#!/usr/bin/env splrun load "cgi"; load "file"; load "system"; load "sql"; load "sql_utils"; load "array"; load "encode_xml"; load "crypt"; #file-as-code config.spl var patch_status_dump; #file-as-code common.spl #file-as-code mail.spl // This is a simple sompatibility CGI script to emulate the originial // smadm.cgi 'API'. write("Content-Type: text/html\n\n"); // authenticate if (declared cgi.param.u and declared cgi.param.p) { var username = cgi.param.u; var password = cgi.param.p; var u = sql_tuple(db, <:SQL> : SELECT : user_id AS userid, : user_crypt AS crypt, : user_isadmin AS isadmin : FROM : user : WHERE : user_name = ${mysql::username} ); if (declared u.crypt and check_crypt(password, u.crypt)) { userid = u.userid; isadmin = u.isadmin; } else { noauth_error: write("Authentication failed!\n"); exit; } } // upload patches if (cgi.param["a"] ~== "new") { if (not defined userid) goto noauth_error; var filename = system("mktemp"); cgi_userfile_save("f", filename); var text = file_read(filename, "ascii"); file_delete(filename); var uid = patch_add(text); write("Patch $uid added.\n"); exit; } // marking patch as applied if (cgi.param["a"] ~== "details" and cgi.param["s1"] ~== "1") { if (not isadmin) goto noauth_error; var uid = cgi.param.i; uid =~ s,/,,g; sql(db, <:SQL> : UPDATE : patch : SET : patch_status = 'A' : WHERE : patch_uid = ${mysql::uid} ); mail(patch: uid, "Applied by @@@"); goto show_this_patch; } // display patch details if (declared cgi.param.i) { show_this_patch: var uid = cgi.param.i; uid =~ s,/,,g; var patch_status_map = [ O: "Open", D: "Discarded", R: "Rejected", A: "Applied" ]; var p = sql_tuple(db, <:SQL> : SELECT : patch.patch_uid AS uid, : patch.patch_status AS status, : patch.patch_text AS text, : user.user_name AS username : FROM : patch LEFT JOIN user ON patch.user_id_owner = user.user_id : WHERE : patch.patch_uid = ${mysql::uid} ); var patch_status = patch_status_map[p.status]; write(<:> :
		: $patch_status Patch: $p.uid
		: by $p.username
		: ${xml::(p.text =~ s/^(---|Index:|diff).*//Rsm)}
); exit; } // redirect if (declared cgi.param.u and declared cgi.param.p) write(<:> : ); else write(<:> : );