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Re: [rock-devel] patchlevel

ROCK Mailing List Archives

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Subject: Re: [rock-devel] patchlevel

Andreas V. Meier wrote:
> another thing I would like to clarify is the use of the patchlevel or
> also called extra version field.
> IMHO it should be increasend in every case where the resulting package
> changes, be it an added patch, an added option or something like that.
> Updates to the package should always reset the patchlevel to 0.

let me make an example to get it clear.
1. cups on version 1.1.23 (initial patchlevel 1)
2. i change s.th. ==> patchlevel increase (to 2)
3. i change s.th. ==> patchlevel increase (to 3)
4. update to version 1.1.24 ==> patchlevel reset (to 1)

Blindcoders summary says:
- - when / how to update $extraver for package modifications

It has been defined that the extraversion starts with 1 and will be
counted up automatically if anything but the major version or cache
files in the package changes. This will be done independent in trunk and
in branches. If the major version changes the extraversion will be reset
to 1. Indirect updates (like packages linking libraries statically) the
update must be done manually.

Michael Obster
rock-devel mailing list
