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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

Applied Patch: 2006091320575529756 (by stf)
+ stf
Votecheck 'core-strong': Missing 1 qualified vote(s) (clifford, fake, teha)
Stefan Fiedler:
        scripts/functions: fix the pkginstalled function to give reasonable
        results even for Crystal+AddOn targets.
        Without this fix, e.g. dbus-glib fails in Crystal builds if doxygen is
        an add-on package because doxygen is built only in stage 9 but dbus-glib
        tries to use it in stage 5.
        Furthermore I don't see any reason for pkginstalled() to have different
        meanings in stages < 9 and stage = 9.

Stefan Fiedler:
        scripts/functions: fix the pkginstalled function to give reasonable
        results even for Crystal+AddOn targets.
        Without this fix, e.g. dbus-glib fails in Crystal builds if doxygen is
        an add-on package because doxygen is built only in stage 9 but dbus-glib
        tries to use it in stage 5.
        Furthermore I don't see any reason for pkginstalled() to have different
        meanings in stages < 9 and stage = 9.

--- scripts/functions   (Revision 7880)
+++ scripts/functions   (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -507,16 +507,15 @@
 # Check if a package is already installed
-# It does check the build-list if not in the rebuild stage - and
-# the really installed package data for rebuilds (and so manual builds).
+# Always checks the really installed package data. Checking the package list
+# doesn't work in Crystal+addon targets, where some packages are only built 
+# in stage 9. The package data however is always there if the package has been
+# installed.
 pkginstalled() {
        local pattern="$1"; pattern="${pattern//+/\\+}"
-       if [ "$stagelevel" -le 8 ] ; then
-               egrep -q "^X.* ($pattern) " $base/config/$config/packages
-       else
-               ls $root/var/adm/flists | egrep -q "^($pattern)$"
-       fi
+       ls $root/var/adm/flists | egrep -q "^($pattern)$"
 # Register a window-manager

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