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[rock-linux] SMP kernel does not work on uniprocessor system…

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Subject: [rock-linux] SMP kernel does not work on uniprocessor systems
On my Athlon XP desktop mainboard ASRock K7S8X, booting the install/rescue
kernel takes some minutes while these error messages are shown:

hda: attached ide-disk driver
hda: lost interrupt (... several times)
hda: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x64 (three times)
hda: DMA interrupt recovery

Loading the 2nd_stage.tar.gz does not seem to work.
Disabling SMP support with the kernel boot option "nosmp" helps.

IMHO 'nosmp' should be the default, or a warning should say that SMP kernels
don't work on all single processor machines, because this error might not be
quite obvious.
If desired, I will add a bug report to flyspray.

Stefan Fiedler

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