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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

Package description for 'nasm'

An 80x86 assembler which can create a wide rande of object formats.

 The Netwide Assembler, NASM, is an 80x86 assembler  designed  for
 portability  and  modularity.  It supports a range of object file
 formats, including Linux, Microsoft 16-bit OBJ and Win32. It will
 also output plain binary files. Its syntax is designed to be sim-
 ple and easy to understand, similar to Intel's but less  complex.
 It supports Pentium, P6 and MMX opcodes, and has mac

Various other information for package 'nasm'   (Repository 'x86')

URL: https://nasm.sourceforge.net/ NASM Homepage

Author: Anvin <mailto:hpa@zytor.com> {Current Maintainer}
Maintainer: Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>

License: GPL
Status: Stable
Version: 2.05.01

Download: https://dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/nasm/ nasm-2.05.01.tar.bz2

Buildtime: 3486 (5) seconds (on reference hardware)
Buildtime: 4059 (9) seconds (on reference hardware)
Package Size: 0.36 MB, 10 files

Dependencies: 00-dirtree bash2 binutils bzip2 coreutils cvm diffutils
Dependencies: findutils gawk gcc42 gcc42:dev glibc26 glibc26:dev grep groff
Dependencies: linux26-headers:dev make mktemp net-tools sed sysfiles tar twoftpd
Dependencies: ucspi-unix util-linux xmame

ROCK Sources:  nasm.cachenasm.desc