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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

Open Patch: 2006092517363061200 (by stf)
+ stf
Votecheck 'unmatched': Missing 1 qualified vote(s) (clifford, fake, teha)
Stefan Fiedler:
        gtk+: replace cron job with postinstall script
        NOT TESTED  yet

Stefan Fiedler:
        gtk+: replace cron job with postinstall script
        NOT TESTED  yet

--- package/gnome2/gtk+/gdkpixbuf.cron  (Revision 17)
+++ package/gnome2/gtk+/gdkpixbuf.cron  (Revision 18)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
-# Please add additional copyright information _after_ the line containing
-# the ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END tag. Otherwise it might get removed by
-# the ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch script. Do not edit this copyright text!
-# ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/gnome2/gtk+/gdkpixbuf.cron
-# ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Clifford Wolf
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
-# License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
-# Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
-# have a look at https://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
-# file for details.
-/D_prefix/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders \
-    > /D_sysconfdir/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
--- package/gnome2/gtk+/postinstall.sh  (Revision 17)
+++ package/gnome2/gtk+/postinstall.sh  (Revision 18)
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
+/D_prefix/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders \
+    > /D_sysconfdir/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
 # update gnome2 icon cache files for gnome2 directories that
 # contain index.theme files
-echo "Gnome 2 icon cache files: running gtk-update-icon-cache..."
 all_installed "gnome2/share/.*/index.theme$" |
 while read IDX; do
+       [ $print_status = 1 ] && \
+               { echo "Gnome 2 icon cache files: running gtk-update-icon-cache..."
+                       print_status=0 ; }
        gtk-update-icon-cache "${IDX%index.theme}"
@@ -16,12 +22,24 @@
 while read FILE; do
        [ ! -e "$DIR/index.theme" ] && 
+       {
+               [ $print_status = 1 ] && \
+                       { echo "Gnome 2 icon cache files: running gtk-update-icon-cache..."
+                               print_status=0 ; }
                gtk-update-icon-cache --ignore-theme-index "$DIR"
+       }
 all_touched "gnome2/share/icons/hicolor" |
 while read FILE; do
-       [ ! -e "$DIR/index.theme" ] && 
+       [ ! -e "$DIR/index.theme" ] &&
+       {
+               [ $print_status = 1 ] && \
+                       { echo "Gnome 2 icon cache files: running gtk-update-icon-cache..."
+                               print_status=0 ; }
                gtk-update-icon-cache --ignore-theme-index "$DIR"
+       }

[Download this patch]