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[rock-linux] bad PR by very bad isos

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Subject: [rock-linux] bad PR by very bad isos

I wanted to install some new workstations and tried to use the official
generic isos tagged 2.0.0rc1. My final result is: unusable!
The first CD doesn't boot - it's not even recognized as bootable.
After this I tried to make the target disc bootable by using the kernel and
initrd.img on CD together with grub. I failed once again, because the initrd
isn't recognized as such and so I had no system to start from. I tried to
use the 2nd_stage tars - but no luck again! The bigger one is defect and I
cant extract it. Ok, maybe the floppy images are working?! I reactivated my
floppies and the fd0, but no luck again - kernel panic: no root!

As you see, I tried several ways to install and wanted even to use my last
official iso (1.6.0-ccc), but there is no stone and mine, and wasn't able to
install a single package. I know, a lot has happened since rc1 and I hope
the next isos are working. Until then, you should delete the old isos to
prevent more bad PR. I, for my part, have now the chance to install gentoo
for the first time :)

Just my 2ยข


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