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[rock-linux] cross-compiled bootdisk, sense?

ROCK Mailing List Archives

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Subject: [rock-linux] cross-compiled bootdisk, sense?
Hi All,

| $ pwd
| /mnt/build/rocklinux-src-HEAD
| $ rm -rf config/ src/
| $ ./scripts/Config
| [choosing bootdisk as target distribution with minimal pkgsel template]
| $ grep -c ^X config/default/packages.txt
| 99
| $ ./script/Config
| [choosing Cross-Compilation and PIII optimizations]
| $ grep -c ^X config/default/packages.txt
| 45

Can anyone explain that to me? Is it technically feasible and reasonable
at all to create a cross-compiled bootdisk?

I don't need that, just wondered about this phenomenon. :-)

-- tcr () ``Ho chresim'eidos uch ho poll'eidos sophos''

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