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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

--- Log opened Son Nov 30 00:00:32 2003
00:21 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EABC17.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit Remote closed the connection
01:07 -!- MadTux [~mike@ip140-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
01:07 < MadTux> hello all.
01:08 < __mnemoc> wb Mickey1
01:08 < MadTux> hi Ale :)
01:09 < MadTux> ping WrKRobe
01:09 < daja77> hi MadTux 
01:09 < MadTux> Daniel! hello :)
01:09 < rxr> re
01:09 < MadTux> welcome back rxr
01:10 < daja77> hey rxr
01:10 < __mnemoc> hi bad rxr :(
01:10 -!- __mnemoc is now known as mnemoc
01:10 < MadTux> mnemoc: why bad?
01:10 < MadTux> daja77: any new stuff found on lvp?
01:11 < daja77> had no look at it today
01:11 < MadTux> daja77: oh ok. I just hope to see blindcoder around soon, he stated that he should have a some nice improvements for a new release, so i can get involved
01:12 < daja77> yeah
01:13 < rxr> ok - me off into bed ...
01:13 < rxr> see you
01:13 < MadTux> daja77: :)
01:13 < daja77> n8 rxr
01:13 < MadTux> rxr: sleep well
01:14 < MadTux> daja77: you are currently inovled on lvp devel as well?
01:14 < daja77> i am just bugging blindy atm
01:15 < MadTux> bugging blindy is just too much fun :O)
01:15 < daja77> hehe
01:15 < daja77> well i will fork it to create multimedia cds with it
01:15 < MadTux> oh yeah, i had forgot
01:19 < MadTux> ok so anime calls, see you later
01:23  * MadTux is away: watching anime
01:50 -!- kasc [~kasc@dsl-213-023-066-089.arcor-ip.net] has quit Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)
02:09 -!- kasc [~kasc@dsl-213-023-066-224.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
03:02 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux
04:12 -!- k3t_ [k3t@pD9502893.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
04:19 -!- trekkie3k [k3t@pD900573F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)
04:27 -!- cytrinox` [~cytrinox@p213.54.206.245.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
04:47 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.199.19.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
05:00 -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD958FD06.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
05:00 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F99E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit Nick collision from services.
05:00 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder
05:04 < MadTux> blindy
05:05 < MadTux> ping blindcoder
05:21 < A-Tui> bye bye, time to bed
05:21 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit "I like core dumps"
05:22  * MadTux is back (gone 03:58:33)
07:58 -!- netrunne1 [~andreas@p508028F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
07:58 -!- Topic for #rocklinux: ROCK Linux approaching 2.0 - join now - https://www.rocklinux.org/rock20.html
07:58 -!- Topic set by ChanServ [] [Tue Sep  2 15:34:51 2003]
07:58 [Users #rocklinux]
07:58 [ [anders]  ] [ cchamilt ] [ fake  ] [ MadTux   ] [ owl    ] [ snyke  ] 
07:58 [ _spectre_ ] [ clifford ] [ hannes] [ mistik1  ] [ praenti] [ th     ] 
07:58 [ Aard      ] [ cytrinox`] [ huebi ] [ mnemoc   ] [ rolla  ] [ WrKRobe] 
07:58 [ aszlig_   ] [ daja77   ] [ k3t_  ] [ netrunne1] [ rxr    ] [ zum    ] 
07:58 [ blindcoder] [ esden    ] [ kasc  ] [ netrunner] [ SMP    ] 
07:58 -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 29 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 29 normal]
07:58 -!- Channel #rocklinux created Sun Aug  3 22:11:35 2003
07:58 -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 6 secs
07:59 -!- Keepnick: Couldn't determine chatnet (now )
08:15 -!- netrunner [~andreas@p5080244C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
08:40 < MadTux> God i'm bored..
08:50 -!- MadTux [~mike@ip140-62.ct.co.cr] has quit "Client Exiting"
08:50 < rxr> re
10:13 < blindcoder> moin
10:28 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAAAB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
10:29 < tcr> moin all
10:29  * blindcoder gone again
10:48 -!- MadTux [~mike@ip140-62.ct.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
11:00 < daja77> moin
11:01 < MadTux> hello daja77 :)
11:01 < daja77> hi MadTux 
11:01 < MadTux> daja77: sleep well?
11:02 < daja77> oh yes
11:02 < MadTux> glad to hear
11:11 -!- MadTux [~mike@ip140-62.ct.co.cr] has quit "Client Exiting"
11:32 -!- pieass [~se@3ffe:bc0:701:0:2a0:b0ff:fe00:1beb] has joined #rocklinux
11:54 -!- k3t_ is now known as trekkie3k
13:16 -!- jani_ [jani@ppp115-242.lns1.syd3.internode.on.net] has joined #rocklinux
13:17 < jani_> Is there a way of using a different ISOLINUX bootcd for the installation of Rock?  My laptop has kernel panics with the official iso, but works fine with the debian or the fedora boot iso. The panic happens while trying to mount root. Debian/fedora need the acpi=on switch, but that doesn't make a difference to the rock boot cd
13:18 < daja77> which iso you have used?
13:19 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux
13:19 < daja77> hi A-Tui 
13:19 < jani_> generic-2.0.0-rc2-rev1605+fixes_cd1.iso from drocklinux.dyndns.org
13:19 < daja77> afaik there is no acpi support in that kernel
13:20 < A-Tui> hola daja77
13:20 < daja77> well you said it panics when trying to mount root?
13:20 < jani_> ah, that would explain it.  do you know if there's an iso image with acpi support? alternatively, is there a way of building one myself?
13:20 < daja77> i don't think this is acpi related
13:21 < daja77> i think that burn errors are more likely
13:21 < jani_> yeah, it's a compaq evo n1015v, and the ide controller stops functioning with debian iso and fedora iso unless acpi=on is passed to the kernel
13:21 < jani_> it's some quirky HP/compaq hardware.  to make the ide work again it needs a cold reboot
13:22 < daja77> could you please report this to the rocklinux mailinglist
13:22 < jani_> the acpi seems to work passing irq's out to devices without causing the crash.  also there's an mce bug, using linux nomce gets me further in the boot process, but even then it just dies trying to re-read the cdrom to mount root
13:23 < jani_> sure, i'll pass it on... i'll have to do it tomorrow, when I have a chance of transcribing the error message (computer crashes hard, no chance to get at logs)
13:23 < daja77> you could grab the messages via serial cable
13:24 < jani_> easier to just type it into my other computer :)
13:24 < daja77> think so ^^
13:25 < jani_> i tried looking for those non-official iso's that were mentioned on the website, but none seemed to be present at the linked site.  I was hoping maybe I could install from a fedora rescue shell, but don't know how I'd go about doing that.
13:28 < jani_> ah well, it's late, i'll have to play with it again tomorrow.  cya
13:29 -!- jani_ [jani@ppp115-242.lns1.syd3.internode.on.net] has quit "Leaving"
13:29 < daja77> ok cu
13:40 < mnemoc> *yawn*
13:42  * daja77 steals one of mike's jolts and throws it in mnemoc's direction
13:43  * mnemoc catch it on the air and throw it back
13:43 < daja77> hey drink it, not throw it
13:43 < mnemoc> :)
13:43 < mnemoc> what is a jolt? :(
13:44 < mnemoc> throw it again please 
13:45  * daja77 throws it again
13:45 < daja77> a cola with much caffeine
13:47  * mnemoc jumps backward catch the cola with caffeine :)
13:48  * mnemoc drinking it to wake up
13:51 < tcr> Speaking about coke, has anyone drunk the new vanilla cola so far?
13:52 < mnemoc> vanilla coca?? wtf?
13:53 < tcr> yeah they ship that in germany
13:53 < tcr> the thing is I couldn't taste the vanilla..
13:53 < tcr> it tastes more like some kind of medicine
13:57 < daja77> hehe coke was sold as medicine before bein sold as a beverage
13:57 < daja77> invented by a pharmacist ...
13:58 < tcr> I don't drink coke that much anyway
13:59 < tcr> It's too sweet and makes my teeth hurt
13:59 < mnemoc> nothing can be better that a glass of cold WATER :)
14:01 < tcr> Yeah, but only after heavy physical effort
14:10 -!- ChristianQt [~konversat@pD9530320.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
14:13 -!- cytrinox` [~cytrinox@p213.54.206.245.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)
14:26 < blindcoder> WTF?
14:26 < blindcoder> coreutils needs PERL to build?
14:28 < mnemoc> the linux kernel too
14:28 < blindcoder> yes ,I just found out because the CROSS-Build doesn't have perl >_<
14:29 < blindcoder> [X] This is a cross-build between architectures
14:29 < blindcoder> no perl, no coreutils, no kernel
14:30 < blindcoder> actually, the kernel DID build
14:30 < tcr> don't ask me why it depends on perl.. I wondered too
14:30 < tcr> I guess it may be used for creation of documentation
14:30 < blindcoder> well, it's not that I wonder about why it does, it's more: Why does hte cross-build not include it?
14:30 < tcr> why does it depends on it?
14:31 < blindcoder> yes
14:31 < tcr> >why<
14:31 < mnemoc> it does because some dorks decide to use it :\  ... 2.7 will depend on python
14:31 < tcr> in what way will it depend?
14:31 < tcr> Sorry, I don't get it
14:31 < daja77> argl please tell me that this is not true
14:31 < blindcoder> I ran a Build-Target inside the cross-build and 1-coreutils failed
14:31 < blindcoder> daja77: It is not true.
14:32 < tcr> blindcoder, why did it fail exactly? (because configure couldn't find an instance of perl?)
14:32 < mnemoc> jk
14:33 < blindcoder> tcr: /usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter
14:33 < tcr> When did you get that?
14:33 < daja77> blindcoder: thx
14:33 < blindcoder> hmm... somewhere during the build...
14:33 < blindcoder> within make
14:35 < tcr> blindcoder, that means?
14:35 < tcr> I still can't believe it does really depend on perl
14:35 < blindcoder> tcr: that means that somewhere in coreutils a perl-script is called!
14:35 < blindcoder> just do a grep /usr/bin/perl /usr/src/coreutils/ -R
14:35 < tcr> blindcoder, you smart bastard!
14:36 < blindcoder> tcr: sorry, but it sems you don't get it, so I have to talk like I would to an idiot
14:36 -!- dark [~firm@] has joined #rocklinux
14:37 -!- dark [~firm@] has left #rocklinux []
14:37 < tcr> I'd like to find out the place where a perl script is called and how it's named
14:37 < tcr> Don't have the source at hand
14:37 < blindcoder> src/wheel-gen.pl:#!/usr/bin/perl -w
14:37 < blindcoder> there
14:37 < blindcoder> that script is caled during the build
14:38 < blindcoder> there are three other perl script in the coreutils source, but at this one the build stopped with: /usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter
14:39 < blindcoder> looks like the maintainers of coreutils just assumed that everyone and their dog has perl on their machine
14:41 < tcr> Ok, that doesn't seem to be a heavy dependance
14:43 < blindcoder> if the build breaks because of, then it does look like one to me
14:46 < tcr> Aye, but you may reach something when you write to the maintainer about it
14:46 < tcr> I mean rewriting one script... that should not mean that much work
14:48 < mnemoc> have you counted how many perl scripts are on linux24?? they will never understand a machine/build without it
14:51 -!- ChristianQt [~konversat@pD9530320.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
15:08  * blindcoder --> bath
15:38 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit "I like core dumps"
15:51 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAAAB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit Remote closed the connection
15:55 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAAAB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
15:56 < tcr> anyone running 2.6 with lvm?
15:57 < tcr> I wonder if there ain't be support for lvm in the kernel... can't find the damn option
15:59 < mnemoc> look for CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LVM  ;)
16:00 < tcr> doesn't exist in my .config
16:01 < daja77> not all symbols are in .config by default in 2.6 afaik
16:03 < tcr> hmm, I googled a bit.. 2.6 seems to support lvm2 only, whereas 2.4 contained lvm1
16:03 < tcr> Anyone expierence with this?
16:09 < mnemoc> seems not
16:31 < tcr> scripts/functions is b0rken?
16:38 < tcr> Oups. my fault sorry
16:55 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAAAB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit Remote closed the connection
17:09 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-057-249.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
17:15 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.206.245.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
17:18 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.206.245.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit Remote closed the connection
17:21 -!- cytrinox [~cytrinox@p213.54.206.245.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
17:31 -!- mnemoc [~amery@] has left #rocklinux []
17:33 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-057-249.arcor-ip.net] has quit "Client exiting"
17:33 -!- mnemoc [~amery@] has joined #rocklinux
17:34 -!- Doctor_ [~Rex@pcp03379701pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #rocklinux
17:34 < Doctor_> hi guys
17:34 < mnemoc> hi
17:34 < Doctor_> ever heard of plan9?
17:36 < Doctor_> guess not
17:37 < mnemoc> unix like distributed os?
17:37 < mnemoc> but never seen it
17:37  * daja77 once played with plan9
17:38 < Doctor_> is it good?
17:38 < Doctor_> I dont understand it much, but I'm so interested
17:38 < daja77> well i failed installing it ^^
17:38 < Doctor_> I mean... can it run gnome and kde?
17:38 < daja77> no it can not
17:39 < Doctor_> so its just has its own thing goin on ay?
17:39 < Doctor_> not even X?
17:39 < daja77> it isn't capable of running much unix apps
17:39 < mnemoc> https://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9dist/screenshot.html
17:39 < daja77> no X, yes
17:39 < mnemoc> pretty discusting
17:39 < daja77> they created their own environment
17:39 < Doctor_> ayh.. ot think about it- that makes it hard to convince anyone
17:40 < daja77> they do not even use standard C
17:40 < mnemoc> python? =)
17:40 < Doctor_> the thing I thought was smart about their unix was the extemely expanded and reinveneted /dev directory
17:40 < daja77> well the look is not that much important, they ui concepts are not that bad though
17:41 < daja77> well plan9 is the successor of unix in another way you would imagine it
17:41 < daja77> mnemoc: nope own C like dialect
17:41 < daja77> Doctor_: go and read some papers and decide later
17:42 < Doctor_> lol.. yah. I just like their /dev concept and perhaps wanna do such a thing in a linux distro
17:43 < daja77> there are ports of the plan9 protocol and apps to linux afaik
17:46 < Doctor_> like thier apps are good at all...
17:47 < daja77> can't tell, have no time to play with it
17:47 < Doctor_> another concoept I like that is actually compatible with linux is ion
17:47 < Doctor_> the GUI- ion? its a window manager actually
17:49  * daja77 has to go now, sorry
17:49 < daja77> cu later
17:49 < Doctor_> rather than 'windows', it uses grids.. it cuts the screen into slices 
17:49 < mnemoc> cu daja77 
17:49 < Doctor_> ah cya daja77
17:49 < daja77> yep you can sort of grep over the gui
17:50 < daja77> anyway off now
17:51 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-057-249.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
17:54 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-057-249.arcor-ip.net] has quit Client Quit
18:13 -!- Doctor_ [~Rex@pcp03379701pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has quit "Leaving"
18:43 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-057-249.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
19:39 < netrunne1> re
19:39 -!- You're now known as netrunner
19:43 -!- Amittp [Amit@] has joined #rocklinux
19:46 < Amittp> Hi, Rock Linux handbook says that it has autodetected dependencies. What does that exactly mean. Because later it states its not similar to ebuilds in gentoo where dpes are hardcoded
19:50 < netrunner> the handbook detect's dependencies?
19:51 < Amittp> lol, ok the build process! I am not familiar with rock's terminology yet
19:52 < Amittp> target? scripts... I am not able to understand how autodetection take place.
19:54 < netrunner> building usually means compiling the whole target. targets define what you get, a linux dist, with all packages (generic), a linux desktop system (desktop) a bootdisk (bootdisk) ... scripts are used for that, you find them in scripts/*
19:56 < Amittp> hmm, got that, but unsure about the autodetection process.
19:56 < Amittp> I am really interested how does that happen
19:59 < Amittp> looking at metadata i see that dependencies filed is present
19:59 < Amittp> s/filed/field
19:59 < netrunner> Amittp: we do reference builds where we check what package depends on what. then .cache files for package are created containing that info. also, a scripts/deb.db.txt is created for cluster builds.
19:59 < Amittp> so isn't it hardcording as well?
20:00 < netrunner> Amittp: what other chance do you have?
20:01 < Amittp> netrunner, no idea, but I am trying to understand difference, 
20:01 < netrunner> Amittp: cannot tell, do not know the other sicde ;)
20:02 < Amittp> netrunner, I just want to know how it is different from gentoo ebuild hardcoding?
20:03 < Amittp> netrunner, oh , I am not trying to find new method, I want to shift to rock, especiall beacuse we save our build on cd. got sold on that idea
20:03 < netrunner> Amittp: maybe you ask to the mailinglist, as there seems to be no wise person around ;) rock-linux@rocklinux.org
20:03 < Amittp> so i want to know what i am going to encounter!
20:03 < Amittp> before i make heavy transition
20:04 < netrunner> Amittp: you cannot compare gentoo to ROCK, they have different goals. rock can be everything, a bsd, a linux, a desktop system, a server system ... gentoo is just one thing: a self compiling linux dist.
20:04 < netrunner> Amittp: it's a higher level of abstraction I'd say.
20:05 < Amittp> ok, let me stop thinking it with eyes of different distro. Willd o more justice then
20:06 < netrunner> Amittp: currently there is only linux targets available. but we have bsd and mabe hurd in 2.1 roadmap.
20:06 < zum> Is hurd still alive?
20:07 < pieass> can someone tell me, what is the time in germany?
20:07 < netrunner> Amittp: dunno ;) but if it is, we can easily include it. we have the neccessary abstraction ;)
20:07 < netrunner> pieass: 2004
20:07 < Amittp> for now I am concerned about linux
20:07 < netrunner> Amittp: we'll soon release 2.0 ... but it is already now quite usable.
20:08 < Amittp> ok about this "installable build output" --> i can use this to just re-install my machine again? without going through painful hours of compiling?
20:09 < Amittp> netrunner, do releases mater in rock? i thought you go on getting upgraded
20:13 < Amittp> hello?
20:21 -!- Amittp [Amit@] has quit "Leaving"
20:25 < netrunner> please leave a message after the beep ;)
20:40 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAAAB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
20:41 < tcr> re all
21:56 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAAAB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit Remote closed the connection
22:06 -!- A-Tui [~Aitor@cable65a154.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux
22:20 -!- trekkie3k [k3t@pD9502893.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)
22:26 -!- pieass [~se@3ffe:bc0:701:0:2a0:b0ff:fe00:1beb] has quit "leaving"
22:46 < cytrinox> gn8
22:52 -!- LeClair [~LeClair@] has joined #rocklinux
22:52 < LeClair> hi
22:52 < daja77> hi LeClair 
22:52 -!- LeClair is now known as fagot
22:52 < fagot> what's rock linux?
22:53 < fagot> than he better
22:53 < fagot> ??
22:53 < daja77> hm?
22:53 -!- fagot is now known as ti9s
22:53 < daja77> what is your name?
22:54 < ti9s> nick
22:54 < netrunner> daja77: hey you! yes you! what's your name! show me your id! face the wall! 
22:54 < daja77> netrunner: s/name/nick, i just want it to be a bit consistent that's all
22:54 < ti9s> popula net faces ))
22:55 < netrunner> daja77: ;) at least one who cares for the order here 
22:55 < ti9s> whats differen rock linux and redhat?
22:56 < netrunner> ti9s: we do not wear red hats
22:56 < daja77> rock linux is a distribution build kit to create your own distributions with it
22:56 < ti9s> i-am perspective beginner
22:56 < ti9s> )
22:56 < netrunner> ti9s: what's the difference between a chicken and an egg?
22:56 < daja77> rh is a ready to use distro
22:56 < ti9s> yes
22:56 < ti9s> allright
22:56 < daja77> netrunner: no need to bug everybody tonight
22:56 < netrunner> ti9s: think of the chicken to be ROCK, and redhat to be one of the possible shapes of an egg
22:57 < ti9s> iam possible may by be use slackware
22:57 < ti9s> or other distrib
22:57 < netrunner> daja77: hey, I am trying to be funny!
22:57 < ti9s> (rock l)
22:57 < daja77> try harder!
22:57 < daja77> :)
22:58 < netrunner> daja77: not as long as nobody congratulates me today.
22:58  * netrunner throwing whole fence through the channel
22:59 < daja77> happy birthday old netrunner :)
22:59 < ti9s> yes thanks
22:59 < netrunner> daja77: aaah :) thx :)
22:59 < ti9s> good community
23:00 < netrunner> ti9s: ok, now I can explain to you: you can use the ROCK Distribution build kit to build the distribution you like. Don't be scared by how that sounds, there are predefined targets that work without much handwork.
23:00 < daja77> ti9s: for a start you could grab ready iso images from our hp and play with it, after that you might wish to build it on your own
23:01 < ti9s> you are absolute non commercial?
23:01 < ti9s> distrib
23:02 < daja77> depends
23:02  * netrunner wants money ;)
23:02 < ti9s> )))
23:02 -!- puzzled [~patrick@puzzled.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux
23:02 < ti9s> how much )
23:02 < daja77> rock itself is non commercial, but some developers gain money by creating distributions for their customers
23:02 < netrunner> each question here costs $5. it's automatically reduced from your bank account.
23:03 < daja77> hehe
23:03 < daja77> netrunner: we are cheap, ms wants 90$ per question ^^
23:03 < ti9s> tune pay system )
23:03 < ti9s> i am from russian - poor and cold country
23:04 < netrunner> ti9s: it's as with all other gpl stuff. you can use it and be friendly to the developers (here) and hope your needs get fullfilled. or you pay somebody to develop what you need fast and with warranty.
23:04 < netrunner> ti9s: priviet ;)
23:04 < ti9s> i tiebe toje 
23:04 < netrunner> ti9s: hey, sorry, i do only know a few words ;) 
23:05 < daja77> cool ppl around me starting to speak more and more russian
23:05  * netrunner only pretends
23:05 < daja77> well for a start ^^
23:05 < netrunner> daja77: you speak russian?
23:05 < ti9s> i am only lean english
23:05 < ti9s> on gagarin's level )
23:05 < daja77> netrunner: i should ;-) but i forgot a lot
23:06 < netrunner> ti9s: my gf speaks russian, and I am always curious what she talks to others ... but it's hard to understand.
23:06 < daja77> the girl i meet, learns russian atm, gave her my old books
23:06 -!- elteo [~elteo@251.Red-80-36-58.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #rocklinux
23:06 < daja77> cos netrunner is jealous
23:06 < daja77> :)
23:06 < ti9s> dream of green card )))
23:06  * netrunner started romanian. it's easier, and fulfills the same goal.
23:07 < netrunner> after that, I'll try russian.
23:07 < daja77> netrunner: romanian is another language family ...
23:07 < daja77> romanian is a bit like italian
23:07 < netrunner> daja77: yes. the same as our's. that's why it is easier.
23:07 < ti9s> neuromanser in translate podoidet?
23:08 < netrunner> ti9s: even if I started it, please export LANG=en ;) /me is just too curious
23:08 < netrunner>  ... and I do not want to wake up my gf to translate for me ;)
23:08 < ti9s> koi8-r forever )
23:09 < netrunner> njet
23:09 < daja77> hehe
23:09  * daja77 would wake up his girl to translate into italian perhaps
23:10  * netrunner goes to bed. that seminar this weekend and the party inbetween took all my sleep.
23:10 < daja77> gn8 netrunner 
23:10 < ti9s> gn8
23:10 < netrunner> n8 daja77, ti9s 
23:11 < ti9s> bookmark this channel
23:11 < ti9s> )
23:12 < daja77> :)
23:13 < daja77> any more questions?
23:13 < ti9s> no more before
23:14 < daja77> ok
23:14 < ti9s> stop
23:14 < daja77> ?
23:15 < ti9s> how window manager yau use?
23:15 < ti9s> you
23:15 < daja77> i use kde atm
23:15 < ti9s> ok
23:15 < ti9s> now fluxbox
23:15 < daja77> and likes blackbox and its clones very much
23:15 < daja77> :)
23:16 < ti9s> and stupid bug with fonts antialiasing
23:16 < ti9s> you know developer's fluxbox?
23:16 < daja77> no
23:19 -!- jani_ [~jani@ppp115-242.lns1.syd3.internode.on.net] has joined #rocklinux
23:21 < ti9s> ok
23:21 < ti9s> iam sleep now
23:21 < daja77> n8 ti9s 
23:22 -!- ti9s [~LeClair@] has left #rocklinux ["Вышел из XChat"]
23:44 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD9522D1F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
23:51 < jani_> is there any way of building some custom boot disks? I looked through the handbook, and couldn't find anything. Alternatively, is there a way of installing Rock using a boot disk from another distro?
23:54 -!- elteo [~elteo@251.Red-80-36-58.pooles.rima-tde.net] has quit Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
23:57 -!- _spectre_ [wupnsce@stahl.uni-oldenburg.de] has quit Remote closed the connection
--- Log closed Mon Dez 01 00:00:49 2003