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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

Discarded Patch: 2006092609304666500 (by blindcoder)
+ blindcoder
Votecheck 'core-strong': Missing 1 qualified vote(s) (clifford, fake, teha)
Benjamin Schieder:
        forcefully extract a rocknet packgae from the sysfiles package
        This is in preparation of /etc/net integration

by blindcoder
new version in [2006092710562627885]
Benjamin Schieder:
        forcefully extract a rocknet packgae from the sysfiles package
        This is in preparation of /etc/net integration
--- package/base/sysfiles/stone_mod_network.sh  (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/stone_mod_network.sh  (Revision 51)
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
-# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
-# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
-# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
-# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/sysfiles/stone_mod_network.sh
-# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
-# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
-# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
-# have a look at https://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
-# file for details.
-# [MAIN] 20 network Network Configuration
-set_name() {
-       old1="$HOSTNAME" old2="$HOSTNAME.$DOMAINNAME" old3="$DOMAINNAME"
-       if [ $1 = HOSTNAME ] ; then
-               gui_input "Set a new hostname (without domain part)" \
-                         "${!1}" "$1"
-       else
-               gui_input "Set a new domainname (without host part)" \
-                         "${!1}" "$1"
-       fi
-       echo "$HOSTNAME" > /etc/HOSTNAME ; hostname "$HOSTNAME"
-       #ip="`echo $IPADDR | sed 's,[/ ].*,,'`"
-       #if grep -q "^$ip\\b" /etc/hosts ; then
-       #       tmp="`mktemp`"
-       #       sed -e "/^$ip\\b/ s,\\b$old2\\b[   ]*,,g" \
-       #           -e "/^$ip\\b/ s,\\b$old1\\b[   ]*,,g" \
-       #           -e "/^$ip\\b/ s,[      ]\\+,&$new ," < /etc/hosts > $tmp
-       #       cat $tmp > /etc/hosts ; rm -f $tmp
-       #else
-       #       echo -e "$ip\\t$new" >> /etc/hosts
-       #fi
-       if [ $1 = DOMAINNAME ] ; then
-               tmp="`mktemp`"
-               grep -vx "search $old3" /etc/resolv.conf > $tmp
-               [ -n "$DOMAINNAME" ] && echo "search $DOMAINNAME" >> $tmp
-               cat $tmp > /etc/resolv.conf
-               rm -f $tmp
-       fi
-set_dns() {
-       gui_input "Set a new (space seperated) list of DNS Servers" "$DNSSRV" "DNSSRV"
-       DNSSRV="`echo $DNSSRV`" ; [ -z "$DNSSRV" ] && DNSSRV="none"
-       tmp="`mktemp`" ; grep -v '^nameserver\b' /etc/resolv.conf > $tmp
-       for x in $DNSSRV ; do
-               [ "$x" != "none" ] && echo "nameserver $x" >> $tmp
-       done
-       cat $tmp > /etc/resolv.conf
-       rm -f $tmp
-DOMAINNAME="`hostname -d 2> /dev/null`"
-grep '^nameserver ' /etc/resolv.conf | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | \
-    sed 's,^nameserver *\([^ ]*\),DNSSRV="$DNSSRV \1",' > $tmp
-DNSSRV='' ; . $tmp ; DNSSRV="`echo $DNSSRV`"
-[ -z "$DNSSRV" ] && DNSSRV="none" ; rm -f $tmp
-main_detailed() {
-    while
-       cmd="gui_menu network 'Network Configuration'"
-       cmd="$cmd 'Static hostname:   $HOSTNAME'   'set_name HOSTNAME'"
-       cmd="$cmd 'Static domainname: $DOMAINNAME' 'set_name DOMAINNAME'"
-       cmd="$cmd 'Static DNS-Server: $DNSSRV'     'set_dns' '' ''"
-       cmd="$cmd 'Configure runlevels for network service'"
-       cmd="$cmd '$STONE runlevel edit_srv network'"
-       cmd="$cmd '(Re-)Start network init script'"
-       cmd="$cmd '$STONE runlevel restart network'"
-       cmd="$cmd '' ''"
-       cmd="$cmd 'View/Edit /etc/resolv.conf file'    'gui_edit /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf'"
-       cmd="$cmd 'View/Edit /etc/hosts file'          'gui_edit /etc/hosts /etc/hosts'"
-       cmd="$cmd 'View/Edit /etc/network/config file' 'gui_edit /etc/network/config /etc/network/config'"
-       cmd="$cmd '' ''"
-       cmd="$cmd 'Read the /etc/network/README file' 'gui_edit /etc/network/README /etc/network/README'"
-       eval "$cmd"
-    do : ; done
-main() {
-    while
-       cmd="gui_menu network 'Network Configuration'"
-       cmd="$cmd 'Just edit /etc/network/config'     'gui_edit /etc/network/config /etc/network/config'"
-       cmd="$cmd 'Read the /etc/network/README file' 'gui_edit /etc/network/README /etc/network/README'"
-       cmd="$cmd 'Detailed Networking configuration' 'exec $0 network main_detailed'"
-       eval "$cmd"
-    do : ; done
--- package/base/sysfiles/ifup.sh       (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/ifup.sh       (Revision 51)
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-[ -d $rocknet_tmp_base ] || mkdir -p $rocknet_tmp_base
-var_contains() {
-  local tmp
-  eval "tmp=\"\$$1\""
-  [ "${tmp/$3$2/}" != "$tmp" ]
-usage() {
-       echo "Usage: $0 interface [ profile ] [ -force ]"
-       exit 1
-if="$1" ; shift ; [ "$if" ] || usage
-while [ "$1" ] ; do
-       case $1 in
-               -force) force=1 ;;
-               *) [ "$profile" = "" ] && profile="$1" || usage ;;
-       esac
-       shift
-[ "$profile" ] || profile="`cat /etc/network/profile 2> /dev/null`"
-# sanity checks (...)
-if [ $force -eq 0 ] ; then
-  active_interfaces="`cat $rocknet_tmp_base/active-interfaces 2>/dev/null`"
-  if test $action = "up" && var_contains active_interfaces ',' "$if($profile)"
-    then
-       echo "Interface $if($profile) is already listed active, it is probably a good idea to"
-       echo "take it down before activating it. Use -force to suppress this warning."
-       exit 2
-  fi
-  if test $action = "down" && ! var_contains active_interfaces ',' "$if($profile)"
-    then
-        echo "Interface $if($profile) is not listed active, it is probably a good idea to"
-        echo "activate it before deactivating it. Use -force to suppress this warning."
-        exit 2
-  fi
-/etc/network/rocknet "$profile" "$if" "$action"
-echo "$profile" > /etc/network/profile
--- package/base/sysfiles/etc_networks.txt      (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/etc_networks.txt      (Revision 51)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
-# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
-# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
-# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
-# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/sysfiles/etc_networks.txt
-# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
-# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
-# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
-# have a look at https://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
-# file for details.
--- package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_modules_script.sh     (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_modules_script.sh     (Revision 51)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-public_script() {
-       local a="$1"; shift
-       addcode up   5 5 "$a up   $*"
-       addcode down 5 5 "$a down $*"
-public_run_up() {
-       addcode up   5 5 "$*"
-public_run_down() {
-       addcode down 5 5 "$*"
-public_code() {
-       addcode $1 $2 5 "$3"
--- package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_config        (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_config        (Revision 51)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# ROCKNET Example Config File
-# The file /etc/network/README contains a detailed description of most
-# available config directives for this file.
-# Check out the modules in /etc/network/modules/* directly for information
-# about the not so-well documented directives (such as directives from 3rd
-# party modules).
-### automatically set up interface eth0 on startup
-# auto eth0
-### interface eth0 is configured using DHCP
-# interface eth0
-#      dhcp
-### interface eth1 is configured using a static IP
-# interface eth1
-#      ip
-#      gw
--- package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_modules_base.sh       (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_modules_base.sh       (Revision 51)
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-declare -a auto_if=()
-public_auto() {
-       auto_if=()
-       for x in "$@"; do
-               a="${x%(*}"; b="${x#*(}"
-               b="${b/)}"; b="${b//,/ }"
-               if [ "$a" = "$b" ]; then
-                       auto_if[${#auto_if[*]}]="$a"
-               else
-                       for x in $b; do
-                               [ "$x" = "$profile" ] && \
-                                       auto_if[${#auto_if[*]}]="$a"
-                       done
-               fi
-       done
-public_interface() {
-       ignore=1 if="${1%(*}"
-       local prof="${1#*(}"
-       prof="${prof/)}"; prof="${prof//,/ }"
-       if [ "$if" = "$prof" ]; then
-               ignore=0
-               prof="default"
-       else
-               for x in $prof; do
-                       [ "$x" = "$profile" ] && ignore=0
-               done
-               [ "$ignore" = 0 ] && pmatched=1
-       fi
-       if [ "$ignore" = 0 ]; then
-               if [ "$interface" = "auto" ]; then
-                       ignore=1
-                       for x in "${auto_if[@]}"; do
-                               [[ "$if" == $x ]] && ignore=0
-                       done
-               else
-                       [ "$if" = "$interface" ] || ignore=1
-               fi
-       fi
-       if [ "$ignore" = 0 ] ; then
-               imatched=1
-               status "Interface / profile matched: $if($prof)"
-               addcode up 9 9 "register $if\($prof\)"
-               addcode down 9 9 "unregister $if\($prof\)"
-       fi
--- package/base/sysfiles/rocknet.sh    (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/rocknet.sh    (Revision 51)
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-[ -d $rocknet_tmp_base ] || mkdir -p $rocknet_tmp_base
-unset code_snipplets_idx code_snipplets_dat code_snipplets_counter
-declare -a code_snipplets_idx='()'
-declare -a code_snipplets_dat='()'
-if [ "$3" != "up" -a "$3" != "down" ]; then
-       echo "Usage: $0 { profile | default } { interface | auto } { up | down }"
-       exit 1
-pmatched=0 # some profile matched ?
-imatched=0 # some interface matched ?
-# addcode mode major-priority minor-priority code1
-addcode() {
-       [ "$mode" != "$1" ] && return
-       [ "$ignore" -gt 0 ] && return
-       if [ "$1" = "up" ]; then udo="+"; else udo="-"; fi
-       code_snipplets_idx[code_snipplets_counter]="`
-               printf '%04d.%04d.%04d' $((5000$udo$2)) $((5000$udo$lineno)) \
-               $((5000$udo$3))` $code_snipplets_counter"
-       code_snipplets_dat[code_snipplets_counter]="$4"
-       (( code_snipplets_counter++ ))
-# isfirst unique-id
-isfirst() {
-       [ "$ignore" -gt 0 ] && return 0
-       eval "\$isfirst_$1"
-       eval "isfirst_$1='return 1'"
-       return 0
-# error error-message
-error() {
-       echo "$*"
-       retcode=1
-status() {
-       echo "$*"
-# register / unregister active interfaces for user input validation
-register() {
-       echo -n "${1}," >> $rocknet_tmp_base/active-interfaces
-unregister () {
-       active_interfaces="`cat $rocknet_tmp_base/active-interfaces 2>/dev/null`"
-       active_interfaces="${active_interfaces//${1},/}"
-       echo -n "$active_interfaces" > $rocknet_tmp_base/active-interfaces
-for x in "$rocknet_base"/modules/*.sh; do . "$x"; done
-while read cmd para
-       (( lineno++ ))
-       if [ -n "$cmd" ]; then
-               cmd="${cmd//-/_}"
-               para="$( echo "$para" | sed 's,[\*\?],\\&,g' )"
-               if declare -f public_$cmd > /dev/null
-               then
-                       # optimization: Only execute commands when they are
-                       # inside an unignored interface section ...
-                       if [ $cmd = "interface" ] ; then
-                               public_$cmd $para
-                               global=0
-                       elif [ $ignore -eq 0 -o $global -gt 0 ] ; then
-                               public_$cmd $para
-                       fi
-               else
-                       error "Unknown statement in config file: $cmd"
-               fi
-       fi
-done < <( sed 's,\(^\|[ \t]\)#.*$,,' < "$rocknet_base"/config )
-while read id1 id2; do
-       if [ "$rocknet_debug" = 1 ]; then
-               echo ">> $id1 -> $id2: ${code_snipplets_dat[id2]}"
-       fi
-       eval "${code_snipplets_dat[id2]}"
-done < <(
-       for x in "${code_snipplets_idx[@]}"; do echo "$x"
-       done | sort
-[ "$pmatched" = 0 -a "$profile" != "default" ] && \
-       error "Unknown profile: '$profile'"
-[ "$pmatched" = 1 -a "$imatched" = 0 ] && \
-       error "Unknown interface for profile: '$interface'"
-exit $retcode
--- package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_getprofile    (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_getprofile    (Revision 51)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Example for ROCKNET profile auto-detection.
-# on default do nothing
-exit 0
-echo -n "Trying to auto-detect network profile .. "
-echo default > /etc/network/profile
-# we need to activate the interfaces for the test
-ip l set eth0 up &> /dev/null
-ip l set eth1 up &> /dev/null
-# use arping to check for a well-known IPs
-       if arping -i eth0 -c3; then
-               echo foo > /etc/network/profile
-       fi
-) &> /dev/null &
-# maybe we have found that essid
-       sleep 2 # give it some time to get the essid
-       if iwlist eth1 scan | grep -q 'ESSID:"MyWLAN"'; then
-               echo bar > /etc/network/profile
-       fi
-) &> /dev/null &
-# wait for all childs to finish, output found profile
-wait; cat /etc/network/profile
-# deactivate the interfaces, the profile might activate them again
-ip l set eth0 down &> /dev/null
-ip l set eth1 down &> /dev/null
--- package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_modules_dns.sh        (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_modules_dns.sh        (Revision 51)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-dns_init() {
-       if isfirst "dns"; then
-               addcode up   4 1 "echo -n "" > /etc/resolv.conf"
-       fi
-public_nameserver() {
-       addcode up 4 5 "echo nameserver $1 >> /etc/resolv.conf"
-       dns_init
-public_search() {
-       if ! isfirst "dns_search"; then
-               error "Keyword >>search<< not allowed multiple times."
-               return
-       fi
-       addcode up 4 4 "echo search $* >> /etc/resolv.conf"
-       dns_init
-public_hostname() {
-       addcode up 9 5 "hostname $1"
-public_domainname() {
-       # THIS IS A HACK
-       addcode up 9 5 "sed 's/`hostname`\..* /`hostname`.$1 /' /etc/hosts > \
-                       /etc/hosts.new ; mv /etc/hosts{.new,}"
--- package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_README        (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_README        (Revision 51)
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-ROCKNET  [by Clifford Wolf]
-The idea of ROCKNET is to make the network configuration more flexible and
-allow integration of simple firewalling rules, multiple interfaces, multiple
-IPs per interface and multiple profiles. It should be easy to setup very
-complex and very simple setups, should "feel good" when working directly
-with an ASCII editor on the config files and should be easy to integrate in
-a more or less colored configuration GUI (such as stone).
-Configuration File
-The network configuration is stored in /etc/network/config. All filenames
-in this file are relative to /etc/network/ if they don't begin with a slash.
-An example /etc/network/config follows:
-       auto eth0 eth1
-       forward
-       interface eth0
-               ip
-               ip
-       interface eth1
-               ip
-               gw
-Or another /etc/network/config:
-       auto eth0
-       interface eth0
-               dhcp
-               dyndns                          # update dyndns
-                                               # requires ezipudate
-                                               # and setup in stone
-               allow ip           # office
-               allow ip         # home
-               allow tcp 80                    # webserver is open
-               deny all
-Or one using profiles:
-       auto eth0 eth1(office)
-       interface eth0(home)
-               ip
-       interface eth0(office)
-               allow ip tcp ssh
-               deny all
-               dhcp
-       interface eth1(office)
-               essid 'Blubb'
-               keyc 'I@mCo0l'
-               deny all
-               dhcp
-So there are commands with optional parameter lists. The following commands
-are allowed in the config file:
-       Lists those interfaces which should be set up automatically at
-       boot up (list evaluated from left to right) and shut down on system
-       shutdown (from right to left). All interfaces not listed here must
-       be set up or shut down manually using 'ifup' and 'ifdown'.
-       Must be used before the first 'interface' directive.
-       If used, forwarding between interfaces will be activated at boot up
-       and the host may be used as gateway between two networks.
-       Must be used before the first 'interface' directive.
-       Everything after that statement and before the next interface statement
-       is the configuration for that specific interface. All directives within
-       an interface section are executed from the first to the last when
-       setting up the interface and the reversed order when shutting it down.
-       Configure the interface using the DHCP protocol.
-       Execute the specified script with the given parameters. The parameter
-       "up" is inserted as first parameter when the interface is set up and
-       the parameter "down" is inserted when the interface is shut down.
-run-up, run-down
-       Run the given command when the interface is set up or shut down
-       respectively.
-ip, gw
-       Set the given ip(s) and gateway when the interface is set up, remove
-       all IPs from the interface when the interface is shut down.
-allow, deny
-       Add the given simple firewalling rules. Those statements are executed
-       before the other statements in the interface section when setting up
-       the interface and are executed after the other statements when
-       shutting down the interface. See section "Simple Firewall" below for
-       details.
-Interface names in the 'auto' and the 'interface' statement can be followed
-by a coma-separated list of profile names in parentheses.
-In case of the 'auto' statement, only those interfaces are used which do
-have the current profile specified or no profile at all.
-In case of the 'interface' statement, an interface section is used if it has
-no profile specified or the current profile is given in the profile list.
-An non-existing interface section will be handled as it would be an empty
-interface section. Empty interface sections are silently ignored by "ifup"
-and "ifdown".
-The current profile is stored in /etc/network/profile.
-Command-line Tools
-There are two simple command line tools for working with ROCKNET: "ifup"
-and "ifdown". The first parameter is the name of the interface which should
-be set up, the second parameter (which is optional) is the profile name to be
-used while reading the configuration. If the 2nd parameter is missing, the
-content of /etc/network/profile is used.
-Simple Firewall
-When there are any 'allow' or 'deny' statements in an interface section, the
-ifup script automatically adds a chain named 'simple-firewall-<ifname>' to
-the iptables 'filter' table and links that chain into the INPUT chain using
-the incoming interface as condition.
-All 'allow' and 'deny' statements add rules to that chain. 'Allow' links
-to the netfilter 'ACCEPT' target and 'deny' to the netfilter 'REJECT' (and
-not 'DROP') target.
-When shutting down the interface, the chain 'simple-firewall-<ifname>' is
-simply flushed and removed from the iptables configuration.
-Tricking with pseudo-interfaces
-It's possible to define non-existing interfaces such as 'iptables' in the
-configuration file. It would result to errors if e.g. the 'ip' statement
-would be used in those interface sections - but it is possible to use the
-'script' statement in those pseudo-interfaces and so e.g. link a complex
-firewall setup into the ROCKNET framework.
-The program names "ifup" and "ifdown" are used on many distributions for small
-helpers to set up or shut down interfaces.
-The file /etc/network/config has a very similar "feeling" as debians
-/etc/network/interfaces and so it should be pretty easy especially for debian
-users to get used to ROCK Linux based distributions network configuration.
-The whole thing is very different from RedHats /etc/sysconfig/network/ and is
-likely to also be different from whatever SuSE is using for the same purpose.
--- package/base/sysfiles/network.init  (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/network.init  (Revision 51)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
-# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
-# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
-# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
-# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/sysfiles/network.init
-# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
-# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
-# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
-# have a look at https://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
-# file for details.
-# Desc: setting up network devices
-# Runlevel: 15 rcX rc3 rc4 rc5
-    block_begin(start, `Setting up network devices.')
-       oldprof="$(cat /etc/network/profile 2>/dev/null)"
-       oldprof=${oldprof:-default}
-       if [ -n "$2" ]; then
-               echo $2 > /etc/network/profile
-               profile="$(cat /etc/network/profile 2>/dev/null)"
-               profile=${profile:-default}
-               echo "Active network profile is now $profile (was: $oldprof)."
-       elif [ -x /etc/network/getprofile ]; then
-               echo "Running network profile autodetection ..."
-               /etc/network/getprofile
-               profile="$(cat /etc/network/profile 2>/dev/null)"
-               profile=${profile:-default}
-               echo "Active network profile is now $profile (was: $oldprof)."
-       else
-               profile="$oldprof"
-       fi
-       check(`/etc/network/rocknet $profile auto up')
-    block_end
-    block_begin(stop, `Shutting down network devices.')
-       profile="$(cat /etc/network/profile 2>/dev/null)"
-       profile=${profile:-default}
-       check(`/etc/network/rocknet $profile auto down')
-    block_end
-    block_begin(restart, `Reconfiguring network devices.')
-       check(`$0 stop')
-       check(`$0 start $2')
-    block_end
--- package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_modules_sysctl.sh     (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/rocknet_modules_sysctl.sh     (Revision 51)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-public_forward() {
-       if [ "$if" != "none" ]; then
-               error "Keyword >>forward<< not allowed" \
-                       "in an interface section."
-               return
-       fi
-       [ "$interface" != auto ] && return
-       addcode up   9 5 "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
-       addcode down 9 5 "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
--- package/base/sysfiles/system.init   (Revision 48)
+++ package/base/sysfiles/system.init   (Revision 51)
@@ -157,12 +157,6 @@
                check(`cat /var/state/random-seed >/dev/urandom')
-    block_split(`Renaming network interfaces')
-       if [ -e /etc/iftab ] ; then
-               check(`ifrename')
-       fi
-    block_end
     block_begin(stop, `Saving /var/log/init.msg and /var/log/boot.msg.')
        check(`echo -n >> /var/log/init.msg')
        check(`echo -n >> /var/log/boot.msg')
--- package/base/rocknet/rocknet_modules_base.sh        (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/rocknet_modules_base.sh        (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+declare -a auto_if=()
+public_auto() {
+       auto_if=()
+       for x in "$@"; do
+               a="${x%(*}"; b="${x#*(}"
+               b="${b/)}"; b="${b//,/ }"
+               if [ "$a" = "$b" ]; then
+                       auto_if[${#auto_if[*]}]="$a"
+               else
+                       for x in $b; do
+                               [ "$x" = "$profile" ] && \
+                                       auto_if[${#auto_if[*]}]="$a"
+                       done
+               fi
+       done
+public_interface() {
+       ignore=1 if="${1%(*}"
+       local prof="${1#*(}"
+       prof="${prof/)}"; prof="${prof//,/ }"
+       if [ "$if" = "$prof" ]; then
+               ignore=0
+               prof="default"
+       else
+               for x in $prof; do
+                       [ "$x" = "$profile" ] && ignore=0
+               done
+               [ "$ignore" = 0 ] && pmatched=1
+       fi
+       if [ "$ignore" = 0 ]; then
+               if [ "$interface" = "auto" ]; then
+                       ignore=1
+                       for x in "${auto_if[@]}"; do
+                               [[ "$if" == $x ]] && ignore=0
+                       done
+               else
+                       [ "$if" = "$interface" ] || ignore=1
+               fi
+       fi
+       if [ "$ignore" = 0 ] ; then
+               imatched=1
+               status "Interface / profile matched: $if($prof)"
+               addcode up 9 9 "register $if\($prof\)"
+               addcode down 9 9 "unregister $if\($prof\)"
+       fi
--- package/base/rocknet/rocknet.desc   (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/rocknet.desc   (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+[COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
+[COPY] Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
+[COPY] the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
+[COPY] the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
+[COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/rocknet/rocknet.desc
+[COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
+[COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+[COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+[COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+[COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
+[COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
+[COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
+[COPY] have a look at https://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
+[COPY] file for details.
+[I] ROCK Network system
+[T] This package contains the ROCK Net network configuration system
+[A] Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>
+[M] The ROCK Linux Project
+[C] base/system
+[L] GPL
+[S] Stable
+[V] 0000 0
+[P] X -1-3---7-9 204.200
+[CV-URL] none
--- package/base/rocknet/rocknet_README (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/rocknet_README (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ROCKNET  [by Clifford Wolf]
+The idea of ROCKNET is to make the network configuration more flexible and
+allow integration of simple firewalling rules, multiple interfaces, multiple
+IPs per interface and multiple profiles. It should be easy to setup very
+complex and very simple setups, should "feel good" when working directly
+with an ASCII editor on the config files and should be easy to integrate in
+a more or less colored configuration GUI (such as stone).
+Configuration File
+The network configuration is stored in /etc/network/config. All filenames
+in this file are relative to /etc/network/ if they don't begin with a slash.
+An example /etc/network/config follows:
+       auto eth0 eth1
+       forward
+       interface eth0
+               ip
+               ip
+       interface eth1
+               ip
+               gw
+Or another /etc/network/config:
+       auto eth0
+       interface eth0
+               dhcp
+               dyndns                          # update dyndns
+                                               # requires ezipudate
+                                               # and setup in stone
+               allow ip           # office
+               allow ip         # home
+               allow tcp 80                    # webserver is open
+               deny all
+Or one using profiles:
+       auto eth0 eth1(office)
+       interface eth0(home)
+               ip
+       interface eth0(office)
+               allow ip tcp ssh
+               deny all
+               dhcp
+       interface eth1(office)
+               essid 'Blubb'
+               keyc 'I@mCo0l'
+               deny all
+               dhcp
+So there are commands with optional parameter lists. The following commands
+are allowed in the config file:
+       Lists those interfaces which should be set up automatically at
+       boot up (list evaluated from left to right) and shut down on system
+       shutdown (from right to left). All interfaces not listed here must
+       be set up or shut down manually using 'ifup' and 'ifdown'.
+       Must be used before the first 'interface' directive.
+       If used, forwarding between interfaces will be activated at boot up
+       and the host may be used as gateway between two networks.
+       Must be used before the first 'interface' directive.
+       Everything after that statement and before the next interface statement
+       is the configuration for that specific interface. All directives within
+       an interface section are executed from the first to the last when
+       setting up the interface and the reversed order when shutting it down.
+       Configure the interface using the DHCP protocol.
+       Execute the specified script with the given parameters. The parameter
+       "up" is inserted as first parameter when the interface is set up and
+       the parameter "down" is inserted when the interface is shut down.
+run-up, run-down
+       Run the given command when the interface is set up or shut down
+       respectively.
+ip, gw
+       Set the given ip(s) and gateway when the interface is set up, remove
+       all IPs from the interface when the interface is shut down.
+allow, deny
+       Add the given simple firewalling rules. Those statements are executed
+       before the other statements in the interface section when setting up
+       the interface and are executed after the other statements when
+       shutting down the interface. See section "Simple Firewall" below for
+       details.
+Interface names in the 'auto' and the 'interface' statement can be followed
+by a coma-separated list of profile names in parentheses.
+In case of the 'auto' statement, only those interfaces are used which do
+have the current profile specified or no profile at all.
+In case of the 'interface' statement, an interface section is used if it has
+no profile specified or the current profile is given in the profile list.
+An non-existing interface section will be handled as it would be an empty
+interface section. Empty interface sections are silently ignored by "ifup"
+and "ifdown".
+The current profile is stored in /etc/network/profile.
+Command-line Tools
+There are two simple command line tools for working with ROCKNET: "ifup"
+and "ifdown". The first parameter is the name of the interface which should
+be set up, the second parameter (which is optional) is the profile name to be
+used while reading the configuration. If the 2nd parameter is missing, the
+content of /etc/network/profile is used.
+Simple Firewall
+When there are any 'allow' or 'deny' statements in an interface section, the
+ifup script automatically adds a chain named 'simple-firewall-<ifname>' to
+the iptables 'filter' table and links that chain into the INPUT chain using
+the incoming interface as condition.
+All 'allow' and 'deny' statements add rules to that chain. 'Allow' links
+to the netfilter 'ACCEPT' target and 'deny' to the netfilter 'REJECT' (and
+not 'DROP') target.
+When shutting down the interface, the chain 'simple-firewall-<ifname>' is
+simply flushed and removed from the iptables configuration.
+Tricking with pseudo-interfaces
+It's possible to define non-existing interfaces such as 'iptables' in the
+configuration file. It would result to errors if e.g. the 'ip' statement
+would be used in those interface sections - but it is possible to use the
+'script' statement in those pseudo-interfaces and so e.g. link a complex
+firewall setup into the ROCKNET framework.
+The program names "ifup" and "ifdown" are used on many distributions for small
+helpers to set up or shut down interfaces.
+The file /etc/network/config has a very similar "feeling" as debians
+/etc/network/interfaces and so it should be pretty easy especially for debian
+users to get used to ROCK Linux based distributions network configuration.
+The whole thing is very different from RedHats /etc/sysconfig/network/ and is
+likely to also be different from whatever SuSE is using for the same purpose.
--- package/base/rocknet/etc_networks.txt       (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/etc_networks.txt       (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
+# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
+# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
+# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
+# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/sysfiles/etc_networks.txt
+# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
+# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
+# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
+# have a look at https://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
+# file for details.
--- package/base/rocknet/rocknet_getprofile     (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/rocknet_getprofile     (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Example for ROCKNET profile auto-detection.
+# on default do nothing
+exit 0
+echo -n "Trying to auto-detect network profile .. "
+echo default > /etc/network/profile
+# we need to activate the interfaces for the test
+ip l set eth0 up &> /dev/null
+ip l set eth1 up &> /dev/null
+# use arping to check for a well-known IPs
+       if arping -i eth0 -c3; then
+               echo foo > /etc/network/profile
+       fi
+) &> /dev/null &
+# maybe we have found that essid
+       sleep 2 # give it some time to get the essid
+       if iwlist eth1 scan | grep -q 'ESSID:"MyWLAN"'; then
+               echo bar > /etc/network/profile
+       fi
+) &> /dev/null &
+# wait for all childs to finish, output found profile
+wait; cat /etc/network/profile
+# deactivate the interfaces, the profile might activate them again
+ip l set eth0 down &> /dev/null
+ip l set eth1 down &> /dev/null
--- package/base/rocknet/rocknet_modules_sysctl.sh      (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/rocknet_modules_sysctl.sh      (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+public_forward() {
+       if [ "$if" != "none" ]; then
+               error "Keyword >>forward<< not allowed" \
+                       "in an interface section."
+               return
+       fi
+       [ "$interface" != auto ] && return
+       addcode up   9 5 "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
+       addcode down 9 5 "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
--- package/base/rocknet/rocknet.conf   (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/rocknet.conf   (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
+# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
+# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
+# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
+# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/sysfiles/sysfiles.conf
+# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
+# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
+# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
+# have a look at https://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
+# file for details.
+main_rn() {
+       cd $root/
+       echo "Creating various etc/* files ..."
+       for x in $( cd $confdir ; echo etc_*.txt ) ; do
+               y="${x%.txt}" ; z="/"
+               if [ -f "${y//_/$z}" ]
+               then
+                       echo "Found old ${y//_/$z} (don't overwrite)."
+                       touch "${y//_/$z}"
+               else
+                       cp -v "$confdir/$x" "${y//_/$z}"
+               fi
+       done
+       [ -f etc/HOSTNAME ] || echo localhost > etc/HOSTNAME
+       echo "Installing the rock-net tool ..."
+       cp -v $confdir/rocknet.sh etc/network/rocknet
+       if [ ! -f etc/network/config ]; then
+               cp -vf $confdir/rocknet_config etc/network/config
+       fi
+       chmod +x etc/network/rocknet
+       for x in $( cd $confdir; echo rocknet_{*.sh,README,getprofile}; ); do
+               dst="${x#rocknet_}"; z="/"; dst="${dst//_/$z}"
+               cp -vf $confdir/$x etc/network/$dst
+       done
+       cp -vf $confdir/ifup.sh sbin/ifup
+       chmod +x etc/network/getprofile sbin/ifup
+       ln -sf ifup sbin/ifdown
+       echo "Installing 'network' init script ..."
+       install_init network $confdir/network.init
--- package/base/rocknet/stone_mod_network.sh   (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/stone_mod_network.sh   (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
+# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
+# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
+# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
+# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/sysfiles/stone_mod_network.sh
+# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
+# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
+# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
+# have a look at https://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
+# file for details.
+# [MAIN] 20 network Network Configuration
+set_name() {
+       old1="$HOSTNAME" old2="$HOSTNAME.$DOMAINNAME" old3="$DOMAINNAME"
+       if [ $1 = HOSTNAME ] ; then
+               gui_input "Set a new hostname (without domain part)" \
+                         "${!1}" "$1"
+       else
+               gui_input "Set a new domainname (without host part)" \
+                         "${!1}" "$1"
+       fi
+       echo "$HOSTNAME" > /etc/HOSTNAME ; hostname "$HOSTNAME"
+       #ip="`echo $IPADDR | sed 's,[/ ].*,,'`"
+       #if grep -q "^$ip\\b" /etc/hosts ; then
+       #       tmp="`mktemp`"
+       #       sed -e "/^$ip\\b/ s,\\b$old2\\b[   ]*,,g" \
+       #           -e "/^$ip\\b/ s,\\b$old1\\b[   ]*,,g" \
+       #           -e "/^$ip\\b/ s,[      ]\\+,&$new ," < /etc/hosts > $tmp
+       #       cat $tmp > /etc/hosts ; rm -f $tmp
+       #else
+       #       echo -e "$ip\\t$new" >> /etc/hosts
+       #fi
+       if [ $1 = DOMAINNAME ] ; then
+               tmp="`mktemp`"
+               grep -vx "search $old3" /etc/resolv.conf > $tmp
+               [ -n "$DOMAINNAME" ] && echo "search $DOMAINNAME" >> $tmp
+               cat $tmp > /etc/resolv.conf
+               rm -f $tmp
+       fi
+set_dns() {
+       gui_input "Set a new (space seperated) list of DNS Servers" "$DNSSRV" "DNSSRV"
+       DNSSRV="`echo $DNSSRV`" ; [ -z "$DNSSRV" ] && DNSSRV="none"
+       tmp="`mktemp`" ; grep -v '^nameserver\b' /etc/resolv.conf > $tmp
+       for x in $DNSSRV ; do
+               [ "$x" != "none" ] && echo "nameserver $x" >> $tmp
+       done
+       cat $tmp > /etc/resolv.conf
+       rm -f $tmp
+DOMAINNAME="`hostname -d 2> /dev/null`"
+grep '^nameserver ' /etc/resolv.conf | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | \
+    sed 's,^nameserver *\([^ ]*\),DNSSRV="$DNSSRV \1",' > $tmp
+DNSSRV='' ; . $tmp ; DNSSRV="`echo $DNSSRV`"
+[ -z "$DNSSRV" ] && DNSSRV="none" ; rm -f $tmp
+main_detailed() {
+    while
+       cmd="gui_menu network 'Network Configuration'"
+       cmd="$cmd 'Static hostname:   $HOSTNAME'   'set_name HOSTNAME'"
+       cmd="$cmd 'Static domainname: $DOMAINNAME' 'set_name DOMAINNAME'"
+       cmd="$cmd 'Static DNS-Server: $DNSSRV'     'set_dns' '' ''"
+       cmd="$cmd 'Configure runlevels for network service'"
+       cmd="$cmd '$STONE runlevel edit_srv network'"
+       cmd="$cmd '(Re-)Start network init script'"
+       cmd="$cmd '$STONE runlevel restart network'"
+       cmd="$cmd '' ''"
+       cmd="$cmd 'View/Edit /etc/resolv.conf file'    'gui_edit /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf'"
+       cmd="$cmd 'View/Edit /etc/hosts file'          'gui_edit /etc/hosts /etc/hosts'"
+       cmd="$cmd 'View/Edit /etc/network/config file' 'gui_edit /etc/network/config /etc/network/config'"
+       cmd="$cmd '' ''"
+       cmd="$cmd 'Read the /etc/network/README file' 'gui_edit /etc/network/README /etc/network/README'"
+       eval "$cmd"
+    do : ; done
+main() {
+    while
+       cmd="gui_menu network 'Network Configuration'"
+       cmd="$cmd 'Just edit /etc/network/config'     'gui_edit /etc/network/config /etc/network/config'"
+       cmd="$cmd 'Read the /etc/network/README file' 'gui_edit /etc/network/README /etc/network/README'"
+       cmd="$cmd 'Detailed Networking configuration' 'exec $0 network main_detailed'"
+       eval "$cmd"
+    do : ; done
--- package/base/rocknet/rocknet_config (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/rocknet_config (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# ROCKNET Example Config File
+# The file /etc/network/README contains a detailed description of most
+# available config directives for this file.
+# Check out the modules in /etc/network/modules/* directly for information
+# about the not so-well documented directives (such as directives from 3rd
+# party modules).
+### automatically set up interface eth0 on startup
+# auto eth0
+### interface eth0 is configured using DHCP
+# interface eth0
+#      dhcp
+### interface eth1 is configured using a static IP
+# interface eth1
+#      ip
+#      gw
--- package/base/rocknet/rocknet_modules_dns.sh (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/rocknet_modules_dns.sh (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+dns_init() {
+       if isfirst "dns"; then
+               addcode up   4 1 "echo -n "" > /etc/resolv.conf"
+       fi
+public_nameserver() {
+       addcode up 4 5 "echo nameserver $1 >> /etc/resolv.conf"
+       dns_init
+public_search() {
+       if ! isfirst "dns_search"; then
+               error "Keyword >>search<< not allowed multiple times."
+               return
+       fi
+       addcode up 4 4 "echo search $* >> /etc/resolv.conf"
+       dns_init
+public_hostname() {
+       addcode up 9 5 "hostname $1"
+public_domainname() {
+       # THIS IS A HACK
+       addcode up 9 5 "sed 's/`hostname`\..* /`hostname`.$1 /' /etc/hosts > \
+                       /etc/hosts.new ; mv /etc/hosts{.new,}"
--- package/base/rocknet/rocknet_modules_script.sh      (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/rocknet_modules_script.sh      (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+public_script() {
+       local a="$1"; shift
+       addcode up   5 5 "$a up   $*"
+       addcode down 5 5 "$a down $*"
+public_run_up() {
+       addcode up   5 5 "$*"
+public_run_down() {
+       addcode down 5 5 "$*"
+public_code() {
+       addcode $1 $2 5 "$3"
--- package/base/rocknet/network.init   (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/network.init   (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
+# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
+# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
+# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
+# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/base/sysfiles/network.init
+# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
+# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
+# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
+# have a look at https://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
+# file for details.
+# Desc: setting up network devices
+# Runlevel: 15 rcX rc3 rc4 rc5
+    block_begin(start, `Setting up network devices.')
+       block_split(`Renaming network interfaces')
+               if [ -e /etc/iftab ] ; then
+                       check(`ifrename')
+               else
+                       true
+               fi
+       oldprof="$(cat /etc/network/profile 2>/dev/null)"
+       oldprof=${oldprof:-default}
+       if [ -n "$2" ]; then
+               echo $2 > /etc/network/profile
+               profile="$(cat /etc/network/profile 2>/dev/null)"
+               profile=${profile:-default}
+               echo "Active network profile is now $profile (was: $oldprof)."
+       elif [ -x /etc/network/getprofile ]; then
+               echo "Running network profile autodetection ..."
+               /etc/network/getprofile
+               profile="$(cat /etc/network/profile 2>/dev/null)"
+               profile=${profile:-default}
+               echo "Active network profile is now $profile (was: $oldprof)."
+       else
+               profile="$oldprof"
+       fi
+       check(`/etc/network/rocknet $profile auto up')
+    block_end
+    block_begin(stop, `Shutting down network devices.')
+       profile="$(cat /etc/network/profile 2>/dev/null)"
+       profile=${profile:-default}
+       check(`/etc/network/rocknet $profile auto down')
+    block_end
+    block_begin(restart, `Reconfiguring network devices.')
+       check(`$0 stop')
+       check(`$0 start $2')
+    block_end
--- package/base/rocknet/ifup.sh        (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/ifup.sh        (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+[ -d $rocknet_tmp_base ] || mkdir -p $rocknet_tmp_base
+var_contains() {
+  local tmp
+  eval "tmp=\"\$$1\""
+  [ "${tmp/$3$2/}" != "$tmp" ]
+usage() {
+       echo "Usage: $0 interface [ profile ] [ -force ]"
+       exit 1
+if="$1" ; shift ; [ "$if" ] || usage
+while [ "$1" ] ; do
+       case $1 in
+               -force) force=1 ;;
+               *) [ "$profile" = "" ] && profile="$1" || usage ;;
+       esac
+       shift
+[ "$profile" ] || profile="`cat /etc/network/profile 2> /dev/null`"
+# sanity checks (...)
+if [ $force -eq 0 ] ; then
+  active_interfaces="`cat $rocknet_tmp_base/active-interfaces 2>/dev/null`"
+  if test $action = "up" && var_contains active_interfaces ',' "$if($profile)"
+    then
+       echo "Interface $if($profile) is already listed active, it is probably a good idea to"
+       echo "take it down before activating it. Use -force to suppress this warning."
+       exit 2
+  fi
+  if test $action = "down" && ! var_contains active_interfaces ',' "$if($profile)"
+    then
+        echo "Interface $if($profile) is not listed active, it is probably a good idea to"
+        echo "activate it before deactivating it. Use -force to suppress this warning."
+        exit 2
+  fi
+/etc/network/rocknet "$profile" "$if" "$action"
+echo "$profile" > /etc/network/profile
--- package/base/rocknet/rocknet.sh     (Revision 0)
+++ package/base/rocknet/rocknet.sh     (Revision 51)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+[ -d $rocknet_tmp_base ] || mkdir -p $rocknet_tmp_base
+unset code_snipplets_idx code_snipplets_dat code_snipplets_counter
+declare -a code_snipplets_idx='()'
+declare -a code_snipplets_dat='()'
+if [ "$3" != "up" -a "$3" != "down" ]; then
+       echo "Usage: $0 { profile | default } { interface | auto } { up | down }"
+       exit 1
+pmatched=0 # some profile matched ?
+imatched=0 # some interface matched ?
+# addcode mode major-priority minor-priority code1
+addcode() {
+       [ "$mode" != "$1" ] && return
+       [ "$ignore" -gt 0 ] && return
+       if [ "$1" = "up" ]; then udo="+"; else udo="-"; fi
+       code_snipplets_idx[code_snipplets_counter]="`
+               printf '%04d.%04d.%04d' $((5000$udo$2)) $((5000$udo$lineno)) \
+               $((5000$udo$3))` $code_snipplets_counter"
+       code_snipplets_dat[code_snipplets_counter]="$4"
+       (( code_snipplets_counter++ ))
+# isfirst unique-id
+isfirst() {
+       [ "$ignore" -gt 0 ] && return 0
+       eval "\$isfirst_$1"
+       eval "isfirst_$1='return 1'"
+       return 0
+# error error-message
+error() {
+       echo "$*"
+       retcode=1
+status() {
+       echo "$*"
+# register / unregister active interfaces for user input validation
+register() {
+       echo -n "${1}," >> $rocknet_tmp_base/active-interfaces
+unregister () {
+       active_interfaces="`cat $rocknet_tmp_base/active-interfaces 2>/dev/null`"
+       active_interfaces="${active_interfaces//${1},/}"
+       echo -n "$active_interfaces" > $rocknet_tmp_base/active-interfaces
+for x in "$rocknet_base"/modules/*.sh; do . "$x"; done
+while read cmd para
+       (( lineno++ ))
+       if [ -n "$cmd" ]; then
+               cmd="${cmd//-/_}"
+               para="$( echo "$para" | sed 's,[\*\?],\\&,g' )"
+               if declare -f public_$cmd > /dev/null
+               then
+                       # optimization: Only execute commands when they are
+                       # inside an unignored interface section ...
+                       if [ $cmd = "interface" ] ; then
+                               public_$cmd $para
+                               global=0
+                       elif [ $ignore -eq 0 -o $global -gt 0 ] ; then
+                               public_$cmd $para
+                       fi
+               else
+                       error "Unknown statement in config file: $cmd"
+               fi
+       fi
+done < <( sed 's,\(^\|[ \t]\)#.*$,,' < "$rocknet_base"/config )
+while read id1 id2; do
+       if [ "$rocknet_debug" = 1 ]; then
+               echo ">> $id1 -> $id2: ${code_snipplets_dat[id2]}"
+       fi
+       eval "${code_snipplets_dat[id2]}"
+done < <(
+       for x in "${code_snipplets_idx[@]}"; do echo "$x"
+       done | sort
+[ "$pmatched" = 0 -a "$profile" != "default" ] && \
+       error "Unknown profile: '$profile'"
+[ "$pmatched" = 1 -a "$imatched" = 0 ] && \
+       error "Unknown interface for profile: '$interface'"
+exit $retcode

Eigenschaftsänderungen: package/base/rocknet/rocknet.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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