--- Log opened Tue Aug 26 00:00:43 2003 00:17 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAAD7F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.") 00:24 < daja77> rxr: good reply 00:25 < daja77> btw by reading it there might be a simple solution for rt target 00:27 < daja77> what if i just drop it as a target, the target does nothing than triggering the "enable realtime" button and some package selection anyway 00:28 < daja77> it was made to work with every target, so everybody can just hit the button and do package selection for him/herself 00:29 < daja77> i could do a small iso with the rtai package and patched kernel which could be downloaded to demonstrate its features 00:34 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 00:34 < Mike1> re 00:34 < jsaw> hi Mike1 00:34 < daja77> wb Mike1 ;-) 00:34 < Mike1> hello jsaw 00:34 < jsaw> good that u'r still around 00:35 < Mike1> thank you daja77 00:35 < Mike1> jsaw: i try to come around every once in a while 00:36 < rxr> hi Mike1 ! 00:36 < Mike1> hello rxr 00:36 < daja77> guess i was a bit offtopic in #woden ;-) 00:36 < rxr> daja77: ACK ! 00:36 * Mike1 thanks all people for the kind replies to his retirement mail 00:36 < daja77> ack for what 00:36 < rxr> daja77: the rt patch 00:36 < Mike1> daja77: yeah 1/2 abit 00:37 < rxr> I apply the package part (without the ?00kB patch ... 00:37 < rxr> Mike1: how are you ? 00:37 < Mike1> rxr: i'm very good thank you, and yourself? 00:37 < daja77> ok, so the rt button should be in as well 00:38 < daja77> I only made a target cos this was my first intention, but when esden came up with the idea to be able to apply rt to every target, the rt target was only an empty wrapper 00:39 -!- A-Dur [~questi@dsl-213-023-013-055.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:39 < A-Dur> hi 00:39 < daja77> Mike1: tell me when i start to be offtopic, will stop then 00:39 < dennis> hi A-Dur 00:39 -!- tsa [tsa@pD9588489.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:39 < Mike1> daja77: well i had no problem with our discussion. 00:39 < tsa> hi all. 00:39 < dennis> hi tsa 00:39 < Mike1> hola Sebastian 00:40 < tsa> hi Mike1 00:40 < daja77> hi tsa 00:40 < rxr> Mike1: aside from strange FUD on the mailing-list quite well ... 00:40 < tsa> hehe 00:40 < Mike1> rxr: you mean owl's mails? 00:41 < rxr> hi tsa 00:41 < rxr> Mike1: yes 00:41 -!- A-Dur [~questi@dsl-213-023-013-055.arcor-ip.net] has left #rocklinux () 00:41 < Mike1> rxr: daja77 just updated me a bit on it, it really sux 00:41 < rxr> Mike1: btw. do you want to stay on the svn commit mail list ? 00:41 < Mike1> rxr: yeah it wil be nice to keep updated, if you don't have a problem with it i would like to be there 00:42 < rxr> Mike1: great! 00:42 < tsa> rxr: got the mail regarding chrony? 00:42 < Mike1> rxr: maybe i can provide some ideas everyonce in a while 00:44 < rxr> chrony ? no - not yet 00:44 < tsa> hm..ok 00:44 < rxr> Mike1: sure - nice 00:45 * rxr just debugging some moments ... 00:45 < Mike1> rxr: as i told you the other day i suggest you to let jsaw take over my work for gnome* 00:45 < Mike1> rxr: regarding the 2 targets i maintained, well they are stable so.. 00:46 < rxr> sure - no problem 00:47 < daja77> rxr: which package i have to rebuild in order to get kdemultimedia working? 00:47 < rxr> linux24-header 00:47 < daja77> okis 00:52 < daja77> hmm strange seems not to work 00:53 < daja77> good idea to start a rebuild? 00:53 < rxr> it built here ... 00:53 < rxr> daja77: nope - please take a look why it is still failing 00:53 < rxr> exact error - and check if the linux headers are correct ... 00:54 < daja77> Removing old error logs ... 00:54 < daja77> -> Removing var/adm/logs/5-kdemultimedia31.err ... 00:54 < daja77> chroot: bin/bash: No such file or directory 00:54 < daja77> 00:54 < daja77> Package build ended abnormally! 00:54 < daja77> !> Usually a package build creates eighter a *.log 00:54 < daja77> !> or a *.err file. Neither the 1st nor the 2nd is 00:54 < daja77> !> there. So I'm going to create a *.err file now 00:54 < daja77> !> and abort the build process. 00:54 < daja77> bash-2.05b# 00:54 < daja77> linux24-header doesn't rebuild 00:55 < rxr> no bin/bash? 00:55 < rxr> what have you done ? 00:55 < jsaw> daja77: I usually remove build/*/root/var/adm/logs/[01]-* if that happens. 00:55 < daja77> aha 00:56 < jsaw> rxr: it sometimes happens, but I have no clue... 00:56 < daja77> the errs are already removed, and the script seems to fail to remove it again, which sounds logical to me 00:58 * daja77 bangs head against the wall, linux24-headers are not built in stage 5 01:00 < rxr> nope only once 01:00 < rxr> but where is your bash gone ? 01:00 < daja77> no idea 01:00 < daja77> i haven't removed anything 01:01 < daja77> *aaaaaargh* 01:02 < daja77> no wonder when build dir is empty cos it is now called rc2 >_< 01:04 < daja77> where can i change that 01:04 < rxr> daja77: erhm - you should not use _this_ revision for an official -rc1 iso 01:05 < rxr> could you please swtich to my tag? 01:05 < rxr> (the version is in scripts/parse-config - but PLEASE do not touch this!= 01:05 < rxr> ) 01:05 < jsaw> remove the *rc2*, then move *rc1* to *rc2* 01:05 < daja77> and bein killed by rxr, no ... 01:06 < jsaw> (if u r doing and iso, which is to be released... then of course not) 01:08 < daja77> woohoo subversion rocks 01:10 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-167.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 01:11 < daja77> ok i rebuilt all failing packages plu the new ones 01:11 < daja77> plus 01:11 < daja77> rebuild 01:12 < Freak> t 01:12 < Freak> ? 01:12 < Freak> past or present 01:12 < daja77> i still have to do it 01:12 < Freak> will rebuild, am going to.. 01:13 < Freak> *g 01:13 < daja77> temporal typo 01:13 < daja77> well i am starting right now so :P 01:14 < Freak> so you are rebuilding now *runs 01:14 * Mike1 needs a bdb-4 package.. anyone can share it with me? 01:14 < Mike1> bdb4.gem file* 01:15 < daja77> Freak: noone likes a smartass 01:15 < jsaw> Mike1: gcc-3.3.1 only, want it anyway 01:15 < jsaw> ? 01:15 < daja77> Mike1: you can have mine 01:15 < Freak> daja77: hehehe 01:15 < Mike1> jsaw: no thanks, i already have that one 01:15 < Mike1> daja77: yes where can i download it from? 01:15 < daja77> mom 01:15 < Mike1> daja77: query if you like 01:15 < Freak> daja77: i am in no need of anyone liking me ;) 01:16 < daja77> Freak: you know that movie? 01:16 < Freak> no? 01:16 < Freak> tell me 01:16 < daja77> the empire strikes backyard, watched it at dev meeting 01:16 < Freak> i used to call myself a movie-nerd :) 01:16 < Freak> backyard? never seen.. pitty! 01:16 < daja77> https://www.theforce.net/theater/shortfilms/backyard/ 01:17 < Freak> sweeet 01:18 < daja77> Mike1: https://lospalmos.homelinux.net/mike 01:18 < Freak> dah'nloadink. 01:18 < daja77> could be slow 01:19 < Freak> it is. 01:19 < Mike1> daja77: its ok thanks you so much 01:19 < Freak> daja77: mirrah? 01:19 < daja77> i was talking of my server 01:19 < Freak> whoops. 01:19 < daja77> dunno if the have mirrors 01:19 < daja77> they 01:19 < Freak> tho.. its slow. 01:19 < Freak> anyone? 01:19 < daja77> but wget will manage it ;-) 01:20 < Freak> manage what? 01:20 < Freak> accellerating the download speed? i dont think so :) 01:20 * Mike1 started killing daja77's badnwidth 01:20 < daja77> Freak: manage to get it save but slow ;-) 01:20 < daja77> Mike1: enjoy 01:20 < Mike1> daja77: thank you very much my friend 01:21 < Freak> daja77: heh 01:21 * daja77 shutting down mutella, so that mike has some bandwith 01:21 < Freak> =) 01:22 < rxr> this is a bad joke 01:22 < rxr> this screen package has quite a broken configure 01:22 < rxr> and this autoconf stuff really stinks 01:22 < Mike1> rxr: owls? 01:22 < rxr> (I have not said this today, right?) 01:22 < rxr> Mike1: nope the one I just have in a PowerPC gdb ... 01:23 < Mike1> rxr: oh. 01:23 < daja77> guess the guy who invented autocnf now lives in another galaxy and is laughing his ass off by watching us using this crap 01:23 < Mike1> daja77: download nearly over 01:23 < rxr> I really really know that the next generation version og GSMP will not contain any auto* crap ... 01:23 < rxr> daja77:


01:23 < rxr> + my CSS for

.... 01:23 < daja77> lol 01:24 < rxr> oOoOO 01:25 < Mike1> daja77: ready thanks 01:25 < daja77> *cough* 01:25 < daja77> bash-2.05b# scripts/Create-ErrList -cfg generic -newdelete 01:25 < daja77> Scheduling package '9b521254d8dcfa7ccc603e44ff2a6765' for rebuild ... 01:25 < daja77> No such package: 9b521254d8dcfa7ccc603e44ff2a6765 01:25 < daja77> bash-2.05b# 01:26 < daja77> Mike1: np 01:26 < Mike1> daja77: enable gnutella again :) 01:26 < daja77> done 01:27 < Mike1> :) 01:27 < daja77> more uploads than downloads today ... 01:28 < Mike1> well.. 01:33 < daja77> O_o just noticed that i just selected pentium optimization, yuck 01:34 -!- safedin [~safedin@nic-29-c98-17.twmi.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 01:34 < daja77> hope this does no harm 01:35 < daja77> safedin: on which distro you are building rock? 01:35 < safedin> gentoo 01:35 < daja77> hehe the first who tries 01:36 < daja77> so you have a devfs enabled kernel 01:36 < safedin> yes 01:37 < daja77> otherwise the paranoia checks had aborted the build anyway 01:37 < daja77> rxr: ok all borken/new packages are bein built now 01:38 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 01:38 < daja77> gn8 you all 01:39 < safedin> night daja77 01:46 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-167.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 01:46 < rxr> good night daja77 02:05 < Freak> daja77 02:06 < Freak> dang missed him :) 02:06 < Freak> just saw the "no one likes a smartass" scene :) 02:18 < mnemoc> rxr? 02:18 < mnemoc> (re) 02:19 -!- mnemoc is now known as mnemoc_ 02:20 -!- mnemoc [~amery@] has joined #rocklinux 02:21 < tsa> n8 02:21 -!- tsa [tsa@pD9588489.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("*plopp*") 02:22 -!- mnemoc_ [~chatzilla@] has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.34 [Mozilla rv:1.5a/20030718]") 02:27 < rxr> hi mnemoc 02:27 < rxr> n8 ts 02:27 < rxr> +a 02:27 < mnemoc> +a? 02:27 < rxr> n8 ts_a_ ;-) 02:27 < mnemoc> :) 02:28 < mnemoc> rxr: have you build bootdisk reciently? 02:29 < mnemoc> here (rh72) -nostdinc is making kiss 'stddef.h: No such file or directory' 02:29 < mnemoc> my problem or bug? 02:33 < rxr> mnemoc: here it built ... 02:33 < rxr> on PowerPC - but it should also have passed the x86 build ... 02:33 < rxr> a th 02:33 < rxr> err rh 02:34 < rxr> then this might be some strange conincidence with the RedHat system 02:34 < rxr> which stage is this error happening ? 02:34 < mnemoc> 1 02:34 < mnemoc> redhat :) 02:34 < mnemoc> (no dietlibc installed on local system) 02:35 < rxr> ah ok 02:35 < rxr> coudl seems that the wrong headers are used - could you try to look this up ? 02:36 < rxr> alternatively I have still the TODO item: move the regression tester into a dRock-1.4 chroot to track most cross-build old-gcc old-glibc no diet available problems ... 02:37 < mnemoc> how can i see what headers are used? 02:37 -!- clifford [~clifford@M126P012.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 02:38 < mnemoc> hi clifford 02:38 < mnemoc> nice to see you here 02:39 < clifford> hi. I can't sleep... ;-( 02:40 < rxr> hi clifford ! 02:40 < rxr> mnemoc: the include pathes are mangled in the dietlibc/parse-config* 02:40 < clifford> hi rene. 02:41 < rxr> clifford: I just fixed yet another va_arg issue - this time in screen 02:41 < clifford> ah! is that the bug owl was complaining about? 02:42 < rxr> nope - she was complaining about random lock ups whatever 02:42 < clifford> hmm.... 02:42 < rxr> I found this just when I wanted to cut'n paste the version into the mail 02:42 < rxr> and oops my PowerPC version does not yet a version string .... *bang* 02:43 < clifford> maybe we will find mor such bugs using powerpc. 02:43 < clifford> intel doesn't care about this kind of broken va_args usage, so ... 02:44 < rxr> yep ... 02:44 < rxr> btw i thing your pine fix is not correct 02:44 < rxr> fromthe manpage I think you need to use va_copy to pass a real copy to the printf functon ... 02:47 < clifford> there shouldn;t be any difference between using va_copy or two va_start .. va_end blocks (i think) 02:47 < rxr> clifford: and continue VHDL now ? 02:48 < clifford> no. I'm in my bed downstairs and implementing misc/pkgsel/ .. 02:48 < clifford> ??? nice colored prompts in the server target ??? 02:49 < rxr> clifford: they did cp desktop server 02:49 < rxr> and started the package selection .... 02:51 < rxr> mnemoc: yes - the i2c patch was skipped due to a typo in my latest lx_config change ... 02:51 < rxr> fixed now - revision 1186. 02:51 < mnemoc> cool :) 02:54 < mnemoc> i was trying to find an error on desc's [O], never checked patchfiles loop 02:54 -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@p3EE1E2BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 02:57 < rxr> clifford: not only that Valentin and I set together and scheduled the future GSMP work including a BOF every 2-3 weeks, we'll also have gsmp.org soon ... ;-) 03:00 < mnemoc> question: why iproute2 includes dietlibc headers from / instead of $root? 03:00 < clifford> rxr: cool! 03:01 < rxr> mnemoc: this is not intended, so bug -> typo or so ... 03:01 < mnemoc> ok 03:01 < mnemoc> btw, nothing is appended for kiss? 03:01 < mnemoc> s/?/! 03:02 < rxr> no - only the default options - compiled nice on x86 and powerpc and with my fixes to the code also runs (instead of core-dumping) ... 03:02 < rxr> the case in dietlibc/parse-config only appends additional options, the default options are always used and appended/set before and after the case ... 03:05 < mnemoc> i'm quite confused about this... 03:05 < mnemoc> no -I is appended (cmd_wrapper) for kiss 03:05 < rxr> hm 03:06 < mnemoc> stddef.h is on include/linux and tools.cross/include/diet-include 03:06 < mnemoc> what location should i append? diet's? 03:07 < rxr> yes 03:07 < rxr> but the diet stuff should alredy use the diet include 03:07 < rxr> and in parse-config we have: 03:07 < rxr> var_insert CC_WRAPPER_FILTER "|" "sed -e 's,/usr/dietlibc/,$root&,'" 03:09 < mnemoc> how should that sed get reflected on logs? 03:09 < SMP> hmm, nobody likes my tasks in flyspray ;) 03:09 < dennis> gn8 all 03:09 < rxr> SMP: which task do you mean exactly ? 03:10 < rxr> n8 dennis 03:10 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950E2DF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 03:10 < rxr> the glibc22 security issue is yours ;-) ... 03:10 < rxr> ah - this reminds me to test sha1 passwords in apache ... 03:10 < mnemoc> brb 03:10 < SMP> yes. I mean all the others 03:10 < rxr> I need to write so many mails ... 03:11 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@pD95069A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03:11 < rxr> clifford: it is not possible to saeach for creator ? ;-) 03:12 < SMP> clifford: by the way I investigated sysenter. it is supposed to work with linux 2.6 and glibc 2.3 (built against 2.6 headers) - but I can't get glibc to actually use that code 03:12 < SMP> it's there, I see which defines are needed, but no idea yet which is missing 03:13 < clifford> rxr: not yet - you can add it on https://flyspray.rocks.cc/bts/ 03:13 < clifford> SMP: hmm... I didn't try it so far (just seen the defs in the headers some time ago) 03:15 < SMP> on this occasion I made some hacks to compile glibc with NPTL - there is a stupid circular dependency there 03:16 < SMP> you need gcc 3.3 to build NPTL, but to build gcc 3.3 you need a threading lib 03:16 < clifford> rxr: sie habon post! 03:16 < SMP> so building linuxthreads in stage 0, NPTL after that 03:17 < clifford> huch? thats .. errr... 1000 hackvalue points for smp .... ;-) 03:18 < SMP> nah 03:18 < jsaw_> SMP: is sysenter code not compiled, or does your cpu not support it? 03:18 -!- jsaw_ is now known as jsaw 03:18 < clifford> #!/usr/bin/perl 03:18 < clifford> $|=1;@_=split//,"Lhnvx\tes Drjuw \@uptwif";for(0..$#_){ 03:18 < clifford> join("",splice(@_,0,$_+1))=~/(.*)/;print"\r$1";splice@_ 03:18 < clifford> ,0,0,split(//,$1);print$_[$_]=chr(ord($_[$_])^($_%8))while 03:18 < clifford> ++$_<=$#_;select(undef,undef,undef,0.25);}print"\n"; 03:19 * clifford want to win the LUGA perl contest... ;-) 03:19 < SMP> my manual editing in /usr/include/linux at the right moment to get glibc to build against them is more hackvalue 03:20 < SMP> clifford: is it a JAPH? 03:20 < clifford> JAPH ? 03:20 < clifford> what's that? 03:20 < SMP> Just Another Perl Hacker 03:20 < Ge0rG> ,oO( what is the perl analogy to the obfuscated c contest? -- cpan! ) 03:21 < SMP> JAPH is the art to write obfuscated code that prints this text 03:21 < clifford> It's just some code I wrote today in a free minute at work 03:21 < clifford> It prints out "Linux User Group Austria". 03:21 < SMP> jsaw: the sysenter code does not get compiled 03:22 < SMP> glibc does not support switching between int 0x80 and sysenter 03:22 < clifford> but HOW? that's the question... ;-) 03:22 < clifford> SMP: Doesn't ld-linux.so support loading different libraries depending on the cpu architecture? 03:22 < SMP> but there is a third method in the kernel, vsyscall. is automagically selects int 0x80 or sysenter code depending on the CPU capabilities 03:23 < SMP> however, glibc does not support this yet 03:23 < SMP> but it should be very easy to add. just a call 0xfffff000 or so 03:23 < SMP> the kernel always maps a page with the correct code at that location 03:24 < jsaw> so probably because sysenter is not safe, glibc doesn't support it yet? 03:24 < clifford> does that conform to the ELF standard??? 03:25 < SMP> jsaw: sysenter code is there and is is supposed to compile (and there have been binaries posted) 03:25 < SMP> clifford: no idea. what does the ELF std. have to say about how to make syscalls anyway? 03:25 < jsaw> Mail on LKML: [PATCH] Pentium Pro - sysenter - doublefault 03:25 < rxr> clifford: where does the minimal list come from? Owl's target? 03:26 < SMP> hmm. 03:27 < clifford> rxr: it's target/minimal/config.in plus the TITLE line. 03:27 < rxr> so I should remove the minimal target ? 03:27 < clifford> (just as example - you _might_ want to removethe minial target as such) 03:28 < clifford> that's up to you... 03:28 < clifford> SMP: hmm what? 03:29 < rxr> hehe - but you know what happens when you lay such decisions in my hands ... 03:29 < SMP> clifford: you asked if vsyscalls conforms to the ELF std. 03:31 < clifford> SMP: afaik ELF doesn't say anything about how syscalls should be made (the function argument passing stuff doesn't aplly here) - but elf defines the virtual memory layout for the processes .. 03:32 < clifford> rxr: yes - it means that I can't be blamed for the consequences .... *g* 03:32 < SMP> well I guess it's no problem to map a page at 0xfffff000 03:32 < SMP> actually that location is somehow dynamic and there is a way to find the current location via dl_sysinfo 03:33 < clifford> SMP: oh. nice. 03:33 < SMP> read glibc-2.3.2/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h ;) 03:34 < SMP> actually the kernel code that fills this page at boot time is even nicer 03:35 < SMP> so I was wrong - glibc does not support sysenter directly. it supports this vsyscall method but calls it sysenter 03:37 < rxr> European Protests Against Software Patents 03:38 < SMP> is there a way to get cpp to dump what is currently has defined? 03:38 < rxr> ^- Clifford we should suport this and change the hompage main-site for this day ?!? 03:38 < rxr> SMP: -E ? 03:38 < SMP> -E makes gcc run the preprocessor only? 03:39 < rxr> yes 03:39 < rxr> and dumps the preprocessed text ... 03:39 < clifford> SMP: yup. 03:40 < SMP> I know that 03:40 < SMP> I want to dump (list, enumerate) all the _defines_ it has 03:40 < clifford> so what was the question about? 03:40 < clifford> aha! 03:42 < mnemoc> re 03:43 < clifford> SMP: cpp has the otion -d which does what you want (e.g. -dM) 03:44 < SMP> you mean -Md ? 03:44 < clifford> no. 03:44 < clifford> -dM. e.g.: gcc -E -dM misc/archive/hello.c 03:45 < SMP> ah, found it in the manpage 03:45 < mnemoc> can cp -L be removed from stages [01]? 03:45 < mnemoc> (someday) 03:46 < mnemoc> update coreutils is a 'high impact' requirement 03:48 < clifford> sh*t - it's almost 4 am and I'm still not tired... 03:48 < clifford> mnemoc: what "cp -L" are you talking about? 03:49 < SMP> clifford: me neither - but no surprise, I got up past 5 p.m. 03:49 < clifford> I should et up in two hours. 03:49 < clifford> I should et up in two hours.my laptop is running on battery. 03:49 < mnemoc> 0-linux24 uses cp -L 03:50 < clifford> If power goes down, it's an omen that time to sleep has come .... ;-) 03:51 < clifford> root@localhost:/rock-trunk/package/base/linux24# grep -- -L * 03:51 < clifford> can't find anything ... 03:52 < rxr> clifford: ... 03:52 < rxr> or even cd ../../.. .... 03:55 * clifford is trying to get some sleep now ... 03:55 < mnemoc> it wasn't that direct... let me search 03:55 < rxr> clifford: good night 03:55 < clifford> cu. 03:55 -!- clifford [~clifford@M126P012.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Client exiting") 03:55 < rxr> mnemoc: where do you usually get your i2c patches from (need one for 2.4.22 ... 03:57 < mnemoc> w8 03:57 < mnemoc> linux24-header/linux24-header.conf: cp -rLv include/{asm,asm-generic,linux} $root/$prefix/include 03:57 < mnemoc> linux24-header/linux24-header.conf: cp -rLv include/{asm-{sparc{,64},generic},linux} $root/$prefix/include 03:57 < mnemoc> that -L :) 03:58 < rxr> mnemoc: btw the vserver developer joined the developer meeting for an evening ;-)! 03:59 < mnemoc> https://www.13thfloor.at/VServer/patches-2.4.22-p10c17/11_i2c-2.8.0.patch.bz2 04:00 < mnemoc> @vienna? 04:00 < rxr> mnemoc: thaks - found this on the list, too ;-) 04:00 < rxr> mnemoc: yes - vienna ;-)! 04:00 < rxr> https://gsmp.tfh-berlin.de/rene/photos/rock-meeting-2003/gallery.html 04:01 < rxr> photo: d0010296.jpg 04:01 < rxr> I need to comment them ... 04:01 < rxr> the one in the white shirt 04:02 < mnemoc> a little dark :-\ 04:02 < mnemoc> how did u meet him? 04:02 < rxr> he lives in Autria and Clifford knows him - he asked Cliff if could come over one evening ... 04:03 < rxr> hey - this was arround 22.00 o'clock or so ... 04:03 < mnemoc> did u ask them to join rock? ;) 04:04 < rxr> he is interested in ROCK because we seem to be the only dist that uses / support vserver 04:04 < mnemoc> a kernel guru could be nice on the team 04:04 < rxr> he wanted to take a look what we do with it ... 04:04 < mnemoc> a jailing system based on it is in my todo 04:05 < mnemoc> well... a modular jailing system where you could choose your method considering installed pacakges 04:05 < mnemoc> vserver, rsbac, chroot, etc.. 04:08 < mnemoc> when will you update to 2.4.22? 04:08 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 04:09 < rxr> mnemoc: I'm currenty updating ... 04:09 < rxr> just putting the peaces together and testing ... 04:10 < mnemoc> i don't understand diet's CC_FILTER sed -e '...'... 04:10 < rxr> which line ? 04:10 < mnemoc> 122 04:10 < mnemoc> THE line :) 04:11 < rxr> file ? 04:12 < rxr> I have one in line 54 ... 04:13 < rxr> var_insert CC_WRAPPER_FILTER "|" "sed -e 's,/usr/dietlibc/,$root&,'" 04:13 < rxr> it is prepending the $root before each /usr/dietlibc/ occurence in teh options passed to CC ... 04:13 < mnemoc> me too :) i have to learn 'vi' :( 04:13 < rxr> you might see a linux24 commit in some minutes ... 04:14 < mnemoc> my problem is that i have no /usr/dietlibc occurence in kiss 04:14 < rxr> the diet wrapper program passes this to gcc (IIRC) ... 04:15 < mnemoc> so i'll have to find why it isn't :) 04:16 < rxr> I hope the filter has a verbose mode? 04:21 < mnemoc> i got why iproute2 is including /usr/dietlibc instead of $root... just because the pasted CC_FILTER :) to avoid $root$root/... 04:21 < rxr> ah - jepp 04:24 < mnemoc> mmm... /usr/dietlibc is never 'globally' appended 04:27 < mnemoc> yes! :) 04:27 < mnemoc> fixed 04:30 < rxr> hm - shti I need to rediff the i2c patch :-( 04:30 < rxr> one hunk fails ... 04:31 < mnemoc> i suggest you to wait undle herbert do it :) 04:31 < mnemoc> until 04:31 < rxr> it is only one line ... 04:31 -!- kasc_ [~kasc@p5090B1A6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04:32 < mnemoc> i said because of download locations and stuff 04:38 -!- kasc_ [~kasc@p5090B096.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 04:40 < rxr> mnemoc: I thik the i2c patch has a bug ... 04:42 < mnemoc> typo, little bug or big fsking amazing bug? 04:44 < rxr> typo .. 04:46 < mnemoc> mmm... kiss patch was not reached the list :( 04:47 < mnemoc> aaaargh!!!... gzip fails in the same way :( 04:47 < mnemoc> can i *globally* insert -I/usr/dietlibc/include ? 04:48 < rxr> mnemoc: in dietlibc's parse-config? try and see if it break s.th. ... (in theoriy it should not ...) 04:49 < mnemoc> ok 04:49 < mnemoc> tell me about linux24 to start a whole new build 04:50 < rxr> mnemoc: takes some minutes until I know the new i2c patch works ... 04:51 < mnemoc> k 04:52 < mnemoc> errno!!! 04:52 < mnemoc> :( 04:53 < rxr> hm? 04:53 < mnemoc> errno bug of gzip :'( 04:54 < mnemoc> this will take longer that what i expected =( 05:00 < rxr> what errno bug in gzip? one not fixed in ROCK ? 05:01 < mnemoc> i thinks it's related with -nostdinc 05:08 * mnemoc hating dietlibc 05:08 < rxr> the dietlibc is not that bad 05:08 < rxr> it is dimensions more readable then glibc - only the ROCK Linux scripts for dietlibs are not always that clean .. 05:09 < rxr> Subject: Re: problems when moving repository form redhat to gentoo 05:09 < rxr> *lolololol* 05:10 < mnemoc> ??? 05:11 < rxr> svn mailing list ... 05:28 < rxr> mnemoc: if you see my changelog you know that we already have kernel hacker on-board ... 05:28 < rxr> ;-) 05:29 < mnemoc> :) 05:31 < rxr> hm - verena will wake up soon ;-) 05:31 < rxr> mnemoc: the kernel build is not yet fully tested 05:31 < rxr> I committed it because I want to build it in parallel on my x86 box 05:32 < rxr> but the big merge conflicts are solved ... 05:32 < rxr> and it is already building on my iBook for 30 minutes ... 05:33 < mnemoc> i2c-west? 05:34 < rxr> an Apple i2x system bus ... 05:35 < rxr> s/x/c/ 05:35 < rxr> I need a faster PowerPC laptop - building linux24 and alsa-driver makes the video drop quite a lot frames :-( 05:39 < mnemoc> no comments 05:40 < rxr> ;-) - maybe 2.6 would help a bit ... 05:40 < jsaw> incredible, u'r still alive... 05:40 < rxr> and I should emerge xine with my tuned PowerPC optimization settings ... 05:41 < rxr> jsaw: and you, too ;-) 05:42 * SMP as well 05:42 < jsaw> btw, I installed rock on my laptop (a few revs before rc1 tag). Man, I almost forgot, that 266MHz is (almost) enough with a properly optimized distro... 05:43 < rxr> jsaw: nice to hear 05:43 < rxr> maybe we should but this quote into the happy users section ? 05:43 < jsaw> :) 05:43 < SMP> apropos optimization 05:44 < SMP> someone here uses the KDE screen locker / screensaver? 05:44 < rxr> SMP: seldom 05:44 < rxr> I prefer xautolock 05:45 < SMP> it's incredibly slow and CPU consuming 05:45 < SMP> and I only use the simple blank screen 05:45 < mnemoc> while(1); 05:46 < mnemoc> or while(i--); <-- sleep 05:47 < rxr> SMP: AFAIHS KDE just uses xscreensaver ... 05:47 < SMP> when I click the 'lock screen' icon it waits a few seconds and the CPU radiator spins up (!) - and this is a 2.5GHz P4 05:47 < SMP> rxr: no, Gnome uses xscreensaver 05:48 < mnemoc> what's _cheaper_ gnome or kde? 05:49 < SMP> 162M download/kde31 05:49 < SMP> 131M download/gnome2 05:49 < SMP> Gnome - if you download it ;P 05:49 < mnemoc> i mean at runtime 05:49 < jsaw> don't forget compile time for C++ 05:50 < SMP> jsaw: well that doesn't cost money 05:50 < mnemoc> 'lighter' can be the word 05:50 < jsaw> energy 06:01 < mnemoc> gn8 :) 06:01 < rxr> n8 mnemoc 06:02 < jsaw> cu mnemoc 06:02 < mnemoc> will u sleep tomorrow? 06:02 < mnemoc> :\ 06:03 < mnemoc> ... n8 06:03 < mnemoc> sleep is good 06:40 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has joined #rocklinux 06:48 -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@p3EE1E279.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 06:49 < jsaw_> *damn hw* 06:49 < starlord> good morning jsaw 06:49 < jsaw_> g'morning 06:50 < jsaw_> (I was down for a couple of minutes because my X-Server stuck somewhere in an sigalarm loop -> reboot) 06:55 < rxr> moin starlord 06:55 < starlord> hi rxr 06:56 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E2BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06:56 < SMP> btw. I managed to get an NVIDIA X Server running 06:57 * rxr away - cu later ... 06:57 < SMP> but it dies with a SEGV as soon as I invoke a GLX app 06:59 < starlord> hmm, SMP you use nvidia's drivers right? my desktop pc has nvidia and i didnt have any problems to get hw to x work,currently pc is broken so i can look what i did,damm storms 07:00 < starlord> this freaking ATI is giving headache's 07:00 < starlord> nvidia is much better when it comes to linux support.... 07:01 < safedin> hmm.. I'm finished with the build.. I get a 'creating isofs.txt' message 07:01 < safedin> but when I do a create-iso it says can't find build//isofs.txt .... 07:04 < jsaw_> SMP: but u are running 2.6? 07:04 -!- jsaw_ is now known as jsaw 07:04 < SMP> yes 07:04 < SMP> but that shouldn't matter to the X server 07:05 < jsaw> the problem is the nvidia module 07:05 < rxr> safedin: you build the target completely ? 07:05 < safedin> as far as I know.. yes... 07:05 < SMP> jsaw: well it's told to work fine once you manage to compile it 07:06 < SMP> ... and disable ACPI 07:06 < safedin> Finishing build. 07:06 < safedin> -> Creating package database ... 07:06 < safedin> -> Creating isofs.txt file .. 07:06 < rxr> safedin: maybe you do not specify the correct config-id 07:07 < safedin> ic 07:07 < rxr> if you have not speciiied one - the id is "default" ... 07:07 * rxr off not - cu 07:07 < safedin> hehe.. my bad.. misspelled default...:( 07:09 < jsaw> #elif LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 0) 07:09 < jsaw> # error This driver does not support 2.5.x development kernels! 07:09 < jsaw> #else 07:09 < jsaw> # error This driver does not support 2.6.x or newer kernels! 07:09 < SMP> -rw-r--r-- 1 stefanp users 78587 2003-08-23 08:27 NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-4496-2.5.diff 07:10 < SMP> -rw-r--r-- 1 stefanp users 783 2003-08-23 08:28 NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-4496-2.6-bk5.diff 07:10 < jsaw> I know, but there's a lot of stuff binary only. Try disabling AGP. 07:10 < SMP> 'disabling AGP'? 07:16 < jsaw> XF86Config, Section "Device", Option "NvAGP" "0" 07:17 < jsaw> (btw, did u run ldconfig after installing the driver?) 07:17 < SMP> (of course) 07:18 < SMP> (and moved /usr/X11/lib/libGL* away) 07:19 < jsaw> ? I never had to do that, the nvidia install script did it. 07:19 < SMP> can't use the installer 07:20 < SMP> ERROR: The kernel header file 07:20 < SMP> '/lib/modules/2.6.0-test3/build/include/linux/modversions.h' does not 07:20 < SMP> exist. 07:21 < jsaw> ? we have our own installer script 07:33 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has joined #rocklinux 07:34 < holyolli> moin 07:35 < starlord> hi holyolli 07:35 < jsaw> SMP: file a bug report so that sb. might fix the installer 07:36 < holyolli> hi starlord 07:37 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 07:37 < holyolli> mike!!! 07:37 < Mike1> Alcoholy! 07:37 < Mike1> :P 07:38 < holyolli> ;P 07:38 < Mike1> how are you cpt? 07:38 < Mike1> re all 07:39 < holyolli> fine. but theory sucks...cause it's boring 07:39 < holyolli> Mike1: and how are you? 07:39 < Mike1> hehehe 07:39 < jsaw> cu guys, bbl 07:39 < Mike1> i am very good thanks 07:39 < Mike1> jsaw: ? 07:40 < jsaw> Mike1: I have to bring my car to the garage in couple of minutes... 07:40 < Mike1> jsaw: ok, have fun 07:41 < Mike1> cchamilt: awake? 07:43 * Mike1 is away: brb rebooting 07:44 < jsaw> Mike1: that's no fun, 'cause its not really mine, it's my brother-in-law's car (I didn't expect ground clearance to be that small...) 07:44 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 07:44 < jsaw> ... 07:44 < jsaw> bbl 07:50 -!- Mike1 [~mike@] has joined #rocklinux 07:50 < Mike1> re 07:52 < holyolli> cya 07:52 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has quit ("X-Chat: I'm out like a light...") 07:53 < SMP> jsaw: X server still segfaults with NvAGP 0 07:53 < Mike1> SMP: was gnucash moved to your repos? 07:53 < SMP> but this time it also caused some filesystem corruption 07:54 < SMP> guess I'll just have to wait a year for NVidia to get their shit together 07:55 < SMP> Mike1: jep. I changed it to use gnome-14.conf and made a crude patch to force it to use bdb41 07:55 < SMP> now it builds ok 07:55 < SMP> if only OpenHBCI was a little less stupid now ... 07:56 < Mike1> SMP: okis :) 07:57 < SMP> Mike1: btw. 'goodbye' also from me and thanks for all the fish ;) 07:57 < Mike1> SMP: ok. 08:08 -!- Mike1 [~mike@] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 08:17 < jsaw> re 08:19 < starlord> damm,where can i find kernel option for touchpad? 08:21 < jsaw> SMP: ... binary drivers ... (I also had a X crash today, also nvidia...) 08:21 < jsaw> starlord: what kinda touchpad 08:21 < jsaw> ? 08:24 < starlord> jsaw:dont know the model,what ever comes with siemens notebooks :) 08:24 < jsaw> oh, you mean the mouse-replacement? 08:25 < jsaw> Pretty sure it's PS/2 08:25 < starlord> i know,ps/2 driver should work,but it doesnt,when i connect real mouse to ps/2 or usb it works but the touchpad doesnt 08:27 < jsaw> what does 'cat /dev/psaux | hexdump' say if u touch the touchpad? 08:29 < starlord> nothing 08:31 < jsaw> and /dev/usbmouse0 08:31 < jsaw> ? 08:33 < SMP> well, use lsusb to find out if there is one at all ... 08:33 < jsaw> sorry /dev/input/mouse0 or similiar 08:34 < starlord> hmm,i think i have protocol wrong in gpm,at boot time it founds synaptics touchpad so it is found,have to check proper protocol for this 08:34 < starlord> off for smoke 08:45 < jsaw> does anybody know by chance a good simple short howto "setup a DSL-Router-Firewall-Home-Network-etc."? 08:46 < jsaw> (any hint that saves me from RTFM is welcome :-) 08:49 < SMP> a) install OpenBSD 08:50 < jsaw> why? does this simplify configuration? 08:51 < SMP> if it filters packets, then it runs OpenBSD 08:52 < SMP> plus you don't need to jump through any hoops to get PPPoE 08:52 < jsaw> hoops? 08:53 < jsaw> so, packet filtering is less tricky in openbsd? 08:53 < SMP> definetely 08:54 < starlord> hmm.there's still few problems in kernel options modify through Config 09:03 -!- jvc [~jvc@cherokee.cs.utwente.nl] has joined #rocklinux 09:05 < rxr> re 09:06 < rxr> ok - me taking sleep ... 09:07 < jsaw> :) 09:14 < Freak> excellent idea actually. 09:14 < Freak> bye 09:15 * SMP feels inclined as well 09:15 < jsaw> (what should I say then...) 09:25 -!- Demian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 09:27 < Demian> hi 09:28 -!- Aard [~bwachter@aardchat.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:35 -!- Demian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 10:36 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:37 < daja77> moin Ge0rG 10:37 < Ge0rG> good morning 10:38 * daja77 now off for breakfast and work, cu later 10:52 < netrunner> moin 11:29 < esden> moin 11:58 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("Real Life is just an illusion caused by IRC deprivation") 13:21 < daja77> re 13:35 < daja77> ROTFL, owl is blaming our screen version, and using putty ... 14:08 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M313P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 14:21 < rxr> re 14:26 < daja77> hi rxr 14:27 < n00kie> Welcome back, rxr :) 14:27 < daja77> rxr: guess owl has a putty problem rather than a screen based one ;-) 14:34 < rxr> for me screen worked flasslessly using putty ... 14:35 < rxr> daja77: maybe she has a centericq problem as written my fake ... 14:35 < daja77> but blaming the rocklinux build scripts for that is ridiculous 14:36 < rxr> daja77: yes - definetely ... 14:36 < rxr> maybe it is an utf8 problem actually .... ?!? 14:38 < rxr> SMP: still alive ? 14:42 < daja77> you freaks worked the whole night ... 14:47 < mnemoc> rxr: i2c-core.c:1422:2: #endif without #if 14:48 < daja77> hehe 14:48 < daja77> wb mnemoc 14:48 < mnemoc> hi daja77, rxr, n00kie :) 14:49 -!- rammi [Administra@] has joined #rocklinux 14:49 < rammi> hi 14:49 < daja77> hi rammi 14:55 < rolla> re 14:56 < daja77> hi rolla 15:01 -!- rammi [Administra@] has quit ("Leaving") 15:09 < starlord> rxr:put CONFIG_PNPBIOS to disable list in kernel 2.6,it "halts" pc during boot 15:23 < rxr> starlord: thanks 15:24 < starlord> rxr:np,i still have few problems with touchpad support in kernel,i found a patch for them,i'll send it to mailinglist,if it works 15:24 < rxr> mnemoc: I'm just fixing this ... 15:24 < rxr> starlord: ok 15:28 < daja77> how come, that they can't see such simple compile errors before release, is the their quality management so poor 15:28 < rxr> daja77: you mean the ifdef? This was me ... 15:29 < daja77> oh ic ;-) 15:29 < rxr> and I needed to bring Verena to a doctor at 8o'clock this morning ... 15:29 < daja77> so you are more ghost than human today ... 15:30 < starlord> is owl(Sandra Dismair?) in the mailing list same as EREBOS linux creator? 15:30 < daja77> yes ... 15:31 < starlord> muah,why doesnt she starts to help rock as he has same goals in that erectos,but in rock they are mainly done already..... 15:31 < starlord> oh erebos i mena 15:32 < daja77> cos she is strange, but don't tell her 15:35 < starlord> yihaa,touchbad works again 15:40 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-057-189.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:42 -!- true [~true@aszlig.net] has quit ("leaving") 15:50 < rxr> so - linux24 might be fixed now ... 15:56 -!- [anders] [~snafu@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 15:58 < esden> ROFL 15:58 < esden> hi sbtw 15:58 < daja77> hi [anders] 15:58 < daja77> hi esden 15:58 < [anders]> lo esden, daja77 15:58 < daja77> what's so funny 15:58 < esden> daja77: the mail from owl on the ml 15:59 < daja77> with that pciture 16:00 < esden> daja77: the mail about that she is not satisfied about rock ... and that screen is not working ... and and and ... I really have to lough about it ... 16:00 < daja77> i agree 16:01 < [anders]> ho-hum... 16:02 < esden> daja77: but that kind of saying is typical for her ... 16:02 < esden> she will be back earlier or later 16:02 < [anders]> esden: maybe, maybe not... 16:02 < rxr> hi [anders] ! 16:03 < daja77> [anders]: anyway ;-) 16:03 < [anders]> lo rxr, I saw your post on LKML.. you want the updates i2c I see.. :) 16:03 < rxr> yes - I just merged the patch again - and it is pain ... 16:04 < rxr> even more I would like the i2c people not changing the API teh wohle day .... 16:04 < rxr> but the current one should be in the kernel ... 16:04 < [anders]> daja77: owl might feel frustration with Rock, I did from time to time.. Especially when I did not have the skill to fix the broken bits. 16:04 < [anders]> rxr: I reckon you stand a good chance to get it into 2.4.23 16:05 < rxr> another thing that should go in is the read-only bind mounts patch ... 16:05 < rxr> and it is tiny ... 16:05 < daja77> well np with that, if could talk in a normal way with her about that, there wouldn't be a problem at all 16:05 < [anders]> rxr: I noticed that there was updated to ACPI in 2.4.22, I should give it a try shortly... 16:06 < [anders]> daja77: just be patient. not everyone is eloquent and can communicate easily the problems they've noticed. 16:06 < rxr> [anders]: ;-) btw how are you - how are things going ? 16:06 < daja77> patience *hmpf* 16:06 < [anders]> rxr: I'm good thanks. just moved house (again) and have to wait for DSL to be enabled in new house. 16:07 < [anders]> rxr: how are you doing then old friend? :) 16:07 < rxr> [anders]: oh - quite well, thanks. In which country are you currently living ? 16:07 < [anders]> rxr: I am still in the UK for the time being. :) 16:08 < daja77> and still joining from ibm ... 16:08 < [anders]> daja77: yes.. not managed to escape yet.. ;-) 16:09 < [anders]> looks like I might be able to scavenge another year from them as well.. 16:09 < daja77> hehehe 16:09 < rxr> [anders]: but it should be quite ok at ibm, isn't it ? 16:09 < [anders]> rxr: it is. working on a nice project, doing build tasks and acceptance testing, so things I like to tinker with. :) 16:10 < [anders]> rxr: so what are you working with now or are you still at uni? :) 16:10 < esden> hmm ... it would be very helpfull if owl could fix the bug in centericq ... 16:11 < esden> I really would be greatfull for that 16:11 * [anders] wants a 'centrino' architecture choice in the kernel 16:12 < rxr> [anders]: well basically I work too much on OpenSoure stuff and I'm too less in the Uni ... I worked for a win32 coding company - but I'm about to quit it and start my own company trying to make money with ROCK Linux and realtime-audio-linux stuff (GSMP) ... 16:13 < daja77> cool, you considered using rtai patched kernels for that? 16:14 < [anders]> rxr: sounds like a good idea. if you have a good solid product you should easily be able to make a living from it. :) 16:16 < rxr> daja77: not in the beginning ... realtime audio for workstations is normally all user-space so you need the new scheduler, maybe preemtion (or/and the old low-latency patches) - but basically vanilla 2.4 and especially 2.6 are good enough for studio work - only for exeptional caes preemtion and the low-latency patch can help ... 16:17 < [anders]> rxr: there are patches floating around to optimise latency for particular interrupts.. so you can prioritise the irq your soundcard sits on for example.. 16:18 < daja77> rxr: anyway if you'd need it you can enable it easily in rock ;-) 16:19 < esden> very nice ... I could stop myself from replying on owls mail in the last moment ... thank god ;) 16:19 < daja77> thank esden 16:22 * [anders] is thinking about creating a patch-set for the kernel on the laptop. 16:22 < [anders]> what I really want is some driver code for Intel PRO/2100 802.11b wifi stuff.. 16:22 < rxr> daja77: yes ;-) 16:24 < daja77> found a victim for new generic installation btw 16:32 * rxr away - cu in some hours 16:36 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:36 < holyolli> moin 16:39 -!- [anders] [~snafu@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting") 16:43 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has quit ("X-Chat: 1998: year of the X-Chat") 16:47 < esden> ok ... I am off for shopping 16:49 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M313P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 16:53 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD9EB7B9E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:53 < dennis> moin 16:55 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M313P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 17:03 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M313P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 17:20 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M313P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 17:32 < rolla> okay I give you lines you need 17:32 < starlord> hmm,why linux-drm copies modules to 2.4 and not to 2.6(that's i'm using),because 2.4 is marked as default kernel? 17:35 -!- christ|an [~christian@p50839D6E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:40 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M313P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 17:53 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-057-189.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 17:53 < esden> re hi all 17:53 < christ|an> hi esden 17:54 < esden> starlord: I suppose that it is a bug in install script ... 17:55 < rolla> ? 17:55 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M313P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 17:55 < esden> rolla: ? 17:55 < rolla> wrong window :( 17:56 < esden> rolla: hehe ;) 18:04 < rolla> does the person who starts the webserver have rights to the cert files? 18:04 < rolla> I think my tab key is broken :( 18:06 < daja77> maybe you think i learn quicker when reading things twice ;-) 18:12 < christ|an> https://join.msn.com/?page=dept/home&pgmarket=en-us&xAPID=296&DI=340&HL=MS_SpecialsPage_Sign_up_for_MSN_8_Cut_your_Internet_bills_graphic_1 -> lol this site looks like a page for kids :) 18:13 < daja77> msn -> page_for_kids -> just_as_expected 18:13 < christ|an> lol 18:15 < n00kie> https://netscan.research.microsoft.com 18:15 < n00kie> I think this is a.. 18:15 < n00kie> "bad site" 18:15 -!- lhang [~lhang@cm40.omega163.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #rocklinux 18:15 -!- lhang [~lhang@cm40.omega163.maxonline.com.sg] has left #rocklinux () 18:17 < christ|an> https://www.microsoft.com/catalog/display.asp?subid=22&site=11052&x=52&y=13 -> yeah lets buy a home xp edition :) 18:17 < daja77> christ|an: could you stop that please 18:17 * daja77 now off for shopping 18:23 -!- ringo [~root@co116627-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has joined #rocklinux 18:39 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:40 < holyolli> re 18:41 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-057-189.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:46 < n00kie> Hi holyolli 18:48 < starlord> hmm,what env variable should contain current kernel version? 18:50 < holyolli> hi n00kie 18:54 < mnemoc> starlord: uname -r 18:55 < starlord> hmm,inside script? 18:55 < starlord> errrrrr 18:56 < starlord> linux-drm uses $kernelversion but gives me default kernel and not the kernel i'm using,so i thought there is already variable that holds it.... 18:56 < mnemoc> afaik no 18:57 < mnemoc> ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_KERNEL contains the default kernel package 18:57 < mnemoc> you can sed it's .desc file to fetch ^\[V\] \(.*\) 19:06 -!- starlord [~starlord@dsl10040.japo.fi] has quit ("sauna") 19:12 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has quit ("X-Chat: use it, it makes you bulletproof") 19:29 < mnemoc> i can't create an account on flyspray :'( 19:30 < mnemoc> i want an account 19:31 < mnemoc> i have filled the form twice but i still can't login 19:31 < mnemoc> bye :( 19:41 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M313P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit) 19:44 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M353P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 19:55 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:15 < rolla> damn kernels 20:19 < mnemoc> rc1 was tagged in a good moment :) 20:20 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EA94E1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:31 < tcr> moin all 20:31 < rolla> re 20:32 < mnemoc> wb {tcr,rolla} 20:34 < rolla> this is driving me nuts they say they have linux drivers but you can't find 20:34 < rolla> them 20:35 < mnemoc> that doesn't applies only to linux drivers :( 20:37 < rolla> ? 20:37 < daja77> re 20:38 < rxr> re 20:38 < rolla> rxr what kind of wireless card do you have? 20:38 < rxr> oeh 20:39 < rxr> an Airport/Orinoro in the iBook - and an ADMTek 8211 in Verena's laptop 20:39 < mnemoc> rxr: do you have admin privileges on flyspray? i have tried to create myself twice but ... 20:40 < rolla> ah lucky you nice supported cards 20:40 < rxr> as Accesspoint DWL 900AP+ 20:40 < rxr> mnemoc: yes 20:40 < mnemoc> can you see i i'm created? 20:41 < rxr> mnemoc: nope - your are not listed ... 20:41 < mnemoc> :'( 20:41 < rxr> what error did you got ? 20:42 < rxr> which browser? 20:42 < mnemoc> ie55 20:42 < mnemoc> empty page after submit 20:42 < rxr> hm - works in Mozilla and Konqueror ... 20:42 < mnemoc> i mean, empty popup 20:42 < rxr> don't you have a Mozilla on your XP ? 20:42 < mnemoc> ok... i'll try mozilla at home 20:43 < rxr> I could try from an IE/Mac using MacOSX in MacOnLinux ;-) 20:43 < mnemoc> =) 20:43 < rxr> but this IE/Mac is dmenensions bug-freeer compared to the windows version 20:43 -!- javisiu [~javier@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #RockLinux 20:43 < rxr> this especially sucks when I want to see if the sites are correclty rendered in IE - the Mac versino usually just renders it fine and the Win version fails ... 20:44 -!- javisiu [~javier@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Client Quit) 20:44 < mnemoc> i can give you RDP access here but i think the lag will be *big* 20:45 < rxr> yes - i do not need it that urgent ... 20:45 < daja77> dunno if this is good or bad if windows user can't submit bugs ... 20:46 < mnemoc> btw, i get empty but a "Flyspray:: Modify" title 20:48 < daja77> O_o a mail from tfing 20:48 < rxr> oh - Alon Cox replied to my mail ... 20:48 < mnemoc> rxr: now you are a real kernel hacker ;) 20:49 < daja77> huh, thought he retired 20:50 < daja77> btw do we have the security fixes for sendmail? 20:53 < rxr> don't know - don't use it ... 20:53 < rxr> if you use it fell free to track them ... 20:55 < daja77> i don't but i just got the second advisory (this time from suse) 20:56 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M353P004.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("leaving") 20:59 < rolla> rxr that is a poor frame of mind ot have 21:02 < mnemoc> package preselection templates? 21:03 < rxr> rolla: heh? 21:04 < rxr> mnemoc: yes - to stop this yet-another-target-with-package-selection-only(tm) 21:04 < rolla> if it is going to be a part of rock. it must be kept up todate either by the maintainer of the package or by the overall maintainer. 21:05 < rxr> rolla: yes - but I can not do all 21:05 < mnemoc> good... targets should be more that a set of pacakges 21:05 < mnemoc> BBL 21:05 < rxr> I already stayed up the wohle last night ... 21:05 < rolla> true 21:06 < rolla> but then the answer should be the maintainer must take care of it :) 21:06 < rxr> yes - and since I hate sendmail I'm not the maintainer *g* 21:08 < rolla> true 21:09 < daja77> errh you are ... consequent 21:09 < rolla> I am just pointing out the more correct way to answer daja question :) 21:10 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD9EB7B9E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal") 21:10 < rxr> rolla: could you take a look at this ? 21:11 < rolla> I can 21:20 < rxr> the preselection template is cool ;-) 21:24 -!- rammi [Administra@] has joined #rocklinux 21:25 < rammi> hi to all! 21:25 < daja77> rxr: what about minimal build? 21:25 < daja77> wb rammi 21:25 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EA94E1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21:27 < rxr> daja77: hm ? 21:27 -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p508028B9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:29 < daja77> mike created minimal so that we can provide small isos for download, so that newbies have a plattform to build rock for themselves on it 21:31 -!- rammi [Administra@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 21:31 -!- rammi [a@] has joined #rocklinux 21:33 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EA8F43.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:33 < rxr> daja77: still possible - select generic and the minimal template ... 21:36 < tcr> is it possible to see diffs between revisions online? 21:38 < daja77> rxr: ok, but will we provide such an image? 21:40 < rxr> tcr: yes - if I would install viewcvs (latest version has svn support) 21:40 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p508027E1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21:41 < rxr> daja77: depends if we have free resources 21:41 < daja77> hmm 21:42 < rxr> daja77: and astonishing is that the minimal+xfree only includes ~100 packages where minimal has ~190 ... 21:42 < rxr> we should fix this - by making minimal smaller ... 21:43 < daja77> ack 21:43 < daja77> e.g.. noone needs rfcs in minimal 21:44 < rxr> maybe just cut'n paste from the minimal+xfree remove the xfree files - and clean both up - maybe the xfree can just include (inherit) the minimal and only pass the two and a half xfree packages additionally ... 21:48 < rxr> weee 900 packages in ROCK now ;-)! 21:49 < daja77> stay tuned for more ;-) 21:51 -!- rammi [a@] has quit ("Leaving") 22:04 -!- safedin is now known as CluelessNewbie 22:05 < SMP> rxr: what's the use of x/o flag if all packages are x anyway? ;) 22:06 < daja77> not all 22:07 < rxr> SMP: the default - and the default should only optional exclusive packages - or packages without distirvuteable license 22:08 < rxr> SMP: if you O them they will also not build in a reference build (since it would not know which can be build wihtout conflict ...) 22:08 < daja77> rtai is O e.g. cos it modifies the whole build 22:08 < rxr> there are nome still 27 O packages ... 22:08 < rxr> err 24 ... 22:09 < praenti> hi 22:09 < rxr> and I do want all normal packages in a regerence build ... 22:09 < praenti> rxr: have you time at the moment? 22:09 < daja77> huhu praenti 22:09 < rxr> praenti: erm - theoretically yes - if my girlfrined would not be wishing that I make the dishes ... ;-) 22:09 < praenti> need some help with kernel config and with disable-broken.lst 22:09 < rxr> praenti: oeh? what do you want to do? 22:10 < praenti> i have added a line like: CONFIG_SIS190 2003-08-26 2.6.0-test4 22:10 < praenti> cause this module seems to be broken. but the output says that it is set to 'm' anyway 22:10 < praenti> is there a special syntax? 22:12 < rxr> nope normally not ... 22:14 < praenti> have seen there are some more in it now. looks like i should use the one in trunk... :-/ 22:16 < rxr> so the next i2c iteration ... 22:18 < praenti> ohh. i have seen what was wrong. i should not trust the outputafter enabling all modules :-)) 22:19 < praenti> disable-broken.sh is run after the output... *schäm* 22:22 < rxr> so I hope this was the kernel hacking session for the next days ... 22:22 < praenti> ok. i will go to bed now. perhaps i can read tomorrow more than today... 22:22 < praenti> gn8 22:22 < daja77> n8 praenti 22:22 < rxr> n8 praenti 22:22 -!- CluelessNewbie is now known as safedin 22:23 -!- kasc_ [~kasc@p5090B096.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22:29 * daja77 notes that letting manucfacture cdroms and dvds is cheaper than he thought 22:34 < rxr> jups - what is the current break-even for pressed CDs? and the price in cent then ? 22:35 < daja77> 0.75 EUR for a dvd, without cover 22:35 < daja77> but with colored label 22:35 < daja77> cds are even cheaper 22:35 < SMP> how much is a DVD master? 22:35 < rolla> look it over before you thank me 22:38 < safedin> because daja77 made me... 22:38 < safedin> fyi.. the best feature of gentoo is the ease of install new and unstable versions of gnome... 22:39 < daja77> thx 22:39 < daja77> :) 22:41 < rxr> safedin: if someone would just add the packages to rock it would be equally easy ... 22:51 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 22:52 < Mike1> hello all 22:52 < daja77> hi Mike1 23:27 < rxr> re 23:28 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EA8F43.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23:28 < rxr> hi Mike1 23:28 < Mike1> wb rxr 23:28 < daja77> *head crashing on keyboard* 23:28 < rxr> daja77: some eact prices for CDs and the master would be interesting 23:28 < rxr> or is the master in the price - but then I would need the minmal count ... 23:29 < daja77> it is in price when you order at least 2000 23:30 < daja77> https://www.mediabit.de/cd/1_cd_produktion/cd_produktion_preise_teil_1.html 23:34 < rxr> daja77: ah the usual prices - ok 23:34 < daja77> better than burning it themselves 23:36 -!- rammi [a@] has joined #rocklinux 23:36 < rammi> hi.. again.. :) 23:38 -!- rammi [a@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 23:38 < daja77> hmm 23:38 -!- rammi [a@] has joined #rocklinux 23:38 -!- rammi [a@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23:47 * daja77 tired 23:47 < daja77> cu tomorrow 23:47 < Mike1> daja77: :( 23:47 * daja77 killed by noise at work 23:50 < rxr> linux24 now builds again ... --- Log closed Wed Aug 27 00:00:01 2003