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Re: [rock-devel] Turning www.rocklinux.net into a ROCK planeā€¦

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Subject: Re: [rock-devel] Turning www.rocklinux.net into a ROCK planet

Benjamin Schieder wrote:
> I just discussed this on IRC with esden, and he came up with the idea of
> a multi-people-blog instead of the planet.
> That way, people can write ROCK related information in the blog and have
> their own blogs on the ROCK planet.

i thought about this, too, but then i decided against it, for a simple
reaseon: i'm lazy. I don't blog too much anyways, and the added overhead
of a second account - be it shared or not - wouldn't make me blog more.

i'm still all for the Category approach. It's transparent, easy to use
and does the trick.

If in need, i can offer free blogs for all of you at blog.f4k3.net.

rock-devel mailing list
