--- Log opened Mon Sep 01 00:00:31 2003 00:03 < rxr> for the next days: 00:03 < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.net/typo3/rockplug.html 00:04 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux 00:05 < esden> rxr: *klick* 00:07 < esden> rxr: very nice ... that is what I wanted... at least for the beginning ;) 00:12 < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.net/typo3/rocknet.html 00:12 < rxr> now we have more rocknet homepage then code :-( 00:13 < esden> rxr: that is bad ... why is smp not sending the stuff he has? 00:13 < esden> IIRC he said that he has done some work ... 00:13 < rxr> too busy it seems 00:14 < rxr> I'll checking the first tarballs I have since months tomorrow and start coding myself ... 00:14 < esden> hmm ... ok it is understandable if he is too busy 00:14 < esden> yes I think that would be the best 00:15 < esden> but you also could ask him to send you the newest stuff he has 00:15 < rxr> I asked so often 00:15 < esden> even if it is messy and not ready 00:15 < esden> ahh ok 00:15 < rxr> SMP: maybe you listen? ;-) 00:16 < rxr> I would be really really happy if I could get some plain tarball to continue the work ... ,) 00:19 < esden> and what do you have currently? 00:20 < rxr> his first RAD prototype 00:20 < rxr> I said he already streamlined it .. 00:22 -!- hopelessOwl [~owl@D0194.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00:23 < esden> RAD? 00:25 < rxr> rapid application development 00:26 < rxr> technology study or however you call cut'n paste ;-) 00:26 < esden> RAD prototype for rocknet? is it not written in sh? 00:26 < rxr> yep, sh, asci tag files, and maybe a tiny C helper application 00:29 < esden> hmm ... that will be not so trivial to get rocklinux to compile in cygwin ... 00:30 < esden> but I really like the idea to get cygwin target in rocklinux 00:30 < esden> that would also be a test for rocklinux framework flexibility 00:30 < rxr> not bad: 00:30 < rxr> 1804 builds total, 1767 completed fine, 37 with errors. 00:30 < rxr> reference build ... 00:30 < esden> but I have to take a deeper look in it and have a more instant access to a windows box ... :/ 00:31 < rxr> now I do a final -newdelete build of this reference thing and start fixing it ... 00:31 < esden> rxr: that really sounds nice 00:33 < rxr> hm - do I go to bed now ... 00:34 < esden> dunno rxr ... that is a decision you have to make 00:44 -!- Iets [dose@232.86-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00:53 < esden> ohhh baaaaad 00:54 < esden> I can not make a base installation only with the first iso of drock-rc1 00:54 < esden> rxr: I thought you already have made something with that problem ... 00:54 < esden> linux24, lilo and many other base packages are on the second cd ... 00:54 < esden> >_< 01:00 < rxr> yes - that is still a todo or flyspray item 01:00 < rxr> I'll try to do this for -rc2 01:01 < esden> that is ok ... 01:01 < esden> it was not an attack or so 01:01 < esden> I only was shocked because I was nearly sure you have done it already 01:03 < esden> rxr: you know what would be nice ? 01:03 < esden> providing a bootonly cd/floppy that allow you to install everything from internet 01:03 < rxr> esden: I know 01:03 < esden> so that you do not have to download the iso's 01:04 < rxr> but I'm also only human ... 01:04 < esden> rxr: it was only an idea 01:04 < esden> I will take a look at that how much work it would be 01:04 < esden> and try to make it possible 01:05 < rxr> esden: you do not need to to so - alpha patches or dietlibc would be nicer - I already know the Create-ISO script and know what I need there .... 01:06 < esden> rxr: you will get them ... for sure ... 01:06 < esden> first one's will go to mailinglist tomorrow I promise 01:06 < rxr> ok - but I do not know if I want to apply big dietlibc - change eerything - patches before -rc2 01:07 < rxr> maybe I'll tag -rc2 tomorrow or the day after so I do not destabelize it with the then ongoing dietlibc and rocknet stuff ... 01:07 < rxr> hm - damn static generation fo the .org site ... 01:08 < esden> no you will get small patches 01:09 < esden> I will split the dietlibc changes in small steps so that it is overseeable what changed and what is being affected 01:10 < daja77> gn8 you all 01:11 < esden> n8 daja77 01:13 < esden> wee busybox compiles under dietlibc ;) 01:13 < esden> now we have busybox in dietlibctarget 01:13 < esden> thanks olaf ;) 01:22 * rxr spamming the auth system of freshmeat.net 01:22 < rxr> maybe I get the highest vitality for yesterday (or they kick my ass ...) 01:23 < mnemoc> vitality is a preaty ambigous concept :| 01:24 < rxr> as long as we are in the top 20 ;-) 01:25 < rxr> maybe we are in the top 10 in some weeks ... 01:25 < rxr> doing a rock release every 8 days .... *g* 01:26 < mnemoc> why need to increase popularity :) 01:28 < rxr> s/why/we/ 01:28 < mnemoc> :) 01:28 < mnemoc> yes 01:31 < esden> rxr: ??? 01:32 < rxr> esden: ? 01:34 < mnemoc> ?^? 01:36 < rxr> hm - anyway - need sleep - cu 01:37 < esden> rxr: could you please approve me in freshmeat system? 01:37 < esden> so I can add you to my friends? ;) 02:19 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-185.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 02:30 < rxr> cool 02:30 < rxr> gsmp.tfh-berlin.de: 02:30 < rxr> May 2003 32.18 GB 02:31 < rxr> Jun 2003 104.10 GB 02:31 < rxr> Jul 2003 189.29 GB 02:31 < mnemoc> WOW 02:31 < rxr> Aug 2003 204.87 GB 02:31 < rxr> today: Sep 2003 589.88 MB 02:32 < rxr> I think iso.rocklinux.de as equal numbers ... 02:33 < rxr> currently it is flooding with "5473.10 kBit/s 02:33 < rxr> " on that box ... 02:33 < rxr> I hope my uni likes this ... 02:34 < rxr> ok - my finally off to bed ... - cu 02:34 < mnemoc> cu 02:40 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps") 03:02 * -> esden printed out the rl-handbook for offline reading ;) 03:02 < esden> I hope rxr has nothing against it ... 03:06 < mnemoc> it's patented : 03:06 < mnemoc> :| 03:08 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("Real Life is just an illusion caused by IRC deprivation") 03:09 < esden> it is under a "strange" license ;) 03:09 < esden> but I printed it only for my own use ... so it should be no problem 03:10 < mnemoc> if he approve you in freshmeat means he has no problems ;) 03:22 * -> esden testing network installation now 03:22 < esden> still there is no right directory selection in networkinstall in stone 03:22 < esden> I have to change that ... 03:22 < esden> mnemoc: hehe ... good point 03:24 < esden> mnemoc: but you could approve me ;) 03:25 < mnemoc> w8 03:25 < esden> hmm ... the network install error handling should also be improoved ... 03:26 < mnemoc> done 03:29 * -> esden testing fm instant messaging ;) 03:36 < mnemoc> mm 03:37 < mnemoc> how does that works? 03:39 < esden> dunno ... I sent you an instant message ... 03:40 < esden> you may answer ... I hope at least you can ;) 03:44 < mnemoc> where should i see your 'call'? 03:45 < esden> dunno ... send me simply an instant message ... 03:45 < mnemoc> sent 03:47 < mnemoc> new mail (3) :) 03:48 < esden> I got it 03:48 < esden> now I replyed ;) 03:49 < mnemoc> i was waiting somekind of popup 03:49 < esden> I hoped that it will work that way .. but that would need some active component in the site like an open http connection, java script or even worse java applet 03:49 < esden> all that would suck 03:50 < mnemoc> using html refresh should be enought 03:50 < mnemoc> and javascript :) 03:51 < esden> *puke* 03:51 < esden> yes ... would be enough 03:51 < esden> I think open http connection is the most clean solution for something like that ... but dunno if it is really a solution for a site as big as fm 03:52 < esden> ohh 03:52 < esden> it is working automatically ... 03:52 < esden> o_O 03:52 < esden> I have not refreshed the site by hand and now the new mail is blinking 03:52 < esden> humm ... but I have no new mail o_O 03:53 < esden> that is all strange ... 03:53 < esden> ok ... /me -> :-Q 03:53 < esden> brb 03:54 < mnemoc> :) 03:54 -!- fake [~fake@pD9EB76D6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:59 < esden> re 04:00 < esden> hehe rock installed from net 04:00 < esden> nice 04:00 < fake> on cygwin? 04:01 < esden> no .. sadly that will need bit more work 04:02 < fake> why? 04:02 < esden> I installed it on one of the shiny new 2.4 Ghz bitz boxes ;) 04:02 < mnemoc> i want to split mine in libgem+mine, and create a drawf (libcurl+libgem) for install and updates 04:02 < esden> because not even the dialog needed for scripts/Config is compiling correctly 04:03 < esden> mnemoc: write to the mailinglist or directly to clifford ... 04:03 < mnemoc> 2.1 or 2.0? 04:03 < fake> that would be rocket ? 04:04 < esden> humm ... can be 04:04 < fake> there's a fr in flyspray somewhere 04:04 < fake> or rfc 04:04 < esden> ahh and hi fake sbtw ;) 04:05 < esden> fake: dunno if there is an issue about that 04:07 < esden> but the search does not spit anything out ... 04:07 < mnemoc> i like dwarf more :) 04:07 < fake> it's in the todo for 2.1 that crossed the ml some time ago (before devmeeting) 04:07 < fake> dwarf is kewl 04:07 < fake> hi esden 04:08 * fake worked through his stack ;) 04:10 < thorus> ich verzieh mich dann auch mal... gn8 04:10 < esden> gn8 thorus 04:10 < thorus> sry, amsg.. in english: i go ;) 04:11 < fake> bye 04:11 -!- thorus is now known as thorus`zzZZzz 04:11 -!- fake [~fake@pD9EB76D6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("BitchX: now with 38 percent fewer calories!") 04:13 < esden> o_O 04:26 < esden> hmm rockplug fscks around >_< 04:42 < jsaw> wtf have I done wrong this time... 04:53 < esden> dunno ... I have to take a closer look ... it is not loading modules like it should ... 04:54 < esden> but now I have to leave 04:54 < esden> cu tomorrow 04:54 < esden> n8 04:54 < jsaw> n8 esden 06:33 -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 06:33 -!- Topic for #rocklinux: ROCK Linux approaching 2.0 - join now - https://www.rocklinux.org/rock20.html 06:33 -!- Topic set by ChanServ [Mon Aug 4 00:11:35 2003] 06:33 (Users #rocklinux) 06:33 [ _spectre_] [ cytrinox] [ irchive_5] [ netrunner] [ SMP ] 06:33 [ Aard ] [ daja77 ] [ jsaw ] [ owl ] [ snyke ] 06:33 [ alanw ] [ esden ] [ mistik1 ] [ praenti ] [ th ] 06:33 [ aszlig ] [ Freak ] [ mnemoc ] [ rxr ] [ thorus`zzZZzz] 06:33 -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 20 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 20 normal] 06:33 -!- Channel #rocklinux created Mon Aug 4 00:11:35 2003 06:33 -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 19 secs 06:55 -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@p3EE1E279.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:12 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@pD9506994.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07:16 -!- scoopexH [~marc@td909193c.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux 07:39 * mistik1 goes to bed now, even geeks must sleep sometime 07:40 < mistik1> g`night all 07:58 -!- scoopexH [~marc@td909193c.adsl.terralink.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 08:05 -!- _NULL_ [~owl@] has joined #rocklinux 08:05 < _NULL_> moin 09:18 -!- dev0 [tobias@pD9EE313E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:20 < _NULL_> hi dev0 09:24 < dev0> hi 09:24 < dev0> the rocklinux HP confused me... 09:30 < _NULL_> y? 10:04 -!- _NULL_ [~owl@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10:13 < daja77> lol the lusers are shameless 10:13 < daja77> moin all 10:13 < netrunner> moin, too 10:13 < praenti> moin 10:15 < daja77> one of them pasted his crappy src code to rtai ml, wants to have comments why it doesn't work, first thing i spotted was a missing # for preprocessor include ... 10:16 < praenti> ??? perhaps this person should first learn programming 10:16 < praenti> nene 10:16 < daja77> yeah perhaps 10:17 < daja77> oh no this guy is doin commercial programming 10:24 -!- dev0 [tobias@pD9EE313E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10:26 * netrunner finished update of build with 60 errs and creates isos now. 10:29 -!- hopelessOwl [~owl@] has joined #rocklinux 10:29 < hopelessOwl> moin 10:33 * netrunner tuning to wise guys 'jetzt ist sommer' since it is damn cold here. 10:34 -!- DeElsasser [~DeElsasse@ANancy-110-1-8-53.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #rocklinux 10:34 -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4D8EB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:34 < hopelessOwl> hi netrunner , DeElsasser , fake 10:35 < hopelessOwl> netrunner: alsamixer MUTE 10:38 < daja77> wb DeElsasser 10:39 < DeElsasser> hi daja77 10:39 < daja77> how was your vacation? 10:39 < netrunner> hopelessOwl: alsamixer@owl LOUD 10:40 < hopelessOwl> netrunner: *kick* not nice. 10:41 < DeElsasser> daja77: finished ;-( 10:41 < daja77> but fun 10:41 < daja77> hmm ic 10:41 < hopelessOwl> hi daja77 10:41 < hopelessOwl> daja77: this song is fun? 10:42 < hopelessOwl> *shivers* it's fscking cold in here. *ARGHL* 10:42 < DeElsasser> daja77: schön la Bretagne... 10:42 < daja77> hopelessOwl: teasing you is fun ... 10:42 < daja77> DeElsasser: i know ;-) 10:43 < hopelessOwl> daja77: *kick* 10:43 < DeElsasser> is here a postgresql specialist? 10:43 * daja77 once was 10:44 < DeElsasser> it's not a problem with postgre himself but with libpq++ 10:56 < DeElsasser> daja77: why 'was'? No more database needed? 10:56 < daja77> no need atm 10:56 < DeElsasser> atm? 10:58 < hopelessOwl> at the moment 10:59 < DeElsasser> hi Owl, hopeless... 10:59 < DeElsasser> nobody to kill today? 11:00 < hopelessOwl> DeElsasser: hm. let me guess... yes... you *har* 11:00 < DeElsasser> https://gborg.postgresql.org/project/libpqpp/bugs/bugupdate.php?410 11:01 < DeElsasser> can somebody say me what to do with all that... 11:02 < DeElsasser> is there a solution, or it's on comming? 11:08 * DeElsasser must go, see you afternoon 11:47 < th> hi there 11:49 < hopelessOwl> hi th 11:50 < th> hi owl 11:54 < fake> hi th 12:10 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:13 < netrunner> hm ... shall I be concerned when my packages.db contains only dirtree? 12:22 < netrunner> ifenslave does not get it's package name right, I get ifenslave-0.gem 12:23 < netrunner> (instead of ifenslave-2.4.22.gem) 12:28 < SMP> th: hi! 12:30 < fake> SMP: hi! 12:37 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-185.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:44 -!- thorus`zzZZzz is now known as thorus 12:44 < thorus> moin 13:09 -!- DeElsasser [~DeElsasse@ANancy-110-1-8-53.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 13:31 * netrunner manually zusammenfummels his package.db 13:37 * hopelessOwl waiting ungeduldig for her breakfast (pizza) 13:48 < netrunner> argl, there is a > missing in my scripts/functions create_package_db() ?? 14:08 -!- DeElsasser [~DeElsasse@ANancy-110-1-5-171.w80-15.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #rocklinux 14:17 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD9E4D8E3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:19 < netrunner> hrmpf, rene broke the create_package_db 14:20 * netrunner likes svn log and svn diff to find out the guilty 14:26 < hopelessOwl> n what rev? 14:28 -!- dose [dose@27.89-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #rocklinux 14:29 < hopelessOwl> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!! 14:30 < DeElsasser> BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRGH!!!!!!!!!!! 14:30 < daja77> hehe 14:30 < hopelessOwl> how stupid can people be???????? 14:30 < daja77> open set 14:30 < hopelessOwl> " pizzaservice bekommt es nicht gebacken mir 'ne verdammte pizza zu liefern... 3 telefonate, 1 onlinebestellung, 1 std. --> immer noch keine pizza da!" 14:30 * hopelessOwl exploeds 14:31 < hopelessOwl> s/exploeds/explodes 14:31 < daja77> they don't like you ... 14:31 < hopelessOwl> yes... seems so... 14:31 < hopelessOwl> might the pizza will arrive tomorrow *grml* 14:31 < daja77> they delivered to me instead ... 14:31 < DeElsasser> kill they ;-)) 14:32 < hopelessOwl> daja77: *kick* send it by snailmail back to munich, please 14:32 * daja77 eating owl's pizza 14:32 < hopelessOwl> DeElsasser: i will 14:33 -!- dose is now known as Iets 14:33 < hopelessOwl> hi Iets 14:34 < Iets> howdie :) 14:35 * DeElsasser find old sausages and can give some to Owl... 14:35 < hopelessOwl> DeElsasser: hehe. you're evil :p 14:38 * netrunner just read that an old friend is now working for ms as the responsible guy for contact with government 14:43 < daja77> netrunner: erhm are you still friends? 14:45 < esden> good morning everyone 14:45 < esden> argh ... the downoad is still running >_< 14:45 < netrunner> daja77: went for pizza with his wife and daughter some years ago ... no contact since then. 14:45 < netrunner> esden: even without l? *g* 14:47 < esden> netrunner: yes even without l ;) 14:50 * fake getting something to eat 14:50 < daja77> fake: give sth to owl ;-) 14:51 < fake> narf 14:51 < fake> chinaman is closed already 14:51 < daja77> huh at this time? 14:51 < daja77> hmm i could get chinese food here ... 14:51 < esden> morning fake, daja77 ... 14:51 < daja77> huhu esden 14:52 < Iets> just a random question 14:52 < Iets> what is the best windowmanager for a slow pc ? 14:52 < daja77> blackbox 14:52 < Iets> slow as in Pentium 2 233 14:52 < fake> windowmaker 14:52 < daja77> nah 14:52 < fake> or twm... 14:52 < daja77> lol 14:52 < DeElsasser> windows3.1 14:52 < esden> nah ... not wm 14:52 < esden> fluxbox ;) 14:53 < daja77> ack 14:53 < Iets> hmmmmz 14:53 < esden> fluxbox is more usable then blackbox 14:53 < daja77> any blackbox derivate 14:53 < fake> Pentium2 233 is not slow... 14:53 < esden> and on 233 it is very usable 14:53 < esden> I used it on my pentium 233 laptop for a long time 14:53 < Iets> fake: too slow for my likings 14:53 < fake> 386 is slow 14:53 < Iets> lol 14:53 < fake> m86k is sloooow... 14:53 < daja77> .oO my granny runs kde on a pentium 133 14:53 < Iets> :D 14:53 < esden> fake: 8080 is slow ;) 14:54 < daja77> my packet calculator is slow >_< 14:54 < daja77> pocket 14:54 < Iets> k, fluxbox it will be... 14:54 < esden> Iets: full ack 14:54 < esden> hmm ... it seems I still have not packaged fluxbox for rock >_< 14:54 < esden> GRRR ... stupid me 14:55 * daja77 waiting for owl saying openbox 14:55 < esden> ROFL 14:56 < DeElsasser> owl find something to eat? 14:56 < daja77> if esden would tell the truth he'd admit using metacity ... 14:57 < daja77> DeElsasser: keep your old sausages, we can have fresh ones here every day :P 14:59 < daja77> *aaargh* /me hates no rtfm'ing people 14:59 < DeElsasser> rtfm? 15:00 < daja77> read the _fine_ manual 15:00 < esden> hmm galeon is segfaulting ... 15:01 * -> esden not using metacity 15:01 * daja77 just tried some nice games fro kasc repo 15:01 < esden> currently I use windowmaker 15:02 < DeElsasser> woaw: xfree86 41Mo 15:04 * daja77 just looking at code he must have written when bein on dope 15:06 < netrunner> Iets: wmx 15:07 < Iets> lol 15:07 < Iets> wasn't expecting any answers anymore ;) 15:08 < daja77> Iets: ask dreamind when he is around ;-) 15:08 < netrunner> Iets: I started reading from esdens answer :) 15:08 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:08 < holyolli> moin 15:09 < hopelessOwl> hi holyolli 15:09 < holyolli> hi hopelessOwl 15:10 < hopelessOwl> wow. my pizza was delivered after about 1 1/2 to 2 hours! (but i got it for free because of this *g*) 15:11 < daja77> free and cold? 15:12 < hopelessOwl> daja77: free and warm 15:12 < hopelessOwl> (and a drink additional - for free) ;) 15:13 < daja77> enjoy! 15:13 < hopelessOwl> daja77: already did. thx ;) 15:14 < Aard> hopelessOwl: please route it to me... 15:15 < hopelessOwl> Aard: the output of the rest of the pizza? O_o 15:16 < daja77> output, urgs 15:16 < hopelessOwl> *vbeg* 15:17 < hopelessOwl> *sigh* still 4:30 hours till i see my boyfriend *cries* 15:19 < daja77> still 4 weeks till i see my gf, so stop crying 15:20 < hopelessOwl> daja77 && gf? O_o since when? 15:20 * holyolli didn't see his gf for 5 months and when i came back she went to vacation 2 days later... =) 15:20 < daja77> poor holyolli 15:20 < DeElsasser> owl: 4 weeks 15:21 * DeElsasser see his wife every day... 15:21 < holyolli> daja77: it was ok - i anyway didn't had that much time 15:21 * hopelessOwl sees her bf every day 15:23 < jsaw_> re 15:23 -!- jsaw_ is now known as jsaw 15:23 < hopelessOwl> hi jsaw 15:23 < jsaw> hi owl 15:24 < DeElsasser> hi jsaw 15:25 < jsaw> hi DeElsasser 15:25 < DeElsasser> thx for scribus 15:25 < jsaw> bug in XFree86 font libs 4.3.0- 15:26 < daja77> wow that is a long period 15:26 < jsaw> https://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/dab-01.09.03-000/ 15:27 < hopelessOwl> alsamixer@annette: MUTE 15:27 < daja77> anette? 15:27 < jsaw> wrong channel? 15:28 < hopelessOwl> nah... 15:28 < hopelessOwl> annette = my co-worker... she's talking the whole day... and if not talking, then listening to awful, painful music - called britpop 15:29 < daja77> hehe 15:29 < hopelessOwl> daja77: *kick* not funny :p 15:30 < netrunner> svn: The REPORT request returned invalid XML in the response: XML parse error at line 1855: Opening and ending tag mismatch: D:creationdate line 0 and D:crea 15:30 < daja77> ahem #svn is the door next ;-) 15:31 < jsaw> netrunner: retry, seems like broken connection 15:34 -!- Iets [dose@27.89-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has quit ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.73 :: www.XLhost.de )") 15:39 * netrunner throws his svn binarys at daja77 15:40 < netrunner> jsaw: yes, continues :) 15:40 < jsaw> dsl... 15:40 < daja77> netrunner: you can keep them :P 15:40 < daja77> violent guy ... 15:43 < esden> ahh nice ... now the display is also configured correctly ;) 15:47 < netrunner> a2ps needs xfree86 which needs gnome-print10 ... ... whicht needs world-domination 15:48 < daja77> lol 15:49 < daja77> a2ps needs gnomeprint, the end is nigh 15:50 -!- thorus [~thorus@pD9E59038.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15:50 < esden> that is the egg chicken problem ... as it seems 15:51 < daja77> this is the bloat problem i guess 15:51 < DeElsasser> xfree86 needs gnome-print10? I think so 15:51 < netrunner> the chicken was before ... I ate it :) 15:51 < DeElsasser> xfree86 needs gnome-print10? I not think so 15:52 * netrunner getting hungry 15:54 < daja77> netrunner: get owl's pizza 15:57 < hopelessOwl> *har* a frutti-di-mare? nah... but i can recommend you a pizzaservice :p 15:58 -!- thorus [~thorus@pD9545F84.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:59 -!- thorus is now known as thorus`bwinf 16:05 -!- schrd_ [~schrd@froeschi.csn.tu-chemnitz.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:05 < schrd_> hi 16:05 -!- schrd_ is now known as schrd 16:05 < daja77> hi schrd :) 16:06 < schrd> router target builds a bootable cd which installs everything into /dev/ramX? 16:07 < daja77> yes 16:07 < schrd> hmm. 16:07 < schrd> can i put config data into this bootcd? 16:08 * daja77 hasn't tried router yet ... 16:09 < DeElsasser> cu all: ferien vorbei: muss arbeiten... 16:09 < daja77> cu DeElsasser 16:10 -!- DeElsasser [~DeElsasse@ANancy-110-1-5-171.w80-15.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit ("Client exiting") 16:16 < schrd> .oO(building kernel with devfs) 16:18 < esden> eight minutes for glibc compile ... nice 16:18 < schrd> wow 16:19 < esden> and 30 seconds for dietlibc 16:19 < netrunner> schrd: don't worry, we've all been through this. 16:19 < schrd> netrunner: i just want to upgrade my router 16:19 < esden> I want this box at home *cry* 16:19 < schrd> currently it is a stripped down debian something between woody and potato 16:20 < netrunner> esden: 1:54 here :) 16:20 < netrunner> esden: I mean glibc 16:20 * schrd 'd be happy if everybody would use my compiler, so i could use distcc ;o) 16:21 < esden> netrunner: what processor do you have once more? 16:21 < esden> schrd: your compiler? 16:21 < schrd> woody gcc (aka gcc 2.95.4 debian) 16:22 < netrunner> esden: I have 2 AMD Athlon(tm) with (real) 2000.097 MHz 16:22 < esden> urg ... yuck 16:22 < schrd> there are hundreds of idle hosts in the university network 16:22 < esden> hmm this here is a p4 2.4 GHz 16:22 < schrd> all at least athlon 800 16:22 < esden> but I do not use tempfs as you do netrunner 16:22 < esden> but I could try it ... 16:23 -!- cytrinox_ [~cytrinox@p213.54.47.120.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:24 < netrunner> esden: that makes it. without it I se my hdd led shining brighter than the sun :) 16:24 < esden> hmm ... I can not ... it has not enough ram ... only 256MB 16:28 * netrunner considers downgrading the ram of the for sale pc in favour of his server :) 16:29 < schrd> hehe 16:30 < schrd> waiting ages for AFS to compile... 16:30 < netrunner> schrd: oh, what do you do with afs? 16:31 < schrd> our university provides afs service 16:31 < schrd> so i need a client ;-) 16:32 < netrunner> schrd: that is truly a reason 16:32 < schrd> this very useful. 16:33 < schrd> afs kicks ass 16:33 < daja77> hehe so we have found someone who builds openafs packages for rock? 16:34 -!- holyolli_ [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:34 < schrd> daja77: forget it ;-) 16:34 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:35 * schrd is glad to have some debian people who provided ready-to-use make-kpkg packages 16:35 < daja77> *hmpf* so i have to do in a free minute 16:36 * schrd will stick to debian for his workstation 16:36 < schrd> rock only for the router 16:37 < daja77> drock isn't that bad ;-) 16:37 < netrunner> daja77: so you build them? 16:37 < schrd> well, i had some bad experiences with gentoo 16:37 < schrd> so i think source distributions is not the right thing for my workstation 16:38 < daja77> rock is no src distribution! 16:38 < daja77> netrunner: in a free minute ... 16:38 < esden> and rock is _NOT_ gentoo!!!!! 16:38 < daja77> hehe, right 16:38 < schrd> ;-) 16:39 < esden> excuse me for this count of exclamation marks 16:39 < esden> but it is going on my nerves when people compare ROCK to gentoo 16:39 < schrd> well, i had some strange experiences with upgrades. and i definitely do not want to have a dejavu 16:39 < schrd> i am quite happy with debian on the desktop. 16:40 < schrd> even though it's shipping stale software 16:41 < daja77> esden: you mean compare as in https://www.rocklinux.net/people/rene/rock-handbook/html/rock-handbookse2.html#x8-70002.2 16:41 < netrunner> argl, how shall I make diffs when I cannot update my trees to the same level? rene seems to be committing a lot currently 16:42 < esden> daja77: erm ... that comparison is ok 16:42 < esden> but schrd is putting rock on the same "level" with gentoo 16:42 < schrd> sorry for comparing. but i don't see a huge difference yet, compared to gentoo. 16:42 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.190.91.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:42 < hopelessOwl> https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/politik/0,1518,263330,00.html 16:42 < esden> and gentoo is only a subset of rock 16:42 < esden> a very small subset 16:42 < esden> o_O ... /me slowly feels like in a #politics channel ... 16:43 < esden> thanks owl ;) 16:44 < hopelessOwl> esden: why? 16:44 < hopelessOwl> https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/technologie/0,1518,263841,00.html 16:48 < daja77> *gna* damn kde killed keyboard repeat 16:49 < esden> daja77: so do not use that crap ;) 16:49 * daja77 kicks esden 16:49 < esden> daja77: :P 16:50 * daja77 gets used kicking esden 16:51 < esden> daja77: you are training that too often I think ... 16:51 < daja77> so they get better 16:52 < schrd> *g* 16:52 * hopelessOwl np: vnv nation - futureperfet 09 16:52 * schrd is going down for devfs kernel 16:52 < daja77> vnv nation sounds like a bus company 16:52 < hopelessOwl> muhahahahahahaha. not really 16:53 < hopelessOwl> https://www.spiegel.de/unispiegel/jobundberuf/0,1518,263883,00.html 16:53 < daja77> spiegel spam ... 16:53 * daja77 hides 16:54 < esden> daja77: ack ;) 16:54 * hopelessOwl hits daja77 with a spiegel-magazine :p 16:54 * daja77 grabs the magazine and reads it, without paying it 16:54 * -> esden is asking himself who is opening the links owl post's :> 16:54 < holyolli_> https://www.rd350lc.de/spass/Frauen.jpg <-- SCNR ;-) 16:54 -!- holyolli_ is now known as holyolli 16:55 < hopelessOwl> holyolli: *kick* 16:57 < daja77> rofl 16:57 < esden> holyolli: how true ... the comic ;) 16:57 * holyolli is sure that owl even didn't read the text before complaining.... 16:58 < daja77> from another planet i knew it 16:58 < hopelessOwl> holyolli: i did... "gruppen-aufs-klo-rennen usw" 16:59 < daja77> reading and understanding is not the same ... 16:59 < hopelessOwl> daja77: *kick* 16:59 * daja77 directing that kick to esden 17:00 < rxr> re 17:00 < hopelessOwl> *har* 17:00 < daja77> wb rxr 17:00 < holyolli> hi rxr 17:01 < esden> re rxr 17:01 < esden> rxr: slept well? 17:02 * -> esden still reading the comic ... so I do not think that she read it really ... 17:02 < schrd> .oO(booting kde) 17:02 < esden> she only saw the first two lines and that is it ... 17:02 < esden> *headshake* 17:02 < hopelessOwl> nope... 17:02 < rxr> esden: i'l already up since 11 o'clock ... 17:02 < daja77> esden: she is from another planet, so you never know 17:03 < daja77> but wise enough to stay away from the chan ;-) 17:04 < esden> humm humm ... now I am sure that owl is not from this world 17:05 < hopelessOwl> *har* sure 17:05 < esden> rxr: aha ok 17:05 < hopelessOwl> <-- and is speaking alientisch 17:05 < daja77> O_o 17:05 < esden> hopelessOwl: we know that already 17:06 < esden> hopelessOwl: that is why you are mixing german and english all the time ;) 17:06 * daja77 hits himself with a cluestick 17:06 < esden> daja77: ??? 17:06 * -> esden takes the stick from daja ... 17:06 < esden> be nice daja ... you may hurt you or even someone else with that 17:07 < esden> I will take care of it 17:07 < daja77> hmm thx 17:07 < daja77> >_< 17:07 * -> esden takes the stick and hits daja and owl with it ;) 17:08 < esden> hmm ... ok it works 17:08 * -> esden hides the stick 17:08 < daja77> and i have trusted you 17:08 < hopelessOwl> esden: argh! 17:08 < esden> it really works ... 17:08 < esden> ok ... I get some food 17:08 * -> esden brb 17:08 * daja77 notes that his nonsense rate increased since esden is here ... 17:09 * hopelessOwl waits for the fscking work to end for today... 17:12 < rxr> hopelessOwl: you could just go home - that would be a quick end ... 17:13 < hopelessOwl> rxr: nah. then i wouldn't have 11 hours... 17:30 -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9530607.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:38 -!- holyolli_ [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:39 * schrd is too stupid to build router-target 17:40 < schrd> it just downloads syslinux. nothing else 17:40 < netrunner> rxr: you broke scripts/functions:create_package_db() 17:40 * netrunner tries for hours to update his difference trees to create a patch :( 17:46 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17:54 -!- hopelessOwl [~owl@] has quit ("bye. || train - 18:52") 17:57 < esden> ok ... I am off 17:57 < esden> cu l8er 17:57 < holyolli_> cu esden 17:58 < netrunner> cu esden 18:32 < rxr> netrunner: I broke it - but already fixed it. Do you have the HEAD ? 18:33 -!- tsa [tsa@pD9E11C91.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:33 < tsa> hi 18:35 < rxr> schrd: works here - are you sure you do this correctly - and e.g. read the Handbook ? 18:35 < schrd> rxr: it now works as well. 18:36 < schrd> just started from scratch. 18:36 < schrd> no idea what was wrong. 18:36 < schrd> but now it seems to have stopped building the kernel. 18:36 < schrd> /storage/cache/schrd/tmp/rock-src-2.0.0-rc1/scripts/Build-Pkg: line 903: /tmp/sh-np-927894588: Interrupted system call 18:37 < rxr> schrd: bash might be too old 18:37 < schrd> this is a ordinary debian stale^Wwoody bash 18:37 < rxr> whare source-tree are you using? A tarball (e.g. 2.0.0-rc1) or subversion:HEAD ? 18:37 < rxr> bash --version 18:37 < schrd> 2.0.0-rc1 18:38 < schrd> 2.05b.0(1) 18:38 < rxr> svn::HEAD has many updates ... 18:38 < schrd> i have no subversion, and it is a pain to build on debian ;-) 18:38 < rxr> hm - bash version seems to be ok - but I only saw this Interrupted system call with broken bash version 18:39 < schrd> well actually the build script still is in shell foreground 18:39 < schrd> should I interrupt it? 18:40 < rxr> nope - when it is still building ... 18:40 < rxr> have you installed a devfs enabled kernel? 18:40 < schrd> there is no CPU load 18:40 < schrd> yes 18:40 < rxr> oh - no CPU load is not a good sign ... 18:41 < schrd> 2.4.21preempt 18:42 < schrd> what should i do? 18:42 < schrd> interrupt an restart? 18:44 < rxr> I would try get into the details why there was some "interrupted systemcall" debug message - and why the build got cancelled ... 18:44 < schrd> how could i help? 18:46 < schrd> would /proc/$pid/cmdline help? 18:46 < rxr> no - reading the logs, tracing commands and so on ... 18:47 < rxr> could you enable XTRACE in the rock linux configuration - and just rebuild - this should give us some information where it stops or stalls ... 18:48 < schrd> complete rebuild? 18:49 < rxr> no wipe - just restart to continue with this package 18:52 < schrd> hmm, now it builds linux24 instead of linux24-src 18:52 < schrd> strange 18:56 -!- Netsplit brunner.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Ge0rG, jsaw, netrunner, daja77, owl, praenti, christ|an, Freak, holyolli_, schrd, (+13 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 18:58 -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, aszlig, daja77, SMP, netrunner, thorus`bwinf, christ|an, mistik1, owl, mnemoc (+11 more) 18:58 -!- nisma [~root@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #rocklinux 18:59 < nisma> names 19:00 -!- nisma [~root@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has quit (Client Quit) 19:01 < netrunner> rxr: according to svn log and svn diff it was your last modification that broke the create_packate_db. 19:01 -!- irchive_5 [~tuulos@trurl.hiit.fi] has joined #rocklinux 19:01 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-40-6.reverse.qsc.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:05 -!- nisma [~root@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #rocklinux 19:12 -!- nisma [~root@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 19:24 -!- holyolli__ [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:27 < tsa> package/tsa/ctwm/ctwm.conf 19:27 < tsa> hook_add postinstall 3 "register_wm ctwm CTWM /$prefix/bin/ctwmb" 19:27 < tsa> someone please remove that "b" character.. 19:29 -!- holyolli_ [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19:30 < esden> re hi all 19:31 < netrunner> hi esden 19:35 < Freak> https://linuid.dyn.bawue.de/~freak/guckmal/screenshots/20030901_19.16.05.jpg --- muh new theme - howcha like it, huh, huh? 19:40 < daja77> hehe 20:09 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EABE57.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:10 < tcr> moin all 20:10 < tcr> netrunner: ping 20:12 -!- cytrinox_ is now known as cytrinox 20:16 -!- nisma [~nisma@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #rocklinux 20:22 < rxr> re 20:22 < rxr> tsa: ok - done in some seconds 20:23 -!- ruddur [ruddur@ruddur.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:23 < nisma> /MSG NickServ HELP 20:24 < rxr> holyolli__: oh you have a qsc DSL line ? 20:24 < tsa> rxr: thanks. 20:25 -!- holyolli__ [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20:26 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:26 < netrunner> tcr: pong 20:28 < nisma> !* on 20:29 < esden> hi nisma 20:29 < esden> nisma: I have not got your mail ... 20:29 < nisma> hi, 20:29 < esden> or I am blind that is also possible ;) 20:29 < tcr> netrunner: (referring to your `value of -X too large for field of ...' problem:) 20:30 < tcr> netrunner: Can you reproduce those with any pkg? 20:31 < nisma> I have recived some spam or error replies from nerds.rocklinux.org, i send it now again. 20:31 < esden> nisma: you can also send it to esden@esden.net ... 20:31 < netrunner> tcr: I had it with the packages reported, and they fail again if I retry them. 20:32 < tcr> netrunner: Even if you just Build-Pkg them? 20:33 < tcr> netrunner: See, my point is if you easily reproduce those you should try to build it without optimization (or with i386) 20:33 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 20:34 -!- tsa_ [tsa@p5082BDF9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:34 -!- tsa [tsa@pD9E11C91.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.) 20:34 -!- tsa_ is now known as tsa 20:35 < esden> here a flamewar question : what is the best console music player? 20:36 * schrd likes mp3blaster although it has some flaws 20:36 < schrd> mpg123 and /bin/bash in doubt 20:37 < esden> thanks schrd 20:37 < tsa> hm.. 20:37 < tsa> looks like "mr makefile" packages the same stuff over and over again.. 20:37 < tsa> *sigh* 20:40 < tcr> netrunner: Lost? 20:44 < esden> tsa: ? 20:44 < tsa> esden: joerg schilling. 20:45 < tsa> esden: lots of shared files between cdrtools and an star package i was preparing.. 20:45 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-151.reverse.qsc.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20:50 < nisma> esden: have your got the email ? 20:52 < netrunner> tcr: I'll do it in a few minutes ... am busy currently. 20:53 -!- xnp [~jose@] has joined #rocklinux 20:53 < esden> tsa: ough 20:56 < esden> nisma: I got it ... will take a look on it when I finished messing around with dev version of fluxbox ;-) 20:57 < netrunner> hm ... what license shall I put sw that gives source to download but states nowhere under which license? 20:57 < tcr> nowhere? Not even within the source? 20:58 < tsa> ask author. 20:58 < xnp> Anybody have seen demian ?, i need that funny guy! 20:59 -!- Daxi [wirc@pD9E8F76C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:00 < tcr> xnp: No, he hasn't been here for decades. 21:00 < tcr> netrunner: Your problem seems to be related to gcc 3.2 and -O2 -march=k6 and -fomit-frame-pointers 21:01 < xnp> tcr where can i find this mister hacker ? 21:01 < daja77> esden: mplayer ;-) 21:02 -!- nisma [~nisma@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has quit ("Leaving") 21:02 < Freak> hehe --- more input. please. 21:02 < tcr> xnp: Wait for Mike1, he may be able to tell you more 21:02 < daja77> Freak: nice theme 21:03 < tcr> heyha freak 21:03 < Freak> tcr! 21:03 < Freak> daja77: thankee, I need that these days :) 21:04 < daja77> nice rain today 21:04 < netrunner> tcr: I just looked at my last k6 builds and saw the same messages at the same packages. there it was gcc 3.2.3 too 21:05 < tcr> netrunner: Well, I just took use of g00gl3 ;) 21:06 < netrunner> tcr: maybe I misgoogled, but I didn't find it any compiler related things, only one that said leave out the CFLAGS 21:07 < tcr> You musn't be that specific then! Try 'too large for field' 21:10 < rxr> netrunner: does "-fno-branch-count-reg" help ? 21:11 < rxr> anyway I try this out myself then I have time ... 21:11 -!- xnp [~jose@] has quit ("fucking idiot!") 21:12 < tcr> Polite he is 21:13 < daja77> jose, 'nuff said 21:13 < netrunner> tcr: just read about it 21:15 < tcr> daja77: No, not for me... What jerk is that? 21:15 < tcr> netrunner: read as in did read? 21:15 < tcr> or do you mean you're just reading it? :) 21:17 < daja77> tcr: jose the guy from cr, that Mike can't stand 21:17 < netrunner> tcr: well, since I am not analphabetic I can read faster than 1 line per hour :) 21:17 < daja77> huh, really? 21:17 * daja77 hides 21:20 < netrunner> anybody has packages for djb software? 21:21 < tcr> IIRC, the license doesn't allow redistribution... I may err though 21:25 < rxr> netrunner: there where some patches to add it on the list - IIRC - but not applied deu to the license ... 21:28 < esden> mr hacker ... ROFL 21:29 < esden> that sounds really funny 21:30 < rxr> Whoho: 10.99% (Rank 14) 21:30 < rxr> ROCK Liinux vitality on freshmeat ,) 21:31 < rxr> with -rc2 this week and -rc3 next week I guess it will do some jups ;-) 21:31 < esden> rxr: for sure 21:33 < jsaw> re 21:33 < jsaw> hello 21:34 < daja77> d'oh i am really late with my isos 21:35 < tcr> rxr: I can only read out of it that either the release schedule of most projects simple sucks or that they don't care for regularly updating it except for milestone versions 21:36 -!- nisma [~nisma@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #rocklinux 21:37 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802818.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 21:40 -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802735.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:41 -!- thorus`bwinf is now known as thorus 21:41 < tcr> bwinf as in BundesWettbewerk für Informatik? 21:42 < netrunner> tcr: aeh ... if you talked to me between 21:23 and now, could you repeat it? (I home my success report came through) 21:44 < netrunner> can I put a var_append configprefix " " 'CFLAGS="-fno-branch-count-reg"' into the .conf to test? 21:44 < netrunner> tcr: I put the mentioned line into the .conf of lame and it builds in stage 9. 21:47 < tcr> what line? 21:47 < tcr> -fno-branch-count-req was rxr's idea 21:48 < tcr> reg even 21:50 < netrunner> oh, completely overread him, :) damn 3 letter nicks 21:56 < tcr> Not damn! Only nicks <= 4 letters rule :P 21:57 -!- netrunner is now known as net 21:57 < jsaw> nick js 21:57 -!- jsaw is now known as js 21:57 < daja77> net without runner, ts 21:57 < net> tcr: wl, only wrds <= 4 letr too. 21:57 -!- net is now known as nt 21:57 -!- nt is now known as netrunner 21:57 -!- js is now known as jsaw 21:57 < netrunner> baeh, nt :( 21:58 * daja77 points and laughs at netrunner 21:58 * netrunner cleans his irclog by 1 line 21:58 < netrunner> daja77: hey, I am already place 29 in the ircstats :) 21:58 < tcr> you talk too much! 21:58 < daja77> hehe dunno what's my status 21:59 < tcr> Dummschwaller #1 :P 21:59 < daja77> tcr: we all do 21:59 < daja77> no this is esden 22:00 < netrunner> daja77: place 7 22:00 < netrunner> well esden has 6000 lines more than anybody else, he seems to be talking to himself a lot :) 22:00 * daja77 talks too much 22:00 < tcr> jsaw: I assume you send those patches to mainstream? 22:00 < daja77> netrunner: yes...yes he does 22:01 < tcr> daja77: Definitvely! Just swallow and keep your mouth shut, damn bitch! 22:01 < daja77> tcr: i have always some words for you :P 22:01 < jsaw> tcr: mainstream? you mean to the orig authors? no not yet, currently at it. 22:02 < Freak> there are chanstats for #rock? where? 22:02 < daja77> https://www.rocklinux.net/people/esden/ircstat/ 22:02 < Freak> I guess I knew that before... I forgot anyways :) 22:02 < Freak> tnx Da 22:02 < Freak> daja77 22:02 < daja77> haha Freak is too drunk to use tab 22:03 < Freak> right. 22:03 < Freak> as uschwal 22:03 < tcr> jsaw: I wonder that freetype1.diff works 22:04 < Freak> weee I'm only sixteenth?! 22:04 < tcr> Freak: conclusion: You suck 22:06 < Freak> yea but mine's bigger. 22:06 < jsaw> tcr: why not? don't forget macro expansion. Let's put it as a layman: [.] is a (functional) delimiter. ## removes this status. 22:07 < tcr> jsaw: No, I'm talking about the effects of your change 22:07 < tcr> #define macro(bar) (foo.bar) 22:07 < jsaw> tcr: and what's the problem with it? 22:07 < tcr> I wonder that bar in foo.bar gets replacee 22:07 < tcr> replaced 22:08 < tcr> mom let me test it 22:08 < jsaw> yes, every token in a macro is replaced (and . servers here as a delimiter, so that field is recognized) 22:08 < jsaw> s/servers/serves/ 22:08 < tcr> Ah, thought that, wasn't sure though 22:09 < jsaw> it wasn't. indeed. 22:09 < jsaw> But, I tested all compilers with a small test program. 22:09 < tcr> it wasn't what? 22:10 < jsaw> ... wait resetting brain... 22:10 < jsaw> I wanted to say: "I wasn't sure also, but [next line]" 22:13 < tcr> netrunner: still there? 22:14 < netrunner> tcr: yes, some seconds :) 22:14 < netrunner> gf just found a video on my server ... it is named "partnermassage.mpg" ... now she calls for me to llearn from the video :/ 22:16 < tcr> should I wait some second or do you have some second? 22:16 < tcr> second_s_ silly me 22:16 < netrunner> tcr: :) well, I guess I'll be back in an hour latest .) 22:17 < tcr> could have some seconds for me please _now_ ? 22:17 < tcr> How exactly did you solve the optimization issue? 22:19 < tcr> jsaw: Well, I'd have used a wrapper: 22:20 < tcr> #define X_macro(_tmp, foo) (_tmp##foo) 22:20 < tcr> #define macro(foo) (X_macro(blah., foo)) 22:21 < tcr> Anyway, you're right with the tokenizing 22:22 < jsaw> ..and, the patch is the shortest possible... 22:22 < Freak> esden, may I see your gruftistats-conf-file? 22:26 -!- Iets [dose@27.89-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #rocklinux 23:01 -!- xnp [~jose@] has joined #rocklinux 23:01 -!- mnemoc [~amery@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23:02 -!- mnemoc [~amery@] has joined #rocklinux 23:02 -!- xnp [~jose@] has left #rocklinux () 23:04 < nisma> \whois nisma 23:04 < nisma> \whois nisma 23:04 -!- nisma [~nisma@host39-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has quit () 23:05 < netrunner> tcr: if you read what I say to you, I put var_append configprefix " " 'CFLAGS="-fno-branch-count-reg"' into the lame.conf 23:07 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-185.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting") 23:07 < tcr> netrunner: yeah figured that out ;) see mail 23:08 < tcr> Anyway I'm going sleeping. Gn8 all 23:08 < netrunner> n8 tcr 23:08 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EABE57.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("gn8 all") 23:20 -!- nisma [~nisma@host45-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #rocklinux 23:22 -!- Daxi [wirc@pD9E8F76C.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 23:22 -!- nisma [~nisma@host45-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has quit (Client Quit) 23:24 < rxr> netrunner: I replied on the ML ... 23:24 < tsa> hm...i see a problem here 23:25 < tsa> rxr: awake? 23:26 < netrunner> rxr: yes, I read :) don't like comments? 23:29 < rxr> netrunner: why should I not liek comments ? 23:29 < rxr> tsa: yes 23:29 < tsa> ah, ok. 23:29 < tsa> in stage 5, syslinux fails for me because it needs nasm 23:30 < rxr> tsa: ok - I'll fix it 23:30 < tsa> please make nasm "125.000" and both packages build ok. 23:30 < esden> Freak: ping 23:30 < esden> re sbtw 23:31 < Freak> esden: pong 23:32 < rxr> tsa: I would move syslinux back 23:32 < netrunner> rxr: my optimization issue comes from gcc. it is woraroundable by adding -fno-branch-count-reg as you suggested. you might know a clean way to do it, since I simply put it into the .conf 23:32 < esden> Freak: yes you can see it ... 23:32 < esden> one moment 23:32 < rxr> tsa: maybe nasm has other depencencies not fullfilled at this early point ... ? 23:32 < Freak> esden: great 23:32 < tsa> rxr: no. 23:32 < jsaw> rxr: got some time now? 23:32 < Freak> rxr: how's things with the ppc build? 23:33 < rxr> netrunner: I now that it is a workarround ... 23:33 < rxr> I could put it into the k6 optimization setting until it is fixed - so not in every package ... 23:33 < schrd> grmpf, building gcc takes _ages_ 23:33 < tsa> rxr: with syslinux at "126.300" and nasm at "125.000" both packages build fine for me. 23:33 < rxr> jsaw: hm - better later - are you awake the wohle night? 23:34 < esden> Freak: https://www.esden.net/rocklinux/gruft-rocklinux.conf 23:34 < jsaw> rxr: :-) _most_ probably 23:34 < tsa> anyway, moving syslinux back a little bit should be safe, too. 23:35 < rxr> tsa: committed 23:35 < tsa> ok. 23:35 < tsa> no pkg failures so far, btw. 23:35 < tsa> (p3-optimised, but with several packages disabled) 23:36 < snyke> esden! 23:36 < snyke> *hugs* 23:38 < tsa> whoa! xmms is still alive. 23:38 < tsa> 1.2.8-pre1 23:38 < rxr> netrunner: committed - could you test it out ? 23:40 < rxr> tsa: maybe we update so we could get rid of the external alsa plugin ... ;-) 23:40 < tsa> ALSA: 23:40 < tsa> * New output plugin. 23:41 < tsa> rxr: no - better stay with 1.2.7 until a stable version is released. 23:41 < tsa> bugs.xmms.org has entries like "segfault on startup" for 1.2.8-pre1 23:42 < tsa> BTW. 23:43 < tsa> did you fix the xfree bug? 23:43 < tsa> (xfs buffer overflow) 23:45 < rxr> netrunner: still alive? 23:45 < netrunner> rxr: yes, just found out that webmin has a broken standard conf 23:46 < rxr> tsa: erhm - which xfs buffer overflow bug? Should I be aware of it ? 23:46 < netrunner> rxr: in /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf root=/R.build/server-blablabla 23:46 < rxr> netrunner: should in on-the-fly fix it - or do you want a patch 23:47 < tsa> rxr: 23:48 < tsa> https://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/dab-01.09.03-000/ 23:48 < netrunner> rxr: for webmin? feel free to do it :) 23:48 < netrunner> rxr: have you changed something ... the config name does not get prepended to the buildid any more, i mean to build/ 23:49 < esden> snyke: ??? 23:50 < rxr> netrunner: could you retest webmin now ... 23:50 -!- nisma [~nisma@host45-96.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #rocklinux 23:50 < rxr> netrunner: config name prepended - hae no I did not changed this (I think) 23:51 < snyke> esden: was just a "hi" 23:51 < rxr> cool: SiS driver: Add RENDER hardware acceleration 23:52 < esden> then hi snyke ;) 23:55 -!- freed [Administra@pD9055CAC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:58 < netrunner> obviously the applied daemontools patch I just wanted to have a look at freaked the build scripts :) 23:59 < tsa> hehe 23:59 < Freak> ah, esden, thankee! --- Log closed Tue Sep 02 00:00:01 2003