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Re: [rock-linux] [PATCH] resend: undiscussed patches

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] [PATCH] resend: undiscussed patches
>> "6. If you don't get _any_ feedback and the patch doesn't
>> show up in the snapshots after a week, resend the patch".
>> [... pending patches ...]

TCR> What's with your system-lib patch? Last week i applied
TCR> it to the most recent svn version and there were no
TCR> rejects, so I guess it hasn't got merged yet.

It's alive and well, thank you. I've got a mail from Rene
that he has no time but will try to review it soon, so the
system libs patches count as "having some feedback". Of
course, if there is still no answer in a week or two, I'll
resend them as a single patch against the latest trunk.

E-gards: Jimmy

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