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Re: [rock-user] trouble with Crystal Emu 2.0.3 ( Binary ISO)…

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Subject: Re: [rock-user] trouble with Crystal Emu 2.0.3 ( Binary ISO) Network init script
On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 14:44 +0100, Oliver Schneidewind wrote:
> I've that strange message after starting network
> Interface / profile matched: eth0(eth0)
> Unknown profile: 'default'
> the smiley say's the network start has no success ( :-( ) , but if I
> check the Network via ifconfig route ping traceroute and so one I found
> no Error. It seem to my that all setting are correct.

Yes. I also get this - just ignore it.
Adding an empty "default" does not help either but produces another
message IIRC.

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