-!- Irrsi  Log opened Tue Sep 16 00:00:45 2003
[00:03] < [CTG]Wibra> rxr: any progress?
[00:08] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: yes - with different things ....
[00:08] < rxr> how long do you plan to stay awake ?
[00:09]   Pyro realizes he has never seen [CTG]Wibra ..
[00:09] < Pyro> hi rxr
[00:09] < rxr> hi Pyro
[00:09]   daja77 goes to bed now
[00:09] < rxr> Pyro: how is the live in CR ?
[00:09] < Pyro> rxr: latest rock iso available?
[00:09] < rxr> n8 daja77
[00:10] < fake> n8 daja
[00:10] < rxr> Pyro: jups - rc1 for x86 and -rc1+fixes for powerpc
[00:10] < Pyro> rxr: doing fine, had to change work schedule so now i am doing night shift..
[00:10] < Pyro> rxr: location?
[00:10] < rxr> but the powerpc one is not yet official - and I think I'll update it before I announce it ...
[00:10] < rxr> Pyro: the usual ...
[00:10] < Pyro> rxr: also waiting for a good friend to come visit next year ;)
[00:10] < Pyro> rxr: ok
[00:16]   fake Goethes Erben - Abseits des Lichtes
[00:25] < fake> "und in der blutlache spiegelte sich erneut meine eigene angst.. und wieder..."
[00:26] < rxr> Pyro: yes - we are looking forward to visit cr, too
[00:26] < Pyro> rxr: you already know that the doors of my house are open for you and Verena when ever you wish to come.
[00:34] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: will you stay up some more hours?
[00:37] < rxr> Pyro: do you still plan to come to the chaos communication congres over this december?
[00:38] < Pyro> rxr: yes i do.
[00:38] < Pyro> i was hoping you would save me a place @ the rock booth..
[00:38] < fake> no, it's for members only!
[00:38] < fake> ;-) j/k
[00:38] < Pyro> thank you.
[00:39]   fake curious - meeting the first costaricanianesian in his life
[00:39] < rxr> we just wanted to offer you a place to sleep in our flat if you need one - maybe you can stay over new years eve?
[00:40] < Pyro> rxr: sounds great, thanks i will take the offer :)
[00:40] < Pyro> fake: costaricanianesian where did you get that word from?
[00:40] < Pyro> :)
[00:40] < fake> Pyro: neologism
[00:40] < Pyro> fake: costarrican is easier i think :)
[00:41] < rxr> Pyro: ;-) Will Rebecka come with you?
[00:42] < Pyro> rxr: i don't think so, she just started a new job, and its really sure that won't let her have one week holidays by then..
[00:43]   fake off
[00:43] < fake> cu
[00:43] < owl> <- sleeping. gn8
[00:43] -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4DEC1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("BitchX: roqz yer nutz!")
[00:44] < Pyro> n8 owl
[00:44] < owl> gn8 Pyro
[00:44] < Pyro> hironic i just woke up..
[00:44] < Pyro> ironic even
[00:49] -!- dreamind [dreamind@IP-213157009210.dialin.heagmedianet.de] has joined #rocklinux
[00:50] < dreamind> Hi
[00:51] -!- true [~true@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:52] < [CTG]Wibra> rxr: yes staying up
[00:53] < [CTG]Wibra> rxr: imagine the honor rxr, being the first to get a 2.4.2x to work on my config :D
[01:11] -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux
[01:13] < Pyro> Hola Aitor..
[01:16] < A-Tui> hola Pyro
[01:16] < Pyro> how are you ?
[01:16] < A-Tui> i send a patch for i18n but i used a bad email :(
[01:16] < Pyro> what do you mean?
[01:16] < A-Tui> i have another mail register :)
[01:17] < Pyro> i see
[01:17] < A-Tui> tonigth i will send again with the good one
[01:17] < Pyro> A-Tui: you do know that i left the rock linux core team right?
[01:18] < A-Tui> daja77: told me the other day
[01:18] < Pyro> please submit your patche for i18n directly to the list
[01:18] < Pyro> patches
[01:19] < A-Tui> ok, then you are not in Rock?
[01:19] < Pyro> not at the moment
[01:20] < Pyro> i do feel a lot of sympathy for rock.. i have been around for many years.. so i will try to submit little contributions again in the future
[01:20] < A-Tui> Pyro: fine :)
[01:20] < A-Tui> and how are you in general? yo got married true?
[01:20] < Pyro> if rxr takes such contribs of course..
[01:20] < A-Tui> you
[01:21] < Pyro> doing ok, not ,arried yet
[01:21] < A-Tui> ahh ok
[01:24] < Pyro> ls
[01:24] < Pyro> grr :)
[01:25] < A-Tui> :)
[01:33] < [CTG]Wibra> rxr: If you get SCSI timeouts this usually means that IRQ routing setup is
[01:33] < [CTG]Wibra> > wrong
[01:35] < Pyro> ping rxr
[01:36] < [CTG]Wibra> ping?
[01:36]   [CTG]Wibra slaps rxr around a bit with a large trout
[01:36] < Pyro> rxr: when was minimal target removed?
[01:37] < Pyro> i don't see any nothe to this in the changelogs..
[01:37] < Pyro> note*
[01:38] -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps")
[01:39] < Pyro> [CTG]Wibra: you new to rock?
[01:39] < [CTG]Wibra> very new
[01:39]   Pyro making some coffee...
[01:39] < [CTG]Wibra> :)
[01:39] < [CTG]Wibra> i can't get it to install
[01:39] < Pyro> [CTG]Wibra: how do you like it so faR?
[01:40] < Pyro> maybe you want to tell about ur problem on the instalation
[01:40] < [CTG]Wibra> so i am not particularly liking it :) but hey, rxr is commiting himself to fixing it, so i don't give up yet
[01:40] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: now my girlfriends is sleeping - so the driver get's merged now ..
[01:41] < [CTG]Wibra> rxr, you can explain better perhaps :)
[01:41] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: buz hey it is not ROCK Linux but the vanilla kernel in general - see e.g. Gentoo fails the same ...
[01:41] < [CTG]Wibra> what's the "vanilla" kernel? the name for 2.4?
[01:43] < Pyro> [CTG]Wibra: vainilla kenel = standard kernel from kernel.org woth no modifications.
[01:43] -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux
[01:43] < Pyro> rxr: what happened to minimal target?
[01:43] < rxr> it is a genral expression for a unmodified e.g. software package
[01:43] < [CTG]Wibra> ic, as in "the standard flavor"
[01:43] < rxr> Pyro: since it was only a package selection we now have package selection templates
[01:43] < rxr> minimal and minimal+xfree
[01:43] < rxr> ;-)
[01:44] < [CTG]Wibra> does kernel hacking involves the assembler language?
[01:45] < Pyro> i see.. just was confused as i saw no comments of its removal on the changelog.
[01:47] < Pyro> rxr: can use this "templates" to build only the minimal package selection?
[01:47] < Pyro> or does this apply only for instalation?
[01:47] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: for Linux only in rare cases
[01:47] < rxr> Pyro: nope - during build time
[01:47] < SMP> [CTG]Wibra: not necessarily, but good programmers check the compiler output for their code
[01:47] < rxr> the selection templates can be applied to any target
[01:48] < Pyro> rxr: how do i apply them?
[01:48] < rxr> Pyro: you select the in the Config
[01:48] < Pyro> checking...
[01:48] < [CTG]Wibra> thank god. i guess you'd all have fucked up brains and talking shit like mov [bx],ax
[01:49] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: to be hones I read more SPARC and PowerPC assembly ...
[01:49] < Pyro> rxr: and where are this templates stored?
[01:50] < rxr> misc/pkgsel/
[01:50] < [CTG]Wibra> i just keep myself to basic school debugging :) (i386)
[01:51] < Pyro> rxr: looks fine. thanks.
[02:09] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: ok - now I merged the stuff - and now I need to get it compile ...
[02:09] < [CTG]Wibra> suppose i got/get the adapter to work, how will i know it did?
[02:11] < [CTG]Wibra> i did a cat /proc/scsi/scsi after removing my scsicdrom, and i see my seagate appearing (but also my idedrive :( )
[02:11] < rxr> hm - thing compiled
[02:11] < rxr> the IDE CDROM is ok - we have to use an part of the Linux kernel that does SCSI emulation for IDE devices
[02:12] < rxr> this is the only way to burn CDs with a IDE CD-Writer with Linux 2.4
[02:12] < [CTG]Wibra> ic, but the ide is just a dvdrom
[02:12] < rxr> with Linux 2.6 it is possible to use IDE-CD-Writers driectly
[02:12] < [CTG]Wibra> or linux does this for all cdroms, just in case they have write capabilities?
[02:13] < rxr> yes - the IDE<->SCSI emulation in Linux is not very good implemented this is why we limit it's use the CD-ROMs only
[02:13] < rxr> your IDE disks will be used directly over IDE - this is faster and more reliable ...
[02:13] < [CTG]Wibra> ic ic
[02:13] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: nope - our default kernel does this for all CD-ROMs ...
[02:13] < [CTG]Wibra> anyways, when running stone now, it does give me more options
[02:13] < rxr> ok - so you removed a SCSI CD and your disk turn up ?
[02:14] < [CTG]Wibra> yes
[02:14] < rxr> how many discs have you connected to the SCSI bus ?
[02:14] < [CTG]Wibra> 1
[02:14] < rxr> btw I could send a new module over ...
[02:15] < [CTG]Wibra> another new module?
[02:15] < rxr> yes - the one I just merged together ...
[02:15] < [CTG]Wibra> ah
[02:15] < rxr> maybe it does perform even better ...
[02:15] < [CTG]Wibra> i thought you merged a kernel
[02:15] < rxr> _maybe_
[02:15] < [CTG]Wibra> alright
[02:15] < [CTG]Wibra> why not
[02:15] < [CTG]Wibra> wurtel at pandora dot be
[02:15] < rxr> yes - I merged this module modification in the current kernel (this patch was for a really old mangled RedHat kernel ...)
[02:16] < [CTG]Wibra> i don't know what exactly that is, but thx anyway ;)
[02:17] < rxr> sent
[02:17] < [CTG]Wibra> received
[02:20] < rxr> do you test it this night ?
[02:20] < [CTG]Wibra> yesyes
[02:20] < [CTG]Wibra> rebooting
[02:21] < [CTG]Wibra> already insmodded, didn't know how to un-insmod
[02:21] < rxr> rmmod
[02:21] < [CTG]Wibra> now with scsi cdrom back connected
[02:21] < [CTG]Wibra> :( scsi bios is whining
[02:22] < rxr> whining ?
[02:22] < [CTG]Wibra> np, i'll get this fixed in a jiffy
[02:25] < rxr> erhm - what is the exact problem?
[02:25] < [CTG]Wibra> just something about auto-manual configuration
[02:25] < [CTG]Wibra> already fixed
[02:26] < rxr> hm
[02:26] < [CTG]Wibra> insmod gives:
[02:26] < [CTG]Wibra> "can't handle sections of type 905969725"
[02:26] < [CTG]Wibra> md5sum?
[02:27] < rxr> e215c64fc1bc8a628671bd90e696f454  qla1280.o
[02:27] < [CTG]Wibra> okay, again bad one :)
[02:27] < rxr> yes - damn floppies ...
[02:28] < rxr> I have a Zip for years now - that is way better
[02:28] < [CTG]Wibra> idd, plus floppydrive has seen better years
[02:28] < [CTG]Wibra> have zipdrive too, but only one :)
[02:29] < [CTG]Wibra> never really used it :(
[02:29] < [CTG]Wibra> i bought it with my dell, i thought it was gonna break through. it never did
[02:29] < [CTG]Wibra> formatting disk...
[02:30] < [CTG]Wibra> :( i got the exact same md5sum as last time
[02:31] < rxr> recopy onto the floppy
[02:31] < rxr> or reformat it low-level
[02:32] < [CTG]Wibra> i formatted floppy, copied onto floppy
[02:32] < [CTG]Wibra> finding other floppy
[02:33] < rxr> you could copy it say 4 times under a different name onto the floopy
[02:33] < rxr> one is likely to survive ...
[02:33] < [CTG]Wibra> :)
[02:34] < [CTG]Wibra> exact same md5sum
[02:34] -!- dreamind [dreamind@IP-213157009210.dialin.heagmedianet.de] has quit (":x")
[02:34] < [CTG]Wibra> on other floppy... kinda suspicious
[02:35] < [CTG]Wibra> not?
[02:35] < rxr> cytrinox`: hm - maybe the mail -- oO - maybe you mail application is too ...
[02:35] < [CTG]Wibra> outlook express :)
[02:36] < [CTG]Wibra> why you keep calling me cytronix?
[02:37] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: because my nifty chat program has auto-completion - and when I typo too fast I do not look on the name it completede ...
[02:37] < rxr> sorry
[02:37] < [CTG]Wibra> np
[02:37] < [CTG]Wibra> i know its me
[02:37] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: I resent the file tagged as binary data - I hope your mail application makes s.th. better out of it ...
[02:37] < [CTG]Wibra> this file you sent me has a better size
[02:37] < [CTG]Wibra> also 90k, like the others
[02:37] < [CTG]Wibra> the other one was 155k
[02:38] < [CTG]Wibra> md5sum checks out ok this time, insmodding
[02:39] < rxr> the last one was sent quoted printable - and with mime type text - M$ software has special problems with quoted printable encodings - and maybe the mime type did the rest ...
[02:39] < rxr> sorry
[02:40] < [CTG]Wibra> keeping my fingers crossed
[02:40] < [CTG]Wibra> YUESS
[02:40] < [CTG]Wibra> woohoooooooo
[02:40] < [CTG]Wibra> cdrom AND disk
[02:40] < [CTG]Wibra> tytytytytytytyty
[02:41] < rxr> NICE!
[02:43] < rxr> ok - now you can install ROCK Linux finally ?
[02:43] < [CTG]Wibra> yep
[02:43] < [CTG]Wibra> just partitioned my disk
[02:45] < [CTG]Wibra> installing...
[02:46] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: I made a change to the partitionizer today - the new one lists the anayzed content typo of the filesystem in the menu - like e.g. Windows VFAT, Linux Swap, or ReierFS and so on
[02:46] < rxr> hm - it comes to my mind that your system will not bootup due to the defeact SCSI code in the kernel
[02:47] < rxr> you would need to put the module into your system, too
[02:47] < [CTG]Wibra> *gulp*
[02:47] < [CTG]Wibra> i forgot something
[02:47] < [CTG]Wibra> creating filesystem
[02:47] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: we will work this out here
[02:47] < [CTG]Wibra> ext2 or 3 ?
[02:47] < rxr> what you want - I would prefer ext3 ...
[02:48] < rxr> (or ReiserFS ...)
[02:48] < [CTG]Wibra> hmm, i need to manualle create different partitions for the swap and so on?
[02:48] < [CTG]Wibra> if i remember well, my last linux used 3 different partitions
[02:49] < [CTG]Wibra> forgive me these less-important questions, i can easily get this info elsewhere
[02:50] < rxr> you only need two partitions - one for the swap - and one for the normal files
[02:50] < [CTG]Wibra> on a 9gig disk, primarly server apps, what config would you take
[02:50] < [CTG]Wibra> 8-1?
[02:50] < [CTG]Wibra> total ram is still unsure, will lie between 128 and 284
[02:51] < [CTG]Wibra> 384
[02:51] < rxr> 128 or 256 MB swap-space
[02:51] < rxr> the rest a ext3 filesystem
[02:52] < [CTG]Wibra> i thought installed ram*2 for ideal swapspace
[02:52] < [CTG]Wibra> will take 256
[02:52] < rxr> well "ideal" depends on the workload
[02:52] < rxr> on normal systems the swap is rarly used - and only wasted space
[02:52] < rxr> for embedded systems you'll not have swap at all
[02:52] < SMP> well, lots of swap on a workstation is mainly useful for swsusp these days
[02:53] < [CTG]Wibra> swsusp?
[02:53] < rxr> and when a server is constantly swapping you need to upgrade yoru RAM
[02:53] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: suspend to disk
[02:53] < [CTG]Wibra> ah
[02:53] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: from our ROCK Linux handbook:
[02:53] < rxr> Partitioning the hard drive is a matter of taste. It is a good practice to have a partition with a basic bootable Linux system - and a working bootloader (which is great if you need something to fall back on). That can be very convenient for performing maintenance tasks. Some people like a small /boot partition for their kernels or need this due to and odd ?1024 cylinder limitation? in older PC BIOSes, a partition for swap space and a
[02:54] < [CTG]Wibra> well, it will mainly be just a router, and then some extra's. so i guess i don't need 1Gb of swap
[02:54] < [CTG]Wibra> and of course you're right what you said about a swapping server
[02:54] < rxr> I would use 128 or 256 ...
[02:54] < [CTG]Wibra> 297,16 :)
[02:55] < rxr> and for the first tests learning I recommend only one partition the '/'
[02:55] < rxr> btw the Handbook is here:
[02:55] < rxr> https://www.rocklinux-consulting.de/products/rock-handbook/html/rock-handbook.html
[02:55] < [CTG]Wibra> will have it handy
[02:56] < rxr> the install process is not yet well documented in the book - it is on the top of my TODO for some days now :-(
[02:57] < [CTG]Wibra> :) perhaps in a way i could help
[02:57] < [CTG]Wibra> i'm a noob myself but hey, i could give it a try
[02:59] < [CTG]Wibra> does the swap file need to be primary?
[02:59] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: well those sections in the book are not that filled to if you have an addition feel free to send the lines per mail
[02:59] < rxr> rene@rocklinux.org
[03:00] < [CTG]Wibra> alright, i'll see if i can come up with something
[03:00] < rxr> it is (normally) a swap partition - and it does not need to be a primary partition
[03:00] < [CTG]Wibra> i'll quote you on the "and when a server is constantly swapping you need to upgrade yoru RAM"
[03:00] < [CTG]Wibra> without the typo ;)
[03:02] < [CTG]Wibra> buh :( still stuck at stone
[03:02] < A-Tui> bye all
[03:02] -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("I like core dumps")
[03:02] < [CTG]Wibra> i got "part1 currently not mounted"
[03:02] < [CTG]Wibra> i choose "create filesystem"
[03:02] < [CTG]Wibra> ext3
[03:03] < [CTG]Wibra> then "mount device scsi/... on directory"
[03:03] < [CTG]Wibra> i type in "mnt/target"
[03:03] < rxr> nope! just type in '/'
[03:03] < rxr> why do you think you  need to enter mnt/target ?????
[03:04] < [CTG]Wibra> ah. because theres a "mnt/source" too, and i already saw the "target" directory in the mnt dir
[03:04] < rxr> ...
[03:04] < [CTG]Wibra> and "source" being my bootinstall
[03:05] < rxr> doesn't the -rc1 isntall already show the example '/' and '/home' in the top of the menu ?
[03:05] < [CTG]Wibra> nope
[03:06] < [CTG]Wibra> you should perhaps include a failsafe for users like me, who just go ahead and try to install without a partition :)
[03:06] < [CTG]Wibra> otherwise you get "no disk space" errors all over the screen
[03:06] < [CTG]Wibra> :)
[03:06] < [CTG]Wibra> then again, n00b's won't go using rock i think
[03:12] < rxr> hm
[03:12] < rxr> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root       746143 Sep 16 03:11 qla1280-ver-rxr.patch
[03:12] < rxr> oO - this one is fat
[03:13] < rolla> re
[03:16] < rxr> hi rolla
[03:18] < rolla> hallo rolla
[03:24] < rolla> grr
[03:24] < [CTG]Wibra> frustrated?
[03:24] < rolla> yeah
[03:24] < [CTG]Wibra> because nobody says hello?
[03:25] < rolla> no cause I said hello to myself ;)
[03:25] < [CTG]Wibra> well
[03:25] < [CTG]Wibra> what i said
[03:25] < rolla> be == beilgum?
[03:25] < Pyro> hi rolla
[03:25] < rolla> hallo Pyro
[03:25] < [CTG]Wibra> "nobody" said hello :p
[03:26] < [CTG]Wibra> idd, be = belgium
[03:26] < Pyro> [CTG]Wibra: pardon?
[03:26] < rolla> if I could spell
[03:26] < [CTG]Wibra> not to you pyro
[03:26] < rolla> mistik1:
[03:26] < rolla> MIke
[03:36] < [CTG]Wibra> After the package extraction the STONE utility will lead you through a number of questions like the root password, keyboard mapping, language, hardware, network and offer you the possibility to setup your favorite boot loader.
[03:36] < [CTG]Wibra> => it didn't
[03:40] < rxr> hm - what packaged did you selected? full workstation - or did you modified it manually ?
[03:40] < [CTG]Wibra> server
[03:40] < [CTG]Wibra> after the last package, it did gave an error "not enough space for the here document" or something
[03:41] < rxr> I meant the STONE utility will ask you whether to install all (workstation) or minimal base system
[03:41] < rxr> and then you can modify the package selectio by performing manual single selection
[03:41] < rxr> what have you choosen during this ?
[03:42] < [CTG]Wibra> yes, i chose minimal
[03:42] < [CTG]Wibra> no modifications
[03:42] < rxr> hm
[03:42] < rxr> but this should work - strange
[03:43] < rxr> what "not enough space for the here document" error do you mean ?
[03:43] < [CTG]Wibra> something with a temp folder?
[03:43] < [CTG]Wibra> didn't  pay much attention to it, didn't seem important
[03:43] < [CTG]Wibra> and then it asked me to umount/reboot of shutdown
[03:44] < rxr> strange
[03:44] < rxr> what does "df" output ?
[03:44] < [CTG]Wibra> hang on, trying to get my scsidisk to boot :)
[03:45] < rxr> erhm - this installation will not be bootable!
[03:45] < [CTG]Wibra> no but at least my bios should detect my scsibios
[03:45] < rxr> the bootloader is configured in STONE (which does not seem to be run on your box) - and the correctly working SCSI driver module for your card is missing inside the system
[03:46] < [CTG]Wibra> :( as long as my scsiadapter isn't detected by my bios i will never be able to boot from it
[03:47] < [CTG]Wibra> ok
[03:47] < [CTG]Wibra> that works
[03:47] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: what problems are with the detection=
[03:48] < [CTG]Wibra> no prob, it didn't list my adapter, but it did list my scsi-disk in bios, so that's fixed
[03:48] < [CTG]Wibra> so, how do i go about booting?
[03:48] < [CTG]Wibra> using a bootdisk every time?
[03:49] < [CTG]Wibra> for now i'll use the installation cdrom, ok?
[03:49] < rxr> cytrinox`: nope you could cp the module into the system
[03:50] < rxr> but this will not work in this special case, because due to my stupiditiy my official -rc1 build used 2.4.21 for the bootdisk and 2.4.22 for the system (don't ask I must have slept)
[03:50] < [CTG]Wibra> but it's normal that i don't even see the slightest sign of linux when booting? my bios just lists "no OS found"
[03:50] < rxr> so you get a module for 2.4.22 from me tomorrow (or so - it is already compiling but I modified some things ...)
[03:51] < [CTG]Wibra> i think it should at least find the linux-variant of msdos.sys, and then crashing
[03:51] < rxr> but the next problem is that it is a module and so not present during boot - this is what a initrd (inital ramdisk) is normally for - but this module misses the information to be added to a ramdisk automatically - I just added those and this is why I recompile the module ...
[03:51] < rxr> so my updated module should work in 2.4.22 and be able to put into the initial ramdisk by the STONE utility ...
[03:52] < [CTG]Wibra> i understand (i really do ;) )
[03:53] < rxr> ok ;-)O
[03:53] < rxr> I need some sleeop now - cu tomorrow
[03:53] < [CTG]Wibra> so with the driver compiled in it, my bios will detect an os?
[03:54] < mnemoc> gn8 rxr
[03:54] < [CTG]Wibra> oh ok, nn8
[03:54] < rxr> n8 mnemoc and [CTG]Wibra
[03:55] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: oehm - does the BIOS detect s.th. before it executes the master boot recored - hm - I do not remeber about this detail - we'll see ... ;-)
[03:55] < [CTG]Wibra> ok
[03:55] < mnemoc> rxr: go to sleep :)
[03:55] < [CTG]Wibra> :) yes, so you're fit to help me tomorow :)
[05:02] < Pyro> mnemoc:
[05:06] < mnemoc> Pyro:
[05:11] < Pyro> coding again huh?
[05:12] < mnemoc> yeap :)
[05:13] < mnemoc> how is the new biz going?
[05:15] < Pyro> doing good :)
[05:15] < mnemoc> great ;)
[06:47] < blindcoder> moin moin
[06:47] < Pyro> moin blindy
[06:53] < blindcoder> moin Pyro ^^
[06:54] < Freak> mornings guys
[06:55] < Pyro> hi freaky :)
[06:55] < blindcoder> moin gal :D
[06:55] < Pyro> gal??
[06:57]   blindcoder hides
[06:58]   Freak doesnt feel adressed.
[07:02] < blindcoder> ah, nothin like a good fserver to get anime :-)
[07:04] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M264P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[07:05] < Freak> blindcoder: give me.
[07:05] < Freak> :)
[07:06] < Pyro> hi n00kie
[07:07] < blindcoder> Freak: it wouldn't be useful, cause it's episode 24
[07:09] < Freak> hmmmm
[07:09] < Freak> do you speak japanese?
[07:10] < Freak> and what series is it you're downloading?
[07:11]   Freak be watching Star Trek VIII
[07:12] < blindcoder> DNAngel, english sub
[07:12] < Freak> hmmm
[07:12] < n00kie> Hi Pyro
[07:13] < n00kie> Bye guys, school. :/
[07:18] < Freak> duh! 184euro for the star trek I-X moviebox :(((
[07:19] -!- scoopexH [~marc@td9091988.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux
[07:19] < Freak> weeee, its only about 100eur at amazon.uk
[07:45] -!- cytrinox` [~cytrinox@p213.54.184.146.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:02] < Freak> https://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/slashdot/tshirts/62d1/zoom/
[08:12] -!- pengo [xtofu@p464-tnt2.mel.ihug.com.au] has joined #rocklinux
[08:35] < netrunner> hm ... ssl over ssh over http ...
[08:37] < blindcoder> netrunner: you transconnect too much :)
[08:38] < netrunner> blindcoder: now that it works I consider using it for surfing anonymously in the company
[08:38]   netrunner wonders if they track keepalive connections
[08:56] -!- scoopexH [~marc@td9091988.adsl.terralink.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:18] -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9E39FB6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:21] < Pyro> hi christ|an
[09:23] < blindcoder> *yawn*
[09:24] < Pyro> blindcoder: want some coffee?
[09:28] < blindcoder> anything but that... the coffee here is decaf'ed
[09:30] -!- [anders] [~snafu@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux
[09:31] < [anders]> moin
[09:33] < Pyro> hello [anders]
[09:33] < [anders]> lo Pyro
[09:33] < [anders]> *yawn*
[09:33] < [anders]> kittens kept me awake for part of the night..
[09:33] < [anders]> "What goes thump in the dark" like..
[09:37] < blindcoder> moin [anders], want some dogs? :)
[09:38] -!- christian_ [~christian@pD9E390C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:39] < [anders]> blindcoder: no thanks..
[09:39] < [anders]> three kittens is more than enough..
[09:39] < blindcoder> hehe
[09:43] < Pyro> [anders]: maybe blindcoder wants one?
[09:43] < [anders]> Pyro: that is an interesting question.. :)
[09:46] < Pyro> hehe
[09:52] < blindcoder> nah, I just don't get along with cats... or they with me, depends :)
[09:53] < Pyro> hehe
[09:53] < blindcoder> I could however get along with a cute catgirl :D
[09:53]   Pyro read blindy's comment and suddenly the word "pussycat" came to his mind..
[09:53] -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9E39FB6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:54] < blindcoder> hmm... I wonder what this mirror would do to him...
[10:11] -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD9E4F348.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:11] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4FF39.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[10:11] -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder
[10:48] -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M348P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[11:02] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M264P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:13] < daja77> moin
[11:13] < Pyro> moin daja77
[11:13] < daja77> hey still here :)
[11:16] < Pyro> yes.. i am off work in 40 minutes..
[11:29] < Freak> https://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0309/isabel2_terra_big.jpg
[11:35] < daja77> cool picture
[11:37] < blindcoder> Pyro: lazy bum :)R
[11:38] < blindcoder> nice pic, would make a great background :-)
[11:43] < daja77> bbl, cu
[11:48] < Freak> blindcoder: ack.
[11:49] < Freak> 7mb animated gif of jupiter surface: https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/archive/PIA02863.gif
[11:49] < daja77> https://home.manuelm.org/~manuelm/webklitsche/
[11:52] < Freak> hehehe
[11:52] < Freak> "(erstellt mit Word 2000)"
[11:52] < daja77> nice joke :)
[11:56] -!- pengo [xtofu@p464-tnt2.mel.ihug.com.au] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:01] -!- [anders] [~snafu@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has left #rocklinux ("Client exiting")
[12:32] < rxr> re
[12:33] < blindcoder> echo " Kill stupid VeriSign site..."
[12:33] < blindcoder> $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -t nat -p tcp -d -j DNAT --to-destination
[12:34] < blindcoder> oops... sorry... EUSER2STUPID
[13:09] -!- DirtyGamer [~carsten@] has joined #rocklinux
[13:10] < DirtyGamer> Hello!
[13:11] < DirtyGamer> Hi!
[13:11] < blindcoder> hi
[13:11] < DirtyGamer> Do you know how in installing RockLinux?
[13:12] < DirtyGamer> do you have know how in installing RockLinux
[13:13] < DirtyGamer> Is there anybody out there?
[13:13] < blindcoder> a bit, yes
[13:13] < blindcoder> where's the problem?
[13:14] < DirtyGamer> I tried to install dRock 1.6.0 precompiled ISOs!
[13:14] < DirtyGamer> Installation works great!
[13:14] < blindcoder> mhm
[13:14] < DirtyGamer> But after reboot Kernel says Kernel Panic I have no root! I want to scream!
[13:15] < blindcoder> hmm, where is your root-fs?
[13:16] < DirtyGamer> "/dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0
[13:16] < DirtyGamer> "/part2
[13:17] < blindcoder> is your scsi-driver statically in your kernel?
[13:17] < DirtyGamer> I don´t know!
[13:17] < blindcoder> have you tried giving root=/dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 as a kernel parameter?
[13:18] < DirtyGamer> no
[13:18] < blindcoder> then try
[13:19] < DirtyGamer> one moment
[13:22] < DirtyGamer> do you speak german?
[13:24] < blindcoder> sure
[13:25] < rxr> DirtyGamer: erhm - why have you installed dRock-1.6.0 - it is _very_ old
[13:25] < rxr> and there is dRock (aka ROCK Linux - Desktop target) 2.0.0-rc1 on the servers ?
[13:26] < [CTG]Wibra> well, because 2.0 is rc1, and 1.6 is final. (i think). i doubted myself too
[13:26] < DirtyGamer> I can´t boot from 2.0 Iso!
[13:26] < [CTG]Wibra> ah
[13:26] < [CTG]Wibra> btw, hello people :)
[13:27] < rxr> DirtyGamer: oh - how new is your hardware?
[13:27] < rxr> hi [CTG]Wibra
[13:27] < DirtyGamer> I want to build my rock linux! And to build it I need an functionary Installation!
[13:27] < DirtyGamer> Hi all!
[13:27] < DirtyGamer> It´s a P3 500 Mhz
[13:28] < [CTG]Wibra> why won't it boot?
[13:28] < DirtyGamer> I don´t know!
[13:29] < [CTG]Wibra> other cd's (like win98) do boot? or just this one cd?
[13:29] < DirtyGamer> only this one cd!
[13:29] < [CTG]Wibra> which program did you use to write the cd?
[13:29] < DirtyGamer> boot cd of 1.6.0 works perfect
[13:31] < [CTG]Wibra> and besides not booting, the 2.0 cd is readable? (could be that it's just a bad write)
[13:32] < DirtyGamer> its readable
[13:33] < rxr> hm - we experiensed such problems since we swiched to isolinux for the CD - but normally this problems only happen with much oder hardware (<233Mhz MMX boxes ...)
[13:33] < rxr> older even
[13:33] < rxr> what does your BIOS say about the CD? Is this a SCSI CD-ROM ?
[13:34] < [CTG]Wibra> rxr: lol
[13:34] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: why "lol"?
[13:35] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: btw. has your installation finished?
[13:35] < [CTG]Wibra> "scsi cdrom" now why in the world would that give problems :)
[13:36] < [CTG]Wibra> it finished yesterday before you went to bed
[13:36] < [CTG]Wibra> but it's the booting ....
[13:37] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: yes I now - but there was this space left problem - and the STONE setup tool was not showen to enter the root password and other hardware stuff, did it?
[13:37] < [CTG]Wibra> nope
[13:42] < [CTG]Wibra> now i did something else after the "start installation" on stone, i did a "back" and then it didn't install anything, but continued with the things like "root passwd" and keyb language
[13:48] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-204.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:52] < owl> moin
[13:53] < blindcoder> moin moin
[13:55] < DirtyGamer> moin
[13:56] < [CTG]Wibra> "insmod 8139too failed"
[13:58] < rxr> you hgave a 8139 ?
[13:58] < rxr> maybe yours is the 8139cp ?
[13:58] < rxr> btw, is this your card:
[13:58] < rxr> https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3430790545&category=31494
[14:08] < [CTG]Wibra> no it is not
[14:08] < [CTG]Wibra> i have a qla12160
[14:10] < [CTG]Wibra> i have two standard pci ethernet cards with realtek chipset
[14:11] < [CTG]Wibra> ok, it boots, now lilo was written on mbr
[14:11] < [CTG]Wibra> but of course "unable to mount root fs"
[14:12] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: ok - you get a new kernel image in a few seconds
[14:12] < rxr> it has compiled this scsi driver in
[14:13] < [CTG]Wibra> somewhere in the line of my bootup sequence i should load that driver. seems pretty easy to me, if i knew the linuxvariant of autoexec
[14:13] < [CTG]Wibra> alright
[14:16] < rxr> https://schillernet.dyndns.org/bzImage
[14:17] < rxr> nope you can not load it because the kernel cannot any SCSI device and so no config on your harddisk
[14:17] < rxr> you would need an inital ramdisc with this driver ...
[14:17] < rxr> plase the file as:
[14:17] < rxr> /boot/vmlinuz
[14:17] < rxr> into your just installed system
[14:18] -!- DirtyGamer [~carsten@] has quit ()
[14:19] < [CTG]Wibra> its's 1,67Mb how do i get it on a floppy?
[14:19] < [CTG]Wibra> winzipping?
[14:19] < rxr> no it is already compressed
[14:19] < [CTG]Wibra> :(
[14:20] < blindcoder> split is your friend
[14:20] < [CTG]Wibra> hmm
[14:21] < rxr> ok
[14:21] < rxr> there are now the files
[14:21] < rxr> xaa and xab
[14:21] < rxr> the first is 1400000 bytes in size - the other has the rest
[14:21] < rxr> copy them onto your linux system
[14:21] < rxr> and then do "cat xaa xab > bzImage"
[14:24] < rxr> 23a8ba43f4eedb9a10bb88a613b4e4f7  bzImage
[14:24] < rxr> 8167debf31fb9092d41b4aee4c7900a2  xaa
[14:24] < rxr> 999158ae8a540eec393dd8725071bff0  xab
[14:24] < [CTG]Wibra> :) good thinking
[14:31] < rxr> and, success ?
[14:31] < [CTG]Wibra> euhm
[14:32] < [CTG]Wibra> place it as "boot/vmlinuz" on my disk i spose, not the ramdisk
[14:32] < [CTG]Wibra> ?
[14:34] < rxr> yes - on the distk
[14:34] < rxr> btw I did more work on the driver - and made an optimization configurable
[14:35] < rxr> you could have a new image wich does Memory Mapped IO ... - which should be significatly faster ...
[14:35] < [CTG]Wibra> euhm, this may sound stupid, but how i get it to the disk in stead of the ramdisk?
[14:36] < [CTG]Wibra> i am now in 2nd stage
[14:36] < [CTG]Wibra> with my driver loaded
[14:36] < rxr> wow - there was quite much work done on the driver in linux 2.6 ...
[14:37] < rxr> run stone
[14:37] < rxr> mount your '/' parition
[14:37] < rxr> quite stone
[14:37] < rxr> cd /mnt/target/boot
[14:37] < rxr> <place your new kernel here>
[14:39] < [CTG]Wibra> i placed the bzimage there
[14:39] < [CTG]Wibra> and renamed it to vmlinuz
[14:39] < [CTG]Wibra> but there is already a file like that, and it didn't protect
[14:39] < [CTG]Wibra> protest
[14:40] < rxr> the minmal rm might be silent by default
[14:40] < rxr> could you check that you did not mis-typed s.th. and that vmlinuz is now the new kernel ?
[14:40] < [CTG]Wibra> no it still has a different md5sum
[14:41] < rxr> christian_: what did you exactly type ?
[14:41] < [CTG]Wibra> "rename bzImage vmlinuz"
[14:42] < rxr> hm - have you checked the md5sum ob bzImage before ?
[14:42] < [CTG]Wibra> yes, the bzimage has correct checksum
[14:42] < [CTG]Wibra> the vmlinuz not
[14:43] < [CTG]Wibra> i'll rename it in another dir, and then copy
[14:44] < [CTG]Wibra> ? it doesnt do anything
[14:44] < [CTG]Wibra> in /tmp, i do the rename command
[14:44] < [CTG]Wibra> i ls, and there is still the same file
[14:46] < rxr> normally rename is "mv" in linux
[14:46] < [CTG]Wibra> ok
[14:46] < rxr> I never used rename ...
[14:47] < [CTG]Wibra> alright
[14:47] < [CTG]Wibra> the vmlinuz is in place
[14:50] < rxr> ok ;-)!
[14:50] < [CTG]Wibra> now? reboot?
[14:52] < rxr> umount /mnt/target
[14:52] < rxr> shutdown
[14:53] < blindcoder> did you run 'lilo'? or do you use grub?
[14:53] < [CTG]Wibra> lilo was run with stone
[14:53] < rxr> oh -
[14:53] < [CTG]Wibra> (thus the lilo is in the mbr)
[14:53] < rxr> then you would  have to rerun lilo inside the /mnt/target  :-(
[14:54] < rxr> but you can try first - but maybe your box will not boot yet :-(
[14:55] < [CTG]Wibra> :) it didn't
[14:55] < rxr> did not boot
[14:55] < rxr> ?
[14:55] < [CTG]Wibra> ohwell, a boot more or less, i'm used to it
[14:55] < blindcoder> WEE, esden's build is finally in stage 9 :)
[14:55] < [CTG]Wibra> "unable to mount root fs on 00:00"
[14:56] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: ok - sorry
[14:56] < [CTG]Wibra> vfs: cannot open root device "scsi...." please append a correct root= boot option
[14:56] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: reboot the install cd
[14:56] < rxr> use stone to mount '/'
[14:56] < [CTG]Wibra> alright
[14:56] < rxr> quite stone
[14:56] < rxr> chroot /mnt/target
[14:56] < rxr> lilo
[14:56] < rxr> ah no - not lilo
[14:56] < rxr> mount /dev
[14:57] < rxr> mount /proc
[14:57] < rxr> lilo
[14:57] < rxr> ;-)
[14:59] < [CTG]Wibra> is there a way to "softboot" linux? so not restarting bios, but just shutdown and restart kernel?
[15:00] < [CTG]Wibra> i thought i once had that option onder dos, but don't know for sure
[15:01] < rxr> people work on that - the project name is kexec
[15:01] < rxr> but I do not know if it is already in a working state ...
[15:02] < [CTG]Wibra> grmbl, sometimes insmod works, sometimes not. _another_ reboot
[15:03] < rxr> hm - with what kind of error is the insmod failing ?
[15:03] < blindcoder> think of it of a "seamless integration of windows-users into linux" :)
[15:03] < [CTG]Wibra> no error, it just sits there
[15:03] < rxr> and does not finish?
[15:03] < [CTG]Wibra> idd
[15:04] < [CTG]Wibra> it takes a while to insmod, but not *that* long
[15:07] < [CTG]Wibra> sitting there... i'll give it a 2 minutes
[15:09] < rxr> hm?
[15:10]   blindcoder going home
[15:10] < owl> bye blindy
[15:12] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: does it work now ?
[15:12] < rxr> btw: me just quickly reboót my iBook to test a new kernel ...
[15:12] < [CTG]Wibra> k
[15:14] -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.54.110.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[15:17] < [CTG]Wibra> voila, alldone
[15:20] < [CTG]Wibra> kernel panic :)
[15:20] < [CTG]Wibra> it booted and recognized my adapter and the connected device
[15:20] < rxr> re
[15:21] < rxr> and where was the kernel panic ?
[15:21] < [CTG]Wibra> then suddenly: unable to handle kernel null pointer dereference at virtual adress 000000c
[15:21] < [CTG]Wibra> kernel panic: attempted to kill init
[15:21] < rxr> oh my :-(
[15:24] < rxr> a1you have some stack trace output after the oops ?
[15:24] < [CTG]Wibra> yes, but rebooting once more (maybe it was just bad luck ;) )
[15:26] < [CTG]Wibra> yes, stack trace output
[15:26] < [CTG]Wibra> i have to copy all that?
[15:26] < [CTG]Wibra> 24 adresses
[15:26] < rxr> hm - yes it is time consuming to do this by hand ...
[15:27] < [CTG]Wibra> ill try and scan my screen :)
[15:27] < rxr> scan ?
[15:28] < [CTG]Wibra> with a scanner :)
[15:28] < rxr> hm ...
[15:31] < rxr> any progres ?
[15:34] < [CTG]Wibra> scanner didn't work on its side, have to put screen on scanner
[15:35] < rxr> well forget this
[15:36] < [CTG]Wibra> the screen glares :)
[15:36] < rxr> we need to check if my recent modifications on the driver broke it - or if I need to fix s.th. for the compiled into the kernel case ...
[15:38] < rxr> https://schillernet.dyndns.org/qla1280/qla1280.o-2003-09-16-1536
[15:38] < rxr> ^- could you test this module inside the bootdisk ?
[15:38] < [CTG]Wibra> ok
[15:44] < [CTG]Wibra> checksum?
[15:44] < [CTG]Wibra> 8407....dd48a
[15:45] < rxr> 8407df8afbc1889a0003eedb403dd48a  qla1280.o-2003-09-16-1536
[15:45] < [CTG]Wibra> k
[15:45] < [CTG]Wibra> kernel version mismatch
[15:45] < rxr> ah - shit
[15:45] < [CTG]Wibra> forgot i got 2.4.21 :)
[15:46] < rxr> damn - yes your bootdisk has the older kernel 2.4.21 ...
[15:46] < rxr> what does happen when you insmod -f (to force it's load ?
[15:46] < rxr> )
[15:47] < [CTG]Wibra> ...waiting
[15:47] < [CTG]Wibra> the previous worked if i unplugged my scsicd
[15:48] < [CTG]Wibra> "module loaded"
[15:48] < [CTG]Wibra> (with warnings of course)
[15:49] < rxr> and do you have all devices listedn in /proc/scsi/scsi ?
[15:49] < [CTG]Wibra> yes
[15:50] < rxr> so it seems to work ok ?
[15:50] < [CTG]Wibra> (i disconnected my scsicd)
[15:50] < [CTG]Wibra> yes
[15:50] < [CTG]Wibra> it works
[15:50] < rxr> why did you disconnected your scsi cd - you once wrote it works with my laterst driver?
[15:50] < [CTG]Wibra> well yes, but suddenly the last two times i tried, it didn't anymore
[15:51] < rxr> oh - you did not told that ... :-(
[15:51] < [CTG]Wibra> but no prob, booting with that kernel thing did load them
[15:51] < rxr> hm - but when this module still works (to some degree) I need the trace information ...
[15:51] < [CTG]Wibra> it's just that it might work, but it takes too long
[15:52] < [CTG]Wibra> with just my disk connected, it's a reasonable amount of time
[15:52] < [CTG]Wibra> like 1,5 minutes
[15:52] < rxr> 1.5 minutes to scan the SCSI bus ?#
[15:52] < [CTG]Wibra> yes
[15:53] < [CTG]Wibra> but when i used that boot thing, it was more like 15 seconds
[15:53] < rxr> oh - that does not sound correct - does it take an equivalent ammount of time under RedHat or Windows ?
[15:53] < [CTG]Wibra> no, when the driver is in the boot proces, it all goes ok (windows, redhat, rock), it's just the insmod proces that takes so long
[15:53] < rxr> hm
[15:54] < rxr> ok - can you try to reboot into your installed system - and when it fails again write the wohle oops into an email (without typos ....) ?
[15:54] < [CTG]Wibra> one thing different about this latest driver of you, is that it doenst correctly give the revision number of my seagate
[15:54] < [CTG]Wibra> it should say rev005 , but it says rev000
[15:54] < [CTG]Wibra> okay, ill boot and type the whole oops
[15:55] < rxr> thanks
[15:55] < [CTG]Wibra> why is it better to umount before shutdown?
[15:56] -!- n00kie_ [~n00kie@M348P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[15:56] < rxr> well - the shutdown should do this ... - I just wanted to make sure it is umounted ...
[15:56] < [CTG]Wibra> why is that necessary? to write any buffered data?
[15:56] -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-091.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:57] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-204.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:59] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: it oopsed the same way ?
[15:59] < [CTG]Wibra> yes
[15:59] < [CTG]Wibra> writing everyting down
[16:10] < [CTG]Wibra> written, double checking everything now
[16:15] < [CTG]Wibra> sent
[16:15] < [CTG]Wibra> afk
[16:19] < rxr> ok
[16:25] < rxr> hm - the anaylis reveals that the ide-scsi emulation driver crashes
[16:25] < rxr> not the qla1280 one ...
[16:25] < rxr> could you boot into the CD
[16:25] < rxr> load the working module
[16:26] < rxr> I need some info form the etc/lilo.conf in your system
[16:26] < rxr> I think the config is wrong
[16:26] < rxr> (but yet the ide-scsi module should not crash - but I already wrote the ide-scsi module is far from optimal ...
[16:57] < daja77> hmm i thought that .Z fix is already included in svn:head
[16:58] < [CTG]Wibra> alright
[16:59] < daja77> still get tons of error for .Z files
[17:00] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-228.reverse.qsc.de] has joined #rocklinux
[17:01] < holyolli> moin
[17:01] < owl> hi daja77, pilot (aka holyolli )
[17:01] < daja77> i holyolli, owl
[17:23] < rxr> re
[17:24] < daja77> wb rxr
[17:24] < rxr> my brother phoned and well this took some time ...
[17:24] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: have you mounted your '/' ?
[17:25] < [CTG]Wibra> pff, i can't get the module to load
[17:25] < [CTG]Wibra> now trying 3d time
[17:25] < [CTG]Wibra> i guess that 2.4.21-2.4.22 difference is doing it
[17:26] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: use the old working one from the last mails ....
[17:26] < [CTG]Wibra> k
[17:29] < daja77> damn new openssh exploit
[17:29] < rxr> hm
[17:31]   rxr updating
[17:31]   daja77 trying to emerge new version, can send patch if it works
[17:32] < rxr> I'm already updating it ...
[17:33] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: module loaded?
[17:34] < daja77> rxr: ok
[17:36] < [CTG]Wibra> insmodding
[17:37] < [CTG]Wibra> loaded
[17:37] < [CTG]Wibra> in 20 secs or so
[17:37] < rxr> ok so mount root to /mnt/target
[17:38] < rxr> cd /mnt/target/etc
[17:38] < rxr> and "cat lilo.conf"
[17:39] < [CTG]Wibra> no shuch file or directory
[17:39] < [CTG]Wibra> (when cding)
[17:40] < rxr> erhm you have mounted your '/' in stone or so ?
[17:40] < [CTG]Wibra> yes
[17:40] < rxr> cd /mnt/target ?
[17:41] < [CTG]Wibra> under target: cdrom0, cdrom1 and floppy0
[17:42] < rxr> have you already chrooted into your installed system?
[17:42] < rxr> or what did you do after mounting it in stone ?
[17:42] < [CTG]Wibra> chroot /mnt/target/
[17:42] < holyolli> re
[17:42] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: ah! ok
[17:42] < rxr> cat /etc/lilo.conf
[17:42] < rxr> ;-)
[17:43] < [CTG]Wibra> "<rxr> ok so mount root to /mnt/target"
[17:43] < rxr> yeah - mount - no chroot - but a chroot is also ok and valid / perfect ...
[17:44] < [CTG]Wibra> cat output:
[17:44] < [CTG]Wibra> boot=dev/scsi/.../disc
[17:44] < [CTG]Wibra> delay=40
[17:44] < [CTG]Wibra> lba32
[17:45] < rxr> cat is boot exactly ?
[17:45] < [CTG]Wibra> image=/boot/vmlinuz, label=rock, append ="root=/dev/.../lun0/part1" read only
[17:45] < holyolli> does anybody has some hints about updating a fu**ed up 1.5 install? without reinstalling the whole machine?
[17:45] < rxr> and this root is also of interest to me
[17:45] < [CTG]Wibra> image=/boot/memtest86.bin label=memtest optional
[17:47] < rxr> ok - I need the first boot= and the apend root= of the vmlinuz image ;-)!
[17:48] < [CTG]Wibra> euh... how :)
[17:53] < rxr> I mean the textual form you post them here, just the few lines ...
[17:53] < rxr> daja77: update committed
[17:54] < [CTG]Wibra> yes, but i didn't understand you quite
[17:54] < [CTG]Wibra> you need the "boot= of the vmlinuz image"... how, what ?
[17:57] < rxr> I need the first boot= line
[17:57] < rxr> and the root= line of the vmlinuz image
[17:58] < [CTG]Wibra> okay, so i did "cat vmlinuz"  .... definitely not good :)
[17:58] < [CTG]Wibra> rebooting :)
[17:58] < rxr> no!
[17:58] < rxr> why do you reboot
[17:58] < rxr> reset
[17:58] < rxr> resets the terminal ...
[17:59] < [CTG]Wibra> because i couldn't read anything
[17:59] < rxr> reset
[17:59] < [CTG]Wibra> every letter was some fucked up ascii shit
[17:59] < [CTG]Wibra> ic
[17:59] < rxr> yes
[17:59] < rxr> reset
[17:59] < [CTG]Wibra> well, for next time :)
[17:59] < rxr> you could save half of your reboots ....
[17:59] < [CTG]Wibra> idd
[18:00] -!- Nebukadneza2 [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-091.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
[18:00] < [CTG]Wibra> insmodding (again)
[18:00] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-091.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:02] < [CTG]Wibra> grrrr, its taking long again
[18:02] < [CTG]Wibra> no response from keyboard
[18:02] < [CTG]Wibra> okay it loaded
[18:03] < [CTG]Wibra> mounted /
[18:03] < [CTG]Wibra> now, tell me exactly what to do :)
[18:04] < rxr> hm
[18:11] < rxr> I posted this into the M$ feedback:
[18:11] < rxr> I was courious to see what your web-service would say to my ROCK Linux PowerPC system.
[18:11] < rxr> I was quite disapointed to see that it does neither detect the OS automatically nor was my Operating System present in the "Select your opwerating system" chooser.
[18:11] < rxr> Additionally on the "checkos.asp" page only a note for Apply systems is listed. Maybe you could add a note that in general Linux systems are secure - maybe this is the reason you run it on www.microsoft.com ?
[18:11] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: ok - chrooted?
[18:12] < [CTG]Wibra> no
[18:12] < [CTG]Wibra> wanted to be safe :)
[18:12] < rxr> ok - so chroot
[18:12] < rxr> and grep root= /etc/lilo.conf
[18:12] < rxr> and grep boot= /etc/lilo.conf
[18:14] < [CTG]Wibra> boot=/dev/scsi/host1/bus1/target0/lun0/disc
[18:15] < [CTG]Wibra> append="root=dev/idem/part1"
[18:15] < [CTG]Wibra> idem is that whole crap
[18:15] < rxr> dev/idem/part1 ???
[18:16] < [CTG]Wibra> *sigh* append="root=/dev/scsi/host1/bus1/target0/lun0/part1"
[18:16] < [CTG]Wibra> didn't feel like typing :)
[18:17] < rxr> and an ls /dev/scsi/host1/bus1/target0/lun0/part1 shows it exists ?
[18:18] < [CTG]Wibra> fk
[18:18] < [CTG]Wibra> the /dev/scsi does not exist
[18:18] < [CTG]Wibra> i noticed it is impossible to start a sentence in mirc with "/dev" :)
[18:18] < rxr> mount /dev
[18:19] < [CTG]Wibra> part1: no such file of directory
[18:19] < [CTG]Wibra> i used to think i knew what mount was, now i'm getting all mixed up.
[18:20] < rxr> ok - slowly:
[18:20] < rxr> you did
[18:20] < [CTG]Wibra> part1 exists sorry
[18:20] < rxr> ah ok
[18:20] < rxr> hm
[18:21] < [CTG]Wibra> i wanted to cd to it, but now i see its a file
[18:21] < rxr> please do: mount /proc
[18:21] < rxr> and run "stone" and install grub instead of lilo
[18:21] < [CTG]Wibra> ok
[18:21] < rxr> with grub we can change parameters on-the-fly ..
[18:21] < [CTG]Wibra> i don't have to "uninstall" lilo i spose, grub overwrites the mbr?
[18:22] < rxr> yes
[18:22] < [CTG]Wibra> okay
[18:22] < [CTG]Wibra> root= dev/scsi/.../part1
[18:23] < [CTG]Wibra> boot drive: hd0,0
[18:23] < [CTG]Wibra> created menu and installed in mbr
[18:23] < [CTG]Wibra> reboot or edit the device.map ?
[18:24] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-29-228.reverse.qsc.de] has quit ("Read error: 1.732050808 (Excessive square root of 3)")
[18:24] < rxr> reboot
[18:24] < rxr> ah no moment
[18:25] < [CTG]Wibra> just in time :ŕ)
[18:26] < rxr> I wanted to give you a new kernel without ide-scsi support ...
[18:30] -!- christian_ [~christian@pD9E390C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:30] < rxr> https://schillernet.dyndns.org/qla1280/
[18:30] < rxr> ^- xaa and xab
[18:31] < rxr> or: bzImage-2003-09-16-1829
[18:31] -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.54.110.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:31] < rxr> 021fa2b17f34028cd65a171b9f351143  xaa
[18:31] < rxr> df40f036290d28e97c4ef5861ce3930c  xab
[18:31] < rxr> a7e52744e4e20ea6a46f834de690b2fb  bzImage-2003-09-16-1829
[18:31] < rxr> replace your vmlinuz again ...
[18:32] -!- netrunne1 [~andreas@p50802782.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:32] < [CTG]Wibra> k
[18:35] < [CTG]Wibra> mcopy: command not found
[18:35] < rxr> hm ?
[18:36] < [CTG]Wibra> have to mount disk in stead of mtools
[18:39] < rxr> yes - you normally should mount devices - I did not even knew that mtools are on the bootdisk (now on the to be removed list ...)
[18:39] < rxr> (wasted space)
[18:40] < [CTG]Wibra> :( they were so hany
[18:40] < [CTG]Wibra> handy
[18:41] < [CTG]Wibra> okay
[18:42] < [CTG]Wibra> vmlinuz is overwritten (didn't ask for confirmation, but md5sum checks out ok)
[18:42] < [CTG]Wibra> now reboot? :)
[18:42] -!- netrunner [~andreas@p50802D22.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:48] < [CTG]Wibra> okay
[18:48] < [CTG]Wibra> it got further this time, but still oopsed
[18:49] < [CTG]Wibra> initrd: going to re-mount root now.
[18:49] < [CTG]Wibra> vfs: cannot open root device "scsi/host1/../part1" or 00:00
[18:50] < [CTG]Wibra> please append a correct root= boot option
[18:50] < [CTG]Wibra> kernel panic: unable to mount root fs
[18:52] < rxr> ah - ok
[18:52] < rxr> you need to change root= from host1 to host0
[18:52] < rxr> since now the ide-cdrom is not accessed as SCSI anymore (with this kernel)
[18:52]   rxr is now swimming
[18:52] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: I hope others are here to help you
[18:52] < [CTG]Wibra> ok
[18:52] < rxr> I'm back in some hours
[18:54] < [CTG]Wibra> it worked, i have a prompt!
[18:54]   [CTG]Wibra is off for some r&r
[19:05] -!- scoopexH [~marc@td909191e.adsl.terralink.de] has joined #rocklinux
[19:05] -!- [CTG]Wibra [wibra@D5E0A798.kabel.telenet.be] has left #rocklinux ()
[19:06] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M272P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[19:19] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M272P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Client Quit)
[19:20] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M272P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[19:31] -!- n00kie [~n00kie@M272P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("leaving")
[19:32] -!- nookie [~n00kie@M272P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[19:41] < nookie> rxr: Are you there?
[19:41] < daja77> 18:52  * rxr is now swimming
[19:42] < nookie> ah
[19:42] < nookie> thank you danial
[19:42] < daja77> np
[19:42] < nookie> daniel
[19:42] < nookie> :)
[19:43] < daja77> in arabic it is indeed danial
[19:43] < nookie> Hehe
[19:43] < nookie> In "hebraeisch" it still get's write "daniel" :)
[19:44] < daja77> well there is no e and no o in arabic ...
[19:46] < nookie> they write backwards too...
[19:48] < daja77> yepp from right to left
[19:48] < daja77> except for numbers, there are left to write cos the come from india
[19:48] < nookie> right
[19:48] < nookie> the chinese people write from up to down
[19:49] < daja77> heard sth like that
[19:49] < daja77> <- never learned chinese
[19:51] < nookie> Hehe.
[19:51] < nookie> Damn, I need a bigger HD.
[19:52] < daja77> hehe no room for movies ...
[19:53] < nookie> /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part8
[19:53] < nookie>                       7.3G  6.1G  932M  87% /home
[19:53] < nookie> hehe
[19:53] < daja77> /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part8
[19:53] < daja77>                        66G   41G   22G  66% /scratch
[19:54] < nookie> What contains your /scratch partition?
[19:54] < daja77> needs some cleanup i guess
[19:54] < daja77> several rock builds
[19:54] < nookie> Ah.
[19:54] < nookie> Most of them (all ;-)) are in my /home/Dev/Rock directory.
[19:54] < nookie> /home/n00kie/Dev/Rock
[19:54] < daja77> :)
[19:55] -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.30.120.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
[19:55] < nookie> :)
[19:56]   nookie np: DJ Hixxy - Set you Free (Remix)
[19:56]   daja77 np: Johnny Cash- Hurt
[19:56] < nookie> Johnny Cash?
[19:57] < daja77> yepp, i have the video
[19:57] < daja77> wanna have?
[19:57] < nookie> I don't know him
[19:57] < nookie> Don't know him :-)
[19:57] < nookie> What does he makes for music?
[19:57] < daja77> only 9mb video
[19:57] < nookie> well, okay
[19:57] < nookie> I can look at it :)
[19:58] < daja77> wget
[19:58] < daja77> popular us musician who died some days ago
[19:59] < nookie> ah
[19:59] < nookie> Ahh
[19:59] < nookie> now I know him again
[19:59] < daja77> :)
[19:59] < nookie> Is he the one with the burning ring of fire?
[19:59] < daja77> dunno
[19:59] < nookie> if so, I know him :)
[20:01] < nookie> Hmm.
[20:01] < nookie> Download aborted. :/
[20:01] < daja77> this site gets a lot of traffic
[20:01] < daja77> you can continue downloads with wget
[20:01] < nookie> Yes.
[20:01] < nookie> But I don't enabled the option.
[20:02] < nookie> Should've download it with -c
[20:02] < nookie> :(
[20:02] < daja77> wget -c
[20:02] < nookie> yea
[20:02] < daja77> just redo
[20:02] < nookie> Well, let's try
[20:03] < nookie> If I'm right I read, that the download has to get started with the -c option
[20:07] < daja77> in the second try yes
[20:07] < daja77> otherwise it grabs the file again from the beginning
[20:10] < nookie> I get connection timeout when connecting to the server
[20:10] < nookie> Well
[20:10] < nookie> I'll download the video somewhere other :)
[20:10] < nookie> thank you very much for that, daniel
[20:10] < daja77> hmm can have it from me via isdn ...
[20:12] < nookie> No, thank you
[20:12] < nookie> Don't want to make you "Stress" :-)
[20:12] < daja77> it is no
[20:18] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EABFE4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:27] < tcr> moin all
[20:31] < daja77> moin tcr
[20:34] < owl> moin
[20:34] < tcr> Hmm, that's actually quite cool. the open version of Borland's Kylix is released under the GPL, that makes my heart swing (well, a bit at least ;))
[20:36] < tcr> Anyone having practical experience with cd-writing under 2.6?
[20:37] < daja77> rofl, yeah that mean kylix belongs to us ...
[20:38] < tcr> what's so funny? That fact will save me time and effort
[20:41]   tcr eating Nudelsalat + H?hnchenfilet :P
[20:41] < daja77> well i don't know if they knew what they were doin
[20:41] < owl> *ARGH* "SYSTEMSTOERUNG" fscking vodafone!
[20:42] < daja77> O_o
[20:42] < owl> daja77: hm?
[20:42] < tcr> daja77, hmm I think they've hided everything interesting in some library, though linking with gpl is a thing for itself, you know..
[20:42] < daja77> which vodafone service you are using
[20:42] < owl> daja77: "vodafone-quickcheck" (online)
[20:43] < daja77> you need that for what?
[20:43] < owl> (kontostand-quickchat)
[20:43] < owl> check
[20:43] < owl> to see my kontostand
[20:43] < owl> or better: how much money i needed
[20:43] < daja77> ic
[20:43] < tcr> for purchasing new makeup and so on?
[20:44] < owl> tcr: *rofl* vodafone is selling makeup? KEWL!
[20:44] < tcr> owl: no "how much money i needed" ... "for purchasing ..."
[20:45] < daja77> nah guess how much she wasted for telephoning
[20:46] < owl> yes... or better: writing sms and gprs
[20:46] < daja77> rofl
[20:46] < owl> <-- not phoning much because of hating phoneing
[20:46] < owl> why are you rofling?
[20:46] < daja77> sms is imo the worst form of communication
[20:47] < owl> .oO(server is up again... and i'm not having toooo much money wasted)
[20:47] < tcr> Btw. do you know that t-offline were about ``purchasing'' the right to exclusively use the letter 'T' as a capital?
[20:47] < daja77> yes i know
[20:47] < owl> yes, but if you're sitting in the bus or so, and there is no pc with inet there and no bf is sitting near my side...
[20:47] < daja77> erh you could read a book then
[20:48] < tcr> I usually print articles and essays and read them while sitting in the bus
[20:48] < owl> *har* so you 're not allowed to write "T-elefon" or so? what should i do, if i have to split up words while analog writing? have i to pay for that?
[20:48] < daja77> www.t-error.de ...
[20:49] < owl> tcr: i normally listening to music and wirting sms... or sitting in bus, hacking on notebook, listening to music (+/- writing sms)
[20:49] < tcr> Unfortunately my "patrone" (damn, fucking! I can't remember/keep in mind the english word) of my printer is empty, so I cant do that at the moment.... result: I have still about 10 articles to read, and the stack is getting more and more :/
[20:49] < owl> haha. wasted too much money on cigarettes and so? *vbeg*
[20:50] < tcr> owl: Yeah, I read that in a satyrical comment which listed all nouns beginning with a T-, like T-shirt for instance
[20:50] < tcr> owl: I neither smoke nor do I drink any alcohol
[20:50] < owl> O_o ok
[20:51] -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9530402.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:53] < rolla> grrr
[20:54] < daja77> hehe hi rolla
[20:54] < rolla> re daja77
[20:54] < daja77> :)
[20:54] < rolla> I hate it when my favorite site is slashdotted
[20:54] < daja77> which is?
[20:55] < rolla> https://www.insecure.org
[20:55] < daja77> hehe
[20:55] < daja77> updating openssh?
[20:56] < rolla> nmap
[20:56] < daja77> yeah it is nmap home
[20:56] < rolla> ailed: Connection timed out.
[20:56] < rolla> Retrying.
[20:57]   daja77 currently updating openssh on his and granny's machine
[20:57] < rolla> yeah another hole
[20:58] < owl> hi rolla  
[20:58] -!- scoopexH [~marc@td909191e.adsl.terralink.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:59] < owl> someone already has information about 20c3? (like: will there be busses, trains...?)
[20:59] < daja77> no, there is some time 'til that
[21:00] < owl> yeah... but when will normally the stuff be published?
[21:00] < daja77> dunno
[21:00] < daja77> guess in november
[21:00] < owl> hm. k. thx
[21:02] < rxr> re
[21:06] < daja77> argl this laptop sucks
[21:07] < daja77> bootsector invalid, after rock install *hmpf*
[21:08] < rxr> it is not digitally signed by M$ ?
[21:08] < rxr> *g*
[21:09] < daja77> hehe
[21:10] < tcr> "I think that when we put all the numbers together, we can estimate that there are a minimum of 30 billion Windows system crashes a year."
[21:10] < tcr> ... "Thirty billion is the same as the estimated number of Earth-like planets in the Milky Way."
[21:10] < tcr> Heh (https://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,1210067,00.asp)
[21:11] < daja77> .asp ...
[21:11] < tcr> daja77, oh well, just the 'pcmag' should make you ponder ;)
[21:12] < tcr> anyway, that article is short and quite funny
[21:19] < jvc> does anybody know if the boot target should work? I have problems with mainly curses and terminfo
[21:20] < tcr> jvc: I assume it ought to work, if it does is another question ;)
[21:21] < jvc> in my situation it does not work, lots of problems compiling
[21:21] < jvc> include files end up in wrong locations
[21:22] < jvc> after moving the include file from /include/ncurses to /usr/include/ncurses most pkgs compile except for dump, but I hope I dont need that
[21:23]   daja77 remembering esden working on dump ...
[21:23] < jvc> by creating 2nd stage there are files missing for a bunch of terminfo files for instance usr/share/terminfo/v/vt100
[21:24] < owl> better on dump than dumb
[21:24] < rxr> jvc: oh - this /include stuff should already be fixed
[21:25] < tcr> Wasn't there some issues with the bootdisk target lately?
[21:25] < tcr> Ah.
[21:25] < daja77> rxr: is there a special reason why i get all your mails twice?
[21:25] < rxr> daja77: ehrm - haeh?
[21:25] < jvc> the problems are with the bootdisk target
[21:26] < daja77> rxr: for some strange reasons i got a bunch of your mails i already had
[21:26] < jvc> and I updated via svn yesterday
[21:26] < tcr> daja77, Only mails being a reply to a mail of you?
[21:27] < daja77> no, rlml mails + commit mails
[21:29] < daja77> hmm could be a local problem at my provider ...
[21:29] < daja77> strange things happening today
[21:30] < tcr> jvc: Yeah, it needs some thought why exactly new bugs cropp up when a different should actually be fixed..
[21:30] < tcr> .. and how to prevent it etc
[21:31] < jvc> tcr: thats always nice to have, but is someone aware of the problems?
[21:31] < tcr> jvc, well rxr just told you that the /include stuff should be fixed
[21:32] < tcr> jvc: and for the remaining problems just write up a mail. It's generally better as mails are not as flushyflushy
[21:32] < tcr> flushy
[21:33] < tcr> damn
[21:33] < tcr> some shortcuts don't work >:(
[21:33] < jvc> tcr: I know, I just wanted to check if this is a known problem
[21:34] < rxr> tcr: I'm not aware of more problems
[21:34] < rxr> I built a install disk before the prefix='' commit and all was fine
[21:34] < rxr> I'm going to rebuild now ...
[21:35] < daja77> argl that vienna mirror sucks
[21:36] < daja77> a plain 404 would be enoug *sigh*
[21:36] < blindcoder> daja77: an a plain 404 you can't place banner-ads, can you?
[21:37] < tcr> rxr: I didn't want to blame you :) It's just that rock is, from its nature, too complex and as a result too weak against slight modification of the environment (I mean, even small divergences can emerge to bigger problems)
[21:37] < nookie> Mail out, now go to bed.
[21:37] < nookie> Good night.
[21:37] < tcr> gn8 nookie
[21:38] < daja77> blindcoder: perhasp no, but i don't care, it just sucks that curl downloads a html file and the script gets puzzled by this crap
[21:38] < blindcoder> daja77: well, unfortunately $BIGCOMPANY doesn't care about you or me
[21:38] < daja77> ahem this is a university, no?
[21:39] < blindcoder> hmm... then maybe it's "admins" who have too much time at their hands
[21:39] < blindcoder> but I still laugh about VeriSign DDoS'ing themselves :D
[21:39] < daja77> :)
[21:40] < blindcoder> and the quick help people offered them:
[21:40] < blindcoder> patches for bind and djbdns
[21:40] < blindcoder> small commands that help:
[21:40] < blindcoder> echo " Kill stupid VeriSign site..."
[21:40] < blindcoder> $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -t nat -p tcp -d -j DNAT --to-destination
[21:40] < blindcoder> *whistle*
[21:41] < blindcoder> and voila, took some DoS off of VeriSign :)
[21:41] < blindcoder> (I love phrasing it that way :D)
[21:42] < daja77> heeh, yes
[21:47] < blindcoder> but what if they sue me now for stealing them traffic? After all, they have ads on that page... so my "help" will lead to gazillions of dollars in lost revenue... WAAAAAH
[21:47]   blindcoder runs and hides in a dark corner where they won't find me
[21:47] < blindcoder> (dark corner also known as my bed :-)
[21:47] < blindcoder> good night, everyone!
[21:50] < daja77> n8 blindcoder
[21:50] -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@pD9506B56.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:53] < rxr> hi jvc
[21:53] < rxr> erhm  jsaw_
[21:54] < jvc> rxr: hi
[21:54] < rxr> ;-) hi jvc - irrsi needs a better completation ;-)
[21:54] < daja77> esden posted a link to a perl plugin which improves it ...
[21:55] < jvc> rxr: ok, any results from your bootdisk build
[21:59] -!- christ|an [~christian@pD9530402.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:04] < daja77> why are cksum errors not mentioned in src/Download-Errors?
[22:08] -!- Netsplit zelazny.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: owl, jsaw, rolla, daja77, praenti, Freak, jvc, nookie, blindcoder, jsaw_, (+11 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
[22:10] -!- Netsplit over, joins: nookie, snyke, aszlig, jsaw_, tcr, true, owl, jvc, Aard, Freak (+1 more)
[22:11] -!- Netsplit over, joins: rxr
[22:11] -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti, SMP, scythe_
[22:12] -!- Netsplit over, joins: blindcoder, mnemoc, daja77
[22:12] -!- Netsplit over, joins: netrunne1, Nebukadneza
[22:14] < daja77> hmm interesting
[22:14] < daja77> Emerge-Pkg openssh shows me this
[22:14] < daja77> == 20:14:03 =[9]=> Building base/openssh [3.7p1 2.0.0-rc2].
[22:14] < daja77> ./scripts/Build-Pkg: line 1: [: =: unary operator expected
[22:14] < daja77> -> Reading package configuration from package directory.
[22:14] < daja77> seems to build anyway
[22:22] -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-082-082-076-091.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
[22:22] < tcr> daja77, take a look at the last changesets on openssh. It's very likely that it got corrupted by one of them
[22:24] < daja77> what do you want to tell me
[22:27] < rxr> tcr: I do not think it is the last change - it is more liketly a config variable quoting or so ..
[22:27] < daja77> yepp i think so
[22:40] -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EABFE4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:52] -!- fake [~fake@pD9E4DDE8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:52] < fake> hm, where has NickServ gone?
[22:54] -!- [CTG]Wibra [wibra@D5E0A798.kabel.telenet.be] has joined #rocklinux
[22:55] -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@p508926F0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:55] < ripclaw> helo
[22:56] < ripclaw> any updates for rock ssh already?
[22:59] < rxr> ripclaw: YES ;-)
[23:00] < rxr> ripclaw: hi ,)
[23:00] < ripclaw> rxr hi
[23:00] < ripclaw> rxr pls check the servers installed binary stuff, too. i keep mailing clifford about certain machines, and he
[23:01] < ripclaw> still runs way out of date versions of all kind of security relevant shxx, rxr
[23:01]   ripclaw just updated the binar stuff on my 1.5.12 machiners
[23:01] < rxr> my servers are updated
[23:02] < ripclaw> rxr can i call you
[23:02] < rxr> my main server even runs a jailed exim since a few days ...
[23:02] < ripclaw> cool !
[23:02] < rxr> ripclaw: sure! please the static number ;-)
[23:02] < ripclaw> rxr i only have mobile phone of you
[23:03] < fake> hi ripclaw !
[23:05] < fake> narf...
[23:05] < fake> i hate slow solaris boxen
[23:06] < daja77> hi ripclaw & fake
[23:06] < fake> (slow because some marketing drones don't know anything about database growth)
[23:06] < ripclaw> hi all
[23:06] < fake> hi daja77
[23:06] < Pyro> rippy
[23:07] < daja77> Pyro°
[23:07] < daja77> will he ever be Mike1 again ...
[23:08] < Pyro> not in a near time..
[23:08] < daja77> hehe you robot
[23:09]   Pyro grabs his water pistol and shoots daja77
[23:10] < daja77> [RHSA-2003:269-01] Updated KDE packages fix security issues
[23:10] < daja77> nice ...
[23:10]   daja77 grabs the gun from Pyro and shoots back
[23:11]   daja77 now getting bigadmin newsletter from sun, wtf
[23:13] < mnemoc> re
[23:13]   ripclaw going for food soon
[23:13] < daja77> enjoy!
[23:15]   Pyro off for breakfast
[23:15] < Pyro> cu later
[23:15]   ripclaw is away: for food
[23:16] -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@p508926F0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("[x]chat")
[23:16] < mnemoc> anybody objects if i allow kernel names like linux2.6.0-test6-benh69-ctx17-rsbac-rock ?
[23:18] < [CTG]Wibra> benh69-ctx17-rsbac?
[23:18] < [CTG]Wibra> no objection, just curious
[23:19] < daja77> sounds horrible ...
[23:20] < mnemoc> yes, but tells the true and respect the authors
[23:20] < [CTG]Wibra> as u suggestion: name it rock-revxxx and mention somewhere else what the revision/autors are
[23:20] < fake> linux-someversionwithmanypatches-by-me ?
[23:21] < fake> linux-like-you-care ?
[23:21] < mnemoc> depending the patches you add to it
[23:21] < fake> linux-shut-up-and-just-boot-me
[23:21] < [CTG]Wibra> linux-aard-aswlig-blindcoder-cytronix-........-version2.02
[23:22] < rxr> linux-scsi-qla1280-4-[CTG]Wibra ;-) ?!
[23:22] < mnemoc> :)
[23:22] < Aard> [CTG]Wibra: hm?
[23:22] < mnemoc> brb :-\
[23:23] < [CTG]Wibra> was just illustrating that everyone helping with the code should be mentioned in this way. don't know if you are a user or a coder
[23:23] < fake> o/~ he's a user baby - so why don't you kill him ? o/~
[23:24] < mnemoc> i was just talking about appending extraversions :-\
[23:24] < fake> *g*
[23:24] < [CTG]Wibra> lol fake
[23:24] < fake> mnemoc: you are a well of inspiration
[23:24] < daja77> hi Aard :)
[23:24] < rxr> mnemoc: yes - ok - go for it ...
[23:24] < mnemoc> thanks :)
[23:24] < mnemoc> brb
[23:24] < fake> mnemoc must be a muse ;)
[23:25] < daja77> linux26-this-will-never-work-with-your-machine ;-)
[23:25] < mnemoc> i have too much hear in my legs :(
[23:25] < fake> o_O
[23:25] < [CTG]Wibra> linux2.60-perhaps-windows-is-better-for-now
[23:25] < daja77> rotfl
[23:25] < fake> linux26-sponsored-by-sco ?
[23:26] < Aard> hi and bbl :)
[23:26] < daja77> fake: forget it, this will be precompiled binary ...
[23:26] < fake> daja77: and you'll have to pay to get the header files.
[23:27] < [CTG]Wibra> pff, finally have rock installed. onto typing commands like "man ls" and "man bash" :(
[23:27] < daja77> this will be the: don't-touch-touch-it-there-are three-lines-of-original-unix-code-included-linux
[23:28] < daja77> hehe yeah paying sco for saving us, from the pain of using free software
[23:29] < fake> [ samba included in openserver ... ]
[23:29] < daja77> yepp, most samba develeopers, had to shut up on this ...
[23:29] < [CTG]Wibra> were do i find the config file which sets my keyboard language?
[23:31] < rxr> [CTG]Wibra: I would recommend to run stone
[23:31] < rxr> you can set it there
[23:31] < rxr> most STONE / ROCK Linux specific config files are in /etc/conf ...
[23:31] < [CTG]Wibra> ok
[23:31] < [CTG]Wibra> as a future linux user i should know were i can manually set it, no?
[23:32] < [CTG]Wibra> eek! no vi present
[23:32]   daja77 'll see if he can fix that laptop manually
[23:32] < [CTG]Wibra> whats the standard editor for rock?
[23:32] < daja77> vim ...
[23:32] < [CTG]Wibra> thx
[23:33] < [CTG]Wibra> vim: command not found
[23:33] < fake> nvi
[23:33] < daja77> then your install is broken
[23:33] < fake> export EDITOR=nvi
[23:33] < daja77> *cough*
[23:33] < fake> rm /usr/bin/vi && ln -s /usr/bin/nvi /usr/bin/vi
[23:34] < fake> daja77: no vim in minimal target, i.e.
[23:34] < daja77> oh really
[23:34] < [CTG]Wibra> :p ;)
[23:34] < daja77> <- hasn't used minimal so far
[23:35] < fake> (read: generic target with minimal package selection template... *huff,huff*)
[23:35] < daja77> :p i know
[23:35]   daja77 will trying rock full bloat install on his laptop with 6gb hd ...
[23:35] < [CTG]Wibra> didn't want anything grafical, so chose the minimal one
[23:35] < fake> well, i was confused. suddenly my build id changed...
[23:36] < [CTG]Wibra> hm; is this normal? "read-only filesystem"
[23:36] < fake> where?
[23:37] < [CTG]Wibra> when creating link (ln) or wehn just opening (or trying to) nvi
[23:37] < fake> (at least better than a write only filesystem *frins*)
[23:37] < netrunne1> [CTG]Wibra: mount -o remount,rw /
[23:37] -!- netrunne1 is now known as netrunner
[23:37] < daja77> hey netrunner is back
[23:37] < fake> why is it mounted ro ?
[23:37] < netrunner> daja77: much to work :) need money for zaurus 760
[23:38] < daja77> netrunner: hehe, btw is your server back online?
[23:38]   fake declares this e100 as "x.x dead as can be"
[23:38] < netrunner> daja77: yeah, should be. but no ssl this time since i use 443 for transconnect.
[23:39] < daja77> don't need ssl
[23:39] < [CTG]Wibra> all my discs are rw
[23:39] < [CTG]Wibra> or seem to be
[23:39]   netrunner takes a lot of hw from his company ... stuff they declare crap like 5 isdn routers, 2 isdn telefones, a hp unix workstation
[23:39] -!- [CTG]Wibra is now known as [n00b]Wibra
[23:40] < fake> is there _anything_ top-like on solaris 8 BESIDES prstat (which is not there) ?
[23:40] < jsaw_> re
[23:40] < fake> omfg
[23:40] < fake> solaris 7 ...
[23:40] -!- jsaw_ is now known as jsaw
[23:40] < fake> netrunner: hp workstation? which one?
[23:41] < daja77> <- has a 710
[23:41] < fake> <- has some apollo
[23:42] < rxr> hi jsaw
[23:42] < netrunner> fake: uhm ...
[23:43] < jsaw> hi rxr
[23:44] < netrunner> fake: it says HP VISUALIZE 81352
[23:44]   fake wants
[23:44] < jsaw> rxr: fresh build: tcsh and wdiff try to link termcap, mine tries curses (which is build, but as libncurses)...
[23:45] < rxr> jsaw: install or generic?
[23:45] < jsaw> rxr: generic
[23:45] < jsaw> rxr: mostly default settings
[23:45] < rxr> ok - momemnt
[23:45] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-64.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit ("leaving")
[23:45] < netrunner> fake: ya know what I have there? tell me something! :)
[23:46]   netrunner just saw a dvi connector ... but has 2 free pci slots, maybe I'll request my matrox mga from esden back
[23:48] -!- rene [~rene@port-212-202-170-64.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[23:48] < rene> re
[23:48] -!- rene is now known as rxr
[23:48] < rxr> my screen was in some way freaked ...
[23:48] < rxr> jsaw: could you propose patches for the problems you got ?
[23:49]   netrunner -> bed
[23:50] < daja77> hmm this is really frightening me, grub says all went fine with the install, but mbr is invalid afterwards
[23:50] < daja77> had this problem before beta6 and now again
[23:51] < jsaw> rxr: sorry, no. I'm too busy finishing stuff for my boss. Maybe late this night...
[23:51] < mnemoc> https://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/09/14/2247230 <-- :-(
[23:53] < daja77> oh my that was predictable
[23:53] < rxr> jsaw: yeah sure - I did not meant immidiately ...
[23:57] < daja77> hmm is this a bad sign when the chrooted part can't be umounted?
[23:58] < rxr> daja77: usually user error
[23:58] < rxr> a bash still in it - or dev and proc moutned
[23:58] < rxr> or daemon running (gpm ?)
[23:58] < Freak> daja77: yup.
[23:58] < daja77> nope
[23:58] < Freak> daja77: I always thought it was just a question of time.
[23:58] < Freak> of course they have not taken action yet.
[23:59] < rxr> Freak: just a matter of time
[23:59] < daja77> ah ic, yepp i mounted devfs in chroot, had to ...
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Wed Sep 17 00:00:03 2003