) 00:41 < daja77> hi n00kie 00:41 < n00kie> hola daja77, christ|an :) 00:41 < SMP> Mike1: I can take gnucash 00:41 < SMP> want to make it work anyway 00:41 < Mike1> SMP: please submit a patch moving it to your repos 00:42 < Mike1> i will ack to it once it is on the list 00:42 < SMP> ok 00:52 < Mike1> SMP: i've sent my good bye mail to the rock mailing list, asked rxr on it to move gnucash to you. 00:55 < rxr> SMP: no patches for moves ... 00:55 < SMP> of course not ;) 00:55 < rxr> I can move it now and you send a modification patch ... 00:56 < SMP> yes 00:56 < Mike1> rxr: thanks. 00:56 < rxr> Mike1: why do you give away your packages ? 00:57 < Mike1> rxr: read my mail to the mailing list 00:57 < rxr> gruempf 00:57 < Mike1> ? 00:57 < rxr> Mike1: none there yet ... 00:57 < Mike1> rxr: give it a moment 00:58 * SMP has it 00:58 < Mike1> i sent it like 2 or 3 mins ago 00:58 * daja77 just received it 00:59 < rxr> Mike1: oh - my. Mike1 do you really need to leave *sniff* ?!? 00:59 < Mike1> see rxr, you should get it anymoment.. then everything will be clear to you. 00:59 < Mike1> *sniff*? 01:01 < christ|an> Mike1: you leave rocklinux? :((((((((((( 01:02 < christ|an> dont do it! :( 01:03 * daja77 now off to bed 01:03 < christ|an> n8 daja 01:03 < daja77> n8 01:09 < n00kie> sleep well daja77 01:16 < rxr> Mike1: I had the mail on my last post ... - sad anyway ... 01:18 < Mike1> rxr: well i will be easy to replace don't worry. 01:18 < christ|an> dont say this mike 01:18 < Mike1> rxr: i will take a year to learn welsh and get a MBA, then i might consider to come back 01:18 * christ|an slaps Mike1 with n00kie 01:18 < christ|an> welsh? 01:18 < rxr> Mike1: Will you also stop to use ROCK? And also not just the usual some minutes ROCK everyday? 01:19 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950E3DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 01:19 < dennis> moin 01:20 < Mike1> yes i will stop using rock at least for a midterm.. 01:20 < rxr> why? Can't it be used at LinuxLab? Or what are you doing now? 01:20 < Freak> mike is ac in disguise 01:20 < Mike1> rxr: i need to finish some personal projects i have and i want to improve my skills and knwoledge.. and get involved in other key projects i have been hanging out for sometime 01:21 < christ|an> gnucms? :) 01:21 < rxr> you do not want to get into more details about this? 01:21 < Mike1> rxr: linuxlabs uses debian.. my work for linuxlabs is contract work, i have my own ompany now, 01:21 < Mike1> rxr: we can discuss in a query .. if its ok with you 01:22 -!- mnemoc [~amery@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01:25 < rxr> owl__: still awake ? 01:29 < n00kie> good night :) 01:34 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M298P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 01:36 < Patrick_K> # 01:39 < christ|an> night rock community - today was a bad day because of mike's announcement :( 01:39 < christ|an> n8 01:39 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9530703.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 01:45 < rxr> yet another bug report send to dev@subversion ... 02:00 < Mike1> bye.. 02:00 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 02:01 < Patrick_K> gn8 02:01 -!- Patrick_K [~Patrick@port-212-202-7-208.reverse.qsc.de] has left #rocklinux ("https://www.devilcode.de - he developers community") 02:10 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950E3DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal") 02:16 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps") 02:23 < rxr> so SPARC page migrated to Typo3 ... 02:35 < rxr> fixed source trees page ... 02:41 < rxr> so - drock page started in Typo3 ... 02:43 < rxr> so enought typo3 for tonight ... 02:59 * SMP crying 02:59 < SMP> seems like the db185 API changed from bdb3.3 to bdb4.1 02:59 -!- jose [~jose@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 03:02 < rxr> hm 03:18 < rxr> 2.6.0-test4 out 03:22 < SMP> *fetch* 03:25 < rxr> update .desc 03:30 -!- v1r422 [~v1r422@pD9EB345C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:31 -!- v1r422 [~v1r422@pD9EB345C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 03:35 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-037.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 03:40 < rxr> SMP: still arround ? 03:43 < SMP> yep 03:47 < SMP> brb, reboot into -test4 03:50 < rxr> mom 03:50 < rxr> what do you think - should the iptables stuff in / or in /usr ? 03:51 * rxr notes never to tell SMP about a new kernel if a question is queued for him ... 03:51 < rxr> hm - the ROCK Linux kconfig adaptions needs to be rediffed again ... :-( 04:02 < rxr> ok - me off to bed .. 04:11 < SMP> back from -test3 04:13 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090B220.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04:16 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090B450.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:19 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 07:30 < SMP> starlord: morning 07:33 -!- Lorini [~blah@stdw-wh-vip63.studentenwerk-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux 07:39 < starlord> smp:morning 07:40 < SMP> starlord: your Emerge-Pkg bug - when did you decide that Emerge-Pkg does not have that feature at the moment? 07:42 < starlord> smp:it looked at script,and on my opinion it only checks depencies of kdebase31 and not the depencies that kdebase31 depends on like qt,like the example sayed,i'm not good at scripting so i might be wrong,it it does that,i'll change it back to bug,does it? 07:42 < starlord> it=i 07:44 < starlord> crap,too early,let me exlain it more 07:44 < SMP> well, scripts/deb_db.txt does have recursive dependencies 07:46 < SMP> but for kdebase31 it has qt31 and libmng for qt31 but not libmng for kdebase 07:46 < SMP> that's a bug - but not in Emerge-Pkg 07:47 < starlord> yep,that's why it fails,hmm,what scripts bug is that? create-depdb? 07:52 < starlord> do you know why linux24/26-header builds fail in Emerger-Pkg it doesnt find the package because it dosnt download it and fails,are those linux24 and linux26 somekind of special packages that cannot be build in automatically,that makes sense,allmost everyone want to modify config in their kernel 07:54 < SMP> no idea 07:55 < SMP> can you make #121 Bug/High and mention the missing packages in deb_db.txt ? 07:57 < starlord> yep,just modified,is it little clearier? 07:58 < starlord> https://www.rocklinux.net/flyspray/index.php?do=details&id=121 08:01 < SMP> good 08:49 < starlord> wtf,glibc23 fails because of too old kernel headers 09:54 < daja77> lol https://quadbass.whosme.de/stuff/enslaved_by_winxp.jpg 09:59 < daja77> *yawn* /me back to bed 10:23 < daja77> re 10:44 * daja77 waiting for kasc repo to finish ... 11:04 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9530703.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:15 < christ|an> good morning to everybody :) 11:18 < daja77> huhu 11:40 < rxr> re && moin * 11:40 < daja77> moin rxr 11:47 < daja77> rxr: how are you today 11:48 < rxr> well - hm sleepy ... 11:49 < daja77> hehe guessed that 11:51 < daja77> 908 builds total, 873 completed fine, 20 with errors. 11:51 < daja77> -1 due kapitalist 12:04 -!- uppo [~uppo@] has joined #rocklinux 12:06 * daja77 off for breakfast 12:09 < uppo> hi 12:09 < rxr> hi uppo 12:10 * rxr for breakfast, too ... 12:10 < uppo> I am trying to install 2.0.0-camp on a new machine 12:10 < uppo> but I have a problem with boot parameters 12:10 < uppo> I cannot find a good value for root 12:11 < uppo> I tried: linux root=/dev/rd/0 12:11 < uppo> hi rxr 13:09 -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p50802E83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:12 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has quit ("Client exited") 13:13 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 13:18 -!- uppo [~uppo@] has quit ("back to home") 13:26 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802D2C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14:00 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has quit ("Client exiting") 14:03 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-037.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:52 < daja77> wow 20 errors in total in generic build 14:53 < rxr> ;-) 14:53 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 14:53 < LocalHero> Hi all 14:53 < rxr> and a new PowerPC optimisation selection in svn:HEAD 14:53 < rxr> hi LocalHero 14:53 < daja77> -1 if you don't count kapitalist ;-) 14:53 < daja77> hi LocalHero 14:54 < rxr> daja77: yes - kapitalist is svn rm'ed in HEAD ... 14:54 < daja77> so 19 errors in total 14:54 < daja77> ok now building bootdisk and creating new images 14:55 < rxr> ;-) 14:55 < LocalHero> Hmm, oki everybody, what do you need to know mere about an iso then this titel,creator,opti,arch,creatoremail,description,isofiles,md5s,target 14:55 < daja77> i found a victim on which computer i can test them 14:55 < LocalHero> rxr, im currently building the site now :) 14:56 < daja77> headachelevel *ggg* 14:56 < rxr> LocalHero: nice 14:57 < LocalHero> rxr, i think it will take the day to do it though :) 14:57 * daja77 notes that his builddir is still called beta5 14:58 < daja77> .oO svn up shows many updates 15:05 < daja77> rxr: you have some time? 15:06 < esden> hi all 15:06 < christ|an> hi esden 15:06 < daja77> huhu esden 15:08 * -> esden falling asleep >_< 15:08 < daja77> ah you too 15:08 * daja77 making plans for multimedia cdrom target ... 15:12 < daja77> omg is the cups package borken *sigh* ... /me checking >_< 15:15 < esden> very sad day today :-( 15:15 < daja77> why 15:15 < daja77> wow it printed a test page 15:15 < esden> because Mike left ROCK 15:16 < daja77> hmm /me remembered that as yesterday, but it was actually today 15:18 < esden> rxr: ping 15:18 < snyke> hi esden 15:18 < esden> hi snyke 15:18 < rxr> esden: pong 15:18 < daja77> funny he said to me nobody will miss him ... 15:19 < esden> rxr: I would not do anything in parse-config-9 of dietlibc ... you will get a _VERY_ huge patch to it in the next days ... 15:19 < esden> daja77: sure people are missing him ... 15:20 * daja77 is one of them 15:20 < esden> he was with us for a long time 15:20 < esden> rxr: now I have to merge your changes with mine ... >_< 15:23 < rxr> esden: more tiny chunks are _always_ more useful. Do you know what a big load it is to verify stuff like the bootdisk stil works correct? 15:23 < rxr> btw: the linux packages do build correctly in a dietlibc only target ? 15:23 < esden> rxr: I have tested the bootdisc ... there is no difference on that 15:23 < rxr> and btw. it is better that changes get merged together then completely lost ... 15:24 < esden> rxr: they will when I got perl working under dietlibc 15:24 < esden> rxr: hmm ... ok ... so I merge it 15:25 < esden> rxr: it is impossible to do little steps in this situation ... I changed the behaviour beyond the stage 1 ... 15:25 < esden> it has no influence on bootdisc target because it is using dietlibc only in stage 1 15:25 < esden> and there has nothing changed 15:26 < esden> ok ... I have to leave back for Ingolstadt now ... my parents will be back home in two hours or so ... 15:26 < esden> and by then I should be there >_< 15:26 < esden> cu guys 15:26 < snyke> cu 15:30 < daja77> cu esden 15:32 < daja77> hmm guess i have to create some more packages ... 15:33 < daja77> how can i "emerge" mkpkg into my old system? 15:33 < LocalHero> Hmm, im doing a filesystem scan, what else do i need to check then lines starting with / and . .. so that people are traped into a dir? 15:35 < LocalHero> ahh, maybe i could use find instead. Forget the above :) 15:43 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit () 15:49 < rxr> those kernel bastards ... 15:50 * rxr just fixing kdemultimedia ... 15:53 * daja77 just find that rock lacking some nice cups frontends, will fix that later this weekend 15:55 < rxr> cool - kde32 will include KHTML: JavaScript debugger 15:55 < rxr> ;-) 15:56 < daja77> hehe 16:07 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 16:07 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has left #rocklinux () 16:13 < daja77> *yawn* 16:13 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 16:14 < rxr> daja77: if you have free CPU cycles / time you could test if my latest fix really fixes kdemultimedia ... 16:15 < daja77> guess svn up would disturb bootdisk build 16:15 < daja77> oh no wait 16:16 < daja77> rev 1158, right? 16:16 < rxr> yes 16:17 * daja77 Build-Pkg 16:17 < daja77> trying 16:19 * daja77 wants to talk to later about multimedia target stuff 16:20 * daja77 now forced to pay attention to his family, cu later 16:21 < daja77> talk to you, damn typos 16:22 < rxr> daja77: cu 16:22 < starlord> hmm,someone explain why kernel has been split to kernel24 kernel24-src and kernel24-headers? 16:23 < starlord> and do i use Build-Pkg for this or the "normal" way to install a new one 16:35 < rxr> starlord: yes - just use Build-Pkg 16:35 < rxr> it is split becuase: 16:35 < rxr> the linux-header in /usr/include/{asm,linux} 16:35 < rxr> should be the one the glibc is build with and normally not changed (that often) 16:36 < rxr> for end-user updates you usually only need the binary files - those are in linux$treever 16:36 < rxr> and for the rare (? ;-) cases you need the full source for /usr/src you go with linux$treever-src ... 16:36 < rxr> starlord: is there a problem with this ? 16:40 < starlord> rxr:just curious why it was splitted,but that makes sense 16:41 < starlord> btw.there's no dri package? 16:42 < rxr> yes - there is 16:42 < starlord> hmm,where? i already installed from binary(i guess dri.sf.net only distributes binary and cvs) 16:43 < rxr> package/clifford/linux-drm/ 16:43 < rxr> but it need impovements - since it does not work on PowerPC :-( 16:43 < rxr> I already spent a night hacking DRI/DRM stuff - but still no OpenGL on this iBook :-((( 16:44 -!- christian_ [~christian@pD9E394C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:44 < starlord> heh,i just got my ati working,but i think ati's own drives might perform better,but they have only rpm's 16:51 < rxr> starlord: some days ago I asked you what kind of ditribution you are creating, or if you are converting some other dist to be a ROCK Linux target ... - Had you already answered? 16:52 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9530703.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 16:52 -!- christian_ [~christian@pD9E394C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 16:53 < starlord> rxr:so when i make Build-Pkg linux26 how do i modify .config? yes i anwered,i used beta6-minimal and builded from there,but i decided to use beta6-drock,that time i didnt have extra bandwidth to download everything 16:53 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9E394C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:05 < rxr> starlord: you can modify the kernel config in the GUI ./scripts/Config ... 17:05 < rxr> (in the expert options) 17:05 < rxr> starlord: From you qestions and answer I had the feeling that you buidl some GNU/Step (or so) only distribution = 17:05 < rxr> s/=/?/ 17:06 < christ|an> rxr you are so stupid!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111 s/stupid/cool/ :) 17:06 < starlord> :) 17:07 < starlord> rxr:naah,i now had standard desktop target installed 17:07 < starlord> had=have 17:13 < rxr> so - linux26 updated in HEAD 17:17 * starlord is away.... 17:23 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950ED18.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:36 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:36 < holyolli> moin 17:58 -!- lhang [~lhang@cm214.omega163.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #rocklinux 17:58 -!- lhang [~lhang@cm214.omega163.maxonline.com.sg] has left #rocklinux () 18:02 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950ED18.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal") 18:05 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18:05 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:05 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18:06 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:06 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18:30 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has quit ("Client exiting") 18:31 < owl__> moin 19:00 -!- owl__ [~owl@aszlig.net] has left #rocklinux ("LMAA") 19:18 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 19:28 -!- barg [~barg@pD9EB6FFE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:30 < barg> hi, i'm new to rocklinux, but i like it more and more :-). can anyone help me with connecting to another machine by serial port? i wanna have the console from $a on $b. so what do i have to add in my /etc/inittab on $b? 19:49 < starlord> barg:i havent really done this serial thingie,but something like this 6:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 ttyS1 19:50 * starlord is away: I'm busy 19:57 -!- barg [~barg@pD9EB6FFE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 20:04 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has quit ("Client exiting") 20:08 -!- barg [~barg@pD950EA67.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:08 < barg> hmm, that doesn't work, :-( 20:16 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M303P003.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 20:41 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA0CF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:42 < tcr> moin all 20:46 < christ|an> hi tcr 20:47 -!- Strog [~Strog@2001:618:400:8238:2:0:2:10] has joined #rocklinux 20:48 < christ|an> hi strong 20:48 < Strog> hello 20:48 < christ|an> how are you? 20:49 < Strog> I'm doing pretty good 20:49 < christ|an> thats nice :) 20:49 < Strog> how are you doing? 20:49 < christ|an> oh well thanks :) 20:51 < Strog> I thought maybe you were having a bad time after that rant about OS2 20:51 < Strog> :-P 20:51 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9E394C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 20:52 < Strog> Hey, I was being nice 20:52 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9E394C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:53 < christ|an> re 20:53 < christ|an> lol 20:53 < Strog> wb 20:53 < christ|an> sorry but i hate os/2 :) 20:53 < christ|an> it is one of the worst thing in the world 20:54 < Strog> I haven't installed it in years. I was in that channel because someone I know was there and they have been banned from their regualar channel 20:54 < Strog> I don't think it's that bad. There's some things it does well 20:54 < christ|an> no no :) 20:55 < christ|an> its really bad, slow and so on 20:55 < christ|an> baaa 20:55 < Strog> We used it where I worked to talk between a Solaris phone switch and the AS/400 20:55 < Strog> It does that job very well 20:55 < christ|an> we use it still 20:55 < christ|an> and its bullshiot 20:55 < Strog> and other communications jobs mostly. Desktop is mediocre 20:56 < Strog> Seems you were just venting earlier 20:57 < Strog> I didn't take it personally. :) 20:57 < christ|an> kk :) 20:58 < christ|an> it was a little "revolution" :) 20:58 * Strog is a big *nix fan anyway 20:58 < christ|an> brave stong :) 20:58 < Strog> how so? 20:58 < Strog> heh 20:59 < christ|an> of course :> 20:59 < Strog> I could have said BSD but I'm not trying to start anything. lol 20:59 < christ|an> lol 20:59 < christ|an> FUCK BSD :) no no i stop that :) 21:00 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 21:00 < christ|an> hi starlord 21:02 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9E394C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 21:03 < starlord> hmmm 21:05 -!- Strog [~Strog@2001:618:400:8238:2:0:2:10] has left #rocklinux ("have fun people") 21:06 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has quit ("not drunk enough,back to bar") 21:25 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p5080225D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:41 -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p50802E83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21:48 < rxr> cd 21:48 < rxr> re 22:35 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 22:35 < d3mian> hi 22:37 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 22:39 < rxr> shit damn find ... 22:50 < rxr> puh - long live brower chaches ... 22:51 < esden> hi praenti ;) 22:51 < esden> hi all sbtw ;) 22:51 < praenti> hi esden 22:52 < rxr> hi praenti esden ... 22:52 < praenti> thats somehow strange. esden knows when i'm here... 22:52 < esden> hehe ... that is telepathy ;) 22:53 < praenti> could be... 22:55 -!- schasi [~hatkai@p50832F56.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:55 < schasi> uh... hi 23:00 -!- schasi [~hatkai@p50832F56.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 23:12 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M303P003.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 23:16 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9E394C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:25 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 23:25 < LocalHero> Hi all 23:25 < rxr> hi LocalHero 23:25 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-22.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 23:25 < holyolli> moin 23:25 < LocalHero> rxr, hi, whazzup? 23:26 < rxr> LocalHero: nothing - special - just developing .... 23:26 < holyolli> .oO(and havin' a bud... ;-) hi rxr,localhero 23:27 < rxr> hi holyolli 23:27 < LocalHero> rxr, oki, i think the new siteengine is begining to feel right ;),, Lots of directory scanning and things :).. It would be nice if you could write some .info files and sync over. You dont need to write every one but maybe for the two l8est so i have something to test on :) 23:27 < LocalHero> holyolli, hi :) 23:27 < rxr> LocalHero: ok 23:28 < LocalHero> rxr, well now i have to go to bed. Cya all :) 23:28 < esden> ok I am once more off 23:28 < holyolli> god natt LocalHero 23:28 < esden> cu 23:29 < holyolli> hi and cu esden 23:29 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit (Client Quit) 23:29 < holyolli> esden: btw. my server is now back online...you can put the link on the site 23:30 < praenti> ok. i'm also off now. cu 23:30 < holyolli> cu praenti 23:31 < praenti> holyolli: btw. esden has read your line. can you write him a mail? 23:31 < holyolli> praenti: jepp, i will. thx & greetz 23:40 < tcr> hey holyolli 23:40 < tcr> how's things? 23:42 < daja77> re 23:43 * rxr doing a new reference build 23:43 < rxr> daja77: kdemultimeda builds now (you have to rebuild linux24-header again ... ) 23:43 < rxr> hi tcr 23:43 < holyolli> hi tcr 23:44 < holyolli> tcr: nice...thx..back home and that's really nice ;-) 23:44 < daja77> rxr: ah ok :) 23:45 < daja77> rxr: btw bootdisk is ready should I just make cds or add some recent changes 23:46 < rxr> daja77: hm - whatever you like. If you do a svn up you'll get the linux26, gnupg, ... updates, it is up to you to decide whether you want to rebuild them 23:46 < rxr> daja77: it should be ok to have a 2.0.0-dev-meeting-generic without those last minute changes ... 23:47 < rxr> btw - new regression tester results are also already online ... 23:47 < daja77> well i could upload the images on monday 23:47 < rxr> and I'll commit a gimp14 update once the build on this iBook finished .... 23:48 < rxr> after the gimp14 update (and a test installation on x86) I'll tag this 2.0.0-camp 23:48 < daja77> camp?! 23:49 < tcr> holyolli: for how long? 23:49 < daja77> installation testing, sounds nice 23:49 * daja77 grinning evilly at his laptop 23:50 < rxr> daja77: s/camp/dev-meeting/ - sorry 23:50 < daja77> okis 23:50 < holyolli> tcr: for a longer time - i don 23:51 < daja77> hi tcr, holyolli 23:51 < holyolli> t need to go to the u.s. anymore during my training 23:51 < holyolli> hi daja77 23:52 < tcr> hi rxr, daja77 23:52 < daja77> rxr: any wishes regarding rt target 23:59 * daja77 just reading a horror story from a mailinglist admin ... 23:59 < rxr> daja77: yes this big fat patch should be downloaded ;-)! --- Log closed Sun Aug 24 00:00:07 2003