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[rock-devel] fixing status

ROCK Mailing List Archives

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Subject: [rock-devel] fixing status

my current ref build (with my fixes in submaster) has two errors left
(after resolving dependency errors by rebuilding failed packages):


        should be fixed when updating to the new xfree86 release


        after looking into the package and reading the homepage I decided
        to remove the package.

        stf: I just do that now. If you somehow manage to get the package
        working and really think it's worth the effort, I will revert the
        change in trunk and the package is there again..

I'm now going to make yet another reference build with a small journal. If
I'm lucky that will be a zero-error ref build (after dep error resolving).
All patches which produce new error (direct or inderect) will be postponed
until those new regressions are fixed.

 - clifford

bash -c "gcc -o mysdldemo -Wall -O2 -lSDL -lm -pthread -x c <( echo -e '
#include <SDL/SDL.h>\n#include <complex.h>\nint main(){SDL_Surface*s;SDL_Event
e;int x,y,n;SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);s=SDL_SetVideoMode(640,480,32,0);for(x=0;
x<640;x++)for(y=0;y<480;y++){float _Complex z=0, c=((x-400)/200.0) + ((y-240)/
*640]=n<<3;n=99;}}}SDL_UpdateRect(s,0,0,s->w,s->h);do SDL_WaitEvent(&e); while
(e.type!=SDL_QUIT&&e.type!=SDL_KEYDOWN);SDL_Quit();return 0;}' ); ./mysdldemo"
You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way
down.  -- Ray Bradbury 
rock-devel mailing list
