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[rock-devel] Re: [rock-sm] 2005021223461604959 daja77 msg th…

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Subject: [rock-devel] Re: [rock-sm] 2005021223461604959 daja77 msg this release makes a lot of trouble on t
Am Dienstag, 8. März 2005 13:42 schrieb Mathieu Doidy:

> > (daja77) this release makes a lot of trouble on the 6
> > machines I tested it
> how do you define trouble ?

The testing scenario was the clt games booth and two private machines. The
games boxes were permantly crashing (X only) when opengl stuff was involved.
The graphics "moved" from left to write while working on these machines. On
the private machine there are problems when using a tv card and a dvd player
at same time or one after the other. These errors might be related to the
fact that the nvidia card drivers are much older than the x.org release.
On another box with a savage graphics chipset the graphics is painfully slow.
Slower than the Xfree I have on my laptop with a savage chipset as well.



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