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Re: [rock-linux] bad PR by very bad isos

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] bad PR by very bad isos
On Fri, 31 Oct 2003, Nikolaus Filus wrote:

> I wanted to install some new workstations and tried to use the official
> generic isos tagged 2.0.0rc1. My final result is: unusable!
> The first CD doesn't boot - it's not even recognized as bootable.
> After this [...]

I've installed them multiple times on different machines without any
problems. The only time where I had problems was because of bad CD-RWs and
a missing check in gasgui for i/o errors when installing packages (which
has been fixed meanwhile).

Maybe you could dig deeper into the problems you are having and make an
actually useable bug report.

 - clifford

| Clifford Wolf /-----=[ www.clifford.at ]==[ Tel: +43-699-10063494 ]=-\
|--------------/ diestartseite.at vocat.cc =[ Fax: +43-2235-42788-4 ]=-|
|-=[ EDEN Creations -- www.edenevents.at ]==[ IRC: www.freenode.net ]=-|
\==[ www.rocklinux.org ]===[ www.rocklinux.net ]===[ www.linbit.com ]==/

2B OR (NOT 2B) That is the question. The answer is FF.

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