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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

[rock-devel] 2.0-stable patch recommendations -> 2.0.2

ROCK Mailing List Archives

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Subject: [rock-devel] 2.0-stable patch recommendations -> 2.0.2
Hi all,

I'll be happy to receive 2.0-stable tree patch recommendations (maybe
in private so I can accomulate them easier).

Obvious ones are the other security updates, including the kernel
updates, + the ROCK Net improvements and so on. For those I only need
a reminder when you do not see them applied in the next days).

I hope we can release 2.0.2 within two weeks or so.

Sincerely yours,
  René Rebe
    - ROCK Linux stable release maintainer

René Rebe - Europe/Germany/Berlin
https://www.rocklinux.org https://www.rocklinux-consulting.de

rock-devel mailing list
