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Re: [rock-linux] [BUG] bootdisk sets LIMITCXX, other targets…

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] [BUG] bootdisk sets LIMITCXX, other targets don't unset it again
On Thursday, October 30, 2003 at 8:38:37 AM,
    Dimitar Zhekov <> wrote:

TCR>> the bootdisk target sets LIMITCXX to 1, but other
TCR>> targets (like generic) doesn't explicitely set it to
TCR>> 0 again. That causes possibly several build errors
> That applies to all settings locked for whatever reason.
> A global locked-value-restoration solution is needed. I'm
> against locking LIMITCXX to 0 for the generic target,

Who speaks about locking? I'm just advocating that this shouldn't be on
by default, because that's a really non-standard option. If the user
wants it, then he can overwrite it in his config/*/config (via

> my limited selective build is OK with -fno-rtti/exceptions.

Jimmy, c'm on.. that's no argument, is it?

-- tcr () ``Ho chresim'eidos uch ho poll'eidos sophos''

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