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Re: [rock-devel] 2.0.2 tag soon

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To: ,
Subject: Re: [rock-devel] 2.0.2 tag soon

On: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 07:01:10 +0200,
    Silvio Godenzi <> wrote:

> What about support for all older Intel boards and compile for both
> the 80386 and the Intel 6 family with mmx which means Pentium-II?
> Unfortunately Pentium Pros don't have mmx.

What exactly do you want to propose?

You are aware that you can select any optimization when you build ROCK
yourself. So we only talk about the optimization of the provided
binary image ... (which I considered to skip for 2.0.2 anyway ... - in
favour of images for 2.0.3 in some weeks)

Sincerely yours,
  René Rebe
    - ROCK Linux stable release maintainer

René Rebe - Europe/Germany/Berlin
https://www.rocklinux.org https://www.rocklinux-consulting.de

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