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Re: [rock-linux] New repository

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] New repository
Chris Hamilton wrote:

>Just wanted to let people know that I have sent rene my repository. Hopefully,
>no one has been working on these packages (sorry mnemoc). This should be the
>list depending on rene's OK.

i had those on my package/mnemoc-devel but they are not currently
prioritary for me, then you can mantain them better.. i hope :)


maybe you can group some of them..... perl-* will grow TOO MUCH :-(....
maybe perl-DBD--PG can be installed by pg if perl, same to mysql...
maybe :)... imho if packages count keep growing we will need to
re-thought categories to something more usefull.


how do they relate with my package/mnemoc/perl-libxml? :-) i think they
should merge.

>mnemoc also granted me ownership of openldap. Rene could you please move it to
>my repo when it exists? snort should probably be moved there too. I will
>update both when that occurs.

considering your priority for openldap is much higher than mine you can
take it... if you add generic features and not too target specific :-)

>I am going to experiment with tla holding rock. I plan to try and make a
>svn->tla sync as well as a tla->cvs sync.

please, do it! we need to have source control over our not-yet-official
work and branches in svn don't look good. but keeping the "head" 100%
sync'ed with rene's svn. the idea of having a readonly cvs of anonymous
update from non developers is good for PR, forcing them to install svn
in addition to all package updates needed to build rock has really bad

Best regards,

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