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Re: [rock-linux] [BUG] bootdisk sets LIMITCXX, other targets…

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] [BUG] bootdisk sets LIMITCXX, other targets don't unset it again
TCR>>> the bootdisk target sets LIMITCXX to 1, but other
TCR>>> targets (like generic) doesn't explicitely set it to
TCR>>> 0 again. That causes possibly several build errors

DZ>> That applies to all settings locked for whatever
DZ>> reason. A global locked-value-restoration is needed...

TCR> Who speaks about locking? I'm just advocating that
TCR> this shouldn't be on by default, because that's a
TCR> really non-standard option...

It is not _on by default_:
bool 'Disable exceptions and rtti in C++' ROCKCFG_LIMITCXX 0

and it is locked to 1 in bootdisk:

as well as several other options, for space reasons - a c++
application compiled with rtti and expections may be up to
25% larger. Now if a 'bootdisk' package fails because of
LIMITCXX, that's a different beast and would need unlock.

Basicly, when you choose the 'bootdisk' target and then go
back to 'generic', nothing will be restored. See 'Binary
package format' for a really bad example.

DZ>> my limited selective build is OK with -fno-rtti/
DZ>> exceptions.

TCR> Jimmy, c'm on.. that's no argument, is it?

Well... consider it a praise :-)

E-gards: Jimmy

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