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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

[rock-devel] February 2005

ROCK Mailing List Archives

Entire message
+ (text/plain)
Subject: [rock-devel] February 2005
Topics covered:
- - ROCK at the Chemnitzer Linux Days
- - governance of rocklinux domains
- - unmaintained packages
- - script for dependency creation
- - cleanup of target/
- - KDE update in stable
- - Statistics

ROCK at the Chemnitzer Linux Days

The ROCK project will have a booth at the upcoming Chemnitzer Linux Days
from 5th to 6th of March.
If you happen to be there you are invited to drop by at the booth in the
distribution area.

www.Rocklinux.net .com .org domains

As discussed on 21C3 and now completed, the control over the domains
- - rocklinux.com
- - www.rocklinux.net
- - rocklinux.org
has finally been reestablish in mid February. Thanks to everyone
involved in this process the road for easy to remember subdomains is now
At the time of this writing, though, no decision over subdomains has
been made.

Unmaintained packages

Packages that were left unmaintained due to the leave of developers have
been moved into the base/ repository where appropriate. Others were
moved to some developers personal repositories and the rest to a newly
created public/ repository. All packages in the public/ repository are
up for grabs for maintainers. Adopt a package today :-)
This is also a good place to start if you want to be a ROCK developer.

KDE update in stable / change of versioning scheme of ROCK

Tobias suggested updating KDE in the stable tree from version 3.2.3 to
3.3.2 This has caused some off-list discussion which eventually led to
the suggestion of revising the versioning system used by ROCK because
the stable and unstable trees have some deep changes between them
without a new release in sight. No consens has yet been reached.


New Patches: 112
Applied Patches: 109
Discarded Patches: 13
Difference in open Patches: -10
Changes in ROCK 2.1: 118
Changes in ROCK 2.0: 0
Changes in ROCKDoc : 20
ROCKDoc statistics (according to wc(1)):
Characters: 98971
Words: 14291
Lines: 2011
Longest line: 717
rock-devel mailing list
