set -e taropt="--use-compress-program=bzip2 -xf" echo_header "Creating 2nd stage filesystem:" mkdir -p $disksdir/rescue_root ; cd $disksdir/rescue_root # package_map=' +00-dirtree +glibc22 +glibc23 -gcc2 -gcc3 -gcc33 -gcc32 -gccx -linux24-src -linux26-src -linux24benh-src -linux24-source -linux24-header -linux26-header -linux24benh-header -linux24 -linux26 -linux24benh +attr -binutils -bin86 -nasm +dmapi +grub +lilo +yaboot +aboot +silo +parted +mac-fdisk +pdisk +xfsprogs +mkdosfs +jfsutils +xfsdump +e2fsprogs +reiserfsprogs +genromfs +lvm +raidtools +dump +eject +disktype +hdparm -memtest86 +openssl +openssh +mine -termcap +ncurses +readline -strace -ltrace -perl5 -m4 -time -gettext +zlib +attr +acl +findutils +mktemp +coreutils -diffutils -patch -make +grep +sed +gzip +tar +gawk -flex +bzip2 -texinfo +less -groff -man +nvi -bison +bc +cpio +ed -autoconf -libtool +curl +wget +dialog +minicom +lrzsz +rsync +tcpdump +module-init-tools -sysvinit +shadow +util-linux +wireless-tools +net-tools +procps +psmisc -rockplug +modutils +pciutils +portmap +busybox -sysklogd -devfsd +setserial +iproute2 +netkit-base +netkit-ftp +netkit-telnet +netkit-tftp +sysfiles +libpcap +iptables +tcp_wrappers -kiss +kbd -syslinux -rescue-stage1-init +device-mapper +lvm2 +mdadm +dhcpcd +smartmontools +ntfsprogs +lvm-wrapper -man-pages ' if [[ $rockver = 2.0* ]] ; then package_map="$package_map +bash -automake " else package_map="$package_map +bash2 -bash3 -automake17 -automake18 +bize +ethtool " fi package_map="+$ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_KERNEL $package_map" echo_status "Extracting the packages archives." for x in $( ls $pkgsdir/*.tar.bz2 | \ grep -v -e ':dev.tar.bz2' -e ':doc.tar.bz2' ) do x="`basename $x .tar.bz2`" if echo "" $package_map "" | grep -q " +$x " then echo_status "\`- Extracting $x.tar.bz2 ..." tar --use-compress-program=bzip2 -xpf $pkgsdir/$x.tar.bz2 elif ! echo "" $package_map "" | grep -q " -$x " then echo_error "\`- Not found in \$package_map: $x" echo_error " ... fix target/$target/" fi done # echo_status "Remove the stuff we don't need ..." rm -rf home usr/{local,doc,man,info,games,share} rm -rf var/adm/* var/games var/adm var/mail var/opt rm -rf usr/{include,src} usr/*-linux-gnu {,usr/}lib/*.{a,la,o} rm -rf etc/rc.d/rcX.d/ for x in usr/lib/*/; do rm -rf ${x%/}; done # echo_status "Installing some terminfo databases ..." tar $taropt $pkgsdir/ncurses.tar.bz2 \ usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm usr/share/terminfo/a/ansi \ usr/share/terminfo/n/nxterm usr/share/terminfo/l/linux \ usr/share/terminfo/v/vt200 usr/share/terminfo/v/vt220 \ usr/share/terminfo/v/vt100 usr/share/terminfo/s/screen # echo_status "Installing some keymaps ..." tar $taropt $pkgsdir/kbd.tar.bz2 \ usr/share/kbd/keymaps/amiga \ usr/share/kbd/keymaps/atari \ usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty \ usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwertz \ usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/include \ usr/share/kbd/keymaps/sun find usr/share/kbd -name '*dvo*' -o -name '*az*' -o -name '*fgG*' | \ xargs rm -f # #echo_status "Installing pci.ids ..." #tar $taropt $pkgsdir/pciutils.tar.bz2 \ # usr/share/pci.ids # echo_status "Installing lvm-cycle-script ..." cp -v $base/target/$target/contrib/init-boot-cycle sbin/init-lvm-cycle chmod 755 sbin/init-lvm-cycle echo_status "Creating init." cp -v $rootdir/usr/bin/busybox sbin/init cp -al sbin/init sbin/halt cp -al sbin/init sbin/reboot rm -f etc/inittab etc/HOSTNAME < etc/inittab ::sysinit:/etc/init.d/rcS vc/1::respawn:/sbin/agetty -f /etc/issue 38400 vc/1 linux vc/2::respawn:/sbin/agetty -f /etc/issue 38400 vc/2 linux vc/3::respawn:/sbin/agetty -f /etc/issue 38400 vc/3 linux vc/4::respawn:/sbin/agetty -f /etc/issue 38400 vc/4 linux vc/5::respawn:/sbin/agetty -f /etc/issue 38400 vc/5 linux vc/6::respawn:/sbin/agetty -f /etc/issue 38400 vc/6 linux EOF < etc/issue \t \d -- \U online -- line [\l]. Welcome to \n (ROCK Linux advanced rescue system, Kernel \r). EOF chmod 644 etc/issue < etc/shadow root:::::::: toor:*::::::: bin:*::::::: daemon:*::::::: nobody:*::::::: sshd:*::::::: EOF chmod 600 etc/shadow mkdir -p etc/init.d/ etc/boot.d/ <<"EOF" cat > etc/init.d/rcS #!/bin/sh for x in /etc/boot.d/[0-9]* do [ -f $x ] && . $x done EOF < etc/boot.d/05-system [ -f /proc/mounts ] || mount -t proc none /proc [ -d /mnt/boot ] || mkdir -p /mnt/boot [ -d /dev/pts ] && mount /dev/pts rm -f /dev/fd ; ln -s /proc/self/fd /dev/fd grep -q '/mnt_boot' /proc/mounts && mount --move /old_root/mnt_boot /mnt/boot grep -q '/old_root' /proc/mounts && umount -n /old_root grep -v ^rootfs /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab EOF < etc/boot.d/10-hostname if [ -f /etc/HOSTNAME ] then /bin/hostname \`cat /etc/HOSTNAME\` else /bin/hostname "$ROCKFG_RESCUE_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME" fi EOF chmod 755 etc/init.d/rcS etc/boot.d/[0-9][0-9]-* echo_status "Creating system.tar.bz2 archive." tar -cIf ../system.tar.bz2 * ; cd ..