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Re: [rock-devel] patchlevel

ROCK Mailing List Archives

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Subject: Re: [rock-devel] patchlevel

On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 11:13:53PM +0100, Michael Obster wrote:
> - - when / how to update $extraver for package modifications
> It has been defined that the extraversion starts with 1 and will be
> counted up automatically if ...

the important word here ist "automatically".

We agreed that a script will do that. And that script - once it has been
written will be executed after a journal apply (as we do it already with
the .cache files). So there is _no_need_ to update the extraver manually
(with some exceptions where a change in another package should also result
in an update in this package).

I will reject patches which do increment the extraversion in cases where
the to-be-written script would do it automatically because those patches
make it much harder to e.g. merge different patches for the same package
the right way.

 - clifford

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