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Re: [rock-linux] Detect SCSI drive in VMWare vm

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] Detect SCSI drive in VMWare vm
Stefan Fiedler <> writes:

> Greetings,


> Just a few questions to make things clear: vmware emulates a virtual machine
> with both HD and CD-ROM SCSI drives? And after installing Rock on the HDD and

Yes, you can setup it in that way. It can also emulate ide HD/CDROM.

> booting from the HDD the linux kernel does not load the appropriate SCSI
> driver (BusLogic as you said)?

Yes, If I boot from drock CD I load the module by hand.

> To boot from a drive the appropriate driver has to be compiled into the kernel
> binary. Supplying the driver as a module is not enough because the kernel
> does not know how to load modules from a disk until the disk driver is

I know ;-). My question was unclear in that. I want to know, If I
can build a new kernel during the setup procedure. I think, SCSI
drivers aren't the only problem in this stage.

> So a solution would be to use a kernel with a compiled-in BusLogic driver. If
> you think this might work, but don't know how to get your hands on such a
> kernel, feel free to mail to the rock-linux list again. You are always
> welcome.

Ok, I can build somthing on another machine or change the emulation
to IDE.

Bis dann

Matthias Teege -- https://www.mteege.de
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