--- Log opened Sun Aug 31 00:00:13 2003 00:00 < n00kie> Fine, thanks :) 00:01 < daja77> Mike1: fine, lazy day, today 00:05 < Mike1> daja77: actually, you are lazy everyday... 00:05 < daja77> oh thx 00:05 < daja77> :P 00:05 < Mike1> you are very welcome 00:05 < Mike1> :P 00:05 * daja77 kicks Mike1 00:05 < Mike1> huh?! 00:05 < Mike1> what did i do? 00:05 * Mike1 slaps daja77 00:05 < daja77> doesn't matter, had to do it 00:06 < Mike1> kick n00kie, he like it 00:06 * daja77 deflects the slap and kicks again 00:06 * daja77 kicks n00kie 00:06 * Mike1 uses n00kieas shield 00:07 * daja77 pokes Mike1 with a stick 00:07 < Mike1> ok so rms have just left to the airport.. 00:07 < daja77> hm? 00:07 * netrunner smells the air of war and sneaks near 00:07 < Mike1> rms was here... 00:07 < daja77> in cr 00:08 < Mike1> cr.. mike's ... 00:08 < netrunner> oh, already ended ... then n8 * :) 00:08 * daja77 throws n00kie in netrunner's direction 00:08 < daja77> Mike1: cool 00:08 < daja77> he visited you? 00:08 * Mike1 grabs his water pistol and shoots netrunner 00:08 < Mike1> daja77: yeah 00:08 < Mike1> daja77: airport is 2 mins away 00:08 * netrunner matrixdodges the waterbullets 00:09 < daja77> have you violated the gpl? 00:09 * netrunner throws his alarm-clock-that-rings-on-sunday-at-8am onto Mike1 00:09 < n00kie> :( 00:09 < n00kie> Everyone is hurting me 00:09 < n00kie> and using me for bad things 00:09 < Mike1> netrunner: sorry but the n00kie hit ya 00:09 < n00kie> :) 00:09 < n00kie> lol 00:10 < Mike1> daja77: no :) 00:10 < daja77> what did he do at yours? 00:11 * Mike1 has started a plan to try to make the legislation of CR, force the gov institutions to use free software... 00:11 < daja77> does this involve explosives? 00:11 < Mike1> you know, make a law to kick m$ ass out of the gov.. 00:12 < Mike1> daja77: explosives, maybe, wanna help? 00:12 < daja77> sure 00:12 * netrunner needs to update spamassasin rules ... the false negative has fallen rapidly. *deletingpenisenlargementpills* 00:12 < daja77> n00kie could carry the bomb 00:13 < daja77> netrunner: you should eat the pills, not delete the, 00:13 < daja77> them 00:13 < Mike1> daja77: n00kie wouldn't exactly carry it.. he _would_ be _the_ bomb 00:13 < daja77> ahem yeah 00:13 < Mike1> daja77: you could also donate your car to the cause... 00:13 < netrunner> daja77: according to my gf I don't need any, you want those? 00:14 < daja77> hehe tactical nuklear transporter 00:14 < daja77> netrunner: why have you ordered them 00:14 < Mike1> pills are for the birds... all you need is jolt. 00:14 < daja77> maybe you should have asked her before 00:15 < netrunner> Mike1: I'd love to see a bird flying by after consuming those pills :) 00:15 < daja77> .oO netrunner wants to love birds ... 00:15 < netrunner> daja77: found them in my mbox 00:15 < Mike1> netrunner: hehehe, if it is just like i imagine it.. damn i wanna see that too :) 00:15 < daja77> you lucky one 00:16 < netrunner> daja77: I could forward em to you if you'd like 00:16 < Mike1> daja77: sure those are not regular pills, those are love pills.. 00:16 < daja77> ahem no thx 00:17 < netrunner> still running generic build: 1800 builds total, 1406 completed fine, 49 with errors 00:17 < daja77> *shock* 00:17 < daja77> oh you rin stage 9 ... 00:17 < netrunner> yes 00:17 < daja77> run 00:17 < netrunner> with paranoia turned on. 00:18 < daja77> hmm always turn it on 00:18 < Mike1> ok back to code. 00:18 < rxr> hi 1804 builds total, 1400 completed fine, 30 with errors. 00:18 < Mike1> grr 00:18 < Mike1> hi rxr 00:18 < rxr> hi Mike1 00:19 < netrunner> rxr: I have quite a few with {standard input}:795: Error: value of -129 too large for field of 1 bytes at 2292 00:19 < netrunner> rxr: you know where that could come from? (building generic for k6/2) 00:20 < rxr> nope - never saw this ... 00:20 < daja77> rxr: btw found easy possibility to download the patches ;) 00:20 < netrunner> rxr: could that be optimization issue of gcc? 00:21 < rxr> hm - what packages are this? 00:21 * daja77 thinks so 00:21 < netrunner> rxr: xine, lame, maybe more 00:22 < rxr> both build fine here - on x86 (generic or pentium-mmx) and PowerPC (powerpc+750) 00:22 < rxr> so yes - this might be some gcc is confused problem 00:23 < rxr> could you seperate out some tiny test fragment to reproduce the bug ? 00:24 < netrunner> rxr: gimp* is also affected 00:25 < netrunner> rxr: I'll have to rebuild it manually, since my R.src is empty. I'll try to do this tomorrow evening. 00:28 < rxr> ok 00:29 < jsaw> netrunner, rxr: is libcss building? 00:30 < rxr> jsaw: yes 00:30 < jsaw> (strange error with gcc33..., that's why I'm asking.) 00:31 < rxr> jsaw: could you start to send patches? It makes more sense to get them slowly - instead of one big merge session where half of the tree is defect after it ... 00:31 < netrunner> jsaw: yes. 00:32 < jsaw> rxr: you have some, and I'm on it, rechecking. (double rechecking actually, because I already found an error with one of the patches I send: it will not work with a non-gnu compiler...) 00:33 < netrunner> what is CFLAGS, something in the compiler parameter list? 00:34 < jsaw> netrunner: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) .... 00:34 < jsaw> most automatic builds use this variable to pass c-compiler options 00:34 < jsaw> like optimization "-O2" 00:35 < netrunner> I found some guy having the same error message, he was replied with "Please remove your nonstandard CFLAGS and try again" where he replied "Yes, that was the problem. Thank you :-)" 00:35 < netrunner> he was building something else but the message looks similar 00:35 < jsaw> that's a workaround, not a solution. 00:36 < netrunner> so cflags are (also) from INSERT = '-O2 -pipe -march=k6-2' 00:36 < jsaw> yes 00:37 < netrunner> ah. thx. I'll continue this tomorrow since I have to get up 'early' (8am) to bake some cake and have breakfast with friends. 00:37 < netrunner> n8 * 00:37 < rxr> n8 netrunner 00:47 < rxr> can anyone propose good mailing-list software? (for use on my sites ...) 00:49 < daja77> a fellow student was excited by the new mailman 00:50 < jsaw> new? 00:50 < jsaw> u mean the last version? 00:50 < daja77> yes 00:51 < daja77> i mean he told me about a new version and that he likes it very much 00:51 < jsaw> rxr: www.list.org 00:51 < jsaw> (mailman) 00:53 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M301P002.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Lost terminal") 00:53 < Mike1> rxr: indeed mailman is more than a good option. I use since maybe 2 years ago. 00:55 < daja77> the seemed to have improved the admin interface in 2.1.2 00:59 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-088.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 01:01 < jsaw> rxr: btw, gcc33 and gcc3 have shared files conflicts (documentation). Any idea how to solve this? 01:04 < rxr> what documentation files are shared ? 01:06 < jsaw> I think, all (but I disabled gcc3 long time ago). But definitely info files. 01:13 < esden> hi all 01:13 < daja77> hi esden 01:14 < Mike1> God bless you MPET 01:16 -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4D80A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 01:16 < fake> gevening' 01:16 < daja77> hi fake 01:16 < fake> hey daja 01:16 < daja77> :) 01:17 < rxr> hi fake 01:18 < fake> hi rene 01:18 < esden> god bless you too Mike1 01:18 < esden> hi fake 01:18 < rxr> hi esden! You alive? 01:18 < fake> heyho esden 01:18 < esden> yes now I am back to the living 01:18 < esden> ;) 01:18 < daja77> rxr: hehe good question 01:18 < esden> I got a visit from tuesday so and was pretty unavalable ;) 01:19 < esden> but now I am back 01:19 < daja77> how was tuesday ;-) 01:19 < rxr> esden: I know who visitted you when ... ;-) 01:19 < esden> rxr: hehe ;) 01:19 < daja77> hehe 01:19 < rxr> esden: and you are still alive? 01:20 < fake> really? 01:20 < esden> rxr: yes I am ... 01:20 < fake> her ? 01:20 < esden> I did not fall into a glitch of a glacier ... but it was near to that 01:20 < esden> ;) 01:21 * fake o_O 01:21 * daja77 hates speaking in riddles 01:21 < rxr> yes - o_O {one week no rock patches from esden ...} 01:21 < daja77> less broken code 01:21 * daja77 hides 01:21 < esden> fake: regina visited me and we climbed up the zugspitze from the bottom to the glacier and back down 01:22 < esden> we planned to climb up to the top of zugspitze but we had no "steigeisen" for the glacier 01:22 < fake> esden: ah, like, nature and stuff? 01:22 < esden> that is why we went back down ... it was too dangerous at the end 01:22 < esden> fake: ack 01:22 < esden> I was exploring real rocks by foot ... for rocklinux ;) 01:22 < daja77> esden: so you installed wlan on zugspitze? 01:23 < esden> daja77: no I was talking with clifford over cellphone on the glacier of hoellenthal ;) 01:23 < daja77> so that when i climb it with fake, we could have some fun there ;) 01:23 < esden> I really got a shock as he called me ;) 01:24 < daja77> hehe 01:25 < esden> I plan to climb once more with everything I need ... and I will take a laptop with me ... so that I can say that rocklinux was climbing up rocks in real ;) 01:25 < daja77> esden: send pics 01:25 < esden> daja77: I have to develop them first 01:25 < fake> don't forget the proof 01:26 < esden> fake: photo's? 01:26 < daja77> ah yes you are still on analog 01:26 -!- hopelessOwl [~owl@D0194.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 01:26 < hopelessOwl> moin 01:26 < fake> esden: or video 01:26 < hopelessOwl> hi fake 01:26 < rxr> esden: and reginea is on the way back? Or smiling near you ? 01:26 < esden> hehe ;) 01:26 < esden> rxr: she is on the way back to berlin 01:26 < daja77> fake: what kind of video you thought of? 01:28 < esden> the video would be usable for rock TV 01:28 < daja77> :) 01:31 < esden> fake: where can I download the rock tv vcd? 01:31 < fake> esden: nowhere, up to now 01:31 < esden> then change it ;-) 01:31 * daja77 wants to download too 01:32 < fake> give me fast upload connection... 01:33 < esden> fake: apollo? if there is enough space for it ... 01:33 < esden> yes there is enough place for it 01:34 < fake> esden: then i'll push it once i'm in bitz (so... about next year) 01:35 < esden> fake: why not from home? 01:36 < fake> esden: because i'm not in the mood to move any more than i have to right now 01:36 < fake> esden: and i would habe to plug my subnote in... 01:37 < fake> have, even 01:37 < esden> hmm ... ok ... 01:37 < daja77> .oO lazy timeout error ;-) 01:44 < hopelessOwl> https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/technologie/0,1518,263325,00.html << ouch 01:45 < daja77> lol 01:46 < hopelessOwl> wonderful. 01:46 < hopelessOwl> vote for PBC, bayernpartei or ödp, btw! :p 01:47 < daja77> oh my, these votes he hurt you seriously 01:47 < daja77> s/he/have 01:50 < daja77> owl for president! 01:51 < hopelessOwl> yes... as in the "loosers-party" 01:51 < daja77> could be any 01:52 < hopelessOwl> hehe. yes. especially SPD and CDU/CSU currently.. (i'm still believing a bit in PDS) 01:52 < fake> green... 01:54 < hopelessOwl> hm.green is ok, too. but PDS is extreme enough to "durchsetzen" some of the "soziale ideen" and so on imho 01:54 < daja77> lol 01:55 < daja77> pds = bunch of grandpas and grannys, here 01:55 < fake> daja77: the pds in ingolstadt is o.k. - nice people ;) 01:56 < daja77> yeah in the west pds ppl are younger and somewhat smarter 01:56 < daja77> here it is a senior's club with braindead ppl in it 01:57 < hopelessOwl> yes... and in the ost, there are still "old men" who are influenced by communismn 01:57 < daja77> you know them? 01:57 < fake> hopelessOwl: they are here, too, that's the basic idea behind the PDS ;) 01:58 < daja77> rofl 01:58 < hopelessOwl> nah... 01:58 < hopelessOwl> fake: nah. not as communistic as communismn ;p 01:58 < daja77> hopelessOwl: huh?! 01:58 < fake> hopelessOwl: yes, because then they would be illegalised in a democratic country ;) 01:59 < daja77> erhm that's not the basic meaning of democracy, but yes they would 01:59 < hopelessOwl> fake: sure. but why are NPD and stuff? they should be forbidden imho... 02:00 < daja77> they are paid by verfassungsschutz ... 02:00 < hopelessOwl> daja77: huh? 02:00 < daja77> haven't you read the press? 02:00 < hopelessOwl> daja77: depends on _when_ 02:01 < daja77> last year perhaps 02:01 < hopelessOwl> last year... nah... 02:01 < daja77> hmm ic 02:02 < daja77> ok /me now goin to bed 02:02 < daja77> cu 02:02 < hopelessOwl> hrmpf. i'm "beneiden" you... my boyfriend is using both halfs of the bed. 02:02 < hopelessOwl> (and sleeping) :-/ 02:02 < fake> daja77: gn8 02:03 < Freak> gn8 daja77 02:03 < Freak> re rest 02:03 < Freak> :) 02:03 < hopelessOwl> daja77: but: sleep well. bye 02:03 < esden> n8 daja77 02:03 < fake> hi Freak 02:03 < Freak> hey fake 02:03 < esden> ok ... /me -> watching a film 02:04 < esden> cu 02:04 < Freak> have fun esden 02:04 < fake> movie 02:04 < Freak> fake.... is this really necessary 02:04 < Freak> have you it so nötig ;) 02:04 < fake> Freak: what? 02:05 < Freak> *turningroundhisheadlookingintheair* 02:06 < fake> esden: have fun 02:06 < fake> Freak: what - do - you - want (*poweringupleavemealoneaura*) 02:07 * Freak sets mode -owl for fake 02:07 * hopelessOwl kicks Freak in his ass 02:07 < hopelessOwl> bye esden 02:18 < snyke> esden: !!!!!!! 02:18 < snyke> *hugs* 02:20 < hopelessOwl> snyke: ` 02:20 < hopelessOwl> ? 02:20 < snyke> :)) 02:20 < snyke> ;P 02:21 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-058-088.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 02:33 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has quit ("Client Exiting") 02:39 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 02:39 < Mike1> re 02:40 < Freak> wb mi 02:40 < Freak> ke 02:40 < Freak> Mike1 02:40 < Mike1> Freak: !!! 02:41 < Freak> weeee so much exitement about me helloing you :) 02:41 < Freak> exc.. 02:42 < hopelessOwl> hi Mike1 02:42 < Mike1> owlita 02:42 < hopelessOwl> Miguel ;) 02:42 < Mike1> Freak: sure :) 02:42 < Freak> Mike1: glad. :) 02:43 < hopelessOwl> O_o 02:43 * Mike1 is very happy because his 286 is back to life 02:43 < Mike1> and he got a tv card on todays alien package 02:43 -!- dreamind [~dreamind@IP-213157026106.dialin.heagmedianet.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02:44 < Mike1> i can now find a better use to my 486 than a diskless terminal :) 02:56 < rxr> cool - my C++ template traits code finally is in place, compiles - and the functionality tested works ;-) 02:56 < fake> templates... urgh... 02:56 < rxr> templates rock 02:57 < fake> i hate the fact that you need to have the definition in each and every file, or have to include code-containing files 02:59 < rxr> yes - you need to include the hxx file with the generic definition. But only when your compiler does not know about the "export" keyword - which exposes the class over compile units 03:01 < fake> i didn't know that's supposed to work, i have to admit 03:02 < rxr> (ok - I also think that currently only soem IBM VIsual Age compiler support some cases of export) 03:02 < rxr> :-( 03:02 < fake> hehe. 03:04 < rxr> but this is only a compile time increase matter for me - (and reminds me that I need to bug the gcc folks about this again). In general Templates are a quite useable technique to realize low-level operation in a typesafe manner 03:04 < rxr> and often more optimized than in C (when you do not use assembler) 03:04 < fake> jep, i wanted to use them too, because the theory is really nice. 03:05 < rxr> you last version of GSMP beats most other sound application under linux - even in run-time speed - althought it is written in modern C++ 03:05 < rxr> currently we start to rewrite it even more organized in modern C++ 03:08 < jsaw> rxr: == 01:41:15 =[5]=> Building x11/xfree86 [ 2.0.0-rc2]. 03:08 < jsaw> !> make[3]: *** No rule to make target `xcursor.pc', needed .. 03:08 < jsaw> !> make[3]: Leaving directory `/R.src/xc/lib/fontconfig' 03:08 < jsaw> did I miss a revision? 03:08 < rxr> jsaw: already fixed (or did I forgot to commit ...) 03:09 < jsaw> updating... 03:09 < rxr> now it is 03:09 < rxr> sorry 03:09 < jsaw> np 03:13 < christ|an> Hello Rock Community... last night i tryed out your gnome package 03:13 < christ|an> there were some problems: 03:14 < christ|an> o when i started the gnome theme manager to choose another theme this programm was very unstable 03:14 < christ|an> stomethime this programm did nothing - i had to kill it 03:15 < christ|an> o i couldnt logout. i pressed the logout button and there happend nothing. i had to logoff with a terminal 03:16 < christ|an> o stone was very strange... the colors of stone are sometimes very dark (black, ...) and sometimes the colors are normal 03:16 < christ|an> o when i want to change the windowmanager in stone i always have to to it two or more times 03:17 -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4D80A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("BitchX: strong enough for a man, pH-balanced for a woman") 03:17 < christ|an> if you wish a bigger report of my problems with rock query me please and i will send you a big report with error msgs and so on 03:18 < rxr> christ|an: I'll copy this into my mail client and take a look 03:18 < christ|an> thanks rxr :) 03:18 < rxr> maybe the gnome theme selector is always instble - this should not be a ROCK specific problem ... 03:18 < rxr> which terminal did you run stone in? 03:18 < rxr> this should really not be a stone problem 03:20 < christ|an> well rxr: i used no terminal - start computer - login - and the typed stone 03:20 < jsaw> rxr: christ|an: I'm about to update all gnome packages... then, I check it. Please send a detailed report also to me jsaw at gmx dot net. 03:21 < christ|an> kk 03:22 < rxr> jsaw: do you mean migration to 2.3 or updating to latesd stable 2.2 packages ? 03:22 < rxr> jsaw: do you have free time for this font problem? 03:23 < jsaw> last stable 2.2 03:23 < Mike1> jsaw: NOTE: before i left rock i did test your update patches and they built fine 03:24 < jsaw> good, so they will be pumped to the list as is. 03:24 < Mike1> jsaw: i didn't test them 03:24 < Mike1> only buold them.. 03:24 < Mike1> built* 03:25 -!- Joss193 [Mart193@dhcp-17-170.cable.infonet.ee] has quit () 03:26 < rxr> jsaw: so I do not continue to debug the font problem today - and either I wait for the gnome update - or you have the time to get into the details 03:27 < jsaw> rxr: please tell me, how to reproduce the font problem 03:27 < rxr> when I remoe the :unscaled fromthe fontpath KDE seems to work correct in -rc1 - but gnome still does not work correct and render one sans font for every font select (which is an improvement over these line line at all ...) 03:27 < rxr> just lunch a gnome application in -rc12 03:27 < rxr> -2 03:28 < jsaw> here, all is fine. 03:28 < rxr> best when first gnome-session was started 03:28 < jsaw> but I use xfs 03:28 < jsaw> gdm/gnome-session... 03:28 < rxr> jsaw: do you have a full -rc1 build or only some updated system 03:28 < jsaw> updated so far 03:29 < rxr> maybe your X is too young? In the past this worked - in the past also the FontPath was just used as is (I have this default in dRock for years (two or so)) 03:29 < jsaw> and I have no unscaled in the font path 03:29 < jsaw> checking X... 03:29 < rxr> ah! 03:29 < jsaw> XFree86 Version 03:30 < rxr> no :unscaled ... 03:30 < rxr> hm - this is the -rc1 version 03:30 < rxr> jsaw: coudl you add :unscaled ;-)? 03:30 < rxr> andyway I try more today - but first I go to bed now .. 03:31 < jsaw> does this work in xfs config also? 03:32 < jsaw> what fonts are unscaled? 03:32 < rxr> FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled" 03:32 < rxr> FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled" 03:32 < rxr> those bitmap fonts 03:33 < jsaw> stay tuned... 03:33 < Mike1> sleep well rxr 03:35 < jsaw> cu Mike1 03:35 < jsaw> rxr: and what should be the problem now? 03:36 < jsaw> ah, i c 03:36 < Mike1> jsaw: i am not leaving.. 03:38 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("Real Life is just an illusion caused by IRC deprivation") 03:38 < jsaw> Mike1: haven't seen, that rxr is about to go to bed 03:38 < Mike1> jsaw: ok :) 03:39 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: praenti, Freak 03:40 -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti, Freak 03:47 < rxr> jsaw: well 03:47 < rxr> still here - you do not see a problem ? 03:49 < rxr> dou you still run xfs ? 03:54 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E221.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 04:11 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9E39C0F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 04:14 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E221.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:42 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 06:53 -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@pD9506994.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:10 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@p3EE1E221.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08:30 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9E39C0F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:37 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090A701.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08:43 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090B870.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:45 -!- scoopexH [~marc@td90919bb.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:11 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 09:11 < Mike1> re 09:17 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9E39C0F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 09:17 -!- Mike1 [~mike@ip26-62.ct.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 09:18 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9E39C0F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:41 * netrunner backing cake 09:58 * daja77 waves 10:28 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@] has joined #rocklinux 10:34 < rxr> 2.0.0-rc1 release announcement sent out 10:36 < rxr> mon btw ;-) 10:37 < daja77> moin rxr 10:37 < daja77> nice ;) 10:39 < n00kie> wee, rc1 finally released :) 10:44 * rxr syncing to mirrors 10:44 < rxr> n00kie: yes - I waited for feedback on the ISOs but did not got new status reports ... 10:52 < n00kie> Well, the problem with me is, that I can't do that much status reports 10:52 < n00kie> only 1 a month 10:52 < n00kie> cause of my traffic flat 10:56 < rxr> this was not criticism on your - just a general note 10:56 < rxr> I thought to get more feedback from the original mailing-list boot discussion ... 10:56 < rxr> but they do not want to give feedback ... 11:06 < rxr> so freshmeat announcement submitted 11:50 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M355P026.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 12:00 < hopelessOwl> moin 12:02 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12:05 * daja77 got some strange feeback, will have to dig through this before submitting this 12:09 < hopelessOwl> daja77: strange freeback?? 12:10 < rxr> like my windows dialer does not work for seeing p.... 12:13 < hopelessOwl> .oO( rxr has experiences with windows-dialer and pr0n? O_o ) 12:34 < hopelessOwl> did i already mention, that i'm _hating_ naming of the pacakges especially for gnome and so? 13:12 < daja77> well let's put it like this, i don't know if he reported errors or just made mistakes 13:13 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-185.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:14 < daja77> strange a guy in #svn is asking for python docs 13:41 -!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: _spectre_, Nebukadneza, th, alanw 13:43 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Nebukadneza, _spectre_, th, alanw 14:00 * christ|an is away: essen 14:03 < rxr> hopelessOwl: no I have no experience with those - neither Windows - this was just a joke ... 14:05 < n00kie_> christ|an: Enjoy 14:17 < christ|an> thx 14:24 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950E4E4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:30 -!- thorus [~thorus@pD9EE1714.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:30 < thorus> hi 14:33 < rxr> hi thorus 14:35 < daja77> .oO /me making beginners errors in c++ today ... 14:40 < hopelessOwl> hihi. 14:40 < hopelessOwl> hi daja77 , thorus 14:47 < daja77> moin owl 15:06 -!- _spectre_ is now known as _spectre 15:06 < _spectre> moin 15:08 -!- dreamind [dreamind@IP-213157026106.dialin.heagmedianet.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:11 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-185.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 15:16 < rxr> anyone here? 15:17 -!- tsa [tsa@pD9E11B23.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:17 * daja77 half here 15:17 < tsa> hi all 15:17 < daja77> hi tsa 15:17 * SMP is 15:18 < rxr> has anyone noticed massive sound drops during running "stone install" 15:18 < rxr> ? 15:18 < rxr> (I know that this question is bizzare ...) 15:20 -!- kasc [~kasc@p5090B870.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("BitchX for president.") 15:20 < rxr> ping ? 15:20 < tsa> pong. 15:21 * tsa didn't notice anything. 15:21 < Freak> I have seriously been concerning to rock my powerbook.... 15:21 < rxr> anything - or sound dropout and general yerkiness during runnin stone install ? 15:22 < Freak> just to see how multimedia performance would be.. 15:22 < rxr> Freak: oh - nice! Why this now ? 15:22 * SMP never ran 'stone install' 15:22 < Freak> on debian, dvds keep framedropping 15:22 < Freak> I wanna have a try 15:23 < Freak> but I should have to split up my /home partition for some space to rock it. 15:24 < Freak> but I first gotta get it out of my car's trunk and that's actually pretty... let's call it the ugly part because I would have to go outside ;) 15:25 < rxr> SMP: could you just do so - with mp3 / oggvorbis running? you do not need to click anywhere - only take a look if it framedrops masively during stone start ... 15:26 < SMP> 'click'? I get a curses thing 15:27 < rxr> no sound drops? 15:27 < SMP> ok, stone -x11 install 15:27 < SMP> still no sound probs. 15:28 < rxr> ok - many thanks 15:28 < rxr> damn ppc kernel ... 15:30 -!- thorus_ [~thorus@pD9E59038.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:31 < rxr> hm - or is this devfs ... 15:33 < SMP> hmmm 15:33 < rxr> erhm - this are strange devfs consuming massive ammounts of CPU during node lookup problem 15:33 < rxr> (IISTC) 15:33 < rxr> if i see this correctly ... 15:33 * SMP needs to install X libs, VNC and a Web brower on an 1.5.20-stefanp serve r 15:35 < rxr> ah! This was usb-storage - trying to talk to a deice not present any longer - trying to read the partitions ... 15:45 < rxr> has someone jfs or xfs in the kernel ? 15:45 < rxr> and could paste the /proc/filesystems entries? 15:46 < rxr> I guess xfs and jfs ? ;-) 15:47 < SMP> exactly 15:49 -!- thorus [~thorus@pD9EE1714.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15:49 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950E4E4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 15:53 < tsa> *sigh* 15:53 < tsa> lots of outdated packages.. 15:57 < SMP> tsa: ignore openhbci and those in my repo 15:58 < Freak> rxr: I'd like to compile rock myself on that powerbook, I guess you don't have a powerbook-precompiled iso? 15:59 < Freak> thing is.. this powerbook runs at 533mhz if I don't tell it to speed up. will the installsystem-kernel let me do something with /proc/cpufreq? 16:09 < rxr> oehm - I think the one on the install-disk might not have cpufreq support - the in-side kernel has. 16:10 < rxr> tsa: outdated != broken - and please test before update mail ... 16:12 -!- thorus_ is now known as thorus 16:13 < Freak> rxr: so...? 16:13 < rxr> Freak: do you want to compile yourself or have an ISO? 16:13 < rxr> Freak: for an binary installation it does not matter that much if you book runs at 533 or 800 Mhz ... 16:13 < Freak> I'm not sure if I really want to compile it on a 533mhz machine 16:14 < Freak> yes sure 16:14 < Freak> what would you recommend me to do? 16:16 < Freak> *shiver* why'd it have to get so cold?! 16:17 < rxr> install a precompiled - best 2.0.0-rx1 when it is out for ppc in as soon as the rs6k finishes it ... 16:18 < Freak> rs6k? 16:21 < rxr> IBM RS/6000 16:21 < Freak> sweet 16:22 -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.190.91.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:23 < Freak> rxr: will you tell me when it's done? 16:23 < rxr> jups 16:23 < Freak> tanks 16:24 < rxr> might take some days since it is only running at 375Mhz ... 16:24 < rxr> it is current at kdemultimedia - but need to build the install-disk target after that ... 16:24 < Freak> uh 16:24 < Freak> :( ok 16:32 < rxr> hm - I have a few releases before rc1 bootdisk - maybe I rebuild some parts of it - that will be quicker then rebuilding all ... 16:33 < Freak> :) 16:42 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.34.37.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:43 < rxr> s/releases/revisions/ 16:43 < tsa> lol 16:43 < tsa> https://newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/08/25/1910248 16:45 -!- christian_ [~christian@pD9E39F25.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:45 < Freak> tsa: LOL 16:48 < esden> hi all! 16:49 < netrunner> hi esden 16:50 < _spectre> hallo esden 16:50 < rxr> hi esden netrunner _spectre 16:51 < netrunner> hi rxr # 16:51 < netrunner> ah ... my build finished 1 hour ago 16:51 -!- tsa is now known as tsa|afk 16:52 < netrunner> 1800 builds total, 1728 completed fine, 72 with errors. *err -> https://waterworld.dyndns.org/~andreas/rocklinux/err/server-2.0.0-rc2-x86-k6-2-32-generic-expert/ 16:52 * netrunner -> coffee 17:05 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9E39C0F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17:34 -!- Iets [dose@232.86-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #rocklinux 17:45 < rxr> re 17:46 < rxr> someone interested in an updated XFree whiteglass xterm cursor? 17:46 < rxr> I just tuned it a bit to be more noticeable 17:46 < rxr> (not it is not blinked - just more contrast ...) 17:54 < mistik1> speaking of xfree86 17:54 < mistik1> I'm hearing some very interesting noise comming out of that camp 17:55 < mistik1> How would you like to see xdmcp replaced by ssh? 17:55 < rxr> mistik1: do you speak to me ? 17:55 < mistik1> how would you like to be able to do X over dialup or broadband with about as much noise as vnc 17:56 < mistik1> I speak to all who use X 17:56 < rxr> I do not use xdmcp ... 17:56 < mistik1> all who would love to use remotely without all the darn noise it makes on a network 17:57 < tsa|afk> https://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/ 17:57 -!- tsa|afk is now known as tsa 17:57 < rxr> mistik1: is this that new network compressed s.th. protocol ? 17:57 < rxr> tsa: as on most os my sites .. 17:57 < mistik1> I hear they are planning to use ssh itself 17:57 < tsa> hehe..nice page 17:58 < rxr> too bad clifford does not want to mess the typo3 with such a page 17:59 < mistik1> heh 17:59 < mistik1> I guess it gets the point across 17:59 < mnemoc> but a DocumentIndex protest.php index.php... ? 18:07 < tsa> ..would require modifications on all mirror sites. 18:08 < esden> rxr: that is really a mess ... 18:08 < esden> rxr: I have to admit that I do not understand why he is against it ... 18:32 < rxr> re 18:41 -!- ringo [~ringo@co116627-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has joined #rocklinux 18:52 -!- cytrinox_ is now known as cytrinox 19:21 -!- ringo [~ringo@co116627-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has quit (Client Quit) 19:34 -!- fake [~fake@pD9EB76D6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:34 < fake> mornin 19:36 < netrunner> do we have a filesharing client in rock? what can you suggest, emule? 19:37 < netrunner> jo fale 19:37 < netrunner> aeh hi fake 19:39 < fake> hi fake 19:39 < fake> mldonkey 19:39 < fake> mathieu/mldonkey iirc 19:43 < fake> s,fake,netrunner 19:44 < fake> i am bizarre 19:50 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M289P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 19:52 < hopelessOwl> hi fake , n00kie , rxr 19:52 < hopelessOwl> aeh. ringo 19:55 < fake> gmornin owl 19:57 < netrunner> fake: talking to yourself you are :) 19:59 < hopelessOwl> someone knows a svcd-player (not mplayer)? 20:00 < Freak> what would "ultio mea est" mean? 20:01 < mnemoc> latin? 20:01 < Freak> i would guess so 20:01 < fake> hopelessOwl: xine 20:01 < mnemoc> the revange is mine 20:01 < Freak> ultio = revenge? 20:01 < Freak> sweet 20:01 < mnemoc> revange, punishment 20:02 -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M355P026.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20:03 < hopelessOwl> ok. thx, fake 20:04 < Freak> mnemoc: "kthx" as owl would say hehe 20:05 < mnemoc> :) 20:12 < hopelessOwl> O_o how many years does xine need to compile? 20:18 < tsa> 2. 20:19 < hopelessOwl> yes... seems so... 20:19 < hopelessOwl> .oO(after my dead, xine has finished building) 20:19 < hopelessOwl> s/dead/death 20:25 < netrunner> is anybody using that mldonkey? 20:26 < fake> sure 20:34 < hopelessOwl> wtf is *.mpe ? 20:35 < fake> mpeg made 8.3 20:35 < fake> ? 20:41 < hopelessOwl> huh? 20:41 < hopelessOwl> mein haaaaaals!!!! help!!!! 20:42 -!- scoopexH [~marc@td90919bb.adsl.terralink.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 20:44 < mnemoc> kernel panic? 20:44 < hopelessOwl> mnemoc: ? 20:44 < jsaw_> re 20:44 < jsaw_> hi all 20:44 -!- jsaw_ is now known as jsaw 20:45 < hopelessOwl> .oO(ich fress' nen besen) 20:45 < hopelessOwl> < watchin movie now. bbl 20:54 -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M289P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Lost terminal") 21:14 < rxr> hi jsaw 21:15 < rxr> re 21:15 < jsaw> hello 21:20 * netrunner is now happy mldonkeying 21:22 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:29 -!- netrunne1 [~netrunner@p50802818.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:43 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA6C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:48 < tcr> moin all 21:48 < netrunne1> huch? rene answers rlml mails in german :) he obviously needs some sleep. 21:49 < tcr> No, he thought he were only sending to me.. privately ;) 21:56 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802454.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21:58 < rxr> oh - did not see the CC ... 21:58 < rxr> I expected mail in my private inbox to be private ... 21:59 < tcr> It was 22:00 < tcr> "We need to switch from init script to directly starting via init 22:00 < tcr> anyway" -- What do you mean with this? 22:03 < rxr> ?dm do not work correctly when not executed by init directly ... 22:03 < rxr> it need to be in the inittab 22:03 < tcr> Ah 22:03 < tcr> Ok.. I was just a bit confused :) 22:06 < tsa> cu 22:06 -!- tsa [tsa@pD9E11B23.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("*plopp*") 22:15 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA6C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ninety percent of everything is crap.") 22:16 * -> esden installing cygwin to test rocklinux compile under cygwin ;) 22:20 < netrunne1> esden: you are bizzarre ... and will get a lot of .exe :) 22:20 -!- netrunne1 is now known as netrunner 22:25 < rxr> esden: maybe some dietlibc and alpha patches before this trip ? 22:28 < esden> rxr: I will send some of them tomorrow 22:28 < esden> rxr: at the moment I have a pretty fast box with windows on it in my hands and want to use it 22:29 < rxr> why? 22:30 < rxr> use it with linux ... 22:31 < rxr> 22:06 -!- tsa [tsa@pD9E11B23.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["*plopp*"] 22:32 < rxr> sorry - the 2nd box mouse on the iBook was not such a good idea ... 22:33 -!- calvino [~schris@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #rocklinux 22:33 < esden> rxr: I will as soon as I have the rc1 iso here 22:33 < rxr> jsaw: what was the result with gnome2 last night ? 22:33 < esden> but we wanted to test rock with cygwin anyway 22:34 < jsaw> rxr: that's actually a bigger problem, and I think it's not gnome, but pango. 22:34 < rxr> sure - it is a gtk+/pango whatever low-level problem - just the base of gnome .. 22:34 < rxr> but you could repproduce it ? 22:34 < jsaw> I can't choose anything else than sans. With or without :unscaled. 22:35 < rxr> jsaw: even before when you claimed it was working ? 22:35 < jsaw> fontconfig seems ok. 22:35 -!- calvino [~schris@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has quit () 22:36 < jsaw> I was playing around with it quite a while ago. I thought I set it to Helvetica, but now it's Sans. (didn't realize, but the fonts are pretty similiar) 22:36 -!- nisma [~schris@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #rocklinux 22:38 -!- nisma [~schris@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has quit (Client Quit) 22:40 -!- nisma [~schris@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #rocklinux 22:44 < nisma> join #rocklinux 22:44 < rxr> hi nisma 22:45 < rxr> hey ROCK Linux @ freshmeat.net: 10.99% (Rank 15) 22:46 < rxr> cool 22:46 < jsaw> brb 22:46 < rxr> I think now is a good time to pump dRock relase into freshmeat ;-) 22:53 -!- _spectre [~bodo@stahl.uni-oldenburg.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:53 < nisma> intro 22:55 < esden> rxr: I think I have to rank rock ;) 22:55 < rxr> yes - and drock too please 22:58 < rxr> nisma: yes -hi 23:01 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-185.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:09 < rxr> wow - three new people subscribed the freshmeat.net announcements of rock today ;-) 23:11 < rxr> jsaw: btw. are you subscribed to some gnome(-devel) list ? 23:13 * daja77 silently sneaking in 23:15 -!- dreamind [dreamind@IP-213157026106.dialin.heagmedianet.de] has quit (":x") 23:16 < rxr> hi daja77 23:16 < daja77> hi rxr 23:17 < daja77> one of your last mails to the list was in german ... 23:17 < rxr> yes - we already discussed this here 23:17 < daja77> oh :) 23:17 < rxr> it was from tcr and in my private inbox - so I replied in german ... 23:17 * daja77 had no time for rock stuff this weekend :( 23:19 < daja77> i'll fix rt stuff tomorrow to work with linux 2.4.22 23:20 -!- fake [~fake@pD9EB76D6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("[BX] The birds kept calling his name, thought Caw") 23:29 < jsaw> re 23:29 < jsaw> rxr: no 23:34 -!- _spectre_ [~bodo@stahl.uni-oldenburg.de] has joined #rocklinux 23:40 < esden> rxr: where is the page for rockplug ... or is there none? 23:41 < esden> should it not be listed on rocklinux.org under related projects? 23:41 < jsaw> there is none. 23:42 < esden> jsaw: that is bad :( 23:43 -!- nisma [~schris@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has quit ("Leaving") 23:46 < rxr> yes - it should be listed there ... 23:46 < rxr> esden: why is this bad ? 23:49 < esden> rxr: because I think that it should be described 23:50 < rxr> it get a full chapter in the handbook once it is finished 23:50 < esden> that is good 23:50 < esden> still it should get a site of it's own I think 23:51 < rxr> yes - sure 23:51 < rxr> I'm just creating a basic plain version ... 23:51 < esden> rxr: very good 23:52 < jsaw> rxr: can you reserve one/two hours monday evening, we should discuss out some points of rockplug 23:55 < jsaw> rxr: please change gdm.init to kill gdm-binary! (gdm is a script only) 23:56 < rxr> jsaw: yes 23:56 < jsaw> I have to leave and do some "real" work...bbl 23:56 < rxr> jsaw: nope - I'm going to remove ?dm.init soon 23:56 < jsaw> rxr: okay, so we'll meet somewhen 23:56 < rxr> ok 23:57 < jsaw> and then we'll query... 23:57 < rxr> ok - viel erfolg bis dahin ;-) 23:57 < jsaw> cu guys! 23:58 -!- christian_ [~christian@pD9E39F25.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client exiting") --- Log closed Mon Sep 01 00:00:31 2003