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[rock-linux] Where are the boot cd's for Rock-2.0 ??

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Subject: [rock-linux] Where are the boot cd's for Rock-2.0 ??

I am looking at using Rock on my 4 machines, 2 of which already have Gentoo installed.

All was fine until recently system is a non useable state after an emerge world, somehow GCC and Python are screwed which is too bad since Gentoo relies on Python for E-Builds.

I have read the Handbook on Rock and have decided to try it out this seems ideal, as technicaly I can build on one machine create boot cd's and install on other machines saving lots of time ;p that is assuming I am understanding the book correctly.

I do not want an RPM or similar distro I have tried them RH, Mandrake, Debian and Slack Deb and slack were my two favourites, but Debian unless you go to Sarge or Sid is too old and dated and is itself not immune from dependency hell !!! which is why I will not go back to a binary type distro ever again !!

I dont mind the lengthy time i takes to compile from source specifically for my type of Processor it s worth it even if it can take a few days assuming you install KDE ;p the responsivness in loading X and other apps is worth the time.

However it mentions to build from scratch to either build on top of an exisitng Rock distro or use the boot cd.

Well the only Cd's I can find are Desktop and Generic for v 2.0-rc1 and each is a 3 cd set ? I can not locate a boot cd to do an install from scratch build.

It explains how to use scripts to make boot.iso's but this is chicken and egg cos you need Rock first to do this right ?

Does such a boot cd exist for V2.0-rc1 or do I have to download the 3 cd set and do it that way ?


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