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Re: [rock-linux] [BUG] bootdisk sets LIMITCXX, other targets…

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] [BUG] bootdisk sets LIMITCXX, other targets don't unset it again
On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:

> the bootdisk target sets LIMITCXX to 1, but other targets (like generic)
> doesn't explicitely set it to 0 again. That causes possibly several build
> errors (just for example it makes bdb3.3 fail).
> Should I use the bug tracking system for such trivial things, too?

That _only_ happens if expert options are enabled. If expert options are
disabled, all expert options are set to default values automatically, if
not another value is forced using a ROCKCFGSET_... value.

This is a known design issue and not trivial at all. 2.1 will have a
rewritten config tool which will solve that issue. But at the moment I
have no idea how, so suggestions are - as always - very welcome.

 - clifford

| Clifford Wolf /-----=[ www.clifford.at ]==[ Tel: +43-699-10063494 ]=-\
|--------------/ diestartseite.at vocat.cc =[ Fax: +43-2235-42788-4 ]=-|
|-=[ EDEN Creations -- www.edenevents.at ]==[ IRC: www.freenode.net ]=-|
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2B OR (NOT 2B) That is the question. The answer is FF.

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